There are 335 nonprofits in Livermore, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
Afghan Business Network 800613931 $0 $1
Aglow International 680364720 $0 $0
Aglow International 931054546 $0 $0
Akaluwa Group 264397553 $0 $0
Alameda County Farm Bureau 941197988 $93,942 $199,297
Alameda County Sherrifs Air Squadron 946107783 $0 $0
Almond Racquet Club Incorporated 946121934 $0 $0
Altamont Cruisers 010854022 $25,064 $8,263
Altruistically West Incorporated 270954787 $0 $0
American Harp Society 942518805 $0 $0
American Legion Post 47 Livermore 946073204 $0 $0
Amp D Kids Incorporated 461026327 $0 $0
Anthropos Counseling Center 941751275 $149,981 $60,160
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America 942956550 $0 $0
Arbor Vista Incorporated 943250350 $704,249 $7,135,920
Asante Africa Foundation Incorporated 711010614 $567,474 $188,479
Associated Builders and Contractors Incorporated 942331973 $1,202,485 $1,261,970
Associated Builders and Contractors Northern Ca Chapter Trng Trust Fund 900169609 $1,980,548 $2,602,906
Associated Builders and Contractors Northern Ca Chptr Benefit Trust Fund 943378739 $6,128,559 $2,403,940
Association of Government Accountants 911890957 $0 $0
Autism a to Z 454511188 $0 $0
Baccash Family Foundation Incorporated 264685202 $388,480 $2,158,453
Bahais of Livermore 943187505 $0 $0
Basicnecessities Incorporated 208598864 $0 $0
Bay Area Coalition of Deaf Senior Citizen 943223015 $0 $0
Bay Area Counties Roofing Waterproofing 946213844 $577,914 $386,875
Belize Open Source - Sustainabledevelopment 208343227 $2,191 $2,632
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 941452202 $175,731 $977,445
Berean Baptist Church of Livermore California 237160390 $0 $0
Bethel Family Christian 942718107 $0 $0
Big Dawgs Rescue Incorporated 270231897 $80,541 $11,752
Biological Field Studies Association 946108377 $0 $0
Birthright 942241075 $31,897 $101,333
Body of Christ Community Incorporated 942390260 $0 $0
California Radioactive Materials Management Forum 942866740 $0 $0
California Sciences Institute 421749737 $1,224 $354
California Teachers Association 942700709 $0 $0
California Teachers Association 942973880 $204,683 $127,399
California-nevada-hawaii Dist Luthern Church Missouri Synod 941375778 $0 $0
California-nevada-hawaii District Church Extension Fund 943218183 $0 $0
Cape Incorporated Community Association for Pre-school Education 941652601 $3,108,626 $389,159
Capstone Christian Ministries 911959711 $0 $949
Careers Alive 942357380 $0 $0
Celebration Christian Center 942887071 $0 $0
Center for Community Dispute Settlement 943207385 $310,706 $22,406
Choice for Children Education Foundation 201852481 $1,606,918 $93,627
Christian World Ministries 943210222 $0 $0
Church of Christ of Livermore California 941599151 $0 $0
Citizens for Balanced Growth 942901523 $0 $0
Concrete Modification Contractors Association Incorporated 943114639 $68,814 $122,972
Contra Costa Alameda County Cattlemens Association 942957278 $60,822 $136,459
Cornerstone Fellowship of Livermore California 943178882 $0 $0
Crane Ridge Mutual Water Company 911909584 $132,675 $550,247
Creative Autism Solutions Team 451877605 $13,157 $4,195
Crucified with Christ Ministries 680477729 $6,256 $369
Del Valle Fine Arts Productions Incorporated 942542150 $41,332 $14,315
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 956142270 $0 $0
East Avenue Middle School Booster Association 010801494 $0 $0
East Bay Rabbit Rescue 463517589 $0 $0
East Gate Christian Mission Fellow Ship 942716047 $0 $0
Elena Macias Foundation 270090853 $43,079 $46,393
Embrace International 020800227 $0 $0
Emerald Visions 942386810 $0 $85
Employment Legal Defense Fund Incorporated 942738026 $0 $0
Exceptional Needs Network 481301380 $143,455 $102,076
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation 362411723 $5,300,770 $19,674,796
Fertile Groundworks 455415064 $77,808 $42,347
