There are 1,164 nonprofits in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Name EIN Income Assets
1040 Connections Incorporated 621825230 $548,291 $485,981
21st Century Child Development and Learning Center Incorporated 621774180 $540,128 $40,507
A a a Womens Services Incorporated 581713618 $656,924 $505,341
A Better Tomorrow 760801232 $161,346 $5,821
A I M Housing Incorporated 621717277 $197,181 $1,151,940
A M G International 131766596 $6,881,295 $12,834,271
A Night to Remember Incorporated 581935888 $173,753 $1,414
A Step Ahead Foundation Chattanooga Incorporated 463740551 $0 $0
Ace Mentor Program of America Incorporated 264425401 $0 $0
Acts Outreach Ministry Incorporated 010751210 $32,197 $12,122
Advanced Diabetes Education Incorporated 203527858 $0 $0
Agapa Love Ministries 320113183 $0 $0
Agape Christian Center Incorporated 203051018 $0 $0
Aglow International 510223556 $0 $0
Al Kalem Bih Islamic Community 841677979 $0 $0
Alabama Alumni and Friendschattanooga Chapter 205999903 $0 $0
Alan Crider Ministries Incorporated 621626394 $31,683 $26,839
Alhambra Temple Mosque Co 626045863 $0 $0
Allemande Hall Incorporated 620990785 $0 $0
Alliance of Divine Love Incorporated 631236585 $0 $0
Alpha Step Ministries Incorporated 352363639 $0 $0
Alton Park Bible Church 237312874 $0 $0
Alton Park Church of Christ 621189337 $0 $0
Alumni Achievement Awards Incorporated 592413171 $418,367 $131,084
Amani Foundation Incorporated 621745187 $427,575 $271,702
Amateur Athletic Union of the United States 320337552 $0 $0
Amateur Athletic Union of the United States 621038274 $107,244 $128,905
Amateur Athletic Union of the United States Incorporated 464787277 $0 $0
American Advertising Federation of Chattanooga 621209732 $67,424 $9,038
American Chemical Society 626046796 $0 $0
American Federation of Government Employees 626046729 $0 $0
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Orgs 620155875 $0 $0
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Orgs 620155910 $15,985 $9,271
American Federation of Musicians of the Us and Canada 620191822 $53,686 $69,513
American Foundry Society 626080277 $27,848 $80,165
American Inns of Court Foundation 621870873 $0 $0
American Institute of Chemical Engineers 237424915 $0 $0
American Institute of Graphic Arts 260112077 $0 $0
American Legion 620113965 $76,514 $868,142
American Nephrology Nurses Association 352384409 $0 $0
American Polygraph Association 521035722 $1,536,165 $1,333,578
American Postal Workers Union 620761735 $144,628 $146,691
American Rental Association of Tennessee 621412893 $0 $0
American Rights Coalition Incorporated 621321236 $40,575 $113
American Sewing Guild Incorporated 800760791 $0 $0
American Society for Training and Development 541312292 $0 $0
American Society of Addiction Medicine 455233762 $0 $0
American Society of Heating Refrigerating and A-c Engineers 621260644 $0 $0
American Youth Football Incorporated 454964761 $0 $0
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry So Juris of USA 620798126 $113,434 $393,983
Animal Care Trust 010824858 $2,241,013 $4,688,579
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute 621138444 $2,809,966 $1,137,743
Arc of Hamilton County 237009946 $563,907 $305,727
Artsbuild 237005188 $2,639,127 $14,361,240
Ashland Terrace Christian Church 581561281 $0 $0
Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 273953586 $0 $0
Association for Persons in Supported Employment 621568152 $0 $0
Association for Vascular Access 901031063 $0 $0
Association for Visual Artists 581728801 $433,430 $314,528
Association of Fundraising Professionals 621351780 $0 $0
Association of Government Accountants 342024662 $0 $0
Association of Operating Room Nurses 742653847 $0 $0
Association of Private Enterprise Education Incorporated 581337345 $199,579 $340,618
Astre Foundation 621046446 $20,062 $111,098
Austin Hatcher Foundation Forpediatric Cancer 208065108 $835,767 $831,472
Autism and Behavior Services 262286270 $133,228 $10,237
Avondale Neighborhood Association 311738126 $2,955 $1,162
Avondale Sda School 621217369 $0 $0
Bahais of Hamilton County 621544023 $0 $0
Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Intl Uni 620122515 $419,046 $785,606
Ballet Tennessee 621323708 $272,073 $28,584
Baptist International Missions Incorporated 586044837 $0 $0
Baptist World Missionary Outreach Ministry 620998759 $953,602 $309,653
Basilica of Sts Peter and Paul 620477619 $0 $0
Bcbst Employees Credit Union 237152587 $482,289 $8,913,256
Beacon Ministries Incorporated 621534409 $0 $0
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA 620192830 $458,705 $384,670
Benwood Foundation Incorporated 620476283 $8,082,290 $105,162,018
Bessie Smith Cultural Center African American Museum and 621247459 $482,561 $596,879
Beta Alpha Psi National Council 363557486 $0 $0
Beta Kappa House Corporation Ofkappa Delta Sorority 208831019 $134,638 $773,921
Beth and Thomas a Lupton Jr Family Foundation 261284779 $119,281 $99,429
Beth Home Christian Ministry Incorporated 621549649 $25,680 $9,001
Bethel International Church Incorporated 043678022 $0 $0
Bethlehem Wiley United Methodist Church 621567933 $0 $0
Better Business Bureau Incorporated 620628251 $742,704 $874,165
Beverley Humble Foundation 451962703 $0 $0
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Chattanooga 620586090 $470,897 $1,281,893
Blood Assurance Foundation Incorporated 621768273 $111,732 $782,707
Blood Assurance Incorporated 620842419 $25,916,369 $23,458,187
Bmw Car Club of America Incorporated 621812774 $0 $0
Bnai Zion Congregation 620549373 $0 $0
Bob Vereen Ministries Incorporated 630796478 $0 $0
Bomb Technician Memorial Foundation 061734959 $0 $0
Bota Foundation 237303138 $1,689,602 $24,011,921
Boundless Playgrounds Incorporated 061512497 $50,946 $16,607
Bowen Theory Education Center Incorporated 264071040 $0 $0
Boy Scouts of America 620475671 $2,727,545 $3,099,048
Boyd - Buchanan School 620518286 $8,476,667 $8,749,246
Boys and Girls Clubs of Chattanooga 620557179 $1,532,705 $4,983,627
Brainerd Baptist School 274647483 $0 $0
Brainerd Church of Christ 620935617 $0 $0
Brainerd First Church of God 205782445 $0 $0
Brainerd Masonic Building Association Incorporated 621306253 $0 $0
Brainerd Presbyterian Church 626021164 $0 $0
Breast Cancer Support Services Incorporated 452772331 $280,838 $586,181
Bridges Resources 621872531 $2,551 $6,471
Bright Day Foundation 205000190 $1 $1
Bright School Incorporated 620476284 $6,438,154 $9,674,532
Bright-martin Corporation 621715632 $820 $808
Brightbridge Incorporated 581494630 $2,065,009 $8,540,048
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 630494282 $0 $0
Browns Ferry Landing Individual Homeowners Association Incorporated 621827304 $0 $0
Bushtown Neighborhood Association 621760315 $0 $0
Caldsted Foundation 620696466 $2,922,677 $12,000,030
Calvary Chapel of Chattanooga Incorporated 621821314 $0 $0
Calvary Independent Baptist Church 620989622 $0 $0
Calvary Temple Church Center Point Comfort 742942213 $0 $0
Calvary Temple Full Gospel Church 742579886 $0 $0
Camp Columbus 620648267 $189,899 $901,458
Campaign Corporation 621575828 $31,183 $279,535
Campus Development Foundation Incorporated 621819831 $12,616,068 $70,159,927
Candlelighters Family Support Group 621194296 $58,888 $351,898
Candr Books Incorporated 113798760 $0 $0
Cane Raisers of East Hamilton 271974109 $0 $0
Cantrell Home 900438746 $80,903 $11,415
Cares - Citizens Are Really Extra Special 462093048 $0 $0
Caribbean Ministries Association 200709465 $594,744 $166,885
