There are 20 nonprofits in Parkers Pr, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Legion Post 0219 Olson Stitzel 416042754 $0 $0
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 416053186 $0 $0
Education Minnesota - Parkers 237126064 $0 $0
Elmo Lutheran Church 411346138 $0 $0
Immanuel Lutheran Church 416094254 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 510621677 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 510230221 $636,197 $30,250
International Association of Lions Clubs 416053927 $68,236 $19,241
Miracle Horse Riders Incorporated 411927868 $0 $0
Parkers Prairie Area Development Association Incorporated 411624392 $0 $0
Parkers Prairie Cemetery Association 410641811 $0 $0
Parkers Prairie Community Ambulance 411702095 $119,175 $99,276
Parkers Prairie Firemens Auxiliary 363501180 $0 $0
Parkers Prairie Sportmens Club 411543046 $365,794 $105,427
Saint James Lutheran Church 416099399 $0 $0
Saint Paul Lutheran Church 411340831 $0 $0
Scholarship America Incorporated 465081231 $0 $0
St Williams Living Center 410871261 $4,283,409 $6,856,132
Ws Educational Broadcasting 261208871 $1 $1,778
Zion Lutheran Church 416095085 $0 $0