There are 2,556 nonprofits in Oakland, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
G I Rights Network 161778851 $0 $0
Galbraith Mens Golf Club 946182142 $0 $0
Game on Digital 270963520 $0 $0
Game Theory Academy 300500172 $155,198 $121,259
Gates to the City Pentacostal Church Incorporated 942688844 $0 $0
Gee How Oak Tin Association 942401613 $0 $0
Gee How Oak Tin Association of Alameda Ca 522181363 $0 $0
General Council of the Assemblies of God 680443716 $0 $0
General Council of the Assemblies of God 770268634 $0 $0
General Council of the Assemblies of God 941254636 $0 $0
General Council of the Assemblies of God 943252105 $0 $0
Generation Five 270044294 $7,972 $30,983
Genesis Worship Center 680546328 $0 $0
Geo Products Insurance Co Ltd 980179585 $0 $0
Geordavie Ministries International 900739810 $0 $0
George Daskarolis Foundation 270673026 $0 $0
Georgia Sulprizio Scholarship Fund 911848938 $5,446 $119,219
Gerald Agee Ministeries 931219544 $0 $0
Gerald S and Miriam M Friedkin Supporting Foundation 030527948 $591,679 $3,156,173
German School of the East Bay 941620886 $130,001 $51,058
Get Legit Incorporated 943399739 $0 $1
Get Well Foundation 943169037 $3,254 $790,889
Girls Incorporated of Alameda County 941558073 $9,809,838 $20,676,176
Girls Leadership Institute Incorporated 331207431 $1,467,628 $330,500
Girls Talk Group 900790869 $0 $0
Give Team 141975399 $0 $0
Glad Tidings Church of God in Christ Incorporated 943033877 $4,000 $1
Glass Molders Pottery Plastics and Allied Workers 940577640 $161,790 $126,150
Glass Molders Pottery Plastics and Allied Workers 941411279 $0 $0
Global Citizen Year Incorporated 263161342 $4,138,180 $2,598,823
Global Footprint Network Incorporated 731672982 $2,016,407 $1,667,107
Global Glimpse 260651273 $1,060,732 $373,992
Glory Temple Church of God in Christ 510206013 $0 $0
Gnostic Institute of Anthropology 942400153 $0 $0
God All over Ministries 680654352 $0 $0
Gods Base 710959947 $0 $0
Gods Destiny Christian Fellowship 800841630 $0 $0
Gods Way Church 432057107 $0 $0
Godspeak International Incorporated 943295974 $0 $0
Golden Age Seniors 870799736 $7,772 $623
Golden Dragon Project at Lincoln School 900782780 $0 $0
Golden Gate Angling and Casting Club Foundation 942737441 $0 $0
Golden Gate Gordon Setter Club 943261593 $0 $0
Golden State Warriors Community Foundation 454001645 $594,776 $481,208
Golden State Warriors Foundation 943253780 $19,229 $1
Good Cents for Oakland 810671438 $12,472 $9,635
Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland 943389694 $0 $0
Good News Bible Church 942943607 $0 $0
Good Samaritan Cathedral Housing Development Corporation 912172699 $36,000 $46,200
Good World Solutions Incorporated 562435785 $274,695 $152,891
Goodwill Industries of the Greater East Bay Incorporated 941186175 $26,061,798 $22,127,991
Gospel Harvest Instituttional Church 680117779 $0 $0
Gospel of Jesus Christ 943371539 $0 $0
Gospel on the Green Incorporated 208296085 $0 $0
Gosswood Housing Incorporated 943117549 $0 $1
Governors 2011 Inaugural Committee Incorporated 274114319 $0 $221,489
Graduates Organized to Assure Learning 680087611 $0 $0
Graham Family Foundation 203180033 $416,429 $2,279,425
Gramp Foundation 943258694 $340,511 $1,569,694
Grand Lake Montessori 942558375 $2,886,254 $1,346,667
Graphic Communications Union Retirement Center Incorporated 941652296 $1,668,977 $3,100,767
Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training 943339018 $493,277 $461,828
Gray Panthers of the Berkeley Area Incorporated 510144455 $0 $0
Great Council of California Improved Order of Red Men 946074722 $0 $0
Great Oakland Public Schools 271025753 $306,891 $163,270
Great Oakland Public Schools Leadership Center 271491564 $1,736,030 $1,388,725
Great St John Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 201245761 $0 $0
Great Visions Foundation 050587043 $0 $0
Greater Bay Area Benevolent Endowment 943027936 $2,800 $500
Greater Cooper African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 942629136 $0 $0
Greater Desire Non-denominationministry 260670875 $0 $0
Greater Gospel Center Church 943018846 $0 $0
Greater Life Community Outreach 943141845 $0 $0
Greater Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 942577889 $0 $0
Greater Praise Temple Missionary Baptist Church 943336753 $0 $0
Greater St Matthew Mbc 453260965 $0 $0
Greek-usogs 943173319 $0 $0
Green Aid Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund Incorporated 450475823 $0 $0
Green Branch 611604479 $0 $0
Green Chamber of Commerce 261519089 $5,505 $1,029
Green Cities Fund Incorporated 203911647 $163,969 $27,482
Green for All 261140201 $2,851,114 $5,596,171
Green Sangha Organization 352317701 $0 $0
Green Stampede 470892937 $0 $0
Grey Family Foundation 680323540 $566,567 $949,273
Grid Alternatives 260043353 $33,895,965 $9,598,046
Grizzly Peak Cyclists Incorporated 237400571 $89,583 $28,125
Groundswell Productions 753093241 $0 $0
Group 70 943080991 $0 $0
Guerrilla Intelligence 454718144 $0 $0
Guosa Educational Scientific and Cultural Institute 203558142 $0 $0
Gwo Incorporated 371714539 $0 $0
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 943053687 $19,031,852 $40,180,252
Hand to Hand Kajukendo Self Defense Center 943021257 $50,568 $46,437
Hands Helping Hands Incorporated 800163140 $0 $0
Harbor House Ministries Incorporated 237133986 $489,211 $266,321
Harley Owners Group-fremont California Chapter Incorporated 943393840 $0 $0
Harold and Libby Ziff Foundation 952383366 $2,577,548 $3,154,241
Harrison Street Senior Housing Corporation 264117375 $0 $1
Havenscourt Community Church of Oakland California 941422475 $0 $0
Haviland Collectors International Educational Foundation 431671750 $0 $0
Haviland Collectors Internationale Foundation 431591767 $32,868 $31,065
Head-royce School 941518656 $35,264,429 $98,555,211
Healing Muses 912140492 $0 $0
Health and Human Resource Education Center 952901569 $672,254 $90,729
Health Career Connection Incorporated 251904312 $1,109,446 $294,381
Health Outreach Partners 521852628 $837,298 $300,917
Healthy City Oakland Fund 943145454 $0 $0
Healthy Communities Incorporated 710902919 $2,234,359 $300,456
Hearing Loss Association of America Incorporated 134226229 $0 $0
Heart in Balance 201206371 $70,688 $3,877
Heart-to-heart International 943130437 $1,300,113 $1,860,153
Heartfelt Hound Rescue 463104061 $0 $0
Heaven Rock Missionary Baptist Church 943333966 $0 $0
Hellenic Protogonas Apostolic Ecclesia 946123334 $0 $0
Helping Hands for Children 680452876 $0 $0
Helzel Family Foundation 942597088 $4,180,768 $12,855,766
Herman and Mollie Hertz Foundation 943034309 $11,309 $222,198
Hesed Community 942814154 $0 $0
Hidden Genius Project 460689949 $0 $0
High Altitude Youth Program 463671327 $0 $0
High Street Presbyterian Church 941201237 $0 $0
High Tide Dance Incorporated 133260250 $92,707 $2,613
Higher Gliffs Incorporated 364319738 $0 $0
Higher Ground Bible Fellowship 943358388 $0 $0
Higher Ground Church 946115384 $0 $0
Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation 311779933 $832,029 $140,427
Highlands Country Club 941662032 $871,616 $2,127,756
Hillcrest Estates Improvement Association Incorporated 942387450 $12,231 $47,423
Hillcrest Language School 383668730 $0 $0
Hiller Highland Ii Asso Incorporated 941736067 $92,760 $281,464
