There are 12 nonprofits in Kensington, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Legion Post 0393 416038856 $0 $0
First Lutheran Church 410918727 $0 $0
Kensington Area Heritage Society Incorporated 562535179 $7,460 $87,149
Kensington Covenant Church Kensington Mn 208480254 $0 $0
Kensington Volunteer Firemens Benefit Association 931051660 $361,954 $250,100
Nora Lutheran Church 411291519 $0 $0
Runestone Park Foundation 237252226 $0 $0
Saint Paul Lutheran Church 416094229 $0 $0
Solem Church 416025916 $0 $0
Solem Lutheran Cemetery Association 411475430 $0 $0
Wennersborg Lutheran Cemetery Association of Grant and Douglas Counties-minn 410883497 $0 $0
West Central Hunters for Habitat 411960754 $0 $0