There are 363 nonprofits in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
A Brighter Future Foundation 742976266 $0 $0
A Home for Me 383715950 $0 $0
Accessvision 382791079 $501,102 $838,365
Advocacy Resource Center 381734960 $284,932 $104,746
Alano Club of Battle Creek Incorporated 382488305 $51,560 $773,586
All Species Kinship 200498076 $0 $0
Alley Cat Angels Incorporated 383694583 $0 $0
Altrusa Day Nursery Incorporated 381426880 $521,482 $252,236
Altrusa International Incorporated 386091760 $0 $0
American Association of University Women 386073103 $0 $0
American Association of University Women 386092140 $0 $0
American Bowling Congress Incorporated 382546254 $135,555 $77,048
American Brittany Club Incorporated 237364068 $0 $0
American Federation of Government Employees 381470341 $131,251 $153,582
American Federation of Government Employees 386158173 $178,547 $172,214
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Orgs 382895546 $192,696 $63,817
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 386090767 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 386092435 $0 $0
American Guild of Organists 386151583 $0 $0
American Legion 54 386039328 $144,674 $604,735
American Legion Auxiliary 382093276 $0 $0
American Postal Workers Union 237343998 $0 $0
American Sewing Guild Incorporated 383446417 $0 $0
Arnold G and Martha M Langbo Foundation 383026270 $55,898 $344,023
Art Center of Battle Creek 386021101 $279,970 $578,768
Asis International Incorporated 521435047 $0 $0
Athens Indian Church 201792375 $0 $0
B C Fire Soccer 260440135 $57,545 $13,499
Bahais of Battle Creek 383130165 $0 $0
Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Intl Uni 380533485 $830,540 $953,814
Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Intl Uni 381397581 $151,324 $56,020
Baptist Church Fellowship 237330980 $0 $0
Barry County Sheriff Posse 271255886 $0 $0
Battle Creek Academy 381554660 $0 $0
Battle Creek American Associationof Zoo Keepers Chapter 260902024 $0 $0
Battle Creek Area Ambulance 382441192 $10,773,166 $8,809,648
Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools Foundation Incorporated 382477841 $970,776 $2,299,840
Battle Creek Area Chamber Foundation 383506154 $43,676 $94,169
Battle Creek Area Chamber of Commerce 380331530 $541,738 $196,978
Battle Creek Area Educators Task Force 383555093 $0 $0
Battle Creek Bible Church 381363560 $0 $0
Battle Creek Calhoun County Convention and Visitors Bureau 383212005 $984,515 $743,431
Battle Creek Chapter Local 3 Afgm Retirees 383321130 $0 $0
Battle Creek Chin Baptist Church 364513346 $188,704 $200,819
Battle Creek Christian School Society 381584000 $434,997 $641,691
Battle Creek Civic Theatre 386007695 $0 $0
Battle Creek Community Foundation 382045459 $14,438,579 $100,062,863
Battle Creek Country Club 380331580 $2,603,750 $2,550,383
Battle Creek Education Association 381853273 $48,485 $83,309
Battle Creek Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committe 386339806 $162,552 $279,309
Battle Creek First Church of the Nazarene 237370154 $0 $0
Battle Creek Foursquare Gospel Church 386066751 $0 $0
Battle Creek Friends Church 382185364 $0 $0
Battle Creek Han Mee Church 383258694 $0 $0
Battle Creek Health Systems Auxiliary 383355520 $224,276 $32,411
Battle Creek Hope Church of the Nazarene 237370074 $0 $0
Battle Creek Hot Air Balloon Championships Incorporated 382287342 $438,458 $10,520
Battle Creek Junior Theatre 386075339 $0 $0
Battle Creek Kennel Club Incorporated 386077623 $64,871 $43,010
Battle Creek Lions Club Blind and Sight Conservation Foundation 386090225 $0 $0
Battle Creek Mem Park Association 380331810 $601,021 $831,388
Battle Creek Morgan Road Church of the Nazarene 382012822 $0 $0
Battle Creek Motorcycle Club 386095436 $0 $0
Battle Creek Police Officers Association 461531605 $0 $0
Battle Creek Pride Corporation 461757692 $0 $0
Battle Creek Unlimited Incorporated 381951806 $19,930,819 $17,223,989
Battle Creek Whitewater Incorporated 364748211 $0 $0
Battle Creek Youth Orchestra 382523717 $32,983 $27,542
Battleground Skate House and Youth Center Incorporated 272965511 $0 $1
Bbch Community Partners 381359244 $237,751 $63,553,897
Bc Cal Kal Inland Port Development Corporation 382181889 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 380341606 $39,300 $34,459
