There are 4,773 nonprofits in San Antonio, Texas.

Name EIN Income Assets
Corpus Christi Community Resource Council for Texas Youth 742391045 $0 $0
Cougar Cub Parent Teacher Organization 030546987 $0 $0
Council of Churches of Metropolitan San Antonio 741109760 $40,129 $8,139
Council of Research and Academic Libraries 741964861 $0 $0
Council of Texas Archeologists 742493015 $0 $0
Country Day Montessori Pto Incorporated 263863019 $0 $0
Countryside San Pedro Recreation Club 741830599 $0 $0
Court 2661 Catholic Daughters of the Americas 460784316 $0 $0
Court Our Lady of Knock No 2652 383855747 $0 $0
Covenant Foundation Incorporated 742622129 $10,791,893 $28,147,665
Covenant Freedom International Miracle Center 800669237 $0 $0
Covenant Ministry International Incorporated 800532151 $0 $0
Cox Smith Matthews Foundation 742524104 $0 $1
Cpsrd Fund 010803061 $2,633 $102,389
Creating Healthy Equines to Service Therapeutic Riding 510613864 $0 $0
Cressie Animal Refuge and Enrichment Center 270465104 $0 $0
Crew-san Antonio 742347612 $128,286 $155,593
Crime Stoppers of San Antonio Incorporated 742251697 $51,201 $372,324
Cristo Esla Respuesta Incorporated 742047488 $0 $0
Crocketteers Football Club 460635652 $0 $0
Cross Mountain Church 742794129 $0 $0
Cross Mountain Forum Incorporated 751520307 $0 $0
Cross Trail Outfitters Incorporated 453811862 $159,743 $45,865
Cross-health Ministries 753015024 $7,261 $875
Crossing Cambodia 462939025 $0 $0
Crossmen Productions Incorporated 208573532 $1,143,539 $371,251
Crosspoint Incorporated 746058916 $5,319,858 $6,630,497
Crossroads Community Church of the Nazarene 741486870 $0 $0
Crown Chaplaincy Ministries Incorporated 320158999 $0 $0
Crown of Life 742886682 $0 $0
Crown of Life Lutheran Church 742276121 $0 $0
Crusaders for Christ 742783266 $0 $0
Csa Synchro 264726654 $100,722 $4,648
Cue Incorporated 561916998 $668,629 $357,680
Cufi Foundation 204413244 $0 $0
Cure Fur Cancer 352373368 $98,249 $10,000
Curtis C Gunn Flexible Benefit Cafeteria Plan and Trust 746375037 $4,583,363 $1,476,476
Cwa Local 12143 Retired Members Club 742323013 $0 $0
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 741487797 $0 $0
D C L Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Incorporated 383342448 $0 $0
D Studio Music Ministries Incorporated 463273060 $0 $0
D-1 Prospects Incorporated 900174170 $68,638 $472
Daily Bread Ministries 742863470 $8,077,785 $3,682,437
Dakotah Athletic Club 461335887 $0 $0
Dance Therapy Dance Your Depression Away Incorporated 043793363 $93,722 $11,321
Daniel J Sullivan Family Charitable Foundation 522380006 $1,682,293 $2,314,109
Daniels Flannels Incorporated 452875894 $0 $1
Dare to Love Sponsorship Program Incorporated 742697768 $53,541 $281,052
Daughters of Charity Services of San Antonio 746106876 $5,485,064 $7,691,292
Daughters of Isis of North and South America 237532328 $0 $0
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians St John Bosco School 741200128 $0 $0
Daughters of the Nile 237127063 $0 $0
Daughters of the Republic of Tx Incorporated 237318024 $18,184 $1
Daughters of the Republic of Tx Incorporated 741193444 $1,648,603 $2,686,437
Daughters of the Republic of Tx Incorporated 912107262 $0 $0
David B Terk Foundation 742640710 $449,943 $1,290,853
David Robinson Foundation 742644713 $169,814 $527,249
Day Star Ministries Incorporated 202745017 $0 $0
Daystar Church 752380837 $0 $0
Dbc Group Incorporated 263139475 $809,747 $45,144
Ddm Foundation 271180664 $84,899 $1,932,342
Deaf Awareness Week of San Antonio 743016167 $0 $0
Deaf Ministries of San Antonio 721558847 $0 $0
Decidedecide 141932715 $0 $0
Deep River Ministries 743013382 $137,985 $70,227
Delee-evans Foundation for Sports Medicine and Orthopedics 742379797 $1,700 $44,901
Dellview Area Neighborhood Associat Ion 205126772 $0 $0
Delta Gamma Fraternity 746062910 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 746077622 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 746048733 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 746049327 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 746077266 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 237059027 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 742499409 $0 $0
Delta Pet Partners of San Antonio 274946935 $0 $0
Delta Phi Alpha National Honorary German Fraternity 237435593 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 742670340 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 741508491 $0 $0
Delta Zeta Sorority 746062833 $0 $0
Demolay International 237589205 $0 $0
Demolay International 237589208 $0 $0
Demolay International 911902050 $0 $0
Demolay International 911902052 $0 $0
Demolay International 911902054 $0 $0
Deputy Sheriffs Association of Bexar County 742346758 $708,443 $75,563
Deputy Sheriffs Association of Bexar County Benefit Fund 201267864 $0 $0
Descendants of Hiram James and Wallace Wilson Historical Fdn 742952538 $13,467 $101,668
Destiny Ministries of San Antonio Texas 742713241 $63,995 $70,200
Devnick Foundation 742900450 $29,024 $278,402
Dewied International Incorporated Employee Welfare Benefit Plan Trust 746395841 $0 $596
Dhammabucha Buddist Temple of San Antonio 742437817 $0 $0
Diamond Dachshund Rescue 760738044 $69,568 $52,695
Diamond Sports Association Incorporated 742927473 $342,800 $111,568
Dietert Claim Endowment Trust 742472564 $727,778 $4,039,219
Dikete Education Opportunity Foundation 412206880 $16,014 $54,606
Dinner Garden 263611277 $196,740 $154,209
Diocese of West Texas 741143118 $0 $0
Dirt Bikers of San Antonio 741957272 $0 $0
Disability Services of the Southwest 752483918 $28,566,633 $11,321,221
Disabled American Veterans 746085638 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 311100195 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 741207037 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 510179742 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 800241813 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 383780787 $0 $0
Discipleship Tape Ministries Incorporated 742191433 $214,011 $197,026
Discovery School of San Antonio 237425720 $826,160 $403,946
Distinguished Flying Cross Society San Antonio Alamo Chapter Incorporated 470894172 $0 $0
Distribution Activation Network Corp 454119680 $0 $0
District 2 Fire and Rescue 261522036 $1,908,207 $2,959,482
District 2-a2 Sight and Tissue Foundation Incorporated 742471313 $1,935,334 $1,293,710
District 4 Fire and Rescue 260859794 $362,478 $1,551,333
District 7 Fire and Rescue 743196360 $552,429 $3,043,789
District 8 Fire and Rescue 271522063 $179,557 $434,467
District No 8 Incorporated Texas Nurse Association 740651312 $0 $0
Diversified Contract Training Incorporated 452984273 $0 $0
