There are 377 nonprofits in Dearborn, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
A and L Homes Incorporated 382888131 $571,620 $207,768
Abundant Life Center 383150643 $0 $0
Access 237444497 $18,991,224 $33,242,606
Aid and Social Services for Iraqi Support and Training Assist 371467108 $0 $0
Al -hadi Foundation 272859846 $130,000 $270,850
Al-huda Islamic Association 383422157 $0 $0
Al-mabarrat Charitable Organization - U S a Incorporated 383022672 $1,524,192 $214,060
Alhambra St Francis Camp on the Lake 520614583 $175,564 $568,689
Almahdi Culture Center Incorporated 300033855 $0 $0
Alpha Iota Sorority 237093619 $0 $0
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated 363377465 $0 $0
Alpha Pi Mu Association 521647580 $0 $0
Alqaem Institute 010798418 $0 $0
Ama District Fourteen Club Council Incorporated 382148549 $102,636 $117,805
Amateur Athletic Union of the United States Incorporated 900949236 $0 $0
American Arab Chamber of Commerce 383057964 $363,329 $32,617
American Arab Pharmacist Association 383330118 $110,200 $112,160
American Association of University Women 386088805 $0 $0
American Association of Yemeni Scientists and Professionals 900158842 $0 $0
American Educational Foundation 383406300 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 382154070 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 382697011 $76,154 $32,427
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 386076544 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 386088789 $0 $0
American Federation of Teachers 264059598 $166,950 $94,493
American Federation of Teachers 381456543 $882,286 $566,449
American Federation of Teachers 381803460 $470,566 $505,561
American Institute of Industrial Engineers Incorporated 382112417 $0 $0
American League Fior Educational 383592588 $1 $1
American Legion 381210907 $0 $0
American Legion Auxiliary 382219219 $0 $0
American Legion Post 0364 Fort Dearborn 386088950 $201,867 $1,175,329
American Liberty Pops Singers Incorporated 202380026 $0 $0
American Moslem Bekaa Center 383297243 $0 $0
American Moslem Society 382653238 $0 $0
American Muslim Center Incorporated 383637393 $0 $0
American Sewing Guild Incorporated 383459356 $0 $0
American War Memorials Incorporated 463067510 $0 $0
American-arab Center for Civil and Human Rights Incorporated 511466133 $77,220 $416,569
Amthor Foundation 383583458 $1 $1,067
Amvets 911834670 $0 $0
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry Nmj 386070378 $71,507 $15,603
Angel House 721538930 $228,272 $772,599
Arab American Friendship Center Incorporated 383330266 $140,158 $971
Arab American Womens Business Council 352296131 $0 $0
Arc Dearborn-dearborn Heights Incorporated 381557401 $547,471 $901,528
Ark Ministries 861150473 $0 $0
Armenian Community Center of Greater Detroit 381316989 $594,263 $1,763,572
Association for Computing Machinery 911841929 $0 $0
Association of Dearborn School Administrators 201284880 $29,755 $42,292
Athletes with Autism 271576552 $0 $0
Atonement Lutheran Church 381647400 $0 $0
Automotive Hall of Fame Incorporated 383320345 $535,239 $4,340,867
Aziza Ghori Charitable Foundation 134235965 $89,776 $389,061
Baidoun Foundation 204719923 $1,679 $791,911
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 381539199 $371,048 $297,163
Beta Alpha Psi National Council 900056593 $0 $0
Bingham Foundation 454054374 $0 $0
Bint Jebail Cultural Center 382977860 $463,172 $1,439,387
Camp Retreats Foundation Incorporated 260360176 $471,100 $3,207,272
Cancer Support Services 421568866 $9,805,984 $1,163,122
Capacity Developers Incorporated 204099386 $271,362 $6,274
Catholic Order of Foresters 237581117 $0 $0
Centurions Incorporated 386077515 $0 $0
Chase American Muslims Islamic Center Incorporated 202441953 $0 $0
Cherry Hill United Presbyterian Church 381437907 $0 $0
Childs Hope 382716632 $85,582 $3,539
City of Dearborn Veba Health Savings Trust 271018356 $419,285 $341,949
Clair Crawford Memorialhandicapped Association 382215412 $0 $0
Classic Car Club of America Museum Incorporated 222416022 $3,214,063 $7,776,915
Community Youth Advancement Services of Detroit 383664037 $0 $0
Consortium for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching with 383626301 $0 $0
Creating Hope International 383288402 $1,399,486 $1,300,216
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 380549595 $15,269,653 $92,337,372
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381350130 $0 $0
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381371682 $427,552 $9,366,201
