There are 288 nonprofits in Richland, Washington.

Name EIN Income Assets
4-h Clubs and Affiliated 4-h Organizations 260075784 $0 $0
511th Parachute Infantry Association Incorporated 371223205 $2,778 $12,853
A Missionarys Rest 383828758 $0 $0
Academy of Childrens Theatre 911722925 $199,489 $1,010,107
Affordable Solutions Payee Services 743182461 $0 $0
Alliance for a Livable and Sustainable Community 452449606 $0 $0
Alliance for the Advancement of Science Through Astronomy 911700117 $0 $775,927
Allied Arts Association 237359795 $174,543 $471,611
American Ceramic Society Incorporated 311040448 $0 $0
American Chemical Society Pacific Nw National Lab 916054075 $0 $0
American Citizens Encouraging Support-aces 203343752 $0 $0
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Orgs 910551353 $199,401 $204,388
American Institute of Chemical Engineers 521205206 $0 $0
American Society of Heating Refrigerating and A-c Engineers 911190078 $0 $0
Arabian Horse Club of Southeast Washington 364705734 $0 $0
Arc of Tri Cities Foundation 204299384 $405,313 $566,610
Arc of Tri-cities 916056360 $2,094,336 $5,265,085
Arts Center Task Force 911697752 $0 $0
Auxiliary Powered Sailplane Association 521655471 $0 $0
B Reactor Museum Association 943142387 $0 $0
Babywearing International Incorporated 464061364 $0 $0
Badger Mountain Parent-teacher Organization 911054043 $94,946 $47,645
Bells of the Desert 611612670 $0 $0
Benton Franklin Head Start Program 911097442 $5,166,503 $541,093
Benton Franklin School Retirees Association 300536697 $0 $0
Benton-franklin Family Childcare Association 201845473 $0 $0
Benton-franklin River Heritage Foundation 743059896 $0 $0
Bethel Church of Richland Washington 911093595 $0 $0
Bmw Car Club of America Incorporated 272090494 $0 $0
Bride of Christ Incorporated 942638189 $0 $0
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Ways Employees 916029155 $0 $0
Building Owners and Managers Association of the Tri-cities 412035722 $31,010 $11,402
Calvary Ministries 264195989 $0 $0
Camerata Musica 237100858 $0 $0
Carmichael Middle School Pto 911227034 $0 $0
Cathedral of Joy 910905865 $0 $0
Cees Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association Trust 276383252 $22,973 $250,423
Childrens Developmental Center 910876634 $1,457,076 $409,133
Childrens Developmental Center Foundation 460647848 $0 $0
Chor Anno 300658757 $0 $0
Christ the King Conferecnce of the Society of St Vincent De Paul 800866674 $53,608 $12,302
Circle of Hope Coalition 201315278 $0 $0
Citizens for Medical Isotopes 912013508 $0 $0
Columbia Basin Canine Training Association 331159188 $0 $0
Columbia Basin Corvairs 911151317 $0 $0
Columbia Basin Dive Rescue 237425624 $83,769 $381,265
Columbia Basin Sailing Club 910976366 $0 $0
Columbia Christian Fellowship 943124660 $0 $0
Columbia Community Church 916187873 $0 $0
Columbia Energy Charitable Foundation 271568140 $56,537 $170,518
Columbia Regional Economic Development Trust 911830466 $24,542 $748,391
Community Concerts of the Tri- Cities Wa Incorporated 916051330 $0 $0
Congregation Chaverim 911210117 $0 $0
Country Dance and Song Society Incorporated 911482655 $0 $0
Credit Unions in the State of Washington 910616262 $216,568,629 $1,222,012,115
Cushions 464889418 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 916069096 $0 $0
Demolay International 461038218 $0 $0
Desert Fiber Arts 910950742 $0 $0
Down Syndrome Association of the Mid-columbia 352299801 $68,211 $101,492
Eastern Washington Chpt of Academy Certified Hazardous Material Mgrs 911617785 $0 $0
Eastern Washington Operating Engineers Local 280 Apprenticeship 916360420 $0 $0
Eastern Washington Section- American Nuclear Society 916051399 $0 $0
El Senor Es Dios 273855643 $0 $0
Elijah Family Homes 204058168 $121,285 $654,025
Emergency Nurses Association 237393329 $0 $0
Emmaus Center 043791759 $472,665 $24,390
Environmental Science and Technology Foundation 911587106 $284,783 $145,704
Equine Ambassadors Incorporated 510571084 $0 $0
Fields of Grace 800347599 $0 $0
Finley Chapter 2394 Women of the Moose 900522830 $0 $0
