There are 11 nonprofits in Graceville, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Legion Auxiliary 416040554 $0 $0
American Legion Post 0297 Jesse Poole Post 416040134 $0 $0
Clinton Graceville Beardsley Education Association 743200964 $0 $0
Friends of the Graceville Public Library Foundation 205665630 $0 $0
Graceville Golf Club Incorporated 416030174 $149,620 $199,229
Graceville Health Center 410726173 $8,056,440 $2,485,089
Graceville Womens Organization 411809895 $0 $0
Mike J Hofen and Sam Wollman Etal Ptr Big Stone Hutterian Brethren Incorporated 416029403 $0 $0
Mt Olive Lutheran Church 416087223 $0 $0
Siloah Lutheran Church 416031910 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church 416006421 $0 $0