There are 3,378 nonprofits in Louisville, Kentucky.

Name EIN Income Assets
Fountain of Life Word and Worship Center 611382108 $0 $0
Four Season Neighborhoodassociation Incorporated 204193658 $0 $0
Frances Howard Kohlhepp Trust 616164287 $430,691 $1,253,494
Frances Masser Md Charitable Trust 276548145 $14,061,964 $8,597,473
Franciscan Shelter House Incorporated 611081045 $0 $0
Frankfort Avenue Business Corporation 611247540 $82,613 $22,497
Fraternal Order of Eagles 610965318 $260,496 $98,401
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237138231 $228,631 $152,186
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237592506 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 203677801 $238,680 $227,398
Fraternal Order of Police 237431621 $50,181 $92,708
Fraternal Order of Police 611018142 $1,692,866 $152,514
Fraternal Order of Police 611027186 $276,641 $514,576
Fraternal Order of Police 611182948 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 371463479 $803,593 $1,208,570
Fraternal Order of Police 510177512 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 800792209 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police Associates 271777403 $0 $0
Fred B and Opal S Woosley Foundation Incorporated 611104319 $170,311 $4,702,888
Fred E and Thelma V Boze Foundation 134217752 $900,126 $2,688,999
Frederich Wuetherich Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund 256858624 $334,073 $1,097,365
Frederick B and Ayako I Phillips Foundation 464025821 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610119295 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610119301 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610119304 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610197706 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610264119 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610312367 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610337197 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610356365 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610357167 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610414452 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610464877 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610602735 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 237123030 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 237352021 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 237587062 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 610716720 $16,145 $500,969
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 616025927 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 616030177 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 900606685 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky 638 Lewis-parkland 610392462 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Ky Board of Ttees of Crescent Hill Ldg 820 610136763 $0 $0
Freon Craftsman Union 610484505 $56,138 $76,795
Friend for Life a Cancer Support Network Incorporated 611139410 $79,695 $6,185
Friendly Hills East Neighborhood Association Incorporated 610961640 $0 $0
Friends and Students for the Track Incorporated 263333550 $0 $0
Friends Council for Social Concerns Incorporated 310925688 $0 $0
Friends for Hope Incorporated 351937587 $0 $0
Friends for Michael Incorporated 311549671 $50,646 $5,054
Friends of Ballard Baseball Booster Club Incorporated 161647509 $187,889 $19,650
Friends of Esquipulas Incorporated 611675211 $68,564 $36,866
Friends of Metro Health and Wellness Incorporated 202569445 $0 $0
Friends of Ostomates Worldwide - USA Incorporated 341705116 $61,817 $142,182
Friends of the Crescent Hill Library Incorporated 611230002 $0 $0
Friends of the David Farnsley House Incorporated 611316656 $11,084 $149,281
Friends of the Good Samaritans Incorporated 200732393 $587,974 $125,460
Friends of the Louisville Deaf Oral School Incorporated 611240354 $107,870 $429,305
Friends of the Louisville Free Public Library 310928151 $74,432 $181,808
Friends of the Waterfront Incorporated 611200416 $0 $0
Friends of Troop 243 Incorporated 201566012 $0 $0
Friends School Incorporated 611213141 $1,129,788 $186,265
Friendship and Community Experiencing Success Incorporated 010563104 $0 $0
Fringe Elements 455597366 $20,621 $4,140
Frostees Challenge Incorporated 451957496 $0 $0
Fruitful Ministries Global Incorporated 310973495 $0 $0
Full Gospel Church of Assembly Incorporated 311089493 $0 $0
Full Gospel Mission 616058012 $0 $0
Full Gospel Neighborhood Church 611319754 $0 $0
Fuller Center for Housing Incorporated 262726083 $464,107 $550,841
Fund for the Arts Incorporated 610479626 $10,489,793 $8,305,862
Funeral Directors Association of the Falls Cities 616034698 $0 $0
Furever Friends Rescue and Transport Corporation 454308757 $0 $0
Further Still Ministries Incorporated 260149915 $30,108 $70,128
Future Fund Endowment Incorporated 200831835 $3,800,697 $10,329,080
Future Fund Incorporated 611235148 $83,692 $14,071,865
G O Ministries Incorporated 364092893 $3,814,754 $1,529,050
Galilee Baptist Church 611218115 $0 $0
Galilee Community Development Corporation 611367914 $0 $0
Gallopalooza 522402640 $26,486 $342,166
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated 310978458 $0 $0
Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority 900370295 $0 $0
Gan Torah of Louisville Incorporated 611309433 $0 $0
Ganga Action Parivar 455143556 $0 $0
Garden Club of Kentucky Incorporated 010775588 $0 $0
Garden Club of Ky Incorporated 611345844 $0 $0
Gardner Foundation Incorporated 310966287 $68,780 $1,728,914
Garrett Advocacy Project 450914655 $0 $0
Garvin Gate Association Incorporated 611148800 $0 $0
Gary M Harris Family Charitable Trust 626321808 $107,789 $112,758
Gate of Hope Ministries International Incorporated 260281018 $0 $0
Gayla S Harris and Kenneth M Bielak Charitable Trust 626323993 $218,434 $188,898
Ge Appliances and Lighting Employee Community Fund 616035835 $465,316 $56,961
Gedeh Association 943453287 $0 $0
Geevarghese Family Charitable Foundation 311581976 $54,576 $490,748
General Association of Baptists in Kentucky 610529832 $0 $0
General Association of Baptists in Ky 610537126 $0 $0
General Baptist Lighthouse Church 310902598 $0 $0
Generation Ispeak 272250031 $0 $0
Genesis Community Development Corporation 352381716 $0 $0
George and Loraine@morgan Memorial Trust 311532819 $197,694 $743,019
George Co 3rd Bn 1st Mar Korea Incorporated 141746316 $0 $0
George Rogers Clark Park Neighborhood Association 272666718 $0 $0
German-paristown Neighborhood Association Incorporated 237445249 $79,651 $149,641
Germantown Baseball Incorporated 616031780 $168,186 $11,363
Germantown Mission Incorporated 611251931 $0 $0
Gheens Foundation Incorporated 616031406 $70,519,202 $108,338,999
Gildas Club Louisville Incorporated 201635170 $1,283,277 $5,359,132
Girl Friends Incorporated 616042119 $0 $0
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Incorporated 610444698 $15,446 $347,379
Girls on the Run of Louisville Incorporated 311778918 $67,349 $48,881
Glen Arekion Ministries Incorporated 270013849 $54,717 $360
Glendale Flying Club Incorporated 616053029 $147,883 $1,044,950
Glenview Garden Club Incorporated 310993237 $50,251 $127,293
Global Game Changers Childrens Education Initiative 463268917 $0 $0
Global Youth It Incorporated 208474949 $0 $0
Glory Baptist Church Incorporated 611391897 $0 $0
Glory Land Chapel Ministries 611181735 $0 $0
Glory of God International Church 900519102 $0 $0
Glory Youth Ii Incorporated 205109435 $0 $0
Go Tell Minstries Incorporated 364532343 $4,218 $3,492
God S Promises Incorporated 320052146 $45,000 $5,902
Gods Community Center Incorporated 611112072 $0 $0
Gods Designs Incorporated 273410419 $0 $0
Gods Glorious Grace Ministries Incorporated 450480033 $0 $0
Gods Will Christian Fellowship 900754568 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 611208030 $0 $0
Golden Retriever Rescue and Adoption of Needy Dogs Incorporated 611314499 $332,715 $244,667
Good Health Ideas Incorporated 201510713 $249,535 $144,815
Good News Ministries Christian Center 621803419 $0 $0
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church Corporation 611264078 $0 $0
Good Shepherd Anglican Church Incorporated 141994820 $0 $0
Good Shepherd Lutheran Evangelical 611041617 $0 $0