Fox Vance Family Foundation 261147895 $81,352 $1,078,318
Free and Accepted Masons of Washington 910587623 $0 $0
Friends of Badger Mountain 841702655 $0 $0
Friends of the Richland Library 916060452 $0 $0
Fun Fit and over Fifty Club 201556756 $0 $0
Garden Park Recreation Club 910857650 $0 $0
Gary Younker Foundation 752971063 $0 $0
Gather 4 Him 203835063 $362,122 $133,728
Global Gateway Network 010568603 $117,291 $33,389
Global Trade and Technology Corporation 200758862 $0 $0
Gloria Meek-garlick Foundation 202070077 $515 $206,155
Good News Media Ministry 911061103 $0 $0
Goose Gap Water Association 911653024 $0 $0
Grace Brethren Church 237063718 $0 $0
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 911591086 $1,603,005 $3,922,220
Hanford Drama Booster Club 911688932 $0 $0
Hanford Employee Recreation Organization 300016011 $134,036 $19,446
Hanford Engineers Week Committee 201917844 $0 $0
Hanford Falcon Boosters 202781125 $172,501 $66,927
Hanford Operations Office Employees Association 916058197 $0 $0
Hanford Reach Interpretive Center 202533770 $52,789 $166,877
Hanford Retirees Association 800595424 $0 $0
Hanford School Instrumental Music Boosters Club 371476505 $0 $0
Hapo Community Credit Union 911792217 $69,814,726 $1,244,819,667
Hills West Recreational Club 911061149 $67,711 $97,938
Hydrogeology Symposium 201100340 $16 $30,095
Ice Age Floods Institute 208445857 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 263400113 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 263400183 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 263400236 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 460498750 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 721533026 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 900210054 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 900210057 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 900252330 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 900288027 $0 $0
Ice Age Floods Institute 911658221 $0 $0
Ignite Youth Mentoring 273629555 $151,831 $104,426
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 237593861 $0 $0
Indian Springs Swim Club 910981330 $0 $0
Ingalls Creek Enrichment Center 911439481 $124,222 $908,155
Institute of Management Accountants Incorporated 237353195 $0 $0
Intermountain Alpine Club Incorporated 910921321 $0 $0
International Association of Fire 916068757 $140,953 $194,625
International Association of Fire Fighters 910551951 $84,437 $132,408
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 910660007 $886,911 $1,452,911
International Fellowship of Ministries 201971692 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237507765 $0 $0
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 280 910647440 $1,201,571 $438,366
Islamic Center of Tri-cities 911142383 $0 $0
Island View Worship Center 911242482 $0 $0
Ism-columbia Basin Incorporated 911183843 $0 $0
Jericho Road Ministries 203213204 $48,514 $23,046
Journey with Christ 911613348 $0 $0
Kadlec Auxiliary Incorporated 916033089 $550,231 $200,570
Kadlec Foundation 237005501 $926,045 $7,528,602
Kadlec Health System 911266346 $61,304,076 $14,625,001
Kadlec Neurological Resource Center 911266345 $171,515 $283,600
Kadlec Regional Medical Center 910655392 $334,425,921 $401,270,739
Kates Team Foundation 264320555 $0 $31
Kennewick Kiwanis Foundation 911708813 $0 $0
Kings Theatre Drama Group 911998331 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 911149142 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 916057996 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237546216 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237547547 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus Council 916048244 $197,209 $718,031
Laborers International Union of North America 910256837 $953,183 $1,893,194
Laborers Intl Union 348 Temple Association Incorporated 916054801 $54,099 $719,183
League of Women Voters of Benton 910982114 $0 $0
Lewis and Clark Chapter Military Officers Association of America 300359969 $0 $0
Lewis and Clark Pta 911146775 $0 $0
