There are 204 nonprofits in Owatonna, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
20 Rifle and Pistol Club Incorporated 410903802 $56,716 $242,411
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 611500333 $0 $0
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 611500336 $0 $0
Advocates for Developmental Disabilities of Steele County Incorporated 237103116 $62,967 $44,013
Alano Society of Owatonna Incorporated 411778153 $0 $0
American Association of University Women 416033953 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 411701749 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 411746500 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 411777438 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 455367971 $0 $0
American Federation of Teachers 411984867 $0 $0
American Legion Post 0077 Owatonna Post 410121915 $1,717,630 $252,498
American Legion Post 0440 Gopher 410629922 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 410714800 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 770646172 $0 $0
Annexstad Family Foundation 411975043 $22,883,147 $15,700,177
Associated Preschool 411688098 $60,338 $48,294
Aurora Lutheran Church 363263325 $0 $0
Beds for Kids 273241928 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 410145850 $1,277,643 $467,519
Bethel Baptist Church 436073194 $0 $0
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Minnesota 363501479 $688,034 $1,015,760
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 416017213 $0 $0
Catholic Daughters of the Americas 237171870 $0 $0
Catholic Education Memorial Fund 416172658 $175,850 $1,798,785
Centro Campesino Por Los Cambios Hacia Adelante 411945775 $369,197 $593,925
Childrens Remedial Fund 411465407 $0 $0
Christ Community Covenant Church Owatonna Mn 510140020 $0 $0
Christian Family Church Incorporated 411410223 $0 $0
City of Owatonna Welfare Benefit Plan Trust 203979862 $0 $0
Claremont Manor Incorporated 411285156 $0 $0
Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church 411977896 $0 $0
Crane Creek Cemetery Association C/o Loren Hoffman 411501186 $0 $0
Cryptic Masons of Minnesota 800512338 $0 $0
Cultural Diversity Network of Owatonna Minnesota 411896632 $0 $0
Curling Club of Owatonna 411881706 $0 $0
Czechoslovak Society of America 237136490 $0 $0
Dam Preservation Corporation 161658496 $105 $0
Daybreak Community Church 411858924 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 411555777 $0 $0
Dodge County Farm Bureau 410741789 $0 $0
Emergency Pregnancy Service of Owatonna 411560673 $0 $0
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 416191978 $0 $0
Exchange Club Center for Family Unity 363305404 $79,587 $29,134
Farm Bureau Association 416039164 $0 $0
Federated Employees Club 416058577 $254,949 $20,812
Federated Employees Credit Union 410327335 $1,145,101 $41,351,441
Federated Insurance Foundation Incorporated 237173646 $3,149,231 $18,947
Financial Resolutions 300093839 $0 $0
Firemens Relief Association of Owatonna 416032886 $0 $0
First Baptist Church 416032843 $0 $0
Forest Hill Cemetery Association 410640240 $505,917 $1,615,711
Fraternal Order of Eagles 273375078 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 410463575 $2,026,550 $1,386,065
Free Clinic of Steele County 461795200 $0 $0
Freeborn County Farm Bureau Association 410740829 $0 $0
Friends of Rice Lake State Park Support Group 411808690 $0 $0
Gandrud Foundation 416038629 $49,175 $271,909
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church 411484229 $0 $0
Grace Baptist Church Owatonna Minnesota 411226838 $0 $0
Grandparents for Education 611590181 $0 $0
Gun Club-owatonna 410888436 $270,959 $389,637
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 411750223 $215,483 $717,555
Homestead Hospice House Incorporated 363499988 $77,638 $1,434,851
Hospitality House of Owatonna 263867536 $64,799 $75,328
Huskies Blue Line Club Incorporated 061653175 $0 $0
Huskies Bullpen Club Incorporated 431999901 $281,865 $72,435
International Academy of Chiropractic Occupational Health 411653439 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 237080237 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 416042702 $0 $0