Good Shepherd Worship Center Incorporated 203948797 $0 $0
Goodness Reigns Incorporated 273163951 $34,099 $39,427
Goodwill Industries of Kentucky Incorporated 610475284 $23,900,194 $110,852,954
Goodwill Industries Works Incorporated 753157787 $63,249,767 $8,072,244
Goodwill of Kentucky Cars to Work Incorporated 450830218 $2,003,433 $980,020
Goodwill Temporary Services of Kentucky Incorporated 611316311 $6,603,742 $2,294,410
Gordon Foundation Incorporated 611230889 $531,941 $1,241,717
Gospel Assembly 310965227 $0 $0
Gospel Assembly Convention Center 611056872 $0 $0
Gospel Harmony Baptist Church 311008040 $0 $0
Gospel Home Mission House of Prayer 237259911 $0 $0
Gospel Kingdom Church 237300365 $0 $0
Gospel Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 611208165 $0 $0
Gospel of Jesus Christ Church Incorporated 611161337 $0 $0
Gospel Tract News 311050153 $0 $0
Grace 208821969 $0 $0
Grace Bible College Incorporated 061791676 $0 $0
Grace Community Church of the Nazarene 610971729 $0 $0
Grace Community Covenant Church 454444214 $0 $0
Grace Evangelical Free Church 611139580 $0 $0
Grace Tabernacle Fellowship Incorporated 208746796 $0 $0
Grace Temple Church Incorporated 208217306 $0 $0
Grace Temple Incorporated 500 Legal Art Building 310921768 $0 $0
Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Associates 205806506 $0 $0
Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Associates 261985969 $1,487,583 $42,414
Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Associates 412044876 $0 $0
Grandview Care Incorporated 352106817 $22,350,369 $41,341,462
Great Louisville Bowling Association 900282270 $111,274 $130,206
Greater First Peter Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 611055896 $0 $0
Greater Freeborn Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 611277120 $0 $0
Greater Good Hope Baptist Church 611039649 $0 $0
Greater Harvest Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 611218028 $0 $0
Greater Louisville Association of Health Underwriters 431980331 $60,117 $38,600
Greater Louisville Association of Realtors Incorporated 610264770 $1,576,321 $5,155,928
Greater Louisville Automobile Dealers Association Incorporated 610654256 $624,360 $1,180,464
Greater Louisville Chapter of the National Association of Black Acct 311495020 $0 $0
Greater Louisville Foundation Incorporated 611131064 $1,071,787 $1,623,428
Greater Louisville Hamfest Association Incorporated 311092298 $0 $0
Greater Louisville Intergroup Incorporated 382705264 $109,743 $51,868
Greater Louisville Medical Society 610237560 $2,134,419 $3,581,558
Greater Louisville Medical Society Alliance Incorporated 611174310 $0 $0
Greater Louisville Medical Society Foundation Incorporated 610598020 $763,979 $3,530,118
Greater Louisville Motel-hotel Association Incorporated 310931315 $39,391 $81,158
Greater Louisville Rowing Foundation Incorporated 611208989 $34,188 $54,687
Greater Louisville Sports Commission 611365860 $1,570,731 $260,894
Greater Louisville United Labor Picnic Incorporated 611387836 $67,895 $78,513
Greater St Marks Baptist Church Incorporated 611060097 $0 $0
Green Hill Therapy Incorporated 611378588 $838,859 $1,050,287
Green River Writers Incorporated 611178748 $0 $0
Green Street Baptist Church 610561849 $0 $0
Green Village - Green Future Incorporated 263681669 $5,140 $337
Greyhound Pets of America 611154609 $0 $0
Greyhound Rescue and Adoption of Kentucky 611333549 $0 $0
Guadalcanal Campaign Veterans 510183179 $0 $0
Guardia Care Services Incorporated 610926169 $856,739 $9,588,515
Habdank Foundation 262857440 $461,326 $1,172,746
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 550697541 $816,493 $2,465,202
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 611267867 $918,339 $746,632
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Louisville Incorporated 581735528 $6,521,296 $15,543,839
Hacet Foundation Incorporated 900925621 $2,000,000 $2,000,000
Hagan-trabue Apts Incorporated 611292200 $73,427 $473,968
Haitian Relief Fund Incorporated 271800670 $0 $436
Hallmark Neighborhood Association Incorporated 900738409 $0 $0
Hameron Automobile and Boat Museum Incorporated 611314628 $0 $1,448,470
Hand in Hand Ministries Incorporated 611352889 $2,508,116 $1,515,971
Hands and Voices of Kentucky Incorporated 262461205 $0 $0
Happy Acres Swim Club Incorporated 610572294 $70,795 $131,969
Harbor House of Louisville Incorporated 611216323 $1,671,160 $1,416,527
Harris-stansell Fam Charitable Trust 626320081 $624,550 $494,905
Harry Kletter Family Charitable Foundation 611328521 $0 $253,252
Harry L and June Macneill Swaim Foundation Incorporated 311106889 $250,950 $718,869
Harshaw Family Foundation Incorporated 274251521 $1,366,491 $2,980,427
Harvard Club of Louisville Incorporated 200196595 $2,970 $1
Harvest Rain Ministries Incorporated 274684187 $0 $0
Harveys on the River Yacht Club Assocation Incorporated 611234742 $174,298 $372,353
Have a Heart Foundation Incorporated 261433114 $0 $0
Hayfield Montessori School 610671858 $668,512 $618,597
Headstrong Works 461036987 $0 $0
Heal from Within Incorporated 461069852 $0 $1
Healing Families Lives 454280510 $99 $200
Healing Housing Incorporated 611297680 $39,032 $142,280
Healing Place Incorporated 611164775 $5,962,375 $13,655,313
Health and Welfare Fund Local 227 616038377 $58,566,342 $17,106,866
Health Care Excel Incorporated 320026476 $0 $0
Healthcare Financial Management Association 260206709 $0 $0
Healthservice Council of Metropolitan Louisville Incorporated 271458886 $8,000 $2,460
Hear Here for Little Ears Incorporated 272783937 $238,953 $75,938
Hearing Loss Association of America Incorporated 270791259 $0 $0
Heart to Heart Rescue 455446038 $0 $0
Hearts at Home Incorporated 611338095 $758,154 $447,293
Heartsprings Foundation Incorporated 352134510 $0 $4,770
Heather Renee French Foundation for Vetrans Incorporated 611359371 $7,034 $48,939
Helck Avenue House of Prayer Incorporated 616036073 $0 $0
Henry Penner Foundation Incorporated 611346553 $0 $0
Heritage Baptist Church 311140765 $0 $0
Hertzman Foundation Incorporated 611230193 $553,515 $1,604,793
Heuser Hearing and Language Academy Incorporated 610492369 $2,085,954 $10,835,160
Hibernian Cultural and Charitable Association Incorporated 611511908 $0 $0
High Adventure Ministries Incorporated 952832688 $0 $0
High School of Jewish Studies Incorporated 611294226 $0 $0
Highland Commerce Guild Incorporated 611237560 $39,605 $21,460
Highland Evangelical Church Incorporated 611011401 $0 $0
Highland Neighborhood Association Incorporated 510137603 $0 $0
Highland Park Community Development Corp 800162257 $0 $0
Highland Park Missionary Baptist Church 311083245 $0 $0
Highland Park Social Club 237286056 $213,624 $79,164
Highlands Community Ministries Incorporated 610708776 $0 $0
Highlands Court Incorporated 310955903 $25,326 $3,044,162
Highlands-douglass Neighborhood Association Incorporated 611396404 $0 $0
Highview Athletic League Incorporated 611318395 $336,583 $258,447
Highview Business Owners Association Incorporated 453062755 $0 $0
Hillbilly Outfield Incorporated 205521626 $47,364 $18,292
Hillcrest Baptist Camp-assembly Incorporated 043757247 $0 $0
Hillview Baptist Church 616015582 $0 $0
Hindu Temple of Kentucky Incorporated 311134240 $0 $0
Hiram C Polk Jr Surgical Society Department of Surgery 611010689 $0 $0
Hispanic Latino Coalition Incorporated 611373794 $0 $0
Historic Homes Foundation Incorporated 610549274 $841,030 $4,731,122
Historic Locust Grove Incorporated 611390403 $800,277 $3,986,892
Holiday Rambler Recreational Vehicle Club Incorporated 611455223 $0 $0
Holy Angels Academy Incorporated 610845326 $488,861 $2,077,550
Holy Place Called the House of Prayer 161687443 $0 $0
Holy Trinity Apartments Incorporated 205045648 $76,197 $1,628,135
Home Builders Association of Louisville Incorporated 610409461 $3,002,139 $2,555,807
Home of the Innocents 610445834 $33,714,707 $93,039,358
Homeforhisglory Incorporated 205932488 $0 $0
Honor Flight Bluegrass Chapter Incorporated 262237257 $168,421 $63,730
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi 621784075 $0 $0
Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Incorporated 610485432 $6,294,418 $15,755,284
Honorable Order of the Blue Goose Intl Incorporated Kentucky Pond 237196115 $0 $0
Hope Center for Growth Incorporated 263484981 $0 $0