Carpenter S Fund Incorporated 260590522 $775 $49,993
Carter Street Corporation 621125122 $6,261,935 $11,531,589
Cartinhour-woods Foundation Incorporated 621504440 $945,970 $4,808,982
Case Management Society of America Incorporated 621630121 $23,263 $9,786
Cats Are Reason Enough Incorporated 621634076 $0 $0
Cats Are Totally Special Incorporated 621831305 $0 $0
Causeway Incorporated 800589392 $32,718 $8,209
Cbmc Incorporated 050608551 $93,518 $25,047
Cbmc Incorporated 362004402 $7,314,874 $4,070,076
Cbmc Incorporated 461701633 $0 $0
Cbmc Incorporated 462080891 $0 $0
Cbmc Incorporated 462221478 $0 $0
Cbmc Incorporated 581818337 $78,459 $20,529
Cbmc Incorporated 620963394 $0 $0
Center for Individual and Family Effectiveness 621858153 $157,340 $106,499
Center for Mindful Living 460765414 $0 $0
Center for Renaissance Andreformation 204402943 $0 $0
Center Point 621183422 $0 $0
Chambliss Center for Children 620505514 $7,713,763 $7,524,845
Changedlives Org 626081698 $2,883,534 $10,273,492
Channels of Love Ministries Incorporated 201602391 $121,705 $76,439
Chatanooga National Memorial for the Unborn 431995780 $0 $0
Chattanooga and Hamilton County Medical Society Incorporated 620526054 $545,264 $1,464,441
Chattanooga Area Brain Injury Association 621742964 $84,640 $104,175
Chattanooga Area Central Office Incorporated 621232976 $36,933 $23,413
Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce 620154480 $1,610,517 $352,387
Chattanooga Area Chapter 621134067 $0 $0
Chattanooga Area Chapterassociation of Certified Fraud Exam 205508817 $0 $0
Chattanooga Area Dental Assistants Society 203612090 $0 $0
Chattanooga Area Food Bank Incorporated 620867645 $20,229,462 $5,764,870
Chattanooga Area Historical Association 237299929 $0 $0
Chattanooga Area Pharmacists Society 261890127 $0 $0
Chattanooga Area Soapbox Derby Incorporated 260830984 $0 $0
Chattanooga Association for Clinical Pastoral Care Incorporated 581584115 $0 $0
Chattanooga Association for the Blind Incorporated 237402588 $0 $0
Chattanooga Association of Realtors Incorporated 620649503 $904,494 $2,701,597
Chattanooga Association on Young Children 621397709 $0 $0
Chattanooga Audubon Society 626047636 $0 $0
Chattanooga Autism Center 453179418 $98,053 $31,948
Chattanooga Ballet Incorporated 237247009 $421,345 $520,783
Chattanooga Bar Association 626043623 $243,919 $179,209
Chattanooga Bar Foundation 621392178 $18,916 $128,270
Chattanooga Bicycle Club Incorporated 134281084 $202,245 $89,350
Chattanooga Boys Choir 620692977 $193,517 $12,836
Chattanooga C a R E S Incorporated 621325543 $2,174,445 $1,242,492
Chattanooga Chamber Foundation 237032834 $4,193,839 $9,890,722
Chattanooga Chapter Association of Legal Administrators 263850462 $0 $0
Chattanooga Chapter of the American Institute of Architects 752979558 $60,196 $68,189
Chattanooga Chapter of the Con- Struction Specifications Institute 621456346 $41,165 $30,768
Chattanooga Chapter of Womens Council of Realtors Incorporated 454979674 $0 $0
Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence 272545525 $2,414,394 $796,458
Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence Middle 464903775 $0 $0
Chattanooga Chi Omega Alumnae House Corp 591778634 $0 $0
Chattanooga Choral Society for the Preservation of African-american 311746631 $0 $0
Chattanooga Christian Assembly 621300249 $193,504 $632,441
Chattanooga Christian Church Incorporated 621496006 $0 $0
Chattanooga Christian Community Foundation 621536731 $20,592,717 $41,130,100
Chattanooga Christian School Incorporated 620840156 $13,455,181 $19,353,016
Chattanooga Church Ministries Incorporated 621151413 $2,328,123 $4,756,095
Chattanooga Community Development Financial Institution Incorporated 621572698 $238,335 $3,576,419
Chattanooga Community Housing Development Organization Incorporated 621501309 $426,133 $2,122,999
Chattanooga Convention and Visitors Bureau 620156713 $6,489,653 $3,493,562
Chattanooga Cotton Ball Association 620649630 $136,424 $125,597
Chattanooga Deaf Community Center 272007486 $0 $0
Chattanooga Down Syndrome Society 202907486 $0 $0
Chattanooga East Ridge Church of the Nazarene 621125449 $0 $0
Chattanooga Electrical J a T C Trust Fund 626043424 $2,071,883 $4,379,574
Chattanooga Elite Basketball Incorporated 453656244 $0 $0
Chattanooga Emergency Medicine Foundation 452502558 $0 $0
Chattanooga Endeavors Incorporated 582461822 $41,345 $2,756
Chattanooga Federal Employees Cu 620156027 $2,017,086 $49,806,538
Chattanooga Firemens and Policemens and Insurance Fund Real Estate Hol 621811201 $0 $0
Chattanooga First Church No 9 581785134 $0 $0
Chattanooga First Church of the Nazarene 620503358 $0 $0
Chattanooga Flca 621838275 $0 $0
Chattanooga Flying Disc Club Incorporated 200670596 $0 $0
Chattanooga Friends 452817488 $0 $0
Chattanooga Girls Choir Incorporated 311471819 $257,080 $42,494
Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy Incorporated 263492860 $2,319,830 $428,123
Chattanooga Golf and Country Club 620156100 $6,759,794 $9,619,676
Chattanooga Goodwill Industries Incorporated 620544853 $15,863,624 $6,809,020
Chattanooga Grotto of the National Speleological Society Incorporated 621483126 $0 $0
Chattanooga Hamilton County Health Department Employees Fund 581351342 $0 $0
Chattanooga Health and Performance Institute Incorporated 200379613 $0 $0
Chattanooga Historical Foundation 770599041 $0 $0
Chattanooga History Center 581309301 $1,234,345 $11,393,710
Chattanooga Human Resources 311539737 $45,356 $163,188
Chattanooga Inner City Outreach Incorporated 621483944 $297,252 $66,346
Chattanooga Inner City Youth Association 770686694 $0 $0
Chattanooga Ironworkers Area Jac 620756763 $387,073 $242,884
Chattanooga Kennel Club 237178129 $41,677 $70,508
Chattanooga Kiwanis Youth Foundation Incorporated 620544651 $40,955 $144,570
Chattanooga Lafayette Emmaus Community Incorporated 311506023 $33,995 $8,671
Chattanooga Lookout Valley Church of the Nazarene 237383171 $0 $0
Chattanooga Masonic Temple Incorporated 620156272 $0 $0
Chattanooga Medical Group Management Association 352439957 $23,263 $10,921
Chattanooga Mfg Association 620156260 $290,009 $444,539
Chattanooga Ministries Incorporated 205777446 $0 $0
Chattanooga Missionary Church 621399752 $0 $0
Chattanooga Music Club 621193918 $36,253 $93,890
Chattanooga Napfe Elderly Housing Tower Incorporated 581370573 $1,168,429 $2,629,556
Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise Incorporated 621300726 $4,474,433 $8,672,519
Chattanooga Ophthalmological Foundation 237038515 $1,750,286 $3,251,158
Chattanooga Organized for Action 274293603 $0 $0
Chattanooga Orthopedic Educational and Research Foundation 237091528 $286,209 $771,698
Chattanooga Ostomy Association 203475961 $0 $0
Chattanooga Plastic Surgery Foundation 620811189 $173,622 $252,972
Chattanooga Racqueteers Tennis Asso Incorporated 621873217 $0 $0
Chattanooga Regional Homeless Coalition Incorporated 621549023 $535,224 $56,285
Chattanooga Regional Science and Engineering Fair 237326255 $0 $0
Chattanooga Rescue Mission 581479880 $796,405 $2,039,042
Chattanooga Rifle Club Incorporated 621174509 $145,183 $829,239
Chattanooga Roller Girls 270799652 $0 $0
Chattanooga Room in the Inn Incorporated 621402358 $409,922 $987,187
Chattanooga Rowing 581846279 $99,642 $536,114
Chattanooga Rugby Club Incorporated 274302788 $0 $0
Chattanooga Ski Club 621792798 $4,504 $89,509
Chattanooga Sports Academy Incorporated 271337386 $53,301 $28,091
Chattanooga Sports Ministries Incorporated 203233724 $75,499 $24,621
