There are 1,238 nonprofits in Irvine, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
South Lytle Community Services 200498967 $0 $419
Southern California Association of Science Specialists Incorporated 270536778 $0 $0
Southern California Chapter of Electronics Representatives Association 912104008 $365,504 $753,920
Southern California Labrador Retriever Rescue 330788621 $73,607 $219,291
Southern California Monte Jade Science and Technology Association 680507785 $27,513 $26,483
Southern California Pomeranian Rescue Incorporated 264078749 $57,396 $3,000
Sowing Seeds Music Incorporated 270812949 $12,419 $23,832
Sparc Incorporated 020811276 $190,003 $22,152
Specialty Vehicle Institute of America 330044256 $4,855,442 $2,327,421
Spectrum Infant Daycare Incorporated 800375183 $0 $0
Spindler Family Foundation 205998124 $8 $32,574
Spirit of Compassion 263676111 $0 $0
Spirit of Hope Christian Fellowship 330861890 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Irvine 330406771 $0 $0
Spring of Water International Ministries 010940108 $120,888 $11,206
St John Foundation 330706594 $6 $14,010
St Joseph Health System 953589356 $411,471,436 $2,052,413,163
St Joseph Health System Foundation 330143024 $26,319,991 $105,327,601
St Mark Antiochian Orthodox Church 330500812 $0 $0
St Michael the Archangel Academy 371701942 $0 $0
St Thomas More Parish 330711481 $0 $0
Stadia New Church Strategies 050556267 $0 $0
Stephen and Pamela Thornefoundation 260276194 $200,009 $202,209
Stephen G and Rosemarie Torres Johnson Family Foundation Incorporated 043510441 $1 $1
Strawberry Growers of Southern California 201649712 $26,530 $20,124
Stucco Manufacturers Association 956095456 $78,082 $141,088
Sudanese American National Affairs and Development Foundation 205882027 $0 $0
Sun Ten Museum Incorporated 010655259 $51,484 $1,180,417
Sunset Haven 951940173 $0 $0
Sunwest Bank Charitable Foundation 271607730 $734,200 $2,013,827
Supplier Excellence Alliance 550827229 $217,486 $52,349
Supportability 330953584 $90,441 $387,376
Surf City Cyclery Triathlon Team 454234659 $19,300 $6,647
Sustainable Neighbors Network 455176645 $0 $0
Swaddles for Sweethearts Foundation 454607726 $0 $0
Sweet Bay Foundation 330776397 $46,932 $730,190
Swiss Athletic Society Incorporated 956066234 $7,501 $50,668
Swords for Christ 330564649 $0 $0
Sycamore Flats Communtiy Services 200498893 $0 $419
Taco Bell Foundation Incorporated 330523542 $10,433,993 $10,008,244
Tactical Chaplain Services Incorporated 711041890 $166,951 $19,458
Taghavi and Ghazi Foundation 203959759 $217,739 $230,790
Tahquitz Pines Incorporated 271167859 $0 $0
Take Action Foundation 260170904 $0 $0
Talk About Curing Autism 270048002 $1,251,740 $309,581
Tamars Voice 943217373 $0 $0
Tarbut Vtorah Community Day School 953374189 $15,516,698 $41,463,585
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 521232152 $0 $0
Tay Ninh Dong Huong Hoi Association of Friends from Tay-ninh 264089294 $0 $0
Team Kids Incorporated 753152594 $497,361 $42,262
Teammates for Life Incorporated 454940540 $0 $0
Tech Coast Venture Network 330335816 $21,610 $85,221
Techbiz Connection 204284464 $0 $0
Ted G and Melissa T Lagreid Family Foundation 452520111 $134,705 $33,703
Temple of Light Spiritual Community 270330013 $0 $0
Tender Touch Ministries 251927156 $0 $0
Tennis Friends Incorporated 954445634 $0 $0
Terranova Church 460507047 $0 $0
Tesserae Incorporated 900881243 $0 $0
Thai Association of Southern California 680512291 $0 $0
The Association of Olongapo City in Los Angeles Ca 330517057 $0 $0
The Cajal Club Foundation Corporation 742401707 $73,443 $396,428
The Church in Irvine Corporation 953236325 $0 $0
The Church of Sacramental Encounter Incorporated 953298190 $0 $0
The Creekers Club 330112768 $381,107 $97,762
The Dolphin Club a Nonprofit Corporation 930870910 $381,227 $133,322
The Dream Maker Foundation 680623791 $1,967 $4,562
The Fieldstead Charitable Trust 330127363 $16,431 $24,353
The Filipino American Community of Orange County 900973696 $0 $0
The Foundation of the Family of C M and Edna P Cotton 956097315 $514,848 $1,152,288
The Heart of Asia 352207081 $84,467 $948
The Iranica Institute 912118584 $0 $0
The Irvine Museum 330501917 $1,460,872 $10,743,400
The Kenneth a Lester Family Foundation 200191517 $456,585 $3,128,972
The Liao Chinese Family Foundation 204069559 $419 $14,034
The Mazdayasnie Connection 330386616 $0 $0
The Media Project 830461425 $572,667 $112,174
The National Academies Corporation 942994279 $363,785 $18,355,939
The Orange County Aspergers Support Group 263602167 $0 $0