Hope Community Development Corporation 753137792 $0 $0
Hope Culture Incorporated 460954046 $0 $0
Hope Life Center of the Assemblies of God Fairdale 300538736 $0 $0
Hope Lutheran Church 611045115 $0 $0
Hope Scarves Incorporated 453578278 $58,415 $35,000
Hope That Purifieth Ministries Incorporated 800798430 $0 $0
Hopeful Hearts Foundation 753003999 $452,280 $469,950
Hortense B Perry Foundation Incorporated 611251540 $82,750 $111,835
Hoseas House Incorporated 203161219 $0 $0
Hosparus Incorporated 610921718 $67,310,478 $40,273,522
Hospital Hospitality House of Louisville 611256969 $134,148 $115,797
House of God the Holy Church of the Living God the Pillar and the 611155570 $0 $0
House of Hope Kentucky Incorporated 510475765 $80,085 $1,155,731
House of Praise Incorporated 611219926 $0 $0
House of Ruth Incorporated 611231355 $1,215,260 $2,579,320
Housing Development Foundation Incorporated 263420288 $0 $0
Housing Foundation Incorporated 611110314 $62,988 $295,382
Housing Mission Incorporated 454377096 $0 $0
Housing Partnership Incorporated 611154315 $5,947,758 $26,015,837
Hubbard Press the 344431297 $0 $0
Huelsman-risen Family Foundation 306039337 $16,762 $66,328
Human Graphics Center Incorporated 611207260 $0 $0
Humana Foundation Incorporated 611004763 $101,594,919 $140,674,968
Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church 616036726 $0 $0
Huntington Dance Theatre Ltd 311559990 $76,975 $6,131
Huntingtons Disease Society of America Incorporated 611201049 $0 $0
Hurstbourne Christian Church 610712799 $0 $0
Hurstbourne Country Club Incorporated 610708294 $4,816,126 $8,645,561
Hurstbourne Foundation 743133762 $8,471 $29,854
Hurstbourne Towne Homes Residents Association 311029060 $0 $0
I P a Reach for Kids 320003627 $56,760 $4,508
Ibb Cockayne Fund Incorporated 452809797 $3,112,340 $20,229,132
Ice House of Louisville Incorporated 611406556 $80,779 $62,583
Ideal Care Incorporated 611277653 $456,994 $19,517
Iglesia Bautista Cooper Chapel 263109253 $0 $0
Iglesia Bautista Nueva Jerusalen Incorporated 611340103 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Camino De Restauracion Ebenezer 421542282 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios De Louisville 263172703 $0 $0
Iglesia Santidad a Jehova 061804941 $0 $0
Iglesia Wesleyana El Alfa Y Omega 901013691 $0 $0
Iglesia Wesleyana Fuente De Vid Eterna 463539710 $0 $0
Immaculata Classical Academy Incorporated 273305618 $258,187 $18,783
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 610454720 $0 $0
In Jesus Name Spirit Filled Christian Community Church Incorporated 621779594 $0 $0
Independent Electrical Contractors Incorporated 611069341 $563,068 $196,567
Independent Industries Incorporated 432017147 $1,874,467 $2,273,714
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 610568834 $116,013 $754,735
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 616027216 $0 $0
Independent Pilots Association 611171169 $14,695,793 $17,213,786
India Community Foundation of Louisville Incorporated 610989811 $0 $0
India Heritage Research Foundation 251577055 $250,047 $2,251,225
Indiana Illinois Kentucky Tennessee Abatement Contractors Association Incorporated 611346595 $0 $0
Indiana Live Steamers Incorporated 351668413 $13,426 $88,892
Information Systems Security Association 208566213 $0 $0
Infragard National Members Alliance Incorporated 202954097 $0 $0
Inner City Church of God 611133727 $0 $0
Innovative Productivity Incorporated 611237362 $28,854 $1
Institute of Long Term Care Studies Incorporated 263530581 $0 $0
Institute of Management Accountants Incorporated 237353643 $0 $0
Institute of Real Estate Management of the Natl Association of Realtors 510204259 $37,888 $3,710
Institute of Warranty Chain Management Incorporated 743196451 $0 $0
Integrity Media Network Incorporated 263590302 $61,945 $32,695
Interdenominational Union of Choirs 141913415 $0 $0
Interfaith Paths to Peace Incorporated 611312035 $314,522 $219,626
Interlink Counseling Services Incorporated 611239021 $1,250,940 $1,808,902
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 616052379 $289,038 $195,408
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture M 455075505 $0 $0
International Amusement and Leisure Defense Association Incorporated 232772755 $0 $0
International Apostolic Fellowship Incorporated 311087703 $0 $0
International Association of Bridge Structural and Ornamental Ironworker 610235620 $1,285,494 $3,061,709
International Association of Business Communicators 611022510 $0 $0
International Association of Electrical Inspectors 616037028 $22,838 $72,251
International Association of Fire Fighters 616030837 $607,953 $380,313
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers 616038500 $743,157 $662,069
International Association of Lions Clubs 611262263 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 611333873 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 616033867 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 616033875 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 616039244 $12,892 $18,220
International Association of Lions Clubs 616039259 $96,197 $368,559
International Association of Lions Clubs 616039263 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 310948065 $107,473 $123,538
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 610235271 $99,204 $397,012
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 610366915 $1,144,220 $111,902
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 610394064 $76,462 $21,043
International Brotherhd - Boilrmkrs Ir Shp Bldrs Blcksmth Frgrs and Hlpr 616034395 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of 610336252 $2,352,766 $1,085,703
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 610235275 $3,976,084 $4,651,677
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 610988694 $727,813 $512,159
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 341586206 $1,623,176 $1,675,313
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 610235279 $7,305,982 $1,008,916
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 610602987 $464,312 $1,595,688
International Cesarean Awareness Network 208511919 $0 $0
International Christian Center of Louisville Incorporated 300630313 $34,161 $9,318
International Church of the Four Square Gospel 260076310 $0 $0
International Consultants for Action Oriented Research and Program 611306715 $0 $0
International Contemporary Art Foundation Incorporated 201680864 $5,848 $2,586,512
International Dermatology Education Foundation Incorporated 455570606 $137,250 $137,100
International Gynecologic Cancer Society Incorporated 753269205 $446,559 $1,992,204
International Network for the Rights of Female Victims of Violen 611358810 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237506360 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237506369 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237506379 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 611128583 $0 $0
International Real Estate Society Incorporated 571166719 $0 $0
International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists Incorporated 611305952 $0 $0
International Society of Heterocyclchemistry 363066864 $13,661 $5,365
International Society on Oxygen Tansport 363270081 $0 $0
International Thomas Merton Society Incorporated 161314862 $66,887 $130,526
International Training in Communication 237036650 $0 $0
International Union of Elevator Constructors 610572503 $222,970 $196,097
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 610235276 $6,482 $237
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers O 610962168 $129,143 $130,043
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Wrkrs 610701698 $6,400,262 $1
Iona Community Church Incorporated 611439201 $0 $0
Ipa Foundation 611244412 $453,420 $490,883
Iqbal International Leadership Institute 262619053 $0 $0
Irish Arts Foundation of Kentucky Incorporated 311518468 $114,541 $40,229
Irish Care Incorporated 271368436 $54,458 $10,873
Irish Hill Neighborhood Association 611332637 $0 $0
Irish Social of Kentuckian 752998263 $0 $0
Iroquois Child Care Incorporated 610719216 $522,340 $148,032
Iroquois Post 229 the American Legion Department of Kentucky 610441502 $198,082 $59,193
Iroquois Presbyterian Church 610713329 $0 $0
Irvin F and Alice S Etscorn Charitable Foundation 611314419 $1,790,375 $5,568,989
