There are 1,363 nonprofits in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Name EIN Income Assets
Pta Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 526070758 $49,167 $31,047
Pta Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 526070765 $0 $0
Pta Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 526070772 $0 $0
Pta Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 526070774 $21,443 $8,450
Pta Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 830466005 $0 $0
Pta Maryland Congress of Parents Teachers Incorporated 800823727 $0 $0
Pta Maryland Congress Rosemary Hills Elementary 526070776 $184,108 $58,712
Pta Maryland Congress Sligo Jr High 526070580 $0 $0
Pta Maryland Congress Stonegate Elementary School Pta 521682527 $35,154 $9,947
Pta Maryland Congress Wheaton High 526070532 $0 $0
Pta Maryland Congress White Oak Jr High 526070618 $0 $0
Pulmonary Hypertension Association Incorporated 650880021 $10,076,414 $14,110,901
Purple Line Now Incorporated 061677419 $0 $0
Pyramid Atlantic Incorporated 521233802 $513,004 $3,137,250
Quality Life Center Incorporated 521975178 $0 $0
Raba Leadership Initiative Incorporated 208955703 $0 $0
Rainbow Community Development Center Incorporated 200961637 $181,848 $29,406
Rainbow Family Christian Center 521983640 $0 $0
Rainbow Production Ministries 460470273 $0 $113
Reach out to Haiti Incorporated 521750151 $0 $0
React International 521043542 $0 $0
Ready Mixed Concrete Research and Education Foundation Incorporated 521680963 $9,886,285 $14,810,002
Realtors Professional Designation Educational Trust 526208995 $1 $18,449
Recovery Center 204644904 $0 $0
Recycled Child Project 271378206 $103,678 $7,953
Redeemers Community Development Group Corporation 943448443 $0 $0
Religious Education Defense Fund Incorporated 272845648 $1 $189
Remembering the True Victims Incorporated 311743523 $0 $0
Resource Center for Religious Institutes Incorporated 522177707 $0 $0
Resurrection Baptist Church 521876842 $0 $0
Revelation Universal Evangelical Ministries 510419535 $0 $0
Rh Reality Check 272289715 $1,180,247 $652,703
Rhema Community Development Center Incorporated 010929320 $0 $0
Richard Andrew Helgeson Memorial Foundation 203141810 $0 $0
Rishis Vaisnava Center 521994779 $0 $0
Robert and Lillian Philipson Foundation Incorporated 526035785 $122,395 $389,707
Robert J and Muriel Kossoy Memorial Scholarship Fund 112941962 $344 $18,719
Robin Hood Swim Club Incorporated 520817291 $174,260 $611,157
Rock Creek Foundation for Mental Health Incorporated 520966155 $7,188,750 $2,919,330
Rock Creek Pool Incorporated 520737004 $278,960 $546,485
Rock of Salvation Evangelical Church 510412727 $0 $0
Rock of Salvation Evangelical Church 521761369 $0 $0
Rockville Bible Fellowship 521110635 $0 $0
Rory J Weichbrod Unfinished Business Incorporated 452719495 $17,038 $16,132
Rotary Club of Capitol Hill Foundation 113794850 $2,159 $8,321
Rotary International 526078067 $0 $0
Roxies Fund Incorporated 522275755 $24,238 $8,029
Rudolph W Snowden Memorial Scholarship Fund Incorporated 521102842 $3,306 $17,975
Rwandan International Networkassociation Incorporated 208995712 $0 $0
Safe Haven Ministries Incorporated 454792788 $0 $0
Safe Silver Spring Incorporated 450984276 $0 $0
Saint Camillus Church 520627775 $0 $0
Saint Catherine Laboure Church and Rectory 520613699 $0 $0
Saint Francis International School 900538995 $0 $0
Saint Luke Institute Foundation Incorporated 260581595 $487,443 $6,178,116
Sakya Phuntsok Ling 521600777 $0 $0
Salvadoran Enterprises for Women Incorporated 161680043 $88,708 $26,105
Salvation Camp Ministries Incorporated 522229228 $0 $0
Samfsn Incorporated 462515661 $0 $0
Sami and Annie Totah Family Foundation 522081895 $1,946,127 $3,695,389