Divine Intercession for Virtuous Adolescents 261336889 $0 $0
Divine Science Church of Today 741921493 $0 $0
Divino Redentor 742654349 $0 $0
Dixie and Cedric Wenger 1994 Foundation 742719361 $800,828 $5,841,809
Doberman Pinscher Club of America 237104653 $0 $0
Domi Incorporated 742344473 $0 $0
Dominican Priory of San Juan Macias and Novitiate 742695705 $0 $0
Dominion Rotary Club Foundation 272977341 $0 $0
Dooley Family Foundation 760536719 $637,497 $970,469
Dorothy Delarosa Ministries 742902917 $0 $0
Dote Foundation 742524597 $22,590 $172,536
Douglas Family Foundation 208696788 $1 $1
Douglass Foundation 742239830 $805,915 $2,024,421
Doulos Foundation 742232566 $196 $515,263
Down Syndrome Association of South Texas 030507948 $375,072 $217,211
Downtown San Antonio Community Development Corporation 205981107 $119,742 $8,140
Dr Hector P Garcia Memorial Foundation 460572444 $0 $0
Dr J R Bowie Iii Scholarship Foundation 810564511 $0 $0
Dr Kenneth and Caroline Mcdonald Eng Foundation 273612358 $1,425,078 $892,451
Dr Ruskin C and Karen Norman Family Foundation 742826677 $60,874 $519,119
Dragons Soccer Club Incorporated 743013234 $0 $0
Dream Hill Estates Homeowners Association 742374876 $0 $0
Dreamhill Estates Development Organization 364678979 $0 $0
Dreamhill Estates Education Resource Center 453031494 $0 $0
Dreamrep Incorporated 460728307 $0 $0
Dreams Come True Incorporated 742788158 $525,273 $589,752
Dreams Fulfilled Through Music 830419575 $87,601 $41,655
Drs Victor and Rebecca Rodriguez Foundation 272776447 $0 $0
Dsilva Incorporated 203479705 $0 $0
Duane D Hoff Charitable Trust 266115316 $2,100 $4,042
Duncan Foundation 746060667 $1 $1,116
Dustoff Association Incorporated 204474137 $62,617 $94,919
E G West Institute for Effective Schooling 201663327 $0 $0
E L M Foundation Incorporated 205585744 $7,395 $45
Each One Teach One 383813982 $84,116 $2,805
East Central Area 4-h and Ffa Boosters Association 742532002 $48,565 $45,459
East Central Assembly of God 742609981 $0 $0
East Central School Foundation Incorporated 742455559 $79,202 $189,311
East Commerce Church of Christ 742647013 $0 $0
East End Church of God in Christ 237002419 $0 $0
East Indipendent School District Central Band Boosters Club 861160355 $216,605 $93,077
East Side Baptist Tabernacle 742970899 $0 $0
East Terrell Hills Neighborhood Association Incorporated 742666392 $0 $0
Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center Incorporated 741653179 $9,891,228 $3,244,255
Eastside Christian Action Group 611554378 $466,345 $44,296
Eastwood Community Missionary Baptist Church 742525114 $0 $0
Echoes of Truth Full Gospel Church 741872177 $0 $0
Eco-logic Latin America Incorporated 432093877 $0 $0
Eco-mara 462465307 $0 $0
Ecos De Puerto Rico Incorporated 383811005 $0 $0
Ecumenical Center for Religion and Health 741587388 $2,029,344 $3,705,990
Ecumenical Center Foundation 270410893 $0 $0
Edem Hopeson Ministries 161675021 $0 $0
Eden Homeowners Association 742646399 $0 $0
Edgewood Alumni Association Incorporated 421610647 $0 $0
Edgewood School District Veterans 262820371 $0 $0
Edison Neighborhood Association 454611238 $0 $0
Education Investment Foundation Incorporated 742623222 $0 $0
Education Service Center Region 20 of Texas 741587461 $0 $0
Educational Council for the Americas Incorporated 462723839 $0 $0
Educational Empowerment Council 800249186 $0 $0
Educational Foundation of the Americas Incorporated 742728580 $110,258 $102,794
Educational Resource Center Charter School Incorporated 742869255 $11,869,993 $19,883,286
Educational Resource Center Foundation 451144651 $110,001 $1,090,789
Edukkor 461783545 $0 $2,200
Edwin M Jones Foundation Incorporated 746036562 $6,406 $147,308
Efca Texas Oklahoma 746181417 $0 $0
Ekklasia Baptist Assembly 742582018 $0 $0
El Arca Del Pacto Iglesia Del Nazareno 452233577 $0 $0
El Centro Del Barrio Incorporated 741787031 $46,314,648 $46,165,265
El Mercado Association Incorporated 260254208 $0 $0
El Mesias 742310245 $0 $0
El Salvador Assembly of God 742247644 $0 $0
El Sendero De La Cruz Church of San Antonio Tx Incorporated 742252692 $0 $0
El Shaddai-rock of Ages Church 742698042 $0 $0
Elderride Foundation Incorporated 742650911 $1 $1
Electric Sign Association of San Antonio Incorporated 742058764 $0 $0
Elevate Ministries 742631781 $0 $0
Elf Louise Incorporated 742180694 $293,674 $674,375
Eli Foundation 261847320 $49,717 $62,925
Elijah S Bread Incorporated 270564657 $0 $0
Elisa Riebeling Ministries Incorporated 202745702 $19,177 $12,757
Elite Counseling Incorporated 461988108 $0 $0
Elizabeth Beitel Memorial Lutheran Church 746028261 $0 $0
Elizabeth Huth Maddux Charitable Foundation 746399782 $6,941,125 $30,931,444
Elizabeth Sullivan Clem Trust 741688803 $1,548,696 $4,736,089
Ella Austin Community Center 741166908 $2,744,030 $1,372,289
Ella Foundation 453178013 $0 $0
Elma Dill Russell Spencer Foundation 746060515 $11,149,584 $275
Eloise Morales Memorial Scholarship Fund Incorporated 452666816 $0 $0
Elsie Frueh and Anges Beck Memorial Fund 746134161 $293,511 $3,979,833
Embassy Church International 300202549 $0 $0
Embassy of Hope San Antonio Incorporated 261430028 $55,925 $76,412
Emergency Nurses Association 363234764 $132,712 $78,945
Emergency Services District 6 Fire and Rescue 352401974 $0 $0
Emerging Young Leaders International Incorporated 760742128 $0 $0
Emil C E Juricha Endowment Trust 237039309 $359,137 $3,941,798
Emma Freeman Foundation Uwo H M Freeman 746334100 $5,359,799 $18,186,604
Emma Freeman Trust 2114 746149528 $852,424 $5,058,823
Emmanuel Apostolic Temple Church 743004692 $0 $0
Emmanuel Baptist Church 742432232 $0 $0
Emmanuel Church Revival Temple 741464773 $0 $0
Empowerment 21 562546418 $0 $0
Empowerment Seminars Incorporated 743005702 $0 $0
Encore Consortium 202004337 $0 $0
End Time Harvest World Outreach Center 742570427 $0 $0
Endeavors Unlimited Incorporated 742618398 $3,562,741 $491,243
Enlace Cristiano 461059183 $0 $0
Ephphatha Christian Ministries House of Prayer Fellowship 742871864 $0 $0
Epilepsy Foundation Central and South Texas 760415338 $693,819 $155,731
Episcopal Church Corporation in West Texas 742936637 $0 $0
Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas 742858721 $0 $0
Episcopal Medical Missions Foundation 760368839 $2,131 $19,286
Equip Enterprises 260798321 $1,747,712 $569,058
Escuela Magnetico Espiritual De La Comuna Universal 742825634 $0 $0
Esperanza Peace and Justice Center 742419582 $1,028,302 $2,356,986
Esperanzas Children 462635738 $0 $0
Essar Recreation Association 741490851 $276,345 $48,174
Esteam 462437997 $0 $0
Estrella Charitable Trust 742858545 $7 $1,632
Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim Mt of Miracles 742908194 $0 $0
Ethnos Missions Center 263838460 $0 $0
