There are 62 nonprofits in Crystal, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
Allstar Academy of Nations Child Care and Education Center 800330709 $0 $0
American Chemical Society 411321821 $0 $0
American Federation of Teachers 208008923 $0 $0
American Federation of Teachers 410953474 $972,459 $754,677
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 416024311 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 410123167 $102,738 $508,856
Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis 416025318 $0 $0
Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis 270883232 $0 $0
Armstrong Cooper Basketball Incorporated 411872971 $117,810 $73,701
Association of Slavic Baptist Churches of the Midwest USA 204560098 $0 $0
Band of Brothers 611612401 $0 $0
Brunswick United Methodist Church 410857617 $0 $0
Cameroon Childrens Ministry 271721743 $48,363 $3,186
Caring for All Incorporated 562552498 $0 $0
Center for Girls Leadership 454288669 $0 $0
Club Cherokee Incorporated 411664028 $305,075 $615,050
Cornerstone Church 410757871 $0 $0
Crystal Crime Prevention Board 461785493 $0 $0
Crystal Frolics Committee Incorporated 411600648 $73,743 $87,529
Crystal Fund for Community Progress Incorporated 421676723 $0 $0
Doug Stanton Ministries International 411817060 $0 $1
Evergreen Montessori Incorporated 410918423 $297,349 $170,622
Fair School Pto 611531755 $0 $0
Faith International Academy 262130043 $0 $0
Full Proof Ministry Church of God in Christ 453788107 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 237188262 $0 $0
Iglesia Christiana Ebenezer 273362202 $7,403 $0
Image of God 363457001 $24,892 $18,797
International Association of Administrative Professionals 411856847 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 411363830 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 463522968 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 416145131 $1,797,690 $55,771
Katha Dance Theatre 363557119 $269,031 $126,366
Kodys Closet 461721203 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary Department of Minnesota Veterans of Foreign Wars 411839551 $0 $0
Lionsgate Academy 208933066 $7,433,960 $1,385,554
Metro Womens Center 411665834 $164,041 $334,015
Minnesota African Refugees and Immigrants Initiatives 411922582 $0 $0
Minnesota Association of Veterinary Technicians 411502841 $122,721 $259,393
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 411928176 $0 $0
North Suburban Emergency Assistance Response Incorporated 411279766 $771,729 $885,384
Northwest Suburban Dinner at Your Door 237213043 $137,050 $35,968
Omega Team Incorporated 203215010 $32,805 $4,214
Plastic Surgery Administrative Association 251307385 $30,437 $18,377
Praise Christian Center 410824186 $0 $0
Prodeo Academy 800743744 $0 $0
Pta Minnesota Congress 237151214 $37,617 $7,278
Redeemer Reformed Church 411994814 $0 $0
Reign Ministries 411430767 $2,470,515 $1,202,762
Renewed Dwellings Incorporated 411727608 $2,996 $106,359
Robbinsdale Cooper High School Music Boosters Incorporated 411785078 $0 $0
Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota 237158498 $0 $0
Save All Dogs Foundation 460627870 $0 $0
St James Lutheran Church 410859025 $0 $0
Support and Develop Americas Best Scholarship Incorporated 562672377 $0 $0
Through the Darkness Parents Helping Parents 461194889 $0 $0
Universal Dance Destiny 454880309 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Minnesota 410763665 $3,814,917 $581,914
Victory Chapel United Church of God in Christ Incorporated 311751457 $0 $0
West Metro Fire Rescue District Firefighters Relief Association 411924724 $2,452,927 $6,272,653
Whos Next 274011977 $0 $0
Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release 411775492 $0 $0