There are 13 nonprofits in Stacy, Minnesota.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Legion Auxiliary 416040787 $0 $0
Country Roads Church 411409253 $0 $0
Forest Lake Education Association 237125420 $332,978 $66,332
Great Lakes Steamship Society 274528886 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 411332130 $1,095,809 $38,539
International Association of Lions Clubs 416030037 $47,287 $10,362
Kiwi Snowmobile Club 050533017 $24,066 $54,786
Minnesota Cutting Horse Association 411632759 $153,033 $44,297
Restoration Ranch 270534004 $0 $0
Stacy-lent Fire Relief Association 416078000 $1,826,710 $717,676
The Rock Lake Club 411497673 $0 $0
Tree Top Kids 271753579 $105,973 $175,606
Vermilion River Camp Incorporated 411236335 $114,215 $680,896