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 386140970 $7,600,288 $73,170,693
Crusade for Christ 386095313 $0 $0
Dana-z Foundation 260887540 $263,000 $113,452
Daughters of Scotia 223396321 $0 $0
Dearborn Academy 383348338 $0 $0
Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce 381459978 $4 $5,690
Dearborn Area Theater Association 251920781 $0 $0
Dearborn Baseball 382417371 $129,306 $76,239
Dearborn Bible Church 382008775 $0 $0
Dearborn Christian Fellowship 237220432 $0 $0
Dearborn Christian School Society 386034051 $321,703 $24,195
Dearborn Community Arts Council 382166568 $53,625 $45,148
Dearborn Community Center 134346204 $791,829 $2,137,525
Dearborn Community Fund 383507205 $100,905 $593,877
Dearborn Community Tennis Association Incorporated 412266956 $0 $0
Dearborn Country Club 380468580 $810,665 $7,053,343
Dearborn Federation of Teachers Building Corporation 383481689 $98,963 $590,786
Dearborn Figure Skating Association Incorporated 383294710 $551,047 $155,230
Dearborn Fire Fighters Burn Drive 383058108 $134,279 $131,791
Dearborn Free Methodist Church 386148661 $0 $0
Dearborn Genealogical Society 382538860 $0 $0
Dearborn Goodfellows Incorporated 386087979 $238,978 $575,252
Dearborn Heights Montessori Center Incorporated 381997081 $4,775,383 $5,688,491
Dearborn High Booster Club Incorporated 134286509 $83,479 $53,556
Dearborn Historical Society Incorporated 237432053 $0 $0
Dearborn Hockey Association 237390720 $622,810 $45,998
Dearborn Orchestral Society Endowment Fund Incorporated 383049011 $18,617,711 $842,725
Dearborn Orchestral Society Incorporated 386092467 $197,117 $122,728
Dearborn Police Officers Charities Incorporated 383601372 $0 $0
Dearborn Public Library Foundation 204258783 $0 $0
Dearborn Public Schools Education Foundation 363857599 $252,635 $147,197
Dearborn Rotary Foundation 386111657 $156,595 $983,709
Dearborn Soccer Club 383492091 $234,484 $76,545
Dearborn Track Club Incorporated 900738924 $0 $0
Dearborn-harvest Inte 383170890 $0 $0
Detroit Burns Club 386087392 $0 $0
Detroit District Dental Society 381329134 $276,306 $226,720
Detroit Women S Travel Organization 382484337 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 386067946 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 386143161 $0 $0
Divine Child Alumni Association Foundation 382620133 $538,566 $1,730,089
Divine Child Alumni Association Incorporated 382499054 $0 $0
Donald and Mary Kosch Foundation 383147426 $1,295,262 $1,801,073
Doran Foundation 383211447 $376,180 $447,921
Education Fund League of Women Voters Dearborn-dearborn Hts 383482627 $0 $0
Educators Reaching out 463023092 $0 $0
Edward C and Linda Dresner Levy Foundation 386091368 $3,468,258 $6,330,145
Eli Research Center 463185406 $0 $0
Ellen Levy Foundation 311498912 $422,201 $850,290
Embroiderers Guild of America Incorporated 510163780 $0 $0
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 381651140 $0 $0
Evangelical Covenant Church 510139388 $0 $0
Everest Incorporated 382388858 $5,626,125 $1,126,715
Exchange Club of Dearborn Foundation 382287601 $64,589 $10,035
Fairlane Alliance Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 386004488 $0 $0
Faith Connections Incorporated 134212777 $496,034 $47,850
Father Vincent Welch Memorial Fund 383005252 $202,611 $3,590
Financial Planning Association 581311621 $141,082 $48,306
First Baptist Church 381459373 $0 $0
First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn 381367085 $0 $0
For the Community Group 454756682 $0 $0
Ford Employees Recreation Association 386019207 $142,848 $510,697
Ford Homes Historic District Mcfadden Ross House 382346238 $0 $0
Ford Motor Co Fund 381459376 $528,682 $41,832,647
Ford-uaw Benefits Trust 386716104 $0 $1
Fordson Varsity Alumni Club 262994505 $0 $0
Fore Dearborn Incorporated 310122033 $4 $5,690
Fps-the International Organization for Fluid Pwr and Motion Cont Prof 930183942 $0 $0
Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg Charitable Trust Ua 05052009 386880138 $100,004 $10,582
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237511774 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 380557471 $0 $0
Friends for the Dearborn Animal Shelter 383171570 $1,643,567 $1,616,535
Friends of the Library Dearborn 382363614 $8,487 $6,133
Friends of the Rouge 382672879 $461,615 $717,959
Garden Club of Dearborn 237218310 $0 $0
Genesis Project of Down River 383502912 $0 $0
Global Food Bank Group 261710508 $0 $1
Global Orphan 454177364 $0 $0
Global Relief Organization for Women and Children Incorporated 455586371 $0 $0