Hillside Gardeners of Montclair 942521449 $0 $0
Hip Hop Congress Incorporated 954822739 $0 $0
Hip Wah School 680049002 $114,564 $132,752
Hispanics in Philanthropy 943040607 $5,595,546 $9,187,474
Hiv Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County 943205535 $1,262,379 $776,626
Holy Names University 941358307 $42,189,495 $35,186,537
Holy Temple of the Angels Baptist Evangelistic Center Incorporated 942401351 $0 $0
Home of Peace of Oakland 941312328 $187,468 $910,377
Home Place Initiatives Corporation 943237854 $895,293 $1,436,732
Honorary Deputy Sheriffs Association 943131686 $0 $0
Hopalong Animal Rescue 943246994 $509,562 $1,156,527
Hope Housing Development Corporation 943105154 $42,936 $277
Hope in Christ Incorporated 942938945 $0 $0
Hope Not Hunger 270654931 $0 $2,846
Hope Senior Housing Corporation 943039133 $749,771 $2,953,724
Hope Through Opportunity Incorporated 943291996 $83,519 $41,103
Hotel Oakland Housing Development Financing Corporation 942542709 $0 $1
Hotel Oakland Tenants Association 943017501 $0 $0
Hound Haven Hope Rescue 273609703 $0 $1
House of Mercy Educational Resourcecenter 204866854 $0 $0
House of Prayer Evangelistic Center 943395127 $0 $0
House of Prayer Faith Deliverance Corporation 946170096 $0 $0
House of Restoration Church 510480924 $0 $0
House of Stone Charitable Organization 912158447 $0 $0
Housing and Economic Rights Advocates 202573758 $1,077,763 $543,480
Housing Consortium of the East Bay 943298156 $3,091,516 $27,481,921
Hua Yen Temple 943146588 $31,000 $65,216
Human Impact Partners 270193587 $743,878 $1,040,444
Humanistic Alternatives to Addiction Research and Treatment I 942578202 $3,158,545 $2,381,532
Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation Incorporated 870747909 $0 $0
Hungry Kitty Limited 263559589 $0 $0
Huong Viet Community Center 943152735 $18,902 $146,006
Hyar Homeless Youth at Risk 270129570 $0 $0
I Q R a a Educational Academy and Services 942935523 $0 $0
Ibo Union of Northern California Incorporated 593810589 $1,350 $0
Icjobs Incorporated 203023187 $0 $0
Iclei Local Governments for Sustainability USA Incorporated 043116623 $3,277,853 $714,727
Igl Macedonia Asambleas De Dios 331051242 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Herederos Del Reino 800926994 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios of Church of God Cleveland Headquarters 943332830 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Restauracion 753130021 $0 $0
Iglesia Evangelica Del Espiritu Santo Del Monte Sinai 462860445 $0 $0
Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostes Shalom Fraternidad Elim El Salvad 943081877 $0 $0
Iglesia Nueva Vida Del Valle 611532586 $0 $0
Ignite 383819049 $511,107 $68,544
Ile Orunmila Oshun 942971794 $0 $0
Imani Community Church 943262755 $0 $0
Imara Residential and Substance Abuse Program 412212887 $0 $0
Impact Bay Area 943123451 $244,937 $28,083
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 510210172 $0 $0
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 941554615 $41,211 $18,454
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 18 Mizp 237275545 $0 $0
Inches for Charity 274586985 $0 $0
Indelible Mark Foundation 455416085 $0 $0
Independent Institute 943008370 $5,006,727 $5,137,460
Independent Resident Council of Piedmont Gardens 943256117 $110,232 $83,901
Independent Schools Business Officers Association of California 050543440 $186,903 $137,997
Infinity Minstries 943007184 $0 $0
Inkboat Incorporated 261657623 $16,105 $6,600
Inner City Advisors 470898054 $1,050,141 $1,897,506
Inner City Worship Center 262447053 $0 $0
Inside out Media Incorporated 920188506 $37,336 $7,552
Insight Center for Community Economic Development 942410277 $1,793,547 $2,110,030
Inspirational Sisters 273067221 $0 $0
Institute for Aloe Studies 912108376 $0 $0
Institute for College Access and Success Incorporated 201368860 $1,278,795 $3,923,052
Institute for Democratic Education and Culture 943292755 $1,113,671 $69,241
Institute for Food and Development Policy Incorporated 132838167 $929,917 $850,080
Institute for Frontier Science 232840016 $267,999 $510,474
Institute for Justice and Journalism 263672469 $159,759 $114,184
Institute for Philosophical Research 452740006 $6,000 $429
Institute for Public Accuracy 943281861 $290,064 $86,981
Institute for Sustianable Economic Educational and Environmental Desig 900777307 $1,101,121 $526,359
Institute for the Advanced Study of Black Family Life and Culture 942638330 $548,592 $99,054
Integrated Care Leadership Network 452454669 $330,787 $344,644
Integrated Healthcare Association 943211035 $4,394,583 $4,079,553
Integrated Music 273364804 $0 $0
Integrity Educational Center 452600367 $4,462 $74
Interdenominational Gospel Chapel 941527085 $0 $0
International Accountability Project 270608154 $733,795 $324,493
International Aid for Korean Animals 943255699 $431,786 $465,290
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 940700775 $0 $0
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture M 946068579 $279,430 $691,259
International Association of Fire Fighters 946102227 $1,119,873 $1,531,155
International Association of Fire Fighters 946130861 $831,607 $268,216
International Association of Lions Clubs 237339219 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 946082545 $79,170 $125,749
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 953148798 $816,360 $5,189,813
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 886002845 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 940445365 $658,796 $677,917
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 942222981 $10,466,148 $1,079,248
International Association of Machinists Building Association 941316835 $59,772 $681,995
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 940577286 $2,873,254 $4,631,766
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 943233171 $3,019,238 $723,247
International Brotherhood Steel and Iron Workers Local 790 941453830 $383,914 $336,336
International Capoeira Angola Foundation 134267690 $26,789 $13,101
International Center for Integrative Medicine 272221089 $0 $0
International Committee for the Pre Servation of Lascaux Incorporated 800141788 $0 $0
International Education Center 680442386 $3,334,114 $2,463,086
International Facility Management Association Incorporated 201093632 $0 $0
International Faith Center Incorporated 941312338 $0 $0
International Longshore and Warehouse Union 940577592 $1,343,729 $1,131,388
International Longshore and Warehouse Union 941088009 $274,926 $265,477
International Media Project 943239511 $379,833 $247,278
International Pentecostal Assemblies 942958210 $0 $0
International Theosophy Conferences Incorporated 262308632 $0 $0
International Unicycling Federation Incorporated 112727785 $0 $0
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 942861117 $371,559 $345,359
Internet Sexuality Information 943398862 $1,235,584 $371,532
Interreligious Council of Oakland 942966772 $0 $0
Intertribal Friendship House 946042089 $321,075 $385,570
Iota Delta Veta Storks Nest-scholarship Fund 943351691 $0 $0
Iota Educational Foundation Bay Area Incorporated 943139205 $0 $0
Iota Housing and Community Development Corporation 943272596 $0 $0
Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California 943068250 $0 $0
