There are 127 nonprofits in Marion, Iowa.

Name EIN Income Assets
4332 Marion Host 426075831 $0 $0
700 Bowling Clubs of America 421285704 $0 $0
Abbe Center for Community Care Incorporated 421378676 $4,121,689 $618,634
Air Force Association 421422212 $0 $0
Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity 426081276 $0 $0
American Legion 426036373 $235,021 $156,545
American Legion Auxiliary 426074490 $0 $0
Amvets 462260435 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 420426555 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Iowa 237168113 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Iowa 237502915 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Iowa 420114821 $0 $0
Angelheart Family and Community Health Center 421489410 $0 $0
Animal Welfare Foundation of Iowa 300407535 $96,026 $166,633
Ascension Lutheran Preschool 421169748 $41,935 $1,057
Autism Society of America 421429640 $0 $0
Bethel Baptist Church 426076222 $0 $0
Bible Baptist Church 421177375 $0 $0
Calvary Chapel Cedar Rapids 161698435 $0 $0
Capturing Hopes Foundation Incorporated 273561004 $0 $0
Cedar Rapids Corvette Club Incorporated 421399959 $0 $0
Cedar Rapids Gives 462138150 $0 $0
Cedar Rapids Region Antique Automobile Club Incorporated 421444018 $0 $0
Christs Restored Church 421129342 $0 $0
Clothe-a-child Incorporated 432007940 $0 $0
Comet Athletes Incorporated 900602454 $0 $0
Communication Workers of America 420802222 $0 $0
Cornerstone Church 421512974 $0 $0
Echo Hill Parent Teacher Organization 460748546 $0 $0
Ends of the Earth Ministries Incorporated 208057860 $0 $0
Faith Lutheran Church 421085120 $0 $0
Ferguson Enthusiasts of Northamerica Incorporated 208272092 $0 $0
Financial Planning Association 421339723 $0 $0
First Baptist Church 421138398 $0 $0
First Light Christian Fellowship Incorporated 421514596 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 800363186 $0 $0
Free Methodist Church 310959921 $0 $0
Friends of Marion Carnegie Library 421335663 $91,859 $1,431,609
Grand Haven Homes Incorporated 421107110 $2,537,111 $2,137,286
High Twelve International 426065379 $0 $0
Indian Creek Elementary Parent Teacher Organization 270572257 $57,569 $5,371
International Association of Fire Fighters 237295488 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 426092434 $0 $0
Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Incorporated 421407900 $0 $0
Iowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists Incorporated Campbell Grady F 421100697 $184,623 $121,008
Iowa Bandmasters Association Incorporated 421525499 $145,530 $189,215
Iowa Cattlemens Association 421087239 $0 $0
Iowa District East Lcms 420776457 $0 $0
Iowa Organic Association 205075031 $0 $0
Iowa Quality Center Incorporated 331004114 $369,137 $108,839
Iowa Renewable Energy Association 421407291 $18,074 $29,755
Itforteens 460777623 $0 $0
John P and Lawrence J Giacoletto Foundation 201777917 $2,051,277 $8,132,550
Kiwanis International Incorporated 237352107 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237051323 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 270451957 $0 $0
Landlords of Iowa Incorporated 260836480 $0 $0
Liberia Rescue Fund International 371510000 $0 $0
Linn County Dental Society 421181919 $0 $0
Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association 420381704 $52,697,967 $116,632,374
Linn-mar Boosters Club Incorporated 421442948 $269,320 $190,221
Linn-mar School Foundation 421267125 $365,425 $1,028,084
Linnhaven Incorporated 421085094 $5,027,532 $2,207,225
Lions Youth Softball 273660662 $0 $0
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 426063546 $0 $0
Marine Corps League 421444899 $0 $0
Marion Boys Baseball 455318533 $53,932 $12,536
Marion Cares Incorporated 260585390 $125,510 $56,319
Marion Chamber Foundation 273113197 $0 $0
Marion Chamber of Commerce 270607115 $474,019 $202,153
Marion Christian Church 420802293 $0 $0
Marion Churches Senior Living Community Foundation 421427156 $0 $0
Marion Columbus Club 421459441 $60,174 $200,465
Marion Economic Development Corp 421318828 $726,570 $7,253,089
Marion Firefighters Association 421334473 $0 $0
Marion Historical Museum Incorporated 510145425 $52,298 $946,773
Marion Independent School Foundation and Alumni Association 421343360 $975,628 $1,234,734
Marion Indian Youth Softball Incorporated 204715014 $0 $0
Marion Park and Recreation Foundation Incorporated 500006308 $27,955 $73,568
Marion Post Number 298 Building Corporation 426065465 $15,097 $263,134
Mcleod Charitable Foundation Incorporated 421329115 $422,169 $1,049,403
Moms Club 830475281 $0 $0
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 426124949 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers Auxiliary of USA 426090933 $236 $1,033
National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees 237101090 $0 $0
National Association of Rocketry 136165575 $433,264 $393,887
National Ttt Society 421128845 $0 $0
National Ttt Society 426096047 $0 $0
New Life Ministries Int 371362479 $0 $0
Olberg Family Charitable Trust Incorporated 421305184 $8,166 $117,811
Optimist International 426078628 $55,292 $28,170
Prospect Meadows Incorporated 451186453 $341,783 $202,880
Red Cedar Chamber Music 421473672 $183,648 $89,175
Robins Song Incorporated 205953844 $26,153 $32,907
Roofers 182 Labor-management Fund 272935598 $0 $0
Roofers Union Local No 182 Apprenticeship Trust 421436402 $59,382 $34,591
Royal Arch Masons of Iowa 10 Marion 237538392 $0 $0
Ruffed Grouse Society 901025156 $0 $0
Sarah Knight Memorial Foundation Incorporated 464088380 $0 $0
Ship Recovery 452584508 $0 $0
Society of Financial Service Professionals Eastern Iowa Chapter 421157957 $0 $0
Sports Car Club of America Iowa Region Incorporated 237090508 $0 $0
St Mark Lutheran Church 420810662 $0 $0
St Marks Lutheran Church Foundation 421070537 $18,351 $609,156
St Pauls Lutheran Church 426059621 $0 $0
Streamline Kids Incorporated 272932301 $0 $0
The Church of Christ of Toddville Iowa 421228724 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203232455 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237095898 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 421512394 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942924293 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942924321 $0 $0
Travelers Protective Association of America 421139252 $0 $0
Trees Forever Foundation 562377110 $0 $0
Trees Forever Incorporated 421419181 $2,027,988 $441,774
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 426077713 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 251909141 $338,155 $22,347
United Union of Roofers Waterproofers and Allied Workers 420886545 $85,238 $41,420
Uss Hollister Reunion Association 263584151 $0 $0
Van Metre Family Charitable Foundation 271752000 $1,192 $46,585
Victory Christian Center 421238868 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 421358534 $0 $0
Western Fraternal Life Association 237539889 $0 $0
Western Fraternal Life Association 237539898 $0 $0
Wilkins Pto 421413382 $0 $0
Wind and Fire Ministries Incorporated 421526622 $910,314 $3,230,335
Youth Outreach and Counseling Incorporated 421324843 $192,010 $45,417