There are 162 nonprofits in St. Joseph, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
Alex Mandarino Foundation 464144469 $0 $0
American Chemical Society 382259841 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 380298762 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178887 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178900 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178909 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178911 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178913 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178914 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 311178921 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 382741364 $234,676 $2,744,274
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 450408398 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 460458064 $0 $0
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 611101878 $0 $0
Animal Aid of Southwestern Michigan Incorporated 382482008 $0 $0
At53 Incorporated 462944667 $0 $0
Aun Hay Esperanza 452977976 $0 $0
Benton Harbor Outreach Ministry 262115049 $0 $0
Berrien Artist Guild Incorporated 382494084 $423,446 $1,449,691
Berrien Community Foundation Incorporated 386057160 $12,635,580 $33,229,231
Berrien County Blanket Brigade 364754204 $0 $0
Berrien County Council for Children 382265793 $435,546 $505,277
Berrien County Right to Life Incorporated 382198560 $0 $0
Berrien County Victim Services Unit 271133420 $0 $0
Berrien General Hospital Auxiliary 237205742 $0 $1
Berrien General Hospital Incorporated 383136002 $0 $1
Berrien Towne and Country Quilters 382948766 $0 $0
Birthright of St Joseph Incorporated 382182914 $187,280 $1,231,568
Blossomland Amateur Radio Association 320111018 $0 $0
Blossomtime Incorporated 386018473 $289,804 $167,407
Blossomtime Scholarship Fund 383564248 $0 $0
Bluffside Development Incorporated 263100278 $0 $0
Bridge to China 208336516 $0 $0
Chapel an Evangelical Free Church 382293706 $0 $0
Christian Reformed Church of St Joseph 386109603 $0 $0
Cis Christian Involvement in Service 300275826 $54,933 $22,284
Citizens Mediation Service Incorporated 383024909 $99,202 $10,219
Cornerstone Missionary Church 383319595 $0 $0
Council for the Christian Arts 383058602 $0 $750
Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan 381231023 $45,907,143 $472,518,124
Culture Need and Heritagefoundation 205152448 $36,950 $388,357
Curious Kids Museum 382816471 $576,289 $1,997,413
David F and Linda L Upton Family Foundation 383417728 $1 $1
Deer Creek Open Space Association Incorporated 383474667 $5,158 $1,489,074
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 386086265 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 386143141 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 237329497 $0 $0
Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan 386089463 $537,602 $311,561
Executive Womens Golf Association Incorporated 455360305 $0 $0
Fc Reiaj 272701249 $153,782 $7,200
First Assembly of God Church 382019440 $0 $0
First Baptist Church of St Joseph 381714380 $0 $0
First Church of God in Saint Joseph Michigan 381708461 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 237148748 $156,005 $273,003
German District of the Assemblies of God 340920606 $0 $0
Good Fellow Trusts 382487323 $37,420 $46,616
Grace Lutheran Church 381515418 $0 $0
Hanson Family Foundation 383030572 $1,378,256 $463,614
Hartford Area Non Profit Housing Corporation 382488320 $354,376 $724,804
Havana Animal Care Fund Incorporated 562576132 $0 $0
Heap Charitable Foundation 263074685 $0 $0
Heartbeat Mission 320166354 $0 $0
Helping Our Youth Achieve Incorporated 800642093 $34,400 $26,762
Hospice at Home Incorporated 382416086 $14,652,483 $9,107,095
Indian Hills Garden Club Incorporated 382586320 $0 $0
Indiana State High School Hockey Association Incorporated 351708243 $87,219 $60,924
International Association of Fire Fighters 382114211 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 386093395 $3,131 $3,252
John Schindler Ministries 383305933 $23,618 $4,019
Kiwanis International Incorporated 386067026 $30,509 $23,380
Krasl Art Center Charitable Trust 386475352 $280,158 $595,417
Krasl Art Center Incorporated 237009281 $1,033,168 $9,245,846
La Leche League International Incorporated 382822786 $0 $0
Lake Michigan Yachting Association 364381641 $84,984 $76,430
Lakeland Choral Society Incorporated a Michian Non-profit Corporation 382392282 $0 $0
Lakeland Health Care Auxiliary 383674457 $1,607,172 $747,554
Lakeland Health Foundation Benton Harbor - St Joseph 382539929 $7,804,996 $7,371,735
Lakeland Health Foundation Niles 383130558 $1,749,011 $1,307,613
Lakeland Healthcare 382609624 $16,678,040 $22,186,365
Lakeland Regional Health System Associate Benefit Program Trust 462332843 $0 $0
Lakeland Specialty Hospital at Berrien Center 383452303 $19,789,877 $5,865,264
Lakeshore Band Parents Incorporated 460693541 $0 $0
