There are 33 nonprofits in New London, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Federation of Teachers 237126058 $0 $0
American Legion Auxiliary 383793734 $0 $0
American Legion New London Post 410706164 $2,513,223 $694,781
Bbe Area Food Shelf Incorporated 201537307 $37,763 $10,317
Benedictine Living Community of New London 274218436 $5,285,379 $903,367
Central Lakes United 431954217 $0 $0
Crow River Players Incorporated 411927142 $0 $0
Education Minnesota New London- Spicer Ed Support Professionals 311680446 $0 $0
Evangelical Covenant Church New London Mn 510140021 $0 $0
Independent Assemblies of God 411378414 $0 $0
Izaak Walton League of America Incorporated 411480104 $0 $0
Lake Andrew Improvement Association Incorporated 411766359 $0 $0
Lakes Area Rural Responders 411876348 $2,545 $10,625
League of Women Voters of Minnesota 237028443 $0 $0
Little Crow Ski Club 411633210 $88,351 $232,234
Living Word Lutheran Church 411513306 $0 $0
New London Center for Arts and Culture 454285191 $0 $0
New London Fire Department Relief Association 411632984 $78,831 $353,899
New London Housing Incorporated 410990479 $140,020 $336,544
New London Oak Hill Cemetery Association 410734840 $0 $0
New London Senior Citizens Incorporated 411734401 $5,229 $1,527
New London-spicer Booster Club 200515205 $455,881 $68,890
New London-spicer Educational Foundation 202369692 $20,277 $22,920
Norway Lake Improvement Association 416045155 $0 $0
Norway Lake Lutheran Historical Association 411890860 $0 $0
Peace Lutheran Church 411315825 $0 $0
Potters Clay Ministries Incorporated 920187925 $0 $0
Sibley State Park Improvement Association 411417545 $0 $0
Sunbeam Association for Mission 412006392 $87,846 $93,070
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 204954144 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 204923907 $0 $0
West Central Builders Association 411754053 $66,618 $56,337
West Central Claims Association Incorporated 411745035 $0 $0