There are 267 nonprofits in Royal Oak, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
1806 Company 454841764 $0 $0
A Mission of Hope 200925429 $0 $0
A Squirrels Tale Wildlife Rehabilit Ation 721538926 $0 $0
Actors Alliance Conservatory of Theatre 382523804 $0 $0
Adopt More 272141370 $100,619 $625
Alderbrook School Incorporated 201174641 $364,785 $620,417
Ambassador Baptist Church and Bible Institute of Royal Oak Mich 386092636 $0 $0
American Art Therapy Association Incorporated 383389320 $0 $0
American Association of Zoo Keepers 382951240 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 237415710 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 382108659 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 386146483 $0 $0
American Institute of Graphic Arts 382962130 $0 $0
Angel Kisses Incorporated 452443847 $0 $0
Animal House of South East Michigan 460769240 $0 $0
Arm of the Lord Ministry 383147299 $51,276 $22,162
Arts Beats and Eats Foundation 383612481 $730,170 $292,130
Axis Music Foundation 453309118 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 141976222 $342,698 $1,427,235
Bethany Lutheran Church 382524713 $0 $0
Beverly Galyean Foundation 770085686 $0 $0
Birmingham Unified Youth Football Organization 830441945 $93,620 $32,489
Birzeit University Fund 382870089 $1,160,165 $273,400
Black Women Lawyers Association of Michigan 364526034 $0 $0
Bluewater Michigan Chapter of the Natl Railway Historical Society 382449893 $74,343 $115,956
Bonnell Foundation Living with Cystic Fibrosis 800631159 $58,908 $46,736
Boys and Girls Club of South Oakland County 381579180 $998,057 $290,406
Boys and Girls Club of South Oakland County Trust 386744171 $248,081 $579,589
Calvary Christian Church 386105878 $0 $0
Calvary House 263554902 $0 $0
Camp Casey Corporation 432058251 $247,973 $88,322
Canadian Legion B E S L Maple Leaf- 84 381585910 $71,487 $77,658
Cantata Academy 237063315 $0 $0
Cat Connection Incorporated 383285353 $0 $0
Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan 453623184 $146,070 $266,702
Center for Constitutional Studies 453963457 $6,000 $1,300
Central Africa Health Care Organization 371513532 $235,774 $767,289
Children Are Precious 383200733 $5,823 $85,539
Church of God of Prophency 383249103 $0 $0
Church of the Holy City 383076390 $0 $0
Clinton Rod and Gun Club 386087446 $0 $0
Coalition for Interior Design Registration 382676219 $20,886 $4,471
Committee for the Zoos Future 262511504 $0 $0
Community Homes 382442660 $4,141,292 $3,371,429
Council of Islamic Organizations Michigan 383073638 $80,017 $55,742
Couple Prayer Incorporated 450569841 $0 $0
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381362844 $1,151,198 $19,961,611
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381627404 $45,703,966 $208,133,560
Detroit Chapter 237379238 $285,893 $122,140
Detroit Curling Club 380478480 $203,134 $995,434
Detroit Focus 382283829 $0 $0
Detroit Weekly Incorporated 800533067 $0 $0
Detroit Zoological Society 386027356 $36,553,358 $42,844,978
Developu Now Incorporated 464834398 $0 $0
Digital Arts Film and Television 383234053 $0 $0
Dignity Detroit 382406909 $31,736 $78,854
Donna M Payne Foundation 300209023 $0 $0
Down Symdrome Guild of Southeast Michigan 382898106 $159,756 $111,951
Dream Project 061774023 $126,749 $7,823
Education for the Future 270842731 $0 $0
Electrical Apparatus Service Association 386088856 $7,135 $48,800
Emmanuel Bethel Church 382261305 $0 $0
Esperanto Society of Michigan 382516642 $0 $0
Excellence Matters Most Incorporated 320209119 $0 $0
Faith Baptist Church 381811689 $0 $0
Fast-d 274052800 $38,010 $449
Fast-d Hoops Incorporated 461070885 $8,610 $18