Israelite Missionary Baptist Church 912141229 $0 $0
Israelite Spiritual Temple 237098724 $0 $0
Italian American Cultural Fdn 680354739 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of Calif Incorporated Central Council 940375826 $1,283,239 $1,965,867
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 770137548 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641079 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641212 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641243 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 330213251 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 330213392 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 371637007 $0 $0
Itlaq Foundation 223914679 $0 $0
Iu Mien American National Coalition Incorporated 680326268 $0 $0
Ivy Hill Development Corporation 943257432 $282,120 $2,845,715
J V Lowney Fund 770526077 $49,561 $578,361
Jabez Project 161664636 $0 $0
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 946108141 $0 $0
Jack London District Association 203042819 $0 $0
Jack London Square Ministries 800817549 $0 $0
Jack London Youth Soccer Sportsleague 204588750 $491,549 $181,728
Jackson Institutional Baptist Church 942999994 $0 $0
Jake Fund 363776783 $91,778 $1,566,641
Jalon Institute 030609343 $0 $0
James Tiptree Jr Literary Award Council 680408405 $0 $0
James Toland Vocal Arts Incorporated 461431151 $0 $0
Japan Pacific Resource Network Incorporated 943008480 $146,900 $55,304
Japanese Angeles Mission 460598359 $0 $0
Jarvis Gardens Senior Apartments Incorporated 432084069 $9,298,651 $8,201,239
Jefferson Street Senior Housing Corporation 010660421 $621,780 $8,901,071
Jesucristo Ses La Respuesta 943344198 $0 $0
Jewish Community Foundation 946098382 $5,700,815 $41,156,235
Jih Der Sheng Daw Temple 943316005 $0 $0
Jion Academy 453437996 $860 $720
Jobs and Housing Coalition 263554104 $381,475 $21,925
Joseph and Sherry Felson Family Foundation 562620699 $226,815 $791,950
Joshua Christian Church 943251747 $0 $0
Jpsz Memorial Foundation 263577128 $0 $0
Judah the Gathering Place of Ministry Unto Jesus of Oakland Incorporated 943104633 $0 $0
Julia Morgan School for Girls 943285524 $7,154,207 $5,991,306
Jump Start Foundation Incorporated 371548229 $0 $0
Junghoon Christian Church 113647543 $0 $0
Junior Center of Art and Science 941236838 $236,789 $618,360
Just Cause Life Foundation 205660374 $0 $0
Just Health Foundation 272815778 $0 $0
Justice Matters Institute 943275302 $77,712 $178,853
Justice Now 421559699 $484,898 $334,222
K to College 510671019 $363,710 $267,547
Kacyra Family Foundation 943413411 $377,392 $975,414
Kaimanu Outrigger Canoe Club 943020022 $0 $0
Kaiser Health Alternatives 930954562 $0 $0
Kaiser Health Plan Asset Management Incorporated 943299124 $34,545,962 $181,707,293
Kaiser Hospital Asset Management Incorporated 943299125 $185,244,147 $930,754,616
Kaiser Hospital Assistance Corporation 311779500 $0 $0
Kaiser Permamente Asian Association 943310907 $27,294 $36,451
Kaiser Permanente Labor Management Partnership Trust 943382057 $25,820,801 $15,555,166
Kaleo Christian Fellowship 680189430 $0 $0
Kamite Incorporated 942563114 $1 $1
Kappa Alpha Psi Community Project 942952968 $30,317 $178,666
Kazan Mcclain Abrams Fernandez Lyons Greenwood Harley and Oberman 943192688 $1,811,541 $3,856,829
Kee Ying Senior Citizens Center 942838301 $0 $0
Keller Housing Initiatives Incorporated 943247917 $50,731 $4,623,922
Kendra Alexander Foundation 942279554 $116,714 $759,804
Kenneth Rainin Foundation 943289283 $69,396,916 $136,967,256
Keys to the Heart International Church 710986510 $0 $0
Khadafy Foundation for Non-violence Incorporated 943390778 $77,221 $3,397
Kids of the Kingdom Child Center 421665059 $37,018 $26,421
Kidzncharge Incorporated 453083576 $0 $0
Kiesha Wright Childrens Mary Lou Nonprofit Organization 943226284 $0 $0
Kindling Foundation Incorporated 050553029 $0 $0
Kinetic Steam Works 383828467 $0 $0
King-drew Dermatology Fund 954356699 $0 $0
Kingdom Builders Christian Fellowship Ministries 800490555 $0 $0
Kingdom First Fellowship Church 943359872 $0 $0
Kingdom Life International Ministries Incorporated 275253486 $0 $0
Kipp Bay Area Schools 205010766 $37,258,355 $47,341,319
Kitka Incorporated 942740963 $209,584 $199,585
Kiwanis International Incorporated 940605680 $35,744 $14,504
Knights of Columbus 452389225 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 237533544 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 237533613 $0 $0
Knock out Violence 263807362 $0 $0
Knowledge is Power Institute 943203561 $0 $0
Knowledge is the Key Foundation Incorporated 260243826 $0 $0
Korean Agape Mission Church 581789064 $0 $0
Korean Community Center of the East Bay 942503925 $638,397 $2,101,009
Korean Community Christian Church 943195502 $0 $0
Korean United Church of Noah Mission 942478781 $0 $0
Koreatown Oakland 412260418 $317,027 $183,323
Kwan Yan Buddhist Temple of California 943063909 $0 $0
La Clinica De La Raza Incorporated 941744108 $82,632,755 $63,657,301
La Leche League International Incorporated 453813384 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 943316792 $0 $0
La Placita Micro Business Center 454905312 $0 $0
Labor Temple Association of Alameda County 940613565 $294,855 $1,335,793
Laborers International Union of North America 940577612 $685,113 $119,089
Laborers International Union of North America 940865160 $500,251 $348,330
Laborers International Union of North America 942891515 $1,483,386 $1,328,058
Lake Chabot Junior Golf Academy 943194036 $8,287 $1,417
Lake Merritt Asian Cultural Arts Center Affordable Housing Corp 463434797 $0 $0
Lake Merritt Breakfast Club 941123215 $48,102 $54,896
Lake Merritt Breakfast Club Foundation 237447857 $14,077 $188,268
Lake Merritt Dance Center Incorporated 830440211 $116,031 $114,711
Lake Merritt Institute 943214160 $183,164 $42,966
Lake Merritt Medical Unit 452319330 $0 $0
Lake Merritt Rowing Club Incorporated 946103108 $107,164 $99,112
Lake Merritt-uptown District Association 611558417 $1,269,521 $250,771
Lake Park Residents Council 237374428 $0 $0
Lake School Corporation 942708253 $493,159 $566,344
Lakeshore Ave Baptist Church 941156832 $0 $0
Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church Foundation Incorporated 943307590 $17,165 $330,521
Lakeshore Avenue Business Improvment District 943287252 $66,363 $3,284
Lakeshore Homes Association 940615320 $188,150 $350,446
Lakeside Temple of Practical Christianity 941379501 $0 $0
Land Empowerment Animals People 203652744 $1,077,217 $543,719
Landmark Ministries 942829777 $0 $0
Laney Tennis Association 273651739 $0 $0
Lao Family Community Development Incorporated 943115164 $3,020,841 $4,868,255
Lao Iu Mien Culture Association Incorporated 942832499 $144,052 $1,597,783
Lao Park Housing Corporation 943236285 $0 $1
Lao Rattaram Temple 943103956 $0 $0
Las Bougainvilleas Senior Housing Incorporated 943237225 $679,479 $5,100,256
Latin American Church in Christ 943238642 $21,383 $0
Latino Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse of Alameda County 942171008 $1,397,556 $370,449
Latter Rain Ministries 204259486 $0 $0
Latter Reign Ministries 260683535 $0 $0
Laurel District Association 364582184 $258,676 $108,389
Laurel United Methodist Church 941270348 $0 $0
Laurel Village Association 061763277 $0 $0
