There are 18,852 nonprofits in New York, New York.

Name EIN Income Assets
Grace Institute 131641069 $25,258,147 $29,802,268
Grace R and Alan D Marcus Foundation 136928240 $22,856 $1,242,796
Grace Richardson Stetson Fund 208934914 $38,523 $1,128,619
Grace Temple Church of God in Christ Incorporated 237103135 $0 $0
Graces Children of Kenya Foundation Incorporated 990363265 $0 $0
Gracie Mansion Conservancy 521241502 $765,768 $3,606,605
Gracious Glory Buddhist Association 300134478 $0 $0
Graduate Center Foundation Housing Corporation 262227891 $1,818,625 $32,980,115
Graduate Center Foundation Housing Corporation Lic 461461744 $2,361,346 $2,412,407
Graenum Berger Bronx Jewish Service Center Incorporated 454492181 $0 $0
Graffiti Community Ministries Incorporated 133861124 $607,767 $165,866
Graham-windham 132926426 $59,190,830 $33,869,871
Gram Vikas USA Incorporated 455536030 $0 $0
Grameen America Incorporated 208497991 $5,957,943 $27,163,012
Grameen Primacare Incorporated 463181224 $0 $0
Gramercy Brass of New York Incorporated 112873292 $77,477 $14,608
Gramercy Neighborhood Associates Incorporated 136206616 $40,362 $41,418
Gramercy Park Block Association Incorporated 133943089 $212,946 $496,241
Gramercy Park Foundation Incorporated 132507282 $1,142,011 $2,981,850
Grand Boule of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity 453841645 $0 $0
Grand Boule of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity 133817770 $0 $0
Grand Central District Management Association Incorporated 133520221 $12,819,328 $16,929,793
Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services Corporation 133534255 $3,525,198 $286,166
Grand Central Partnership Incorporated 133275810 $13,892,222 $21,346,690
Grand Foundation Trust 582330948 $14,374 $18,349
Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries Incorporated 133775330 $220,215 $206,504
Grand Street Boys Foundation 136083779 $0 $48,696
Grand Street Settlement Incorporated 135562230 $11,687,823 $9,575,508
Grand Street Settlement Senior Hdfc 421607854 $599,649 $9,704,043
Grand Triangle Incorporated 134134510 $0 $0
Granny B and P Foundation 272621507 $1,197,817 $2,531,141
Grano Family Foundation 134150690 $2,197,340 $1,039,527
Granoff Family Foundation 132981867 $408,480 $749,244
Granovsky Family Foundation 311526136 $5,881 $97,489
Grant and Hope Winthrop Familyfoundation 208059633 $114,647 $746,775
Grant for Athletics Medicine and Education Trust 137113201 $8,115 $37,414
Grants Plus Incorporated 201541601 $2,460,784 $305,280
Graphic Artists Guild Foundation Incorporated 133188770 $0 $8,042
Graphic Artists Guild Incorporated 132876085 $707,436 $446,270
Graphic Artists Guild of New York 133251595 $0 $0
Graphic Arts Local 119b Welfare Fund 135623497 $1,404,021 $5,889,564
Graphic Communications International Union 134920470 $18,240,769 $19,108,920
Graphic Communications International Union 135274522 $835,677 $959,414
Graphic Communications International Union 135274605 $254,848 $362,893
Gratch Foundation 133993558 $12,121 $150,895
Gratitude Fund 134015475 $14,631 $11,156
Gray Charitable Trust 10201998 237987964 $4,382,129 $24,603,705
Grayson-jockey Club Research Foundation 616031750 $8,803,093 $19,638,895
Great Charity Chaye Olam Institutions of Jerusalem Incorporated 135593820 $190,799 $112,258
Great Island Foundation 134049061 $10,434,443 $16,095,239
Great Lakes Media Institute Incorporated 205640193 $2,400 $564
Great Lakes Region Africa Education Committee 542153125 $0 $0
Great New York Chamber of Commerce Foundation 306006238 $70,223 $142,929
Great Oaks Foundation Incorporated 275281234 $247,300 $339,651
Great Small Works Incorporated 133862351 $196,593 $60,758
Great Strides Long Island Incorporated 113476125 $0 $0
Greatcare Incorporated 202310333 $0 $310,190
Greater Blouse Benevolent Association Incorporated 311588368 $1 $2,331
Greater Blouse Skirt and Under Garment Association Incorporated 135572813 $29,203 $15,075
Greater Boston Diabetes Society Incorporated 042232419 $6,145 $413,427
Greater Boston Guild for the Blind Incorporated 042103893 $118,662 $2,371,345
Greater Central Baptist Church of New York City Incorporated 133225860 $0 $0
Greater Chinatown Community Association 132730313 $130,108 $81,666
Greater Emanuel Baptist Church 133214800 $0 $0
Greater Emmanuel Apostolic Faith Tabernacles Incorporated 510179206 $0 $0
Greater Harlem Center for Families and Youth Incorporated 582626634 $0 $0
Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce Community Fund 800790349 $0 $0
Greater Harlem Housing Development Corporation 133773591 $1,679,851 $7,894,762
Greater Harlem Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center Incorporated 132739672 $22,916,626 $10,206,597
Greater Highway Deliverance Temple Incorporated 132969452 $0 $0
Greater Metropolitan Baptist Church 133073474 $0 $0
Greater N Y Health Care Facilities Association Incorporated Dip 133377105 $2,114,700 $667,269
Greater N Y Laborers and Employers Cooporation and Education Fund 133988867 $3,793,353 $5,998,842
Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Christ Incorporated 133727159 $0 $0
Greater New York Al Anon Family 132531274 $132,890 $15,300
Greater New York Chapter of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association 320072812 $0 $0
Greater New York Chinatown Social Services Agency Incorporated 134076347 $240 $83,325
Greater New York Construction User Council 113081693 $27,650 $111,591
Greater New York Dietetic Association Incorporated 136165703 $0 $0
Greater New York Directors of Volunteer Services 562303365 $0 $0
Greater New York Havanese Club 134310615 $0 $0
Greater New York Hospital Association 131552496 $5,562,742 $3,469,890
Greater New York Hospital Foundation Incorporated 132954140 $2,733,575 $1,730,022
Greater New York Labor-religion Coalition Incorporated 134004010 $92,335 $36,473
Greater New York Local 144 Nursing Home Division of 1199 Educ Fund 133753121 $2,788,330 $3,713,073
Greater New York Metropolotan Area Chapter Association of College and 134144959 $27,883 $46,054
Greater New York Ophthalmology Clinical Lecture Series Foundation 203683908 $5,090 $160,976
Greater New York Orchid Society Incorporated 237401191 $0 $0
Greater New York Regional Service 061167439 $406,177 $115,721
Greater New York Tcd Alumni Association 275557129 $0 $0
Greater Ny Overeaters Anonymous Intergroup 133181937 $68,806 $21,325
Greater Nyc Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association 202490610 $0 $0
Greater Nyc for Change 800861448 $0 $0
Greater Refuge Temple Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic 133030918 $0 $0
Greater Tabernacle Baptist Church 133490430 $0 $0
Greater Zion Hill Center Incorporated 134032360 $0 $0
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 131632516 $0 $0
Greek Orthodox Church Evangelismos 131759921 $0 $0
Greek Theatre Foundation Incorporated 205148796 $0 $0
Green Charitable Foundation Incorporated 134041346 $1,702,847 $10,008,988
Green Coffee Association Incorporated 135117780 $315,575 $566,449
Green Family Foundation C/o Goldman Sachs and Co 133318152 $72,938 $268,428
Green Foundation Incorporated 136114110 $34,623 $114,782
Green Fund Incorporated 136160950 $2,864,782 $21,838,246
Green Giving Co Incorporated 455368542 $0 $0
Green Guerillas Incorporated 132903183 $396,801 $501,231
Green Hand Action Foundation Incorporated 262636758 $4,420 $2,699
Green Inspired Art Incorporated 461846053 $0 $0
Green Life Foundation Incorporated 455529441 $0 $0
Green Light New York Incorporated 271274041 $719,174 $463,575
Green Map System Incorporated 134062364 $126,774 $35,969
Green Oasis Community Gardens Incorporated 133460627 $0 $0
Green River Foundation 133532021 $15,830 $449,343
Green Schools Alliance Incorporated 133831327 $158,166 $33,054
Green Technology Association Incorporated 270594804 $0 $0
Green Zionist Alliance Incorporated 203460771 $0 $0