Chattanooga State Technical Community College Foundation 581311669 $1,791,945 $6,482,268
Chattanooga Surgical Foundation 237249029 $247,805 $204,824
Chattanooga Symphony and Opera Association 626002098 $2,412,389 $2,431,428
Chattanooga Takedown Club 651187934 $96,625 $54,706
Chattanooga Tax Practitioners Incorporated 621542175 $0 $0
Chattanooga Tennis Foundation Incorporated 621577832 $0 $0
Chattanooga Times Free Press Foundation 454576274 $0 $0
Chattanooga Triathlon Club 300602463 $0 $0
Chattanooga Tumor Clinic Incorporated Erlanger Hospital 626041950 $13,358,245 $16,313,748
Chattanooga Womens Leadership Institute 621827475 $133,481 $161,034
Chattanooga Woodworking Academy Incorporated 800153945 $1,000 $155,018
Chattanooga Writers Guild 200988466 $0 $0
Chattanooga Yacht Club 620156435 $622,000 $2,152,272
Chattanooga Youth Association 621574499 $0 $0
Chattanooga Youth Network 621734182 $143,961 $12,603
Chattanooga-eastside 621598018 $0 $0
Chattanooga-hamilton County Public Education Fund 621356764 $5,487,288 $13,057,845
Chattanooga-hamilton County Rescue Service 237153047 $85,754 $475,650
Chattanooga-hamilton/county Medical Society Auxiliary Incorporated 510161955 $0 $0
Chattanooga-lookoutvalley 621449213 $0 $0
Chattanoogans for Life 203514516 $0 $0
Chattanoogas Coast-to-coast College Fair 870809771 $0 $0
Chattanoogas Kids on the Block Incorporated 581460361 $350,282 $341,081
Chattnooga Bach Choir Incorporated 621804163 $0 $0
Chazen Family Foundation 621722318 $1,341,548 $1,031,440
Chi Omega Fraternity 510165017 $97,482 $36,034
Chickamauga Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America 621068467 $0 $0
Child Evangelism Fellowship Incorporated 620600111 $323,769 $66,352
Childrens Academy for Education and Learning Incorporated 620562853 $531,271 $763,171
Childrens Advocacy Center of Hamilton County Incorporated 581953669 $958,957 $639,498
Childrens International Summer Villages Incorporated 311057942 $0 $0
Childrens Nutrition Program of Haiti Incorporated 201394468 $508,952 $87,337
Choo Choo City Volleyball Club 205501417 $296,442 $52,115
Choose Chattanooga Incorporated 262795171 $101,330 $23,178
Choral Arts Society of Chattanooga Incorporated 621276916 $0 $0
Christ Unity Church 621454129 $0 $0
Christian Education Charitable Trust 237412895 $3,497,601 $21,568,642
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 260032137 $0 $0
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 743194351 $0 $0
Chrysalis Foundation 621497058 $3,539,086 $1,769,193
Church Management and Tax Conference Incorporated Dba International Congress of 621311229 $3,246,250 $3,142,745
Church of God of Prophecy 621304078 $0 $0
Church of God State Office 626021160 $0 $0
Church of Jesus Christ of Apostolic Faith 581598534 $0 $0
Churchville Neighborhood Association 061786492 $0 $0
Circle K International Incorporated 626079203 $0 $0
Citizens Partnering Together Incorporated 731711405 $0 $0
City Church of Chattanooga 620988819 $0 $0
City Life Church 621597518 $0 $0
City of Miracles 752621976 $0 $0
Civitan Child Welfare Auxiliary Incorporated 626036153 $220,920 $1,401,959
Civitan International 620914824 $75,038 $31,518
Classical Beginnings Incorporated 455506901 $33,300 $3,070
Clifton and Clara Ward Foundation 581917676 $823,022 $1,629,819
Colab 263934828 $709,701 $329,098
College Access Center 352184730 $0 $0
Coming Alive Ministries 455440589 $0 $0
Common Cents Financial Literacy 453036235 $1,738 $1,738
Communication Workers of America 620450710 $93,082 $448,708
Community Baptist Church 621163049 $0 $0
Community Bible Fellowship 621829856 $0 $0
Community Bridgebuilders Llc 208881374 $109,634 $25,524
Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga Incorporated 626045999 $35,915,714 $104,192,001
Community Reconciliation Incorporated 621858591 $89,073 $81,001
Compassion Home Care 270463435 $0 $0
Complementary Health Education Organization 743043722 $0 $0
Consumer Savers of America Incorporated 030518220 $0 $0
Contact of Chattanooga Incorporated 620818753 $91,796 $63,951
Contemporary Performing Arts of Chattanooga Incorporated 581978586 $0 $0
Corina Field Carroll Fund 454954861 $13,743 $3,310
Cornerstone Bancshares Foundationinc 208115548 $77,074 $348,945
Cornerstones Incorporated 510204182 $234,033 $395,084
Council for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Incorporated 620716063 $7,666,118 $7,831,630
Country Dance and Song Society Incorporated 621558756 $0 $0
Covenant Love Family Church 561748077 $0 $0
Covenant Ministries International Incorporated 222903261 $246,995 $1,581,733
Covenant Praise Ministries 205724960 $0 $0
Crabtree Farms of Chattanooga Incorporated 621760383 $353,468 $430,632
Craniofacial Foundation of America 621375732 $357,640 $355,547
Creative Discovery Museum 621509462 $3,176,341 $8,868,051
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church 626016271 $0 $0
Cryptic Masons of Tennessee 237539515 $0 $0
Cryptic Masons of Tennessee 237539542 $0 $0
Csla Sports Boosters 841673282 $0 $0
Daughters of Isis of North and South America 237532321 $0 $0
Dave Martin International 593681794 $1,125,512 $688,530
David T Demola Ministries Incorporated 222825452 $65,519 $3,389
Dawson Properties Incorporated 621573705 $0 $0
Death Unto Life Ministries Incorporated 621154655 $95,078 $14,524
Delta Gamma Frateernity 454156780 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 626052515 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 626063859 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 810572154 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 626079218 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 237127424 $0 $0
Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Incorporated 272849122 $0 $0
Deltas Serving Together Incorporated 621799559 $105,896 $194,839
Destiny Ensemble Theatre Company 760824204 $0 $0
Destiny Life Resources Incorporated 461176736 $43,941 $6,033
Disabled American Veterans 311011297 $0 $0
Disabled Sports USA 621515151 $0 $0
Dixie Yarns Foundation Incorporated 620645090 $445,198 $804,070
Domestic Violence Coaliation of Greater Chattanooga 621586254 $1,200 $677
Dominion Word Ministry 710721455 $0 $0
Don Clowers Ministries Incorporated 620812112 $215,182 $1,302,500
Door of Faith Incorporated 620805067 $0 $0
Dove Ministries Incorporated 621308551 $168,067 $10,110
Dr J E Green Educational Trust 626185748 $227,510 $726,585
Dynamic Church 451500311 $0 $0
E-van Ministries 263333371 $0 $0
Earthcare Incorporated 621659019 $0 $0
East Brainerd Club of Alcoholics Anonymous 621799094 $0 $0
East Chattanooga 621182660 $0 $0
East Chattanooga Improvement Incorporated 300352911 $46,945 $65,942
East Ridge Christian Church 621187948 $0 $0
East Ridge Education Committee 200610171 $0 $0
East Ridge Youth Foundation Incorporated 626064827 $80,466 $31,842
East Tennessee Chapter Association Gen Contractors of America Incorporated 620994727 $665,941 $2,378,074
East Tennessee Sheet Metal Industry Fund 620644979 $0 $0
East-west Worship and Conference Center Incorporated 581607974 $0 $0
Eastdale Area Community Development Incorporated 383874437 $0 $0
Eastdale Community Cultural Development Corporation 261374935 $0 $0
Educate Us Incorporated 300596649 $0 $0
Educontribution Incorporated 364699078 $0 $0
Edusource Unlimited 462742116 $0 $0
Eight-seven 464189032 $0 $0
Elder Mountain Volunteer Service Incorporated 581382496 $86,658 $137,948
Eleanor C Meehan Trust Ua Fbo a Lee Read Etal 626034536 $1,036,700 $4,451,368
Electric Power Bd Chattanooga Post Retiremnt Hlth Wlfre Bfts Pl Trust Ua 582062090 $8,796,973 $17,430,508