Law Students for Reproductive Justice 900181944 $589,266 $921,042
Le Societe De Camaraderie 941309999 $59,038 $184,221
Leadership Excellence 330488726 $205,552 $3,774
Leadership Public Schools Incorporated 731643646 $15,622,595 $9,609,518
League of Women Voters of Oakland Incorporated 946093433 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of the Bay Area 237084695 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of the Bay Area Education Fund 942924786 $53,085 $44,417
Left Coast Observers 721607545 $0 $0
Legal Aid Association of California 330042690 $174,348 $191,577
Legal Assistance for Seniors Incorporated 942941697 $1,373,293 $302,185
Lend a Hand Foundation Incorporated of Northern California 943293372 $100,842 $15,364
Les Petits Francophones 274309862 $269,514 $126,897
Letsgooakland 270412851 $25,162 $328,457
Levelbar 364729821 $0 $0
Leverage Research 453989386 $82,120 $42,715
Liberian Association of Northern California 452809947 $4,551 $1,758
Life Courses 454177065 $0 $0
Life Development Corporation Incorporated 943008605 $0 $0
Lifering Incorporated 943267919 $63,422 $37,984
Lift Every Voice and Write Incorporated 743241069 $0 $1
Light of Buddha Temple Incorporated 942451395 $0 $0
Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools 943370410 $7,934,973 $3,856,120
Lighthouse Mission Church of God in Christ 942982454 $0 $0
Lighthouse Mosque 264425403 $368,952 $280,000
Ligure Club 941146786 $238,534 $1,245,083
Ligure Scholars Incorporated 611543892 $24,596 $62,467
Lily of the Valley Christian Center of Oakland Ca 954447804 $0 $0
Lincoln Child Center Incorporated 941156501 $21,098,175 $18,756,416
Lincoln Street Housing Incorporated 200255715 $104,782 $3,708,228
Lincoln University 941347042 $3,793,640 $4,113,887
Lincoln University Extension 912120259 $665,288 $112,855
Lindstrom Foundation for Archaeological Research and Developm 943236275 $2,685 $71,241
Links Incorporated 942950345 $116,287 $82,201
Links Incorporated 946103641 $405,624 $232,470
Links Incorporated 900538614 $20,258 $12,029
Lion Rock Foundation 263080768 $234 $158,974
Listen4life Foundation 651200601 $215,082 $166,483
Literacyworks 943396412 $438,676 $36,957
Little Angels Hope Foundation 463462275 $0 $0
Little Flock Childrens Homes Incorporated 900138566 $260,745 $473,730
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942951651 $169,531 $56,532
Little League Baseball Incorporated 943194760 $169,531 $56,532
Littleflock Systems 271497116 $0 $0
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 264743912 $0 $0
Lively Stone Community Church 942707366 $0 $0
Living Jazz 942963195 $624,911 $132,566
Living on My Own Incorporated 270095658 $7,650 $1
Living Word Christian Ministeries Incorporated 680235592 $0 $0
Lloyd a Freitas Foundation 237091802 $674 $3,832
Locus Science Fiction Foundation 263333819 $601,856 $1,250,815
Logos World Ministries 800708082 $0 $0
Lokahi Assurance Ltd 912171891 $362,549,667 $1,569,565,276
Loong Kong Tien Yee Association 237442128 $83,398 $240,480
Lora L and Martin N Kelley Family Foundation Trust 476174269 $9,693,010 $17,680,450
Lorenzo Alexander Aces Foundation 455225172 $33,400 $23,400
Lottie Johnson Memorial Housing Incorporated 942185014 $340,475 $577,075
Lotus Bloom 510662715 $301,025 $99,844
Louie Fong Kwong Brotherhood Association 943083735 $18,174 $289,887
Love 113 455302356 $0 $0
Love Center Ministries Incorporated 942555585 $0 $0
Love from Margot Foundation 454845389 $231,386 $59,275
Loved Twice 943441434 $831,989 $136,760
Low-income Families Empowerment Through Education 943348126 $215,543 $41,757
Lower Bottom Playaz Incorporated 453745370 $0 $0
Luo Family Foundation Incorporated 943371469 $10 $174
Lynn Handleman Charitable Foundation 656263327 $4,028,275 $10,650,001
M and E House of Prayer and Counseling Center 943341599 $0 $0
M B Ebako-hodgson 900628651 $82,564 $3,584
Maat Matters 272473424 $10,000 $2,199
Macarthur Metro 943096471 $0 $0
Machine Cancel Society 222181001 $0 $0
Macrobiotic Study Center 942910862 $0 $0
Madison Park Housing Incorporated 943188225 $0 $1
Madrone Hotel Incorporated 943054046 $0 $1
Magellan Council No 2730 Knights of Columbus 941262354 $0 $0
Manatee Aquatic Masters Incorporated 943085760 $116,122 $92,446
Mandela Marketplace Incorporated 113754129 $895,581 $330,653
Mar Housing Incorporated 943076114 $0 $1
Marcus a Foster Educational Institute 237357906 $1,021,222 $1,564,703
Margaret Mcdowell Associates Incorporated 943278985 $619,560 $5,115,209
Marra Foundation 943347337 $58,856 $12,665
Martin Luther King Jr Freedom Center 943390034 $393,195 $120,315
Mary Valle Foundation for the Cerebral Palsied 946091513 $8,322,049 $16,030,899
Masjid Abu-bakar of Oakland 943232487 $0 $0
Masjid Al Iman 943362957 $0 $0
Masjid Al Islam Incorporated 943062482 $20,858 $159,501
Masjid Tas Beeh 208896150 $0 $0
Masonic Building Holding Association of the East Bay 942763918 $101,721 $23,355
Master Mariners Benevolent Associat 942577897 $27,041 $16,391
Mathaction 454718477 $0 $0
Matoo Family Organization of Arts 743155200 $0 $0
Matrix International Agency 943023545 $1 $1
Maureen Harrigan Ministries Incorporated 912111407 $0 $0
Maxine Bowie-land Foundation 050611546 $0 $0
May Foundation Trust 112978693 $97,162 $473,781
Mba Project Incorporated 912167480 $634,412 $129,843
Mcguire and Hester Foundation 946104634 $464,230 $1,333,451
Media Alliance 942563400 $81,066 $131,946
Media and Place - Map - Productions Incorporated 272561636 $410,978 $36,560
Mediation Society 943317575 $0 $0
Medication Safety Foundation 270163175 $0 $0
Medicine in Action 204945664 $27,545 $37,213
Medjugorje Information Resource Center of San Jose 770344794 $0 $0
Melrose Leadership Academy 562282903 $0 $0
Memorial Tabernacle Church 208914498 $0 $0
Men Creating Peace 263898063 $0 $0
Men of Influence 900979530 $0 $0
Men of Iron 263453364 $0 $0
Men of Valor Academy 943164295 $696,943 $29,743
Mentoring in Medicine and Science Incorporated 273263074 $112,946 $53,431
Mercy Retirement Care Center 941156579 $25,303,460 $28,230,715
Merritt Community Capital Corp 943099401 $3,226,388 $14,038,058
Metropolitan Equestrian Preservation Society Incorporated 943178828 $0 $0
Metropolitan Junior Golf Program Incorporated 943301366 $0 $0
Metropolitan Life Center 743216022 $0 $0
Metta Dharma Foundation 271219009 $0 $0
Metta Heart Incorporated 421754787 $0 $0
Mill Cabinet Industry Benefit Trust Fund 942435497 $92,791 $325,089
Millies Youth Services Incorporated 943364320 $343,228 $44,128
Mills College 941156566 $108,283,565 $320,289,518
Mills Grove Christian Church 943217106 $0 $0
Mimesis 942812348 $0 $0
Mind Power Collective 208752553 $0 $0
Mindful Birthing and Parenting Foundation 264639121 $0 $0
Mingleton Temple Church of God in Christ 943141592 $0 $0
Minh Yueh Jiu Shyh Buddhist Association 943233180 $101,745 $203,632
Ministerios Maranatha Church 943267749 $0 $0
Miracle Ministries Recovery Home 010734631 $0 $0
Miraculous Word Christian Center 043667062 $0 $0
Missio Dei Oakland 455568170 $0 $0
Mission for the Homeless Incorporated 460674496 $0 $0
Mitchell Kapor Foundation 943330604 $1,452,056 $35,589,212
Mk Level Playing Field Institute 912088635 $3,513,729 $1,389,687
Mobilize the Immigrant Vote 770651682 $280,910 $442,013
Model Transitions Foundation 912168651 $46,828 $3,563,135
Mom and Pop Green 943219887 $0 $0