Izaak Walton League of America Incorporated 416081381 $0 $0
Jobs Daughters International 237223149 $0 $0
Jonathan Foundation 010935911 $0 $0
Josten Employees Credit Union 416030573 $0 $0
Jostens Employee Club Incorporated 411243204 $0 $0
Kids Korner Educare Centers Incorporated 411753745 $1,624,347 $2,079,424
Kiwanis International Incorporated 363566635 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237102920 $647,572 $88,191
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237158526 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary Department of Minnesota Veterans of Foreign Wars 411891816 $0 $0
Lincoln Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization 134250837 $0 $0
Little Theatre of Owatonna Incorporated 411318377 $119,665 $146,251
Mayo Clinic 411862132 $69,549,442 $58,057,684
Merlin Players 411896629 $71,139 $55,890
Michael and Nancy Keller Familyfoundation 260429838 $6,854 $52,168
Minnesota Association of Mutual Insurance Companies 237243934 $0 $0
Minnesota Council for Exceptional Children 411706528 $10,230 $30,869
Minnesota Financial Worker and Caseaide Association 204776782 $61,246 $29,962
Minnesota Pheasants Incorporated 411442699 $62,622 $103,755
Minnesota School Social Workers Association 134251298 $64,616 $16,554
Minnesota State Public School Orphanage Museum 411949094 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 411344171 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 411479694 $0 $0
Mower County Farm Bureau Federation 410635255 $0 $0
Music Boosters of Owatonna 416043793 $0 $0
Music in Owatonna 411707125 $0 $0
Muslim Society of Owatonna 208124949 $43,122 $42,592
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 581969282 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers 416037403 $0 $0
Northridge Church 411388062 $0 $0
O T C Employees Club 411296955 $50,343 $3,670
Order of the Eastern Star of Minnesota 237131916 $0 $0
Owatonna Area Chamber Foundation 363319497 $118,787 $236,165
Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce 410639369 $663,600 $642,684
Owatonna Area Christian Radio Incorporated 411822144 $0 $0
Owatonna Arts Center Foundation 550834856 $0 $0
Owatonna Arts Council 416166644 $278,643 $742,786
Owatonna Basketball Association Incorporated 411502936 $132,547 $62,225
Owatonna Business Women 452255197 $0 $0
Owatonna Cheerleading Association 411687146 $0 $0
Owatonna College and University Center 743055238 $0 $0
Owatonna Figure Skating Club Incorporated 411307452 $44,757 $20,897
Owatonna Foundation Incorporated 416038547 $831,356 $3,570,746
Owatonna Gymnastic Club Incorporated 237432542 $237,137 $108,450
Owatonna Healthy Seniors Program 411885511 $117,229 $46,942
Owatonna Hospital Auxiliary 416029502 $191,341 $245,624
Owatonna Incubator Incorporated 411644556 $132,299 $150,342
Owatonna Independent School District No 761 Foundation 521612613 $379,857 $3,431,185
Owatonna Junior Olympic Volleyball Incorporated 412107805 $57,559 $12,113
Owatonna Lacrosse Association 201889693 $74,602 $44,823
Owatonna Masonic Benevolent Association 411344851 $0 $0
Owatonna Montessori Childrens House 411724434 $140,453 $133,543
Owatonna Mutual Fire Insurance Company 410216164 $0 $0
Owatonna Parents After Prom Committee 900604926 $0 $0
Owatonna Public Library Foundation 542069039 $1,455,990 $2,044,119
Owatonna Rural Fire Association 237186116 $142,810 $172,790
Owatonna Soccer Association 411908332 $90,182 $53,469
Owatonna Swimming Association 411893500 $0 $0
Owatonna Tennis Association Incorporated 521517381 $0 $0
Owatonna Wrestling Association Incorporated C/o Sandra Jirele 411625037 $929,012 $22,061
Owatonna Youth Curling 411961693 $0 $0
Owatonna Youth Fastpitch Softball Association 912030527 $52,644 $25,040
Owatonna Youth Hockey Association Incorporated 237087210 $380,880 $248,614
Owatonna Youth Scholarshipassistance Fund 204527931 $0 $0
Paul M Otteson Foundation 416079412 $76,417 $308,636
Prairie View Manor Incorporated 411748159 $0 $0