Glorify God Church of Deliverance 320104845 $0 $0
Going Green Foundation Incorporated 264738792 $0 $0
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church 386005220 $0 $0
Gosen Community Effort 453066098 $0 $0
Great Lakes Maritime Institute 386067904 $2,282 $5,794
Great Revelations Academy Incorporated 451299650 $1,501,226 $2,956,583
Greater Detroit Armenian Senior Citizens Corporation 382228045 $1,038,259 $3,417,060
Greyhound Inmate Experience Incorporated 300708317 $0 $0
Guardian Lutheran Church 386028610 $0 $0
Hamtramck Allied Veterans Council 201332173 $0 $0
Hanini Outreach Community Center Incorporated 270900954 $0 $0
Harambee Africa Ministries Incorporated 954367350 $0 $0
Henry Ford Academy Parents Organization Incorporated 263400681 $0 $0
Henry Ford Community College Administrators Association 382487580 $0 $0
Henry Ford Community College Foundation 382421276 $5,085,700 $10,367,481
Henry Ford Heritage Association 383146602 $0 $0
Henry Ford Learning Institute 383463866 $3,741,849 $5,973,527
Henry Ford Village Foundation Incorporated 542159197 $819,796 $1,452,029
Henry Ford Village Incorporated 383087328 $45,261,075 $111,684,345
Hidden Jewels International 200055783 $0 $0
Highland Neighborhood Association 382104052 $0 $0
Hispanic Network Group Incorporated 383598590 $0 $0
Homenetmen of Detroit 271478472 $0 $0
Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya Incorporated Imam 201159387 $0 $0
Infant Jesus Charitable Foundation Incorporated 383561379 $0 $0
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding 383633581 $588,710 $164,360
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 363381083 $0 $0
International Association for Organ Donation and Related Activities 383445405 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 386091678 $198,327 $187,940
International Association of Lions Clubs 386111341 $0 $0
International Care Incorporated 382937703 $0 $0
International Facility Management Association Incorporated 382372548 $0 $0
International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 451860571 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237507303 $0 $0
International Training in Communication 710888682 $0 $0
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 380549175 $7,032,712 $2,306,238
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 386092670 $198,207 $269,202
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Wrkrs 381115963 $959,829 $429,932
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agriculture Workers 381940819 $259,837 $415,807
Islamic Center of America Incorporated 386095289 $0 $0
Islamic Council of America 382905949 $114,949 $934,211
Islamic Institute of Knowledge 382414342 $3,161,448 $10,710,207
Islamic Library of Dearborn 383240701 $0 $0
Islamic Shiite International High Council of America 383601299 $0 $0
Islamic Texts Institute Incorporated 261868748 $57,454 $15,874
Jenny Lind Club of Detroit Incorporated 386142935 $0 $0
Khan Family Foundation 271481206 $1,599,239 $493,352
Kingdom International Tabernacle Church of God in Christ 382235167 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of Dearborn Outer Drive Foundation Incorporated 383274971 $56,546 $119,835
Kiwanis International Incorporated 386089306 $26,023 $14,561
Knights of Columbus 237107575 $149,452 $179,862
Knights of Columbus 237142866 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 381411790 $0 $0
La Leche League International 383430527 $0 $0
La Maya Foundation 260794525 $234 $424,824
Lch Booster Club 200042537 $110,919 $8,228
League of Women Voters of Michigan 386070751 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Michigan Detroit Metropolitan Area 237305686 $0 $0
Lebanese American Heritage Club 383081799 $441,356 $350,852
Lebanese International Business Council 208372031 $119,780 $3,838
Living Skills Residential Centers 382368993 $1,029,142 $274,294
Local Union No 245 Uaw Building Corporation 382534671 $0 $0
Lordsberg Ministries 320260213 $0 $0
Mack and Third 454230177 $17,350 $61,814
Malartu Incorporated 451146029 $0 $0
Mang Aero Club 381879162 $128,964 $158,303
Marine Corps League 237417914 $10,450 $12,500
Master Gardner Association of Wayne County 382627391 $0 $0
Mastrofrancesco Afc Incorporated 382397664 $2,669,412 $299,735
Megans Dreams 260424030 $0 $0
Mentorme America 464867342 $0 $0
Messiah Fellowship 383529986 $0 $0
Metro Basketball Association 382889166 $40,067 $9,785
Michigan Adventurers Club 460549543 $0 $0
Michigan Alhambra House Incorporated 383241057 $0 $0