Flying Particles 943170074 $122,298 $223,886
Flying T Youth Ranch 262886043 $0 $0
Fourth Street Community Garden 272314313 $0 $0
Framing My World Ministries 943050805 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237592760 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 941491200 $376,403 $548,138
Friends of the Livermore Public Library 942529895 $75,271 $145,238
Friends of the Vineyards 942931912 $0 $0
Fun Raisers for Charity 010698492 $53,290 $2,435
Fundacion Balsiero 205780211 $201,763 $954,616
Fundamental Baseball of California 273450406 $0 $0
German Shepherd Dog Fanciers of Northern Calif Incorporated 237334940 $0 $0
Gods Love Outreach Ministries 412164787 $323,376 $50,226
Good News Bears 202013011 $0 $0
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 943061358 $0 $0
Grace Missionary Baptist Church of Livermore 912154556 $0 $0
Granada Supporters Club 237088975 $269,602 $409,145
Grand Lodge of Dania of California and Nevada 946062154 $0 $0
Grandmothers Who Help 743126475 $0 $0
Gse Construction Company Incorporated Veba Trust 946679289 $292,685 $72,776
Guardian Knights Wrestling Club 271197300 $0 $0
H O M E at Sunset Benevolence Ministries International Incorporated 300282102 $648,284 $1,429
Harmonia Music Ministry 943343120 $5,013 $13,843
Health Services Foundation 942260587 $1,680,761 $2,115,912
Henrys a 942422990 $0 $0
Hindu Community and Cultural Center 942427126 $3,634,657 $17,271,902
Hispanic Heritage Center 454709939 $0 $0
Holy Cross Lutheran Church 941639362 $0 $0
Hoofprints on the Heart Adaptive Riding Center Incorporated 113795349 $135,434 $49,709
Hospital Committee for the 941429628 $286,576,852 $251,063,882
Idim Incorporated 270924645 $0 $0
Iglesia Bantiste Central 237280236 $0 $0
Immanual Ministries International Incorporated 271648704 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 237409070 $79,351 $728,669
Innovation for Green Advanced Transportation Excellence Developm 275020228 $110,212 $57,358
Innovation Tri-valley Incorporated 273935187 $79,420 $67,608
Interfaith Housing Incorporated 237072496 $492,954 $1,058,410
Interfaith Sharing Incorporated 943195165 $0 $0
International Association of Electrical Inspectors 237381783 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 237154824 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237506538 $0 $0
International Partnering Institute 260666819 $169,067 $115,456
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 940433056 $18,905,737 $25,377,857
Irmandade Do Divino Espirito Santo De Livermore E Pleasanton 943066071 $33,510 $24,265
Islamic Center of Livermore 943235359 $0 $0
Jobs Daughters International 237134068 $0 $0
Kingdom of Grace Ministries 721609643 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of Oakland Foundation Hotel Leamington 946103098 $170,694 $702,113
Knights of Columbus 942661325 $75,830 $51,333
La Leche League International Incorporated 201241476 $0 $0
Las Positas College Foundation 710942040 $552,407 $931,297
League of Women Voters of Livermore-amador Valley 946093432 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237135906 $195,588 $63,831
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942264436 $225,434 $56,382
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942950758 $429,346 $76,884
Livermore Amador Symphony Association 237001614 $114,625 $274,334
Livermore Amateur Radio Klub 942918250 $0 $0
Livermore Aqua Cowboys Club 030424440 $0 $0
Livermore Area Recreation and Park Distict Foundation 943206650 $51,963 $112,617
Livermore Art Association 237193793 $73,322 $98,542
Livermore Boosters 942974787 $33,445 $125,911
Livermore Chamber of Commerce 940634925 $359,479 $250,773
Livermore Charter Zone Corporation 320281921 $588,007 $231,441
Livermore Cultural Arts Council Incorporated 237134349 $0 $0
Livermore Girls Softball Association Incorporated 942618415 $111,827 $124,777
Livermore Heritage Guild 237360265 $72,565 $262,439