Eucharistic Adoration of San Antonio Incorporated 742907748 $0 $0
Eugenia and Lawrence a Bertetti Foundation 742553221 $6,290 $325,138
European Film Festival 412277527 $31,316 $10,778
Evangel Group 454221082 $0 $0
Evas Heroes 743190719 $679,410 $864,673
Everlasting Center 264828552 $0 $0
Every Person Count Incorporated 900105357 $0 $0
Evidence Ministries 742811744 $92,238 $37,478
Ewing Halsell Foundation 300654055 $27,208,503 $123,711,884
Excel Rise Above the Rest 742912853 $261,895 $5,450
Executive Womens Golf Association of San Antonio Incorporated 742727472 $45,879 $20,483
Expect a Miracle Church 742299844 $0 $0
Express News Charitable Foundation 742392793 $0 $0
F B Kirchner Scholarship Fund 742646348 $276,234 $993,482
Faces of Child Abuse 454538677 $0 $0
Factory Built Owners of America 200356200 $24,218 $43,625
Fairways of Woodlake Homeowners Association Incorporated 742522688 $0 $0
Faith and Freedom Ministries Incorporated 752219980 $30,335 $136
Faith Assembly of God 741835401 $0 $0
Faith Christian Center 900582352 $0 $0
Faith Family Clinic 263791828 $3,210,071 $736,582
Faith Gospel Fellowship Church 746088810 $0 $0
Faith Harvest Non-denominational Temple of Christ Incorporated 742944852 $0 $0
Faith Lutheran Church of San Antonio 237425905 $0 $0
Faith Missionary Baptist Church of San Antonio 746204144 $0 $0
Faith Outreach Center International Incorporated 742162706 $0 $0
Faith Presbyterian Church 742512592 $0 $0
Faith Worship Center San Antoniotx 260532227 $0 $0
Faithnet 541888116 $0 $0
Family Alliance Council 742740432 $0 $0
Family Community Fellowship San Antonio 452746700 $0 $0
Family Educators Alliance of South Texas 742574874 $725,936 $1,480,408
Family Endeavors Incorporated 237223078 $7,899,416 $4,986,640
Family Life Christian Church 742599059 $0 $0
Family Praise Center Incorporated 742680653 $0 $0
Family Service Association 741117341 $29,049,476 $11,676,160
Family Violence Prevention Services Incorporated 741994151 $4,836,281 $10,808,016
Far East Apostolic Mission 746107048 $0 $0
Fashek Family Foundation 203947467 $333,427 $846,567
Fashion Group 742542605 $0 $0
Father Flanagans Boys Home 412181898 $2,783,576 $2,547,616
Faye L and William L Cowden Charitable Foundation 746359520 $2,083,630 $10,144,792
Fba Friends of Bonham Academy 263800360 $15,953 $16,618
FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association Incorporated 271256898 $0 $0
Federal Bar Association-san Antonio Chapter 742868178 $0 $0
Federal Bureau of Investigation Recreation Association 742484640 $0 $0
Federation of Texas Aandm University Mothers Club 237131790 $0 $0
Felix L and Jo Stehling Foundation 742730197 $54,000 $569,337
Fellowship Bible Church of San Antonio 742410943 $0 $0
Fellowship of Believers Community Church 830353796 $0 $0
Fellowship of San Antonio Incorporated 431999194 $0 $0
Ferrari Kid 455299015 $11,910 $5,522
Fiber Artist of San Antonio 562306795 $0 $0
Field-day Foundation 522364623 $220,450 $69,631
Fiesta Commision Charitable 522365285 $281,092 $95,728
Fiesta Cornyation 742628410 $189,429 $45,675
Fiesta Flambeau Parade Association Incorporated 742553381 $319,554 $164,381
Fiesta San Antonio Commission Incorporated 741340345 $2,448,219 $1,435,786
Fight for the Family of Texas Incorporated 742726447 $0 $0
Filipino Americans in San Antonio 237414086 $0 $0
Financial Executives International 237050978 $138,984 $134,128
Financial Executives International 237455401 $110,046 $140,035
Find Me Incorporated 453974869 $0 $0
Fire and Police Retiree Health Care Fund San Antonio 742882962 $0 $0
Fire Research Institute 770016242 $0 $0
Firemens Relief Fund Association of San Antonio Texas 741135084 $324,523 $956,311
First Assembly of God 742272082 $0 $0
First Baptist Church of Leon Springs 741805516 $0 $0
First Baptist Church of San Antonio Foundation Incorporated 742689599 $0 $0
First Batallion Fiftieth Infantry Association Incorporated 233000322 $0 $0
First Mexican Baptist Church 742150008 $0 $0
First Presbyterian Church 741175837 $0 $0
Firstmark Credit Union 740879805 $46,196,123 $760,265,271
Fisher House Incorporated 742603325 $739,557 $2,505,887
Flmi Society of South Central Texas Incorporated 742757574 $0 $0
Flohr Family Foundation 742944303 $1,804,244 $2,603,885
Flora Cameron Foundation 746038681 $31,558 $651,330
Flynn Family Foundation 746423178 $41,774 $712,895
Food for Tomorrow Sa Incorporated 273450427 $0 $0
Food Policy Council of San Antonio Incorporated 383898759 $0 $0
Football Bowl Association 331012741 $445,519 $227,455
For Hearts and Souls 330950561 $248,104 $10,499
For the Kids Dance Marathon at Utsa 461846844 $0 $0
Forest Oaks Community Association 237183692 $59,891 $22,241
Forever Foundation for Texas Wildlife Incorporated Dba Texas Wildlife 742605516 $2,295,098 $2,285,127
Fort Sam Houston Memorial Services Detachment 742590234 $0 $0
Fort Sam Houston Mens Golf Association 741978483 $0 $0
Fortress Church 742721141 $0 $0
Foundation for Christian Learning 454846205 $167,311 $230,067
Foundation for Medical Physics Research Incorporated 208799660 $27,261 $34,282
Foundation for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences from India Incorporated 113174234 $104,623 $1,180,943
Foundation of Collaborative Unique Science Focus 383783603 $0 $0
Foundation of Joseph 742767267 $34,038 $252,206
Foundation of the Texas Deer Association Incorporated 742914402 $45,330 $48,279
Foundational Ministries International Incorporated 742644566 $0 $0
Fountain Christian Church of San Antonio Incorporated 271613419 $0 $0
Fountain of Living Water Apostolic Church 364646139 $0 $0
Fountains of Living Water Christian Fellowship Incorporated 742555733 $0 $0
Four Winds Christian Ministries Incorporated 460534958 $0 $0
Four Winds Ministries of Texas Incorporated 742554489 $0 $0
Fox Run Homeowners Association Incorporated 742342695 $0 $0
Frank W and Gladys G Hornbrook Scholarship Fund 742881302 $127,700 $283,481
Frankie Casseb Youth Literacy Club 262747826 $1,121,914 $36,119
Franklin Family Foundation 742921587 $1,748,136 $684,796
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237593409 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Eagles 740632780 $670,513 $207,880
Freda Fighting for a Chance Foundation 454791979 $0 $0
Frederic J and Dorothea Oppenheimer Foundation 742336644 $1,856,646 $363,512
Fredericksburg Non-profit Housing Corporation 742713852 $853,229 $1,555,247
Free Spirits Track Club 900506831 $0 $0
Free Trade Alliance Education Foundation 742646267 $276,745 $397,879
Free Trade Alliance San Antonio 742485987 $770,618 $303,088
Freedom Life Center 460592465 $0 $0
Freedom Through Vigilance Association 742227009 $50,270 $137,451
Freedom Youth Project Foundation 274064689 $34,542 $41,333