Michigan International Gay Rodeo Association 383178601 $0 $0
Michigan Mathematical Association of Two-year Colleges 800292765 $0 $0
Michigan Military Moms 510621085 $0 $0
Michigan Mobile Pet Imaging 331086165 $1,225,250 $502,266
Michigan Orthotics and Prosthetics Association 382221907 $75,830 $31,555
Michigan Railroad Club Incorporated 382132727 $3,849 $117,881
Michigan Yemen Soccer Club 300743745 $0 $0
Midwest Health Scholarship Fund 274383061 $1 $4,955
Midwest Mineralogical and Lapidary Society of Dearborn 382088674 $0 $0
Moms Club 830475301 $0 $0
Monsignor Herbert Weier Scholar Ship Charitable Trust 386349835 $0 $0
Mother of the Savior Lutheran Church 383601791 $0 $0
Motor City Badgers 262766838 $0 $0
Move - Movement for Outreach Volunteerism and Education 454614557 $0 $0
Municipal Employees Associaton of Dearborn 381601517 $0 $0
Museum Guild of Dearborn 010799671 $27,347 $303,333
Nals Incorporated 386154975 $0 $0
National Association of Hispanic Nurses 364103427 $0 $0
National Exchange Club 386088205 $0 $0
North American Maltese Associations Incorporated 237060034 $103,263 $497,458
Northview Cemetery Company 381603386 $106,697 $1,464,998
Oakwood Health Promotions Incorporated 382601965 $73,251,552 $85,659,294
Oakwood Healthcare Incorporated 381405141 $1,519,689,122 $1,083,828,738
Oakwood Healthcare System Foundation 383432073 $25,178,146 $35,147,660
Oakwood Home Care Services 382877338 $27,602,966 $17,029,487
Oakwood Kidney Institute 352427336 $0 $0
Oakwood United Hospitals Incorporated 382837961 $0 $63,864,570
Olive Branch Masonic Temple Association 382702264 $44,564 $132,669
Optimist International 386082289 $0 $0
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 381490174 $0 $0
Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Service 382431689 $73,309 $35,630
Paula Ratchford Ministries 205115842 $83,322 $5,138
Pi Mu Epsilon Incorporated 900148866 $0 $0
Players Guild of Dearborn 386090808 $225,059 $850,294
Police Officers Association of Dearborn 382264893 $111,324 $11,373
Polish Legion of American Veterans USA 237305671 $64,018 $100,785
Polish Legion of American Veterans USA 237324254 $830,700 $1,790,001
Polish Legion of American Veterans USA 381774508 $125,507 $506,910
Polish National Alliance of the United States of Na 2525 Lodge 237612691 $0 $0
Polish Roman Catholic Union of America 1413 237580381 $0 $0
Port Sanilac Mens Retreat 454435505 $0 $0
Prince of Peace Evangelical 382448270 $0 $0
Project Dignity Outreach 463903868 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 510255046 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congess of Parents Teachers and Students 382618892 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 010842713 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 010898266 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 061747184 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 381525921 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231177 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231538 $37,647 $10,191
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231539 $27,385 $4,156
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231540 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231541 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231567 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382316614 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382316911 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382505446 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382630869 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382935360 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382946686 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 383159649 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 383370034 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 461977442 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 562475207 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 611629216 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 810646501 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 900785394 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Studentst 382231542 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congrss of Parents Teachers and Students 382743905 $0 $0
Real Estate Investors Association of Wayne County 753129907 $0 $0
Realtors Community Focus Foundation Incorporated 273969389 $2,836 $2,435
Revisions Consulting Group Incorporated 061351666 $499,242 $1,495,230
Rotary International 382836204 $0 $0