Emmanuel Praise Temple 621550353 $0 $0
Engel Foundation Incorporated 452250170 $0 $1
Engstrom Services Incorporated 621499350 $3,136,280 $2,714,202
Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga 900624773 $0 $0
Enterprise Center Incorporated 200062024 $1,007,583 $917,588
Epb Employees Credit Union 620538561 $949,654 $29,086,894
Epilepsy Foundation of Southeast Tennessee 581309190 $133,373 $152,168
Erlanger Baroness Auxiliary 202573528 $567,166 $376,124
Erlanger Health System Foundations 581664027 $1,945,863 $3,016,180
Erlanger Medical Center 626000101 $0 $0
Eta Kappa Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 464193482 $0 $0
Evangel Church 530238177 $0 $0
Ezra Ministries 621730853 $47,157 $16,504
Faces the National Craniofacial Association 237069285 $178,368 $377,213
Faith Fellowship Ministries Incorporated 222437978 $0 $0
Faith Fellowship World Outreach Ministeries Incorporated 650827752 $0 $0
Faith Foundation 621048738 $130 $10,965
Faith Life Tabernacle 541209134 $0 $0
Faith Unlimited Ministries Christian Center Incorporated 621481490 $0 $0
Families Incorporated 621326050 $18,286 $648,946
Family Christian World Incorporated 351812109 $0 $0
Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga Incorporated 311529222 $226,571 $835,294
Fathom Incorporated 810592218 $37,474 $3,880
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 621043612 $0 $0
Fellowship of Christian Peace Officiers 237383651 $162,682 $45,441
Festive St Elmo Incorporated 621859738 $0 $0
First Alliance Church Incorporated 620613259 $0 $0
First Christian Church 620499100 $0 $0
First Lutheran Church 620481795 $0 $0
First National University of Naturopathy and Allied Sciences in 582477650 $0 $0
First Tee of Chattanooga Incorporated 621627453 $270,594 $888,595
First Things First Incorporated 621678048 $1,980,187 $194,987
Firstfruit Ministries Incorporated 611457672 $0 $0
Folk School of Chattanooga 275284252 $33,618 $27,604
Footprint Foundation Incorporated 275486356 $14,016,623 $13,348,779
Forest Hills Cemetery Association 620203780 $952,694 $7,147,074
Forgiven Much Ministries Incorporated 261907625 $0 $0
Forgotten Child Fund Incorporated 621376145 $83,949 $95,693
Forgotten Children Ministries 412096734 $1,285,604 $796,825
Forrest O Meacham Trust Uw Fbo 626274659 $1,694,986 $6,218,752
Fort Wood Neighborhood Association Incorporated 581539160 $0 $0
Francis Lynde Foundation Incorporated 262568519 $124,911 $975,388
Frank J B and Emma S Varallo Foundation Trust 626225565 $149,507 $622,206
Frank P Pierce Foundation Incorporated 200597131 $571,120 $1,000,446
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237593121 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237593375 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237593376 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 620309878 $148,294 $178,222
Fraternal Order of Firefighters 581379388 $312,990 $229,250
Fraternal Order of Police 621453961 $1,652 $630
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 237164176 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 237174866 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 237510049 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 237510052 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 237510057 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 581526976 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee 626044417 $70,343 $392,221
Freedom and Justice Institute 452548839 $1,200 $1,200
Freedom Church Assembly of God 621214005 $0 $0
Fresh Word Ministries 900726405 $0 $0
Friends of Moccasin Bend National Park 582301371 $69,137 $213,774
Friends of Outdoor Chattanooga Incorporated 262702084 $0 $0
Friends of Special Children 261714442 $125,207 $3,692
Friends of the Chattanooga Public Library 626050405 $108,878 $88,645
Friends of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park 581708782 $261,432 $376,466
Friends of the Festival Incorporated 621112739 $3,520,591 $4,103,289
Friends of the Helsinki Movement Foundation 208607942 $193,186 $84,806
Friends of the Zoo Incorporated 581661267 $2,196,087 $1,599,828
Front Porch Alliance 621853518 $1,139,575 $89,286
Frontier Missions Romania 753236882 $23,296 $776
Galatia Early Church of God in Christ 621018391 $0 $0
Gallaty Ministries 202797625 $0 $0
Garry Fletcher Ministries Incorporated 202757649 $0 $0
Gcc Ibt Local 777m 710549250 $127,541 $156,158
Generous Giving Incorporated 582556775 $2,263,351 $501,010
George W Oakes Trust Uw Fbo Chattanooga High School Medal Fund 626034539 $0 $0
Girls Incorporated of Chattanooga 620647145 $0 $0
Girls Preparatory School Incorporated 620475682 $18,424,220 $57,172,788
Glenwood Neighborhood Association Incorporated 581477271 $0 $0
Global Excel Tn 455530021 $0 $0
Global Faith Mission Agency Incorporated 412157438 $1,396,121 $362,134
God S Heart Incorporated 061756320 $0 $0
Gods Ministry of Prayer Incorporated 621450376 $0 $0
Golden Harvest Ministries 352164747 $0 $0
Good Neighbors Housing Incorporated 591750569 $724,585 $1,073,725
Good Neighbors Incorporated 626080973 $194,300 $155,045
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 626011030 $0 $0
Gordon Lee Endowment Fund Trust Uw Fbo 626042957 $1,117,859 $3,419,464
Gordon Lee Fund Trust 626034412 $0 $0
Gordon Lee Memorial Church Fund Trust Uw 626034411 $16,627 $38,649
Gordon Lee Trust U-w Care of G Cemetery and Chickamauga Squares 626034414 $0 $0
Gordon Lee Trust Uw Fbo High School Bldgs Fund 626034415 $210,986 $616,460
Gordon Lee- Librarians Salary Fund Trust Uw 626034413 $0 $0
Gordon Street Foundation 620634450 $243,343 $6,070,181
Grace Baptist Church of Hamilton County 621175438 $0 $0
Grace Fellowship Family Church Incorporated 621071969 $0 $0
Grace India 780236684 $0 $0
Grand Boule of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity 621817205 $0 $0
Grant Adcox Foundation 621579878 $0 $14,497
Greater Chattanooga Cares 371665457 $0 $0
Greater Chattanooga Christian Services 620854816 $174,650 $431,424
Greater Chattanooga Colon Cancer Foundation 451443349 $0 $0
Greater Chattanooga Lodging Association 201957183 $36,591 $1,125
Greater Chattanooga Public Television Corporation 621137597 $2,336,188 $4,762,435
Greater Chattanooga Sports and Events Commitee 581866591 $304,676 $65,845
Greater Chattanooga Sports Hall of Fame Incorporated 331076156 $0 $0
Greater Emmanuel Pentecostal Church Incorporated 621193634 $0 $0
Greenspaces 272113695 $225,036 $454,801
Gujarati Samaj of East Tennessee 621154157 $0 $0
H C Abercrombie Trust Uw Fbo Chickamauga Cemetery 626034464 $0 $0
H C Abercrombie Trust Uw Fbo Universalist Church 626034465 $0 $0
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Chattanooga 621260347 $2,281,484 $4,145,021
Hacker and Kitty Caldwell Family Foundation Incorporated 201245843 $184 $362,826
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 626079297 $0 $0
Haitian Wesleyan Reference Church 463543415 $0 $0
Hamico Incorporated 626040782 $5,616,357 $52,748,400
Hamilton County Coalition 262584597 $269,024 $29,865
Hamilton County Education Association 620929459 $1,025,141 $473,220
Hamilton County Episcopal Commission Incorporated 581408621 $0 $0
Hamilton County Mental Health Housing Corporation 581391907 $244,279 $271,820
Hamilton County Schools Fund for Excellence 621363725 $663,660 $720,931
Hamilton County Veterinary Medical Association 581632848 $42,731 $28,792
Hamilton Life Church 204299451 $0 $0
Hampton University 621561034 $0 $0
Hand Foundation Incorporated 237442979 $99,597 $899,238