Liberty Christian School of the Tri-cities 911114491 $2,805,143 $3,813,168
Life Church of the Greater Tri- Cities 910950964 $0 $0
Links Incorporated 911150995 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 680668118 $0 $0
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society 911105996 $0 $0
Luther Senior Center 910842791 $516,952 $1,143,350
Marcus Whitman Pta 911116397 $0 $0
Martha Van Hoff Educational Fund 912090886 $1,978 $35,976
Meadow Springs Country Club 910910709 $4,512,951 $7,446,623
Mid Columbia Basic Old Natural Education Sciences Research Center 263474017 $0 $0
Mid Columbia Chapter 911574380 $0 $0
Mid Columbia Gymnastics Academy 911357040 $154,091 $44,620
Mid-columbia Koi and Pond Club 912009277 $0 $0
Mid-columbia Mastersingers 911362433 $133,959 $67,042
Mid-columbia Musical Theatre 237219562 $119,635 $123,480
Mid-columbia Regional Ballet 910953828 $224,949 $230,736
Mid-columbia Symphony Society 916057719 $185,322 $123,828
Montessori Outreach 911126946 $433,080 $1,715,668
National Association of Professional Mortgage Women 911099009 $0 $0
National Contract Management Association 205717542 $0 $0
National Rural Letter Carriers Association 237234684 $0 $0
National Society Colonial Dames Xvii Century 911015851 $0 $0
Nh 3 Fuel Association 260821492 $4,042 $2,115
Northwest Association of Mothers of Twins Clubs 910987832 $0 $0
Northwest Cancer Foundation 274688024 $0 $0
Northwest United Protestant 910729117 $0 $0
Nu Epsilon Lambda Foundation 200240880 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Washington 237157801 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Washington 237157924 $0 $0
Organic Reactions Catalysis Society Incorporated 452319614 $33,750 $87,634
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 912074923 $0 $0
Pasco Latino Ministry Exploration 901001258 $0 $0
Passion of the Pink Organization 461943321 $0 $0
Peacebridge Ministries 273445658 $0 $0
Perfect Image Leadership Foundation 264079654 $0 $2,468
Poorest of the Poor Education Foundation 912085761 $94,338 $241,159
Powers Foundation a Nonprofit Corporation 912163778 $0 $0
Prevent Homeless Pets 010919961 $98,179 $49,129
Project Management Institute 912096339 $85,215 $133,800
Public School Employees of Washington 611735631 $0 $0
Public School Employees of Washington 911353576 $0 $0
Radiant Light Broadcasting Tv 49 911424903 $101,438 $26,258
Radiochemistry Society 912089214 $120,621 $1,382
Reata Springs Baptist Church 571238786 $0 $0
Redeemer Lutheran Church 910865210 $0 $0
Regional Youth Service Corps 911650357 $0 $0
Richland 910723622 $0 $0
Richland Alliance Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 237183389 $0 $0
Richland American Legion Baseball 910959829 $0 $0
Richland Arts Foundation 273404643 $0 $0
Richland Babe Ruth Baseball Association 911369661 $0 $0
Richland Baptist Church 916014811 $0 $0
Richland Bomber Boosters Incorporated 911267667 $77,775 $28,456
Richland Cemetery Association Incorporated 910701875 $1,528,013 $5,592,643
Richland Downtown Business Improvement District Incorporated 208722563 $0 $0
Richland Education Association 910820054 $180,386 $203,646
Richland Education Foundation 911571854 $0 $0
Richland Foursquare Church 911148723 $0 $0
Richland Heights Baptist Church 911232854 $0 $0
Richland High School Instrumental Music Boosters 912025102 $0 $0
Richland Kiwanis Foundation 311580558 $0 $0
Richland Labor Temple Association 1305 Knight St 910723206 $62,024 $254,038
Richland Lutheran Church Foundation 911383942 $0 $0
Richland Players Incorporated 916013017 $131,581 $339,526
Richland Public Library Foundation 912037071 $0 $0
Richland Rotary Foundation 911011965 $77,728 $68,705
Richland Seniors Association 911700248 $0 $0
Richland Temple Association Incorporated 916061506 $0 $0
Richland Yacht Club 916013283 $226,207 $1,150,685
Ridges to Rivers Open Space Network 271186914 $0 $0
Rivercrest Swim Club 911379818 $0 $0
Rotary International 911594818 $0 $0
Rotary International 912018738 $0 $0
Rotary International 916058247 $67,690 $40,340
