There are 254 nonprofits in Monroe, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 383273924 $0 $0
Academy Preserve Incorporated 364657626 $0 $0
Alice a Stoddard Trust Uw 386052244 $62,328 $180,365
Alliance for Spay-neuter and Pet Rescue 201521109 $0 $0
Altrusa International Foundation Incorporated 463921198 $0 $0
Altrusa International Incorporated 386034988 $0 $0
American Association of University Women 386090759 $0 $0
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Orgs 381605542 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 320095395 $0 $0
American Legion 383426937 $0 $0
American Legion the Legion Association It14199 386075767 $0 $0
Amvets 205790065 $0 $0
Animal Welfare and Protection Coalition for Monroe County 272973026 $0 $0
Apostles Anglican Church Incorporated 204675985 $0 $0
Arneis Ensemble Company 271958755 $0 $0
Arthur Lesow Community Center 381716520 $258,667 $214,313
Association of Notre Dame Clubs Incorporated 382484051 $0 $1
Baycrest Incorporated 381254754 $0 $0
Bed Race to Aid Children Incorporated 272043869 $0 $0
Bethany Baptist Church 382259615 $0 $0
Big Brothers-big Sisters of Monroe County Incorporated 381881120 $90,651 $44,512
Bolles Harbor Improvement Association 382425901 $0 $0
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 346573846 $0 $0
Canvasback Gun Club 386088269 $75,629 $136,355
Caring Alternatives 382836571 $510,985 $344,769
Carrington Woods Homeowners Association Incorporated 275236605 $0 $0
Chi Sun Rhee Foundation 382485264 $1,824 $74,857
Child Advocacy Center of Monroe County Michigan Incorporated 201054895 $0 $0
Child Advocacy Network of Monroe County Incorporated 382549860 $0 $0
Christian and Missionary Alliance of Monroe Mi 237184059 $0 $0
Christs Open Door Missionary Church of Monroe Michigan 382526807 $0 $0
Collegiate Employ Net 341690369 $1,336 $10,811
Community Foundation of Monroe County 382236628 $1,831,270 $5,952,555
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381449622 $17,739,863 $152,600,460
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 237290196 $0 $0
Detroit Association of the Deaf Incorporated 386109103 $71,876 $261,337
Detroit Beach Association Incorporated 381355417 $83,687 $164,826
Detroit Beach Boat Club 386034200 $378,198 $825,157
Downtown Monroe Business Network 383147308 $0 $0
Eagles Nest Community Church 382985218 $0 $0
Earle and Elsie Little Scholarship Trust 386729055 $30,685 $314,355
Ed Net Incorporated 753063591 $0 $0
Edward M and Henrietta M Knabusch Scholarship Foundation 383450698 $746,389 $1,768,342
Edward M and Henrietta M Knabusch Trust 2 011894 386643328 $678,335 $3,915,507
El Shaddai Counseling and Consultation Services 450471054 $270,077 $55,901
Elevate Church 320245947 $0 $0
Emergency Nurses Association 383072502 $240,937 $168,250
Erie Shores Club Incorporated 386092472 $0 $0
Fahd Foundation 383229397 $16,501 $479
Faith Lutheran Church 382439167 $0 $0
Faithworks Medical 383858203 $45,260 $18,476
Family Counseling and Shelter Service of Monroe County 381810060 $621,294 $230,130
First Baptist Church 381840331 $0 $0
First Church of God 382326430 $0 $0
Foundation at Monroe County Community College 383442216 $2,426,605 $5,104,059
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237134908 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan 237511651 $0 $0
Frenchtown Senior Citizens Incorporated 382193946 $463,823 $176,072
Friends of Fairview 383244136 $0 $0
Friends of the Museum 274202405 $0 $0
Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield 383336105 $0 $0
Friends of the Youth Center Incorporated 263292108 $0 $0
Gabbys Ladder Incorporated 383564824 $98,116 $289,779
God Works Family Soup Kitchen 810679264 $64,566 $165,098
Grace Lutheran Church 381951668 $0 $0
Grand Beach Association Incorporated 386088834 $0 $0
Great Lakes Sports Academy 271349002 $0 $0
Gregory D and Kimberlee K White Foundation 266688253 $886,717 $824,693
Greyhound Expressions 200687324 $15,143 $33,396
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 383243925 $1,817,832 $1,637,001
Hall of Fame Club Incorporated 203157055 $0 $0
Heartbeat of Monroe Incorporated 382219995 $63,914 $79,688
Helping Hands of Monroe County Incorporated 383469675 $0 $0
Herman and Irene Gertz Foundation 386153472 $299,768 $1,081,950
Hermann Pinkus Lecture Foundation 382316081 $0 $0
Holiday Camp Association 386078158 $120,179 $155,383
Holy Ghost Lutheran Church 386024447 $0 $0
Holy Ghost Luthern Church and School Foundation 204676366 $21,332 $253,620
Home Builders Association of Monroe County 382537204 $67,798 $266,523
Home Community Supported Living Arrangements 382434863 $477,542 $86,937
Home Management Corporation 382433185 $59,085 $18,026
Home Non-profit Housing Corp 382088634 $307,045 $202,150
Hot Line to God 382118888 $184,467 $922,792
Humane Society of Monroe County Incorporated 386065565 $665,807 $883,847
Ida Recreation Commission 264263417 $21,880 $4,637
Immanuel Lutheran Church 386076883 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 382652228 $0 $0
