There are 141 nonprofits in Apple Valley, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
4 Keeps Enterprise 800349734 $0 $0
Al-noor Cultural Center 275420049 $0 $0
American Association of Zoo Keepers 411774643 $0 $0
American Choral Directors 411816497 $358,467 $656,820
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 237033900 $0 $0
American Federation of Teachers 411412301 $1,493,756 $280,903
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 411432883 $0 $0
American Legion 411312367 $6,932,178 $720,490
American Rose Society 416039009 $0 $0
American Rose Society 581840963 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 237164072 $0 $0
Applause Community Theatre 411303327 $0 $0
Apple Valley American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1776 310905007 $26,987 $8,795
Apple Valley Area Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 411336187 $305,405 $231,861
Apple Valley Baptist Church 411236352 $0 $0
Apple Valley Business Watch 900784461 $0 $0
Apple Valley Firefighters Relief Association 411329015 $0 $0
Apple Valley Foundation 411948213 $0 $0
Apple Valley Freedom Days 411978186 $23,549 $3,256
Apple Valley High School Trap Shooting Club Incorporated 464199989 $0 $0
Apple Valley High School-band Booster Club 411468108 $0 $0
Apple Valley Hockey Association 510158274 $6,796,353 $374,575
Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Foundation 411855981 $111,805 $344,856
Apple Valley Seniors 411780555 $34,862 $31,659
Baptist Church Planting Ministry 411781759 $320,947 $49,803
Bundles of Love 411992691 $326,241 $321,360
Calvary Worship Center Incorporated 411683140 $0 $0
Christ New Testament Church 411510665 $0 $0
Circle of Friends Center 411994232 $0 $0
City of Apple Valley Health Reimbursement Arrangement Trust 331194043 $0 $0
Club Up Foundation 460963697 $0 $0
Community Athletic Development Program 202643041 $157,231 $156,782
Dakota County Community Corrections Association 352257794 $22,669 $73,749
Dakota County United Educators Dental Reimbursement Fund 411873649 $1,593,772 $2,240,610
Dakota Fine Arts Consortium 411883696 $0 $0
Dakota Future 208101769 $16,346 $1
Dan and Kay Shimek Foundation 270035772 $21 $9,293
Daughters of the Nile 237527193 $0 $0
Eastside Banshees Rugby Football Club Incorporated 861154870 $0 $0
Eastview Athletic Association 411898790 $716,641 $364,164
Eastview Community Foundation 411981823 $137,673 $194,271
Eastview Hockey Association 411895742 $1,833,392 $181,012
Eastview Lightning Touchdown Club 262188551 $86,526 $7,136
Eastview Volleyball Booster Club 371539568 $51,568 $35,628
Eko Club International-minnesota 731719130 $0 $0
Foundation for Early Childhood Family Services Isd 196 352201262 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 202166482 $33,453 $16,265
Friends of Paideia 205531904 $0 $1
Gapp Services Incorporated 411880819 $218,681 $9,812
Garden at River Ridge 453277895 $13,755 $463
Global Conservation Network 411719362 $976,492 $1,717,551
Global Facilitators Serving Communities Incorporated 134216200 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 411737430 $0 $0
Grace Lutheran Church 411260997 $0 $0
Grace Preschool 410901982 $0 $0
Greenleaf Booster Association 743070640 $139,332 $122,456
Hands of Freedom 200189468 $112,501 $268,348
Hearts in Mexico 412006770 $0 $0
Helping Hands USA Incorporated 204825512 $0 $0
Heywer Chronic Pain Association 412022776 $0 $0
Hope Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 411387521 $0 $0
Human Services Supervisors Association 272549803 $0 $0
Impact Ministries International 364170816 $0 $0
International Association of Administrative Professionals 743061847 $0 $0
International Association of Facilitators 411779904 $379,181 $286,950
International Association of Lions Clubs 237116666 $1,819,476 $103,011
International Association of Lions Clubs 411594245 $0 $0
