There are 12 nonprofits in Huntington, Vermont.

Name EIN Income Assets
American Society of Heating Refrigerating and A-c Engineers 237097882 $0 $0
Birds of Vermont Museum Incorporated 030277302 $145,187 $281,402
Camels Hump Skiers Association Incorporated 030354509 $0 $0
Foundation for a Sustainable Future 200028886 $3,756 $15,059,999
Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund 943280315 $0 $0
Huntington Endowment for Library Development 900425984 $0 $0
Huntington Historical and Community Trust 222498795 $0 $0
Huntington Valley Arts Incorporated 030361772 $0 $0
Keeping Track Incorporated 030345117 $149,973 $41,698
Kunsi Keya Tamakoce 202540377 $0 $0
S O S Save Our Strays Association 223483849 $0 $0
Wyatt Family Foundation 274332987 $10,000 $57,728