Livermore High Cowboy Boosters 942429197 $195,074 $70,442
Livermore High School Alumni Association 263771133 $0 $0
Livermore High School Cowboy Band Boosters 943160321 $81,478 $52,170
Livermore Junior Football League 680639951 $192,712 $90,242
Livermore Junior Livestock Auction Boosters Incorporated 942901794 $41,135 $52,395
Livermore Junior Rodeo Association 941683641 $0 $0
Livermore Laboratory Employee Services Association Incorporated 943100361 $1,252,696 $1,193,085
Livermore Lions Community Service Foundation 205457898 $10,981 $5,452
Livermore Main Street Project Incorporated 943018777 $530,167 $36,910
Livermore Playschool Incorporated 941248273 $822,522 $288,814
Livermore Pleasanton Sportsmen Incorporated 272937078 $31,555 $187,816
Livermore Pleasanton Youth Outreach Symphony 274755182 $0 $0
Livermore Police Association 941683505 $96,973 $180,178
Livermore Pregnancy Resource Center 562499232 $85,490 $106,332
Livermore Rodeo Foundation 800272028 $24,224 $39,434
Livermore Rotary Endowment 943038645 $1,125,770 $1,234,747
Livermore Spanish Discovery 272811040 $0 $0
Livermore United Church 680539881 $0 $0
Livermore Valley Charter School Pto Incorporated 202644794 $367,602 $163,946
Livermore Valley Educational Foundation 943136289 $226,175 $163,589
Livermore Valley Lithophiles 943094043 $0 $0
Livermore Valley Opera 943168895 $389,208 $96,801
Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center 680419182 $2,603,022 $32,296,031
Livermore Valley Winegrowers Association 943070573 $609,276 $428,893
Livermore Valley Winegrowers Foundation 943269509 $291,998 $212,467
Livermore Veterans Foundation Incorporated 651307354 $0 $0
Livermore Youth Soccer League 942540858 $997,923 $1,407,748
Livermore-amador Genealogical Society 942421522 $0 $0
Livermore-pleasanton Rod and Gun Club 941570607 $910,013 $1,207,142
Livermore-yotsukaido Sister City Corporation 942514148 $68,662 $34,917
Los Positas Swim Club 942715298 $0 $0
M16 Ministries 274244811 $0 $0
Maintenance Superintendents Association of California 956208015 $355,944 $251,707
Mario Pedrozzi Scholarship Foundation 201025764 $785,792 $8,578,083
Marthoma Church of San Francisco Bay Area 770425422 $0 $0
Masonic Temple Association of Livermore 941568909 $92,365 $323,487
Maxwell Ministries 208669576 $0 $0
Mens Choice Social Club 943440366 $0 $0
Michael Fredrich Charitable Foundation 943332873 $184,208 $518,746
Minnie and Roseanna Turner Fund for Impaired Vision Research 522356481 $49,256 $396,983
Monarch Ministries Incorporated 943190983 $0 $0
Mony Nop Foundation Incorporated 462438663 $0 $0
Mounted Up on the Wings of Eagles Ministry 454922325 $0 $0
Municipal Employees Agency for Negotiation 900179542 $0 $0
Muslim Community Center-east Bay 208085421 $0 $0
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 943097047 $0 $0
National Association of Women in Construction 946127170 $0 $0
National Energy Systems Technology Incubator 275025889 $210,041 $50,613
National Institute of Steel Detailing Incorporated 237062988 $75,703 $155,617
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 680451696 $0 $0
New Beginnings Church of Livermore 800414927 $0 $0
New Horizons Nursery School Incorporated 942938206 $310,400 $135,379
Noah Webster Educational Foundation C/o Belinda Beth Ballenger 743211161 $0 $0
Northern Amateur Relay Council of California Incorporated 680150400 $0 $0
Northern California Alaskan Malamute Association 237076151 $0 $0
Northern California Chapter of the Health Physics Society 942784133 $0 $0
Northern California Daffodil Society 940044215 $0 $0
Northern California Food Brokers 454433482 $0 $0
Odd Fellows Memorial Park Memory Gardens 941458529 $317,250 $1,790,140
Olivet Christian Fellowship in America 237203263 $0 $0
Omeid International 202957461 $0 $0
Open Heart Kitchen of Livermore Incorporated 943396038 $1,052,785 $1,215,549
Operation Sam 200491528 $19,084 $54,070