Harmony Baptist Church 621213987 $0 $0
Harrison Ruritan Foundation Incorporated 263474083 $0 $0
Hart Charitable Trust 626286248 $27,502 $77,926
Hart Gallery Tennessee 271127897 $88,565 $9,764
Harvey J Weiss and Associates Incorporated 742618276 $89,598 $5,765
Hazel Elizabeth Robinson Bowles Foundation 582402800 $0 $0
Hazel Montague Hutcheson Foundation 626045925 $1,203,233 $3,979,020
Hbc Operation Community Impact Incorporated 300382573 $0 $0
Healthcare Industry User Group 753099664 $639,705 $464,534
Healthcare Services Credit Union 626642525 $1,314,310 $17,496,739
Hearing Loss Association of America Incorporated 621236708 $0 $0
Helene Distefano Fund 753158416 $11,164 $38,403
Hephzibah House Ministries Incorporated 621674519 $0 $0
Hickory Valley Christian School Incorporated 412089746 $0 $0
Hickory Valley Church of God of Prophecy 621097397 $0 $0
Highland Park Baptist Church 620567465 $0 $0
Highland Park Commons Incorporated 264733206 $572,564 $1,331,415
Highland Park Neighborhood Association 621816107 $0 $0
Highways and Hedges Ministries Incorporated 260168664 $0 $0
His Touch Ministries Incorporated 223861555 $0 $0
Hisstorytellers Foundation 261878369 $0 $0
Holland Family Foundation 621788704 $117,198 $336,910
Home Builders Association of Chattanooga Incorporated 620535664 $567,743 $724,242
Hope and Help International 202177883 $661,769 $344,495
Hope for Haiti 232731933 $116,432 $23,746
Hope for the Inner City Incorporated 621659831 $586,334 $432,393
Hospice of Chattanooga Foundation 203778171 $1,338,537 $6,710,684
Hospice of Chattanooga Incorporated 581426458 $26,898,202 $11,584,709
House of Refuge Incorporated 621616010 $199,857 $145,972
House of Ruth Incorporated 770617198 $0 $0
House University Ministries of Chattanooga 261706394 $286,284 $3,171
Houston Museum of Decorative Arts 620712778 $96,728 $160,060
Hubert J Stagmaier Memorial Trust Fbo Susan Stagmaier Dtd 081559 626034667 $171,497 $495,310
Hubert J Stagmaier Memorial Trust Ua Fbo John Stagmaier 626034682 $225,922 $644,274
Hubert J Stagmaier Memorial Trust Ua Fbo Stagmaier Family 626034683 $343,882 $980,867
Hubert J Stagmaier Trust Ua 01-18060 626034720 $0 $0
Hudson Foundation Incorporated 621363739 $37,209 $52,651
Hugh and Charlotte Maclellan Charitabhle Trust 626268981 $4,309,709 $20,095,258
Humane Educational Society of Chattanooga Tenn 621771323 $56,064 $539,103
Humane Educational Society of Chattanooga Tenn 620478240 $0 $0
Humble Swan Productions 300547120 $0 $1,006
Hunter Museum of Art 620511893 $3,241,774 $37,381,479
Hurricane Creek Estates Homeowners Association 581309248 $0 $0
I Can We Will 454959501 $0 $0
Iglesia Evangelica C a Alfa Y Omega Incorporated 270981327 $0 $0
Iglesia Getsemani-asamblea De Dios 800246442 $0 $0
Imago Dei Foundation 621540922 $0 $0
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 237621409 $36,165 $167,953
In Him Resources Foundation 581983451 $112,496 $272,690
Information Systems Security Association 454900913 $0 $0
Internal Medicine Education Foundation Incorporated 581314402 $188,700 $544,566
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 626073915 $0 $0
International Association of Administrative Professionals 626043147 $0 $0
International Association of Administrative Professionals 202798495 $0 $0
International Association of Bridge 620438904 $677,965 $507,904
International Association of Electrical Inspectors 621263796 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 626063764 $825,519 $266,445
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 626047157 $77,865 $115,025
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 626047708 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 620200595 $0 $0
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals 621555156 $0 $0
International Brotherhd - Boilrmkrs Ir Shp Bldrs Blcksmth Frgrs and Hlpr 626069423 $2,898,631 $8,063,323
International Brotherhd - Boilrmkrs Ir Shp Bldrs Blcksmth Frgrs and Hlpr 620358856 $121,807 $390,919
International Brotherhd - Boilrmkrs Ir Shp Bldrs Blcksmth Frgrs and Hlpr 620358857 $0 $0
International Brotherhd - Boilrmkrs Ir Shp Bldrs Blcksmth Frgrs and Hlpr 620724226 $210,623 $1,091,466
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 620247236 $3,205,062 $4,022,278
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 626278471 $1,066,209 $571,982
International Congress of Churches and Ministers 272002529 $0 $0
International Congress of Churches and Ministers 272075674 $75,542 $18,419
International Congress of Churches and Ministries 263795962 $0 $0
International Congress of Churches and Ministries 271635468 $414,045 $5,055,339
International Evangelical Church and Missionary Association 956118651 $0 $0
International House of Prayer - Chattanooga 271709299 $254,064 $139,120
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237141985 $0 $0
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237508084 $0 $0
International Rehabilitation and Consulting 461656867 $0 $0
International Society of Jack Daniels Collectors Incorporated 263363942 $0 $0
International Towing and Recovery Hall of Fame and Museum 363488086 $707,274 $2,318,942
International Trauma Life Support Tennessee Incorporated 621551885 $8,924 $2,457
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 917 620247381 $1,313,614 $1,815,853
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 620140558 $0 $0
Iron Workers District Council of Tennessee Valley and Vicinity 620814704 $336,255 $265,365
Isaacs Promise 352269668 $0 $0
Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga Incorporated 261557048 $0 $0
Ivy Rose Foundation Incorporated 621622576 $106,848 $94,017
Jack Lamar Family Charitable Foundation 621665660 $59,220 $175,779
Jamal Marvon Rashed Memorial Scholarship Fund Incorporated 621820427 $0 $0
James C and Charlotte Wardlaw Charitable Foundation Incorporated 582342888 $98,617 $371,006
James L Bomar Jr Rotary Interact Scholarship Foundation Incorporated 621399351 $0 $0
Jan Pennington Gray Harp Scholarship Fund Incorporated 311660676 $0 $0
Jaycee Future Corporation 620759053 $868,488 $1,171,150
Jeane Marie Reynolds Charitable Trust 626379882 $2,368 $231,228
Jericho Brass 205580881 $0 $0
Jewish Community Federation of Greater Chattanooga 620475677 $1,445,870 $6,417,392
Joe and Velma Dewitt Foundation 584180022 $708,013 $1,339,384
Joe Johnson Tennis Foundation Incorporated 352380118 $0 $0
John and Angela Shaheen Charitable Trust 626361671 $1 $49,976
Jordan Thomas Foundation Incorporated 203498598 $842,389 $1,043,841
Joyful Christian Ministries 621254353 $0 $0
Junior Achievement of Chattanooga 620636297 $483,693 $241,666
Junior League of Chattanooga Incorporated 620582665 $187,286 $479,187
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 626047716 $0 $0
Kappa Delta Sorority 621793999 $134,900 $12,004
Kappa Foundation of Chattanooga 431989166 $0 $0
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 541093553 $37,329 $219,670
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 620508891 $114,603 $10,627
Karen Collins Un-teal There is a Cure 800828316 $44,175 $4,172
Kenco Group Incorporated Voluntary Employee Benefit Association Trust 202653381 $18,300,501 $582,910
Kennedy Foundation Incorporated 621296643 $632,333 $4,335,556
Kenneth E Boring Charitable Foundation Incorporated 270063662 $3,478,701 $3,455,276
Ketners Mills Foundation 621843936 $101,655 $448,173
Kiddie Kare for Intense Learning Incorporated 621790912 $35,012 $172,061
Kidney Foundation of the Greater Chattanooga Area Incorporated 621410005 $302,309 $239,711