Berea Free Will Baptist Church 383351377 $0 $0
Bethel Gospel Tabernacle of Battle Creek 386093763 $0 $0
Bethesda Care International 271977202 $111,995 $983
Binda Dyslexia Center 205203249 $114,287 $87,035
Binder Park Zoological Society Incorporated 510163223 $4,135,813 $7,857,602
Blacks in Government 383283255 $0 $0
Blanche Barr Trone Scholarship Fund 386500164 $15,944 $432,978
Boy Scouts of America 381998734 $1,880,038 $3,574,475
Boy Scouts of America 383622694 $54,296 $628,261
Boys and Girls Club of Battle Creek 203936388 $209,210 $163,605
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen 386004290 $0 $0
Burmese American Initiative Incorporated 453441524 $0 $0
Burnham Brook Community Center Title Holding Corporation 262064622 $539,249 $5,479,323
Burnham Family Foundation 203680686 $201,683 $969,762
C I R Incorporated 383180874 $1,736,943 $1,198,229
Calhoun Christian School 753103392 $1,218,913 $544,154
Calhoun County Animal Center Incorporated 205870763 $460,482 $16,604
Calhoun County Guardian 382282034 $1,176,793 $9,905,852
Cereal City Concert Band 383077818 $0 $0
Cereal City Development Corporation Kellogg Arena 382537779 $1,521,491 $90
Cereal City Hoopsters 383227928 $0 $0
Chapel Hill United Methodist Church 381780980 $0 $0
Charitable Union 381405611 $500,818 $890,302
Charles and Jessie Brackett Memorial Fund Sab Bank and Trust 386053232 $3,251 $16,047
Child Abuse Prevention Endowment Fund for Calhoun County 352187828 $0 $0
Christ Alive Church Incorporated 383542363 $0 $0
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 522391909 $0 $0
Church of Scientology of Battle Creek 382130959 $0 $0
Citadel of Expectancy Church of God in Christ 452408624 $0 $0
Community Action Agency of South Central Michigan 381794361 $14,056,964 $6,198,486
Community Christian Churches Incorporated 382443228 $0 $0
Community Fatherhood 270784483 $138,231 $72,551
Community Healthcare Connections 202717744 $4,068,717 $519,057
Companion Cats 300514036 $0 $0
Comprehensive Senior Care Corporation 010866698 $10,198,775 $4,003,308
Congregation Temple Beth-el Endowment Trust Fund 386053119 $31,367 $525,447
Cornerstone Community 381949775 $0 $0
Creating Change of Battle Creek 464225768 $0 $0
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381222565 $37,486,524 $83,076,712
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381401260 $86,622,649 $292,042,586
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381480245 $15,853,331 $113,537,909
Crosspoint Church 383667057 $0 $0
Deep Lake Institute 203278954 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 386117967 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 382384123 $0 $0
Dennishas Village 273647311 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 386143133 $0 $0
Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan 383256690 $0 $0
Drop-in Self-help Center 383022871 $907,492 $691,748
East Branch Sportsmens Club 381285134 $89,976 $373,532
Echoes of Grace Incorporated 204437783 $0 $0
Emmett St Missionary Church 382488444 $0 $0
Empower Michigan 200335121 $0 $0
Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 381890490 $0 $0
Esmay S Garden Incorporated 461269883 $0 $0
Faith Assembly International Christian Fellowship 010583554 $0 $0
Falam Baptist Church 274979653 $198,950 $102,464
Family Health Center of Battle Creek 382679075 $24,810,170 $26,565,874
Felpausch Foundation 383417534 $2,744,792 $2,756,206
Fine Lake Association 386064789 $0 $0
First Assembly Battle Creek North 383153732 $0 $0
First Assembly of God of Battlecreek 381645620 $0 $0
First Baptist Church 381459372 $0 $0
First Christian Church 381978696 $0 $0
First Evangelical Presbyterian Church 412084997 $0 $0
First Salem Church Ministries Incorporated 383591581 $0 $0
Foodbank of South Central Michigan 382445948 $16,633,436 $5,904,515
Foster Adoptive Family Resource and Support Center 383243665 $317,206 $59,609
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237592362 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 237585616 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237138335 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237511637 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237512057 $0 $0
