There are 132 nonprofits in Cadillac, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 043744571 $0 $0
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 300449526 $0 $0
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 562494154 $0 $0
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 743065782 $0 $0
After 26 Project Incorporated 261721400 $169,806 $174,845
American Chestnut Council Incorporated 382787562 $0 $0
American Legion Auxilary 9th District Association Dept of Michi 237418824 $0 $0
American Legion Post 0094 Ray E Bostick 380297697 $284,070 $101,370
Amvet 382981986 $0 $0
Amvets 237054499 $0 $0
Amvets 382053608 $254,947 $36,330
Baker College of Cadillac 383333920 $13,656,934 $18,357,175
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 380341485 $227,265 $62,133
Benzie-manistee County Farm Bureau Incorporated 352189997 $0 $0
Bible Baptist Church of Cadillac 510155586 $0 $0
Boon Sports Management 273266883 $0 $0
Caberfae Ski Club Incorporated 386090560 $93,341 $145,881
Cadillac Area Artist Association Incorporated 237331815 $0 $0
Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce 386088268 $408,338 $196,807
Cadillac Area Community Foundation 382848513 $2,075,933 $8,643,252
Cadillac Area Festivals and Events 383290396 $57,025 $11,545
Cadillac Area Human Resources Association 383624485 $0 $0
Cadillac Area Land Conservancy 383259723 $0 $0
Cadillac Area Oasis-family Resource Center 382516989 $1,256,220 $1,391,447
Cadillac Area Silent Observer 382995234 $0 $0
Cadillac Area Symphony Orchestra Board 382638183 $0 $0
Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau Incorporated 382668031 $265,233 $83,226
Cadillac Area Young Mens Christian Association 300013507 $1,196,375 $5,776,509
Cadillac Chapter No 298 Women of the Moose 382232727 $0 $0
Cadillac Cherry Grove Church of the Nazarene 237370079 $0 $0
Cadillac Christian Reformed Church 1110 E Division 237410089 $0 $0
Cadillac Church of Discovery 383489154 $0 $0
Cadillac Community Chorus 562346557 $0 $0
Cadillac Downtown Fund Incorporated 383134324 $0 $0
Cadillac Education Association 382130826 $0 $0
Cadillac Festival of Races 274548371 $0 $0
Cadillac Footliters Incorporated 381819913 $0 $0
Cadillac Foursquare Simple Church Network 900539477 $0 $0
Cadillac Housing Initiative Programs 271841976 $0 $0
Cadillac Industrial Fund Incorporated 386093734 $9,971 $322,083
Cadillac Lodge No 531 Loyal Order of Moose 381268979 $132,076 $213,713
Cadillac Philharmonic Club 562538424 $0 $0
Cadillac Senior Center 463957335 $0 $0
Cadillac String Association 300003570 $0 $0
Cadillac Winter Promotion Incorporated 382537696 $78,081 $315,022
Cadillac-fresh Anointing 383449725 $0 $0
Cfl Pop Warner Football League 383541740 $0 $0
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381504660 $2,271,641 $45,203,718
Crown of Life Lutheran Church 113782990 $0 $0
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 386109182 $0 $0
First Baptist Church 382434650 $0 $0
First Christian Church 382354096 $0 $0
First Covenant Church 383353036 $0 $0
First Night of Cadillac 383441160 $3 $4,966
Franklin Elementary Pto 261542927 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237511901 $0 $0
Friends of Mitchell State Park 383188196 $0 $0
Friends of the Cadillac Wexford Public Library 050608908 $0 $0
From Sea to Shining Sea Motorcycle Adventures 900805248 $0 $0
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 382749069 $547,700 $1,214,522
Healing Private Wounds 770715325 $0 $0
Helmboldt Ministries 382402622 $52,404 $405,696
Heritage Christian School of Cadillac 382476113 $463,285 $41,076
Independent Bible Church 384612795 $0 $0
Inland Lakes Disabled American Veterans 39 386143153 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 386089989 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 383516174 $0 $0
