There are 11 nonprofits in Harrison, Idaho.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 820516902 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 820480915 $0 $0
Christian Outdoor Leadership Training Incorporated 113819920 $0 $0
Crane Historical Society Incorporated 820392101 $0 $0
Harrison Area Ball Fields Association Incorporated 820532127 $0 $0
Harrison Chapter Senior Citizens Incorporated 820332028 $0 $0
Harrison Community Baptist Church Incorporated 820266997 $0 $0
Idaho State Grange 237582775 $0 $0
Jireh Ministries Foundation Incorporated 721620306 $0 $0
Northwest Harvest Church Incorporated 820526276 $0 $0
Stoneridge Pines Association Incorporated 826011108 $0 $0