There are 1,123 nonprofits in Greenville, South Carolina.

Name EIN Income Assets
The Lucyle S Love Foundation 570902382 $735,430 $1,636,553
The Maddrey Foundation 576125748 $2,010,586 $2,369,854
The Morningside Baptist Church 570746172 $0 $0
The Museum Association Incorporated 570358146 $1,700,772 $948,577
The Portals Incorporated 570827184 $138,436 $300,971
The Sisk Foundation of Buncombe Street United Methodist Church 570817902 $1,242,973 $5,637,608
The Suitt Foundation 570857883 $9,839 $39,352
The Warehouse Theatre 570609773 $680,651 $1,477,417
The Way Outreach Center Incorporated 800537989 $0 $0
The Westend Association 570870397 $0 $0
The Wlt Foundation 306016104 $6,009,511 $10,186,084
The@international Center of the Upstate 571064857 $174,284 $184,334
Thomas G Small Foundation 576019438 $215,996 $1,076,315
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 930787486 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 571121071 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900115800 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900117514 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900678827 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900812050 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900981306 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900981372 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901022590 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942924568 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942925019 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 205701866 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 208072411 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 550820567 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 570891553 $0 $0
Top Ladies of Distinction Incorporated 571013840 $0 $0
Total Empowerment Cdc 264319669 $0 $0
Tourism Leadership Council 262994227 $518,303 $2,991,536
Transformation Church of God 570799737 $0 $0
Trees Greenville Incorporated 161718587 $221,365 $113,244
Trick N Traction 4 Wheel Drive Club 582453610 $0 $0
Trinity Community Church 201570783 $0 $0
Trinity Fellowship Assembly of God 570880973 $0 $0
Trinity Full Gospel 330 570865418 $0 $0
Trinity Way Baptist Church 134302645 $0 $0
Triple Tree Aerodrome Incorporated 275385464 $574,362 $3,148,749
Triune Mercy Center 200503624 $887,053 $2,046,240
Trusted Farms Fund 455341744 $0 $0
Turning Point of South Carolina Incorporated 421562941 $1,158,243 $1,346,886
United Daughters of the Confederacy 571044764 $0 $0
United Daughters of the Confederacy 576034620 $0 $0
United Grand Imperial Coun Knights of Red Cross of Constantine 237617514 $0 $0
United Housing Connections 571032202 $10,358,699 $24,802,047
United Ministries 570511977 $1,846,617 $2,343,403
United States Catholic Conference 260012031 $4,894,909 $7,751,455
United States Endowment Forforestry and Communities Incorporated 205583324 $127,136,208 $192,612,033
United Way of Greenville County Incorporated 570362066 $17,563,126 $27,435,003
Universal End Time Harvest Ministries 581664529 $0 $0
University Center of Greenville Incorporated 272793072 $1,901,472 $521,448
Upcountry History Museum 570833796 $1,204,609 $7,045,333
Upper State Apartment Association Incorporated 570770091 $240,894 $64,452
Upper State Code Enforcement Association of South Carolina 570786584 $0 $0
Upstate Area Health Education Center 570658165 $967,757 $958,746
Upstate Carolina Real Estate Investors Association 542107695 $81,275 $92,919
Upstate Christian Academy 570943890 $0 $0
Upstate Circle of Friends 204593516 $791,554 $419,228
Upstate Emergency Medical Services Council Incorporated 570638186 $505,080 $67,933
Upstate Father Hood Coalition 300200022 $475,380 $91,945
Upstate Film Society 571106296 $0 $0
Upstate Forever 571070433 $2,092,631 $3,995,380
Upstate Orthopaedic Research Foundation 571034702 $3,040 $4,933
Upstate Senior Living Incorporated 510553716 $8,806,956 $73,785,326
Upstate South Carolina Alliance Educational Foundation 061690711 $2 $29,829
Upstate South Carolina Alliance Incorporated 571095229 $2,244,239 $1,360,251
Upstate Sports Association 260233382 $209,820 $98,738
Upstate Warrior Solution Incorporated 461699670 $34,929 $19,789
Urban League of the Upstate 570541039 $1,511,899 $387,424
Urban League of the Upstate Housing Corporation 571034307 $90 $96,175
Urban League of the Upstate Incorporated Foundation 311751461 $0 $1
Urban League of the Upstate Senior Housing Corporation 571081477 $115,317 $1,056,775
Uu World of Children 141909563 $175,295 $99,220
Valor Summer Conservatory Incorporated 260197921 $7,543 $5,148
Veritas Preparatory School Incorporated 461289382 $0 $0
Veterans Healing Initiative 264567193 $42,011 $314,790
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of So Carolina 582441989 $0 $0
Victory Temple Missionary Baptist Church 570948913 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 521851024 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 570987400 $0 $0
Vietnamese Alliance Church 570930873 $0 $0
Vietnamese Blessing Baptist Church 342019405 $0 $0
Village Foundation Incorporated 205896271 $420,232 $277,592
Visitgreenville Sc 570777611 $3,084,333 $1,300,472
Wade Hampton Gardens Community Association 570480913 $0 $0
Wallace Fam Foundation 586343201 $568,153 $1,183,592
Walter Brashier Evangelistic Association 570605663 $0 $0
Washington Avenue Baptist Church 570426900 $0 $0
Water of Life 200202488 $829,671 $168,368
Water of Life Christian Church Incorporated 562097012 $0 $0
Waves of Courage Ministry 223693906 $0 $0
Way Makers Faith Believers Ministry Incorporated 043731294 $0 $0
Waypoint Church 203388500 $0 $0
Welcome Baptist Church 570377066 $0 $0
Wellington Green Recreation Association 570472351 $35,701 $8,214
West End Community Development Center 743249678 $86,365 $217
West Gantt Baptist Church 570360106 $0 $0
West Greenville Baptist Church 570470073 $0 $0
West Indies Reformed Ministries Incorporated 582297388 $0 $0
Westminister Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund 650734540 $9,896 $537,130
Westview Baptist Church 570763617 $0 $0
Westwood Baptist Church 570714637 $0 $0
White Oak Baptist Church 570384830 $0 $0
White Plain Baptist Church of Green Ville 570705926 $0 $0
Wildlife Rehab of Greenville 570973170 $0 $0
William B Sturgis Family Foundation 570946293 $548,881 $419,118
William C Morin Sr Foundation 300797739 $0 $0
William H Dunlap Orphange Incorporated 620535343 $0 $0
Wm W Gaffney Jr Foundation 452777519 $20,000 $5,540
Woodmen of the World Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society 237631056 $0 $0
Woodside Baptist Church 570375964 $0 $0
Word of God Prayer Ministry Center Incorporated 571126575 $162,847 $177,706
World Congress of Fundamentalists Incorporated 570679960 $0 $0
World Witness the Board of Foreign 570789692 $0 $0
Worldwide Tentmakers Incorporated 570852471 $517,936 $468,345
Wrights House of Hope Incorporated 261379394 $0 $0
Yeargin Foundation 576026663 $143,565 $350,220
Yhwh Ministries 273415665 $27,847 $204
Ymca Endowment Corporation of Greater Greenville 237305147 $773,672 $1,812,041
Ymca of Greenville 570314424 $17,001,303 $27,747,952
Young Womens Christian Association-greenville 570324938 $1,167,355 $2,063,713
Youthbase Incorporated 412216434 $89,712 $42,903