Friends of the Ott Preserve 383252692 $0 $0
Froggy and Oliver Foundation 260450503 $0 $0
General Foods Management Club 386089017 $0 $0
Generation E Institute 204693586 $138,657 $75,993
Genesis Road Incorporated 205743950 $0 $0
Genevieve R Jones Students Fund 386053114 $13,333 $335,394
Genevieve R Jones Teachers Fund 386053113 $12,119 $304,722
George and Emily Harris Willard Trust 386053144 $39,145 $931,353
Global Food Protection Institute 264736337 $3,845,371 $1,027,653
Golden Retriever Rescue Resource Incorporated 510475603 $70,067 $30,184
Goodwill Industries of Central Michigans Heartland Incorporated 381426892 $22,004,195 $17,166,641
Gospel Baptist Church of Battlecreek Incorporated 208458391 $0 $0
Grace Christian Fellowship Incorporated 382426281 $0 $0
Gracious Homes 050605425 $16,705 $797
Greater Battle Creek Ice Hockey Association 382372649 $67,894 $8,388
Greenleaf Universal Edutainment Incorporated 382909029 $933 $34,228
Guido a Binda and Elizabeth H Binda Foundation 382184423 $9,920,088 $20,587,901
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 382846821 $1,681,883 $2,132,644
Hands of Mercy Global Ministries Incorporated 455584812 $0 $0
Hands on Battle Creek Incorporated 381367339 $281,786 $0
Harper Creek Band Boosters 383108582 $0 $0
Harper Creek Beaver Boosters Incorporated 421631880 $46,261 $51,432
Health Care Call Center 383444297 $0 $0
Healthy Occupant Wisdom 453024281 $390 $6,520
Helping the Community Incorporated 141943205 $0 $0
His Hand Compassionate Ministry Center Incorporated 320164962 $6,298 $16,734
Historic Warbird Foundation 201773413 $89,850 $623,522
Holy Light Missionary Baptist Church 383093807 $0 $0
Humane Society of South Central Michigan 381437902 $642,092 $1,219,069
Iglesia Evangelica Misionera Hispana 800825804 $0 $0
In His Presence Ministries of Battle Creek Incorporated 382787719 $0 $0
In One Accord 381860922 $0 $0
Independent Assemblies of God 382507773 $0 $0
International Association Bridge Structural and Ornamntl Iron Workers 380679163 $629,216 $430,004
International Association of Firefighters 900675711 $86,580 $209,849
International Association of Lions Clubs 237391237 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 386111299 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 386025267 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 380679227 $499,263 $307,928
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 381527048 $66,059 $98,308
Iron Workers Fence Erection Health and Welfare Fund 412215016 $399,413 $478,120
Ironworkers Local 340 Building Association 382902114 $36,094 $261,874
Ironworkers Local 340 Health Care Fund 386058467 $3,687,941 $2,599,704
Ironworkers Local 340 Training 237013707 $165,820 $132,210
Jack E and Eleanor Cannon Hill Foundation 383119249 $3,870 $72,064
Jobs Daughters International 237232605 $0 $0
John C and Mary Jane Howard Foundation 383452536 $564,762 $1,455,169
Johnstown Firefighters Association 382765915 $0 $0
Jonah Joint-religious Organizing Network for Action and Hope 275241329 $144,533 $15,673
Junior Achievement of Southwest Michigan 381515420 $310,782 $134,111
Junior League of Battle Creek Michigan 386107366 $23,522 $138,468
Kambly Living Center 381622320 $491,128 $480,342
Kellogg Community College Foundation 383411520 $1,697,863 $8,104,531
Kellogg Company Retiree Salaried and Sales Employees Welfare Benefit Trust 251802025 $18,195,684 $60,389,259
Kellogg Company Retiree Welfare Benefit Trust 251802024 $957,841,656 $991,163,292
Kellogg Company Salaried and Sales Employees Long Term Disability Ben 382112321 $100,000 $127,325
Kellogg Company Twenty-five Year Employees Fund Incorporated 386039770 $3,084,300 $68,188,782
Kelloggs Corporate Citizenship Fund 383167772 $10,351,487 $24,344,057
Kingman Museum Incorporated 383585906 $174,304 $562,420
Kiwanis International 386090538 $100,439 $147,003
Knights of Columbus 237542906 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237546897 $0 $0
Knights of Phythias of Michigan 237632206 $0 $0
Knights of Pythias of Michigan 237632214 $0 $0
Knights of Pythias of Michigan Grand Lodge 386118713 $55,304 $509,495
Kolassa Family Foundation 454093228 $245,646 $956,064
La Leche League International Incorporated 453852958 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 383478721 $698,724 $1,165,489