Samuel Freedman Charitable Trust 371233229 $198,970 $463,614
Sanctuary for the Dying Incorporated 900064641 $0 $0
Sandra Kammann Performance Project Incorporated 542015451 $0 $0
Sanford and Doris Slavin Foundation Incorporated 237075323 $301,937 $59,578
Save Our Seminary at Forest Glen 521643912 $0 $0
Save the Golden Lion Tamarin 202874701 $47,392 $51,355
Save Tillie Incorporated 522140382 $0 $0
Scientific Methodologies Applied to Cultural Heritage Incorporated 562356658 $0 $0
Sea Change Foundation Incorporated 651064174 $28 $24,474
Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association Incorporated 520910325 $1,441,111 $5,911,393
Seaweb 522156577 $1,670,986 $113,991
Security Industry Association 952636066 $6,409,334 $5,941,793
Seec Corporation 521557285 $7,757,151 $4,897,036
Seeds of the Future Task Force Incorporated 455204291 $0 $0
Seinan Gakuin 4-l Foundation Incorporated 571201654 $0 $0
Senior Service America Incorporated 526048236 $61,854,783 $6,726,106
Sg Housing Corporation 912172633 $122,503 $1,605,851
Sharanya Incorporated 460690468 $0 $0
Sheldon and Audrey Katz Foundation Incorporated 522006607 $533,340 $4,522,195
Shilooh Christian Fellowship Foodbank Incorporated 300762598 $0 $0
Shilow Gospel Ministries International Incorporated 300401227 $0 $0
Shirat Hanefesh 510673575 $0 $0
Shri Swaminarayan Satasang Mandal of USA 521175349 $0 $0
Shrine of St Jude 520681711 $0 $0
Sibanye Mentorship Program 521764072 $0 $0
Sidney and Eleanor Glassman Foundation 521801828 $49,427 $155,703
Sigma Chi College Park Alumniassociation 208650679 $10,000 $16,785
Silver Spring Chapter 1160 Women of the Moose 237164009 $0 $0
Silver Spring Child Day Care Association Incorporated 520936351 $664,284 $158,941
Silver Spring Christian Reformed Ch 237115780 $0 $0
Silver Spring Church of Christ 520739608 $0 $0
Silver Spring Day School Incorporated 201337670 $991,432 $600,917
Silver Spring Heritage Incorporated 521662393 $0 $0
Silver Spring Hispanic Foursquare Church 521799453 $0 $0
Silver Spring Housing and Education Coalition Incorporated 521807756 $1,268 $60,349
Silver Spring Masonic Library Foundation Incorporated 520939594 $0 $0
Silver Spring Nursery School 520610542 $257,490 $178,470
Silver Spring Saints Incorporated 204444758 $0 $0
Silver Spring Stage Incorporated 237333993 $110,948 $19,834
Silver Spring Town Center Incorporated 300306972 $0 $0
Silver Spring Track Club Incorporated 521964065 $0 $0
Silver Spring Village Incorporated 460723926 $0 $0
Silver Spring Volunteer Fire Dept Incorporated 520485745 $236,431 $7,727,436
Sisters of Charity of St Charles Borromeo Incorporated 521904933 $41,996 $314,289
Sisters of Holy Names 520735880 $0 $0
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Ccasa Community Incorporated 262486726 $0 $0
Six Degree Singers Incorporated 900584030 $0 $0
Skool After School 273586986 $0 $0
Sligo Creek Golf Association Incorporated 800452569 $0 $0
Smbia Building Industry Institute 521681643 $0 $0
Soa Ex-students Association Incorporated 462288133 $0 $0
Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Incorporated 112707960 $116,253 $173,553
Society of Kunqu Arts Incorporated 521917199 $3,096 $8,553
Society of Market Technicians 521741638 $0 $0
Society of St Vincent De Paul in the Archdiocese of Washington 450572692 $0 $0
Software Literacy Foundation 451445070 $0 $0
Solid Rock Community Church 270446105 $0 $0
Solid Waste Association of North America Incorporated 911027785 $5,595,304 $3,767,487
Solidarity Group 522183226 $0 $0
Somali American Community Association 201664323 $0 $0
Somerled Foundation 383709258 $5,481 $2,428
Source Wellness Incorporated 352448325 $0 $0
Southern Asia Adventist Association Incorporated 521367288 $37,713 $2,514,644