Greenacre Foundation 132621502 $12,156,462 $27,399,638
Greenberg Medical Research Institute Incorporated 134043850 $1 $1,279,626
Greenblatt Family Charitable Trust 276946683 $189,064 $1,671,258
Greenburg-may Foundation Incorporated 136162935 $2,853,952 $9,417,866
Greene-quincy Housing Development Fund Corp 134018779 $0 $0
Greenhomenyc Incorporated 810617968 $14,662 $15,315
Greenhope Candace House Housing Development Fund Corporation 261827054 $606,675 $14,351,220
Greenhope Services for Women Incorporated 132813350 $3,965,854 $837,151
Greeniaus Family Foundation Incorporated 223653794 $1,912 $48,369
Greenleaf Foundation 133861981 $0 $7,918
Greentech Overseas Development Fund Incorporated 273080563 $0 $1
Greenthumb Community Fund Incorporated 134154400 $54,614 $9,283
Greentree Child Growth and Development Foundation 270017715 $1 $22,627
Greenwich Collection Ltd 133354167 $139,128 $40,116,249
Greenwich House Incorporated 135562204 $11,300,519 $6,650,996
Greenwich Village Block Associations 371499234 $0 $0
Greenwich Village Chamber of Commerce Incorporated 201419879 $261,493 $56,554
Greenwich Village Orchestra Ltd 133349320 $36,546 $74,030
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 133042600 $871,944 $1,321,262
Greenwich Village Youth Council Incorporated 133301412 $611,163 $211,924
Greg Wolf Fund Incorporated 202192754 $363,180 $890,843
Greggs Gift Incorporated 800703405 $1,607 $1,836
Gregorian University Foundation Incorporated 237184818 $0 $0
Grey Room Incorporated 134036032 $0 $0
Grief Project Incorporated 273299533 $0 $0
Griffin-cole Fund 137109406 $15,952,848 $22,963,418
Griffis Faculty Club Incorporated 237137817 $2,774,069 $2,616,379
Griffis Foundation Incorporated 135678764 $-25,378 $2,339,618
Grin Family Foundation Incorporated 201289311 $110,127 $29,490
Gro Foundation Incorporated 203985154 $303,576 $1,616,017
Grodetsky Family Foundation 133417399 $8,835 $514,627
Grodzins Fund 134022751 $2,941,642 $3,039,813
Grolier Club of the City of New York 136162403 $4,086,908 $18,791,689
Groove with Me Incorporated 133919147 $581,224 $901,943
Grosevnor Foundation Incorporated 134104304 $401,437 $112,210
Gross Family Foundation Incorporated 134140636 $167,240 $298,017
Grossman Family Charitable Trust 206937203 $79,564 $289,593
Grossman Family Philanthropic Foundation 205147463 $158,174 $9,199,228
Ground Up Productions 861159920 $45,973 $8,053
Groundswell Incorporated 132953116 $0 $0
Group for Contemporary Music Incorporated 237169307 $7,823 $29,925
Group I Acting Company Incorporated 132759292 $3,747,232 $1,236,353
Group Psychotherapy Foundation Incorporated 136161730 $488,091 $1,533,904
Grow America Fund Incorporated 133641265 $5,858,061 $78,582,697
Grow and Know 271139219 $60,001 $172,569
Growing Together Africa Incorporated 462688071 $0 $0
Growing Up Africa 273513687 $10,400 $755
Growth and Development Services Incorporated 133920404 $76,300 $143,493
Growth Philanthropy Network Incorporated 421625224 $2,988,797 $2,371,086
Gruber Foundation 226066568 $56,406 $2,957
Grubman Compton Foundation 133936474 $677,119 $1,151,123
Grunberg Family Foundation 208096860 $20,894 $3,952,501
Grunebaum Foundation 136089084 $74,724 $278,506
Gruppo Esponenti Italiani Incorporated 133341914 $111,958 $159,539
Gsny Properties Incorporated 272522212 $3,908,958 $39,495,852
Gsuc Child Development and Learning Center Incorporated 134110220 $239,134 $143,023
Guan Gong Temple of U S a Incorporated 133929056 $146,222 $95,403
Guangji Buddhist Temples Incorporated 510572061 $108,199 $77,254
Guanyin Citta Incorporated 464259408 $0 $0
Guardian Life Welfare Trust 136197206 $243,646 $436,543
Guardians Association of the Police Dept of the City of New York Incorporated 870803580 $0 $0
Gucci Foundation 261378939 $1 $22,911
Guela Charitable Trust 206468959 $62,400 $55,078
Guernica Incorporated 943474132 $0 $0
Guides Association of New York City 132847226 $0 $0
Guiding Light Outreach Ministries Incorporated 383650906 $0 $0
Guildnet Incorporated 133936057 $444,143,573 $153,757,826
Guitar and Accessories Marketing Association Incorporated 133761506 $132,481 $204,347
Guitars of Love 273004057 $0 $0
Gurdon W Wattles Fund 237027979 $83,189 $653,247
Gustafson Charitable Foundation 460649587 $51,304 $38,517
Gustave M Berne Foundation Incorporated 116014207 $255,000 $3,112,499
Gustavo Dudamel Foundation Incorporated 454824446 $0 $0
Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church 135562234 $0 $0
Gusti Brandt Foundation 136185337 $136,816 $1,854,579
Guston Foundation 461575176 $3,181,217 $2,188,688
Gutfreund Foundation Incorporated 136227515 $201 $11,029
Guthrie Foundation 132881832 $14,047 $239,706
Gutman Family Foundation Incorporated 133798838 $63,430 $1,647,938
Guttmacher Institute Incorporated 132890727 $32,470,607 $47,734,701
Guttmann Family Foundation Incorporated 263742402 $278 $127,971
Guyana Day USA Incorporated 461772140 $0 $0
Guys with Ties 205056239 $0 $0
Gwendolen Appleyard Trust Fund for New Rochelle Humane Society 456917922 $804,123 $1,144,373
Gwendolen Appleyard Trust Fund for the New Rochelle Humane Society 456917974 $522,739 $751,381
Gym Time Foundation 753256897 $1,758 $56,576
H and a Harjes Trust for the American Hospital in Paris 136042039 $66,591 $252,040
H and F Baker Foundation Incorporated 461453390 $7,466,189 $7,458,978
H and H Charitable Trust Incorporated 222924281 $606,772 $1,491,773
H and L Macklowe Family Foundation 237333431 $2,970 $54,700
H B Playwrights Foundation Incorporated 131999454 $125,775 $1,991,165
H E L P Development Corp 133892553 $838,226 $6,296,826
H E L P USA Incorporated 133802807 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133870986 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133900886 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133922973 $357,926 $2,988,559
H E L P USA Incorporated 133932198 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 010803813 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133654073 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133654077 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133660919 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133674947 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133678724 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133691323 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133396619 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133446221 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133449085 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133449783 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133507989 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 133560484 $844,186 $27,242,701
H E L P USA Incorporated 262383933 $0 $5,828,558
H E L P USA Incorporated 880425866 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 271369287 $0 $0
H E L P USA Incorporated 911922828 $84,038,964 $133,561,057
H E L P USA Incorporated 232911989 $0 $0
H I R E Housing Development Fund Corporation 133693602 $429,742 $2,805,515
H Meredith Berry Trust 1972 237305188 $2,401 $640,470
H O P E -l I F E -noahs Ark Church Incorporated 510161678 $0 $0
H T Dance Company-chen Dance Center 132968079 $590,582 $1,135,099
H U G Foundation Incorporated 133707435 $0 $0
H Van Ameringen Foundation 136215329 $21,124,717 $22,075,326
H W Wilson Foundation Incorporated 237418062 $8,196,504 $22,416,067
H-cap Incorporated 134240990 $1,601,549 $267,415
H2 Corp 133639605 $110,410 $5,951,817
H20himal2002 Incorporated 050584618 $900 $0
Habe Foundation 201366114 $2,473,063 $7,890,264
Haberman Foundation 200143239 $1,030,549 $1,116,691
Habib Kairouz Foundation 134169172 $5,000 $5,228
Habitat for Humanity Bed-stuy Homes Hdfc 274067936 $399,188 $7,471,182
Habitat for Humanity Bed-stuy Homes Iii Housing Development Fund Corp 455096376 $0 $2,557,473
Habitat for Humanity Housing Development Fund Company Incorporated 133977866 $98,961 $2,327,530