Father Clement H Kern Foundation 382613035 $29,355 $36,499
Fibromyalgia Association of Michigan 753103468 $0 $0
Finnish American Cultural Corporation 300549157 $2,775 $3,169
Frank Wendtland Post No 253 the American Legion 381412846 $382,845 $1,276,694
Fraternal Order of Eagles 380556635 $289,426 $281,590
Fraternal Order of Eagles 382204372 $0 $0
Freeman Wilner Foundation 383538576 $0 $0
French Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan 383286584 $8,574 $12,448
Friends of Polish Art 382371370 $0 $0
Friends of the Royal Oak Public Library 382177970 $53,160 $47,474
Gateway Counseling Center Incorporated 382014049 $74,280 $518
Genesis the Church 381368748 $0 $0
Gildas Club-metro Detroit 383150211 $578,461 $1,771,742
Gimme 5 a Fundraiser 208878633 $0 $0
Giving Hope and Nurturing Abroad 270820584 $0 $0
Gray Panthers-metro Detroit 382370179 $0 $0
Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild 383052706 $77,833 $88,438
Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh 237577655 $0 $0
Greater Detroit Aquarium Society 237328721 $0 $0
Greater Oakland Charter Chapter of the American Business Womens Association 383559347 $0 $0
Greater Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce 381200435 $352,588 $564,407
Green Place Detroit 371585311 $0 $0
H2opportunities 371578882 $94,782 $22,337
Here to Help Foundation 208057969 $1,259,803 $1,615,135
Higher Ground Hiv-aids Support Group 371460119 $0 $0
Honor Flight Michigan Legacy Incorporated 412232306 $55,830 $47,945
Inner Door Foundation 134296577 $68,909 $19
International Association of Fire Fighters 386091429 $62,374 $114,221
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 382429094 $68,771 $119,651
Israels Evangelistic Missions Incorporated 381724140 $0 $0
J Patrick Dineen Scholarship Fund 611627872 $31,909 $46,580
Jimmys Kids 300626732 $42,358 $48,986
Jordan Thomas Wachler Foundation 455523100 $0 $0
Judson Center Foundation 275341027 $2,034,843 $10,433,075
Judson Center Incorporated 381359084 $16,716,537 $18,632,465
Kidrelief Foundation 383423013 $1,595 $484,230
Kingdom Creations Enterprises 432094895 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 386118020 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 386118031 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237142929 $49,811 $544,150
Knights of Columbus 383469490 $0 $0
Korean First Presbyterian Church 382353584 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 201329686 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 383637597 $0 $0
Law Enforcement Records Management Association Incorporated Lerma 383190154 $0 $0
Life Raft Ministries 262081375 $11,975 $5,413
Live the Music Foundation 454395540 $0 $0
Lord Reigns Ministries 770681601 $0 $0
Luckett Christian Academy Incorporated 382201054 $0 $0
Madison Chorale 383467406 $0 $0
Madison Community Education Foundation 382903421 $0 $0
Mahlon and Jane Ozmun Ministries Incorporated 208137270 $0 $0
Making Math Count 800657723 $0 $0
Matt Langley Foundation Incorporated 550886985 $17,534 $44,016
Mcnish Family Foundation 300184715 $78,733 $230,843
Metro Carver of Michigan Incorporated 382952363 $0 $0
Metropolitan Club of America Incorporated 381229812 $0 $0
Metropolitan Club of America Incorporated 386081473 $14,668 $343,823
Metropolitan Club of America Incorporated 386143887 $0 $0
Metropolitan Club of Royal Oak Building Association Incorporated 381472430 $49,721 $365,366
Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel 382328748 $0 $0
Michigan Breast Cancer Coalition 261333170 $0 $0
Michigan Breast Cancer Coalition Fund 262617393 $0 $0
Michigan Now Radio and Tv 275364150 $82,800 $12,056
Michigan Satsang Society Incorporated 382752169 $0 $0