Southern Montgomery County Orchestra Incorporated 274762878 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Montgomery Co Central 911861845 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Montgomery Co East 521679093 $0 $0
Sports and Fitness Industry Association 360753520 $2,158,863 $4,521,627
Spring Knolls Cooperative Nursery School 520741601 $264,664 $122,390
Springbrook High School Instrumental Music Booster Club in 270889959 $0 $0
St Andrew Apostle School 520732612 $0 $0
St Andrew Lutheran Preschool 520943862 $0 $0
St Anne Touch of Grace Incorporated 364722870 $0 $0
St Bernadette School 520623698 $0 $0
St Christopher Catholic High School Alumni Association in Americas 262237346 $0 $0
St John the Baptist Catholic Church 520741607 $0 $0
St John the Baptist School 900667939 $0 $0
St John the Evangelist School 520591425 $0 $0
St Josephs House Ltd 522101042 $214,936 $84,951
St Luke Institute Incorporated 521082730 $6,935,805 $6,059,234
St Marks Episcopal Church 526082617 $0 $0
St Michael the Archangel School 520660402 $0 $0
St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church Greater Washington Incorporated 522183262 $0 $0
Stacey Lynn Friedlander Charitalbe Foundation Ltd 201883303 $3,168 $101,920
Stonegate Citizens Association Incorporated 521684347 $0 $0
Stonegate Swim Club Incorporated 521064244 $196,847 $209,009
Strathmore Bel-pre Civic Association Incorporated 237089417 $0 $0
Straub Family Foundation Incorporated 208348324 $42,560 $380,791
Street Law Incorporated 522015256 $2,613,531 $2,890,764
Studies Solutions Results Incorporated 522126323 $12,168 $80,248
Summer Buddies Incorporated 273099828 $31,291 $7,191
Sung Jin Po Gyo Won Buddhist Temple 202225656 $0 $0
Sunshine Christian Ministries Incorporated 522273076 $0 $0
Susie Foundation for Dentistry Incorporated 141974882 $0 $0
Sutradhar Institute of Dance and Related Arts Incorporated 521940780 $74,156 $6,538
Sweet Honey in the Rock Incorporated 521723171 $1,040,079 $79,861
Sydney S and Betty N Horwitz Charitable Foundation Incorporated 311660667 $115,378 $517,531
Symbral Foundation for Community Services Incorporated 521348838 $4,652,043 $764,122
Syrian-american Womens Charitable Association Incorporated 521855866 $36,313 $48,311
T Howard Foundation 541712500 $2,494,489 $1,376,568
Tabernacle of David Worship Center 451496777 $0 $0
Take Flight Incorporated 271631206 $0 $0
Takoma Academy Alumni Association Incorporated 455085208 $22,199 $3,703
Takoma Park Bible Assembly Incorporated 521375677 $0 $0
Takoma Park Independence Day Committee Incorporated 520791395 $0 $0
Takoma Park Youth Baseball Incorporated 522267098 $50,150 $10,632
Tamil Christian Church 452160540 $17,401 $45,501
Tappers with Attitude 521922907 $99,151 $36,487
Teachthefacts-org Incorporated 203057821 $0 $0
Teen Connection of Takoma Incorporated 522257336 $917,106 $452,512
Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Incorporated 351146784 $406,856 $268,836
Telling Moments 263883988 $0 $0
Templo Renovacion Espiritual 270555643 $0 $0
Thai Alliance in America Incorporated 050597857 $0 $8,150
The Alper Family Foundation Incorporated 521898610 $1,230,306 $3,642,535
The Art Riot Theatrical Company and Playwrights Gymnasium Incorporated 760819229 $0 $0
The Childrens Cause for Cancer Advocacy Incorporated 113485631 $560,517 $824,580
The Church of the First Born Incorporated 521073787 $0 $0
The Consumer Goods Forum 131857682 $14,311,404 $11,117,752
The Daughters of Mary Immaculate Incorporated 611606217 $186,303 $616,356
The David Katzman Foundation 521440515 $0 $0
The District of Columbia Metro Area Branch of the Com Officers Association 521504773 $28,172 $38,929
The Dr Maxwell Hurston Family Foundation Incorporated 521835729 $1,756,854 $3,348,624