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge 237375460 $0 $0
Freeman Educational Foundation 2113 746149527 $883,604 $5,695,989
Freethinkers Association of Central Texas 311714122 $0 $0
French Creek Village Homeowners Association 741921597 $0 $0
Fretthold Family Foundation 201841551 $109,495 $261,012
Friends and Volunteers 264096137 $0 $0
Friends Care and Development Center 742258968 $23,623 $66
Friends for the Fight Foundation 743010364 $0 $0
Friends Meeting of San Antonio Incorporated 742149316 $0 $0
Friends of Alamo City Reach out and Read 562343975 $0 $0
Friends of Casa Navarro 753210431 $11,591 $39,472
Friends of Friedrich Wilderness Park Incorporated 742569247 $0 $0
Friends of Hospice San Antonio Incorporated 742608764 $331,420 $30,447
Friends of Israel Messianic Church 741886465 $0 $0
Friends of Santa Rosa Foundation 742723391 $890,073 $9,405,072
Friends of Spain Incorporated 743022719 $0 $0
Friends of St Clare 275429143 $0 $0
Friends of Strings of Alamo Heights 510146850 $37,091 $36,510
Friends of the Cowboys 263959852 $21,373 $1,969
Friends of the Forgotten Incorporated 010895841 $0 $0
Friends of the Hondondo Creek Trails of Alamo Heights 272600983 $0 $0
Friends of the Patrician Movement 742928002 $0 $0
Friends of the San Antonio Gun Club 562648448 $1,255 $23,098
Friends of the San Antonio Public Library Incorporated 746063442 $166,528 $160,435
Friendship Church San Antonio 711016062 $0 $0
From the Father with Love 742862627 $1,516,976 $3,710,449
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Association 270580007 $36,515 $28,461
Frost and Sullivan Institute 203391011 $2,517,626 $960,719
Frost Bank 742058155 $131,948 $1,823,160
Ft Sam Optimist Youth Foundation 461515940 $0 $0
Fuente Viva Church 454300097 $0 $0
Fuerza Unida 742615917 $163,375 $40,818
Full Armor Foundation 205014481 $0 $0
Full Court Press Foundation 721560140 $0 $0
Full Gospel Business Mens Fellow Ship in America 270758530 $0 $0
Full Gospel Korean Church of San Antonio Assembly of God Incorporated 742502179 $0 $0
Full Gospel Sarang Community Church 742861648 $0 $0
Full Gospel Thanksgiving Church 900124466 $0 $0
Fuller Center for Housing Incorporated 263467854 $0 $0
Fundacion Ecologica Selva Negra 330833441 $164,263 $375,269
Fundacion Suenos Incorporated 810596293 $56,495 $24,810
Fundmensa 742617947 $0 $0
Funeral Consumers Alliance of San Antonio Texas Incorporated 237323431 $0 $0
Furiends Fund Incorporated 463640207 $0 $0
Future Perfect Incorporated 010580938 $0 $0
G a C Halff Foundation 746042432 $1,869,049 $4,443,350
Galilea Church 020573805 $0 $0
Galvan Revival Church 742814381 $0 $0
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated 746087429 $0 $0
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated 364625932 $91,911 $24,167
Gangs for Christ Ministries Incorporated 742757809 $0 $0
Gardendale Area Community Development Association 742595397 $0 $0
Gardening Volunteers of South Texas 260042466 $65,506 $42,640
Gary Crossland Ministries 020752588 $0 $0
Gary J@thompson Memorial Scholarship Fund Incorporated 264425912 $0 $0
Gateway Baptist Church 741794186 $0 $0
Gateway Worship Center 742948137 $0 $0
Gathering Church 460559443 $0 $0
Gathering of His Grace Church Incorporated 202154272 $0 $0
Gaylas Heart Ps 34 18 Trust 271305677 $564,318 $988,627
Gayle and Tom Benson Charitablefoundation 260221908 $7,090,950 $15,437,015
Gemini Series Incorporated 742774094 $431,513 $222,804
General Council on Finance and Admins of the United Methodist Churrch 741492575 $0 $0
Generation Tx - San Antonio 274512789 $923,900 $123,157
Genesis Church of San Antonio 113821356 $0 $0
Genesis Full Life Child Development and Learning Center Incorporated 743015990 $1 $1
Genesis Full Life Fellowship Church Incorporated 746178505 $0 $0
Genesis Hotwells Bible Baptist Church 208754121 $0 $0
Genevieve and Ward Orsinger Foundation 742832873 $4,038,466 $9,938,878
George Gervin Youth Center Incorporated 742587818 $12,519,850 $26,202,644
George W and Dorothy S Closner Foundation 470862806 $1 $1
George W Brackenridge Foundation 746034977 $7,725,112 $23,679,646
Geraldine G Lawson Charitable Trust 742802237 $11,055,550 $20,074,309
German Shepherd Dog Club of San Antonio Incorporated 746073541 $0 $0
German Weihnachtsfeier Society of San Antonio Incorporated 593779563 $0 $0
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas 741109759 $10,349,755 $14,402,952
Girls Incorporated of San Antonio 205468038 $498,230 $214,985
Girls on the Run of Bexar County 273619254 $71,629 $21,870
Gladney Center for Adoption 742672522 $0 $0
Glenloch Farms Property Owners Asso Ciation Incorporated 205081820 $0 $0
Global Africa Missionary Alliance Incorporated 300252186 $0 $0
Global Evangelism Incorporated 741764843 $0 $0
Global Journey Missions 461791557 $0 $0
Globalplatform Incorporated a Delaware Corporation 943335369 $2,765,392 $2,682,717
Glorious Pentecostal Church 742756657 $0 $0
Go for the Harvest Church of God 272987263 $0 $0
Gods Guardian Angels 264797067 $10,356 $3,968
Gods House Community Christian Living 300210048 $0 $0
Gods House for All Gods People Faith Church 742912423 $0 $0
Gods House of Prayer 742928824 $0 $0
Godstock of San Antonio 270688449 $0 $0
Gogineni Sri Ranganayakamma Charitable Foundation 742769389 $10,300 $2,903
Gold Star Wives of America Incorporated 742754579 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 742876552 $0 $0
Gold Youth Leadership Program 710912745 $31,968 $32,433
Golden Manor 746061449 $539,591 $505,590
Goldsbury Foundation 742780083 $36,337,338 $49,121,242
Good News San Antonio Church 562490285 $0 $0
Good Samaritan Center of San Antonio 741117340 $2,674,070 $5,440,341
Good Shepherds Ministry 463299380 $0 $0
Goodwill Industries of San Antonio 741238444 $56,795,562 $49,778,590
Goodwill Industries of San Antonio Contract Services 460688991 $0 $0
Gordon Hartman Foundation 203537281 $3,403,907 $9,396,017
Gordon Pictures 510658137 $0 $0
Gorman Foundation 742822598 $1,203,002 $5,262,357
Gospel of John Mission Incorporated 742652360 $142,539 $16,019
Gospel of Truth Church of the Living God International Incorporated 043736352 $0 $0
Government Canyon Natural History Association 742807867 $0 $0
Government Hill Alliance 742561213 $0 $0
Grace Avenue Church 271394117 $0 $0
Grace Bible Chapel 742981622 $0 $0
Grace Christian School of San Antonio 202594490 $404,442 $128,989
Grace Church of San Antonio 200321826 $0 $0
Grace Community Church 800504252 $0 $0
Grace Episcopal Church 900510705 $0 $0
Grace House of Refuge Community Development Corporation 452835923 $0 $0
Grace International Churches and Ministries Incorporated 202080518 $0 $0
Grace Lutheran Church 741124073 $0 $0
Grace Missions Mozambique Incorporated 300117621 $27,597 $32,533
Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church 741537733 $0 $0
Grace Tabernacle Pentecostes 510144120 $0 $0
Grace Tabernacle Ph Church 742654514 $0 $0
Granada Trade Council Housing Incorporated 741545429 $1,645,283 $5,116,406
Grant an Elderly Wish National Foundation 453719500 $6,020 $89
Graves Memorial I M E Church 742524824 $0 $0
Great Hearts America-texas 431973126 $256,250 $382,338
Great Northwest Crossing Scouting Association 262183107 $0 $0
Greater Ball Tabernacle a M F Church Incorporated 742519386 $0 $0
Greater Corinth Baptist Church 742255302 $0 $0
Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance Incorporated 251907558 $116,960 $49,526
Greater Evangelist Temple Church of 522403086 $0 $0
Greater Heights Fellowship 271097897 $0 $0
Greater Lincoln Park Temple Apostolic Faith Incorporated 746056630 $0 $0
Greater San Antonio After-school All Stars 200195564 $1,468,983 $771,837
Greater San Antonio Area Tourism Council 742734016 $349,736 $54,095
Greater San Antonio Builders Association 741025883 $1,560,403 $2,908,241
Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce 740878900 $4,084,457 $3,869,043
Greater San Antonio Education Foundation 742843718 $217,630 $143,150
Greater San Antonio Healthcare Foundation 742907670 $152,521 $44,627
Greater San Antonio Hispanic Dental Association 300434919 $2,620 $5,974
Greater San Antonio Hospital Counci L Incorporated 742637637 $0 $1
Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild Incorporated 742258017 $78,555 $74,924
Greater Westside on Patrol 742722930 $0 $0
Greehey Family Foundation 481308657 $42,800,594 $160,381,551
Green Classroom Incorporated 742700518 $0 $0
Greenacres Child Care Center 742598235 $375,849 $114,554
Greg Lewis Ministries Incorporated 452093949 $66,657 $13,611
Gretchen C Northrup Foundation 746294095 $976,359 $12,258,607
Grissom Road Church of Christ 742685923 $0 $0
Guadalupe Community Center of San Antonio Tex 741109837 $124,187 $186,726
Guadalupe County Housing Development Incorporated 742698690 $191,519 $1,159,137
Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center 742036976 $1,686,468 $4,276,754
Guadalupe School of Religion 271460680 $0 $0
Guardians of the Children 421696800 $33,729 $35,163
Guide Dogs of Texas Incorporated 742530268 $901,405 $1,798,422
Gujarati Samaj of San Antonio Incorporated 742701090 $100,529 $324,602
Gurdjieff Society of San Antonio Texas Incorporated 742647992 $0 $0
Gus and Ethel Wolters Foundation in Memory of W E Wolter and Anna B 742335544 $382,667 $6,048,656
Gustafson Family Foundation 203995983 $70,564 $86,721
Gymboosters 460894353 $0 $0
H C Davis Fund 746050406 $1,445 $604,209
H E B Tournament of Champions Charitable Trust 766187819 $6,245,913 $5,592,465
H E Stumberg Sr Orphans Crippled Children and Handicapped Persons Tru 746063272 $265,781 $2,006,592
H Edwin and Selma M Kunath Trust Fund 746207671 $58,012 $204,246
H L Langford Ministries Incorporated 463151413 $0 $0
H R Church Incorporated 260854987 $0 $0
H U G M E Ink 455221603 $0 $0
Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio Incorporated 741897502 $13,801,563 $21,775,916
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 746104625 $0 $0
Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America 364573135 $0 $0
Hallelujah Foundation Incorporated 263935216 $44,500 $25,855
Hallmark University Incorporated 454620000 $0 $0
Halo Tv and Film Productions Incorporated 742952750 $13,660 $325,043
Hamilton Foursquare Church 830514800 $0 $0
Hampton Roads Mexican American Club San Antonio 300188295 $0 $0
Hand-in-hand Foundation 742878386 $144,262 $92,170
Handson 200871476 $1,469,188 $222,600
Hannah Foundation 201961492 $312,016 $3,003,784
Hardball U Incorporated 461583484 $0 $0
Harlandale Education Foundation 742915794 $303,300 $729,116
Harmony Baptist Church 742219872 $0 $0
Harmony Hills Baptist Church 237421254 $0 $0
Harmony Volunteer Fire Department 742314981 $61,828 $63,985
Harp and Shamrock Society of Texas 742059133 $893,746 $74,425
Harpers Embrace Life Saver Program 300298592 $138,781 $344,010
Harriet and Harmon Kelley Foundation for the Arts 742661023 $1 $3,742,000
Harris K and Lois G Oppenheimer Foundation 742347610 $579,291 $3,231,937
Harte Charitable Foundation 450489907 $2,336,176 $7,340,926
Harte Research Institute Foundation 270386177 $280,844 $39,834
Harte Research Support Foundation 742976236 $34,155,802 $36,751,886
Harvard Business School Club of San Antonio 800792011 $0 $0
Harvard Club of San Antonio 742671873 $0 $0
Harvest Evangelistic Association 742769694 $673,707 $894,940
Harvest Schools Incorporated 742863877 $0 $0
Harvey E Najim Family Foundation 208060391 $15,384,672 $68,003,700
Haven for Hope of Bexar County 208075412 $15,614,117 $79,728,586
Haven Support Incorporated 271285631 $416,962 $40,542,311
Hcrm Ministries 273045896 $0 $0
Hd Digital Radio Allianceassociation 203806362 $360,037 $211,716
Healing Hartwork 204512161 $5,792 $4,465
Health Careers High School Booster Club 743018229 $0 $0
Healthcare Access San Antonio 203752122 $1,694,680 $1,762,224
Healthcare Bioscience Development Corporation 203152735 $565,556 $156,850
Healthcare Education Advisory and Resource Team Booster Club 300551619 $0 $0
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society 271207120 $0 $0
Healthy Futures of Texas 205793076 $369,859 $274,237
Healy Murphy Center Incorporated 741667875 $1,969,208 $5,383,856
Healy Murphy Support Incorporated 451070108 $125,575 $5,027,735
Heart Dog Ranch 201177400 $0 $0
Heart of God Ministries Incorporated 742956543 $210,505 $51,084
Heart of Praise Worship Center 522457929 $0 $0
Heart of Texas Concert Band 264490415 $0 $0
Heart of Texas Greyhound Adoption Incorporated 742979519 $41,577 $20,723
Heart of Texas Spca Hotspca 742956981 $0 $0
Heart Smiles Incorporated 271736476 $48,421 $3,365
Hearts and Hands 260088024 $103,320 $20,029
Hearts of Angels Incorporated 770722515 $0 $0
Heaven and Home Hour Incorporated 952051342 $148,466 $249,279
Heaven Sent Pitbull Rescue 262527748 $0 $0
Hebrew Sheltering Society of San Antonio Texas 237243717 $1,548 $53,537
Heidi Search Center Incorporated 742581933 $78,684 $384,175
Heights Community Church 271293477 $0 $0
Helen May Larson Charitable Trust 746434193 $1,642,057 $3,983,053
Helping Hand of Hope 841681536 $0 $0
Helping Hands Educational Fund Incorporated 462253377 $0 $0
Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation 275345229 $0 $0
Hennessy Travelers Association Historical Society Incorporated 461519801 $0 $0
Hennessy Travelers Associationeducational Foundation Incorporated 205520448 $25,677 $13,809
Heralds of Good News of St Paul Incorporated Incorporated 800312153 $421,259 $55,003
