There are 1,269 nonprofits in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Name EIN Income Assets
Ranger Foundation 383499187 $1,807,816 $3,483,010
Ray and Eleanor Cross Foundation 383416717 $882,366 $683,505
Rccc Incorporated 383356854 $8,600 $31,589
Real Life Living Services Incorporated 383554948 $2,192,881 $310,912
Recycle Ann Arbor 382224861 $4,878,917 $1,232,031
Redeemer Lutheran Church 386122147 $0 $0
Redemption Lutheran Church 381422425 $0 $0
Reed M Nesbit Urological Society 382527983 $0 $0
Reed O Dingman Society Trust 382538556 $16,187 $62,634
Regenemed-center for Translational Medicine 462348064 $0 $0
Regents of the University of Michigan 386006309 $0 $0
Rejfoundation 371433679 $0 $0
Releaf Michigan Incorporated 382912028 $72,649 $6,799
Relief for Africa 264000131 $0 $0
Religious Action for Affordable Housing 383597764 $0 $0
Renewal Ministries Incorporated 382385975 $1,401,509 $465,671
Reserve Officers Association of the United States 911833591 $0 $0
Rideconnect 383804383 $339,725 $34,641
Right to Life of Washtenaw County 382514202 $0 $0
River Edge Community Church 383382315 $0 $0
Rivkin Society for Advanced Studies 310944073 $0 $0
Rnr Foundation Incorporated 650539370 $2,936,997 $5,343,627
Road Runners Club of America 382354363 $333,379 $112,756
Robertson Foundation Incorporated 352169341 $0 $0
Robotic Technology Consortium Incorporated 262571197 $14,508,966 $2,121,802
Ron Asheton Foundation 271490187 $18,932 $9,353
Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Huron Valley 382473817 $1,681,221 $4,259,851
Rosesgood Company 272778389 $73,034 $5,356
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North 205126568 $27,459 $19,455
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North Foundation 383079422 $52,979 $271,030
Rotary International 386091784 $85,881 $61,749
Rudolf Steiner School Association of Ann Arbor 382242069 $5,009,330 $5,593,470
S T E P S Etc 205756909 $0 $0
Saddle Foundation 383347262 $1,645,212 $4,297,074
Saint Luke Lutheran Church 381738042 $0 $0
Saint Paul Lutheran Church 381628441 $0 $0
Saint Thomas Lutheran Church 386176707 $0 $0
Salem Lutheran Church 381723661 $0 $0
Samaritan Counseling Services 382712839 $403,801 $52,065
Sandhill Soaring Club Incorporated 262580629 $83,686 $122,506
Sarc 861087705 $6,089,545 $13,139,403
Scarlett Ptso 020651511 $56,704 $18,429
Schriber Family Foundation 542135622 $56,976 $671,756
Schultz Family Foundation 383637877 $2,500 $25
Scio Community Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 237179756 $0 $0
Scio Flyers Incorporated 273146317 $0 $0
Scrap Box 382546436 $209,716 $28,082
Second Baptist Church 381714382 $0 $0
Seed the World Incorporated 383333880 $31,307 $297,680
Selma Cafe 455636903 $0 $0
Senior Citizens Housing of Ann Arbor Incorporated 381747942 $1,214,396 $3,745,962
Serafina Arts Incorporated 161754953 $0 $0
Servants of Gods Love 382554782 $0 $0
Seth Bonder Foundation 454929846 $7,693,994 $6,997,185
Shalom Community Church 300163417 $0 $0
Shekinah Church and Ministries Incorporated 382401511 $0 $0
Shelter Association of Washtenaw 382533030 $2,990,168 $2,238,063
Shidduch Group Network 464132897 $0 $0
Shien-ming Wu Foundation 383137871 $0 $0
Shiv Temple 237281927 $0 $0
Shudokan Martial Arts Associationinc 204827302 $0 $0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 381032115 $332,669 $34,234
Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity 381032130 $457,964 $3,969
Sigma Delta Tau Chi Chapter Alumnae Building Corporation 386068527 $320,198 $1,531,686
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated 204312945 $0 $0
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 911981492 $201,641 $50,722
Sigma Pi Fraternity International 562637855 $23,035 $2,549
Sigma Theta Tau Incorporated 386115929 $0 $0
Sigurd I Rislov and Jarmila H Rislov Foundation 931247286 $430,727 $765,647
Simmons Foundation 386075922 $547,285 $1,057,318
