There are 1,255 nonprofits in Santa Barbara, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
Santa Barbara Women Lawyers Foundation 770504295 $0 $0
Santa Barbara Yacht Club Incorporated 951711329 $2,450,652 $2,563,649
Santa Barbara Yacht Club Womens Foundation 10252000 770558616 $0 $0
Santa Barbara Young Professionals Club 770446994 $0 $0
Santa Barbara Youth Ensemble Theatre Incorporated 270777101 $77,284 $36,916
Santa Barbara Youth Foundation 952487510 $185,388 $1,481,590
Santa Barbara Youth Project 770466078 $0 $0
Santa Barbara Zoological Foundation 952268554 $17,470,044 $27,188,011
Santa Barbara-dingle Ireland Sister City Committee 710929511 $0 $0
Santa Barbara-south Coast Youth Football League Incorporated 237123639 $94,151 $108,193
Santa Barbara-toba Sister City Organization Incorporated 931171553 $0 $0
Santa Barbaras Junior Miss Scholarship 020752300 $0 $0
Santa Ynez Valley Carriage Club 770568389 $0 $0
Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital 952224265 $16,689,515 $23,836,111
Sarah House Santa Barbara 770224415 $1,406,177 $1,956,026
Sb Athletic Association Incorporated 260293179 $32,232 $47,106
Sb Youth Music Academy 263471226 $149,270 $48,884
Schlinger Chrisman Foundation 270096038 $605,000 $500,751
Schlinger Foundation 944065303 $969,698 $919,120
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara 237087774 $44,674,324 $48,979,754
Scottish Rite Properties of Santa Barbara Incorporated 956058917 $108,531 $1,873,515
Seafaring Opportunities for Thosein Need Softin Incorporated 260740016 $0 $0
Second Chance Cocker Rescue Incorporated 562389698 $111,369 $7,445
Self Enquiry Life Fellowship 203478668 $658,436 $1,419,665
Senior Programs of Santa Barbara 953258659 $2,001,228 $2,033,754
Service Employees International Union 952313766 $2,074,726 $955,692
Serving Souls 203280344 $0 $0
Sherwood Montessori House of Children 203132694 $236,418 $31,281
Shine Some Light Incorporated 452402944 $378,043 $410,866
Shivas Center for the Human-animalbond 204528440 $0 $36,000
Shoreline Community Church 770466684 $0 $0
Siddhartha Foundation International 202163940 $0 $0
Sigma Chi House Corporation-univ of California Santa Barbara 952371060 $254,290 $852,631
Slavic Baptist Church of Santa Barbara 311519318 $0 $0
Smart Community Cpr Incorporated 461548336 $0 $0
Smith Walker Foundation 330327308 $231,637 $2,407,983
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 956095440 $0 $0
Society for Technical Communication 521564130 $0 $0
Society of Women Engineers 611610814 $0 $0
Sol Soccer Club 463500137 $0 $0
Sons of Norway 237525832 $0 $0
Soroptimist International of the Americas Incorporated 956066672 $0 $0
Soroptimist Safety Town of Santa Barbara 770050993 $61,233 $53,298
South Coast Community Media Access Center 710910704 $583,253 $410,576
South Coast Community Youth Cultural Center 275553844 $0 $0
Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment 331066256 $0 $0
Southern California Ki Society 912167226 $0 $0
Southern California Youth Rugby Association Incorporated 431963337 $1,256 $21,174
Southland Title Childrens Foundation 954736137 $243,989 $163,016
Southwest Section of the Ninety-nines Incorporated 956409207 $0 $0
Speak out California 202515347 $0 $0
Spirit of 76 Foundation Ltd 300363934 $0 $0
Spirit of Enterpreneurship 274636242 $55,200 $2,368
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Santa Barbara 770315807 $0 $0
Spiritual Paths Foundation 161648198 $60,581 $4,854
Sprout Up Incorporated 270659313 $81,988 $10,011
St Andrews Presbyterian Church 952123198 $0 $0
St Anthonys Community Association 912197742 $0 $0
St Barbara Monastery 770344735 $0 $0
St Cecilia Society 956047722 $146,861 $326,878