Habitat for Humanity International Incorporated 112857055 $6,911,178 $12,877,192
Habitat for Humanity St Johns Housing Development Fund Corporati 273132425 $5,111,155 $1,167,038
Habonim Dror Camp Na Aleh Incorporated 134125198 $459,689 $42,998
Habonim Dror Foundation Incorporated 113301957 $80,111 $427,756
Habonim Labor Zionist Youth 135596779 $2,001,310 $446,971
Hacienda Del Rio Funding Company Incorporated 510495185 $0 $1,000
Hack Manhattan Incorporated 453687154 $43,291 $11,923
Hack Ny Incorporated 273758609 $350,230 $306,519
Hadassah Foundation Incorporated 134022483 $4,575,715 $11,216,583
Hadassah Medical Relief Association 136110872 $236,391,379 $581,611,340
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 142005395 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 136227614 $20,517,362 $4,545,349
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 562655544 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 562669772 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 651313312 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 770684941 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 208985639 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 383767943 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 131628187 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 010900767 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 010903436 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America Incorporated 131656651 $110,312,009 $221,629,201
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America Incorporated 760312947 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America Incorporated 800409829 $0 $0
Haftorahman Group Incorporated 273291813 $0 $0
Hagamen Foundation 276958828 $166 $3,316
Hagedorn Fordham Road Incorporated 131850114 $3,122,870 $2,576,415
Hager Family Charitable Trust 116590952 $20,588 $155,599
Hague Appeal for Peace Incorporated 134075798 $0 $0
Hahn-block Family Foundation 770478012 $1,129,626 $4,764,658
Haifa Foundation North America Incorporated 133278992 $497,507 $76
Haines Family Foundation 371532952 $10,020 $1,793,346
Hair 2 Help 452594253 $0 $0
Haiti Education Alliance 272641116 $43,793 $4,228
Haiti Housing Collaborative 275271484 $21,458 $21,465
Haitian American Carnival Association Incorporated 113636362 $0 $0
Haitian American Cultural Development Network 113526208 $0 $0
Haitian Cultural Foundation Incorporated 272920024 $32,310 $367
Haitian Education and Leadership Program 020602245 $1,335,205 $558,851
Haitian Evangelical Missionary Group 110516300 $72,834 $184,161
Haitian Organization for Health Services Incorporated 113200248 $34,798 $73,282
Haitian Renaissance Foundation Incorporated 273105704 $0 $0
Hakim Family Foundation Incorporated 133911530 $239,062 $781,385
Hakobune Incorporated 133049607 $0 $0
Halachic Organ Donor Society Incorporated 134199797 $488,180 $78,360
Halawai Incorporated 943491040 $0 $0
Halcyon Foundation 136059784 $923,301 $3,757,355
Hale Academy Foundation Incorporated 133931652 $0 $5,131,062
Hale Haven Housing Development Fund Corp 133512067 $2,342,105 $1,822,818
Hale House Center Incorporated 132700687 $1,713,404 $1,431,807
Hale House Foundation Incorporated 133612439 $36,164 $1,365,093
Haleakala Incorporated 132829756 $2,741,543 $3,452,494
Halis Family Foundation 306060775 $12,315,411 $22,156,318
Hall Art Foundation Incorporated 261386173 $605,000 $34,733,358
Hall Institute for New Jersey Public Policy Incorporated 202394337 $145,000 $8,220
Hallets Cove Urban Housing Development Fund Corporation 452574228 $898,300 $12,181,776
Hallett Fam Charitable Foundation Trust 166455854 $16,667 $135,501
Hallingby Family Foundation Incorporated 061516271 $7 $485,885
Hamilton Foundation 367048494 $359,065 $1,432,330
Hamilton Heights Homeowners Association Incorporated 133334516 $0 $0
Hamilton Heights Residential Management Ltd 134044979 $1 $1
Hamilton Madison House Incorporated 135562412 $14,337,549 $4,206,209
Hammer Books Incorporated 134040592 $0 $0
Hampden Booth Theatre Library Incorporated 136107807 $53,110 $626,999
Hampshire Foundation 061584535 $8,967,330 $20,888,572
Hampsong Foundation 201721645 $9,586 $63,169
Hampton Center Gallery Incorporated 112662537 $0 $0
Hampton Designer Showhouse Foundation Incorporated 141878649 $542,734 $176,912
Hampton Foundation of Manhattan 521654921 $628,760 $841,390
Hampton Rocks for Charity Incorporated 275547390 $12,800 $19,688
Hampton University 133760032 $0 $0
Hamptons Comedy Festival Incorporated 020590437 $0 $0
Hanac Incorporated 112290832 $12,068,783 $19,279,934
Hanac Spiti Management Company Incorporated 113166843 $520,582 $158,012
Hancock Foundation 133941584 $243,134 $520,616
Hancock Place Apartments Housing Development Fund Corporation 203610425 $0 $0
Hand-eye Fund Ltd 272749058 $840,117 $26,378
Handcart Ensemble Incorporated 134191733 $1,949 $158
Handel House Foundation of America Incorporated 133906865 $52,145 $34,544
Handler Foundation 136147244 $113,600 $825,735
Handm Foundation 113580989 $736,555 $1,289,309
Hands of Rescue for Disadvantaged Children Incorporated 900887747 $0 $0
Hands on Hips Incorporated 542070176 $0 $0
Hands on Sign Interpreted Performances Incorporated 112969718 $68,992 $25,749
Hankering for More 113677501 $1 $16,391
Hanna and Matthew Usdan Foundation 273726563 $5,220,848 $1,120,955
Hanna Kaupp Foundation 470945214 $41,725 $1,189,736
Hannah and Norbert Blechner Memorial Fund Incorporated 900396505 $982,488 $723,427
Hannah and Ryan Barry Memorial Foundation 521374362 $473,249 $951,532
Hannah Banana Foundation 262353491 $9,761 $81,752
Hanns R Neumann Stiftung North America Incorporated 273382700 $518,303 $393,831
Hans and Rosy Epstein Memorial Committee Incorporated 133535213 $0 $0
Hans Christian Andersen Story Telling Center Incorporated 133081021 $9,608 $65,549
Hansen Family Foundation 392011330 $7,156,379 $12,944,153
Hanson Family Foundation Incorporated 133780362 $220,233 $159,092
Happy Elephant Foundation 593788470 $1,290,611 $1,602,860
Happy Hearts Fund Incorporated 205072728 $5,320,086 $3,504,463
Happy Science USA 521843651 $0 $0
Happydoll Incorporated 274560605 $38,008 $44,679
Har Hazetim Foundation 133800971 $1 $2,861
Hara Museum Fund 133236892 $627 $386,750
Harambee USA Incorporated 454079025 $0 $0
Harbor Lights Foundation 133052490 $5,366,019 $14,093,676
Harbor Science and Arts Charter School 134121591 $3,802,618 $540,000
Harboring Hearts Housing Foundation Incorporated 943433059 $380,690 $390,138
Hardesty Renaissance Economic Development Corporation 453190226 $17,930 $562,689
Hardinger-norton Charitable Foundation Trust 137311943 $14 $48,360
Hardscrabble Foundation 043593851 $2,680 $102,082
Hardymon Fam Foundation 436886265 $590,103 $1,443,794
Hargrove Pierce Foundation 920183406 $5,490,744 $5,026,686
Harjen Charitable Foundation 260276553 $338,530 $3,975,453
Hark Society 462031254 $0 $0
Harkness Foundation for Dance Incorporated 131926551 $5,365,916 $11,989,910
Harlem Academy 562454573 $7,390,356 $6,388,578
Harlem Artist Development League Especially for You 133611138 $114,768 $1,519
Harlem Arts Alliance 470873119 $329,496 $62,405
Harlem Arts Festival Incorporated 455494279 $0 $0
Harlem Bible Church 132954142 $0 $0
Harlem Black Yankees 454040233 $0 $0
Harlem Business Alliance Incorporated 133591350 $650,972 $424,535
Harlem Cares Circle of the National Cares Mentoring Movement Incorporated 270260838 $0 $0
Harlem Center for Education Incorporated 132928903 $1,220,131 $172,295
Harlem Children Society 352168157 $656,247 $98,836
Harlem Childrens Zone Incorporated 237112974 $101,954,822 $486,968,470
Harlem Childrens Zone Promise Academy Charter School 760756768 $16,147,148 $10,994,606
Harlem Childrens Zone Promise Academy Ii Charter School 342049530 $10,104,523 $9,947,348
Harlem Christian Center Incorporated 133710305 $0 $0