Moms Club 912169596 $0 $0
Montclair Community Play Center 941218624 $211,662 $581,527
Montclair Language League 942472845 $103,308 $46,284
Montclair Soccer Club 942935188 $566,313 $239,266
Montclair Swim Team Association Incorporated 943242365 $109,288 $28,207
Montclair Veterinary Hospital Pet and Wildlife Fund 731683506 $0 $0
Montclair Village Association 020551618 $148,855 $144,410
Montera Junior High Parent Faculty Student Club 237266421 $102,392 $119,911
Monterey Horse Park 770575982 $33,213 $6,198
Montessori School of Mosswood Park Incorporated 943017309 $435,648 $109,493
More Public Radio International Incorporated 311696260 $0 $0
Moriah Christian Fellowship Baptist Church Incorporated 510159785 $0 $0
Morning Star Church of God in Christ of Oakland 300605580 $0 $0
Mosaic Project 943367263 $744,755 $239,104
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Af and Am State of California 943254577 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Af and Am State of California 900519112 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Af and Am State of California 900519127 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 900072032 $36,720 $23,063
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 900519045 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 900519175 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942483442 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942483673 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942483721 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942483725 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484484 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484736 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484740 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484743 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484844 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 061730293 $0 $0
Motivating Inspiring Supporting and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth 264513862 $742,333 $224,838
Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland 942792871 $0 $0
Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church 942970972 $0 $0
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 950162894 $0 $0
Mountain View Cemetery Association 940700160 $16,572,166 $73,548,305
Move of God Spiritual Temple 237091467 $0 $0
Movement Strategy Center 201037643 $5,826,523 $2,373,989
Movement Strategy Center Action Fund 141996986 $80,542 $145,376
Mozart Youth Camerata 274014544 $3,681 $0
Mt Tabor Baptist Church 300363594 $0 $0
Mt Zion Spiritual Temple Incorporated 941647815 $14,728 $78
Multi-choices Youth Activities Program 261132511 $10,691 $1
Multi-ethnic Sports Hall of Fame 943370345 $29,325 $1,000
Multi-lingual Counseling Incorporated 204323102 $1,204,128 $67,273
Multi-lingual Service Council 260134810 $0 $0
Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment 264570976 $67,101 $24,771
Museum of Childrens Art 943086749 $911,630 $401,147
Music and Arts Incorporated 943093980 $38,416 $699
Music is Extraordinary Incorporated 202075370 $177,298 $268,217
Music Teachers Association of California Memorial Scholarship Fd 237165104 $140,144 $421,259
Musically Minded Incorporated 208811559 $342,631 $29,311
Muslim Advocates 300298794 $1,279,198 $1,108,829
Mustard Seed Neighborhood Development Corporation 943234908 $0 $0
My Brighter Tomorrow Incorporated 274832294 $0 $0
My Darling Theo Foundation 272642899 $0 $0
Mz Foundation 943316088 $2,166,673 $18,780,907
Nama Scholarship Foundation 943192729 $88,702 $483,957
Nami Alameda County 454921788 $0 $0
Nareb-sales Division 943388342 $0 $0
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 943085938 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 912082684 $0 $0
National Association of Asian American Law Enforcement Commander 470881196 $0 $0
National Association of Black Accountants San Francisco Bay Area 237330129 $76,907 $134,283
National Association of Insurance Women 912057933 $0 $0
National Association of Minority Contractors Northern California Ch 275165146 $135,677 $29,423
National Association of Negro Business and Professional Womens Clu 800493167 $0 $0
National Association of State and Local Equity Funds 311416668 $304,255 $119,635
National Black Nurses Association Incorporated 942257479 $20,817 $17,400
National Center for Employee 0wnership 521210536 $1,792,106 $1,174,124
National Center for Science Education Incorporated 112656357 $1,003,513 $2,116,540
National Center for Youth Law 942506933 $3,855,287 $3,167,768
National Charity League Incorporated Oakland Piedmont Chapter 943180223 $0 $0
National Coalition of 100 Black Women Incorporated Oakland-bay Area Chapter 943298877 $413,229 $197,039
National Council of Negro Women Incorporated 942911327 $0 $0
National Council of Negro Women Incorporated 943182527 $0 $0
National Council of Negro Women Incorporated 942258681 $0 $0
National Council on Crime and Delinquency 131624111 $16,470,614 $10,415,127
National Credit Union Administration 942575651 $0 $0
National Dental Association Incorporated 942960232 $0 $0
National Equity Project 943222960 $3,030,494 $3,008,073
National Federation of Community Broadcasters Incorporated 521060366 $736,178 $52,880
National Military Fish and Wildlife Association 521720972 $0 $0
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights 943065434 $263,707 $78,778
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs Incorporated 943340725 $0 $0
National Spiritualist Association of Churches 956000452 $0 $0
National Steering Comm of the Association for the Imprvmt of Minorits in Irs 943104240 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 20 942171753 $0 $0
Natl Dunbar-horace Mann Alumni Asso Incorporated of Little Rock Ar Bay Area Chp 943168833 $0 $0
Natural Wisdom Community Center 454495571 $0 $0
Navy League of the United States 510203860 $126,210 $33,343
Nba Disciples Housing Odessa 431878951 $232,005 $1,412,645
Nba Pecan Grove Manor Incorporated 760386205 $375,867 $2,080,658
Neary Lagoon Senior Housing Incorporated 770150652 $452,772 $1,679,781
Neighborhood Funders Group 061368627 $954,215 $472,515
New Apostolic Church of San Pablo Ca 363404680 $0 $0
New Covenant Church Fellowship 452818988 $0 $0
New Hope Baptist Church 237411459 $0 $0
New Hope Covenant Church Oakland Ca 912010056 $0 $0
New Horizons Residential Care Homes Incorporated 912165872 $440,807 $76,748
New Horizons Residential Services Incorporated 680625319 $18,258 $198
New Jerusalem Deliverance Center Remnant 943247226 $0 $0
New Life and Love Recovery Home 470933517 $0 $110
New Life Church of God in Christ 943023512 $0 $0
New Life Community Church 320363667 $0 $0
New Life Community Church of the Apostolic Faith 943122183 $0 $0
New Metropolitan Spiritual Church of Christ 942526435 $0 $0
New Saint Paul Community Center 270037525 $0 $0
New Schools Fund 943281780 $24,978,431 $41,798,031
New Schools Fund Supporting Organization Incorporated 311807089 $5 $434,645
New Sprouts Chinese School 942378219 $56,704 $76,690
New Testament Cathedral 931183623 $0 $0
Next Step Learning Center Incorporated 943243557 $606,903 $3,572,144
Nick Nichols Memorial Scholarship Fund 912172802 $0 $0
Nid Housing Counseling Agency 943353869 $4,628,262 $3,551,159