St Francis Foundation of Santa Barbara 237137119 $3,760,942 $14,936,850
St Francis Hospital Support Corporation 770022302 $0 $1
St Vincents Institution 951643367 $2,837,505 $12,228,429
St Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church 770133983 $0 $0
Stalwart Clean and Sober Incorporated 208188849 $363,897 $13,741
Star Jasmine Foundation 770437362 $0 $0
Stardusters Dance Club Incorporated 956095449 $0 $0
Starr-king Parent-child Workshop 951688546 $287,636 $357,658
State Street Ballet 860717486 $1,321,289 $505,170
Stearns Wharf Business Association 900877998 $0 $0
Stone Family Foundation 841549096 $3,921,114 $18,518,453
Stop Oil Seeps California Incorporated 260230814 $111,572 $23,653
Storyteller Childrens Center Incorporated 770283072 $1,451,688 $1,831,068
Suburban Kiwanis Foundation of Santa Barbara 237011603 $7,160 $20,322
Sudan Education for Liberty Foundation 262930141 $0 $0
Sumanas Retreat 461726403 $0 $0
Summer Solstice Celebration Incorporated 770004190 $322,913 $2,366
Summerdance Santa Barbara 770496643 $55,855 $8,871
Sunburst Commities Incorporated 237096763 $0 $0
Sunflower Foundation 952644098 $108,929 $1,240,620
Sunnyed Foundation 453785855 $101,090 $66,222
Surf Happens Foundation 272049105 $16,420 $5,005
Surfing for Life Foundation 455323424 $0 $0
Sustainability Project 770459509 $9,642 $15,776
Sustainable Bolivia 262203873 $149,977 $31,946
Swedish Womens Educational Association 911847292 $0 $0
Sweeney Youth Homes 770392139 $1,315,529 $2,105,513
Swift Foundation 770559600 $14,738,439 $46,454,832
Synergy Church 770171143 $0 $0
Tabasgo Foundation 651251997 $179,763 $2,060,055
Taste of Hope 262120015 $29,831 $15,342
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 953536882 $0 $0
Teachers for the Study of Educational Institutions 454828151 $0 $0
Teaching Beyond Textbooks 452811589 $0 $0
Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation 141872081 $1,009,213 $526,022
Temple of Set 952975252 $0 $0
Ten Lives Foundation Incorporated 260755427 $43,581 $1,861
Tennis Patrons Association of Santa Barbara Incorporated 237203732 $140,856 $111,095
Terra Marine Research and Education Incorporated 770125733 $16,320 $71,383
Texas Surgical Research Foundation 742368332 $0 $0
Tgop 270930747 $0 $0
Tgp International 261459322 $93,587 $30,430
The Agape Way 770175752 $0 $0
The Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara 770061998 $113,028 $1,081,146
The Barristers Club of Santa Barbara 770159288 $0 $0
The Beatitudes Society 454825019 $233,818 $186,309
The Betty L Hutton Title Holding Company Incorporated 953146619 $4,632,988 $23,742,787
The Breast Cancer Resource Center of Santa Barbara 911790842 $501,827 $753,663
The California Academy Foundation 770548435 $720,074 $2,884,416
The California Water Impact Network 300006662 $266,516 $325,173
The Catholic Church of the Beatitudes 770343375 $0 $0
The Clearwater Project Incorporated 912158375 $0 $0
The Dalmatian Dreams Foundation 770405779 $4,562,083 $3,236,884
The Daniel a and Edna J Sattler Beneficial Trust 237127370 $329,579 $2,503,542
The Durga Foundation 920183330 $70,099 $127,528
The Ear Foundation 953491539 $0 $0
The Eleos Foundation 951691284 $2,157,691 $6,240,466
The Foundation for Santa Barbara City College 953234551 $71,150,697 $49,214,873
The Friendship Paddle 203483481 $73,591 $30,537
The Ghitterman Rose Foundation 207046434 $139,575 $160,652
The Herbert and Elaine Kendall Charitable Foundation 954077657 $898,065 $8,729,145
The Holden Foundation 020538138 $0 $0
The James a Frank Foundation 205702648 $218,381 $85,467
The Janet Langdon Handtmann Family Foundation 770503593 $170,436 $784,645
The John C Mithun Foundation 454228213 $1,670,304 $1,492,834
The Kingsley Foundation 776017779 $7,651 $236,414