Redeemer Lutheran Church 416116129 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208432619 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208463742 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411335179 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411647162 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411659127 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411762552 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411800628 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411809045 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411842741 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411893804 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411998526 $105,451 $55,969
Regents of the University of Minnesota 412001613 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 421623665 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 611500334 $0 $0
Rice County Farm Bureau Association 410741360 $0 $0
Rice Lake Church Restoration and Preservation Group a Minnesota Non 411677956 $0 $0
Rob Reaching Others from Beyond 411878249 $0 $0
Rotary International 411912454 $0 $0
Rotary International 416042609 $81,706 $33,062
Rotary International 912079541 $0 $0
Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota 237170761 $0 $0
S C O P E Resource Center Incorporated 363308444 $1,079,405 $145,633
Sacred Heart Cemetery 410856395 $0 $0
Schad Incorporated 237221931 $478,087 $958,285
Scott County Farm Bureau 410826793 $0 $0
Senior Place Incorporated 411612834 $0 $0
Sheriffs Mounted Posse and Auxiliary of Steele County Incorporated 411888412 $0 $0
Society of St Vincent De Paul St Michael St Joseph 455138016 $0 $0
Somali American Cultural Society of Owatonna 900746889 $0 $0
South Central Human Relations Center Incorporated 410873733 $9,533,880 $9,172,006
South Central Human Resources Association 800192146 $0 $0
Southern Minnesota Chapter of Apics Incorporated 411386101 $11,336 $26,894
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation 363454285 $16,345,230 $39,952,173
St John Lutheran Church Foundation 411419170 $128,304 $953,644
St Pauls Church 416043735 $0 $0
Steele Center Lutheran Cemetery Association 411822532 $0 $0
Steele County Agricultural Society 416038084 $1,121,544 $1,432,164
Steele County Clothesline Incorporated 411875763 $88,340 $71,001
Steele County Communities for a Lifetime Incorporated 270705237 $9,642,199 $25,248,031
Steele County Farm Bureau 410757895 $0 $0
Steele County Food Shelf Incorporated 411593592 $672,205 $413,406
Steele County Historical Society 416048581 $409,424 $3,330,145
Steele County Humane Society 411667722 $70,100 $579,556
Steele County Medical Society 416043278 $0 $0
Steele County Purple Ribbon Club Incorporated 455347025 $0 $0
Steele County Transitional Housing Incorporated 411946337 $221,230 $138,558
Steele Waseca Cooperative Electric 410558515 $28,984,867 $64,028,017
The Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Administrators 411473847 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237625152 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 411672789 $0 $0
Tim Bachtle Ministries Incorporated 412020828 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 416039042 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116211 $0 $0
Top Team of Owatonna Incorporated 411816128 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church Foundation Owatonna Minnesota 363381969 $0 $0
Truth Midwest Employees Club 201571711 $0 $0
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 410728480 $28,284 $86,606
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 202331288 $0 $0
United Way of Steele County 237366680 $918,144 $1,537,332
Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Minnesota 410634381 $1,252,881 $366,624
Viracon Employees Club 411750091 $75,327 $5,047
Washington Elementary Pto 412007236 $0 $0
Wee Pals Child Care Center Incorporated 410966862 $517,982 $64,587
West Hills Lodge Incorporated 411298063 $557,306 $108,860
Womans Club of Owatonna 416033609 $0 $0
Womens Resource Center of Steele County Incorporated 411782844 $236,873 $263,815
Youth 1st Community Initiative 275169579 $54,086 $197