There are 15 nonprofits in Onsted, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Legion Post 0550 386147982 $156,885 $179,839
Bridge 320355456 $0 $0
Gateway Community Church of Onsted 386027970 $0 $0
Jeffrey Robideau Foundation 273585444 $21,319 $67,915
Lenawee County Foster and Adoptive Parents Association 383231596 $0 $0
Marine Corps League 043798795 $0 $0
Michigan Reach out 300122868 $433 $10,803
Onsted Community Recreation Committee Incorporated 382282651 $36,730 $0
Onsted Community School Foundation 382481840 $14,688 $311,661
Onsted Kiwanis Community Foundation 382993247 $0 $0
Saving Second Base 800689283 $0 $0
Southeast Michigan Carpentry Contractors Association 371449430 $0 $0
Toledo Naturalists Association Incorporated 237069103 $0 $0
Wildcat Athletics Booster Incorporated 030468560 $45,353 $34,945
Wooden Old Stone School Association 382489230 $0 $0