Herbal Medics Incorporated 460969842 $0 $0
Hereford Apartments 742553866 $303,328 $921,757
Heritage Association Incorporated 742481163 $0 $0
Heritage Festivals of San Antonio 562553152 $0 $0
Heroes and Heritage 521973126 $0 $0
Herrmann Family Charitable Foundation 742715033 $33,835 $1,428,216
Hertzel and Suzy Finesilver Charitable Trust 746409630 $4 $29,644
Hhi Services Incorporated 453440954 $0 $0
Hialco Oic Housing Assistance Incorporated 742318108 $441,199 $1,421,022
Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County Incorporated 743015538 $20,002 $185,620
High Twelve International 742505537 $0 $0
Higher Ground Christian Worship Center 271562577 $0 $0
Highland Columbus Club 746067849 $73,813 $116,750
Highland Hills Baptist Church 741291794 $0 $0
Highland Hills Neighborhood Association of San Antonio Incorporated 742535872 $0 $0
Hindu Temple of San Antonio 742308530 $0 $0
Hindu Temple of San Antonio Foundation 264553725 $10,409 $1,028,861
Hip Healthy Innovative Processes 451999149 $18,225 $2,513
Hire-national Incorporated 742510468 $0 $0
His Greater Works Ministry 201012381 $47,332 $143,281
His Harvest Ministries 742898657 $87,572 $0
His Life Ministries 263746105 $0 $0
Hispanas Unidas 742425255 $131,511 $23,495
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities 742466103 $9,431,569 $4,750,205
Hispanic Contractors Association De San Antonio Incorporated 742950044 $384,867 $10,959
Hispanic Heritage Center of Texas 263322785 $99,525 $292,509
Hispanic Leadership Development Foundation 742956228 $118,550 $98,512
Hispanic Organization for Public Employees 830439978 $38,327 $46,459
Hispanic Sports Foundation for Education Incorporated 841707578 $188,925 $29,385
Hispanic Womens Network of Texas 742582813 $0 $0
Historical Centre Foundation 742960778 $730,640 $782,035
Hitt 464609235 $0 $0
Hm Foundation 260023079 $81,394 $894,105
Hobo Lake Club Incorporated 742101530 $262,447 $1,418,484
Hollomon-price Foundation 752850527 $21,160,460 $14,061,744
Holmes Ffa Alumni 263184745 $0 $0
Holmes Foundation 202672938 $14,509 $13,546
Holocaust History Project Incorporated 742859192 $37,500 $1
Holt Atherton Education Foundation 742087236 $219,753 $357,053
Holt Foundation 742728633 $464,473 $1,183,569
Holy Cross Community Services of Texas 742661006 $723,288 $3,890,668
Holy Cross High School Ptc 742613353 $0 $0
Holy Cross Lutheran Church 746002105 $0 $0
Holy Cross of San Antonio 741291746 $0 $0
Holy Spirit 611602633 $107,396 $24,158
Holy Spirit Educational Foundation Incorporated 742372402 $31,502 $576,348
Holy Spirit Outreach Ministries 742956243 $0 $0
Holy Spirit Power Ministries 541777670 $0 $0
Holzman Family Foundation 742971500 $1,522,793 $1,429,198
Home Comforts Incorporated 320048778 $0 $0
Home Education Resources and Opportunities 201042970 $0 $0
Home of Marys Angel Foundation 200322016 $0 $0
Homeowner-taxpayer Association of Bexar County Texas 742287784 $0 $0
Homeowners for Better Building 752541436 $0 $0
Homework Helpers Incorporated 421584287 $0 $0
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi 454467927 $0 $0
Hope Action Care 742481996 $780,387 $3,369,955
Hope Arise United Methodist Church 454228024 $0 $0
Hope Center Church 742356133 $0 $0
Hope Church 742977172 $0 $0
Hope Community Church 271481513 $0 $0
Hope Faith and Dreams Foundation 371443170 $1,000 $755
Hope for Eternity 272784428 $56,187 $54,146
Hope for Humans 450581847 $437,458 $132,435
Hope House Ministries 200971635 $183,145 $305,412
Hope in Our Community Incorporated 455600398 $0 $0
Hope Lutheran Day Care Center 741931213 $0 $0
Hope Network Ministries 752684368 $265,240 $203,892
Hope Plus Incorporated 742727867 $32,239 $74,935
Hope Residential Care Services Incorporated 721587791 $0 $0
Hopkins Elementary Pto 742547882 $0 $0
Horns Giving Back 272160073 $16,199 $3,939
Hosanna Assembly of God 742621778 $0 $0
Houma West Foursquare Church 830478073 $0 $0
House of Judah Ministries Incorporated 742792676 $0 $0
House of Neighborly Service 741153442 $1,947,028 $806,034
House of Prayer Christian Ministries Incorporated 432032297 $11,555 $80,776
House of Prayer Lutheran Church San Antonio Texas 746082364 $0 $0
Housing and Community Services Incorporated 742685268 $10,306,720 $53,278,858
Houston Street Charities-221 Incorporated 461249143 $146,911 $43,936
Howard C Mckenna Charitable Trust 746194017 $728,968 $946,391
Hrdl Incorporated 510498394 $0 $91,151
Humane Society of San Antonio 746024105 $7,891,819 $13,606,067
Humor for Heroes Incorporated 453042059 $0 $0
Humphreys Cemetery Association Incorporated 550849374 $0 $0
Hunters Creek Swim and Recreation Club 741942346 $90,413 $57,471
I Care San Antonio Incorporated 742690192 $521,461 $730,422
I Have a Dream Foundation San Antonio 742544576 $3,084 $39,108
Iamcp-united States Incorporated 061759867 $0 $0
Ibew Poperty Corporation 760450249 $0 $0
Ichthus Foundation 742684295 $2,255,268 $566,342
Igbo Union of San Antonio Incorporated 593814400 $0 $0
Iglecia Embajadores De Cristo 270109933 $0 $0
Igleisia Emanuel Pentecostal 742845930 $0 $0
Iglesia Bautista Betania En San Antonio 742732655 $0 $0
Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Agape 742815094 $0 $0
Iglesia Bautista La Gracia of San Antonio Texas 742381080 $0 $0
Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza 742960770 $0 $0
Iglesia Calvario 742654707 $0 $0
Iglesia Communidad Cristiana De San Antonio Incorporated 742705593 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Herederos Del Reino Incorporated 262173793 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Jehova Jireh 742908295 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Jehova Shammah 272327688 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Metodista Libre 275475063 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Centro Cristiano 742544946 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Luz De Vida 392066586 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Ministerial De Jesucristo International Incorporated 900642707 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Northwest 742939769 $0 $0
Iglesia De Jesucristo Palabra Miel Montesion 742925883 $0 $0
Iglesia Jesucristo Vendra Incorporated 742269042 $0 $0
Iglesia Nueva Uncion 611539634 $0 $0
Iglesia Olor Fragante 743010708 $0 $0
Iglesia Pentecostal Torre De Santidad Incorporated 331042206 $0 $0
Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Del Nombre De Jesus 742884057 $0 $0
Iglesia Pentecostes Cristo El Agua De Vida 742559512 $0 $0
Iglesia Vision Del Nuevo Pacto 742863099 $0 $0
Iglesia-misian Bautista Cristo Jesus Peniel Incorporated 742630650 $0 $0
Igniting the Harvest Christian Church Incorporated 742971393 $0 $0
Ii Ark 200230821 $0 $0
Ii Fine Sistas 460741347 $0 $0