Nikasia Up and Coming Infant Development Center 943375113 $159,314 $36,250
Niroga Institute 202620278 $707,203 $375,099
Nisgua 521650978 $207,060 $137,419
No Kill Law and Advocacy Center 201648359 $394,276 $69,235
Nor-cal Fdc 942398760 $547,652 $1,169,387
Norcal Shop Ironworkers Apprenticeship Fund 237244786 $128,178 $172,102
North American Meat Association 900811732 $4,076,144 $2,515,230
North American Same-sex Partner Dance Association 263712369 $0 $0
North Calvary Gospel Church Incorporated 946123438 $0 $0
North County Center for Self- Sufficiency Corporation 562426209 $56,676,413 $60,890
North Oakland Bible Chapel 237098924 $0 $0
North Oakland Community Charter School 943340838 $1,948,603 $842,874
North Oakland Missionary Baptist Church 941619857 $0 $0
North Oakland Village 270258187 $0 $0
Northern Calif Council of Black Professional Engineers Nccbpe 942432887 $41,320 $27,859
Northern California Carpenters Thomas a Morton Memorial Scholarsh 943139933 $538,411 $1,705,746
Northern California Commercial Association of Realtors 943217243 $80,359 $51,944
Northern California Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy 460926964 $0 $0
Northern California Compassion Network 680613942 $406,803 $2,245
Northern California Construction Workers Unity Action Corporation 752985866 $262,058 $1
Northern California Lindy Society Incorporated 943256194 $2,612 $32,305
Northern California Paddlesports Council Incorpoated 270004823 $47,062 $48,844
Northern California Purchasing Council 942416322 $1,017,293 $751,861
Northern California Regional Orgn of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 942427602 $56,598 $11,487
Northern California Scholarship Foundation 941540333 $6,517,711 $19,166,941
Northern California Womens Caucus for Art 770183213 $0 $0
Northern Light School 943097690 $3,130,523 $2,480,146
Nu Waj of Life Care Home Incorporated 030497794 $428,075 $54,141
Nuba Dance Theatre 943020085 $0 $0
Nusku Arts Incorporated 262815965 $69,567 $1
Nyger Adult Senior Center 010931026 $0 $0
Oak Center Cultural Center Incorporated 942240918 $0 $0
Oak Center Homes Ii Incorporated 455102235 $0 $0
Oakland 100 Club 946072210 $72,300 $3,971
Oakland 2 Foursquare Church 943252568 $0 $0
Oakland a S Community Fund 942826655 $993,751 $749,896
Oakland African American Chamber Foundation 203636916 $56,169 $6,458
Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce 200115692 $190,426 $40,993
Oakland Alliance of Communitypartnerships 205673793 $621,761 $266,698
Oakland Army Base Workforce Development Collaborative 912095892 $342,100 $770,565
Oakland Asian Police Officers Association 342062576 $9,036 $1
Oakland Association of Realtors 940727300 $461,201 $933,860
Oakland Aviation High School 202845784 $1,089,274 $336,595
Oakland Aviation Museum 942737950 $107,180 $47,490
Oakland Ballet Company 943395450 $511,324 $50,037
Oakland Bandits Fas Pitch Softball Association 371607242 $18,674 $2,237
Oakland Baseball Club 260161298 $0 $0
Oakland Black Caucus 300202016 $0 $0
Oakland Black Cowboy Association 900176295 $0 $0
Oakland Black Firefighters Association Incorporated 942978703 $59,006 $170,478
Oakland Black Officers Association 237378107 $29,259 $36,080
Oakland Builders Alliance 262313579 $0 $0
Oakland Burmese Monastery 273435911 $0 $0
Oakland Business Association 943149508 $68,561 $30,900
Oakland Casting Club 237102708 $0 $0
Oakland Catholic Worker 943088087 $0 $0
Oakland Chamber of Commerce 940726580 $1,259,063 $324,987
Oakland Childrens Fairyland Incorporated 943209054 $2,463,242 $5,391,206
Oakland Chinatown Chamber Foundation 371433643 $0 $0
Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 942960444 $226,307 $101,281
Oakland Chinatown Lions Foundation 943092263 $0 $0
Oakland Chinese Christian Church 943099788 $0 $0
Oakland Christ Sanctified Holy Church 946109094 $0 $0
Oakland Commerce Corporation 942987027 $0 $32,705
Oakland Community Art Project 680657255 $0 $0
Oakland Community Fund 943044612 $0 $0
Oakland Community Land Trust 320285788 $286,079 $2,855,740
Oakland Community Organization 942494442 $590,225 $1,071,410
Oakland Community Pools Project 943392697 $186,492 $23,880
Oakland Community United Church of Christ 943118419 $0 $0
Oakland Consolidated Chinese Association 237209073 $38,239 $1
Oakland Convention and Visitors Bureau 943333076 $1,801,441 $1,827,677
Oakland Digital Arts and Literacy Center Incorporated 270720655 $73,072 $96,544
Oakland Dog Training Club Incorporated 946104196 $72,769 $67,810
Oakland Dynamites 510159311 $57,390 $6,914
Oakland East Bay Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Incorporated 943309433 $93,514 $89,058
Oakland East Bay Garden Center Incorporated 946102783 $74,119 $114,800
Oakland East Bay Gay Mens Chorus 202489472 $95,955 $26,658
Oakland Elizabeth House 943225949 $281,407 $68,468
Oakland Estuary Whaleboat Rowing Society 271066564 $0 $0
Oakland Evangelistic Association 946080881 $0 $0
Oakland Expos Baseball Club 942995319 $0 $0
Oakland Field of Dreams 383802277 $0 $0
Oakland Firefighters Random Acts 943387723 $79,768 $36,433
Oakland Firesafe Council 611735278 $0 $0
Oakland First Baptist Church Foundation 946128789 $0 $0
Oakland Food Connection 203984263 $84,517 $27,173
Oakland Food Pantry 800708680 $0 $0
Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association Incorporated 942582130 $0 $0
Oakland Fund 262974684 $0 $0
Oakland Fund for the Arts 943246554 $89,737 $51,000
Oakland Giant Panda Foundation Incorporated 810655949 $0 $0
Oakland Girls Softball League 161638358 $65,058 $35,983
Oakland Hebrew Day School 943141287 $4,573,943 $13,061,534
Oakland Heritage Alliance 942719035 $94,840 $81,101
Oakland Hispanic Foursquare Church 912054305 $0 $0
Oakland House of Ruth 208658912 $50,463 $3,190
Oakland Housing Authority Foundation 942950836 $0 $0
Oakland Housing Initiatives Incorporated 943137613 $80,566 $203,438
Oakland Institute 421626352 $391,474 $380,489
Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir Incorporated 943123450 $271,621 $91,991
Oakland Islamic Center Incorporated 943274461 $0 $0
Oakland Jazz Choirs 203429158 $0 $0
Oakland Kids First 010594835 $635,519 $383,799
Oakland Lacrosse Club 461048887 $99,094 $28,858
Oakland Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation 946089585 $0 $0
Oakland Lawn Bowling Club Incorporated 946102894 $0 $0
Oakland Leaf Foundation 810565800 $1,381,834 $217,577
Oakland Lyric Opera Association Incorporated 943202214 $0 $859
Oakland Magic Circle 946086152 $0 $0
Oakland Masonic Center 940727050 $535,779 $1,473,125
Oakland Merchants Leadership Forum 943400354 $6,408 $1,998
Oakland Methodist Foundation 946079707 $826,061 $1,430,520
Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Foundation 953217684 $248,560 $75,094
Oakland Metropolitan United Methodist Ministries 942940419 $0 $0
Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy 912073068 $9,681,118 $9,314,002
Oakland Motorcycle Club of Oakland 942835698 $152,509 $356,929
Oakland Museum of California 453138892 $22,080,337 $34,043,143
Oakland Museum of California Foundation 943094513 $0 $0
Oakland Museum Womens Board 943102469 $2,410,312 $4,189,794
Oakland Muslim League 311588471 $0 $0
Oakland Nakhodka Sister City Association 943015873 $0 $0
Oakland New Covenant Tabernacle Church 205670773 $0 $0
