There are 14 nonprofits in Roland, Arkansas.

Name EIN Income Assets
Arkansas Ressource Conservation and Development Council Incorporated 581755744 $455,362 $322,985
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 710767175 $0 $0
Fellowship Tabernacle Church 710564762 $0 $0
Friends of Pleasant Grove Cemetery Incorporated 061653005 $0 $0
Full Life Family Fellowship 202942279 $0 $0
Gl and M Club 581697462 $0 $0
J and J Land Company Incorporated 204011016 $5,700 $262
Maumelle Water Corporation 710419894 $1,705,911 $2,758,842
Mg Ministries 264816120 $0 $0
Monnie Springs Assembly of God 710753347 $0 $0
Pi Kappa Alpha House Corporation Epsilon Phi Chapter 237401372 $0 $0
Pinnacle Assembly of God 061685100 $0 $0
Roland Crisis Closet 710852182 $25,416 $7,159
Western Amateur 2013 Incorporated 461275075 $0 $0