Illuminating Engineering Society 742550751 $0 $0
Imagine Educational Foundation 743016634 $2,013,965 $2,287,398
Imaginesanantonio 383868688 $0 $0
Imcm Incorporated 412097381 $0 $0
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 741312312 $0 $0
Immanuel Associated Ministries Incorporated 742667706 $86,112 $3,989
Immanuel Lutheran Church 741405508 $0 $0
Imogene and Harold Herndon Char Trust-h 742936460 $5,291,470 $13,200,378
Imogene and Harold Herndon Char Trust-i 746484117 $5,401,248 $13,455,996
Impact 2000 Incorporated 752205035 $0 $0
Impact Global Outreach 464288713 $0 $0
Impact Ministries 742504163 $701,630 $923,479
Impact Now Incorporated 050633658 $284,079 $128,099
Impact San Antonio Foundation Incorporated 201154171 $327,720 $353,957
Impetus Foundation 271602489 $23,465,060 $56,423,241
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 742312749 $0 $1
Improved Order of Red Men of Texas 751969817 $0 $0
In His Presence Christian Ministries Incorporated 270013170 $5,180 $2,759
In His Word Church Incorporated 460936689 $0 $0
Incarnate Word Education Foundation 271891305 $1,478,255 $35,334,757
Incarnate Word High School 742864481 $5,781,857 $3,375,857
Incarnate Word Retirement Community Incorporated 741109717 $15,083,274 $5,498,043
Inclusive Opportunities for Training and Advocacy Incorporated 455238713 $0 $0
Independence Square Incorporated 742291607 $201,337 $265,336
Independent Assemblies of God 741563897 $0 $0
Independent Electrical Contractors Incorporated 741506655 $601,168 $637,338
Independent Insurance Agents of San Antonio 740879190 $122,260 $82,892
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 742357599 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 237594826 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 911852729 $0 $0
India Asia Association 742088488 $47,216 $279,201
Infinite One Ministries 452959586 $0 $0
Infinity Christian Academy 272264092 $168,290 $72,223
Ingram Hills Neighborhood Association 742581261 $0 $0
Inken and Les Willis Foundation Trust 376404173 $4,970 $31,660
Inner Peace Movement 526061011 $0 $0
Innovative Student Learning Academy 453531783 $0 $0
Innovative Truth 215731463 $70,881 $22,633
Inspirational Church of God in Christ San Antonio 742853802 $79,794 $407,450
Inspire-community Fine Art Center for San Antonio 202879857 $306,400 $295,645
Institute Daughters of Mary Help of Christians-salesian Sisters 742476099 $0 $0
Institute for Supply Management San Antonio Incorporated 746058614 $0 $0
Institute of Internal Auditors 741867971 $72,909 $45,652
Institute of Management Accountants Incorporated 237353159 $0 $0
Institute of Spiritual Awareness 743000246 $0 $0
Insurance Women of San Antonio 742589407 $35,439 $38,748
Intentional Ministries Incorporated 455483322 $39,130 $13,500
Intercultural Development Research Association 741804539 $4,516,460 $16,690,419
International Accordion Festival 200135876 $109,994 $14,668
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 746084862 $145,380 $29,671
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy I-act 770375702 $430,307 $207,086
International Association of Administrative Professionals 746059912 $0 $0
International Association of Bridge Structural and Ornamental Iron Wor 740706000 $507,707 $543,636
International Association of Fire Fighters 741487901 $1,542,501 $2,620,284
International Association of Lions Club 462312001 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 364659144 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 510219820 $78,494 $68,383
International Association of Lions Clubs 741503190 $29,149 $68,637
International Association of Lions Clubs 237151922 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 742781585 $1,645,436 $27,053
International Association of Lions Clubs 746064284 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 746075311 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 900421995 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 742361945 $1,300,236 $60,341
International Association of Lions Clubs 742406166 $30,936 $25,922
International Association of Lions Clubs 742466980 $278,448 $15,037
International Association of Lions Clubs 742537621 $65,375 $11,658
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 746062811 $119,251 $1
International Associations of Business Communicators 510191067 $0 $0
International Ballistics Society 800565961 $0 $0
International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 742980967 $128,135 $80,286
International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society 900652373 $90,960 $65,185
International Bible Center Church 731658990 $0 $0
International Bible College 746059677 $180,358 $755,898
International Black and White Ball Incorporated 237011464 $0 $0
International Bond and Share Society- USA Chapter 223456834 $0 $0
International Brangus Breeders Association 440624028 $1,058,113 $1,385,723
International Brotherhood of Electrical Training Trust Fund 60 746107143 $684,716 $1,741,801
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 740706082 $2,532,286 $9,421,162
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 740706083 $412,259 $387,582
International Brotherhood of Omega Delta Phi 742912331 $186,532 $214,413
International Cesarean Awareness Network 455325825 $0 $0
International Congress of Churches and Ministers 800783277 $25,439 $8,212
International Congress of Churches and Ministers 261363051 $0 $0
International Congress of Churches and Ministers 742308516 $1,775,534 $6,779,139
International Educational Programs Incorporated 742129017 $2,666,576 $232,669
International Facility Management Association Incorporated 742545652 $0 $0
International Federation of Fly Fishers Incorporated 464711798 $0 $0
International Federation of Placenta Associations Incorporated 980447385 $36,892 $92,847
International Immunocompromised Host Society 382585850 $352,006 $94,213
International Music Production and Communication Technologies Incorporated 200062405 $0 $0
International Order of St Luke the Physician 952564931 $285,508 $651,071
International Order of the Rainbow Girls 237508213 $0 $0
International Pentecostal Holiness Church 742790845 $0 $0
International Programs of New Yorkinc 208140638 $0 $0
International Reading Association Incorporated 800773860 $0 $0
International Reading Association Incorporated 746069758 $0 $0
International Right of Way Association 746060535 $0 $0
International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Incorporated 640954919 $95,414 $114,913
International Transplant Nurses Society South Texas Chapter 223894568 $0 $0
International Union of Elevator Contructors 746064380 $358,376 $390,787
International Working Dog Breeding Association 830379777 $53,004 $75,589
