There are 73 nonprofits in Luverne, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 411910750 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 411936138 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 830512874 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 411813501 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 454899701 $0 $0
American Legion 410741396 $84,904 $216,934
American Legion Auxiliary 416039723 $0 $0
American Reformed Church of Luverne Minnesota 411339713 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 237141332 $0 $0
Beaver Creek Mutual Insurance Co 410142840 $0 $0
Blue Mound Area Theatre 411372640 $233,565 $880,925
Blue Mound Cemetery Association of Luverne 411333449 $0 $0
Blue Mound Figure Skaters Incorporated 200408325 $87,780 $11,611
Blue Mound Wrestling Club 411773194 $0 $0
Blue Mounds State Park Partners Incorporated 411891225 $0 $0
Brandenburg Prairie Foundation Incorporated 411960483 $25,896 $188,459
Christian Reformed Church 410747059 $0 $0
Cottonwood County and Adrian Minnesota Independent School Dis 830512560 $0 $0
Crossbox Missions 411891907 $0 $0
Firemens Relief Assns of Minn Luverne Association 416037898 $115,450 $814,401
First Assembly of God 411659298 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237131658 $271,783 $224,291
Friends of the Rock County Library 311516536 $0 $0
Green Earth Players Incorporated 411334068 $0 $0
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 411999312 $22,936 $498,625
Holy Trinity Church 900338187 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 416038020 $0 $0
Kenneth Lutheran Church 411341770 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237543182 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237546928 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary Department of Minnesota Veterans of Foreign Wars 411364004 $0 $0
Living Rock 273652280 $0 $0
Luverne Area Community Foundation 411512905 $395,008 $2,363,330
Luverne Backpack Program 272458093 $0 $0
Luverne Baseball Association 411885295 $0 $0
Luverne Chamber of Commerce 410834366 $233,177 $8,765
Luverne Community Economic Development Corporation 411610875 $0 $0
Luverne Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses 237417660 $0 $0
Luverne Country Club Incorporated 410635666 $423,155 $547,783
Luverne Education Association 237125691 $0 $0
Luverne Hockey Club 411685848 $606,973 $1,202,092
Luverne Initiatives for Tomorrow 990381643 $0 $0
Luverne Music Boosters 411570220 $67,094 $60,619
Luverne Senior Citizen Center Incorporated 411381175 $0 $0
Maplewood Cemetery Association 410393355 $163,674 $427,087
Minnesota Pork Producers Association 411473290 $0 $0
Nu Alpha Sorority Incorporated 411706167 $0 $0
Optimist International 411330969 $823,989 $10,504
Regents of the University of Minnesota 205071883 $114,822 $117,348
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515210 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515208 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515204 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515201 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515199 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515197 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515196 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611515195 $0 $0
Remember Rally Incorporated 201219043 $0 $0
Rock County Agricultural Society 411273319 $194,545 $18,268
Rock County Fine Arts Association Incorporated 411723945 $0 $0
Rock County Historical Society 411441481 $0 $0
Rock County Opportunities Incorporated 410911814 $970,558 $1,219,063
Rock County Red Arrow Incorporated 416054758 $57,598 $23,625
Rock River Wranglers Incorporated 411670745 $0 $0
Rotary International 410884054 $0 $0
Scholarship America Incorporated 464134858 $0 $0
Sharing Hearts Are Reaching Everyone 411601346 $0 $0
Southwestern Mental Health Center Incorporated 410914354 $6,344,314 $6,021,872
St John Evangelical Lutheran Church 410745523 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237623467 $0 $0
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery Association 421218789 $11,741 $42,538
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 342057093 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Minnesota 410688606 $0 $0