There are 78 nonprofits in Glasgow, Montana.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 743242260 $0 $0
Alliance for Rural Montana 810462557 $0 $0
American Legion Auxiliary 816014161 $0 $0
American Legion Post 41 Valley 810225208 $0 $0
American Lutheran Church Valley View Home 810295816 $4,433,586 $4,948,985
Artspot 263778516 $0 $0
Auxiliary of the United Transportation Union 900293007 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 810245704 $447,618 $166,068
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen 810388872 $0 $0
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 816017149 $0 $0
Cherry Creek Suburban Water Users and Sewer Maintainance Fund 810419005 $0 $0
Childrens Museum of Northeast Montana 270638954 $63,097 $240,562
Cryptic Masons of Montana Grand Council 237232041 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 816017579 $0 $0
Department of Montana Ladies Auxiliary to the Vfw of the U S 264053415 $0 $0
Faith Lutheran Church 816012522 $0 $0
Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America Montana Division 816017799 $0 $0
Flatland Cruisers 264351175 $0 $0
Fort Peck Fine Arts Council 810306649 $452,009 $985,786
Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital 810231786 $23,805,242 $49,752,822
Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital Foundation Incorporated 810406872 $526,378 $4,116,578
Frederick Knierim Scholarship Fund 364026304 $2,835 $12,706
Friends of the Pioneer Museum Incorporated 810479627 $40,765 $365,682
Glasgow Cal Ripken Baseball 273407520 $65,360 $3,220
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Incorporated 810139945 $276,460 $82,376
Glasgow City County Crime Stoppers Program Incorporated 363428789 $0 $0
Glasgow Evangelical Church 810359599 $0 $0
Glasgow High School Educational Trust 2516 Via Tejon Suite 201 237017819 $349,735 $3,859,304
Glasgow Job Service Employers Committee Incorporated 810504681 $0 $0
Glasgow Reds American Legion Baseball 262060757 $0 $0
Glasgow Rodeo Committee 208450078 $73,355 $5,307
Glasgow Scotties Booster 203402373 $65,281 $161,773
Hi-line Home Programs Incorporated 810362748 $998,228 $588,822
Hiline Youth Hockey Association 311579172 $154,402 $1,172,675
Jacob Etchart Foundation 261172192 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 816011444 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237546983 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237619406 $0 $0
Lukes 100 Incorporated 237088808 $0 $0
Mea-mft 810486615 $0 $0
Mea-mft 810460201 $0 $0
Milk River Incorporated 810361168 $1,530,257 $1,522,696
Montana Council of Higher Degrees 900419970 $0 $0
Montana Farm Bureau Federation 363637190 $0 $0
Montana Native Womens Coalition 331169905 $198,955 $34,143
Montana Speech Language and Hearing Association 810391969 $42,184 $68,029
Nemont Manor Foundation Incorporated 810507992 $0 $0
Nemont Manor Incorporated 810370924 $1,195,119 $1,120,168
Northeast Montana Veterans Memorial Fund 462087724 $0 $0
Northern Heights Tenants Organization 810503497 $0 $0
Norval Electric Cooperative Incorporated 810215971 $7,907,048 $26,121,411
Prairie Ridge Village Llp 810515202 $1,095,337 $3,946,707
Royal Arch Masons of the State of Montana 237355578 $0 $0
Scottie Day Care Incorporated 810406115 $117,533 $83,760
Sons of Norway 510172806 $0 $0
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 816013066 $116,126 $37,028
St Matthews Espiscopal Church Glasgow 421671417 $0 $0
Sunnyside Golf and Country Club 810306605 $253,935 $527,421
Theo and Alyce Beck Foundation Trust 262692249 $47,883 $1,073,849
Two Rivers Growth Incorporated 810466553 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810410668 $244,997 $125,538
Valley County 4-h Council 810415802 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810415644 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810417912 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810512044 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810429644 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810473820 $0 $0
Valley County 4-h Council 810469028 $0 $0
Valley County Combined Campaign Incorporated 810412316 $0 $0
Valley County Community Foundation Incorporated 810526746 $21,207 $599,853
Valley County Historical Society Incorporated 816019149 $336,375 $524,090
Valley County Rifle and Pistol Club Incorporated 810452290 $0 $0
Valley County Search and Rescue 300726149 $874 $20,490
Valley Hospice Incorporated 810413968 $0 $0
Valley Ridge Runners Saddle Club 810600308 $5,660 $16,905
Valley View Home Foundation Incorporated 810467634 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Montana 816031709 $130,216 $302,434
Womens Resource Center of Glasgow 810518575 $217,511 $32,512