There are 164 nonprofits in Red Wing, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
2nd Minnesota Battery Light Artillery Incorporated 411536331 $0 $0
Aliveo Learning Center Incorporated 411904314 $393,131 $36,611
Altrusa International Foundation Incorporated 465372022 $0 $0
American Association of University Women 416036583 $0 $0
American Federation of Teachers 273561199 $0 $0
American Legion 410630267 $36,413 $21,897
American Legion Auxiliary 416033011 $0 $0
Amvets 521859210 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota 410123171 $0 $0
Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Incorporated 411792770 $880,760 $5,164,934
Angels Unlimited Preschool Incorporated 411836468 $0 $0
Animal Allies Incorporated of Goodhue County 411572328 $0 $0
Artreach 411969257 $25,280 $28,130
Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Intl Uni 416030547 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 237215057 $435,019 $243,013
Calvary Outreach of Red Wing Incorporated 043586418 $0 $0
Care Clinic 270540451 $213,152 $196,072
Catherine a Friedrich Memorial Fund 416012923 $1,024 $16,776
Christ Church 410696909 $0 $0
Christian Health Services of Red Wing 411539757 $0 $0
Concordia Lutheran Church 410777926 $0 $0
Connecting Connection 411987377 $25,400 $154,040
Cornerstone Community Church 411284906 $0 $0
Diercks Foundation 203949720 $2,156 $151,676
Discovery and Recovery in Christ 270027512 $0 $0
Faith in Action in Red Wing 411920774 $82,302 $139,711
First Covenant Church Red Wing Mn 510139925 $0 $0
Fishback Family Foundation 731577430 $14,630 $286,000
Fraternal Order of Police 411968808 $0 $0
Friends of American Ski Jumping 611500984 $0 $0
Friends of the Bluffs 455156241 $0 $0
Friends of the Red Wing Public Library 411728818 $0 $0
Friends of the T B Sheldon Memorial Auditorium Incorporated 363576032 $153,443 $46,343
Friends of Wacouta 260589699 $0 $0
Frontenac State Park Association 416040653 $0 $0
Future Farmers of America and Its State Associations and Local Chapter 460871783 $0 $0
Girls on the Run of Bluff Country 134240766 $50,601 $25,756
Goodhue County Christmas Project Incorporated 411415594 $177,771 $212,901
Goodhue County Farm Bureau Association 410716970 $0 $0
Goodhue County Historical Society 410713917 $251,215 $845,344
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 411762123 $320,172 $1,153,834
Hedin-hartnagel Memorial Fund Incorporated 416159209 $26,505 $984,691
Hiawatha Land P F Incorporated 411952417 $0 $0
Hiawatha Valley Family Beyond the Yellow Ribbon 453360264 $0 $0
Hiawatha Valley Society for Human Resource Management 411980791 $0 $0
Hispanic Outreach Program of Goodhue County 264467878 $47,376 $15,438
Hope Coalition 411720180 $842,472 $330,670
Humane Society of Goodhue County 411461895 $213,548 $392,658
Immanuel Lutheran Church 410847706 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 237154444 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 416119866 $0 $0
International Mountain Bicycling Association 461532639 $0 $0
Izaak Walton League of America Incorporated 416037518 $0 $0
John O and Barbara N Hanson Family Foundation 411957108 $20,325 $415,272
Jordan Towers Resident Council 680558623 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 411281052 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 411349228 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 411500151 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237222897 $0 $0
La Leche of Mn-dakotas 412008328 $0 $0
Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance 270573238 $107,967 $62,324
League of Women Voters of Minnesota 237028438 $0 $0
Learning Circle Incorporated 411725035 $428,097 $187,169
Marine Corps League 411495175 $0 $0
Mayo Clinic Health System-red Wing 411713783 $95,383,914 $72,098,395
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 510223925 $0 $0
Minnesota Dairy Herd Improvement Association 410800837 $333,028 $19,991
Minnesota Grape Growers Association 411634256 $185,897 $110,632
Minnesota Special Education Leaders Foundation 203258294 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 237501870 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 237502602 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 411954340 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 411956804 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 452723513 $0 $0
Nami Goodhue County Incorporated 411426224 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers 416039991 $0 $0
New Beginnings Family Services 412071396 $125,129 $36,336
New River Assembly of God 411469215 $0 $0
Opportunity Services Incorporated 410990502 $7,941,189 $8,052,665
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 411821585 $0 $0
Rcil Southeastern Minnesota Barrier Free Housing Corporation 363536031 $275,782 $699,250
Red Cottage Montessori School 273425655 $89,233 $19,060
Red Dragonfly Press 411958660 $0 $0