Kingdom Majesty International Ministries Incorporated 460676768 $0 $0
Kingdom of God Incorporated 237080965 $0 $0
Kingdom Site Ministries 264473793 $2,958,875 $789,502
Kingly Ministries Incorporated 270010658 $0 $0
Kiwanis International 620261494 $61,221 $55,744
Kiwanis International 626046684 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 237447123 $29,420 $5,713
Kiwanis Youth Foundation 620510505 $67,365 $51,100
Knights of Columbus 237263473 $84,693 $169,647
Knights of Columbus 237547462 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 262617442 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 620640543 $42,423 $266,596
Knights of Columbus 621195373 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 237218268 $0 $0
Korean Baptist Church at Concord 621462169 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 621846323 $0 $0
La Paz De Dios 201115026 $286,343 $141,552
Laborers International Union of North America 620247341 $354,440 $873,349
Ladies of Charity of Chatanooga Incorporated 620847871 $335,139 $550,760
Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Incorporated 237159127 $0 $0
Lakeside Youth Association Incorporated 202385460 $0 $0
Lanas Love Foundation Incorporated 261786908 $79,169 $96,947
Laurel Church Ministries Incorporated 351817288 $0 $0
Laurel Food Pantry Incorporated 200328623 $0 $0
Layman Foundation 620535344 $355,887 $5,152,900
Leadership Ministries Worldwide 570957346 $1,850,591 $1,486,520
Lebovitz Family Charitable Trust 626247365 $1,791,628 $11,397,301
Lee Roberson Foundation 205236581 $0 $0
Let My People Hear 800851006 $13,113 $3,612
Liberty Health Incorporated 311699541 $0 $0
Life is Sweet Pass It on 461201876 $0 $0
Life Line Ministries - Crs 954896396 $10,186 $1
Lifefitness Llc 621668121 $0 $0
Lifeline Incorporated 208300626 $6,447 $11,027
Lifespring Community Health 273856741 $230,270 $37,943
Links Incorporated 621093217 $237,883 $169,820
Little Miss Mag Early Learning Center 620483209 $880,034 $2,011,364
Little Theatre 620273170 $873,679 $3,873,916
Living Life Ministries Incorporated 841668100 $74,665 $80,331
Living Stones Ministry 621658729 $248,328 $156,152
Living Water Church 631068841 $0 $0
Living Word Ministries 621721266 $0 $0
Local No 43 Plumbers and Steamfitters Joint Apprenticeship 620813917 $1,202,716 $1,882,986
Lookout Rowing Club 581934835 $74,166 $201,759
Lookout Valley Church of God of Prophecy 621248272 $0 $0
Lookout Valley Lions Club Charity 273163047 $0 $0
Lookout Valley Neighborhood Association 421668532 $0 $0
Lookout Valley Presbyterian Church 621080622 $0 $0
Lookout Valley Reformed Church Incorporated 620935587 $0 $0
Love Without Reason Incorporated 261640273 $0 $0
Lovely Feet Ministries 943436226 $26,577 $13,975
Lyndhurst Foundation Incorporated 626044177 $20,068,243 $111,218,756
Maclellan Center for Global Christian Education 452200743 $0 $0
Maclellan Foundation Incorporated 626041468 $49,491,880 $315,204,454
Make a Wish Foundation of East Tennessee Incorporated 581799549 $1,140,486 $654,078
Manker Patten Tennis Club Incorporated 621073004 $767,403 $2,423,348
Mar Thoma Congregation Chattanooga 263520337 $0 $0
Mario and Grace Charles Education Foundation Incorporated 621762700 $13,354 $485,444
Mark Making 262959326 $89,226 $6,712
Martin-boyd Christian Home Incorporated 621162687 $2,738,954 $1,254,436
Martys Center Incorporated 463332982 $0 $0
Mary Cameron Robinson Foundation 205282783 $129,811 $213,947
Mary Walker Historical and Educational Foundation Incorporated 621103291 $0 $0
Maryellen Locher Foundation Incorporated 201166150 $108,510 $113,117
Maurice Kirby Child Care Center 620569477 $289,240 $208,115
Mccallie School Incorporated 620475837 $35,853,787 $177,736,235
Mckenzie Foundation 621805189 $7,890,128 $10,088,945
Mcleod Home Incorporated 020786927 $188,175 $34,025
Medal of Honor Hall of Valor Museum of Military History Foundation 581739072 $19,435 $147,988
Medical Foundation of Chattanooga Incorporated 581696660 $617,576 $2,043,841
Melody of Life Ministries Incorporated 621219600 $0 $0
Memakon Incorporated 141843197 $303,526 $6,000
Memorial Credit Union 620695369 $409,296 $7,515,800
Memorial Health Care System Foundation Incorporated 621839548 $7,049,295 $14,834,498
Memorial Health Care System Incorporated 620532345 $544,425,389 $627,424,626
Memorial Health Partners Foundation Incorporated 030417049 $60,901,729 $9,785,468
Mens Ministry Network 621705669 $184,723 $44,514
Mental Health Housing Corporation Ii Incorporated 621638373 $0 $0
Mental Health Housing Corporation Iii Incorporated 621693453 $0 $0
Messengers of God Association of Churches 621205021 $0 $0
Messianic Ministry to Israel 620649151 $147,559 $596,903
Metanoia Ministries 330723841 $0 $0
Metropolitan Bells Incorporated 621596301 $0 $0
Metropolitan Ministries 270203084 $605,825 $551,418
Metropolitan Tabernacle Incorporated 710899454 $0 $0
Mid-south Carpenters Regional Council Training Trust Fund 620785515 $2,718,938 $7,510,692
Mid-south Music Association Incorporated 582010753 $0 $0
Mid-south Sculpture Alliance 205862330 $4,680 $18,013
Mighty Warriors Church Incorporated 581648772 $0 $0
Military Officers Association of America 591711461 $0 $0
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 621752393 $0 $0
Minutemen Incorporated 200974369 $0 $0
Miracle Missionary Baptist Church of Chattanooga Tennessee 581766938 $0 $0
Miracle Open Door Community Development Corporation 621828073 $849 $2,028
Mission Consortium of Churches International 800080041 $0 $0
Mission Ridge Missionary Baptist Church 621186584 $0 $0
Missionary Ridge Neighborhood Association Incorporated 621483741 $0 $0
Mizpah Congregation 620534807 $0 $0
Moccasin Flying Club Incorporated 736050196 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 274316459 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 453612080 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 460945661 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 461020879 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 462566558 $0 $0
Modern Woodmen of America 463216222 $0 $0
Moms Club 260065502 $0 $0
Montessori School 841640780 $1,728,482 $2,631,224
Mortar Board Incorporated 626079445 $0 $0
Mose and Garrison Siskin Memorial Foundation Incorporated 591781637 $30,004,943 $42,286,683
Mount Paran Baptist Church 621855064 $0 $0
Mountain City Club 620301870 $1,418,510 $612,303
Mt Summit of Peace Church 621546962 $0 $0
Mt Valley Baptist Church and Mission 581663092 $0 $0
Naifa Chattanooga 620813598 $17,608 $2,891
Nals Incorporated 621004239 $0 $0
National Accrediation Council Fro Agncies Srvng Blnd and Vslly Hndicpd 132574824 $124,342 $42,395
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 621393833 $0 $0
National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees 237005200 $0 $0
National Alumni Association of Howard High School 275113315 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 621381366 $0 $0
National Association of Government Employees 611518713 $89,686 $18,750
National Association of Letter Carriers 586067881 $81,674 $54,080
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts 621875827 $0 $0
National Center for Youth Issues 621132218 $1,714,573 $1,792,855
National Electrical Contractors Association 620431111 $584,398 $786,465
National Foundation for Veterans and Families Incorporated 680669029 $0 $0
National Kappa Kappa Iota Incorporated 237205330 $0 $0
National Knife Museum Incorporated 591730518 $61,994 $1,445,033
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs Incorporated 432110662 $0 $0
