There are 105 nonprofits in Glendive, Montana.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 300401719 $0 $0
Action for Eastern Montana Incorporated 810297418 $4,664,844 $3,039,819
American Association of University Women Incorporated 816013816 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 810542927 $0 $0
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees 816013819 $0 $0
American Legion Auxiliary 421764470 $0 $0
American Legion Club Dawson Post 28 810226658 $114,661 $257,320
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Montana 237537105 $757,405 $2,835,384
Autism H a L O 453340494 $0 $0
Bahais of Glendive 810486504 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 810110614 $80,139 $722,343
Boys and Girls Club of Dawson County 810516733 $192,411 $76,466
Break Forth Bible Church Incorporated 810536239 $0 $0
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen 311168989 $0 $0
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 816001928 $0 $0
Catholic Daughters of the Americas 237171905 $0 $0
Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Glendive 237199003 $0 $0
Columbian Association of Glendive Montana 810443210 $0 $0
Community First Foundation Incorporated 810529476 $0 $0
Community Giving Assistance Towards Employment 810517655 $0 $0
Cryptic Masons of Montana Grand Council 810410394 $0 $0
Dawson College Foundation 816020442 $107,469 $1,271,998
Dawson County Arts Unlimited Corporation 363779957 $0 $0
Dawson County Domestic Violence Program 810459198 $646,625 $312,560
Dawson County Economic Development 161728264 $62,573 $256,022
Dawson County Healthy Communities Coalition 470891424 $166,545 $39,369
Dawson County Public Libraries Foundation 810537468 $0 $0
Dawson County Rod and Gun Club 810527766 $0 $0
Dawson County Search and Rescue Team 363637114 $0 $0
Dawson County Tree Branches 810445249 $0 $0
Demolay International 237588407 $0 $0
District Ii Alcohol and Drug Program 810407305 $652,692 $239,069
Eastern Montana Community Concert Association 363494193 $33,115 $30,003
Eastern Plains Resource Conservation and Development Incorporated 810473155 $32,420 $107,279
Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America Montana Division 816017701 $0 $0
Fitch Foundation 262417805 $0 $0
Fladmo Family Foundation 810537519 $40,575 $338,897
Foundation Advancing Creation Truth 300187495 $176,532 $2,326,881
Friends of Christian Radio Incorporated 810470020 $197,928 $477,944
Friends of Makoshika 810464014 $0 $0
Friends of the Glendive Library 810461307 $0 $0
Frontier Gateway Museum Association 810388059 $0 $0
G a T E Incorporated 810420799 $0 $0
Glendive Abc Baseball Incorporated 810418449 $0 $0
Glendive Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture 810140205 $383,574 $292,138
Glendive Chapter 784 Women of the Moose 237169158 $0 $0
Glendive Community Babe Ruth League Incorporated 810365770 $34,697 $10,686
Glendive Evangelical Church 810463191 $0 $0
Glendive Job Service Employer Committee Jsec 810500974 $0 $0
Glendive Lions Youth Camp Foundation Incorporated 311322364 $0 $0
Glendive Lodge No 949 Loyal Order of Moose 810161058 $107,827 $276,754
Glendive Medical Center Foundation Incorporated 810440518 $262,380 $1,812,744
Glendive Medical Center Incorporated 816016016 $36,126,761 $54,573,811
Glendive Municipal Golf Course 810535683 $333,835 $472,933
Glendive Municipal Golf Course Foundation 431987204 $2,932 $58,178
Glendive Senior All-nighter 810542190 $0 $0
Glendive Tennis Association Incorporated 753163289 $0 $0
Glendive United Methodist Church 810342153 $0 $0
Grandview Retirement Home Incorporated 810386405 $330,226 $466,238
Highland Park Utility Association 810300389 $64,305 $229,578
Hub City Pioneers Incorporated 870804166 $0 $0
Image Productions Incorporated 202201586 $70,343 $54,445
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 456013309 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 816018514 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 816018517 $0 $0
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel 810393044 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 810156028 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 816016205 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237619398 $0 $0
Kool Kids Childcare 810503996 $282,990 $264,102
Lions International Glendive Noon Lions Club 363552014 $0 $0
Makoshika Dinosaur Museum 201328278 $0 $0
Mea-mft 320302482 $0 $0
Mea-mft 721552304 $0 $0
Mea-mft 810415968 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 273032494 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300467451 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 364627304 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 611544408 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 810367165 $0 $0
Montana Congress of Parents Teachers Students 462205391 $0 $0
Montana German Shorthaired Pointer Club Incorporated 810519880 $0 $0
Montanans for Children Youth and Families 810372341 $0 $0
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 582072327 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers Local 1643 816018463 $0 $0
Northern Plains Resource Council 810427228 $0 $0
Order of Eastern Star of Montana 237009191 $0 $0
Our Savior Lutheran Church 810305297 $0 $0
Rotary Club of Glendive Montana 510664167 $0 $0
Royal Arch Masons of the State of Montana 237444975 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237626086 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116300 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 203588407 $0 $0
United States Junior Chamber of Commerce 942223883 $0 $0
Valley View Adventist Christian School 273507052 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Montana 237269752 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Untied States Dept of Montana 810215669 $180,297 $36,369
Vietnam Veterans of America 800762911 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 810436750 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 810455739 $0 $0
Vim and Vigor Incorporated 770684254 $0 $0
Women Involved in Farm Economics 470596709 $0 $0
Yellowstone Plains Foundation 810492682 $0 $0
Zion Lutheran Church 810290059 $0 $0
Zonta International 810416563 $0 $0