Red Men Club Incorporated 410496657 $292,943 $108,089
Red Wing Amateur Hockey Association 237147858 $183,295 $22,169
Red Wing Area Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 410497995 $236,797 $283,969
Red Wing Area Farmers Market Association Incorporated 451843900 $0 $0
Red Wing Area Seniors Incorporated 411367092 $243,095 $729,527
Red Wing Art Association 416039135 $139,044 $133,551
Red Wing Band Boosters 432019407 $0 $0
Red Wing Basketball Association 411804898 $0 $0
Red Wing Collectors Society Foundation 411983230 $358,879 $814,508
Red Wing Collectors Society Incorporated 411377050 $386,466 $516,629
Red Wing Conservation Club 416027299 $0 $0
Red Wing Credit Union 410793629 $2,590,560 $75,799,710
Red Wing Downtown Council Main Street Incorporated 411869035 $96,578 $49,292
Red Wing Education Support Personnel Association 311679080 $0 $0
Red Wing Environmental Learning Center 410967058 $399,329 $390,090
Red Wing Family Ymca 410695614 $2,372,884 $8,539,474
Red Wing Figure Skating Club 411913575 $0 $0
Red Wing Golf Club 410657053 $693,769 $709,053
Red Wing Health Center Foundationinc 204398004 $0 $0
Red Wing High School-winger Sports Club 680567720 $120,829 $27,515
Red Wing Marine Museum 452827019 $188,874 $247,952
Red Wing Municipal Golf Corporation 453245852 $0 $0
Red Wing Public Schools Foundation 411841045 $117,239 $83,283
Red Wing Public Schools Parent Advisory Council Incorporated 861077922 $41,728 $80,521
Red Wing Rotary Foundation 200600799 $0 $0
Red Wing Royal Ambassador Organization 411656919 $0 $0
Red Wing Shoe Company Foundation 416020177 $854,632 $373,870
Red Wing Soccer Club Incorporated 411979514 $36,846 $50,011
Red Wing Sportsmens Club 416037519 $0 $0
Red Wing Uss Swim Club 411489387 $96,383 $73,489
Red Wing Visitor and Convention Bureau 411759188 $215,534 $106,432
Red Wing Wildlife Protective League of Red Wing Minnesota 237033186 $263,574 $170,415
Red Wing Yacht Club 416017204 $59,506 $127,292
Red Wing Youth Football 411809786 $0 $0
Red Wing Youth Outreach Program Incorporated 710890615 $226,709 $275,760
Red Wing Youth Volleyball Association Incorporated 411773286 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 061828309 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208128311 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208196156 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208438759 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208446443 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208456226 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208464719 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208467261 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 208476286 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 260081111 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 352289750 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 392065454 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 392065523 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411454850 $184,871 $123,142
Regents of the University of Minnesota 411534461 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 510653070 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 510653254 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 510653337 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 510653522 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 743203037 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 753259242 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Minnesota 943448959 $0 $0
Rotary International 411568966 $36,859 $39,508
Saint Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church Foundation 411328074 $16,531 $390,752
Sara Sexual Assault Resource Agency 411834248 $129,615 $105,110
Sheriffs Mounted Posse of Goodhue County Incorporated 411315542 $0 $0
Sons of Norway 411317952 $0 $0
Sound Support for String Music Incorporated 300479112 $0 $0
St John Lutheran Church 410943111 $0 $0
St Paul Lutheran Church 410842911 $0 $0
The Red Wing Singers 411816535 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237625947 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 416056390 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900798900 $0 $0
Under the Rainbow Child Care Center Incorporated 411822820 $749,638 $816,554
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 237061666 $63,086 $73,945
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 391482280 $0 $0
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 410908842 $187,748 $83,508
United Lutheran Church 410832481 $0 $0
United Way of Goodhue Wabasha and Pierce Counties 416043633 $496,696 $467,978
Universal Music Center Incorporated 460566796 $57,215 $38,811
Veterans for Peace Incorporated 202495480 $0 $0
Virginia M Lewellen Living Trust 416484147 $2,523 $146,950
Volunteer Service Center Incorporated 411245259 $0 $0
Wilma Arnold Campership 411832935 $0 $0