Harlem Collaborative for Contemporary Arts Incorporated 470894264 $0 $0
Harlem Commonwealth Council Incorporated 136271908 $1,578,573 $16,386,960
Harlem Commonwealth Council Incorporated 132938457 $951,484 $8,821,419
Harlem Community and Academic Partnership 455157713 $0 $0
Harlem Community Islamic Center Hcic 461310383 $0 $0
Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement Incorporated 133516262 $4,304,032 $3,968,828
Harlem Consumer Education Council Incorporated 132628541 $0 $0
Harlem Cultural Archives 300471547 $0 $0
Harlem Day Charter School 134177265 $8,090,085 $5,612,603
Harlem Drummers Steppers and Flag Team 043668940 $0 $0
Harlem Educational Activities Fund Incorporated 133568672 $3,323,657 $999,554
Harlem Football Company Incorporated 452619336 $0 $0
Harlem Golf Academy Incorporated 900449325 $54,050 $22,125
Harlem Gospel Choir on Tour Incorporated 134125044 $767,429 $1,171,326
Harlem Grown Incorporated 274250636 $315,907 $1,987
Harlem Hebrew Language Academy Charter School 455603860 $259,186 $222,163
Harlem Hospital Center Auxiliary Incorporated 133092676 $9,561 $110,641
Harlem Independent Living Center Incorporated 133642449 $609,035 $140,097
Harlem Interagency Council for the Aged Incorporated 133317271 $0 $0
Harlem Junior Soccer Association Incorporated 133947583 $0 $0
Harlem Junior Tennis and Education Program Incorporated 133076419 $865,159 $150,115
Harlem Lacrosse and Leadership Corporation 451634118 $242,970 $146,478
Harlem Link Charter School 201982947 $4,935,179 $1,928,630
Harlem Memorial Community Development Incorporated 200854242 $72,053 $2,689
Harlem Mothers Stop Another Violentend Incorporated 260847222 $0 $0
Harlem Needle Arts Incorporated 203505872 $0 $0
Harlem Opera Theater Incorporated 134187863 $21,991 $878
Harlem Park to Park Initiative 270812660 $70,948 $2,378
Harlem Pride Incorporated 272191962 $0 $0
Harlem Rbi Incorporated 134025290 $17,789,494 $26,427,976
Harlem Renaissance Economic Development Corporation 134054552 $0 $0
Harlem Restoration Housing Development Fund Corporation 133803684 $409,186 $133,092
Harlem River Boat Club 208845051 $0 $0
Harlem School of the Arts Incorporated 132552500 $8,381,852 $5,251,767
Harlem Seeds Incorporated 272720312 $0 $0
Harlem Serves 451147433 $6,815 $10,468
Harlem Square Church 134253387 $0 $0
Harlem Studio of Art Ltd 260456305 $76,000 $25,384
Harlem Success Academy 3 364629540 $36,387,727 $24,061,704
Harlem Success Academy Charter School 5 352376329 $1,299,415 $0
Harlem Symphony Orchestra Incorporated 342047632 $0 $0
Harlem United Community Aids Center Incorporated 133461695 $25,911,560 $14,059,737
Harlem United Supportive Housing Development Fund Corporation 450496248 $268,584 $7,553,131
Harlem Valley Churches Incorporated 133600312 $0 $0
Harlem Valley Heights Community Development Corporation 134093282 $0 $0
Harlem Waterfront Council Incorporated 203686339 $0 $0
Harlem Week Incorporated 133058019 $543,944 $143,182
Harlem X French 462539249 $0 $0
Harlem Youth Marine Cadets Incorporated 133536496 $400 $200
Harlem4kids Network Incorporated 454215643 $0 $0
Harlyn Foundation Incorporated 136136916 $1,208,178 $340,740
Harm Reduction Coalition 943204958 $2,970,510 $2,304,914
Harmon and Eugene Leiman Foundation Incorporated 260205299 $10,951 $590,558
Harmon Foundation 133102892 $604 $22,528
Harmon Foundation 061180560 $667,773 $3,990,944
Harmonia Opera Company Incorporated 133064113 $30,916 $1,801
Harmonie Club of the City of New York 130823740 $10,328,593 $12,714,513
Harmonie Ensemble Incorporated 133095824 $52,043 $447
Harmonie Preservation Foundation Incorporated 273924036 $88,625 $74,713
Harmony Institute Incorporated 262506162 $382,509 $162,496
Harmony of Shining Women Foundation Incorporated 133993276 $33,259 $301,518
Harmony Program 050606695 $490,764 $171,625
Harnisch Family Foundation Incorporated 510381959 $1,170,292 $1,583,840
Harold and Helene Schonberg Pianist Scholarship 066537619 $2,696,384 $3,833,627
Harold and Isabel Feld Foundation 133286304 $5,221 $359,569
Harold and Juliet Kalikow Foundation 237024064 $1,522 $25,499
Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust 133383348 $6,541,133 $92,833,675
Harold Anfang Foundation Incorporated 263582993 $2,501 $10,950
Harold K Raisler Foundation Incorporated 136094406 $101,176 $1,892,393
Harold P Freeman Patient Navigation Institute 271858693 $857,840 $1,532,819
Haron Dahon Fund for Bar Ilan University in Israel Incorporated 263541989 $2,332,270 $2,899,609
Harpers Magazine Foundation 363103085 $8,035,625 $2,151,994
Harpsichord Unlimited Incorporated 133122105 $7,074 $1,171
Harriet and Esteban Vicente Foundation 134182614 $1,689,417 $22,013,801
Harriet H Woolley Estate University of Paris Trust 136041166 $386,896 $1,430,049
Harriman Cup Polo Incorporated 455328076 $0 $0
Harris J and Geraldine S Nelson Foundation 046029911 $139,775 $786,989
Harrison Atelier Foundation 454937139 $348,554 $8,015
Harrison Bregman Foundation 522135940 $29,272 $190,670
Harrison Foundation for Ecology and the Arts 273071200 $43,446 $313,039
Harry and Flora D Freund Memorial Foundation 436029916 $61,300 $331,708
Harry and Jane Fischel Foundation 135677832 $6,543,673 $7,945,798
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gardens Housing Development Fund Co Incorporated 133865179 $1,285,337 $7,310,937
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gardens Housing Development Fund Company I 204981328 $737,104 $15,794,005
Harry and Mae Schetzen Foundation 136204676 $112,591 $168,100
Harry and Roberta Salter Foundation Incorporated 237441858 $19,523 $220,759
Harry and Rose Zaifert Foundation 226046906 $38,022 $542,072
Harry Fisch Research Fund Incorporated 272013905 $0 $153
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation 136043471 $13,137,726 $58,474,110
Harry Herskowitz Foundation Incorporated 136115242 $968 $415,226
Harry M Stevens Family Foundation Incorporated 133801734 $378 $276,143
Harry O Damino Scholarship Fund 132874344 $14,349 $106,198
Harry Smith Archives Incorporated 133937106 $25,174 $47,284
Harry Tuttle Fund Incorporated 208095928 $75,896 $478,972
Harry Winston Hope Foundation Incorporated 273042057 $725,000 $2,919
Harry Winston Research Foundation Incorporated 136168266 $46 $42,928
Hart Charitable Trust 137129721 $4,624 $1,216,538
Hart Lafayette Housing Development Fund Corporation 270391876 $481,770 $1,249
Hartley House 131656652 $2,009,553 $2,072,815
Harvard Advocate Trustees Incorporated 046111721 $8,534 $218,937
Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance Corporation 272111875 $0 $0
Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance Educational and Charitabl 273395158 $0 $0
Harvard Business Roundtable Incorporated 205206086 $0 $0
Harvard Business School Asian American Alumni Association Incorporated 412145503 $0 $0
Harvard Business School Club of New York Incorporated 136159699 $1,094,021 $1,612,146
Harvard Club of New York City 130827620 $34,862,887 $48,046,450
Harvard Club of New York Foundation 136117421 $644,014 $4,983,934
Harvard Club of New York Historical Foundation 271328897 $272,250 $2,161
Harvard College Trust 136913027 $2,821,806 $14,325,087
Harvard Library in New York 132947755 $331,344 $358,605
Harvest Christian Fellowship of Manhattan 133340650 $0 $0
Harvest Dance Foundation Ltd 132899731 $0 $0
Harvest Home Farmers Market Incorporated 061800512 $297,564 $85,894
Harvestworks Incorporated 132891159 $481,688 $109,168
Harvey and Ruth Spear Foundation 136160997 $106 $41,381
Harvey R and Ruth Miller Charitablefund 204827716 $849,699 $862,422
Harvey Society Incorporated Mem Sloan Ketgn Ctr 136165708 $50,162 $34,808
Harweb Foundation 136161742 $122,240 $418,410
Hasbara Fellowships 201651102 $1,132,933 $61,313
Hashomer Hatzair Incorporated 135653335 $731,677 $152,570
Haskell Family Foundation 133757928 $1,154,821 $1,065,171
Hatch Billops Collection Incorporated 132852105 $19,349 $8,503
