There are 62 nonprofits in New London, New Hampshire.

Name EIN Income Assets
Adaptive Art Respite and Therapeutic Play Services Incorporated 264094845 $11,129 $1,586
At Home in Newbury New London Springfield Sunapee Sutton Wilmot 270366823 $0 $0
Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust 222884768 $867,977 $2,445,743
Broom Family Foundation 043341452 $1,874 $3,911,316
Caring Animal Partners Incorporated 311558459 $0 $0
Center for the Arts Lake Sunapee Region 861053299 $0 $0
Christian Science Society New London Nh 020370280 $0 $0
Colby-sawyer College 020222120 $74,350,009 $96,603,461
Community Bible Survey Incorporated 205355816 $0 $0
Community Garden at Tracy Library 262262161 $0 $0
Dorr Family Foundation 207180326 $48,841 $897,917
E J Cross Foundation 046153303 $29,193 $430,117
East Africa Charitable Projects Fund 464435104 $0 $0
Ensemble Soleil 043371033 $0 $0
Ferries Family Foundation 134000700 $7,584 $2,914
First Baptist Church 020312591 $0 $0
Frank M Barnard Foundation Incorporated 042767462 $210,010 $1,204,969
Friends of Tracy Memorial Library 262598377 $22,423 $24,959
Georges Mills Boat Club 020440331 $43,811 $87,340
Granite State Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars 020362072 $0 $0
Greenbaum Family Foundation Incorporated 521761398 $131,131 $413,930
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 020458663 $38,695 $646,213
Hank and Lynn Hopeman Foundation Incorporated 261834362 $3,388,877 $20,410,215
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 020336792 $0 $0
Kearsarge Area Council on Aging Incorporated Treasurer 020457703 $225,106 $930,234
Kearsarge Chorale 264714633 $0 $0
Kearsarge Regional Ecumenical Ministry 020524370 $0 $0
Kearsarge Wildcat Football Association Incorporated 463130994 $20,020 $782
Kevin Scott Dalrymple Foundation 133746904 $75,697 $123,339
Kls Community Food Pantry 273388511 $73,668 $54,156
Lake Sunapee Community Health Services 020438863 $867,341 $3,180,850
Lake Sunapee Home Care and Hospice 237066056 $7,058,569 $6,698,984
Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce 020278693 $77,219 $83,949
Lake Sunapee Region Visiting Nurse Association 020438862 $188,255 $660,524
Lake Sunapee Rowing Club 261361050 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of New Hampshire 237007217 $0 $0
Little Sunapee Protective Association 020280288 $0 $0
Martin Salomon Morton and Gustel Schreiber Morton Foundation 043357627 $137,285 $663,249
Messer Pond Protective Association 020484146 $0 $0
Monks of Norcia Foundation 020514077 $381,965 $5,887
New Kearsarge Community Center 451495798 $0 $0
New London Barn Playhouse Incorporated 341996138 $879,290 $887,084
New London Community Center Incorporated 463148495 $0 $0
New London Garden Club 237271804 $0 $0
New London Historical Society 026009832 $56,644 $799,745
New London Outing Club 026012537 $175,917 $594,838
New London Police Benevolent Association 593811980 $1,347 $6,067
New London Service Organization 026007487 $28,571 $599,753
Northern New England Repertory Theatre Company Incorporated 050554844 $86,426 $8,211
Paul F and Margaret M Wutz Foundation 341939673 $1,156,232 $2,481,988
Pleasant Lake Protective Association 237037867 $38,846 $105,841
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 061542465 $0 $0
Rotary Club of New London Charitable Foundation 020510186 $38,265 $42,331
Rotary International 020355229 $27,080 $13,415
Summer Music Associates 237423016 $44,455 $126,608
Sunapee Kearsarge Intercommunity Theater-skit 020480459 $0 $0
Sunapee-ragged-kearsarge Greenway Coalition 223223208 $0 $0
The New London Hospital Association Incorporated 020222171 $65,498,787 $62,092,733
Town of New London Bandstand Committee Incorporated 010632051 $0 $0
United Educational and Charitable Foundation Incorporated 066032822 $250 $5,249
Wfk Ice House Foundation Incorporated 201818898 $24,873 $252,078
Womenstrust Incorporated 562426898 $207,804 $335,132