Lakeshore Rotary Foundation 383500168 $14,280 $135,758
Lawrence Area Non-profit Housing Corporation 382592242 $216,191 $339,187
Martin Luther Memorial Home Incorporated 386076645 $1,488,135 $9,515,574
Mary Friedman Baske Family Foundation Incorporated 582462400 $42,262 $622,567
Marzke Family Foundation 383584852 $8,873 $804,155
Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel 382624880 $0 $0
Michigan Hospice Volunteer Coordinators Association 383081863 $0 $0
Michigan Lutheran High School 381915418 $0 $0
Michigans Great Southwest Sustainable Business Forum 383825605 $0 $0
Moms Club 260057039 $0 $0
Moms Club 510586827 $0 $0
Movement International 462595412 $0 $0
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 386143323 $0 $0
National Council of the United States Society of St Vincent Depau 271733678 $42,540 $4,810
New Apostolic Church of Saint Joseph Mi 363406138 $0 $0
Niles Road Community Church 382216908 $0 $0
Oakridge Baptist Church 381876491 $0 $0
Old St Joseph Neighborhood Preservation Association 382445113 $0 $0
Pace of Southwest Michigan Incorporated 451148618 $1,945,074 $243,754
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 383544132 $0 $0
Peace Lutheran Church 383130589 $324,644 $1,273,235
Pennies from Heaven 900881218 $0 $0
Riverview Park Christian Church 382120885 $0 $0
Road Runners Club of America 460840741 $0 $0
Rotary International 386063743 $53,622 $42,431
Saint Joseph First United Methodist Church 381398841 $0 $0
Save a Stray 263440894 $31,633 $13,280
Schalon Foundation 383341098 $1,346,262 $4,228,914
Silver Beach Carousel Society Incorporated 383439880 $497,468 $934,525
Silver Beach Shadowland 263544635 $526,878 $697,157
Society for Preservation and Encrgmnt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 386111617 $0 $0
Society of Plastics Engineers 042753844 $0 $0
Society of Women Engineers 200998509 $0 $0
Southwest Michigan Bible Quizzing 562559169 $1,200 $302
Southwest Michigan Kickers Soccer Foundation 460980661 $0 $0
Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra Incorporated 386090138 $649,479 $311,159
Southwestern Michigan Board of Realtors Incorporated 381841476 $379,754 $621,132
Sovereign Arch Coporation 382442071 $401,422 $1,078,097
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of St Joseph 382215000 $0 $0
St Joe Kickers Sport Club Incorporated 386217499 $260,677 $1,280,464
St Joseph American Legion Baseball Corp 382427200 $0 $0
St Joseph Aquatics Incorporated 381943383 $47,362 $13,224
St Joseph Band and Orchestra Parents Association 382332150 $77,742 $30,554
St Joseph Baseball Association 382851909 $40,773 $12,743
St Joseph Education Association 381897520 $0 $0
St Joseph Grizzlies Travel Baseball Association 272202083 $0 $0
St Joseph Improvement Association Incorporated 381545780 $15,918 $133,849
St Joseph Junior Foundation Incorporated 381558024 $116,598 $935,088
St Joseph Kiwanis Foundation 386117678 $161,440 $507,742
St Joseph Kiwanis Service Foundation 383384379 $12,958 $37,370
St Joseph Lions Club Mergenthaler Scholarship Fund Incorporated 382390201 $12,027 $144,838
St Joseph Public Schools Foundation 383296523 $649,877 $639,831
St Joseph River Yacht Club 381508325 $799,093 $1,752,849
St Joseph Today Association 382277933 $365,478 $121,474
St Joseph-benton Harbor Rotaryclub Foundation Incorporated 382336366 $1,080,898 $1,386,226
St Joseph-lincoln Senior Service Center Incorporated 382085893 $500,560 $1,689,195
St Pauls Episcopal Church 386027454 $0 $0
Stanley O Miller Charitable Fund 386062439 $34,291 $214,320
Sunset Coast Pageant Incorporated 273368689 $0 $0
Teen Leadership and Lifestyle Institute 300423820 $0 $0
Temple Bnai Shalom Endowment Fund 237383478 $942,586 $1,395,845
The Heritage Museum and Cultural Center 381791320 $400,736 $1,986,536
Thomas and Maria Yeager Family Foundation 261141395 $153 $147,694
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237622755 $0 $0
Tiscornia Foundation Incorporated 381777343 $6,099,252 $3,566,559
Toastmasters International 386146714 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 611588873 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church 381393857 $0 $0
Twin City Area Catholic School Fund Incorporated 237129409 $900,895 $4,116,337
Twin City Camera Club Incorporated 386090136 $0 $0
Twin City Players 381334859 $112,161 $436,379
United Way of Southwest Michigan 381358411 $4,065,255 $6,762,456
Vasa Order of America 237631555 $0 $0
Venetian Festival on the St Joseph River Incorporated 382415227 $11,197 $10,543
Vision Outreach International Incorporated 383621703 $217,183 $112,900
Washington Avenue Church of God 382820609 $0 $0
Womens Service League Benevolences 237206264 $20,619 $55,466
World Chamberlain Genealogical Society 383259112 $1,738 $7,900
World Wide Education Board 383402702 $0 $0
Young Mens Christian Association Benton Harbor St Joseph 381358054 $2,313,719 $3,627,897