The First Pentecostal Church of God of Silver Spring Incorporated 521110146 $0 $0
The Fund for African Relief and Education 521935694 $109,055 $58,647
The Garden of Gethsemane 521245175 $0 $0
The George B Thomas Sr Learning Academy Incorporated 521962992 $1,647,061 $837,827
The Giant Panda Conservation Foundation Incorporated 521931417 $33,539 $53,841
The Greater Washington Ceili Club Corporation 541370187 $0 $0
The Judith a Lese Breast Cancer Foundation Incorporated 200061083 $0 $0
The Kay Family Foundation Incorporated 521045650 $3,838,788 $10,509,242
The Kiwanis Club of Leisure World Silver Spring Maryland Incorporated 526078514 $0 $0
The Lloyd Society Incorporated 204820957 $68,984 $65,629
The Mesorah Womens Learning Institute Incorporated 030597867 $8,483 $46,831
The Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation Incorporated 522191674 $0 $0
The National Education Health and Housing Institute Incorporated 134218685 $1 $2,347
The National Sikh Center Trust 526410942 $70,059 $2,825,909
The Peace Corps Fund 043655830 $1 $31,537
The Resurrection Korean Baptist Church 800711213 $0 $0
The Russian-american Institute U S Incorporated 521930894 $1,319,654 $20,675,453
The Senior Connection of Montgomery County Incorporated 521842801 $248,294 $44,120
The Shepherds Table Incorporated 521381738 $1,815,140 $1,186,029
The Slovak American Society of Washington Incorporated 521906440 $0 $0
The Society Incorporated 521973189 $0 $0
The Tisza Ensemble 521300109 $0 $0
The Tobias Ehrlich Educational Endowment 521448440 $445 $31,465
The United Christian Church 521537535 $0 $0
The Vaad Harabonim of Greater Washington 521807455 $0 $0
The Wilderness Technology Alliance 912035824 $247,526 $223,435
The Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521057198 $76,810 $47,561
The@jae Corporation 113828778 $0 $0
The@national Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd Incorporated 260009571 $0 $0
The@rescue Trust Fund of the Scottish Terrier Club of America 205021811 $0 $0
Theatre Pages Incorporated 202228489 $0 $0
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Incorporated 043715558 $0 $0
Thomas Housing Development Corporation 030463073 $53,449 $592,806
Thugs Together Helping Unite Godssons Incorporated 260597556 $0 $0
Time of Grace Ministries 010549919 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203219918 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 204801101 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 205118716 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 205121377 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 521582433 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 526063801 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 526070704 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900115634 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900115647 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116853 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900499501 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900586831 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900716503 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900870855 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900884769 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901006728 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901022491 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901038699 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901061560 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925617 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925647 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925703 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925940 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942926022 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942986501 $0 $0
