There are 87 nonprofits in Sidney, Montana.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Club and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 320222750 $0 $0
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 320222744 $0 $0
All Things Are Possible Ministries Incorporated 461967076 $0 $0
American Legion Post 816016095 $0 $0
American Sewing Guild Incorporated 810523186 $0 $0
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Montana 237347849 $0 $0
Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers 816013915 $43,664 $158,207
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 810228251 $280,405 $221,088
Bishop of Myra Foundation Incorporated 262966487 $5,000 $1,835
Boys and Girls Club of Richland County Montana 113694698 $256,510 $367,873
Carpenters Church 363557121 $0 $0
Cedar Foundation Incorporated 810428444 $33,582 $0
Community Health Fitness Center Incorporated 810460658 $378,533 $282,389
Companion Animal Rescue of Eastern Montana Incorporated 710968906 $0 $0
Crane Cemetary Association 611538514 $0 $0
Crimestoppers of Richland County 461306384 $9,200 $4,075
Dayton Foundation 810376620 $90,639 $289,231
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 816017205 $0 $0
Demolay International 237588425 $0 $0
Department of Montana Ladies Auxiliary to the Vfw of the U S 264173054 $0 $0
Department of Montana Ladies Auxiliary to the Vfw of the U S 264173098 $0 $0
Doris Sundheim Elliott Memorial Foundation 204119672 $41,800 $7,880
Fairview 4-h Club 320303455 $0 $0
Faith Alliance Church 810381539 $0 $0
Foundation for Community Care of Richland County Incorporated 810417465 $1,110,724 $5,669,066
Henry Elm Trust 237418092 $275,196 $699,475
International Association of Lions Clubs 237128149 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 816014357 $0 $0
International Reading Association Incorporated 810478507 $0 $0
Jitterbugs Christian Preschool Incorporated 455323849 $110,926 $15,483
John L and Marilyn J Olson Family Foundation 810488861 $83,199 $634,037
Kiwanis International Incorporated 816016133 $0 $0
Literacy Volunteers of America 810479024 $0 $0
Lone Tree Senior Living 810518821 $1,223,044 $1,619,491
Lower Yellowstone Rural Electric Association Incorporated 810160950 $18,862,481 $40,782,545
Mea-mft 810478388 $0 $0
Mea-mft 810450470 $0 $0
Mondak Historical and Art Society 237191806 $388,206 $988,535
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300450716 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300450712 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300450703 $177,193 $78,137
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300450704 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 320243785 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300450706 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 320222747 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 320222746 $0 $0
Montana 4-h Foundation Incorporated 300450709 $0 $0
Montana Dakota Beet Growers Association 810215807 $122,928 $200,556
Montana Farm Bureau Federation 810303949 $0 $0
Montana Jaycees Foundation 510178918 $1,613 $43,200
Montana State Womens Golf Association 810357820 $56,256 $11,484
Northeastern Arts Network 800300149 $0 $0
Richland Affordable Housing Corporation 810509083 $951,503 $3,658,311
Richland County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Incorporated 363452392 $86,049 $91,026
Richland County Commission on Aging Incorporated 810494616 $213,335 $468,161
Richland County D a R E Program 810496525 $0 $0
Richland County Emergency Shelter Coalition 810488145 $0 $0
Richland County Food Bank Incorporated 364072560 $71,178 $148,870
Richland County Law Enforcement Association 810231522 $0 $0
Richland County Public Librariesfoundation Incorporated 204217501 $0 $0
Richland Economic Development Corporation 810452300 $227,434 $1,182,684
Richland Farm Mutual Insurance Company 810174130 $723,777 $1,067,322
Richland Opportunities Incorporated 810383901 $1,570,605 $1,523,790
Richland Youth Hockey Incorporated 810494066 $194,119 $756,998
Roi Foundation Incorporated 810481055 $171,416 $963,486
Saint John Lutheran Church 237255047 $0 $0
Scholarship America Incorporated 465057719 $0 $0
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church of Sidney Montana Incorporated 810428828 $0 $0
Shriners International 237169165 $0 $0
Sidney Chamber of Commerce 810214807 $211,668 $292,739
Sidney Chapter 761 Women of the Moose 237520931 $0 $0
Sidney Education and Alumni Foundation Incorporated 810542033 $55,947 $197,600
Sidney Fire Foundation Incorporated 205721633 $133,613 $382,572
Sidney Golf and Country Club 810239917 $1,494,043 $1,577,390
Sidney Gymnastics Club 810462359 $123,368 $132,657
Sidney Health Center 810233499 $53,164,736 $64,003,703
Sidney Lodge No 856 Loyal Order of Moose 810214172 $75,806 $211,330
Sidney Senior Citizens Center 810412614 $0 $0
Sidney Soccer Association 810521859 $0 $0
Slave Free Earth Incorporated 274605667 $86,098 $42,267
Sons of Norway 237525745 $0 $0
Steel Building Solutions 462036138 $0 $0
Sunrise Pregnancy Resource Center Incorporated 271057012 $197,036 $335,234
Svarre Foundation 816013673 $16,549 $666,279
United States Junior Chamber of Commerce 810390760 $0 $0
Upper Missouri G and T Electric Cooperative Incorporated 810285379 $252,999,784 $103,207,933
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Mt Post Box 1067 810219257 $0 $0