Michigan Society for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Incorporated 383233679 $0 $0
Michigan Society of Hematology and Oncology 382634114 $1,038,357 $1,234,337
Michigan State Podiatry Association Macomb Oakland Division Incorporated 382275996 $0 $0
Michigan United Soccer League 382700971 $97,254 $60,793
Michigan Wildlife Rehabilitators Association 383504746 $0 $0
Michigan Youth Football and Cheer Conference 272021637 $0 $0
Mind over Matter 421696387 $0 $0
Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Society 270414984 $140,400 $14,192
Mission Clinics International Incorporated 203032066 $0 $0
Missionaries for Christ 237125345 $0 $0
Mist 271471933 $220,985 $39,227
Moms Club 611643452 $0 $0
Motor City Free Greek Incorporated 320273852 $0 $0
Motorcity Urban Summer Enrichment 010928664 $0 $0
Msho Foundation 274895965 $233,457 $2,753
Muddy Water Zen 743111014 $0 $0
My Fathers House of Prayer 364555123 $0 $0
National Association for Catering and Events 611211348 $0 $0
National Association of Career Women 382786843 $0 $0
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts 942611590 $0 $0
National Council for Geocosmic Research Incorporated 383755308 $0 $0
National Council of Arts Administrators 461749341 $0 $0
National Federation of Music Clubs 800287651 $0 $0
National Organization for Women Incorporated 510242767 $0 $0
National Peace Academy 272285227 $218,472 $13,155
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 386065592 $0 $0
National Spiritualist Association of Churches 386064553 $0 $0
Neighborhood Residential 382989635 $2,173,864 $485,837
Neil Samuel Ghiso Foundation 010623939 $0 $0
New Beginnings Animal Rescue 611624348 $80,494 $300,104
New City Presbyterian Church 454750427 $0 $0
Nikora Foundation Incorporated 461062385 $0 $0
Normandy Road Baptist Church 381777125 $0 $0
Northwood Baptist Church 381973097 $0 $0
Oakland Brass Band 020802528 $0 $0
Open Door Ministries 383523598 $0 $0
Optiminds 272691353 $0 $0
Optimist International 386144634 $0 $0
Ordo Templi Orientis USA 223881651 $0 $0
Ostomy Association of Oakland County Incorporated 237094996 $0 $0
Pages to Stages 113842263 $0 $0
Pams Place Counseling Center 383543357 $61,399 $3,592
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 461491871 $0 $0
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Detroit 382826660 $0 $0
Porky Hill Ranch 386039054 $0 $0
Progressive Lifestyles Incorporated 382455152 $8,184,191 $1,936,285
Project Healthy Community 462392799 $0 $0
Ptsa Michican Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 383074546 $67,660 $12,525
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 010897604 $60,503 $49,022
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 204956883 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 208419139 $9,156 $4,085
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 260200895 $51,472 $12,454
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382231222 $0 $0
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382316684 $84,278 $24,496
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382317298 $5,690 $7,473
Ptsa Michigan Congress of Parents Teachers and Students 382612892 $0 $0
Reconciliation Word Ministry Incorporated 383137571 $0 $0
Recycling for Charities 203154736 $0 $0
Red Run Golf Club 380958820 $6,406,196 $5,848,635
Renaissance Fencing Incorporated 711032992 $103,064 $17,779
Robert a Schuele Scholarship Fundinc 205032806 $58,507 $69,926
Robin Sullivan Ministries Incorporated 421692378 $0 $0
Rotary International 386077373 $0 $0
Royal Oak Arts Council 382330913 $0 $0
Royal Oak Childrens Choir 383417642 $27,105 $1,372
Royal Oak Drama Boosters 383887994 $0 $0