Toni Martial Arts Incorporated 010628399 $372 $397
Torah School of Greater Washington 521874788 $4,044,746 $846,812
Tororo-american Friendship in Development and Scholarship Incorporated 331055247 $0 $0
Toussaint Louverture Historical Society 710868200 $0 $0
Tractorshare Corporation 262631582 $0 $0
Training for Transformation Incorporated 421737003 $0 $0
Trees for the Future Incorporated 521644869 $1,856,152 $576,529
Trf Foundation 541628504 $0 $0
Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau 520786129 $76,122 $102,029
True Holiness Church of Jesus Christ 522230952 $0 $0
Trustees of the Education Fund of the Baltimore Annual Conference 520663103 $72,633 $1,888,496
Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance Endowment Fund 521926919 $2,163,263 $5,078,987
Twin Farms Club Incorporated 520711346 $112,426 $80,352
Twin Lakes Homeowners Association Incorporated 521346783 $0 $0
Unidentified Flying Opera Company Incorporated 522178081 $0 $0
United Baptist Church 611553861 $0 $0
United Burundian American Community Association Incorporated 680658204 $0 $0
United Humankind Organization 861152016 $0 $0
United Seniors of Maryland Incorporated 800242247 $0 $0
United States Association for Body Psychotherapy 522009514 $36,124 $9,792
Unity in Silver Spring 521801767 $0 $0
Unity Productions Foundation 770519274 $2,329,167 $3,604,746
Universal Evangelical Church USA 800477705 $0 $0
University of Minnesota Alumni Association Washington D C Chapter 562528450 $0 $0
University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Society in America 371099415 $1,673,493 $5,737,831
Uplift a Child International Incorporated 201814364 $172,307 $8,274
Uplift Haiti 270202464 $0 $0
Urban Artistry Incorporated 900675391 $92,607 $7,796
Us Lacrosse Incorporated 205414656 $38,723 $16,569
Users Group for Mass Spectrometryand Chromatography 208327859 $0 $0
Usman Boie Kamara Foundation Incorporated 453853757 $11,955 $9,915
Usta Montgomery County Tennis Association Incorporated 521964928 $637,821 $128,515
Vaishnava Charitable Foundation Incorporated 264427801 $225,631 $230,616
Vajradhatu 742696463 $0 $0
Vcare Charitable Foundation Incorporated 522135024 $8,766 $176,585
Vedanta Center of Greater Washington Dc 522032566 $0 $0
Vedanta Medical Clinic Incorporated 463362997 $0 $0
Veterans Support Foundation 133648561 $1,911,582 $1,507,991
Victory Baptist Fellowship 522306460 $0 $0
Vien an Buddhist Association 223882768 $175,887 $1,129,417
Viers Mill Baptist Church 520807631 $0 $0
Viers Mill Elementary School Pta 521687821 $0 $0
Viet Toc Foundation Incorporated 522280660 $378,744 $1,095,047
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 132929110 $37,962,564 $12,359,090
Vietnamese American Senior Association Incorporated 272441685 $0 $0
Village Protestant Church 273845955 $0 $0
Vision of Hope Ministries 810615957 $1,595 $1,157
Voice of Eritrea 274160965 $31,560 $10,490
Voice of Faith International 522345750 $0 $0
Voices for Hope 383816283 $0 $0
Voit Incorporated 453060356 $0 $1
Volta Association of Washington Dc Metropolitan Area Incorporated 521349819 $0 $0
Volumetric Mixer Manufacturers Bureau 522222845 $29,582 $85,671
W Montague Cobb Nma Health Institute 262652958 $70,750 $42,820
Walter and Sarah Diener Foundation Incorporated 521357403 $449,412 $1,592,232
War Trauma Recovery Project 431859031 $0 $0
Washington Apple Pi Ltd 521211971 $33,866 $95,167
Washington Area Theater Community Honors Watch Incorporated 522248862 $0 $0
Washington Area Wheelchair Society Incorporated 521480631 $0 $0