Hatzalah 47th Street Division Incorporated 453540043 $121,475 $82,551
Hau Yiddish National Theatre Incorporated 132905379 $0 $0
Haupt Foundation Incorporated 237049709 $24,763 $113,002
Hauser Foundation Incorporated 110016142 $14,636,147 $32,652,512
Hava Kohav Theatre Dance Foundation 132909809 $68,593 $3,439,810
Have Art Will Travel Incorporated 132926707 $27,909 $8,489
Haven Community Foundation Us 300696665 $315,561 $313,814
Haven Foundation 204356938 $17,548,018 $12,804,687
Havens Relief Fund Society 135562382 $4,457,385 $26,114,200
Hawaii Thoracic Society 593843310 $0 $0
Hayden Family Foundation 133248046 $9,437,094 $11,541,453
Hayes Foundation 061636828 $290,130 $1,094,719
Hazan Foundation 320224997 $408,350 $347,222
Hazel Incorporated 134102260 $42,162 $3,695
Hazel K Goddess Fund for Stroke Research in Women Incorporated 134172466 $24,772 $16,639
Hazen Polsky Foundation 510245812 $952,931 $7,600,610
Hazon Incorporated 134087102 $2,929,322 $582,087
Hbs Womens Association of Greater New York Incorporated 208692566 $68,816 $110,189
Hcc Network Incorporated 800788383 $0 $1
Hcdc Housing Development Fund Company Incorporated 133694472 $1,024 $509,846
He R Man D a D Incorporated 510175782 $42,973 $26,614
Head Count Incorporated 770626772 $833,406 $490,154
Head Foundation 272392652 $3,346,400 $1,118,600
Head Mistresses Association of the East Incorporated 140505925 $123,801 $121,457
Head Start Sponsoring Board Council of the City of New York Incorporated 133152121 $258,170 $306,072
Heafa International 263944180 $0 $0
Healer2healer 273767181 $28,007 $2,948
Healey Family Foundation 133531967 $550,327 $13,515,508
Healing Hearts Incorporated 205318394 $0 $0
Healing Teaching and Tourism Temple of Faith Intl 223686275 $0 $0
Health Advocates for Older People Housing Development Fund Company 133436898 $6,061,107 $27,966,280
Health Advocates for Older People Incorporated 134165807 $346,669 $399,814
Health Arts Foundation of Greenwich Village 133936731 $0 $2,611
Health Care Choices Incorporated 133861203 $0 $0
Health Care Rights Initiative Incorporated 271050608 $0 $0
Health Equity Initiative Incorporated 261878877 $0 $0
Health for Youths 264612691 $0 $0
Health Global Access Project Incorporated 205053765 $512,147 $72,551
Health Humanities Medicine and Art Foundation 471033406 $0 $0
Health in Aging Foundation 311622556 $178,627 $322,522
Health in the Heights Incorporated 463379693 $0 $0
Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York 131828429 $5,080,310,995 $2,211,939,156
Health Jam Incorporated 113275637 $236,692 $36,510
Healthcare Chaplaincy Incorporated 132634080 $5,960,547 $22,746,173
Healthcare Development Financial Institution 454014553 $100,025 $100,025
Healthcare Executives Coordinating Council 200866992 $215,774 $188,709
Healthcare Industry Grant Corporation 134197609 $5,262,956 $6,590,285
Healthcor Foundation Trust 273271921 $825,005 $510,506
Healthcorps Incorporated 261269358 $7,875,543 $4,260,273
Healthfirst Incorporated 133714932 $567 $2,313,792
Healthfirst Phsp Incorporated 133783732 $2,466,155,427 $605,495,403
Healthfocus Corp 264034215 $0 $0
Healthix Incorporated 450553664 $10,520,877 $8,281,793
Healthright International Incorporated 133791391 $3,383,277 $1,648,423
Healthshare International Incorporated 134124369 $0 $0
Healthy Directions Incorporated 208641946 $132,413 $36,318
Hear Me Incorporated 201704958 $0 $0
Hearing Health Foundation 131882107 $9,509,888 $8,372,983
Hearing Loss Association of America Incorporated 134156506 $59,522 $65,871
Hearme 800467784 $0 $0
Hearst Foundation Incorporated 136161746 $13,079,883 $272,993,574
Heart and Hand Society Incorporated 133188835 $63,262 $743
Heart and Soul Charitable Fund Incorporated 133879288 $389,574 $304,132
Heart Dance Incorporated 134014490 $0 $0
Heart Gallery Nyc Incorporated 203869806 $243,817 $21,735
Heart of the Healer Foundation 020601468 $103,127 $109,164
Heart River Center Incorporated 133993712 $16,178 $2,464
Heart Science Research Foundation 020557397 $0 $1
Heart Valve Society of America 550870225 $676,989 $196,074
Heartbeats of the World Incorporated 431999916 $68,747 $32,003
Hearthfire Incorporated 134133834 $44,252 $24,485
Hearts and Minds Network Incorporated 133959543 $0 $0
Hearts of Gold Incorporated 134194879 $549,218 $208,791
Hearts-of-fire 274560778 $0 $0
Heartsease Home Incorporated 131857760 $0 $0
Heaven Way Buddha Church 133058150 $0 $0
Heavy Construction Industry Fund 237045141 $6,491,061 $15,944,299
Hebra Hased Va-amet 136112738 $0 $0
Hebrew Association of the Deaf Incorporated 237319487 $0 $0
Hebrew Free Loan Society Incorporated 135562239 $1,429,386 $20,681,560
Hebrew Mutual Benefit Society 131632499 $0 $0
Hebrew Tabernacle of Washington Heights Incorporated 130831470 $0 $0
Hebrew Technical Institute 135562240 $32,486 $2,597,463
Hec Alumni Association of New York Incorporated 061696047 $0 $0
Heckman-takahara Family Foundation 236796049 $36,982 $62,655
Heckscher Foundation for Children 131820170 $110,790,838 $241,266,173
Hedda Sterne Foundation Incorporated 461812072 $0 $0
Hedge Funds Care Incorporated 431959796 $5,745,773 $2,811,188
Hedgerow Foundation Incorporated 272608474 $0 $1
Hedy Davis Kaye Zankel Charitable Trust 273659370 $58,059 $960,314
Hee Family Foundation Incorporated 464207845 $0 $0
Heidelberg University Association Incorporated 412264822 $615,815 $155,820
Heidi and Lola Loening Foundation 203642156 $300,421 $527,783
Heights Center for Immigrant Advocacy Incorporated 133878787 $43,671 $0
Heineman Foundation for Resrch Edu Ctnl Charitable and Sci Purposes Incorporated 136082899 $3,240,229 $13,671,159
Heineman-russell Family Foundation 270961125 $1 $1
Heinemann and Rosa Vogelstein Foundation Incorporated 136117270 $2,907 $7,059
Heiress Productions Incorporated 205081819 $0 $0
Heisman Trophy Trust 137052079 $7,630,069 $13,602,187
Helen and Irving Schneider Foundation Incorporated 136165503 $344,671 $2,472,053
Helen and Irving Spatz Foundation 136816200 $1,288,120 $8,619,725
Helen and Philip Delman Foundation Incorporated 133249486 $346,139 $1,604,960
Helen and Rita Lurie Foundation 133316656 $4,485,520 $8,493,402
Helen B Reich Memorial Scholarship Fund Incorporated 134084107 $70,722 $211,919
Helen Benham Foundation 276069983 $287,066 $599,362
Helen C Benedict Foundation Incorporated 133940833 $6,684,564 $18,092,135
Helen Frankenthaler Foundation Incorporated 133244308 $86,736,322 $98,525,400
Helen Keeler Burke Charitable Foundation 363233157 $297,102 $1,918,946
Helen Keller International Incorporated 135562162 $59,606,880 $46,277,097
Helen R and Harold C Mayer Foundation Incorporated 136062833 $58,286 $738,168
Helen Woodhull Charitable Trust 026178963 $146,226 $287,452
Helena Segy Foundation 136978310 $14,427 $153,360
Helene Berger Foundation 134124299 $24,604 $97,509
Helene Foundation Incorporated 136161748 $70,665 $1,531,692
Helene Fuld College of Nursing 133705284 $6,246,041 $4,640,862
Helene Marks Early Start Foundationinc 260483059 $14,137 $64,015
Helenka and Guido Pantaleoni Found Ation Incorporated 133506104 $170,386 $259,109
Helicon Incorporated 134135555 $0 $0
Helicopter Noise Coalition of New York City Incorporated 133952611 $0 $0
Helix Center Incorporated 463374843 $0 $0
Helix Training Program Incorporated 134158918 $16,950 $5,926
Hellenic American Bankers Association 133170183 $99,201 $225,557
Hellenic Initiative Incorporated 455301968 $1,650,218 $1,416,568
Hellenic Times Scolarship Fund 133709501 $435,985 $67,528
Hellenic-american Chamber of Commerce 136400354 $450,409 $638,499
Hellgate Hill-highgate Community Association Incorporated 133123296 $0 $0
Hellgate Management Corporation 132985574 $56,040 $158,381
Hells Kitchen Cultural Center Incorporated 562474819 $4,218 $1,831
Hells Kitchen Neighborhood Association Incorporated 133860770 $0 $0
Help Argentina 550790450 $1,418,915 $475,541