The Roosters 953244959 $62,097 $17,500
The Saddleback Valley Korean Church 953826676 $0 $0
The Sandra Kobrine Foundation 330911301 $660 $22,878
The Scholarship Fndnt Incorporated of Calif Retired Tchrs Association or Co Cntrl 330143630 $0 $0
The Summit Church 954374062 $0 $0
The Toshizo Watanabe Foundation 263057058 $8,227,754 $10,665,496
The@james Samuel Rogers Foundation 161689425 $268,591 $652,180
The@jim Quay Memorial Fund 456118344 $0 $0
The@robert and Ryoko Gray Foundation 262034117 $1 $1
Theatre Forty Incorporated 952454761 $421,716 $136,790
Thomas Howard Foundation 264410208 $0 $0
Throne of Grace Ministries 264668792 $0 $0
Tiger Woods Charity Event Corp 061554474 $29,576,140 $4,365,649
Tiger Woods Foundation Incorporated 200677815 $32,080,301 $109,463,341
Tillys Life Center 455468732 $256,931 $61,541
Timberwolf Instrumental Music Boosters Northwood High School 330864351 $95,223 $212,043
Tiyya Foundation Incorporated 273128801 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 201844596 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203868947 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 208972981 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260066495 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260303979 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330016912 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330016934 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330018835 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330572587 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330611296 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330863918 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330915830 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 330973151 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 510213804 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116254 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116923 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900359043 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900400607 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900580923 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900590488 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900590490 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900599863 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900721063 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900870849 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900898528 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900943183 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901001478 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901042845 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 931191192 $0 $0
Todd Worldwide Ministries 205832221 $10,880 $10,787
Tolerance Foundation 330888800 $268,012 $391,187
Tomo No Kai 300323504 $0 $0
Tony Davis Ministries 432060471 $0 $0
Toshiba America Elec Components Incorporated Out-of-ca Std Benefit Plan Trust 330480678 $83,544 $473,298
Town Center Association 953714547 $915,619 $1,153,708
Trans Church Research 330953472 $555,261 $43,757
Travelers of Gullivers Restaurant 330845299 $0 $0
Trilogy at Glen Ivy Community Services 721549935 $153,516 $519,171
Trinitycenter for Community Development 202651197 $0 $0
True Jesus Church in Irvine 330566283 $0 $0
True Way Church 263365152 $0 $0
Turkish Language Institute Incorporated 272204395 $61,510 $6,201
Turtlerock Park and Recreation Association 952591230 $320,777 $878,589
Tustin Affordable Housing Corporation 311663800 $1,010,869 $4,982,128
Tustin Thunder Baseball Club Incorporated 320255436 $21,356 $2,473
Tyrannus Discipleship Institute 454850258 $0 $0
Tyrannus Halls International 956073875 $85,828 $191,438
Uci Alumni Association 237237163 $1,970,649 $8,634,411
Uci University Club Incorporated 952504946 $753,771 $449,539
United Agricultural Association Emp Welfare Bene Pl Trust 330013118 $92,340,668 $35,384,808
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Orange County Incorporated 951856340 $4,213,251 $2,480,326
United Chinese Christian Church of Irvine 141844649 $0 $0
United Lebanese Organization 271889350 $0 $0
United Ostomy Associations of America Incorporated 412190887 $0 $0
United Student Athletics Incorporated 050605912 $0 $0
United Trustees Association 953953008 $426,456 $268,321
Unity International Ministries 043711667 $0 $0
Universal Dorcas Ministries Incorporated 800228805 $0 $0
Universal United Church of Christ 200954590 $0 $0