Isa-the Instrumentation Systems and Automation Society 237117636 $0 $0
Isadore and Rose Goldstein Family Foundation Incorporated 611272090 $284,622 $538,521
Islamic Cemetery of Kentuckiana Incorporated 611597371 $0 $0
Islamic Cultural Association of Louisville University of Louisvill 310946875 $0 $0
Islamic School of Louisville 611372117 $447,345 $949,799
Italian-american Association of Louisville Incorporated 310950321 $0 $0
Its Just Jesus Ministries 611387027 $0 $0
J and L Foundation 611166955 $7,126,056 $14,902,466
J B Speed Art Museum 610444823 $89,823,064 $120,653,702
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 581946160 $0 $0
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 616035079 $0 $0
Jack Vibbert Evangelistic Foundation 616037886 $0 $0
Jackson House Ii Incorporated 311011324 $743,480 $1,498,762
Jacob C Koch Charitable Trust 38 0400 00 616128462 $641,504 $1,187,872
Jake and Jennie G Sable Charitable Educational Trust Uw 611347203 $249,844 $993,510
James Geno and Hiltrud J Gordon Memorial Fund 206307998 $417,662 $590,537
James Graham Brown Foundation Incorporated 610724060 $1,201,460 $336,587,494
James Seay Ministries 383288654 $0 $0
James W Chandler Charitable Tua Dated 11-17-1984 Restated 11-11-03 276350050 $80,465 $545,475
Jamestowne Society Kentucky Company Incorporated 262772596 $0 $0
Jan Painter Ministries Incorporated 592866822 $118,018 $11,725
Javanon Soccer Club Incorporated 611309254 $405,938 $1,675,028
Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty Incorporated 611206312 $0 $0
Jefferson Community and Technical College Foundation Incorporated 237035648 $929,312 $4,719,037
Jefferson County Area 4-h Council Incorporated 610936517 $151,934 $240,497
Jefferson County Extension Foundation Incorporated 300505789 $0 $0
Jefferson County Fire Training Academy Incorporated 611132117 $249,619 $2,142,403
Jefferson County Law Library Foundation Incorporated 311154650 $0 $0
Jefferson County Public Education Foundation 611021128 $588,015 $1,582,351
Jefferson County Search Dog Association 010554843 $0 $0
Jefferson County Sportsmens Club 610512327 $84,879 $198,708
Jefferson County Teachers Association 610658568 $2,143,247 $2,359,334
Jefferson East Youth Soccer Association Incorporated 611395308 $0 $0
Jefferson Street Baptist Center Incorporated 611328488 $0 $0
Jefferson Town Youth Football 020727178 $99,923 $21,211
Jeffersontown Area Ministries Incorporated 611285769 $273,216 $74,893
Jeffersontown Baseball Incorporated 521277685 $507,243 $32,824
Jeffersontown Chapt No 1100 Women of the Moose 237143896 $0 $0
Jeffersontown Christian Church 610600604 $0 $0
Jeffersontown Christian Ministerial Association Incorporated 263389660 $0 $0
Jeffersontown High School Alumni 300717210 $0 $0
Jeffersontown High School Band Parents Association 237029099 $0 $0
Jeffersontown Lodge 2127 Loyal Order of Moose 610900486 $34,445 $247,486
Jeffersontown Youth Soccer Association Incorporated 311068749 $397,873 $152,253
Jeremy Mattingly Foundation Incorporated 271078935 $0 $0
Jesse R and Reva H Newman Charitable Trust 456673890 $59,744 $311,120
Jessie Barker Mckellar Charitable Foundation 626323409 $1,232,689 $6,193,870
Jewish Community of Louisville Incorporated 610444765 $9,765,897 $27,644,956
Jewish Family and Career Services of Louisville Incorporated 610444704 $3,141,193 $5,949,064
Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence Incorporated 203805455 $98,880,909 $238,743,626
Jewish Heritage Mitzvah Fund 460981799 $47,950 $7,954
Jewish Hospital and St Marys Healthcare Incorporated 611029768 $996,209,615 $1,012,946,871
Jills Wish Foundation Incorporated 462608405 $0 $0
Jim Cain Home Incorporated 311107304 $72,993 $147,983
Jimmy Ruch Fund 900419712 $0 $0
Jobs Daughters International 237231909 $0 $0
Jobs with Justice Education Fund 611309181 $86,712 $5,286
John Burton Harter Foundation Charitable Trust 306048115 $318,372 $3,500,679
John H Smith Jr and Jeanette M Smith Charitable Foundation 276209564 $183,192 $2,400,287
John N Norton Mem Inf Botto Fd 21-56815 616020306 $3,484,133 $0
Johns Hair Style Scholarship Incorporated 208498395 $0 $0
Joseph C Ferre Rvoc Charitable Trust 616144664 $1,681,313 $3,443,044
Juba Vision Incorporated 453505628 $18,192 $38,263
Jubilee Christianity Outreach Association 611397026 $0 $0
Judes Place Apartments Incorporated 820570001 $55,768 $815,675
Julia and Isadore Klein Family Foundation Incorporated 610648689 $177,718 $5,708,737
Julius L Mitchell Foundation Incorporated 364706470 $0 $0
Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana Incorporated 610476694 $3,791,278 $4,310,143
Junior League of Louisville Incorporated 616000295 $280,417 $1,453,808
Juniper Club 590520763 $491,144 $634,138
Just Enterprises Incorporated 611176695 $583,862 $249,778
Just Plain Cats Rescue Incorporated 454628563 $0 $0
Justfaith Ministries Incorporated 201377228 $1,344,573 $1,066,895
Jutsu Aiki Incorporated 352408103 $0 $0
Jvc College and Cultural Program Incorporated 611381283 $0 $0
Kamp Kaintuck 616007245 $0 $0
Kappa Delta Sorority 616034361 $96,087 $48,770
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity 270234260 $2,900 $4,408
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 133139099 $0 $0
Karass Arts Project Incorporated 260710184 $0 $0
Karst Environmental Education and Protection Incorporated 841664768 $0 $0
Karston a and Ethelyn O Osmondson Charitable Fund Incorporated 201341323 $164,427 $723,492
Kathleen Boone Clayton Charitable Trust 266257731 $1,920 $116,124
Kathryn J Hodges Charitable Trust 316553137 $158,252 $745,400
Kba Education Alliance Incorporated 611280280 $0 $0
Keep Louisville Symphonic Incorporated 311018008 $0 $0
Keeping It Realloving Caring Sharing in the Neighborhood Instit 141889913 $282,124 $104,809
Kelley Family Foundation Incorporated 200798911 $1 $5,692
Kemba Louisville Credit Union 616027588 $2,131,819 $45,288,785
Keneseth Israel 610448553 $0 $0
Kenneth H and Sarah M Renau Foundation Incorporated 611563465 $1,307,841 $1,813,506
Kenneth Reutlinger Foundation Incorporated 611273584 $21,951 $337,875
Kentuckiana Baseball Umpires Association Incorporated 611161322 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Basketball Officials Association Incorporated 611225691 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Booster Club of Floridacollege 205402068 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Cancer Research Foundation Incorporated 611367142 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Cash Management Association 311105796 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Center for Education Health and Research Incorporated 616014488 $2,098,368 $755,149
Kentuckiana Clarksville H O G Incorporated 351700958 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Construction Education Foundation Trust Fund 611280390 $149,382 $14,396
Kentuckiana Construction Users Council Incorporated 237170621 $162,795 $137,697
Kentuckiana Crime Stoppers Incorporated 311041185 $55,873 $32,515
Kentuckiana Disciples Area Incorporated 611045701 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Dream Center Incorporated 611463641 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Girls Hockey Incorporated 270885179 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Golf Course Superintendents Association Incorporated 611077823 $40,605 $59,122
Kentuckiana Health Collaborative 450700087 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Interfaith Community 237170015 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Metroversity Incorporated 610727902 $53,864 $35,719
Kentuckiana Police and Firefighterschildrens Benefit Fund Incorporated 208736246 $48,334 $1,466
Kentuckiana Pride Foundation 262217567 $123,674 $41,700
Kentuckiana Prism 203508066 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Real Estate Investors Association 611228368 $63,927 $80,043
Kentuckiana Regional Group of the Blinded Veterans Association 611330805 $0 $0
Kentuckiana Regional Health Informatics Incorporated 454151226 $900,919 $244,317
Kentuckiana Square Dance Association Incorporated 237122433 $14,311 $69,661
Kentuckiana Youth Athletics 208170626 $341,262 $12,666
Kentuckianaworks Foundation Incorporated 371508088 $1,608,513 $851,637
Kentuckians for Better Transportation Incorporated 610937841 $483,660 $545,147