Washington Brethren Assembly Incorporated 260001508 $0 $0
Washington Chu Shan Chinese Opera Institute Incorporated 521830370 $0 $0
Washington City Fife and Drum Corps Incorporated 464062640 $0 $0
Washington Dc Region Scca Incorporated 521528206 $646,121 $710,859
Washington Dongsan Presbyterian Church 522299594 $0 $0
Washington Fisk Club of the Fisk University Alumni Association 526043665 $0 $0
Washington Korean Church 462687354 $0 $0
Washington Malayalam Adventist Church 521983891 $0 $0
Washington Metropolitan Area Affiliate of the American 521807770 $0 $0
Washington Metropolitan Tamil Congregation Indians for Christ 521816640 $154,291 $483,759
Washington Pastoral Counseling Service Incorporated 520906192 $31,021 $740
Washington Pentecostal Assembly Incorporated 521791851 $0 $0
Washington Print Foundation 841682774 $0 $0
Washington Rare Book Group Incorporated 521987430 $1,950 $4,930
Washington Revels Incorporated 522296036 $797,559 $350,927
Washington Toho Koto Society Incorporated 521225597 $0 $0
Watchmen on the Walls-prayer Houses for the Nations 161695405 $65,513 $138,514
Water Math Outreach 272190033 $0 $0
Wealth Development Initiative Incorporated 461374727 $0 $0
Weinberg-guttman Family Foundation Incorporated 522233001 $24,916 $257,481
West Hillandale Swim Club Incorporated 520746811 $85,210 $27,142
Wheaton Chapt 1435 Women of the Moose 520858605 $0 $0
Wheaton Glenmont Area Chapter 1887 National Active and Retired 581967879 $0 $0
Wheaton Wrestling Alliance Incorporated 521779588 $0 $0
White Oak Federal Childcare Board Incorporated 275083808 $0 $0
White Oak Synagogue Incorporated 521803070 $0 $0
Widowed Persons Service of Montgomery County Incorporated 521684297 $0 $0
Wildlife Habitat Council Incorporated 521558579 $2,727,320 $1,700,733
William Averette Anderson Fund 464682280 $0 $0
Winer Family Foundation 520794649 $156,064 $547,616
Wings for Joy Incorporated 522358338 $0 $0
Woman of God Ministries Incorporated 203006191 $0 $0
Women Corporation for Actions 264388708 $0 $0
Women in Cable Telecommunications 363550533 $0 $0
Women on a Mission Coalition 421649953 $0 $0
Womens Alliance for Theology Ethics 521294077 $258,162 $297,300
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521517289 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521664473 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521755703 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521843154 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521956331 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 521976515 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 911815806 $0 $0
Womens Bar Association of Maryland Incorporated 911815810 $0 $0
Woodmoor Pinecrest Citizens Association 521486575 $0 $0
Woodside Forest Civic Association 521469927 $0 $0
Woodside Park Civic Asso Incorporated 526055546 $0 $0
Word of Hope Fellowship 581782703 $0 $0
World Archaeological Congress 522294579 $0 $0
World at Ease Incorporated 454010067 $53,319 $7,282
Yeshiva of Greater Washington Incorporated 521106842 $8,816,790 $2,461,411
Yeshiva Synagogue of Greater Washington Incorporated 526051328 $0 $0
Yetemare Yastemer 743215209 $1,850 $19,611
Yonatans Story Incorporated 521946331 $991,220 $64,164
Young Korean Academy Incorporated 300079141 $14,826 $57,973
Young Musical Scholars Foundation Incorporated 541824117 $0 $6,554
Young Presidents Organization Incorporated 900288938 $478,531 $352,580
Young Presidents Organization Incorporated 521622688 $305,504 $293,848
Youthtrac Foundation Incorporated 521808191 $0 $1
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated 521152587 $0 $0
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated 521346220 $0 $0
Zoo Conservation Outreach Group 752376327 $172,359 $142,860