Royal Oak Foundation for Public Education 383147156 $197,483 $402,772
Royal Oak High School Band and Orchestra Booster 382451163 $0 $0
Royal Oak High School Choir Boosters 461229498 $0 $0
Royal Oak High School Varsity Dance Team Booster Club 421708694 $0 $0
Royal Oak Historical Society 383435715 $0 $0
Royal Oak Lacrosse Boosters 202142890 $0 $0
Royal Oak Lions Charities Incorporated 382432046 $102,794 $91,264
Royal Oak Missionary Church 381744840 $0 $0
Royal Oak Police Officers Association Incorporated 380004646 $138,399 $106,562
Royal Oak Prevention Coalition 382486117 $382,525 $8,125
Royal Oak Restaurant Association 061734485 $126,851 $34,992
Royal Oak Rotary Foundation 386104470 $0 $0
Royal Oak Sandlot League 352233665 $120,175 $121,934
Royal Oak Symphony Orchestra 461397272 $0 $0
Royal Oak Unity Temple 386081339 $0 $0
Royal Oak Womans Club 381207580 $64,115 $48,917
Royal Oak Youth Assistance Program 462751759 $79,744 $84,230
Royal Oak Youth Soccer Association 382240054 $374,998 $149,955
Running USA Incorporated 364303950 $933,963 $711,292
Russell Island Foundation 382701223 $0 $0
Schneider Engstrom Foundation 386106819 $1,003 $29,212
Scottish American Society of Michigan 270200218 $12,840 $776
Seaholm Offers Support Incorporated 462589389 $0 $0
Shih Tzu and Japanese Chin Rescue 770706341 $0 $0
Shrine Educational Fund 463934492 $0 $0
Siberian Husky Club of Greater Detroit 383001129 $0 $0
Sigma Kappa Sorority 351883042 $0 $0
Sign of the Covenant Mcc 383432963 $0 $0
Singles for Sailing Incorporated 382377254 $0 $0
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 386091134 $0 $0
South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless 371437781 $75,152 $45,720
Southeast Michigan Industry Liaison Group 383323081 $0 $0
Spare Tire Racing 263929195 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Royal Oak 911861892 $0 $0
Springfed Arts 383443098 $68,341 $10,953
St Paul Lutheran Church 381381290 $0 $0
Stagecrafters 386093714 $901,971 $1,673,538
Stella Matutina Oconnor Foundation 383267209 $12,607 $536,338
Stop the Loss Foundation Incorporated 271742223 $0 $0
Taiwanese Fellowship-detroit 383110692 $0 $0
The Baskets of Hope 371604535 $0 $0
The Mankind Project 203798851 $0 $0
The Winter Blast Foundation 205972962 $142,049 $53,816
Three Pillars - an Educational Services Provider 270634528 $6,330,670 $1,562,089
Thumb Association 382710295 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901027332 $0 $0
Together We Can 382904633 $20,379 $13,734
Totally Vegetarian 271309610 $0 $0
Trout Unlimited 382905818 $45,558 $47,319
True Gospel Radio Ministry 453584156 $0 $0
True Vine Church of Jesus Christ 237136033 $0 $0
United International Christian Church 383379146 $0 $0
United States Junior Chamber of Commerce 562384315 $0 $0
Unity Church of Royal Oak 381854636 $0 $0
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 386091258 $0 $0
Veggies in Motion 383602198 $74,668 $167,639
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Michigan 381650166 $226,098 $370,479
Volterra-detroit Foundation 272934917 $186,403 $396,413
Volunteer Committees of Art Museums 362889674 $8,575 $13,063
Waterworks Theatre Company Incorporated 383606630 $66,096 $2,225
Wellspring of Hope Foundation Incorporated 412202580 $79,093 $44,079
Wings a Positive Social Opportunities Network 383337014 $32,106 $524,899
Wipp Education Foundation Incorporated 272953889 $1,000 $21,641
Within Reach Charitable Foundation 453845344 $0 $0
Women Impacting Public Policy Incorporated 383610205 $1,222,858 $564,625
Women in Communications of Detroit 383331630 $0 $0
Woodlawn Church of God 381812168 $0 $0
Woodward Avenue Action Association Incorporated 383282912 $682,932 $291,373