Sino-american Network Fortherapeutic Radiology and Oncology 205865371 $400 $62,657
Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist 383349686 $0 $0
Sjtu Michigan Foundation 203583139 $0 $0
Skiles Foundation 752845190 $1,829,069 $3,573,284
Skyline Friends of the Arts Booster Club 263882637 $93,709 $107,908
Slauson Junior High School P 382113046 $164,082 $93,037
Slow Food USA Incorporated 141895486 $0 $0
Small Scale Miners Health and Safety Programme 943464168 $0 $200
Society for College and University Planning 386147432 $4,174,415 $2,548,057
Society for Information Display 943082596 $0 $0
Society for Marketing Professional Services 382381765 $0 $0
Society for Musical Arts 382959630 $0 $0
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 382309411 $0 $0
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 386115916 $0 $0
Society for Research in Child Development 356005842 $7,337,241 $12,481,546
Society for Research on Adolescence 161277472 $319,367 $1,265,642
Society for Technical Communication 386118639 $0 $0
Society for the Comparative Study of Soc and History Dept of History 381684900 $126,325 $819,306
Society of Les Voyageurs 134263677 $0 $0
Society of Les Voyageurs Property Corporation 383625052 $0 $0
Society of St Vincent De Paul 383263451 $141,861 $81,841
Society of the Sigma Xi Incorporated 381741160 $0 $0
Society of the Trinitarian Family 453660867 $1,314,932 $1,023,845
Society of Women Engineers 383136156 $199,384 $414,854
South East Michigan Flute Assocation 460502701 $0 $0
Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation and Development Council 383444532 $55,929 $33,611
Southeast Michigan Sustainable Business Forum 383674159 $0 $0
Southeastern Chapter Michigan Assessors Association 300576666 $0 $0
Southeastern Michigan Jazz Association 382812715 $0 $0
Sparsh 753241032 $0 $0
Speckhard-knight Charitable Foundation 383466344 $2,489,285 $4,707,980
Spinal Cord Injury Foundation 461304544 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Ann Arbor 382920510 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Pittsfield Township 383132103 $0 $0
Spitzer Center for Ethical Leadership 202835097 $196,906 $19,389
Srishti Dances of India 251874253 $0 $0
St Francis of Assisi Church 381404594 $0 $0
St John Lutheran Church 382438513 $0 $0
St Joseph Mercy Hospital Alumni Association 386146363 $0 $0
St Marys Chapel 381358228 $0 $0
St Nicholas Light Display 383351785 $0 $0
St Paul Cultural Center Turkey Foundation Incorporated 274159528 $37,912 $103,413
St Pauls Church 381638441 $0 $0
St Thomas the Apostle Church 381359587 $0 $0
Stapp Association 383456298 $183,725 $276,241
Star Spangled Music Foundation Incorporated 274000812 $0 $0
Starry Skies Equine Rescue and Sanctuary 453354578 $80,678 $500
State Street Area Association 382199337 $432,661 $99,419
Stephen and Rosamund Forrest Family Foundation 464284430 $0 $0
Stewardship Network 562471470 $418,548 $40,256
Stone School Cooperative Nursery Incorporated 381586706 $72,413 $241,999
Summer Camp Scholarships Incoporation 205002737 $54,242 $21,898
Summers-knoll School 383235125 $2,009,132 $3,884,914
Suni Project Music Preservation 383165812 $0 $0
Superior Land Preservation Society 264056218 $0 $0
Sustainable Remediation Forum Incorporated 271954162 $92,193 $69,609
Swedish American Chamber of Commerce - Detroit Chapter 383454903 $27,091 $42,883
Sydney University Graduates Union North America 931069358 $0 $0
T Wall Foundation 204957746 $83,976 $82,338
Talkin Proper 262389874 $0 $0
Tamid Israel Investment Group Ltd 270546893 $0 $0
Tappan Ptso 386066224 $14,869 $74,601
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 463306281 $0 $0
Ted Annis Foundation 383346207 $1,283 $194,747
Temple Beth Emeth 381846364 $0 $0
Ten Thousand Villages of Huron Valley Incorporated 061670524 $743,396 $499,258
Thanedar Foundation 261210597 $28 $24,419
The Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program Incorporated 382495018 $336,861 $899,048