Oakland Parents Together 680589067 $251,342 $34,992
Oakland Pathway to Hope Mens Clean and Sober Living 453134201 $76,432 $1
Oakland Peace Center 463342685 $0 $0
Oakland Police Emergency Net 943222109 $81,044 $630,337
Oakland Police Foundation 562306591 $58,883 $1,426,480
Oakland Police Officers and Firefighters Health and Welfare Trust 942918245 $2,668,965 $3,215,913
Oakland Police Officers Association 946067096 $1,834,250 $2,289,821
Oakland Police Officers Association Insurance Trust 776008548 $3,800,669 $2,602,518
Oakland Police Officers Sports Association 942927317 $0 $0
Oakland Police Reserve Officers Association 450587704 $0 $0
Oakland Potluck 943048742 $0 $0
Oakland Private Industry Council in C 942683168 $11,832,504 $3,021,478
Oakland Progressive Daycare Center Incorporated 943022702 $165,841 $128,352
Oakland Rotary Endowment 942434641 $504,219 $3,074,830
Oakland S Alternative School for Independent and Community Studies 201050860 $0 $0
Oakland School for the Arts 680463892 $7,833,365 $15,922,179
Oakland Schools Foundation 432014630 $3,427,701 $2,189,516
Oakland St John Missionary Baptist Church 562493268 $0 $0
Oakland State Building Kids Corporation 680479185 $0 $0
Oakland Strokes Incorporated 943132016 $1,325,705 $1,094,683
Oakland Triathlon Club 464071197 $0 $0
Oakland True Buddha Temple 943232347 $0 $0
Oakland Turfgrass Educationinitiative 208310260 $0 $0
Oakland Turnverein Mixed Chorus 946008261 $0 $0
Oakland Womens Rowing Club 942436235 $0 $0
Oakland Worship Center 204665879 $0 $0
Oakland Yiu-mienh Baptist 943148963 $0 $0
Oakland Youth Aspire 262314554 $0 $0
Oakland Youth Chorus 942535518 $327,921 $159,449
Oakland Youth Services Incorporated 943057856 $0 $0
Oakland Zen Center Kojin-an 943143926 $0 $0
Oakland-alameda County Coliseum Foundation 942851583 $757,500 $1,768,593
Oakland-alameda County-emeryville Firefighters Charity Fund 912164137 $99,986 $107,703
Oaklands New Dawn 943364800 $0 $0
Oaktown Jazz Workshop 943265018 $72,378 $17,343
Obasi Children Youth and Family Services 562615234 $0 $0
Obdc Small Business Finance 942548556 $2,427,609 $9,933,967
Ocbc Legal Defense Fund 943387133 $0 $0
Occur 200960930 $448,856 $50,053
Oduduwa Heritage Organization 943244649 $0 $0
Off the Mat into the World 593841326 $1,658,787 $529,409
Office and Professional Employees International Union 940730155 $1,960,841 $815,137
Ohp 930480268 $0 $0
Oikos University 710959302 $631,781 $372,573
Okoronkwo Medical Corporation of Alameda County Incorporated 571164697 $0 $0
Old Blues Rugby Football Foundation 942951498 $0 $18,805
Olivet Gospel Assembly of Plymouth Brethren 941643035 $0 $0
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 943103617 $39,360 $18,321
Omnira Institute 271267824 $0 $0
One Fam 800411995 $57,885 $10,523
One Hundred and Twenty Fellowship 237060410 $0 $0
One Love Center for Health 273215926 $0 $0
One Nation Project 850485550 $0 $0
One Pacific Coast Foundation 205253663 $1,205,733 $50,481,159
Onelife Institute 800119973 $0 $0
Onethousandthreads Org 274010409 $0 $0
Onyx Foundation Limited 201961510 $0 $0
Open Circle Foundation 943349692 $6,181 $374,707
Open Door Mission Incorporated 941360213 $162,706 $1,185,846
Open Your Heart to Haiti Christian Community Fellowship Incorporated 460973120 $0 $0
Opera Cultura 464332937 $0 $0
Opera Piccola 943068290 $176,464 $123,630
Operation Dignity Incorporated 943176007 $2,249,705 $3,241,231
Operation Pride 942861452 $33,631 $33,631
Operation Rainbow Incorporated 760022338 $602,296 $457,478
Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association 943249920 $2,193,336 $826,769
Opoa Retention Benefit Plan 943038681 $1,538,298 $9,335,297
Or Zarua Reconstructionist Havurah of the East Bay 454381356 $0 $0
Oracles of Christ Baptist Church 943317352 $0 $0
Oral Lee Brown Foundation 943115273 $152,631 $1,033,045
Orches 943138074 $0 $0
Orchid Society of California Incorporated 941198422 $0 $0
Order of Ahepa Oakland Chapter 171 941638199 $0 $0
Order of Calanthe 912020041 $0 $0
Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California 205969389 $1,066,539 $1,166,278
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 237590485 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 946078068 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of Calif Prince Hall Rite of Adoption 946094599 $211,770 $396,092
Order of the Eastern Star of California 237514731 $0 $0
Organization to Achieve Solutions in Substance Abuse Incorporated 943305368 $178,042 $51,037
Orphan Support League 260345385 $45,451 $6,759
Orthojamaica 455290499 $0 $0
Our Family Circle Foundation 010864756 $0 $0
Our House Services Incorporated 900461564 $68,725 $9,494
Our Youth Matter Incorporated 262976197 $0 $0
Over 21 942948027 $264,137 $172,547
Oxygen Club of California 680346307 $53,118 $396,707
Pacific Boychoir Academy 943310468 $1,888,184 $751,196
Pacific Central District of the Unitarian Universalist Association 941535825 $0 $0
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development Environment and Securi 943050434 $2,142,050 $1,479,199
Pacific Mountain Rugby Corporation 461352801 $0 $0
Pacific Regional Synod the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches 943217407 $0 $0
Pacific Regional Synod the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches 942524141 $0 $0
Pacific Service Employees Association 942590685 $0 $0
Pandora Group Incorporated 364742416 $0 $0
Pangaea Global Aids Foundation 912167423 $5,419,885 $2,131,104
Paradise Apostolic Faith Church 942576051 $0 $0
Paradise Baptist Church 943087211 $0 $0
Paramount Theatre of the Arts Incorporated 942301832 $2,952,281 $7,322,086
Pardee Home Foundation 942842638 $88,254 $984,029
Parent Voices Oakland 453171972 $47,919 $21,834
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 911844801 $0 $0
Park Day School Corporation 942368070 $7,160,505 $15,617,271
Parks Chapel a M E Church 237012814 $0 $0
Parroyal4 453908438 $99,241 $9,541
Partners in Oakland Education 271570315 $1,299,801 $720,112
Partners Program 202973102 $354,983 $950,863
Partnership for Children and Youth 043653529 $2,606,874 $1,472,935
Pastor of the Month Incorporated 943389413 $0 $1
Pathway to Healing Leaving No One Behind 300696155 $0 $1
Patten Education Foundation 941570130 $16,674,151 $24,915,475
Patten Foundation Incorporated 941225393 $3,431 $1
Pd Active 263302461 $41,932 $46,901
Peace Action 943123815 $1,185,740 $486,477
Peace and Joy Christian Center Ministries 943164577 $0 $0
Peacekey 364576971 $0 $0
Peers Envisioning and Engaging in Recovery Services 710867031 $2,261,807 $351,957
Peniel Missions Incorporated Oakland Rehabilitation Center 510170673 $0 $0
Penney Family Fund 943314431 $3,069,463 $6,847,234
Pentacostal Way of Truth Church Corp 237442309 $0 $0
Pentecost Church of God 680268705 $0 $0
Pentecostal Church of Unity of Oakland 942495563 $0 $0
Pentecostal Evangelistic Holiness Church 510189504 $0 $0
People of Color in Independent Schools 470896616 $26,343 $42,937
People Unbound 262878340 $0 $0
People United for a Better Life Inoakland 260877633 $457,814 $141,764
Peoples Grocery 753055917 $555,375 $290,666
Peoples Missionary Baptist 942495977 $0 $0
Peoples Pro-am Golf Tournament 942983093 $0 $0
Peralta Colleges Foundation 237091547 $542,455 $1,583,042
Peralta Parent Group Incorporated 942831259 $360,500 $314,176