National Society Colonel Dames Xvii Century 621629871 $0 $0
National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865 Incorporated 800504429 $0 $0
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 626042813 $0 $0
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 626046809 $0 $0
National Sojourners Incorporated 412068747 $0 $0
Native American Services Oftennessee 208557411 $0 $0
Neighborhood Chapel Church of God 621188963 $0 $0
Neighborhood Christian Child Development Center 621536730 $239,967 $19,315
New Apostolic Church of Knoxville Tn 464605292 $0 $0
New City Fellowship 621002423 $0 $0
New Haven Baptist Church 621352717 $0 $0
New Heights Baptist Church 581537900 $0 $0
New Life Bible Fellowship 626116381 $0 $0
New Life Missions 590816453 $0 $0
New United Missionary Baptist Church 581670774 $0 $0
New Way Club 582044999 $0 $0
Newman Foundation Incorporated at the University of Chattanooga 620718004 $0 $0
Newton Child Development Center 620723235 $308,979 $304,168
Nextstep Church Incorporated 461060920 $0 $0
Nikki Mitchell Foundation Incorporated 463399632 $0 $0
Noahs-bark Animal Rescue and Rehab 461189624 $0 $0
Norman Family Foundation 461076954 $260,978 $600,247
Norman Messinger Evangelist Association 621081829 $67,576 $17,002
North American Freedom Foundation 621786381 $162 $111
North Shore Fellowship 470953937 $0 $0
Northside Neighborhood House 620481801 $975,460 $769,454
Oak Project 920202179 $330,740 $196,550
Oakwood Church of God of Prophecy 621236808 $0 $0
Obedience Club of Chattanooga Incorporated 621047130 $63,155 $39,522
Ochs Center for Metropolitan Studies 620671772 $58,249 $115,242
Office and Professional Employees International Union 626047128 $68,904 $68,904
Olivet Baptist Church of Chatanooga Incorporated 742422162 $0 $0
Omega Harvest 621182094 $0 $0
One Clip at a Time Incorporated 261496438 $14,819 $8,044
One Hundred Black Men of Chattanooga Incorporated 621536275 $28,779 $10,798
Optimist International 626042828 $19,753 $19,370
Optimist International 626046624 $13,958 $47,917
Optimist International 900894353 $0 $0
Orange Grove Center Incorporated 620549365 $36,384,144 $21,103,362
Orange Grove Development Incorporated 591735003 $572,508 $1,013,789
Orange Grove Development No 4 Incorporated 621473380 $72,302 $202,075
Orange Grove Development No Five Incorporated 621580079 $45,972 $320,551
Orange Grove Development No Seven Incorporated 621498349 $71,139 $359,146
Orange Grove Development No Six Incorporated 621481015 $60,535 $236,937
Orange Grove Development No Three Incorporated 581796624 $29,554 $189,777
Orange Grove Development No Two Incorporated 581623257 $55,646 $191,195
Orchard Knob Housing Development Corporation 743159335 $35,492 $290,998
Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 581909414 $0 $0
Orchard Knob Neighborhood Watch Association 412223360 $0 $0
Order of the Amaranth Incorporated 237614597 $0 $0
Orion and Emma B Hurlburt Trust Fbo Memorial Fd Hamilton Natl Bk Ttee 626034546 $5,751,818 $18,115,676
Orions Angels 342015698 $0 $0
Oxford Place Incorporated 621844004 $48,730 $597,595
Par Foundation 061739701 $300 $407
Paragon Home 320035033 $0 $0
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Incorporated 270213029 $0 $0
Parkridge Credit Union 620882411 $199,335 $3,212,471
Partners and Peers for Diabetes Care Incorporated 270982755 $0 $0
Partners for Christian Media Incorporated 621535834 $2,384,145 $1,534,542
Partnership for Families Children and Adults Incorporated 620911679 $6,017,625 $7,353,102
Pathfinder Foundation Incorporated 275487095 $13,976,620 $13,229,940
Pathway Young Adult Program Incorporated 800214573 $34,092 $1
Pearl Group 010760434 $0 $0
Peggy Foundation Incorporated 202588910 $1,789 $45,814
Penipe Foundation Incorporated 274747934 $0 $0
Pentecoastal Church of God Fellowship 581556991 $0 $0
Performers Artists Parents and Advocates Incorporated 201834744 $0 $0
Philadelphia Baptist Church 620727606 $0 $0
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity 237258580 $0 $0
Pi Mu Epsilon Incorporated 237127337 $0 $0
Pillows for My Babies 900909478 $0 $0
Pipe Trades Industry Fund 626052146 $235,747 $194,451
Pleasant Homes Incorporated 621475560 $38,076 $91,372
Pleiades Foundation for Advanced Neuromedical Education Incorporated 201477490 $69,604 $767
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 43 Building Corporation 237454493 $9,304 $472,685
Pneuma Ministries 621521316 $0 $0
Polly Boyd Scholarship Fund 626184352 $4,278 $564,103
Power Vision International 455266795 $0 $0
Praying Friends of the Bridegroom 200213016 $172,479 $35,687
Precept Ministries of Reach out Incorporated 620841438 $16,914,860 $12,791,176
Prepare for Heaven Incorporated 237030711 $0 $0
Presbyterian Church in America a Corporation 621177855 $0 $0
Presbytery of the Southeast 561559719 $0 $0
Pressing on Ministries 621465891 $0 $0
Priscilla and Robert H Siskin Charitable Trust 626334609 $3 $12,668
Prison Prevention Ministries Incorporated 621051876 $347,658 $165,094
Pro Re Bona Early Learning Center 620586086 $433,280 $382,109
Pro-life Majority Coalition of Chattanooga 621404801 $0 $0
Project Cheer Incorporated 621763427 $0 $0
Project Management Institute 562336139 $0 $0
Promise of Hope Ministries 710861458 $237,471 $215,583
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 237052613 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 510202203 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 530232247 $1,565,904 $5,174,698
Pta Tennessee Congress Normal Park Museum Magnet 020626936 $135,901 $21,907
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teacher Incorporated 581363519 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 201717900 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 581637613 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 582131320 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 621383148 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 621557400 $11,148 $5,812
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 621582275 $37,994 $58,802
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers Incorporated 621810029 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents Teachers Incorporated 901024397 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents Teachers Incorporated 392074998 $32,906 $5,126
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents Teachers Incorporated 454650567 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents Teachers Incorporated 462701085 $0 $0
Pta Tennessee Congress of Parents Teachers Incorporated 581807812 $0 $0
Public Relations Society of America Incorporated 621598502 $0 $0
Public School Bible Study Committee 620523361 $1,297,906 $1,779,639
Purchasing Management Association of Chattanooga Incorporated 621142562 $11,055 $953
Purpose Community Resource Center Incorporated 263152803 $0 $0
Pursuing Purpose Ministries 611569611 $0 $0
Quality Deer Management Association 900852576 $0 $0
Quality Lifestyle Service Incorporated 020559682 $84,284 $110,710
R3 International 264595555 $87,155 $4,699
Raccoon Mountain Volunteer Fire Department 621854377 $0 $0
Raising the Bar Empowerment Center 272617702 $0 $0
Randal Irwin Tutoring 621506623 $0 $0
Re Start the Center for Adult Education 620693913 $343,703 $207,235
Real Life Christian Ministries 621610761 $0 $0
Reconciliation Ministries Network Incorporated 621781061 $67,910 $13,394
Red Bank Pool Advisory Committee Incorporated 201063153 $0 $0