The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County 953797404 $1,259,921 $5,886,311
The M and M Foundation 770556003 $80,525 $664,850
The Miller Family Fund 956124893 $6,937 $545,628
The Neal Taylor Nature Center at Cachuma Lake 770233074 $93,645 $142,768
The Nurture Foundation 431221550 $1,362,435 $4,286,298
The Other Americas Radio 770221112 $0 $0
The Pacific Pride Foundation Incorporated 953133613 $1,979,935 $1,133,526
The Pesenti Foundation 770085214 $16,768 $81,136
The Pythagorean Sangha 953823653 $0 $0
The Ralph and Victoria Casparian Foundation 200197618 $55,761 $1,795,559
The Rhythmic Arts Project Incorporated 300265346 $95,953 $69,040
The Roehrig Family Foundation 912172379 $20,955 $406,063
The Roney Family Foundation 680451062 $299,850 $384,072
The Santa Barbara Choral Society 770032197 $239,447 $82,278
The Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Benevolent Posse 770328889 $21,261 $21,392
The Turner Foundation - Since 1958 956111806 $1,084,398 $13,732,104
The Veloz Foundation 470851324 $385 $5,579
The Westmont College Foundation 770000241 $8,871,642 $8,636,238
Therapy Trust for Victims of Clergysex Abuse 205275033 $0 $0
Thornhill Mutual Water Company 770498095 $321,331 $282,029
Toastmasters International 202067917 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203215798 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237095575 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770574831 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900117736 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900535374 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900774547 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 956149471 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 956149484 $0 $0
Towbes Foundation 953519577 $2,033,071 $1,464,004
Tradart Foundation 912120283 $9,725 $67,047
Transformation Ministries 770374677 $0 $0
Transformation Through Forgiveness 311662074 $0 $0
Transition House 770099755 $2,945,110 $9,914,614
Tres Chicas 770544704 $702,663 $5,799,774
Tri-counties Association for the Developmentally Disabled Incorporated 952623230 $218,622,382 $28,511,120
Tri-counties Community Housing Corporation 800233384 $928,900 $3,617,299
Tribal Trust Foundation Incorporated 593528567 $0 $0
Trinity Baptist Church 952373170 $0 $0
Turn the Page Uganda 274215995 $0 $0
Uc Santa Barbara Foundation 237314834 $20,474,287 $146,991,260
Ucsb Alumni Association 953767311 $612,834 $5,025,323
Unico National 770230998 $0 $0
Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara 951890767 $0 $0
Unitarian Universalist Womens Alliance of Santa Barbara 770073111 $0 $0
Unite to Light 272942180 $255,881 $125,731
United Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Santa Barbara County 237087814 $3,516,686 $3,912,352
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 770660727 $0 $0
United States Pony Clubs Incorporated 237326543 $0 $0
United States Power Squadrons 956078895 $0 $0
United Way of Santa Barbara County Incorporated 951641968 $3,936,295 $11,890,748
Unity of Santa Barbara 951866097 $0 $0
Unity Shoppe Incorporated 770391064 $4,745,029 $8,988,749
Universal Peace Organization 651282016 $0 $0
Universal Theosophy Fellowship 237425552 $114,698 $1,087,373
University Club of Santa Barbara 951321580 $1,106,076 $778,259
University of California Santa Barbara 956006145 $0 $0
Us Swimming Incorporated 311016597 $4,586,487 $3,391,098
Usui Reiki Center Incorporated 770465143 $0 $0
Vairotsana Foundation 330732693 $0 $0
Valle Verde Residents Association 770282443 $90,981 $5,210
Valle Verde Volunteers 770283747 $12 $0
Valley Club of Montecito 951324620 $5,895,463 $8,908,756
Vaya Con Dios Foundation 456777863 $134,389 $2,377,568