Insurance Agents of Monroe County Foundation 461371686 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 510226716 $0 $0
International Longshoremans Association 203675865 $207,440 $143,258
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 381295531 $1,134,592 $1,195,321
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agriculture Workers 380513051 $0 $0
Jefferson Education Association 382108131 $109,038 $39,493
Jefferson Schools Band Boosters 270004903 $0 $0
John Tyner Chorale 383367938 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 382779820 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237141505 $445,270 $1,807
Knights of Columbus 237546881 $0 $0
La Z Boy Chair Company Voluntary Participant Benefit Trust 382439475 $0 $1
La-z-boy Foundation 386087673 $8,759,894 $17,980,177
Leon Wells Trust U W Nect Monroe Bank and Trust 386146348 $69,809 $285,112
Life Skills Abilities Connection 262135791 $0 $0
Living Independence for Everyone 382685452 $1,217,280 $1,625,629
Loomis Battery of Michigan Light Artillery 382199296 $0 $0
Lucille B Deinzer Charitable Trust 266251718 $1,206,164 $1,415,639
Marine Corps League 382503510 $0 $0
Mercy-memorial Hospital Corporation 381984289 $217,940,526 $193,187,007
Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel 382624936 $0 $0
Michigan Association of School Personnel Administrators 383286776 $83,364 $103,034
Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 237176997 $224,750 $349,132
Michigan State Medical Society 382566655 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300507303 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300507304 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300509591 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300510305 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300510307 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300511585 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300511743 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300512195 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300512274 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300542072 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300549390 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300554433 $0 $0
Michigan State University 300557407 $0 $0
Michigan State University 320266179 $0 $0
Michigan State University 352443831 $0 $0
Michigan State University 352467909 $0 $0
Michigan State University 352472422 $0 $0
Michigan State University 371573977 $0 $0
Michigan State University 371573981 $0 $0
Michigan State University 371573982 $0 $0
Michigan State University 371573983 $0 $0
Michigan State University 371576915 $0 $0
Michigan State University 381289367 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382440233 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382550619 $1,360,035 $2,688,715
Michigan State University 382554693 $0 $0
Michigan State University 382900937 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383011057 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383094188 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383205286 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383225114 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383236642 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383240657 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383373386 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383575023 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383871608 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383896396 $0 $0
Michigan State University 383899872 $0 $0
Michigan State University 611571500 $0 $0
Michigan State University 611615867 $0 $0
Michigan State University 611678718 $0 $0
Michigan State University 800291408 $0 $0
Michigan Steelhead and Salmon Fishermens Association 382698466 $0 $0
Miss Monroe County Scholarship Pageant Corporation Incorporated 383039939 $45,306 $67,730
Missionary Baptist Church of Monroe 381722421 $0 $0
Moms Club 651236117 $0 $0
Monroe Aging Consortium -mac 453072809 $0 $0
Monroe Area Soccer Association 383198994 $76,180 $51,687
Monroe Assembly of God 382434653 $0 $0
Monroe Boat Club 381514132 $531,376 $1,492,139
Monroe Cancer Center 271302183 $13,275,376 $2,259,164
Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools 455361012 $0 $0
Monroe Center for Opiate Dependence 900538315 $8 $1,105
Monroe Chapter 714 Women of the Moose 237520970 $0 $0
Monroe Charter Township Firefighters Association 383196491 $37,494 $57,250
Monroe Christian Church 382268192 $0 $0
Monroe Church of the Nazarene 382019331 $0 $0
Monroe City-county Fine Arts Council 237407030 $0 $0
Monroe Club Incorporated 381599780 $85,885 $362,286
Monroe Co-operative Preschool Incorporated 382373731 $18,136 $3,903
Monroe Community Health Services 382934134 $7,531,213 $7,068,252
Monroe Community Players 386076186 $0 $0
Monroe Council of Churches 382484360 $0 $0
Monroe County Association of Realtors Incorporated 386068561 $200,080 $394,134