International Mountain Bicycling Association 460742427 $0 $0
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 386146622 $84,649 $48,902
Kiwanis International Incorporated 382529793 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237142650 $0 $0
Lakeview Lutheran Manor Incorporated 382712511 $0 $0
Life Resources of Northern Michigan Incorporated 383580489 $499,657 $546,576
Lifehouse Ag 381396361 $0 $0
Love Incorporated of Wexford and Osceola Counties 383067784 $400,919 $418,507
Masonic Temple Association of Cadillac Mich 380797983 $55,820 $199,989
Mercy Hospital Cadillac Foundation 203357131 $323,574 $13,114,019
Mercy North Home Care and Hospice 383313897 $11,523,397 $3,869,324
Michigan Association of Post Anesthesia Nurses 382108665 $25,727 $33,860
Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel 382491716 $0 $0
Michigan State University 204083367 $0 $0
Michigan State University 320400997 $0 $0
Michigan State University 364750954 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382500182 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383597479 $0 $0
Missaukee County Farm Bureau Incorporated 381498167 $0 $0
Msc Camp Wilderness 383498841 $0 $0
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 382890806 $0 $0
National G and T Managers Association 521698388 $0 $0
National Society of the Children of the American Revolution 262688201 $0 $0
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 386085769 $0 $0
New Hope Shelter 320019736 $98,484 $157,480
North American Folk Music and Dance Alliance Incorporated 200749693 $0 $0
North Boulevard Marina Association 203597307 $0 $0
Northern District Fair Association 386092517 $77,743 $40,244
Northern Michigan Art Guild 870764230 $0 $0
Northernlight Church of God 382710471 $0 $0
Northview Sda School 382196387 $0 $0
Northwest Michigan Assessors Association 383161883 $0 $0
Paul Bunyan Board of Realtors 382408816 $39,006 $286,746
Peninsula Generation Cooperative 273659272 $52,434,072 $90,811,005
Project Christmas 383709248 $198,806 $24,419
Resurrection Life Church-cadillac 383350644 $0 $0
Rotary Club of Cadillac Foundation 382885680 $184,512 $1,343,611
Rotary International 386090613 $132,325 $115,301
St Marys Episcopal Church 382729494 $0 $0
Stehouwer Free Clinic 611401888 $135,067 $114,038
Temple Hill Baptist Church 381881789 $0 $0
The American Legion Auxiliary Ray E Bostick Unit 94 237137377 $0 $0
The Antique Motorcycle Club of America Incorporated 272591144 $0 $0
Think First 382990676 $0 $0
Tri-county Busing Incorporated 386096460 $524,380 $540,057
Trout Unlimited 521766091 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 061780620 $1,039 $389
United States Junior Chamber of Commerce 382177380 $0 $0
United Way of Wexford-missaukee Counties 237112549 $305,329 $360,365
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 386091251 $0 $0
Viking Booster Club Incorporated 237281528 $0 $0
Viking Touchdown Club 800179263 $22,193 $33,600
W I S E Wexford Ice Skating Enterprises 382878937 $109,191 $47,563
West Central Michigan Media Ministries 142009952 $347,720 $453,908
Wexford County Council on Aging 382081565 $1,649,417 $591,970
Wexford County Farm Bureau 381815459 $0 $0
Wexford County Historical Society 382201025 $0 $0
Wexford Genealogy Organization 030445801 $0 $0
Wolverine Power Marketing Cooperative 383560640 $56,652,550 $18,125,166
Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative Incorporated 381326766 $381,974,501 $498,341,082
Wonderland Humane Society Incorporated 382848972 $21,810 $111,920
Woodbridge Management and Education Services 522241948 $214,632 $100,009
Workplace Chaplains Incorporated 383430690 $395,888 $5,912
Youth Mentoring Worldwide Incorporated 463373660 $0 $0
Zonta International 261736195 $0 $0