There are 1,099 nonprofits in Eugene, Oregon.

Name EIN Income Assets
Twin Oaks Christian Church 930854874 $0 $0
Tykeson Fam Charitable Trust 367428977 $1,164,954 $14,214,615
U of O Foundation Supporting Organization 461574842 $0 $0
U S S Westchester County Association 731573952 $0 $0
Underground Ministries Church 680443798 $0 $0
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 936041245 $0 $0
United Commercial Travelers of America 930373677 $0 $0
United Evangelical Churches House of Perez 953641979 $0 $0
United Rotary Clubs of Eugene-springfield 931154703 $406,283 $233,581
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 300348034 $0 $0
United States Fencing Association 204593073 $0 $0
Unity of the Valley 936033712 $0 $0
Unity School Incorporated 930638178 $626,076 $413,061
Universal Upanishadic Fellowship Incorporated 464593967 $0 $0
University Fellowship Church 800264102 $0 $0
University of Oregon Bookstore Incorporated 237332778 $38,764,359 $20,772,055
University of Oregon Foundation 936015767 $314,571,751 $878,937,670
Upstart Crow Studios 931288109 $94,030 $44,990
Us-thai Distance Learning Organization 342038470 $0 $0
USA World Cup of Pentathlon 454204192 $0 $0
Usga Booster Club 421733713 $0 $0
Valley Calligraphy Guild 930720489 $0 $0
Valley Covenant Church Eugene or 931138550 $0 $0
Van Ummersen Dance Company 931274421 $0 $0
Vasa Order of America 061022670 $0 $0
Very Little Theater Incorporated 936025357 $174,087 $731,905
Vet Net 522394327 $1,811 $1
Veterans Memorial Association of Eugene 930352469 $164,781 $532,582
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of Oregon 936026028 $0 $0
Victory Baptist Temple 930730922 $0 $0
Village School 931277593 $1,374,964 $1,090,577
Village School Foundation 800593349 $727,496 $183,934
Visionaries International 261402511 $0 $0
Walama Restoration Project 931321979 $125,468 $76,411
Waldorf Education Association of 930763150 $1,100,406 $1,254,481
Waldorf Teacher Training Eugene 931191043 $126,960 $70,626
Way Within Truth Center 237319443 $0 $0
Wayne Morse Historical Park Corporation 510186450 $0 $0
We the People - Eugene 451755109 $0 $0
Webfoot Juniors Valleyball Club 931258357 $351,516 $54,865
Wedge Entomological Research Foundation 237348134 $25,715 $765,610
Wellmama Incorporated 800313696 $0 $0
Wellsprings Friends School 931123932 $475,685 $720,125
Wesley International Incorporated 931215018 $17,833 $4,255
Wesley United Methodist Church 930493148 $0 $0
West African Cultural Arts Institute 274855558 $0 $0
West Cascade Peace Corps Association 262955776 $4,193 $6,920
Western Environmental Law Center 931010269 $1,500,676 $718,160
Western Institute of Neuromechanics 454266763 $0 $0
Western Lane Forest Protective Association 930309750 $356,754 $466,801
Western Pain Society 208299156 $1,344,304 $427,213
Westside Christian Church Incorporated 936010442 $0 $0
White Bird Clinic 930585814 $3,232,881 $3,764,388
Whiteaker Community Council 510175444 $0 $0
Whiteaker Community Dinners 931219425 $0 $0
Whole Earth Nature School 451270786 $177,966 $21,381
Wildlife Warriors USA Incorporated 300137313 $47,021 $19,644
Willakenzie Community Church 930679753 $0 $0
Willamette Agility Group 931066694 $55,668 $36,344
Willamette Alpine Race Program Incorporated 943149882 $23,708 $16,294
Willamette Animal Guild 931264009 $516,942 $234,062
Willamette Cascade Model Railroad Club Incorporated 943137780 $0 $0
Willamette Chapter-american Payroll Association 931157438 $0 $0
Willamette Christian Center 930410400 $0 $0
Willamette Christian Ctr 930804770 $0 $0
Willamette Community Health Solutions 930421470 $14,617,444 $38,374,578
Willamette Family Incorporated 930569684 $7,141,411 $2,776,067
Willamette Farm and Food Coalition 930740911 $366,186 $205,316
Willamette Jazz Society 753020474 $82,943 $10,344
Willamette Leadership Academy 460491274 $1,595,298 $661,985
Willamette Resources and Educational Network 931287717 $148,782 $347,667
Willamette Valley Chapter of the Construction Specification Institu 936049570 $0 $0
Willamette Valley Hardy Plant Group 931108045 $11,053 $36,295
Willamette Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation 930900783 $0 $0
Willow Creek Academy 208756041 $24,072 $3,152
Women in Conscious Creative Action 930881476 $0 $0
Womens Choral Society 510185487 $0 $0
Womens Empowerment Partnership Incorporated 931210299 $25,529 $3,086
Womens Opportunity Worldwide 452038631 $0 $0
Womensgift 261254701 $0 $0
Womenspace Incorporated 930692905 $1,290,437 $1,411,379
Woodmen of the World Assured Life Association 237531985 $0 $0
Woodmen of the World Assured Life Association 900534906 $0 $0
Word and Spirit International Church Incorporated 452600722 $0 $0
Word of Truth 930797540 $0 $0
Wordcrafters in Eugene 462348752 $0 $0
World Leadership Ministries Incorporated 931288360 $46,141 $59,351
World Wheelchair Sports Incorporated 943151224 $0 $0
Wu-wei Tien Tao Association 931148846 $0 $0
Ww Free Servants of God 930711668 $0 $0
Yeshe Tsoygel Foundation 260435270 $0 $0
Yogite Yoga Group 830421910 $0 $0
York Rite Sovereign College of North America 382819317 $0 $0
Young Writers Association 931145176 $0 $0
Youth for Christ USA Incorporated 930635362 $774,123 $521,248
Yujin Gakuen Pto 753080261 $73,218 $90,341
Zeta Omicron Education Fdn for the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 371618250 $0 $0
Zonta International 936025340 $0 $0
Zonta Service Foundation of Eugene 931298061 $0 $0