Monroe County Business Development Corporation 382415486 $294,952 $423,631
Monroe County Chamber of Commerce Foundation 300138356 $0 $0
Monroe County Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 381566376 $374,734 $71,332
Monroe County Convention and Tourism Bureau Incorporated 382900824 $251,109 $153,013
Monroe County Council Cio Social and Welfare Association 381292799 $25,131 $164,983
Monroe County Fair Association 381456193 $2,178,084 $5,107,734
Monroe County Health Plan 203125132 $1,746,858 $1,929,046
Monroe County Historical Society 381377728 $428,949 $1,174,742
Monroe County Library Sytem Retiree Health Care Veba Trust 364494849 $0 $0
Monroe County Opportunity Program 381814239 $5,029,268 $2,370,273
Monroe County Right to Life 383551806 $0 $0
Monroe County Rod and Gun Club Incorporated 386036911 $313,006 $397,943
Monroe County Senior Legal Services Incorporated 382152284 $212,600 $377,147
Monroe Elm Street Chapel 810556253 $0 $0
Monroe Exchange Goodfellows Foundation Incorporated 453546416 $0 $0
Monroe Free Methodist Church 382254357 $0 $0
Monroe Full Gospel 237166727 $0 $0
Monroe Golf and Country Club 380847190 $1,760,945 $2,007,914
Monroe High School Alumni Association 272204524 $0 $0
Monroe Hockey Association Incorporated 383428168 $80,238 $42,826
Monroe Lodge No 884 Loyal Order of Moose 380774375 $391,530 $380,841
Monroe Mi Home Non-profit Housing Corporation 383158310 $0 $0
Monroe Outreach Ministries 383099375 $0 $0
Monroe Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 671 Jnt Apprnt and Trning Pl 382359331 $174,026 $359,442
Monroe Police Charities 271493215 $0 $0
Monroe Public Access Cable Television Incorporated 382642086 $255,705 $516,059
Monroe Senior Citizens Center Incorporated 381679755 $505,957 $207,978
N Monroe St Church of God Incorporated 205777566 $0 $0
National Exchange Club 381742477 $40,853 $45,160
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 386085174 $0 $0
National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research Association 237423798 $551,139 $694,180
New Beach Association Incorporated 381187020 $0 $0
New Life Fulfillment Incorporated 900352077 $0 $0
Overseas Veterans Association 386093523 $599 $2,799
Primera Iglesia Hispana De Monroe of the Christian and Missionary Al 270002074 $0 $0
Project Second Chance Monroe 452842718 $0 $0
River Raisin Centre for the Arts Incorporated 382770326 $484,005 $567,482
River Raisin Institute 320122862 $73,730 $46,474
River Raisin National Battlefield Park Foundation Incorporated 462501428 $0 $0
Riverside Church of the United Bretheren in Christ 382345136 $0 $0
Robert J Duffey Foundation 383472631 $56,125 $67,951
Rotary International 381433468 $83,667 $171,077
Ruth M Shoemaker Charitable Trust 383439276 $106,442 $294,358
Sawyer Homestead 382225995 $0 $0
Showlight Production Center 371538054 $0 $0
Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority Incorporated 386143416 $0 $0
Sigma Sigma Sigma Incorporated 451587228 $0 $0
Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Monroe Michigan Incorporated 381359581 $0 $0
Sodt Elementary Parent Teacher Organization 371431072 $21,241 $3,241
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 911914126 $0 $0
Southern Michigan Aquatic Club 352306881 $90,325 $14,337
Ssihm Charitable Trust 386533573 $0 $0
St Mary Catholic Central Endowment Fund 237312553 $430,481 $938,665
St Mary Catholic Central High School 381357992 $0 $0
St Michaels We Care Incorporated 387306651 $13,205 $302,893
St Nicks Club 263858736 $21,300 $9,487
St Patrick Catholic Education Endowment Trust Fund 237377860 $0 $0
St Paul Lutheran Church 386069492 $0 $0
Tailgaters Helping Aid Needy Kids Spirits Incorporated 383573115 $87,955 $29,593
The Education Foundation of the Monroe Public Schools 383558666 $0 $0
The@mon-arc of Monroe Incorporated 208521595 $88,614 $11,407
Thrift Shop Association of Monroe 386064620 $46,499 $273,892
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237622632 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925083 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church 381370977 $0 $0
True Gospel Missionary Baptist Church 237367302 $0 $0
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe 382604595 $0 $0
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe 386155145 $1,206,022 $684,420
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 010839301 $0 $0
United Way of Monroe County Incorporated 381437937 $1,780,588 $1,488,880
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Michigan 386093226 $535,645 $1,357,369
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Michigan Ladies Auxiliary 382676033 $0 $0
Vets Incorporated 382895520 $11,000 $53,707
Victory Christian Fellowship 201429704 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 382625299 $35,007 $35,121
Voiture Nationale La Societe Des 40 Hommes Et 8 Chevaux 386090058 $17,035 $44,748
Women Empowering Women 383607467 $115,538 $123,971
Young Mens Christian Association of Monroe Mich 381508585 $2,438,896 $6,571,796
Zion Lutheran Church 381505624 $0 $0