Kentuckians for Community Valves Incorporated 311050151 $142,395 $115,200
Kentuckians for Progress Incorporated 274218549 $125,031 $56,859
Kentucky Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Incorporated 454892650 $0 $0
Kentucky Academy of Science 611135572 $81,790 $22,931
Kentucky Academy of Science Foundation Incorporated 611311056 $150,843 $647,975
Kentucky Agricultural Council Incorporated 611325228 $63,687 $17,170
Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression Incorporated 611196342 $16,860 $13,273
Kentucky Animal Relief Fund 611387068 $0 $0
Kentucky Apprenticeship Conference Steering Committee Incorporated 611214123 $0 $0
Kentucky Assigned Claims Plan 510150466 $7,806,089 $7,086,223
Kentucky Assisted Living Facilities Association Incorporated 611338452 $131,271 $12,955
Kentucky Association for Behavior Analysis Incorporated 261758385 $0 $0
Kentucky Association for Psychology in the School Incorporated 611054949 $43,360 $51,242
Kentucky Association of Accountants Incorporated 310923430 $0 $0
Kentucky Association of Blind Athletes 651263334 $0 $0
Kentucky Association of Elementary School Principals Incorporated 611050692 $35,720 $59,633
Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities 610728963 $2,909,572 $1,084,650
Kentucky Association of Health Underwriters 431980333 $40,209 $13,237
Kentucky Association of Independent Land Title Agents 462620137 $0 $0
Kentucky Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Incorporated 610599233 $68,271 $10,337
Kentucky Association of Memorial Dealers 611204588 $0 $0
Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators Incorporated 462375874 $0 $0
Kentucky Association on Higher Educ Ation and Disability 611380019 $0 $0
Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame Incorporated 616028840 $60,295 $33,990
Kentucky Audubon Council Incorporated 611175232 $0 $0
Kentucky Author Forum Incorporated 611301673 $289,834 $131,146
Kentucky Automatic Fire Alarm Association Incorporated 331176193 $18,206 $46,217
Kentucky Automatic Merchandising Council Incorporated 237196195 $0 $0
Kentucky Automobile Insurance Plan 610408077 $180,633 $541,756
Kentucky Avenue Church of Christ Incorporated 610893049 $0 $0
Kentucky Aviation Museum 611205440 $82,478 $85,671
Kentucky Bankers Association 610244750 $4,588,046 $6,001,551
Kentucky Bankers Association Health and Welfare Benefit Trust 611270625 $31,342,504 $11,254,877
Kentucky Bankers Relief Fund Company 203405062 $0 $0
Kentucky Baptist Assemblies Incorporated 311537445 $5,179,427 $22,266,877
Kentucky Baptist Convention 610549873 $0 $0
Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Incorporated 311130021 $533,393 $207,456
Kentucky Baptist Foundation 616058689 $0 $0
Kentucky Beverage Association 310951653 $213,558 $224,171
Kentucky Bioalliance Incorporated 261582805 $194,034 $138,975
Kentucky Branch of the American Association for Laboratory Animal 611189446 $0 $0
Kentucky Burglar and Fire Alarm Association 611376777 $0 $0
Kentucky C C I M Chapter of the Ccim Institute 610954358 $132,864 $97,800
Kentucky Captive Association Incorporated 201770453 $0 $0
Kentucky Catholic Student Coaliation 800283470 $0 $0
Kentucky Cello Club Incorporated 611064982 $0 $0
Kentucky Center Chamber Players Incorporated 611067726 $0 $0
Kentucky Center for Opportunity 263691201 $0 $0
Kentucky Center for Special Childrens Services 610680753 $1,209,672 $189,029
Kentucky Center for the Arts Foundation Incorporated 310999046 $771,526 $22,989,424
Kentucky Certification Board of Prevention Professionals Incorporated 611182672 $5,772 $60,763
Kentucky Cervical Cancer Coalition Incorporated 264075124 $0 $0
Kentucky Chapter 64 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Incorporated 611329870 $0 $0
Kentucky Chapter of Hazardous Materials Managers Incorporated 611221604 $0 $0
Kentucky Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects 610976460 $0 $0
Kentucky Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators 611306308 $67,650 $64,338
Kentucky Charter School Association Incorporated 453048932 $11,806 $7,494
Kentucky Chiropractic Society Incorporated 310890843 $0 $0
Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition 611269804 $209,985 $140,647
Kentucky Coalition for Education Reform Incorporated 453583916 $7,500 $2,770
Kentucky Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives I 611153018 $507,970 $523,715
Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Incorporated 611169551 $82,965 $62,525
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights Education Foundation Incorporated 611581049 $0 $0
Kentucky Council of the Blind Incorporated 610913506 $0 $0
Kentucky Council on Economic Educ 237356635 $350,332 $69,335
Kentucky Country Day School Incorporated 610731998 $20,458,130 $39,268,823
Kentucky Credit Union League Incorporated 610391408 $1,124,365 $1,529,879
Kentucky Dance Council Incorporated 616033779 $3,454,385 $1,356,976
Kentucky Dataseam Initiative Incorporated 201482655 $3,827,926 $1,599,242
Kentucky Dental Association 610426190 $1,424,530 $2,472,541
Kentucky Dental Association Relief Trust Fund 237126785 $1,183 $34,858
Kentucky Dental Foundation Incorporated 311628549 $118,140 $2,689,278
Kentucky Dental Hygienists Association Incorporated 610926056 $64,653 $88,729
Kentucky Dental Well Being Committee Incorporated 320005143 $0 $0
Kentucky Derby Festival Foundation Incorporated 311629357 $257,613 $28,008
Kentucky Derby Festival Incorporated 610713833 $7,118,713 $4,435,662
Kentucky Derby Museum Corporation 311023459 $6,552,823 $26,136,594
Kentucky Dermatological Association 616104843 $0 $0
Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children Incorporated 273619275 $94,391 $94,771
Kentucky Doctors for Life Foundation Incorporated 611018020 $0 $0
Kentucky Dressage Association Incorporated 610954949 $445,880 $109,665
Kentucky Education Restoration Alliance 264175849 $0 $0
Kentucky Employers Safety Association Incorporated 610964685 $267,108 $415,263
Kentucky Ethics League Incorporated 202391891 $0 $0
Kentucky Falun Dafa Association 272923931 $276,641 $1
Kentucky Family Safety Foundation Incorporated 311566503 $0 $0
Kentucky Farm Bureau Benefits Trust 202034596 $1,428,937 $6,569,770
Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation Incorporated 616035765 $0 $0
Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation 616025339 $521,387 $1,291,110
Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation 610443949 $14,470,713 $24,452,895
Kentucky Florists Association 610667023 $17,070 $38,410
Kentucky Flyers Cycling Incorporated 271935769 $66,785 $3,880
Kentucky Foundation for Medical Care Incorporated 237181728 $51,974 $41,558
Kentucky Foundation for Women Incorporated 611070429 $720,388 $9,591,062
Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation Incorporated 611337601 $764,418 $6,090,608
Kentucky Golf Foundation 020661784 $276,197 $1,417,678
Kentucky Grp Self-insurance Guaranty Fund 311510071 $275,592 $1,037,271
Kentucky Harvest Incorporated 611135269 $124,756 $127,649
Kentucky Health Care Foundation Incorporated 611324707 $0 $0
Kentucky Health Cooperative Incorporated 453763404 $2,490 $5,392,676
Kentucky Health Information Management Association 311019098 $64,738 $99,528
Kentucky Health Justice Network Incorporated 271246514 $0 $0
Kentucky Hemophilia Foundation Incorporated 610656750 $317,523 $245,622
Kentucky High School Athlletic Directors Association Incorporated 611035371 $73,694 $20,359
Kentucky High School Baseball Coaches Association Incorporated 611379250 $34,813 $70,379
Kentucky Home Birth Coalition Incorporated 454985367 $0 $0
Kentucky Horsemans Benevolent and Protective Association Incorporated 611162231 $921,012 $675,302
Kentucky Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Foundation Incorporated 611229725 $83,227 $50,281
Kentucky Horticulture Council Incorporated 611401757 $1,326,953 $745,432
Kentucky Hospital Association 610574577 $9,156,744 $19,514,680
Kentucky Hospital Employee Health Benefit Trust 311114441 $38,861,249 $1,460,597
Kentucky Hotel-motel Association Incorporated 311007939 $89,086 $173,089
Kentucky Household Goods Carriers Association Incorporated 610647690 $0 $0
Kentucky Humane Society 610463938 $4,952,637 $11,984,277
Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry Incorporated 611372313 $59,562 $34,266
Kentucky Institute for Patient Safety and Quality Incorporated 264657040 $485,038 $187,044
Kentucky Insurance Arbitration Association 510150478 $348,366 $421,905
Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association 610849486 $30,069,730 $45,296,189
Kentucky Insurance Workforce Development Foundation Incorporated 300553110 $19,100 $42,814
Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light Incorporated 261098830 $111,234 $45,347
Kentucky Interfaith Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean Incorporated 611203619 $0 $0
Kentucky Istitute of Digital Sciences Incorporated 900711819 $0 $0
Kentucky Jaycees Foundation Incorporated 611313217 $0 $0
Kentucky Junior Golf Foundation Incorporated 310917072 $323,808 $1,364
Kentucky Justice Association Incorporated 610841501 $1,055,405 $970,614
Kentucky K-9 Search and Rescue Team Llc 113827751 $0 $0
Kentucky Karst Conservancy Incorporated 460660242 $0 $0
Kentucky Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association 610942509 $1,849,668 $5,936,972
Kentucky Lift Incorporated 464048816 $127,650 $35,649
Kentucky Limousine Association 753224342 $0 $0
Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation Incorporated 610516171 $2,691,623 $3,112,097
Kentucky Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association 610246043 $0 $0
Kentucky Lumber and Building Material Dealers Education Foundation Incorporated 611324327 $902 $114,616
Kentucky Meadows Civic Improvement Corp 610656680 $0 $0
Kentucky Medical Association 610246800 $3,759,637 $4,825,646
Kentucky Medical Association Alliance Incorporated 610705238 $0 $0
Kentucky Medical Group Management Association Incorporated 611086970 $144,795 $32,908
Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft Incorporated 610985312 $1,153,533 $3,619,607
Kentucky Nurses Foundation Incorporated 310915644 $2,753 $54,456
Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Incorporated 200230282 $40,693 $63,931
Kentucky Opera Association Incorporated 616013111 $3,152,786 $1,597,169
Kentucky Operation Lifesaver Incorporated 611295749 $52,336 $27,693
Kentucky Opportunity Coalition 263722621 $0 $0
Kentucky Orchid Society Incorporated 611019154 $0 $0
Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates Incorporated 611122515 $13,030,705 $9,120,303
Kentucky Oriental Culture Association 270834054 $0 $0
Kentucky Ornithological Society Incorporated 616025719 $0 $0
Kentucky Orthodontic Association 616031536 $42,727 $97,908
Kentucky Paralegal Association Incorporated 611196147 $0 $0
Kentucky Pest Management Association Incorporated 310957644 $65,511 $207,750
Kentucky Pga Golf Foundation Incorporated 611378729 $16,410 $78,881
Kentucky Physicians Health Foundation Incorporated 611242062 $720,208 $310,433
Kentucky Prevention Network 900928556 $0 $0
Kentucky Prostate Cancer Coalition Incorporated 200831883 $0 $0
Kentucky Psychoanalytic Insititute Incorporated 611263040 $0 $0
Kentucky Psychological Association 611122935 $0 $0
Kentucky Psychological Association Incorporated 611345356 $339,970 $109,451
Kentucky Public Radio Incorporated 611259787 $4,616,916 $7,640,907
Kentucky Quilt Project Incorporated 311038266 $48,674 $39,696
Kentucky Racing Health and Welfare Fund Incorporated 610958300 $4,283,637 $6,951,715
Kentucky Refugee Ministries Incorporated 611229842 $5,309,380 $1,282,126
Kentucky Region Porsche Club of America Incorporated 061791603 $103,555 $54,888
Kentucky Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Incorporated 611251771 $0 $0
Kentucky Restaurant Association 311078167 $0 $0
Kentucky Restaurant Association Educational Foundation Incorporated 310884968 $56,857 $550,545
Kentucky Restaurant Association Incorporated 311078163 $156,429 $60,193
Kentucky Restaurant Association Incorporated 311078165 $0 $0
Kentucky Restaurant Association Incorporated 311078169 $0 $0
Kentucky Restaurant Association Incorporated 610620236 $415,697 $140,943
Kentucky Retired Teachers Association 611029929 $631,220 $1,275,415
Kentucky Right to Life Association Incorporated 237448961 $123,568 $57,729
Kentucky Roofing Contractors Association 611139176 $91,869 $32,407
Kentucky School for the Blind Charitable Foundation Incorporated 611080293 $3,825,396 $11,008,501
Kentucky School of Art Incorporated 272232797 $975,203 $300,343
Kentucky Scottish Weekend Incorporated 311154019 $0 $12,545
Kentucky Section of the Pga of America 610719612 $984,424 $741,519
Kentucky Secular Society 272311704 $0 $0
Kentucky Select Soccer League 611318959 $0 $0
Kentucky Senior Golf Foundation Incorporated 611191518 $1,797 $8,455
Kentucky Shakespeare Festival Incorporated 616036654 $1,704,724 $261,301
Kentucky Sheet Metal Contractors Association Incorporated 616040390 $0 $0
Kentucky Sheet Metal Contractors Association-industry Fund 616037340 $298,329 $478,066
Kentucky Show Incorporated 611043634 $264,975 $508,854
Kentucky Soccer Association Incorporated 611165019 $1,909,707 $163,347
Kentucky Social Welfare Foundation 616034264 $693,397 $1,505,244
Kentucky Society for Health Care Public Relations and Marketing 800274981 $0 $0
Kentucky Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 611245244 $0 $0
Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants 610473653 $2,983,661 $2,203,445
Kentucky Society of Health System Pharmacists Foundation Incorporated 611342771 $29,240 $36,222
Kentucky Society of Health-systems Pharmacists Incorporated 611142796 $122,022 $289,109
Kentucky Society of Healthcare Planning and Marketing Incorporated 611255426 $0 $0
Kentucky Society of Natural History 237430752 $0 $0
Kentucky Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 611179147 $0 $0
Kentucky Softball Umpires Association Incorporated 461096090 $2,501 $2,501
Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network Incorporated 611210949 $224,728 $106,268
Kentucky Spiritualist Association Incorporated 611244374 $0 $0
Kentucky State Arson Task Force Incorporated 611144975 $0 $0
Kentucky State Golf Association 237150508 $221,239 $39,632
Kentucky State Parks Foundation Incorporated 208702019 $32,871 $366,804
Kentucky Tennessee Mission Incorporated 611106383 $82,466 $86,946
Kentucky Tennis Association Endowment Fund Incorporated 611297669 $90,535 $179,551
Kentucky Tennis Association Incorporated 610916485 $734,954 $469,459
Kentucky Triangle House Corp 610656434 $56,155 $356,070
Kentucky Trust for Historic Preservation Incorporated 611328391 $0 $0
Kentucky Underground Protection Incorporated 611121421 $1,896,302 $1,804,758
Kentucky Voices for Health Incorporated 274557052 $229,422 $74,020
Kentucky Watercolor Society Incorporated 310946263 $55,025 $14,809
Kentucky Waterways Alliance Incorporated 611239766 $1,042,234 $3,741,967
Kentucky Womans Missionary Union Incorporated 611285676 $0 $0
Kentucky Youth Advocates Incorporated 610929390 $1,453,967 $1,136,054
Kentucky Youth Development Foundation Incorporated 861172659 $0 $0
Kentucky-indiana Personal Computer Users Group Incorporated 611238051 $0 $0
Kentuckyone Health Incorporated 611029769 $49,381,322 $416,553,942
Kentuckyone Health Medical Group Incorporated 611352729 $140,198,236 $19,223,171
Kenwood Heights Christian Church Incorporated 611052392 $0 $0
Kenwood Montessori Preschool Ltd 610991392 $253,035 $50,346
Kenyan Kids Foundation 273042942 $64,824 $35,747
Kessler Foundation Incorporated 611361973 $1,450 $1,606
Kga - Pga Incorporated 610941146 $816,484 $132,288
Kids Acting Against Cancer Incorporated 753155555 $12,878 $1,130
Kids Against Hunger-louisville 453865957 $184,642 $37,091
Kids Cancer Alliance Incorporated 611256743 $461,355 $913,172
Kids Deserve Better Foundation Incorporated 454149709 $0 $0
Kidsclothes Incorporated 311494840 $110,070 $156,953
Kiley Charitable Foundation 611337992 $262 $58,145
Kilgore Samaritan Counseling Center Incorporated 611131420 $383,890 $656,964
Kindred Employee Assistance Fund Incorporated 201964646 $1,105,871 $1,775,627
Kindred Foundation Incorporated 611204724 $150,675 $116,055
Kindred Operating Incorporated Benefit Trust Agreement 611194349 $209,897,099 $100,000
King and Jennings National Synovial Sarcoma 611399680 $0 $0
King Foundation for Social Justice Incorporated 611210105 $52,382 $100,248
Kingbrook Commerce Park Association 364636748 $38,243 $33,590