Veronica Springs Neighborhood Association 770653874 $0 $0
Veterans Coordinating Council Incorporated 770480560 $149,924 $23,914
Veterans for Peace 202642693 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of California 956062903 $0 $0
Veterans United for Truth 203102897 $2,202 $10,087
Vieja Mutual Water Company 770049296 $53,564 $55,097
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 770071944 $0 $0
Villa Caridad 680387620 $621,339 $16,318,965
Villa Majella of Santa Barbara Incorporated 953730718 $95,558 $383,324
Village Properties Teachers Fund 900245650 $117,009 $56,551
Vinovium Org 320343875 $131,700 $133,502
Visiting Care and Companions Incorporated 200008507 $2,704,891 $447,533
Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care of Santa Barbara 951641969 $23,574,413 $18,864,775
Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care of Santa Barbara Foundation 770342043 $9,350,363 $58,538,841
Vistas Lifelong Learning Incorporated 770556142 $0 $0
Vitamin Angel Alliance Incorporated 770485881 $30,046,259 $11,172,424
Volentine Family Foundation 770203235 $6,357,615 $25,606,123
Vos Family Foundation 770440191 $97,008 $1,143,259
W Robert Yaco Scholarship Fund Incorporated 770045032 $0 $0
Walter Iberti Charitable Foundation 770513880 $17,188 $343,203
Washington School Parent Teacher Organization and Foundation Incorporated 562292604 $501,202 $274,317
Watatu Foundation Incorporated 770182684 $0 $0
Watling Foundation Incorporated 386056458 $708,970 $1,230,355
We Share Earth Incorporated 208456664 $0 $0
Wendy P Mccaw Foundation 770469217 $6,169,649 $27,377,636
West Coast Beleivers Church Incorporated 421595130 $0 $0
Western Urainian Evangelical Baptist Convention 953399937 $0 $0
Westmont College 951684793 $93,056,475 $268,249,305
Westside Church 770187769 $0 $0
Wharton Foundation Incorporated 366130748 $1,208,945 $2,893,921
White Lotus Foundation 952544317 $0 $0
Wilderness Youth Project Incorporated 770526117 $841,530 $284,619
Wildlife Information Literature Data and Education Service Incorporated 770560106 $0 $0
Willbridge of Santa Barbara Incorporated 571194195 $450,694 $69,409
William and Charlene Glikbarg Foundation 522302532 $1,323,648 $3,447,078
William and Renee Curtis Fam Foundation 470901645 $189,512 $265,989
William Birdwell Charitable Trust 436900293 $129,725 $522,515
William H Kearns Foundation 136199107 $1,650,529 $7,369,402
William P Neil Foundation 956093561 $57,772 $255,511
Williams-corbett Foundation 776150330 $8,115,584 $13,942,395
Winchester Canyon Gun Club 770011868 $252,808 $204,834
Wisdom Today Ministries 911764499 $0 $0
Women to Women International 770322227 $0 $0
Womens Economic Ventures 953674624 $1,217,165 $1,298,337
Womens Heritage Foundation 203870673 $0 $0
Wood Glen Hall 951909389 $3,134,501 $6,978,620
Wood-claeyssens Foundation 320341358 $112,686,126 $122,416,455
Woodglen Hall Endowment Trust 953647081 $599,727 $3,972,330
Wordtruth Incorporated 205240315 $0 $0
Work Foundation Incorporated 870559189 $142,417 $270,943
World Business Academy 943058028 $144,350 $110,979
World Kickboxing Gym 900105602 $0 $0
Worldhealer 264648714 $0 $0
Wright Family Foundation 770501852 $1,100 $55
Writer Family Foundation 200275156 $198,420 $147,261
Yardi Foundation 464356177 $0 $0
Ye Ole Gang 300132436 $0 $0
Yes Ministries Incorporated 930809712 $0 $0
Young Presidents Organization Incorporated 742744885 $222,373 $116,150
Youth Cinemedia Incorporated 270755841 $0 $0
Ystrive for Youth Incorporated 205700202 $98,399 $15,206
Zannon Family Foundation 316667570 $1,481,160 $3,197,886
Zona Seca 952655853 $1,459,507 $219,834
Zond Energy and Sustainability Institute 522265407 $1 $10,691
Zwick Foundation Incorporated 223349583 $272,771 $450,811