Sacajawea Childrens Interest Association Parent Teacher Organiz 237448454 $0 $0
Sagebrush Elementary School 461064904 $39,746 $30,569
Shalom Ecumenical Center 911763196 $859 $625,383
Sign Fracture Care International 911952283 $4,939,959 $5,844,377
Society of Women Engineers 911462951 $0 $0
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 510500511 $0 $0
South Eastern Washington Quilters 911671513 $0 $0
Southside United Protestant Church 910617539 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Richland 911392827 $0 $0
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life - Tri-cities 208385128 $0 $0
Spring Rise Restoration 562663180 $0 $0
Supreme Assembly of the Social Order of the Beauceant 237267391 $0 $0
Tapteal Greenway 943234539 $0 $0
Temple Baptist Church of Richland Washington 911078224 $0 $0
The Bridge Kennewick 911712763 $0 $0
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Incorporated 061504413 $0 $0
The Tri-city Bicycle Club 943076808 $0 $0
The@divine Fellowship 911872478 $0 $0
The@knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program Services 911859965 $0 $0
Three Rivers Childrens Museum Foundation 911456513 $0 $0
Three Rivers Community Foundation 912049302 $825,868 $1,784,312
Three Rivers Lacrosse Club 061769545 $76,030 $29,117
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237623957 $0 $0
Time of Remembrance 264457395 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 200958158 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237095942 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 320153841 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 421553148 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900413786 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900780660 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 911658681 $0 $0
Tri Cities Advocates for the Mentally Ill 942809456 $0 $0
Tri Cities Amateur Radio Club 916055935 $0 $0
Tri City Channel Cats Parents Association 911291557 $323,730 $74,887
Tri-cities Chaplaincy 910913590 $15,073,364 $9,791,455
Tri-cities Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance Church 911496733 $0 $0
Tri-cities Food Bank 911011971 $3,451,803 $2,260,270
Tri-cities Industry Kiwanis Foundation 911853564 $0 $0
Tri-cities Research District 911503940 $5 $48,364
Tri-cities Soccer Referees Association 201101856 $174,941 $7,928
Tri-cities Wine Society 943042087 $38,417 $59,372
Tri-city Chinese Christian Fellowship 910988617 $0 $0
Tri-city Christian Translator Association 412183926 $0 $0
Tri-city Dance Association 911676144 $0 $0
Tri-city Dog Park Society 651268903 $0 $0
Tri-city Figure Skating Club 911483671 $0 $0
Tri-city Model Railroaders 237200155 $0 $0
Tri-city Quilters 911121942 $50,185 $36,501
Tri-city Shooting Association 911351249 $307,380 $687,298
Tri-city Table Tennis Association 910987085 $0 $0
Tricities Community Connections 454040498 $68,353 $42,662
Twin City Titens American Legion Baseball 900041252 $43,209 $12,421
Ukrainian Pentecostal Church 200962771 $0 $0
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 910858364 $210,165 $464,039
United Steelworkers 910720125 $470,278 $598,151
Unity of the Tri-cities 911154064 $0 $0
Uss Midway Veterans Association 451493998 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Washington 910553972 $111,734 $61,632
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Washington 911549373 $0 $0
Washington Elementary Chess Champions 161643909 $0 $0
Washington Operation Thank You 203668453 $0 $0
Washington Society of Professional Engineers 263440002 $0 $0
Washington State Family Child Care Association 910946677 $0 $0
Washington State Stem Education Foundation 264107233 $629,256 $1,145,327
Wat Richland Buddhavanaram Buddhist Temple 911955914 $0 $0
West Side Church of Richland Wa 916001996 $0 $0
Whats New in Medicine 262130590 $91,640 $17,458
White Bluffs Elementary Pto 260704127 $100,036 $29,160
Women Helping Women Fund Tri-cities 912056891 $185,231 $242,195
World Citizens for Peace 943031394 $0 $0
Ymca of the Greater Tri-cities 910655754 $1,525,669 $651,968