American Legion |
626075757 |
$0 |
$0 |
Buffalo Valley Incorporated |
581374964 |
$10,610,232 |
$20,772,691 |
Center for a Holistic Ecology |
522439752 |
$0 |
$0 |
Crockett Senior Housing Incorporated |
621872956 |
$116,806 |
$911,243 |
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International |
626063858 |
$0 |
$0 |
Double Creek Childrens Ranch Incorporated |
300406992 |
$0 |
$0 |
Dr Tom Richards Center Incorporated |
204265371 |
$90,274 |
$1,312,277 |
Duck River Apartments Incorporated |
621872955 |
$135,997 |
$843,446 |
Elephant Care International |
562495511 |
$0 |
$0 |
Fraternal Order of Police |
621668416 |
$0 |
$0 |
Free and Accepted Mason of Tennessee |
237354877 |
$0 |
$0 |
Freedom Holy Temple |
621343411 |
$0 |
$0 |
General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn of Hohenwald |
621292851 |
$0 |
$0 |
Gladys Roden Senior Village Incorporated |
200542954 |
$145,372 |
$984,249 |
Grandview Senior Housing Incorporated |
061669473 |
$98,108 |
$903,746 |
Here Am I Missions |
205589542 |
$0 |
$0 |
High Forest Health Group |
461115240 |
$299,247 |
$129,414 |
High Forest Humane Society |
611459979 |
$40,056 |
$8,357 |
High Forest Institute |
311540616 |
$31,633 |
$44,849 |
Highland Corporation Charitablefoundation |
203915137 |
$84,052 |
$30,489 |
Hohenwald Arts Council Incorporated |
261580046 |
$38,717 |
$7,969 |
International Association of Lions Club |
900873157 |
$0 |
$0 |
Jesus Cares Ministries Incorporated |
752218938 |
$69,565 |
$34,808 |
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation |
481259064 |
$0 |
$0 |
Lewis County Chamber of Commerce |
621452682 |
$49,360 |
$38,934 |
Lewis County Childrens Fund |
621494775 |
$0 |
$4,187 |
Lewis County Farm Bureau |
237037663 |
$90,992 |
$188,606 |
Lewis County Memorial Gardens and Cemetery |
272117010 |
$0 |
$0 |
Lewis County Ministerial |
581758248 |
$110,133 |
$186,549 |
Lewis County Panther Club |
331206857 |
$0 |
$0 |
Lewis County Senior Citizens Incorporated |
620984158 |
$365,859 |
$219,193 |
Lewis County Soccer Club |
201710313 |
$0 |
$0 |
Mcaullife Apartments Incorporated |
202077406 |
$99,265 |
$1,100,799 |
Meriwether Lewis Apartments Incorporated |
581592876 |
$100,354 |
$221,547 |
Mid South Mediation Services |
621823518 |
$65,278 |
$1,220 |
New Hope Apartments Incorporated |
621768268 |
$119,467 |
$763,723 |
One by One Ministries Incorporated |
264821824 |
$0 |
$0 |
Peebles Court Incorporated |
200543590 |
$95,602 |
$839,619 |
Pilot Club International |
581884544 |
$0 |
$0 |
Possibilities Incorporated |
460397395 |
$139,784 |
$83,427 |
Shady Haven of Hohenwald Incorporated |
621793480 |
$0 |
$0 |
South Central Area Fair Incorporated |
562317376 |
$77,599 |
$182,743 |
Southern Living Apartments Incorporated |
202077493 |
$88,287 |
$1,224,160 |
Spirithorse Therapeutic Riding Center |
274336483 |
$0 |
$0 |
Spring Valley Housing Incorporated |
061669469 |
$84,355 |
$763,312 |
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee |
621587327 |
$7,780,933 |
$30,355,622 |
The Lewis County Historical Society Incorporated |
581568588 |
$45,705 |
$821,350 |
Trc Housing Incorporated |
311515274 |
$75,698 |
$443,802 |
United Daughters of the Confederacy |
271101626 |
$0 |
$0 |