International Experimental Aerospace Society 141841311 $0 $0
Judo Minnesota Incorporated 272583318 $0 $0
K9 Search and Rescue Resources Incorporated 411993482 $0 $0
Kids-n-kinship Incorporated 411395432 $185,274 $145,961
Kneel Home Education Association 261899562 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 204391814 $0 $0
Lakota Journey Incorporated 208010157 $0 $0
Legal Assistance of Dakota County Ltd 410996581 $349,287 $152,237
Light of the World Lutheran Church 208872040 $277,094 $100,273
Maghimai Ministries 270113321 $0 $0
Mary Moon Foundation Incorporated 452904350 $0 $0
Metro Christian Fellowship 020559960 $0 $0
Metro Friendship Foundation 020742491 $82,694 $38,109
Midway Judo Club 411437488 $0 $0
Ministry Outfitters 203011992 $0 $0
Minneapolis St Paul Dream Center Incorporated 455598674 $0 $0
Minnesota Dahlia Society Incorporated 272682910 $0 $0
Minnesota Valley Mothers of Multiples 411796565 $107,066 $30,474
Minnesota Valley Womens Chorale 453059863 $0 $0
Minnesota Zoo Foundation 510147653 $4,654,465 $4,193,297
Mn Elite Prep Development Hs Hockey League Incorporated 272987849 $146,475 $12,800
Mn Leathernecks Motorcycle Club International 453949000 $0 $0
Moms Club 912128337 $0 $0
Monrovia College Alumni Association in the Americas 223462321 $0 $0
Mosaic Ministries 411988309 $0 $0
New Covenant Fellowship 411363839 $0 $0
New Life Community Church Reformed Church in America 411457512 $0 $0
Order of Ahepa 237566479 $0 $0
Order of Ahepa Daughters of Penelope 42 Helios 237566486 $0 $0
Orphan Advocates International Incorporated 200228030 $24,396 $2,898
Padraigs Place 300556036 $94,683 $43,943
Paideia Academy Pto 461132641 $0 $0
Paideia Team Incorporated 061725440 $4,297,856 $2,001,117
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 463694788 $0 $0
Paul Soderlind Memorial Scholarship Fund 412115120 $0 $0
Persons Helping People 411694840 $622,634 $121,030
Post 1776 American Legion Riders 271031369 $0 $0
Potters House Apostolic Ministry 452926012 $0 $0
Pregnancy Choices Lifecare Center Incorporated 205272922 $253,966 $106,634
Progress and Joy 452508403 $137,019 $19,614
Promise Congregational Church 411715664 $0 $0
Reaching Up Ministries 274860159 $0 $0
Regent at Apple Valley Llc 262374517 $0 $0
Rhs Boys Hockey Blueline Club 262771064 $0 $0
Rhs Girls Basketball Boosters 320399969 $0 $0
River Valley Church 760769457 $0 $0
River Valley Church Minnestrista Campus 411563784 $0 $0
Rotary International 411570209 $35,991 $38,014
Rvpe Foundation 731661463 $0 $0
School of Environmental Studies Education Foundation 411950371 $40,651 $376,017
Seniors Learning Together Incorporated 412005440 $0 $0
Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI Incorporated 411454760 $0 $0
Sons of Norway 411563447 $0 $0
South Suburban Conference 272494270 $118,093 $8,468
South Suburban Evangelical Free Church 411418444 $0 $0
Southland City Church of the Assemblies of God 270990689 $0 $0
Spirit of Life Presbyterian Church 411852248 $0 $0
Spread Hope Through Education 270388741 $0 $0
Studies in Grace 200482616 $29,018 $20,186
Telugu Association of Minnesota 900089250 $25,512 $24,269
The Garden at River Ridge 473277895 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 411725631 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900868517 $0 $0
Trail Blazers Ministry 205910152 $0 $0
Turkish American Association of Minnesota 461222404 $0 $0
United Educators Credit Union 410802271 $5,628,813 $147,053,863
United for Autism 273623194 $0 $0
Us Math Recovery Council 050538927 $1,831,843 $1,253,973
Valley Athletic Association 237009995 $811,868 $403,188
Valley Christian Church 411475231 $0 $0
Velvet Tones 542182726 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Minnesota 411766292 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 411652288 $0 $0
Wings Financial Foundation 411929671 $0 $197,613