Lake Travis Bible Fellowship 742537161 $0 $0
Lakeview Baptist Church 386028510 $0 $0
Lakeview Schools Thomas Jefferson Education Foundation 382785556 $1,183 $39,517
Lakeview Youth Association 030561074 $76,711 $99,876
Lamora Park Parent Teacher Association Pta 386003019 $0 $0
Legacy Scholars Program 342039472 $32,612 $194,076
Leila Arboretum Society Incorporated 382528975 $245,978 $1,448,892
Lend-a-hand Incorporated 550796525 $0 $0
Life in Christ Ministries Incorporated 382132807 $0 $0
Lifecare Ambulance Real Estate Holding Company 383139768 $122,500 $1,744,154
Living in Christ Ministries 381884420 $607,571 $298,680
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church 382586986 $0 $0
Marcus Martin Farley and Mabel Stone Farley Memorial Foundation 383114865 $2,221 $174,937
Marian E Burch Adult Day Care and Rehabilitation Center 383054907 $92,655 $600,143
Marie Lafler Foundation 300309136 $1 $266,136
Masonic Temple Finance Corporation 380798086 $41,518 $125,152
Mccurdy Memorial Scholarship Foundation 381687120 $74,855 $701,234
Mercy Pavilion of Battle Creek 382783350 $0 $0
Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel 382479531 $0 $0
Michigan Coalition of Essential Schools 383204002 $27,224 $39,268
Michigan Dental Association 382472457 $0 $0
Michigan Ecumenical Forum 381452690 $0 $0
Michigan Elks Association Charitable Grant Fund 382599208 $122,100 $426,957
Michigan State Medical Society 382506084 $32,893 $82,039
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 320315207 $0 $0
Mill Creek Senior Housing Corporation 204633288 $284,995 $3,703,416
Misfits Car Club 382752811 $0 $0
Moms Club 651229965 $0 $0
Morning Star Productions Christian Ministries Incorporated 382505050 $0 $0
Music Center of South Central Michigan 386087748 $963,703 $1,770,130
Nals Incorporated 237084416 $0 $0
Nans Fund Scholarship Foundation 208089695 $2,337 $6,513
National Ambucs Incorporated 382477039 $0 $0
National Ambucs Incorporated 901024403 $0 $0
National Ambucs Incorporated 901039249 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 386143240 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers 386145103 $31,638 $25,521
National Exchange Club 320316434 $0 $0
National Institute for the Advancement of Children 320189405 $0 $0
National Management Association 383589120 $4,601,667 $2,285,426
National Rural Letter Carriers Association 237233860 $0 $0
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 386089364 $0 $0
Navigations Incorporated 383029800 $1,390,283 $371,348
Neighborhoods Incorporated of Battle Creek 382375773 $1,566,391 $5,827,721
New Covenant Ministries Incorporated 382530155 $0 $0
New Dimension Ministries 412105964 $785 $355
New Hope Apostolic Church 760827190 $0 $0
New Level Sports 010582339 $36,829 $221,715
New Life Baptist Church of Battle Creek Incorporated 383168169 $0 $0
North Avenue Church of God 382153030 $0 $0
Northpointe Woods 383370058 $4,207,106 $9,430,038
Oak Hill Cemetery Company 380888300 $1,088,332 $2,812,353
Optimist Club of Battle Creek Mi 381560748 $0 $0
Optimist International 383001910 $0 $0
Optimist International 386117931 $40,737 $29,912
Peace Camp Incorporated 382401688 $1 $709
Pennfield Band Boosters Incorporated 050531027 $0 $0
Pennfield Education Association 237402304 $82,204 $33,405
Pennfield Parent Teacher and Student Organization 383564413 $0 $0
Pennfield United Brethren in Christ Church 382403745 $0 $0
Pink Ribbon Riders 134360844 $527,920 $442,836
Polish National Alliance of the United States of Na Tadeusz Kosciu 382031712 $299,857 $158,908
Post 25-year Club 382421564 $0 $0
Post Balloon Club Incorporated 383121427 $160,029 $93,970
Property Owners Association of Calhoun County Incorporated 386072626 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382857519 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 383268274 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 383550148 $0 $0
Quenched Ministries 204587814 $0 $0
Redemption Lutheran Church 386025997 $0 $0
Region 3b Area Agency on Aging 383013931 $15,939,395 $5,551,115
Restoration Life Church and Ministries Incorporated 383596228 $0 $0
Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union 381214306 $340,067 $292,143