Organize the Planet 721592504 $0 $0
Our Savior Lutheran Church 946092096 $0 $0
Outstanding Academic Opportunities 272974670 $0 $0
Pacific Chamber Symphony 943105631 $111,848 $11,142
Paglaum Training International Incorporated 272505761 $423,859 $247,080
Parents and Teachers Independent Organization of Jackson Avenue 237186207 $89,271 $96,490
Parents of Hd Gymnasts 208820424 $89,717 $25,764
Passion for Purpose Ministries Incorporated 200661753 $0 $0
Peace and Conflict Resolution Org 432110597 $0 $0
Pleasanton Art League 237198183 $0 $0
Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Alameda Contra Costa C 261609330 $51,642 $11,970
Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors of Alameda County Incorporated 940661875 $363,009 $524,510
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237051193 $2,998,144 $22,002
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900735047 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942931661 $51,584 $53,695
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 943040394 $128,259 $36,114
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 943139845 $104,103 $35,899
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 943182503 $105,313 $26,210
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 943251081 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 943371537 $85,202 $17,350
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172290 $46,647 $18,052
Ravenwood Progress League 943269429 $0 $0
Reins in Motion Foundation 900832414 $80,842 $26,385
Resolving Challenges Together Incorporated 454226830 $0 $0
Robert W Scott Scholarship Trust 946615471 $286,514 $2,572,851
Romania Animal Rescue Incorporated 721546354 $214,978 $48,767
Room to Grow 260272038 $147,811 $37,232
Rotary International 942998675 $67,617 $46,526
Rotary International 946107859 $133,065 $85,049
Royal Chinese Cultural Academy 800745313 $5,700 $6,578
S S Parent Express 912077779 $0 $0
Samakom Yuwak Mondul Vipassana 770418493 $0 $0
San Francisco Bay Resource Conservation and Development Council 481264574 $0 $0
San Francisco Club for the Deaf Incorporated 946092612 $279,050 $907,855
Shadowbird Incorporated 680462424 $0 $0
Shakespeares Associates Incorporated 383745834 $167,935 $44,530
Shepherds Gate 942902803 $6,548,176 $8,790,946
Shriners International 237083978 $0 $0
Shriners International 237287160 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323262 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323263 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323265 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323269 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323273 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323275 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323278 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323279 $0 $0
Shriners International 237323280 $0 $0
Shriners International 237362223 $0 $0
Shriners International 465210774 $0 $0
Shriners International 510174790 $0 $0
Shriners International 510201494 $69,625 $91,209
Shriners International 611703129 $0 $0
Shriners International 940283418 $0 $0
Shriners International 942752604 $0 $0
Shriners International 942752606 $0 $0
Shriners International 946076487 $0 $0
Shriners International 946102526 $0 $0
Society of Professional Scientists and Engineers 942938191 $0 $0
Sonrise Christian Center Church 942728190 $0 $0
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 946104406 $0 $0
South Asian Village Empowerment International 562583593 $0 $0
Southwest Section of the Ninety-nines 510205068 $0 $0
Sp-xxl Incorporated 900952528 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Livermore 943115550 $0 $0
Sri Kamakshi Community Center Incorporated 463681763 $0 $0
St Innocent Mission 770247625 $0 $0
St Marys Syriac Orthodox Church 271255297 $0 $770,367
Streets of Hope Incorporated 421536022 $125,298 $73,978
