There are 10 nonprofits in East Brookfield, Massachusetts.

Name EIN Income Assets
Balm in Gilead Ministry International Incorporated 200158024 $0 $0
East Brookfield Baptist Church 046115435 $0 $0
His Majestys 65th Regiment of Foot Ltd 043163205 $0 $0
Nipmuck Quaboag Preservation Trust Incorporated 203733638 $0 $0
Quaboag Quacumquasit Lake Association Incorporated 043329961 $41,471 $58,493
Sales 4 Tails 455127892 $0 $0
Second Chance Animal Shelter Incorporated 043490671 $1,051,926 $1,044,333
Spencer Exchange Club Charitable Foundation 461804539 $0 $0
Spencer Soccer Association Incorporated 042818160 $54,049 $18,564
University of Massachusetts 455297818 $0 $1