Peralta Service Corp 942294572 $1,355,751 $763,384
Permanente Foundation 208057207 $56,033 $355,605
Pesticide Action Network North America Regional Center 942949686 $2,946,088 $1,734,478
Peter Pan Nursery School 941135021 $166,139 $158,384
Phase Iii Christian Services 943132421 $0 $0
Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity 237033890 $166,014 $349,828
Phi Sigma Kappa 943163661 $169,836 $668,725
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation 943136771 $16,247,857 $18,853,463
Philippian Church 943120769 $0 $0
Phoenix Community Services Incorporated 454680372 $0 $0
Physicians for a National Health Program 943043086 $289,141 $80,781
Physicians Medical Forum 300086728 $276,554 $467,523
Pi Beta Phi Fraternity 946102954 $0 $0
Pico National Network 942206497 $16,611,180 $15,921,720
Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood Improvement League 270058123 $0 $0
Piedmont Basketball Foundation 202295217 $78,597 $22,479
Piedmont Choirs 942897534 $1,282,034 $584,872
Piedmont Ducks Nest Parents Association 943344204 $0 $0
Piedmont International Touring Side Rugby Club 272783825 $0 $0
Piedmont Performing Arts School 161670440 $0 $0
Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Association 270096107 $0 $0
Piedmont-montclair Rotary Endowment Incorporated 943105505 $0 $0
Pile Drivers Geographic and Marketing Committee Labor Cooperation Trust Fun 364562491 $0 $0
Pile Drivers Local Union No 34 Benevolent Fund 204302595 $0 $0
Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church 946092101 $0 $0
Pillar of Fire Oakland 237532985 $0 $0
Pitzer Family Foundation 686099475 $3,090,530 $9,389,312
Pivotal Point Youth Services Incorporated 912147597 $278,806 $73,191
Planting Justice 270334905 $548,990 $77,551
Playworks Education Energized 943251867 $23,332,693 $10,378,161
Pneuma Theological Seminary 462396964 $0 $1
Po Kong Temple 943375985 $0 $0
Point Man Outreach 900901884 $0 $0
Police Unity Tour Incorporated 134346176 $189,378 $9,053
Policylink 943297479 $14,089,315 $7,160,534
Potential Energy Incorporated 261321043 $827,419 $297,135
Power of Chi Corp 462711513 $0 $0
Power of Prayer Ministry 453185552 $0 $0
Praise God Korean Church 770265658 $89,752 $40,188
Praise Temple Ministries 383892180 $0 $0
Pray 4 U Evangelistic Prayer Outreach Ministries Incorporated 412149728 $0 $0
Prayer House Apostolic Faith Church 942369287 $0 $0
Prescott Circus Theatre 264125728 $188,211 $82,495
Prescott-joseph Center for Community Enhancement Incorporated 943248535 $1,504,192 $512,539
Preservation Park Center Incorporated 731717101 $1,534,690 $7,296,764
President Ching Kuo Chiangs Foundation 943071500 $0 $0
Preventing Euthanasia Through Rescue 270225418 $155,552 $97,875
Prevention Institute 943282858 $6,376,006 $9,445,471
Prevention International No Cervical Cancer Pincc Incorporated 300331861 $365,225 $81,766
Preventive Care Pathways 943255466 $251,846 $16,042
Preventive Ounce 942949636 $0 $0
Prison Dawah Services 943287472 $0 $0
Private Nursery School Association of California Incorporated 942375212 $24,076,805 $2,541,008
Pro Arts 942259269 $255,805 $96,900
Producers Associates 941688232 $752,879 $135,683
Progressions Incorporated 943064888 $0 $0
Progressive Equity Charter Incorporated 800496070 $324,400 $4,769,088
Project Bandaloop 954618614 $910,782 $185,333
Project Darreis at Tgn Foundation 261229871 $0 $0
Project Help Incorporated 943115604 $0 $0
Project Outreach Incorporated 943048904 $0 $0
Project Peace East Bay 260716414 $0 $0
Project Pueblo Incorporated 900589738 $0 $0
Project Re-connect Incorporated 943140784 $260,304 $137,105
Project Well 201306611 $0 $0
Proludium Corporation 942476588 $451,452 $358,391
Prometheus Symphony Orchestra Incorporated 942516578 $0 $0
Promote Art in the Schools Paintsincorporated 208592136 $97,745 $183,441
Proprioceptive Writing Center 222715648 $43,375 $49,775
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California 941243684 $0 $0
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California 941447294 $0 $0
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California 942816666 $0 $0
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California 946079724 $0 $0
Protestant Episcopel Church in the Diocese of California 510194913 $0 $0
Proud House Urban Options Incorporated 320156082 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 943152081 $0 $0
Psi of Alpha Delta Pi Corp 942542402 $659,506 $1,183,770
Psychedelic Art and History Museum 453998830 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 203550178 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900404237 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900526077 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900840765 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900904050 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900945460 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901040324 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 911931747 $169,185 $71,829
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171779 $449,451 $258,649
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171801 $272,227 $115,129
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171807 $67,042 $49,304
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171881 $515,475 $318,698
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172195 $179,806 $62,329
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172223 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172325 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172363 $582,709 $418,460
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946173811 $171,863 $173,809
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946174483 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946174624 $427,238 $271,491
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946183886 $386,777 $303,230
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946184024 $369,878 $101,233
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946184119 $143,670 $16,244
Pta California Congress of Parentsteachers and Students Incorporated 205311098 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parentsteachers and Students Incorporated 208435466 $0 $0
Public Agency Finance Corporation 260834785 $0 $0
Public Health Institute 941646278 $103,890,578 $27,301,492
Public Interest Law Project 943243666 $543,330 $1,691,169
Puerto Rican Community Services Center Incorporated 942527683 $0 $0
Pugh Fam Foundation 12202002 436889730 $61,486 $137,906
Purple Silk Music Education Foundation Incorporated 943319190 $172,521 $148,862
Pushback Partners Productions Incorporated 208729940 $425 $201
Queer Control Records 262287607 $0 $0
R a K E Project Incorporated 203876555 $0 $0
Race Forward 942759879 $6,150,421 $5,979,219
Ragged Wing Ensemble 462512860 $0 $0
Raymar Educational Films Incorporated 450489949 $140,070 $16,437
Rd Garrison Jr Ministries 050590623 $0 $0
Reach Institute for School Leadership 271274290 $2,149,989 $418,214
Reach Vietnam 943391302 $25,500 $3,500,258
Reading Partners 770568469 $12,930,296 $4,407,864
Real Reason 204978922 $118,809 $43,985
Rebuilding Together Oakland 943213325 $558,054 $248,701
Reclamation Nation 262018752 $0 $0
Red Bean Cantonese Opera Incorporated 800705540 $68,586 $25,105