Kingdomland Missionary Baptist Church 611325256 $0 $0
Kingiti School Scholarship and Village Health Outreach Fund Incorporated 900660568 $0 $0
Kirchdorfer Foundation Incorporated 260583933 $1,671,723 $1,258,240
Kit Voluntary Employees Benefit Plan of Tennessee 611210499 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of Dixie-louisville Foundation Incorporated 270765167 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of Louisville Foundati on Incorporated 201531707 $52,589 $316,134
Kiwanis Fund of Louisville Ky Incorporated 616029773 $0 $0
Kiwanis International 616034239 $0 $0
Kiwanis International 616038726 $0 $0
Kiwanis International 610250126 $0 $0
Kjj Investments 371662596 $0 $0
Knights Athletic Club Incorporated 610942566 $143,146 $340,709
Knights of Columbus 611205852 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 912011064 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237542224 $49,219 $279,952
Knights of Columbus 237542228 $31,987 $41,183
Knights of Columbus 262259012 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 721522115 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 900157771 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 900871581 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus Kentucky Associ Ation for the Mentally Disabled in 310965614 $150,613 $112,509
Knights of the York Cross of Honour Convent General 237532666 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 616000368 $46,790 $1,108,264
Knights Templar of the United States of America 621341728 $0 $0
Korean Baptist Mission of Kentucky 611300379 $0 $0
Korean Presbyterian Church of Danville 361164807 $0 $0
Korean-american Association of Kentuckiana 371537119 $0 $0
Kosair Charities Committee Incorporated 610514703 $100,066,455 $257,932,581
Kosmosdale Baptist Church 611041176 $0 $0
Kripa Connections International Incorporated 453202528 $0 $0
Ksheinc 272470216 $300,377 $138,824
Ksj Corporation of Louisville Ky 610908542 $463,595 $1,080,746
Ky Hospital Research and Education Foundation Incorporated 616052378 $3,956,635 $1,714,820
Ky-wilg 262521780 $48,050 $42,902
Kya Allstars Incorporated 452458761 $0 $0
Kyana Blues Society Incorporated 611182141 $0 $0
Kyana Flame Incorporated 260289465 $0 $0
Kytn Water Environment Association 621450591 $82,503 $247,915
L G and E Energy Corp Veba Trust 911827361 $19,930,475 $1,833,387
La Casita Center Incorporated 743178408 $74,532 $13,233
La Leche League International Incorporated 611383931 $0 $0
Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group 030378515 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 610235277 $1,473,988 $1,865,998
Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Incorporated 350344792 $547,747 $551,863
Lake Dreamland House of Prayer Incorporated 611103072 $0 $0
Lake Forest Country Club Incorporated 200283427 $3,686,985 $8,403,147
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated 616054763 $58,887 $3,730
Lambda Chi Alpha Housing Corporation University of Louisvil 310920298 $0 $0
Lampton Baptist Church 610503716 $0 $0
Landmark Bapt Mission of Berean Bapt Church 356270939 $0 $0
Landmark Baptist Church Incorporated 610911800 $0 $0
Larchmont Church of God 610503717 $0 $0
Larry R Coffey Charitable Trust 616168546 $1,202,355 $7,326,394
Laurel Foundation Incorporated 205178914 $57,170 $65,541
Lawrence and Dollye Smith Foundation for Foster Children 462715080 $0 $0
Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble Incorporated 204005570 $0 $0
Leadership Louisville Foundation Incorporated 310958491 $1,340,763 $1,780,772
Leadership USA Incorporated 352002979 $0 $0
Leadingage Kentucky Foundation Incorporated 610997261 $110,757 $3,097
Leadingage Kentucky Incorporated 611290786 $470,286 $436,576
League of Women Voters of Ky 610463058 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Louisville and Jefferson County 610397431 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Louisville Education Fund Incorporated 311078207 $0 $0
Learning Disabilities Association of Kentucky Incorporated 611103968 $89,083 $60,683
Legacies Unlimited Incorporated 050569289 $27,800 $16,425
Legal Aid Society Incorporated 610537626 $3,804,635 $2,186,006
Legal Secretaries International Incorporated 911844905 $0 $0
Legal Secretaries International Incorporated 911878208 $0 $0
Leica Historical Society of America 237277318 $136,624 $445,446
Len and Georgiana Peters Educationfoundation Incorporated 260188611 $0 $10,438
Lend-a-hand Incorporated 611346198 $0 $0
Les Dames D Escoffier International Incorporated 112994412 $461,719 $338,270
Lexington Road Preservation Area Incorporated 611074814 $0 $0
Lgande and Ku Foundation Incorporated 611257368 $322,180 $11,081,654
Liberty Independent Baptist Church Incorporated 310986743 $0 $0
Liberty Tabernacle 311046295 $0 $0
Liberty Temple 611012255 $0 $0
Life Bridge Christian Church 743142132 $0 $0
Life Connections International Incorporated 223849693 $0 $0
Life Development Corporation 800244552 $0 $0
Life Management Temple 680624801 $0 $0
Life Research Incorporated 462599470 $0 $0
Lifecare Counseling Center Incorporated 320284356 $0 $0
Lifehouse Incorporated 208514733 $799,356 $718,901
Liggin Foundation Incorporated 412095131 $0 $0
Lighthouse Christian Church 201125327 $0 $0
Lighthouse of Prayer Incorporated 311099635 $0 $0
Lighthouse Promise Incorporated 611362760 $460,985 $1,854,684
Lil Angels Child Care Development Center Incorporated 311569080 $33,932 $135,839
Lincoln Foundation 610449631 $3,357,694 $8,630,687
Lincoln-darst Foundation Incorporated 311564987 $2,119 $15,896
Links Foundation Incorporated 611315611 $55,005 $1,886
Links Incorporated 616034271 $89,715 $49,753
Lions Arms Ii Incorporated 611218438 $198,671 $1,595,119
Lions Arms Incorporated 611169936 $119,336 $284,377
Lipski Foundation Incorporated 616034546 $20,404 $37,642
Little League Baseball Incorporated 616026102 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 610651510 $83,029 $320,850
Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged of Louisville Kentucky 610487466 $3,996,334 $7,135,523
Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center Incorporated 611055060 $298,365 $330,902
Live a Dream Incorporated 453323752 $0 $0
Living Faith Community Development Center 463304337 $0 $0
Living Hope Baptist Church Incorporated 611262799 $0 $0
Living Water Fellowship International 270453687 $0 $0
Living Waters Fellowship 611169175 $0 $0
Living Word Ministries Incorporated 310931763 $0 $0
Lloyd F Schmitz Char Trust Ua 10122001 Fbo Peters United Methodist Church 036090656 $389,484 $1,370,957
Local Union No 369 Electrical Workers Building Corporation 616058530 $271,635 $2,514,863
London Housing Group Incorporated 205695801 $0 $0
Long Run Baptist Association 616002003 $0 $0
Looking for Lilith 300135891 $82,158 $5,349
Lorch Family Foundation Incorporated 463873179 $0 $0
Lords Kitchen 621787300 $0 $0
Lou Tate Foundation Incorporated 610961553 $42,443 $48,472
Louis T Roth Foundation Incorporated 610624305 $7,414,250 $4,924,832
Louise Marshall Trust Uw 616128446 $1,069,316 $3,460,900
Louisville 2 Foursquare Church 943192496 $0 $0
Louisville Academy of Music Incorporated 610530107 $180,184 $320,137
Louisville Adult Tennis League Incorporated 262289103 $74,929 $33,079
Louisville Adventist Academy 010848784 $0 $0
Louisville and Jefferson County Public Defender Corporation 237129726 $6,678,959 $1,247,277
Louisville and Nashville Railroad Historical Society Incorporated 611140323 $69,915 $346,320
Louisville Apartment Association Incorporated 610721891 $511,210 $1,420,236
Louisville Area 10 and Under Tennis Association Incorporated 364717005 $0 $0
Louisville Area Divers Incorporated 760703627 $0 $0
Louisville Area Industrial Electricians Apprenticeshp Advisry 311018947 $93,709 $38,967
Louisville Arena Authority Incorporated 204230414 $26,686,669 $419,857,568
Louisville Association of Paralegals Incorporated 311019037 $0 $0
Louisville Association of the Deaf Incorporated 616053579 $0 $0
Louisville Astronomical Society Incorporated 237170014 $0 $0
Louisville Audubon Society Incorporated 610673014 $0 $0
Louisville Baptist Deaf Church Incorporated 611219528 $0 $0
Louisville Bar Association 610457664 $1,744,906 $2,079,015
Louisville Bar Center Incorporated 611307946 $156,331 $1,043,743