The Ark 381802396 $2,567,788 $2,715,109
The Ave Maria Foundation 382514364 $987,901 $6,428,461
The Campaign for Aging Research 262945586 $319,086 $3,307
The Choral Connection 383194194 $0 $0
The Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan 200903609 $42,711 $18,189
The Hope Foundation 742655302 $31,969,976 $30,995,178
The J Ferrantino Charitable Foundation 264457061 $5,385,729 $9,738,223
The Jim Harbaugh Foundation 363891987 $201,603 $173,609
The Marnee and John Devine Foundation 383079779 $0 $0
The Mcgrae Charitable Foundation 383572138 $238,530 $575,598
The Rebecca Davis Dance Company 202041093 $92,967 $3,720
The Theophil and Amanda Aprill Family Foundation 383002691 $31,570 $958,142
The Vocal Arts Ensemble 383102569 $0 $0
The Womens Center of Southeastern Michigan 364338567 $292,118 $23,741
The World Center for Creative Education 270088703 $0 $0
The@greg Piotrowski Memorial Fund 753240519 $0 $0
Theatre Guild Booster Club 300130554 $54,678 $44,550
Therapeutic Riding Incorporated 382487220 $336,010 $2,834,771
Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi Incorporated 521103791 $506,836 $573,245
Theta Chi Bldg Association of Ann Arbor Mich 386063281 $133,688 $609,465
Theta Gamma Ahb 371525114 $0 $0
Theta Xi Fraternity 382963213 $225,477 $44,601
Think Local First 300195660 $49,838 $2,379
This Rock Baptist Church 300155034 $0 $0
Thomas More Law Center 383448297 $1,642,617 $1,266,506
Thrift Shop Association of Ann Arbor 386099708 $536,779 $513,926
Thurston Parent Teacher Organization 383370044 $79,974 $20,361
Timothy and Sheila Patton Family Charitable Trust 466453265 $2,950,724 $2,085,352
Toastmasters Internaional 386120988 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900115368 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900407300 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900577208 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900586814 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901038646 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925098 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203598622 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237391064 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260843248 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 364502149 $0 $0
Town and Country Lodges Incorporated 383198115 $47,593 $230,829
Transport Workers Union of America 382175050 $111,302 $113,066
Travis Pointe Country Club 382037327 $5,183,670 $5,103,768
Triangle Cooperative Nursery Incorporated 381427060 $42,229 $37,494
Trout Unlimited 521765517 $0 $0
Twin Peaks Cancer Foundation 272988561 $0 $0
Tyler Adult Foster Care Home Incorporated 382451068 $480,016 $51,212
Union Des Beninois Du Michigan 455313580 $1,087 $480
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe 380895168 $2,491,644 $4,580,345
United Church of God-ann Arbor 383233161 $0 $0
United Earth Fund 942461458 $0 $0
United Faith Prayer Center Ministries 383664644 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 061770276 $97,589 $61,562
United Way of Washtenaw County 381951024 $6,597,164 $9,246,821
Unity of Ann Arbor 382035029 $0 $0
University Church of Christ 510141811 $0 $0
University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development 522060187 $57,900,885 $149,569,554
University Musical Society 381545881 $10,014,869 $16,666,378
University of Mich Alumnae Club of Ann Arbor M L Waterman Group 382387458 $75,986 $93,272
University of Michigan Band Alumni Association 382290266 $0 $0
University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated 382055116 $370,531 $326,111
University of Michigan House Officers Association 382038109 $232,406 $896,495
University of Michigan Presbyterian Corporation 381533885 $0 $689,961
University of Michigan Retirees Association Incorporated 383307408 $0 $0
University of Michigan Skilled Trades Union 237433172 $102,645 $259,659