Rotary International 386096454 $97,437 $9,628
Rotary International 911940208 $0 $0
Sadr Foundation 383459402 $499,858 $556,033
Safe Harbor for Women 300279385 $0 $0
Samaritan Homes Incorporated 383231093 $1,801,750 $425,709
Scottish Rite Valley of Detroit Cha Ritable and Educational Foundation 382990637 $13,097 $412,377
Serenity Center Incorporated 300461739 $0 $0
Services to Enhance Potential 237289763 $16,153,502 $13,846,680
Severstal North America Incorporated 383004109 $1,979,151 $4,408,682
Share International Incorporated 273607017 $87,090 $28,841
Sickles Dance Company 382633060 $0 $0
Slovene National Benefit Society 518 237524547 $0 $0
Sme Education Foundation 382746841 $5,512,088 $19,702,871
Society of Critical Care Medicine 382543525 $0 $0
Society of Manufacturing Engineers 237028186 $0 $0
Society of Manufacturing Engineers 380298770 $45,491,583 $60,235,344
Society of Manufacturing Engineers 382951670 $58,206 $145,043
Sons of Norway 237525781 $0 $0
South East Michigan Power Plant Engineers Society 364568066 $0 $0
Southeastern Mcgown Teachers Workshop 453416905 $21,821 $7,803
Southern Michigan Orienteering Club 382801871 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Dearborn 383262142 $0 $0
Springwells Fellowship 383297991 $0 $0
Springwells Park Association Incorporated 386091146 $0 $0
St Clements Church 381426905 $0 $0
St Pauls Charitable Foundation Incorporated 264091680 $0 $0
St Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church 381706420 $0 $0
Syrian Free Press Network 452609809 $25,000 $10,004
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 521236550 $0 $0
Tejara American Middle East Economic Affairs Committee 200564063 $101,070 $113,565
The Edison Institute Incorporated 381359513 $78,544,130 $423,573,534
Theta Phi Alpha Alpha Nu 237331722 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 201975768 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900338062 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900627239 $0 $0
Trudeau Family Foundation Incorporated 202369237 $27,085 $61,934
U S Foundation for Charitable Cooperation for Bint Jbeil Incorporated 421662878 $0 $0
Uaw-ford National Development and Training Center 382416006 $31,210,890 $28,847,556
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Ofamerica 382170317 $0 $0
United Daughters of the Confederacy 237063365 $0 $0
United Grand Imperial Coun Knights of Red Cross of Constantine 237617457 $0 $0
United Hospice Care Foundation 383194391 $0 $0
United States Catholic Conference 383166036 $0 $0
United States Power Squadrons 386087385 $0 $0
Unity of Faith Community Church 200947075 $0 $0
University of Michigan Club of Detroit Scholarship Fund 386060465 $141,034 $2,093,058
University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit 382638441 $289,210 $83,450
Utility Workers Union of America Afl Cio 510175395 $14,397 $19,695
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 300433189 $33,348 $31,398
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 380826713 $124,698 $395,789
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 381116053 $3,118,744 $4,387,146
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 382205775 $0 $0
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 383205222 $96,150 $67,724
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 510175407 $0 $0
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 510175409 $59,636 $68,455
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 510175415 $156,921 $110,006
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Michigan 386091836 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Michigan 386093228 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 382777836 $49,319 $66,800
Village Community Credit Union 381329440 $1,286,918 $17,456,056
Vista Maria 381359262 $18,674,612 $19,323,296
Warrendale Community Church 382001629 $0 $0
Wayne Mediation Center 383123313 $524,295 $137,116
West Dearborn Church of Christ 386095475 $0 $0
Western Wayne County Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta 386095229 $0 $0
Wireless Information Networking Society 272502227 $0 $0
Womens Association for the Dearborn Orchestral Society 386095077 $0 $0
Word of Faith Fellowship 382195147 $0 $0
Yemen American B Association 383242066 $64,795 $114,855
Yemen American Cultural Center Incorporated 383175836 $0 $0
Yemeni American Committee 452985284 $0 $0
Yemeni-american Association Incorporated 383111212 $35,400 $9,467
Zaman International 201946065 $537,722 $314,153