Louisville Bar Foundation Incorporated Endowment Fund 311040473 $181,007 $1,914,334
Louisville Beacon 611370754 $0 $0
Louisville Bible College 611034535 $0 $0
Louisville Black Progressive Firefighters Association 611373392 $0 $0
Louisville Boat Club 610263690 $2,818,567 $2,522,717
Louisville Bridge Association 616035228 $85,095 $163,130
Louisville Broadway Church of the Nazarene 610981966 $0 $0
Louisville Broncos Youth Sports Incorporated 320334287 $0 $0
Louisville Calvary Church of the Nazarene 610734817 $0 $0
Louisville Cardinal Incorporated University of Louisville 310970482 $172,747 $99,861
Louisville Castle Club Incorporated 610953211 $15,268 $4,959
Louisville Cemetary Heritage Foundation Incorporated 352434150 $0 $0
Louisville Central Area Incorporated 610566267 $0 $0
Louisville Central Community Center Incorporated 610590743 $2,287,738 $6,809,310
Louisville Chamber Choir 463659545 $0 $0
Louisville Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 610434089 $7,572,099 $1,633,328
Louisville Chapt 573 Women of the Moose 237166132 $0 $0
Louisville Chapter 237406287 $0 $0
Louisville Chapter National Electrical Contractors Assoication 610703525 $417,936 $636,100
Louisville Chapter Ntma 610958790 $78,567 $78,007
Louisville Chapter of Construction Specifications Institute 610889946 $81,314 $80,982
Louisville Chapter of Kentucky Medical Group Management Association Incorporated 263048799 $37,861 $36,325
Louisville Chapter of the National Bar Association 200810236 $0 $0
Louisville Chapter of the Tn State University National Alumni Association 371735341 $0 $0
Louisville Chapter State Burners Motorcycle Club 202349581 $0 $0
Louisville Chemistry Partnership Incorporated 352243660 $0 $0
Louisville Chess Centerincorporated 204210638 $0 $0
Louisville Childrens Museum 453609269 $0 $0
Louisville Chinese Christian Church Incorporated 311131796 $0 $0
Louisville Chorus Incorporated 310929701 $0 $0
Louisville Christ Fellowship Incorporated 621285007 $0 $0
Louisville Christian School Incorporated 610662669 $263,334 $450,360
Louisville Church of Christ 611016315 $0 $0
Louisville Church of Religious Science Incorporated 611145639 $0 $0
Louisville Civic Ventures Incorporated 310945941 $0 $0
Louisville Civil War Round Table Incorporated 610944379 $0 $0
Louisville Climate Action Network 261430436 $0 $0
Louisville Collegiate School 610449630 $16,135,080 $28,200,939
Louisville Committee on Foreign Relations Incorporated 311086009 $0 $0
Louisville Comprehensive Care Multiple Sclerosis Center Incorporated 201512570 $430,623 $66,503
Louisville Council on Peacemaking Incorporated 311020210 $86,363 $116,683
Louisville Country Club 610263930 $8,392,900 $13,035,895
Louisville Craftsmens Guild Incorporated 310996764 $0 $0
Louisville Creative Centre 262494723 $0 $0
Louisville Deaf Oral School Foundation 616024991 $1,015,171 $3,524,475
Louisville Dental Society 610726110 $425,072 $243,910
Louisville District Dental Hygienists Society 311048699 $11,321 $13,357
Louisville Dog Run Association Incorporated 611393390 $68,709 $66,386
Louisville Downtown Lions Charities Incorporated 611176559 $2,518,677 $1,157,556
Louisville Economic Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 611244521 $0 $0
Louisville Economic Opportunity Corporation 611167519 $0 $0
Louisville Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust 610523772 $2,073,092 $4,863,885
Louisville Electrical Labor Mgmt Cooperative Committee Trust Fund 311500081 $191,142 $241,678
Louisville Employee Benefit Council Incorporated 311051422 $0 $0
Louisville Energy Alliance Incorporated 264064534 $0 $0
Louisville Enterprise Center Incorporated 611291014 $218,622 $882,530
Louisville Farmdale Church of the Nazarene 610889154 $0 $0
Louisville Federal Credit Union 610264070 $1,058,839 $36,476,351
Louisville Fencing Center Incorporated 611230449 $100,516 $14,059
Louisville Fillies 461069816 $0 $0
Louisville Film Arts Institute Incorporated 261351217 $1,293,377 $21,351
Louisville Film Society Incorporated 260252493 $0 $0
Louisville Fire and Rescue Pipes and Drums 202564450 $0 $0
Louisville First Church of God 610507069 $0 $0
Louisville First Church of the Nazarene 610918501 $0 $0
Louisville Forum Incorporated 611084059 $34,131 $17,746
Louisville Free Public Library Foundation Incorporated 610969361 $2,935,177 $16,646,250
Louisville Fund for the Visual Arts Incorporated 273611627 $0 $0
Louisville Gas and Electric Co Credit Union 610264130 $1,059,584 $33,187,334
Louisville Gas and Electric Company Veba Trust 616246222 $13,400,979 $807,256
Louisville Genealogical Society 611099258 $0 $0
Louisville Gospel Choral Union 392049832 $0 $0
Louisville Grows Incorporated 270959401 $0 $0
Louisville Guitar Society Incorporated 272667817 $5,194 $930
Louisville Gynecological and Obstetrical Foundation Incorporated 611247882 $156,224 $1,419
Louisville Health Information Exchange Incorporated 300348665 $0 $0
Louisville Historical League Incorporated 310896691 $0 $0
Louisville Housing Opportunities and Microenterprise Comm Dev Loan 454127209 $0 $0
Louisville Housing Services Corporation 611160625 $0 $0
Louisville Improvisors Incorporated 820548494 $0 $0
Louisville Independent Businessalliance Incorporated 205025267 $210,825 $8,594
Louisville Islamic Center Incorporated 311059751 $0 $0
Louisville Jazz Society Incorporated 611058101 $0 $0
Louisville Jefferson County Redevelopment Authority Incorporated 611348796 $0 $0
Louisville Kidney Disease Program I Nc 611146532 $9,097 $416,255
Louisville Lady Sluggers Incorporated 611341393 $99,742 $4,547
Louisville Legends Incorporated 753091550 $0 $0
Louisville Legends Youth Basketball 611331139 $0 $0
Louisville Lgbt Film Festival Incorporated 455126493 $0 $0
Louisville Lightning Baseball Club Incorporated 270639420 $214,122 $65,612
Louisville Lodge No 5 Loyal Order of Moose 610407941 $299,867 $688,319
Louisville Male High School Band Association 270960543 $209,221 $77,160
Louisville Male High School Fdn 616033780 $25,405 $455,972
Louisville Mandolin Orchestra Incorporated 611189678 $0 $0
Louisville Master Chorale Incorporated 452826196 $68,406 $52,120
Louisville Medical Center Development Corporation 611320759 $983,351 $1,361,845
Louisville Medical Center Incorporated 610660325 $3,047,443 $28,449,671
Louisville Medical Federal Credit Union 610526095 $0 $0
Louisville Medical Legal Community Health Partnership 274565113 $49,415 $13,296
Louisville Metro Affordable Housing Trust Fund Incorporated 274155836 $1,004,043 $2,256,261
Louisville Metro Fencing Concord Incorporated 562663791 $7,552 $397
Louisville Metro Housing Authority Development Corp 273175977 $1,661,508 $2,273,645
Louisville Metro Parks Foundationinc 204372292 $60,548 $310,823
Louisville Metro Police Foundation Incorporated 611498961 $630,398 $547,515
Louisville Metro Police Officers Credit Union Incorporated 610531138 $1,706,699 $22,216,888
Louisville Nature Center Incorporated 616036081 $148,799 $306,536
Louisville Nimble Thimbles Incorporated 311041903 $0 $0
Louisville Okolona Church of the Nazarene 610862992 $0 $0
Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy Incorporated 611196368 $988,543 $2,507,707
Louisville Ophthalmological Foundation Incorporated 611249028 $492,689 $3,042
Louisville Orchestra Foundation Incorporated 201546969 $1,612,978 $8,249,405
Louisville Orchestra Incorporated 616000384 $5,631,579 $2,199,937
Louisville Orthopedic Research and Educational Foundation Incorporated 611335839 $158,305 $403,810
Louisville Outreach Ministries Incorporated 300140131 $0 $0
Louisville Pathology Foundation Incorporated 611243385 $292,336 $39,388
Louisville Pediatric Foundation Incorporated 611242765 $622,448 $52,623
Louisville Pediatric Therapy Center Incorporated 462804147 $0 $0
Louisville Pharmacological Research Foundation Incorporated 237085652 $0 $0
Louisville Philharmonia-the Musicians Orchestra Incorporated 461572317 $0 $0
Louisville Pilots Club Incorporated 616080834 $57,641 $204,199
Louisville Pipe Band Incorporated 611180341 $0 $0
Louisville Police Officers Association Incorporated 610906799 $22,170 $23,880
Louisville Police Pipes and Drums Incorporated 453719912 $0 $0
Louisville Polo Club Incorporated 200054258 $0 $0
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Incorporated Fd Breeden Tua 610444768 $0 $0
Louisville Protestant Altenheim 610449634 $5,924,703 $5,854,282