University of Michigan Womens Panhellenic Association of the Nat 237396698 $141,880 $69,938
Van Curler Charitable Foundation 383529339 $130,314 $161,504
Vaughan Foundation 383355160 $2,985,868 $5,348,502
Veritas Christi High School 453218848 $0 $0
Veterans Education and Research Association of Michigan 383060217 $3,500,050 $8,170,204
Vidya Niketan 382488333 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 382931801 $24,964 $36,850
Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor 382508282 $0 $0
Vision Builders Incorporated 200134991 $330,416 $105,600
Vision Community 271751833 $0 $0
Vision Share 541912098 $9,724,684 $2,478,375
Waldorf Teacher Development Association Incorporated 382995787 $126,884 $36,022
Walk and Squawk Performance Project 383208509 $0 $0
Washtenaw Alano Club 237069580 $245,089 $67,125
Washtenaw Area Apartment Association 382482300 $150,422 $121,422
Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy 386029205 $382,518 $281,831
Washtenaw Audubon Society Incorporated 386118070 $0 $0
Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition Incorporated 383593051 $2,400 $6,343
Washtenaw Camp Placement Association 382071695 $76,399 $45,230
Washtenaw Childrens Dental Clinic 381905281 $0 $0
Washtenaw Community Builders 202568243 $0 $0
Washtenaw Community College Foundation 382575395 $1,301,560 $14,486,621
Washtenaw Contractors Association 381889154 $235,579 $171,697
Washtenaw County Amateur Baseball Association 382986652 $0 $0
Washtenaw County Association for Education of Young Children 382883639 $0 $0
Washtenaw County Bar Association 382368275 $189,321 $181,924
Washtenaw County Command Officers Association 383031998 $97,272 $14,368
Washtenaw County Education Association 522436104 $26,790 $46,637
Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Incorporated 381364510 $131,487 $235,003
Washtenaw County Historical Society 237075523 $107,860 $1,229,507
Washtenaw County Medical Society Incorporated 381316154 $172,312 $237,265
Washtenaw County Retiree Medical Benefit Trust Ua 386700973 $0 $0
Washtenaw County Skilled Building Trades Council Incorporated 043624860 $211,772 $40,066
Washtenaw County Workers Center 010865735 $0 $0
Washtenaw Elementary Scienceolympiad 205724715 $69,202 $114,354
Washtenaw Farm Council 386094683 $247,997 $478,863
Washtenaw Housing Alliance 383551639 $276,624 $365,746
Washtenaw One Hundred Incorporated 237140390 $34,305 $172,682
Washtenaw Rainbow Action Project Wrap 383236294 $0 $0
Washtenaw-livingston Medical Control Corporation 382843970 $211,665 $155,211
Wcp 383221174 $957,874 $1,034,220
Wee Wisdom Child Development Center Incorporated 382787622 $0 $0
West Indies Self-help Incorporated 237070410 $308,290 $148,962
West Side Methodist Church 386031975 $0 $0
West Washtenaw Business Association 382495077 $0 $0
White Lotus Farms Incorporated 272009594 $1,140,067 $1,123,238
White River Beach Association Incorporated 386064577 $0 $0
Wild Swan Theater 382457214 $330,393 $49,655
William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan School of B 383048086 $5,041,046 $46,789,448
Willis Patterson Our Own Thing Chorale 383080501 $0 $0
Wines Parent Teacher Organization 810563687 $98,384 $44,828
Wise Fund 382441115 $0 $37
Wolfe Family Foundation 382532527 $109,703 $300,185
Womens Caucus for Art Michigan 412237773 $0 $0
Wonderfool Productions 461155091 $0 $0
Word of God 237191086 $311,565 $513,466
Word of Life 383023339 $784,634 $636,508
World Animal Awareness Society 271918794 $51,537 $110,003
World Health Partnership 770665542 $0 $0
Xi Chapter Association of Delta Gamma 386096043 $283,038 $608,772
Xi Educational Foundation 432013294 $0 $0
York Rite Sovereign College of North America 386118077 $0 $0
Young Peoples Theater 382173423 $244,630 $209,810
Youth Empowerment Project 223784137 $38,404 $235
Ypsilanti Area Dancers 382321959 $0 $0
Zerbe Family Foundation 300119840 $33,547 $461,438
Zoe Christian Center Church of Ann Arbor 382516724 $0 $0