Help Autistic People Please Incorporated 132989493 $0 $0
Help Journal Incorporated 204081757 $0 $0
Help Me See Incorporated 273207754 $15,873,598 $12,390,998
Help Peru Incorporated 463952163 $0 $0
Help Psi Incorporated 133464470 $27,533,790 $29,636,362
Help Som-child Foundation Incorporated 133319142 $415,512 $1,135,442
Helping Hand Foundation Incorporated 521804781 $348,737 $141,454
Helping Hands International 202807001 $242,350 $196,948
Helping Hands Together Incorporated 800841756 $0 $0
Hemophilia Association of New York Incorporated 135650955 $1,200,142 $2,831,373
Hemophilia Services Consortium Incorporated 133875950 $16,632,957 $2,517,806
Hennessy Foundation Incorporated 136153737 $1,095,197 $2,091,552
Henrietta King Charitable Foundation Incorporated 311703466 $1 $1
Henry a Kissinger Foundation 137320469 $1 $1
Henry and Elaine Kaufman Foundation Incorporated 237045903 $10,704,583 $20,106,335
Henry and Lucy Moses Foundation Trust 136040469 $10,568,984 $15,524,979
Henry and Lucy Moses Fund Incorporated 136092967 $5,505,843 $376,741
Henry and Rosa Segal Foundation Incorporated 136163177 $355,122 $872,941
Henry and Rose Moskowitz 1999 Family Foundation 116537576 $667,644 $1,993,513
Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation Incorporated 136159092 $898,643 $13,953,758
Henry and Wendy Breck Foundation 133669369 $140,653 $622,314
Henry B Plant Memorial Fund Incorporated 136077327 $1,255,495 $7,680,427
Henry C and Karin J Barkhorn Foundation 133531980 $38,228 $961,334
Henry George Institute Incorporated 237245942 $0 $0
Henry George School of Social Science 131677402 $3,864,272 $18,784,448
Henry Greenspan Foundation 237416723 $298 $140,803
Henry J and Erna D Leir Foundation 237176054 $9,700 $2,676,449
Henry J Carter Specialty Hospital Auxiliary Incorporated 131864170 $299,745 $845,334
Henry Jackson Society Incorporated 461190785 $0 $0
Henry L and Grace Doherty 136401292 $3,460,201 $10,667,823
Henry L Moses Trust Dated 122458 136067865 $85,884 $826,610
Henry Lindenbaum Memorial Foundation Incorporated 133469416 $834 $50,231
Henry Luce Foundation Incorporated 136001282 $-1,015,147 $764,393,011
Henry Peterson Foundation 136161002 $1 $2,550
Henry Phipps Plaza East Incorporated 132670905 $1,960,628 $4,723,759
Henry Phipps Plaza North Housing Development Fund Corporation 263324332 $4,312,549 $11,813,676
Henry Phipps Plaza South Housing Development Fund Corporation 237389743 $99,354 $15,205,273
Henry Spenadel Continuing Dental Educ Program-first Dist Dental Soc 133020615 $495,086 $60,009
Henry Spenadel Fund for the Advancement of Education In<dentis 136168267 $80,426 $1,877,694
Henry Street Housekeeping Assistance Services Incorporated 134316332 $110,324 $1,062,886
Henry Street Housing Development Fund Corp 133485747 $62,346 $1
Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $49,610,885 $46,129,859
Henry Street Settlement Health Services Incorporated 510499391 $225,853 $27,827
Henry Townsend Estate Community Service Society of New York Trust 136040999 $352,682 $1,073,574
Henry Wolf Foundation 137450758 $18 $48,543
Henry Y Sugimoto Charitable Foundation Trust Ua 122998 137170113 $36,736 $167,443
Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group Incorporated 274155461 $46,650 $46,763
Hephzibah House Bible Training School and Home of Rest Incorporated 131813817 $297,518 $374,314
Her Justice Incorporated 133688519 $5,236,675 $4,723,235
Herbert Allen Foundation 133791176 $1,334,911 $7,808,196
Herbert and Audrey Rosenfield Fund Incorporated 134077540 $20,040 $1,182,427
Herbert and Diane Bischoff Foundation 262515244 $1,009,567 $9,233,899
Herbert and Dorothy Kunstadt Foundation Incorporated 010710118 $50,016 $574,823
Herbert and Eileen Bernard Foundation 136227509 $175 $156,950
Herbert and Ellen Levitt Foundation Incorporated 222601898 $119,598 $541,295
Herbert and Junia Doan Foundation 200048522 $507,539 $1,041,942
Herbert and Lorraine Podell Foundation 133798538 $126,785 $127,169
Herbert and Sherry Rosenstock Private Family Foundation 455450250 $0 $0
Herbert Berghof Studio Incorporated 133735185 $2,138,340 $1,847,239
Herbert Ferber Foundation 132923712 $5 $62,580
Herbert G Birch Services Fund Incorporated 113339813 $266,566 $590,317
Herbert Gilman Family Charitable Foundation 066071321 $151,143 $667,762
Herbert Glatt Foundation Incorporated 222480846 $1 $1
Herbert M Citrin Charitable Foundation Incorporated 260095080 $2,373,060 $4,862,970
Herbert Mahne Family Foundation 954797008 $16,821 $90,467
Herding Cats Dance Foundation Incorporated 412229939 $165,675 $22,231
Here Education and Support Fund 522351515 $0 $0
Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation Incorporated 134137654 $448,610 $347,542
Hereford Arts Incorporated 900879741 $27,700 $21,653
Heritage Baptist Church 113291352 $0 $0
Heritage Burger Incorporated 262123264 $0 $0
Heritage Health and Housing Incorporated 132661509 $20,980,436 $19,328,101
Heritage of Pride Incorporated 133299634 $1,802,142 $564,596
Herman and Lenore Rottenberg Foundation Incorporated 136132611 $1,092,415 $2,210,532
Herman Auerbach Memorial Fund Trust 2 136307278 $287,045 $2,340,806
Herman Auerbach Memorial Trust Fund 136201358 $57,206 $214,519
Herman E and Estelle Goodman Foundation Incorporated 136106697 $25,423 $70,920
Herman Goldman Foundation Incorporated 136066039 $12,722,314 $19,274,290
Herman Liebmann Foundation 136190605 $21,494 $272,141
Hermandad De Cargadores Y S Del Senor Delos Milagros De Ny Incorporated 133258310 $42,783 $191,744
Hermandad De Sigma Iota Alpha Incorporated 141753091 $72,074 $101,714
Hermandad Senor De Los Milagros Incorporated 260150614 $40,385 $15,249
Hermanos Fraternos De Loiza Aldea 133194943 $2,800 $1
Hermione Foundation 133673826 $1,283,547 $84,526
Hermitage Museum Foundation USA Incorporated 133777395 $438,652 $491,969
Herrick Theatre Foundation Incorporated 133171936 $237,899 $834,382
Herring-finn Foundation Incorporated 136137676 $500,000 $1,921,221
Hertha Stanger Charitable Trust 206401617 $58,851 $139,117
Herve Romain Foundation Incorporated 263437137 $0 $0
Hess-levy Family Foundation 133763129 $1,109,195 $1,765,586
Hessen Universities Consortium 861150563 $0 $0
Hester Street Collaborative Incorporated 200774906 $760,877 $545,583
Hetrick-martin Institute Incorporated 133104537 $6,738,345 $3,563,950
Hewitt School 131658789 $31,835,471 $60,537,770
Hfpa Foundation Incorporated 134036353 $5,200 $56,397
Hhc Insurance Company Incorporated 202089215 $0 $0
Hhc Risk Services Corporation 200750859 $0 $0
Hhd Foundation 134076952 $181,426 $541,739
Hias Incorporated 135633307 $43,827,427 $63,291,473
Hickrill Foundation Incorporated 136002949 $818,202 $4,772,892
Higgins Family Foundation 133638510 $1,043 $672,591
High Atlas Foundation 850478294 $427,126 $216,304
High Five Foundation 113358107 $3,596,270 $4,421,514
High Five Foundation Ii 463100923 $1 $1
High School Dropout Assistance Foundation 271548392 $0 $0
High Water Woman Foundation Incorporated 203609323 $448,808 $314,934
Higher Ground for Humanity 330783200 $0 $0
Higher Grounds Projects Incorporated 133856694 $0 $0
Highlights in Jazz 132867785 $58,265 $47,510
Hilda Mullen Foundation 137120449 $3,496,833 $8,798,136
Hilde L Moss Foundation 133284797 $252,525 $13,971,485
Hildegard Behrens Foundation 273202407 $38,677 $17,163
Hilfiger Family Foundation Incorporated 223626164 $32,350 $702
Hilibrand Foundation 133632625 $2,756,299 $11,480,847
Hill Family Foundation Incorporated 133436852 $34,210 $376,617
Hillel of New York 132690291 $0 $0
Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life 204777751 $319,532 $8,387
Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life 133853221 $278,378 $92,694
Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life 371558345 $0 $0
Himalayan Healthcare Incorporated 133675381 $324,711 $44,259
Himan Brown Charitable Trust 276669056 $13,717,952 $94,611,178