Redemptive Network Ministries Incorporated 270013896 $4,019 $882
Reflection Riding 620570240 $166,470 $3,826,198
Reflection Riding Arboretum and Nature Center 581311080 $0 $0
Regeneration Outreach Ministry 621849436 $12,605 $918
Religious Science International 621143689 $0 $0
Resurrected Ministries Incorporated 200195011 $0 $0
Reviving Faith Outreach Ministry Incorporated 621336953 $0 $0
Richmont Graduate University 620789275 $5,025,752 $6,051,619
Ridgedale Church of Christ 620693988 $0 $0
River City United 620753194 $0 $0
Rivercity Company 621273871 $2,917,413 $25,251,913
Rivercity Market and Music Works Incorporated 800153132 $0 $0
Riverfront Business and Resident Partnership 261337292 $0 $0
Riverrocks Incorporated 274615735 $313,489 $103,448
Riverview Foundation Incorporated 275485912 $13,001,707 $14,575,924
Road Runners Club of America 271770470 $413,680 $98,195
Road Runners Club of America 581285215 $287,212 $210,704
Robert H Yoe Iii Charitable Trust 636188780 $75,727 $70,230
Robert L and Kathrina H Maclellan Foundation 237159802 $12,693,518 $36,954,486
Roman Orthodox Church 621862079 $0 $0
Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Greater Chattanooga Incorporated 621327855 $1,736,310 $7,537,865
Ronald P Barnes Charitable Foundation Incorporated 450495689 $6,280 $161
Rosewood Supportive Services Incorporated 582139212 $2,399,086 $2,441,886
Rotary International 320000090 $56,033 $26,280
Rotary International 620344791 $678,827 $297,746
Rotary International 621179809 $75,294 $184,904
Rotary International 621443988 $132,855 $98,983
Roueche Chorale 200834744 $0 $0
Route to Revival Incorporated 310986765 $0 $0
Royal Arch Masons of Tennessee 237540712 $0 $0
Royal Arch Masons of Tennessee 237540714 $0 $0
Royal Order of Jesters 237151543 $21,083 $12,021
Ruritan National Corp 626064697 $0 $0
Sacred Circle Foundation 621478931 $0 $0
Saint Nicholas School Incorporated 621109458 $0 $0
Salt of the Earth Incorporated 650649930 $24,432 $4,608
Sammy Wilson Mantle Ministries Incorporated 043632410 $0 $0
Sanctuary Safehouse 462967251 $0 $0
Santa for All Seasons Fund Incorporated 621089145 $0 $0
Scenic City Communtiy Church 621804611 $0 $0
Scenic City Friends Incorporated 201877543 $164,460 $48,758
Scenic City Womens Network Incorporated 621696730 $55,161 $22,369
Scenic Land School Incorporated 626075837 $625,836 $2,000,381
Scenic View Community Development 621713147 $0 $0
Schillhahn-huskey Foundation 460908516 $43,875 $43,875
Score International Incorporated 581605736 $8,047,818 $5,474,340
Scott Memorial Church of God 621004291 $0 $0
Scottish Rite Foundation Valley of Chattanooga Orient of Tennessee 591737929 $48,564 $1,079,675
Sculpture Fields at Montague Park 453244453 $79,454 $12,070
Second Blessings Thrift Store Incorporated 010695292 $241,201 $30,588
Second Life of Chattanooga 270354722 $122,570 $45,889
Second Missionary Services Incorporated 311594574 $0 $0
Senior Housing Alternatives 593763503 $2,620,794 $3,809,928
Sharpe Family Foundation Incorporated 274327455 $24,240 $209,877
Shekinah Glory Ministries 760738471 $0 $0
Shepherds Arms Rescue Mission Incorporated 621617005 $315,038 $1,172,256
Sherry Jones Ministries Incorporated 721552526 $24,783 $3,533
Shore Christian Center Church Rev Dewey Friedel Pastor 222175132 $0 $0
Shriners International 237143619 $0 $0
Shriners International 237362861 $0 $0
Shriners International 510152598 $0 $0
Shriners International 510605920 $0 $0
Shriners International 581754513 $0 $0
Shriners International 581754520 $0 $0
Shriners International 581754521 $0 $0
Shriners International 620115033 $840,987 $1,041,751
Shriners International 621292480 $0 $0
Shriners International 621376642 $0 $0
Shriners International 621387036 $0 $0
Shriners International 621520860 $0 $0
Shriners International 630961909 $0 $0
Shriners International 630962928 $0 $0
Sigma Chi Fraternity 620491064 $51,000 $650,929
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated 626073964 $0 $0
Sigma Theta Tau International Incorporated 311042686 $0 $0
Signal Centers Incorporated 620587285 $6,943,361 $4,161,490
Silverdale Baptist Academy 621799301 $0 $0
Silverdale Baptist Church 620946357 $0 $0
Simcenter Enterprises Incorporated 271773149 $235,257 $193,387
Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation 621220402 $32,028,651 $87,329,784
Sister City Association of Chattanooga Incorporated Term 620967390 $0 $0
Small Business Consulting Incorporated 311484920 $0 $0
Smocking Arts Guild of America Incorporated 271439069 $0 $0
Smokebrush Foundation Incorporated 841233281 $446,711 $928,747
Society for Occupational Health Psychology 300344550 $0 $0
Society for Preservation and Encrgmnt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 626045743 $0 $0
Society for Technical Communication 237313812 $0 $0
Society of Financial Service Professionals Chattanooga Chapter 581468175 $0 $0
Society of Manufacturing Engineers 626074042 $0 $0
Solomon Center Incorporated 621867780 $111,007 $68,925
Sons of Confederate Veterans Incorporated 581600258 $0 $0
South Broad Redevelopment Group Incorporated 342015975 $0 $0
South Chattanooga Gateway Corporation 621571102 $35,183 $363,968
Southeast Development Foundation Incorporated 621849582 $12,428 $3,440
Southeast Industrial Development Association Incorporated 621410505 $458,324 $1,521,477
Southeast Physician Recruiters Association 461710710 $0 $0
Southeast Tennessee Health Consortium 272608437 $24,056 $22,501
Southeast Tennessee Legal Services 626051128 $110,075 $9,452
Southeastern Cave Conservancy Incorporated 581950768 $262,746 $1,957,561
Southeastern Climbers Coalition Land Trust Incorporated 550801779 $29,757 $700,123
Southeastern Womens Amateur Team Championship Association 621585386 $0 $0
Souther Humanities Conference 237313259 $0 $0
Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue 861123998 $74,602 $36,350
Southern Country Chattanooga 621673953 $0 $0
Southern Credit Union 620365265 $970,554 $19,865,461
Southern Economic Association 237109678 $395,668 $486,673
Southern Health Plan Incorporated 581406632 $1,215,429 $12,259,308
Southern Lit Alliance 626008466 $284,397 $306,845
Southern Off-road Bicycle Association 841709157 $42,129 $29,034
Southside Historic District Incorporated 621848971 $3,522 $138,738
Southside Redevelopment Corporation 621767652 $0 $0
Special Transit Services Incorporated 621305384 $184,835 $235,718
Speech and Hearing Center 620526644 $1,618,670 $686,895
Spirit of America Foundation 582031848 $620,043 $275,941
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church 262213718 $0 $0
Splash 900824026 $0 $0
Sports and Rec Plus Incorporated 541822292 $0 $0
Sports Car Club of America Chattanooga Region Incorporated 621537386 $20,831 $13,966
Spring Valley Charitable Corporation 392063046 $0 $0
Springview Substance Abuse and Outreach Program 621498431 $1 $1
St Andrews Center 202404387 $103,265 $74,564
St Barnabas Apartments Incorporated 626043267 $0 $0
St Barnabas Nursing Home 620970099 $8,113,194 $12,121,699
St Elmo Improvement League 581398376 $0 $0
St Philip Lutheran Church 621752715 $0 $0
St Tikhon of Moscow Orthodox Mission 320094374 $0 $0
Stadium Corporation 621618612 $730,914 $18,318,676
Standifer Gap School 621282543 $0 $0
Stanley Independent Baptist Church 900839090 $0 $0
Star Twirlers Square Dance Club Incorporated 620893857 $0 $0
Steps2hope Incorporated 460624932 $0 $0
Steves Club National Program 800842373 $0 $0
Stop the Madness National Incorporated 202801018 $212,027 $212,847
Stuart Heights Club Incorporated 620579399 $110,090 $82,986