University High Boys Soccer Boosters 461054842 $0 $0
University High Girls Soccer Boosters 461024266 $0 $0
University High School Aquatics Booster Club 320211240 $131,327 $73,602
University High School Football Booster Club 421733054 $87,086 $53,048
University High School Girls Basketball Booster Club 461183391 $0 $0
University High School Girls Volley Ball 455544802 $0 $0
University High School Instrumental Music Boosters 330234529 $129,613 $71,415
University High School Pep Squad Booster Club 205246271 $0 $0
University Inter-faith Foundation 956126119 $0 $0
University of California Irvine Foundation 952540117 $128,801,926 $320,224,320
University of California Irvine Town and Gown 956208029 $18,183 $12,368
University of Santo Tomas Medical Alumni Society Southern California 954513641 $60,575 $104,761
Upper Room Presents Incorporated 371612574 $52,530 $30,876
Urbi-culture Incorporated 952875960 $21,000 $43
Urgyen Secret Treasure Incorporated 203961476 $78,343 $137,568
Us Institute of Building Documentation 352444490 $0 $0
Us Military Racquetball Foundation 263231664 $37,745 $2,322
Us-korea Law Foundation 450978072 $0 $0
Vahdat Navin Jahani New Universalunion 260340302 $0 $0
Vaquero Instrumental Music Boosters 330164367 $115,582 $105,281
Vasa Order of America 510209898 $0 $0
Vedic Sanskriti Sansathanam 462071178 $0 $0
Veloce Santiago 330910853 $18,567 $6,222
Venture Strategies Innovations 262813021 $4,077,848 $2,810,215
Veritas Foundation Incorporated 262032631 $0 $3,700
Verity Institute 330592138 $394 $8,587
Very Large Data Bases 310997196 $678,771 $279,836
Vidya Sabha Incorporated 953794778 $0 $0
Vietnam Foundation Incorporated 953626124 $0 $0
Village Church of Irvine 955004001 $0 $0
Village Solutions Foundation 330869856 $11,006,667 $133,759
Visions Made Viable 262214003 $562,180 $128,177
Vista Verde Foundation 330909156 $32,309 $36,912
Vivere Philanthropic Foundation 912147920 $114,815 $718,045
Voice of China 263944354 $52,415 $14,783
Voice of the Faithful Orange County 562605854 $0 $0
Volunteers of Irvine Medical Center 931025260 $114,180 $109,402
Voyagers Bible Church 953320213 $0 $0
Vp Hockey Incorporated 202217533 $0 $0
Wagon Wheel Canyon Community Association 330668635 $399,139 $498,688
Walker Foundation 954677130 $694,572 $1,637,317
Washer Family Charitable Foundation 050543917 $11,238 $4,020
We Still Believe 452125890 $0 $0
Weseeu 460826376 $0 $0
West Coast University Foundation 455500721 $270,000 $270,000
West Point Parents Club of Orange County 943489435 $19,308 $9,885
Westcoast Sports Associates Incorporated 954566748 $368,383 $529,923
Western Digital Foundation 330769372 $1,770,819 $201,412
Western Growers Association 951362030 $15,760,970 $19,514,115
Western Growers Assurance Trust 952500201 $183,919,624 $90,045,464
Western Growers Foundation 931201791 $176,232 $51,795
Westerners the First People of Earth Mother Payomkawichum Kaamala 330918529 $0 $0
Westpark Maintenance District 330215299 $2,200,936 $2,508,290
Whs Music Boosters Incorporated 452862721 $91,450 $53,580
Wildwood Music Associates Incorporated 952823708 $118,456 $15,808
Willette Charitable Foundation 462360622 $0 $0
With Heart Foundation USA 454009444 $0 $0
Withim Foundation 271491723 $7,580 $112,149
Womansage Incorporated 721556442 $122,588 $50,846
Women in Commercial Real State Orange County 330392679 $219,470 $157,615
Women Investing in Security and Education 330904048 $0 $0
Women Marines Association 352469761 $0 $0
Womens Council on the Environment Incorporated 330660318 $0 $0
Woodbridge Choral Boosters 330271759 $0 $0
Woodbridge Community Church 952669999 $0 $0
Woodbridge High School Grad Night Committee 330278903 $69,167 $1,696
Woodbridge Village Association 953033798 $9,602,538 $39,607,651
Woodbridge Warrior Boosters 330075822 $245,960 $162,034
World Affairs Council of Orange County 953288197 $252,359 $193,068
World Poker Tour Foundation 451034515 $130,806 $27,382
World Remnant Missions 203873200 $0 $0
World Vision Mission 710874387 $0 $0
World Wide Giving Incorporated 455511897 $0 $0
Worldwide Christian Mission Church 954330939 $0 $0
Worshipers in Progress 202157271 $0 $0
Wyland Foundation 330543876 $672,289 $200,659
Xealot Incorporated 203005483 $652,745 $44,852
Yerak Ethnic Contemporary Performing Arts 452889029 $0 $0
Yoshihara Foundation 452398329 $6,205 $2,211
Yougo Foundation 453583437 $0 $0
Young Performing Artists Club Incorporated 461638598 $0 $0
Yours for Life Ministries Incorporated 330288360 $56,669 $39,055
Zoom Education Foundation and Resources 205715668 $0 $0