Hindu Organization of Long Islandinc 204367006 $1,621 $35
Hineni Incorporated 112427999 $3,350,516 $9,243,926
Hip Hop Association Incorporated 201232767 $0 $0
Hip Hop Hall of Fame Incorporated 462686276 $0 $0
Hip Hop Saves Lives 371553481 $0 $0
Hip Hop Summit Action Network Incorporated 134183783 $13,000 $3,673
Hip Sing Charitable Funds Incorporated 134116411 $0 $0
Hip-hop Theater Festival Incorporated 421642691 $815,850 $128,739
Hip4kids Incorporated 522326953 $0 $0
Hipkins Family Foundation 266162152 $571,009 $866,277
Hips Road Incorporated 133471757 $1,080,178 $1,223,662
Hire-dona Rosita Ii Housing Development Fund Corporation 542104235 $-27 $93
Hire-national Incorporated 742761662 $0 $0
Hire-national Incorporated 133649777 $0 $0
Hirondelle Us Ltd 263635953 $0 $0
Hirschell E and Deanna Levine Foundation 222767247 $13,622 $92,216
Hirtenstein Family Foundation 202011435 $227 $2,144,702
Hirth Family Foundation Incorporated 651179388 $73,585 $141,632
His Will Foundation 134043877 $817,599 $19,403,345
Hispanic Aids Forum Incorporated 133422748 $4,408,218 $564,866
Hispanic Community Organization for Life Incorporated 262563572 $0 $0
Hispanic Education Fund Incorporated 133779420 $0 $24,695
Hispanic Federation Incorporated 133573852 $5,752,512 $8,213,657
Hispanic Genealogical Society of New York Incorporated 133953499 $0 $0
Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors 132989461 $103,125 $2,655
Hispanic Society of America 135661025 $34,563,162 $46,334,330
Hispanics Across America Incorporated 743061538 $0 $1
Historial Records of the New York County Clerk Incorporated 133091904 $6,285 $265,755
Historic Brass Society Incorporated 133610558 $16,575 $28,129
Historic Dance Theater Foundation 412228451 $90,500 $8,926
Historic House Trust of New York City Incorporated 133590825 $1,286,722 $1,676,280
Historic Landmarks Preservation Center Incorporated 133839331 $56,805 $85,687
Historic Neighborhood Enhancement Alliance Incorporated 134033743 $8,391 $25,729
Historical Research Foundation 136059836 $5 $10,871
Historical Society of the United States Court of International Trad 593788616 $0 $0
Hiv Arts Network Incorporated 133782756 $7,500 $5,624
Hiv Experience Resources Organization Incorporated 273130954 $0 $0
Hki Support Incorporated 264676791 $77,763,000 $0
Hlmh Incorporated 134072644 $1,896,092 $22,207,344
Hma Charitable Trust 201866639 $18,001 $9,102
Ho and Ho Lor Charitable Foundation 271060658 $298,179 $2,248,112
Hobbs Ciena Housing Development Fund Corporation 262667525 $0 $0
Hochman Family Foundation Incorporated 134010994 $184,415 $810,298
Hochstein Foundation Incorporated 136161765 $24,041,910 $71,562,590
Hockey Foundation Incorporated 264652705 $0 $0
Hod Foundation 133922069 $6,327,374 $132,859,481
Hoerle Foundation 133419592 $6,309,030 $12,587,916
Hoffberger Fund for Biblical Studies Ltd 273846145 $485,517 $149,525
Hoffen Family Foundation 261598880 $10,201,278 $15,109,423
Hoffman Brothers Foundation Incorporated 451071016 $1,173,321 $2,222,336
Hofstra Pep Band Alumni Associationinc 208144338 $0 $0
Hohmann Foundation 137010080 $1,096,677 $5,474,563
Holcombe Rucker Community League Incorporated 237173148 $30,450 $1,790,352
Holiness Unto the Lord Church Incorporated 133814170 $0 $0
Holland Hotel Housing Development Fund Corporation 133712838 $0 $0
Holland Lodge Foundation Incorporated 136126132 $191,542 $1,837,197
Holland Lodge Historical Society 900439660 $26,475 $26,459
Holland Society of New York 135145420 $1,264,154 $4,269,076
Hollow Metal Pension Fund 112758544 $0 $0
Hollow Metal Trust Fund 112750720 $34,788,783 $31,586,925
Holly and Bradford Swett Charitable Fdn Trust 116589503 $135,797 $1,360,986
Holly Andersen Heart Foundation 161687070 $50,000 $20,662
Holly Peterson Foundation 261607014 $4,616,156 $3,680,341
Hollybush Afforable Housing Incorporated 521910567 $2,288,384 $8,468,279
Hollyhock Foundation Incorporated 542091336 $109,910,569 $309,974,921
Holmes Charitable Foundation 364296450 $92,970 $216,092
Holocaust Art and Remembrance Foundation 134138151 $3 $1
Holocaust Requiem Foundation Ltd 134115451 $0 $0
Holocaust Restitution Committee 134145456 $0 $0
Holtsinger Foundation 202114623 $31,025 $1
Holy Cross Church of Armenia 131679607 $0 $0
Holy Ghost Christian Church 134169425 $0 $0
Holy Ghost Deliverance Church 562282025 $0 $0
Holy Ghost Pentecostal Faith Church for All Nations Incorporated 133793553 $0 $0
Holy Name Society of Police Dept City of New York 135564119 $88,110 $80,154
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity 946103080 $0 $0
Holy Tabernacle Church 133098030 $0 $0
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 131685538 $0 $0
Holy Trinity Neighborhood Center Incorporated 753107120 $0 $0
Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church 135608395 $0 $0
Holy Virgin Protection Procathedral of the Russian Orthodox Greek Cath 133572915 $0 $0
Holy Words Without Boundary Incorporated 270568485 $168,047 $92,006
Home Assistance Technicians Incorporated 133618225 $362,582 $2,306,497
Home Fashion Products Association 237069954 $207,888 $150,587
Home for Contemporary Theatre and Art Ltd 133449416 $1,604,051 $3,700,530
Home for Harlem Dowling Incorporated 463891020 $0 $0
Home Health for Special Pets Foundation 272859232 $200 $970
Home Health Management Services Incorporated 133020559 $36,156,609 $11,992,594
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Hippy U S a 133672592 $1,000,902 $649,775
Home of the Sages of Israel Incorporated 135616527 $1,391,891 $1,080,236
Home Run Projects Incorporated 454700820 $0 $0
Home Sweet Home Embracing Families Incorporated 510650327 $0 $0
Homeland Foundation Incorporated 136113816 $2,443,376 $33,215,324
Homeless Services United Incorporated 133922640 $235,831 $199,343
Homeopathic Medical Society of State of Ny 141825631 $0 $0
Homerun Hopefuls Incorporated 205269160 $79,733 $1,588
Homes for New Yorkers 132875896 $329,653 $8,821,859
Homes for the Homeless Incorporated 133577794 $484,503 $54,469
Homes for the Homeless Incorporated 133351420 $21,571,283 $7,787,597
Homes for the Homeless Institute Incorporated 133958797 $10,691,635 $29,532,562
Hometown Holiday Incorporated 275033566 $0 $0
Homeward Bound Housing Development Fund Corp 133435460 $1,502,589 $1,039,305
Homework Helpers Incorporated 113653005 $12,300 $87,673
Homocom Corporation 134200625 $0 $0
Honeybee Community Fund Incorporated 141783794 $2,203 $49,783
Honeywell Ii Housing Development Fund Corporation 260535084 $0 $0
Hong Kong Association of New York Incorporated 133755383 $119,625 $47,072
Hong Kong Trade Development Council Incorporated 133496835 $6,542,005 $1,781,628
Honor Vitae 274299755 $0 $0
Honorary Fire Officers Association Fire Dept City of Ny Incorporated 132884975 $31,911 $10,946
Honors New York Center for Bridge Incorporated 262849292 $1,300,947 $214,467
Honorvet Incorporated 273206753 $202,962 $307,383
Hoofbeat Charitable Trust 566662528 $299,771 $1,963,272
Hook Pond Associates Incorporated 237304877 $0 $0
Hope and Heroes Childrens Cancer Fund 743066193 $3,974,867 $216,264
Hope and Norman Hope Foundation Ua 062796 137099599 $20,046 $784,779
Hope Church Nyc 454091053 $0 $0
Hope Community Incorporated 237013134 $7,007,438 $6,669,622
Hope for All Foundation 454771297 $0 $0
Hope for Depression Research Foundation 204559210 $2,973,778 $2,060,991
Hope for Families and Children Foundation Incorporated 133549110 $748,140 $4,186,294
Hope for New York 133713484 $2,258,927 $3,149,672
Hope for Them Foundation Incorporated 352419144 $0 $0
Hope Foundation 364710225 $0 $1
Hope on a String 274651878 $222,951 $121,406
Hope on Wheels Incorporated 133813825 $0 $0
Hope Spots Company Incorporated 272498347 $266,890 $13,990
Hopes and Dreams Foundation Incorporated 562451307 $0 $0
Horace W Goldsmith Foundation 136107758 $83,701,211 $563,410,104
Horatio Street Association 133870645 $0 $0
