There are 68 nonprofits in Cherokee, Iowa.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 421104215 $0 $0
American Legion Auxiliary 770664954 $0 $0
American Legion Post 0230 Treptow 426081050 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Iowa 420114799 $0 $0
Association of Wa Tan Ye Clubs 426076728 $0 $0
Auxiliary of the United Transportation Union 237578374 $0 $0
Breath of Life Assembley of God 391882296 $0 $0
Brummer Stiles Duncan Scholarship Fund 426371803 $5,066 $171,078
Brunk Educational Fund 276291805 $146,245 $3,159,461
Burning Bush Chapter 90 Royal Arch Masons 237538438 $0 $0
Carroll C Mongan Trust 426550538 $7,289 $403,901
Carstens Educational Fund 207113069 $27,070 $522,398
Catholic Daughters of the Americas 237177115 $0 $0
Cherokee Area Economic Development Corporation 421336335 $227,008 $934,708
Cherokee Arts Council 421207502 $0 $0
Cherokee Chamber of Commerce 420178820 $210,562 $184,027
Cherokee Columbus Club 421486827 $0 $0
Cherokee Community Foundation 300036983 $121,595 $417,992
Cherokee Community Theatre 421212481 $0 $0
Cherokee County Fair Association 426076471 $133,438 $917,654
Cherokee County Residential Services Incorporated 421411358 $42,432 $368,090
Cherokee County Rural Water District No One 237192688 $2,160,267 $14,322,272
Cherokee County Work Services Incorporated 421023729 $588,221 $782,792
Cherokee Educational Foundation 421342574 $0 $0
Cherokee Public Library Foundation 412032297 $0 $0
Cherokee Regional Medical Center Foundation 261313474 $51,823 $204,433
Cherokee Symphony 426083817 $0 $0
Cherokee Volunteer Fire Department Foundation 043660157 $0 $0
Crossroads Christian Church 030518828 $0 $0
Department of Iowa Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars 611546460 $0 $0
Depot Renovation Incorporated 421367975 $0 $0
E Joe Lundsgaard Educational Trust 421356317 $0 $0
Eva R Huxford Trust 426051871 $2,729,926 $10,702,939
Fannye Ament Educational Trust 396667244 $786 $20,459
First Baptist Church 421133101 $0 $0
Florence Frisbie Scholarship Fund 426615574 $4,743 $176,926
Florence Mabel Barlow Trust Nect Central Trust and Savings Bank 237404470 $2,726 $110,810
Friends of Conservation Incorporated 421373599 $0 $0
Friends of the Cherokee Public Library 421455499 $0 $0
Immaculate Conception R C Church 420681415 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 510145365 $0 $0
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 420684994 $73,978 $150,550
Joseph P Redden Trust 421302567 $14,385 $673,358
Knights of Columbus 237541979 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237618532 $0 $0
Little Sioux Wildlife Association 420923184 $0 $0
Living Word Ministries Incorporated 421394903 $0 $0
Montiford and Mary Beck Doupe Scholarship Fund 261774570 $57,920 $1,501,054
National Ttt Society 421099540 $0 $0
National Ttt Society 237072950 $0 $0
Nonken Trust 456282302 $1,626 $56,060
Northwest Iowa Council for Families and Children 810668534 $0 $0
Pearl Kenny Trust 426094340 $1,552 $41,226
Pritchard Educational Fund 426051872 $696,314 $6,381,475
Pta Iowa Congress 421442737 $0 $0
Raymond a and Florence D Erlandson Foundation 841423618 $230,657 $2,641,616
Royal and Select Masters of Iowa 237510452 $0 $0
Sanford Museum Association 426081640 $0 $0
Sioux Valley Memorial Hospital Association 420707096 $24,480,630 $42,689,825
Tiel Sanford Memorial Fund 420680242 $224,294 $1,219,732
Toastmasters International 421419686 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church 420894603 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 204685432 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 203315570 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Iowa 426088286 $0 $0
We Share Because We Care-cherokee County Fund 421237977 $0 $0
William H Guest and Edith M Guest Educational Trust 426278426 $100,083 $481,581
William L and Ethel Gund Memorial Fund 426068287 $315,335 $905,281