There are 128 nonprofits in Marshall, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 341989921 $0 $0
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 383416719 $0 $0
Alliance of Divine Love Incorporated 650799605 $0 $0
Alpha Xi Delta Building Corporation 386082528 $0 $0
Alurt 382609921 $0 $0
American Association of University Women 383284812 $0 $0
American Legion 386147960 $0 $0
American Legion Auxiliary 382137871 $0 $0
American Museum of Magic Incorporated 383331173 $105,369 $233,817
Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development 900701120 $0 $0
B E Henry Community Building Association 386099699 $0 $0
Bluegrass Morgan Classic Incorporated 271805595 $67,347 $17,462
Brass Band of Battle Creek 383414879 $0 $0
Calhoun County Agricultural and Industrial Society 382035927 $675,921 $1,667,266
Calhoun County Farm Bureau 381285737 $127,033 $143,722
Calhoun County Genealogical Society 383395785 $0 $0
Christ Lutheran Church 237117096 $0 $0
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381444840 $7,347,458 $153,103,426
Cronin Foundation 382908362 $385,905 $12,074,003
Crossroads Church and Ministries 383020442 $0 $0
Distinguished Restaurants of North America 363810082 $127,971 $4,789
Dramatic Action Incorporated 371518350 $0 $0
Eastend Studio and Gallery 432098353 $171,922 $229,797
Ella E M Brown Charitable Circle 381368347 $124,899,243 $180,490,059
Embroiderers Guild of America Incorporated 383016472 $0 $0
First Baptist Church 386081576 $0 $0
First Presbyterian Church of Marshall Mich 381398845 $0 $0
Fountain Clinic 383387719 $783,139 $1,739,149
Four Winds Christian Fellowship 382496155 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237511644 $0 $0
Future Farmers of America and Its State Associations and Local Chapter 382379464 $0 $0
Gordon Elementary School Parent Council Organization 201530981 $0 $0
Grace Baptist Church of Marshall 300141938 $0 $0
Hughes Elementary School Parent Council Organization 261537301 $0 $0
Iia Select Registry Incorporated 042976165 $1,242,184 $598,366
Innovative Farmers of South Central Michigan 383375623 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237135663 $0 $0
Maple Grove Bible Church 382415064 $0 $0
Marshall Area Community Services Incorporated 205280377 $62,590 $65,470
Marshall Assembly of God 386108018 $0 $0
Marshall Buiness Association 020674461 $0 $1
Marshall Chamber of Commerce 381274245 $420,398 $311,879
Marshall Chapt No 202 Women of the Moose 382565566 $0 $0
Marshall City Volunteer Fire Fighters Association 382159792 $0 $0
Marshall Civic Players 382628880 $0 $0
Marshall Community Foundation 237011281 $2,067,765 $11,745,464
Marshall Country Club 380793560 $678,432 $1,343,585
Marshall Junior Baseball League 264444508 $0 $0
Marshall Junior Football League Incorporated 461205178 $0 $0
Marshall Lodge No 676 Loyal Order of Moose 380794015 $232,524 $339,754
Marshall Middle School Parentcouncil Organization 204834780 $0 $0
Marshall Rotary Foundation Incorporated 382463694 $8,714 $438,872
Marshall Soaring Club Incorporated 651294042 $0 $0
Marshall Soccer Club 383563273 $0 $0
Marshall Teachers Association 382106953 $126,934 $26,765
Marshall United Way 237161104 $185,859 $312,526
Marshall Wesleyan Church 382285108 $0 $0
Max and Lucille Cortright Homer Education Foundation 201289687 $26,412 $453,368
Max and Lucille Cortright Marshall Education Foundation 201289656 $22,878 $547,733
Mcct Incorporated 383636933 $196,049 $519,356
Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association 382488619 $50,752 $66,156
Michigan Rural Rehabilitation Corporation 386067313 $281,278 $5,544,360
Michigan State Grange Foundation 382678720 $0 $0
Michigan State University 061831579 $0 $0
Michigan State University 113826959 $0 $0
Michigan State University 113826965 $0 $0
Michigan State University 113826974 $0 $0
Michigan State University 113826993 $0 $0
Michigan State University 113826996 $0 $0
Michigan State University 134266290 $0 $0
Michigan State University 200861789 $0 $0
Michigan State University 203876990 $0 $0
Michigan State University 208690214 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300028391 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300270907 $0 $0
Michigan State University 352444448 $0 $0
Michigan State University 364487858 $0 $0
Michigan State University 364498110 $0 $0
Michigan State University 371730051 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382201291 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382579323 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382695808 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382838596 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383080630 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383124210 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383148097 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383163533 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383169669 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383370186 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383477129 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383481695 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383482727 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383607900 $0 $0
Michigan State University 386115984 $0 $0
Michigan State University 421618819 $0 $0
Michigan State University 462158171 $0 $0
Michigan State University 611455090 $0 $0
Michigan State University 611672673 $0 $0
Michigan State University 800280473 $0 $0
Michigan State University 800437310 $0 $0
Michigan State University 900097059 $0 $0
Michigan State University 900395262 $0 $0
Mobile Meals Incorporated of Marshall 237149809 $51,538 $16,345
National Exchange Club 386088380 $50,892 $12,773
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 386088297 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Michigan 237161478 $1,254,531 $3,028,787
Order of the Eastern Star of Michigan 380896469 $483,579 $2,585,268
Personal Achievement Community Enrichment 300465448 $0 $0
Potawatomi Resource Sonservation and Development Protect Area 382765861 $289,259 $147,634
Resource Institute of Michigan 452777916 $0 $0
Rice Creek Cemetery Association 386099140 $0 $0
River Ministries 383636787 $0 $0
Rotary International 386090641 $0 $0
Sheet Metal Workers Local 7 Zone 1 Five Cities Association Joint Apprentices 382286787 $307,819 $788,144
St Mary Parish 381359072 $0 $0
Trinity Episcopal Church 381549981 $0 $0
United Methodist Church of Marshall 381574443 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 200918483 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 510580475 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 542182727 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Michigan 386071012 $0 $0
Victory Free Will Baptist Church 382503236 $0 $0
Walters Elementary School Parent Council Organization 382243931 $0 $0
West Eckford Missionary Church 310995116 $0 $0
West Leroy Bible Church 383329695 $0 $0
Wilder Creek Conservation Club 386094560 $0 $0
Word of Life Incorporated 382723818 $0 $0
Zion Lutheran Church 381817673 $0 $0