Student Education Loan Fund of Livermore 941724203 $0 $0
Subud California - Los Angeles 946130743 $308,350 $2,280,579
Sunset Community Church 942199985 $0 $0
Sunset Homes Granada Village Cabana Club 1 941571145 $118,805 $7,844
Sunset Parent Teacher Organization 942541158 $291,242 $268,849
Supreme Emblem Club of the Us of America Livermore-pleasanton 237134785 $0 $0
Sustain Incorporated 263390519 $0 $0
Temple Corporation 941661512 $0 $0
Tennyson Electric Incorporated Employee Stock Ownership Trust 270118899 $0 $0
The Children of Bethany House 412130377 $0 $0
The Taylor Family Foundation 943262932 $6,587,486 $10,201,766
The Tri-valley Fly Fishings 943328981 $0 $0
Thy Living Waters International 274748072 $0 $0
Timmy Challenge Foundation 455352090 $0 $0
Tip Top Athletes and Academics 452967810 $113,717 $23,148
Toastmasters International 237099325 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116563 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900540645 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901022483 $0 $0
Tri Valley Trailblazers Club Incorporated 770633657 $0 $0
Tri-valley Athletics Incorporated 043802657 $0 $0
Tri-valley Classical Christian Academy 273517285 $93,541 $11,746
Tri-valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment 943101687 $204,386 $116,583
Tri-valley Conservancy 943216468 $8,244,432 $17,838,660
Tri-valley Haven for Women 942462357 $2,019,758 $1,127,388
Tri-valley Housing Opportunity Center 208081482 $228,070 $907,004
Tri-valley Interfaith Fellowship 943214433 $0 $0
Tri-valley Learning Corporation 341984585 $11,936,453 $48,744,938
Tri-valley Lodge No 2521 Loyal Order of Moose 911954813 $0 $0
Tri-valley Montessori School 943215556 $5,097,623 $10,101,963
Tri-valley Quarter Midget Racing 946104633 $52,888 $36,324
Tri-valley Retired Educators Fund 943356342 $0 $0
Tri-valley Socks 202395367 $154,800 $16,351
Tri-valley Stargazers Astronomy Club 680243508 $0 $0
Tri-valley Water Polo 943374284 $0 $0
Twin Valley Learning Center 942674087 $81,731 $28,981
Uncle Credit Union 941404327 $12,537,639 $259,405,199
Unitarian Universalist Church in Livermore 941731398 $0 $0
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 102 Millwright 940939993 $1,171,875 $1,555,555
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 204410279 $0 $0
Unity and Freedom Movement of Afghanistan 900928605 $0 $0
Valley Autism Spectrum Treatmentsfoundation 260201876 $0 $0
Valley Care Senior Housing Incorporated 943382224 $0 $6,530,108
Valley Concert Chorale 237034400 $42,956 $21,660
Valley Dance Theatre 943089998 $267,554 $267,388
Valley Family Child Care Association 943251995 $0 $0
Valleycare Charitable Foundation 942941652 $2,433,279 $2,228,495
Vaqueros Del Mar Dive Club 943313241 $0 $0
Velocity Fast Pitch 273993657 $16,104 $1
Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of California 237144788 $0 $0
Vets and Vines Foundation 452319349 $0 $0
Vida Nueva 364761351 $0 $0
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Pleasanton 943235520 $0 $0
Vineyard Village Incorporated 942656019 $995,161 $2,345,151
Walking in My Shoes Foundation Incorporated 461140833 $0 $0
Walter Cantrell Scholarship Fund 320165331 $0 $0
Water4water Incorporated 275035200 $0 $0
Well Christian Community 760722001 $0 $0
Wente Family Foundation for Arts Education 454429851 $0 $0
Wiesner Memorial Senior Fund 943002402 $7,577 $100,031
Wineland Banjo Band 870814321 $0 $0
Wings of Rescue Incorporated 453343408 $185,687 $29,678
Women in Cable Telecommunications 363550543 $0 $0
Work Preservation Fund Incorporated 953214251 $690,274 $639,819
Workforce Incubator Foundation 453029201 $90,100 $144,724
World Harvest Fellowship Tri-valley 593791446 $0 $0
Ye Old Timers Mineral Club 942763337 $0 $0
Yonsei Univ No Cal Alumni Association 201449820 $43,263 $9,510
Young Ladies Grand Institute 237514502 $0 $0
Young Ladies Grand Institute 237514505 $0 $0