There are 12 nonprofits in Gonvick, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Legion Auxiliary 416036798 $0 $0
American Legion Post 0304 Gonvick Post 416040722 $106,340 $63,965
Clearwater Christmas Project 463764225 $0 $0
Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Clearwater County 410249987 $330,504 $999,726
Gonvick 75th Diamond Jubilee 363370297 $269,690 $47,384
Highway Ambassadors for Christ 456013467 $0 $0
Lions International 411558093 $174,483 $72,656
National Rural Letter Carriers Association 237233926 $0 $0
Samhold Lutheran Church 411346031 $0 $0
Sons of Norway 237525628 $0 $0
Thorbeck Foundation 363487775 $113,759 $219,289
United Lutheran Church 411765272 $0 $0