Horizon Theatre Rep Incorporated 134168862 $21,023 $65,224
Horizon Uptown Community Enrichment Association 261799734 $0 $0
Horticultural Society of New York Incorporated 130854930 $2,319,749 $1,985,117
Hosanna City Church Incorporated 133425579 $0 $0
Hospital for Special Surgery Fund Incorporated 136714749 $14,918,877 $40,587,375
Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegations Incorporated 136017810 $228,609 $612,547
Host for Good Incorporated 275346376 $0 $0
Hot Bread Kitchen Ltd 263332972 $2,530,018 $1,010,484
Hotel Association of New York City Incorporated 130855500 $4,654,042 $4,202,073
Hotel Chinese Association Ny Incorporated 260603387 $69,165 $32,255
Hotel Engineers Association of New York 455503217 $7,000 $9,990
Hotel Maintenance Carpenters Valet and Utility Workers Local 1 223900910 $347,294 $517,369
Hotel Savant Theatre Company Incorporated 260545110 $27,769 $349
Hotel Trades Council and Hotel Industry Training Fund 136300270 $3,312,612 $8,065,125
Houdini Jr Children Are Magic Foundation Incorporated 141898843 $0 $0
Hour of Deliverance Church 237046836 $0 $0
Hourglass Initiative Incorporated 364668725 $83 $40,133
House Foundation for the Arts Incorporated 132869113 $755,838 $65,499
House of Dance Incorporated 133589303 $0 $0
House of Gross Foundation Incorporated 136066596 $18,104 $10,908
House of Jacob Sr Citizens Center 112244884 $0 $0
House of Prayer God and Christ 061512834 $0 $0
House of Speakeasy Foundation 463820173 $0 $0
House of the Redeemer 136142972 $754,224 $864,044
House of the Roses Volunteer Dance Company Incorporated 421689995 $0 $0
House Staff Benefits Plan of the Committee of Interns and Residents 136203291 $7,880,392 $9,541,989
House That Love Built 113308199 $0 $0
Housing 2000 Housing Development Fund Corp 133688840 $1,027,756 $6,266,302
Housing and Services Incorporated 510201833 $3,543,635 $2,256,175
Housing Conservation Coordinators Incorporated 510141489 $2,963,094 $3,707,636
Housing Court Answers Incorporated 133317188 $1,081,471 $694,485
Housing Development Institute Incorporated 133446227 $0 $0
Housing First Housing Development Fund Corp 134135572 $90,613 $1,309,277
Housing Our Nations Outstanding Returning Soldiers Incorporated 452701894 $0 $0
Housing Partnership Development Corporation Hpdc 133202014 $2,887,680 $6,230,649
Housing Plus Solutions Incorporated 134200638 $2,200,337 $1,341,778
Housing Solutions USA 452683117 $920,000 $155,185
Houston Housing Development Fund Corp 133601410 $0 $0
Howard a Kurz Family Foundation 061602984 $16,414 $10,800
Howard a Silverstein Foundation 133385065 $1,732,397 $4,841,373
Howard and Debbie Schiller Foundation 133933626 $6,031,963 $8,166,068
Howard and Jennifer Michaels Family Foundation Incorporated 201877079 $304,143 $1,612,601
Howard and Sarah D Solomon Foundation 262263178 $3,250 $1,670,245
Howard Bayne Fund 136100680 $2,705,893 $12,391,974
Howard D and Sandra Taylor Family Foundation Incorporated 237075720 $214,823 $165,406
Howard Family Charitable Foundation 133549594 $250 $1,408
Howard Finkelstein Foundation Incorporated 134092400 $13,843 $3,578,209
Howard Gilman Foundation Incorporated 133097486 $4,085,304 $343,151,809
Howard Hoffman and Sons Foundation Incorporated 200089283 $286,466 $6,242
Howard Karagheusian Comm Corp 136149578 $5,923,701 $32,546,882
Howl Arts 270266647 $168,659 $17,037
Hoy Sun High School Alumni Association Incorporated 133644993 $35,673 $109,530
Hoyt Foundation 122297 137125483 $65,987 $331,319
Hoyt Fund 137125482 $35,226 $453,049
Hpc Incorporated 203999018 $1,646 $80,448
Hrw Studies Incorporated 133484542 $1 $1
Hss Horizons Incorporated 134152131 $0 $30,000
Hss Properties Corporation 133246249 $36,397,720 $92,047,584
Htc Realty Corp 131672406 $0 $0
Huang Da Xian Taoist Temple Incorporated 261644437 $166,564 $19,238
Huber Family Foundation Incorporated 061484291 $918,468 $2,616,065
Huberfeld Family Foundation Incorporated 134042543 $3,818,998 $32,287,425
Huberfield-bodner Family Foundation Incorporated 133682951 $4,017 $649,379
Hudson Guild 135562989 $11,852,785 $9,802,751
Hudson Heights Owners Coalition Incorporated 134137690 $0 $0
Hudson Housing Group 912193630 $0 $0
Hudson Institute of Mineralogy 571197493 $69,400 $259,025
Hudson Planning Group Incorporated 133938551 $53,534 $11,358
Hudson Review Incorporated 136016178 $179,415 $576,491
Hudson River Community Sailing Incorporated 261784215 $507,217 $120,217
Hudson River Foundation for Science and Environmental Research Incorporated 133089956 $11,318,292 $40,515,022
Hudson River Park Mothers Group Org 205033847 $202,917 $85,892
Hudson River Park Trust 061546019 $0 $0
Hudson River Repertory Company Incorporated 522373160 $0 $0
Hudson River Watertrail Association Incorporated 133649984 $0 $0
Hudson Square District Management Association Incorporated 264808219 $1,714,336 $1,613,730
Hudson Yards Development Corporation 141941768 $2,000,470 $323,244
Huggy Bears Incorporated 133998844 $0 $9,423
Hugh and Betsy Lamle Foundation 113241586 $140,954 $213,048
Hugh L Adams Estate 20055 Fbo Hugh Trumbull Adams 136039262 $1,791,029 $28,857,676
Hugh Leander Adams Mary Trubull Adams and Hugh Trumbull 274249393 $7,088,721 $13,597,584
Hugoton Foundation 341351062 $2,932,329 $26,172,921
Huguenot Heritage 133975743 $1,755 $151,978
Huguenot Society of America 136117102 $1,867,883 $3,822,159
Human Adventure Corporation 680194625 $1,047,513 $576,293
Human Arts Association Ltd 132994930 $354,925 $56,479
Human Future Dance Corps Incorporated 113757378 $41,279 $67,405
Human Life Foundation Incorporated 237368926 $675,208 $263,034
Human Rights First 133116646 $11,919,222 $15,263,341
Human Rights Foundation Incorporated 202669700 $3,008,713 $1,009,979
Human Rights in China Incorporated 133528552 $3,254,731 $3,607,488
Human Rights Tech Org Incorporated 233010273 $0 $0
Human Rights Watch Incorporated 132875808 $75,662,516 $228,020,161
Human Services Consortium of East Harlem Incorporated 061063006 $0 $0
Human Services Council of New York City 133620059 $976,577 $503,336
Humane Beings Incorporated 770716198 $0 $0
Humane Education Committee 133035954 $0 $0
Humane Society of New York 131624041 $6,341,661 $27,426,931
Humanist Trust 116006530 $111,032 $380,467
Humanitas Old Age Foundation Incorporated 136154130 $4,031 $72,361
Humanitas Scholarship Trust 133123849 $25,446 $461,981
Humanity Alive Foundation Incorporated 202495336 $0 $0
Humanity in Action Incorporated 133977257 $789,106 $240,034
Humble Arts Foundation 770673715 $121,734 $0
Hummingbirds School Incorporated 200397561 $18,600 $8,131
Humpty Dumpty Institute Incorporated 134028567 $1,642,978 $52,755
Hundred Grand Dance Foundation Incorporated 133568135 $74,080 $1,312
Hundred Year Association of New York Incorporated 136093215 $198,228 $164,656
Hung Chi Foundation Incorporated 261578072 $66 $15,418
Hungarian American Memorial Committee Incorporated 270533018 $0 $0
Hungarian Catholic League of America Incorporated 135640821 $11,757 $53,183
Hungry 452102277 $203,208 $389,743
Hunter College Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation 264500228 $1,137,122 $1,521,480
Hunter College Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Incorporated 133912870 $1,006,241 $285,264
Hunter College Foundation Incorporated 133598671 $47,778,443 $80,292,502
Hunter College High School Alumnae I Association Incorporated 133953396 $384,157 $233,446
Hunter College High School Chinese Parents Association Incorporated 134015733 $0 $0
Hunter College High School Parents Teachers Association 133236281 $914,724 $643,475
Hunter Foundation 136094021 $1,581,030 $2,768,901
Hunters Point South Borden Housing Development Fund Corp 800881078 $0 $0
Hunters Point South Housing Development Fund Corporation 900859601 $0 $0
Huntington House Housing Development Fund Corporation 133589201 $0 $1,201,657
Huntingtons Disease Society of America Incorporated 133349872 $6,807,554 $2,714,886