Riverside Alano Club of Battle Creek Michigan 800315727 $0 $0
Riverside Country Club of Battle Creek 380974798 $712,158 $1
Robinsons Battery Incorporated 383705227 $0 $0
Rotary International 331183636 $0 $0
Rotary International 380986278 $63,815 $83,194
S a F E Place 382436401 $970,796 $537,893
S H a R E Incorporated 383624844 $40,887 $7,396
Saint Paul Lutheran Church 381910671 $0 $0
Salon National Laboutique Des Huit 383361164 $0 $0
Santo Maria Frank and John Zanetti Foundation 200489552 $127,916 $582,238
Second Missionary Baptist Church 383492509 $0 $0
Seconds New Vision and Outreach Ministries 382926101 $0 $0
Seventh Day Adventist Church Urban Dale 382339456 $0 $0
Seventh Day Baptist Church 237399735 $0 $0
Seventh-day Adventist Tabernacle 381613300 $0 $0
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 382087376 $0 $0
Sikh Religious Society of Michigan Incorporated 264319974 $0 $0
Snap Incorporated 237427587 $194,657 $90,030
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 237033485 $0 $0
Sokukoji Buddhist Community 900422151 $0 $0
South Side Bible Church 237404551 $0 $0
Southern Michigan Regional Ambulance Service 383178639 $2,451,367 $1,891,316
Southwest Michigan Emergency Response Team-search and Rescue 383132849 $0 $0
Southwest Michigan Rehab Foundation 382939930 $164,347 $1,175,531
Southwest Michigan Youth Golf Association 454279026 $0 $0
Southwest Regional Rehabilitation Center 237117185 $11,090,705 $11,309,229
Southwestern Michigan Urban League Incorporated 381817220 $206,571 $229,904
Spiritual Care Consultants of West Michigan Incorporated 261196044 $286,979 $351,300
Sprout Urban Farms Incorporated 453707870 $168,560 $28,311
St Jerome Catholic Church 381690860 $0 $0
St John Lutheran Church 382214939 $0 $0
St Mark Lutheran Church 381882216 $0 $0
St Philip Parish 381359094 $0 $0
St Thomas Episcopal Church 381443392 $0 $0
Substance Abuse Council of Greater Battle Creek 382699513 $358,960 $220,510
Sugar and Spice Child Care Center of Battle Creek Incorporated 382184285 $172,882 $207,927
Sugar Tony Rosario Boxing Academy 454319388 $0 $0
Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Trust of Allen Pattern of Mich 382715463 $0 $0
Supreme Temple Pythian Sisters 237562275 $0 $0
Sweet Adelines International 386090382 $0 $0
The Exchange Club of Pennfield 208445616 $0 $0
The Haven of Rest Ministries of Battle Creek 386122756 $0 $0
The Miller Foundation 386064925 $14,131,259 $25,892,465
Theodore Carl Dream Center 208250444 $0 $0
Theravada Buddhist Association-michigan 462556233 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237154857 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900457070 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925174 $0 $0
Touch Stone Bible Institute 943376618 $0 $0
Touch Stone Fellowship 943376619 $0 $0
Tri County Labor Agency for Human Services 382181989 $203,179 $67,204
Trout Unlimited 237184529 $0 $0
Union Church of Battle Creek 383037338 $0 $0
United Arts Council of Calhoun County 386091848 $11,321 $298,837
United Christian Faith Association 382104179 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 562560121 $0 $0
United States Power Squadrons 386066719 $0 $0
United Steelworkers 382854953 $92,448 $98,764
Unity Chapter of the American Business Womens Association 382746846 $0 $1
Unity of Battle Creek Incorporated 382408408 $0 $0
Universal Health Services Incorporated 463429057 $0 $0
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 386090931 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Michigan 386120080 $0 $0
Victory Life Church 237279369 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 382758367 $0 $0
Vision in Communities 470930327 $0 $1,500
Voces 273586666 $800,172 $611,371
Voiture Nationale La Societe Des 40 Hommes Et 8 Chevaux 386120816 $0 $0
W K Kellogg Foundation 381359264 $596,373,690 $428,517,444
Way Home Incorporated 455520086 $0 $0
Willard Library 383211873 $5,389,940 $4,737,156
Winship Memorial Scholarship Foundation 386092543 $841,889 $2,876,795
Women in Aviation 300122812 $0 $0
Womens Network Incorporated 262699012 $223,863 $91,111
Woodlawn Preschool 381391175 $120,209 $61,238
Y-center of Battle Creek 381986068 $2,468,194 $4,832,882
Young Child Associates 383343325 $1,429,620 $70,647