International Worship Center of the Ag 270438794 $0 $0
Intertie Incorporated 742333752 $0 $0
Inverness Homeowners Association Incorporated 742898630 $268,005 $59,022
Inverness Houston Property Owners Association Incorporated 202310149 $456,882 $154,760
Irene S Wischer Educationfoundation 207532216 $3,971,975 $11,206,196
Irish Cultural Society of San Antonio Texas Incorporated 742089298 $0 $0
Iron Sharpens Iron Church Incorporated 272893271 $0 $0
Ironman for Kids 261716311 $0 $0
Isa Amigos 352237824 $0 $0
Isaac Watts Music Conservatory 454769683 $0 $0
Islamic Center of San Antonio 742610198 $463,922 $1,304,299
Islamic Foundation of San Antonio 742871727 $0 $0
Island Friends Roatan Incorporated 208533416 $0 $0
Issues of Life Ministrys 043607121 $0 $0
Ivy Bell Peck Charitable Trust 746266438 $111,410 $386,194
J Bradley Aust Surgical Society 237403400 $76,155 $64,325
J Cvar and B Cook-cvar Charitable Trust Res Jos Acct 367502873 $69,063 $346,825
J H Tappan and Winnie Converse Tappan Perpetual Charitable Trust 746360833 $2,332 $345,366
J-jireh Ministries Incorporated 412216226 $0 $0
Jack and Doris Smothers and Bud Smothers Memorial Foundation 742991226 $352,793 $2,276,562
Jack and Doris Smothers and Mary Ann Bruni Memorial Foundation 742950058 $208,592 $1,095,358
Jack and Valerie Guenther Foundation 746053172 $7,233,349 $28,456,305
Jack E and Greta W Stalsby Charitable Foundation Trust 943458983 $129,146 $1,742,870
Jack H and William M Light Charitable Trust 742874941 $1,133,538 $7,784,119
Jackson Family Foundation 742878478 $251,297 $591,563
Jaguar Pride Association 262403714 $199,303 $80,922
James 1-27 Foundation 742959955 $946,907 $979,282
James and Susan Martin Charitable Trust 742821490 $26,519 $56,688
James B Kisgen Foundation 470846569 $6,637 $217,327
James Madison High School Band-flag Parents Booster Club Incorporated 742919972 $75,056 $67,152
James William Little Charitable Organization Incorporated 461212569 $310,185 $2,957
Japan-american Society of San Antonio 742450599 $0 $0
Japanese Bible Church Incorporated 742406125 $0 $0
Japanese Gardening Organization 460996414 $0 $0
Jasper Stone Ministries Incorporated 742935988 $0 $0
Javier Galvan Ministries 275360855 $0 $0
Jaxons Frog Foundation 462091272 $0 $0
Jbh Foundation 464012582 $0 $0
Jbsa Lackland Operation Warmheart 454566456 $26,607 $19,393
Jefferson Area Community Outreach for Older People 742345987 $278,336 $204,873
Jefferson Neighborhood Association Incorporated 742686305 $0 $0
Jefferson United Methodist Church Foundation Incorporated 742301977 $0 $0
Jefferson-woodlawn Lake Community Development Corporation 742724014 $770,217 $96,263
Jeffery and Michelle Gubbels Charitable Foundation 271465424 $4,824 $65,523
Jehovah Parazim Christian Fellowship Incorporated 208268366 $58,256 $19,627
Jenifer Strait Memorial Foundation 742444902 $597,714 $984,095
Jenni S Hope Incorporated 274658077 $0 $0
Jesse H and Susan Oppenheimer Foundation 746032845 $1,954,722 $4,728,721
Jesus Christ Lives Church 742604940 $0 $0
Jesus Church 432093915 $0 $0
Jesus is Lord Church Incorporated 742765277 $71,857 $433,242
Jesus is the Door 742570061 $0 $0
Jesus to the City 742931220 $0 $0
Jewish Care System of San Antonio 020622879 $785,424 $11,655,214
Jewish Family Service of San Antonio Texas Incorporated 741759254 $1,297,623 $1,227,159
Jewish Federation of San Antonio 741109662 $7,006,076 $19,644,368
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Incorporated 237297294 $746,228 $18,837
Jireh Foundation Incorporated 742980977 $146,010 $36,578
Jireh House Community Development and Resource Center 271607633 $89,353 $76,225
Jk Lee Family Foundation 203959177 $5 $36,087
Joan and Herb Kelleher Charitable Foundation 742833381 $275,287 $11,758,487
Job Adventures 452149783 $141,831 $81,396
Joe Albert Mathis Sr Scholarship 742925056 $0 $0
Joe R and Emilie F Straus Sr Charitable Trust 741996914 $742,067 $1,382,826
Joebros Incorporated 260017516 $0 $0
John a and Mary Pollok Yanta Memorial Trust 456730024 $3,800,058 $3,044,145
John and Florence Newman Foundation 742525348 $2,281,858 $16,110,036
John and Rita Feik Foundation 461600852 $5,000 $1
John F Kennedy High School Alumni Organization 800595352 $0 $0
John G Kenedy Jr Charitable Trust 746334106 $45,591,879 $128,643,173
John Herman Hasenbeck Charitable Trust 746327096 $42 $429,457
John Marshall Band Boosters 742546270 $104,833 $8,708
John Marshall High School Njrotc Cadet Parent Organization 453964679 $0 $0
John Marshall Rams Booster Club 742642109 $0 $0
John R Mcfarlin Tennis Foundation 742226212 $0 $0
John T Maxey Incorporated 452510418 $0 $0
Johnson Ajrotc Booster Club 800260177 $0 $0
Johnson Hs Orchestra Association 262307774 $0 $0
Jordan River Ministries 742663565 $0 $0
Joseph and Martye Rubin Foundation 746041430 $12,794 $61,044
Joseph G Cvar and Barbara Cook-cvar Charitable Trust 227017250 $523,310 $1,974,519
Journey Church San Antonio 202021585 $0 $0
Joven - Juvenile Outreach and Vocational Educational Network 742783782 $1,233,037 $723,316
Jubilee Academic Center Incorporated 742939346 $20,704,918 $9,902,481
Jubilee Academic Foundation 272464320 $110,493 $20,332
Jubilee Outreach Incorporated 742076703 $0 $0
Judson High School Orchestra Booster Club 204174959 $0 $0
Julian G Lange Family Foundation I 311663386 $1,812,889 $3,592,767
Jump Start Performance Company 742371461 $564,517 $132,857
Junior Achievement of South Texas Incorporated 742061852 $1,772,900 $1,184,774
Junior League of San Antonio Incorporated 741272413 $780,500 $1,958,732
Justice and Mercy Ministries 742879254 $0 $0
Justin Graves Ministries 262606080 $105,275 $12,467
Juvenescence 161741315 $0 $0
K S Community Development Corporation 113828961 $0 $0
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 237279538 $0 $0
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity 742072564 $7,810 $34,944
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 320273469 $0 $0
Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Incorporated 237315961 $0 $0
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity 271637272 $0 $0
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 383805277 $45,585 $29,301
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 611643781 $0 $0
Karen Franklin Gastrointestinal Cancer Memorial Fund 900576883 $75,786 $51,885
Karilagan Philippine Cultural Group Incorporated 742924046 $0 $0
Karma Teens Empowered 731666337 $0 $0
Karnes Housing Corporation 741714309 $249,135 $1,402,053
Kathleen Jones Alexander Foundation 746039211 $162,957 $169,399
Kathleen Whitten Ministries 270118746 $59,404 $13,481
Kathryn Brown Cancervive Foundation 711039227 $0 $0
Katies Roadside Rescue 451551568 $0 $0
Kaufman Foursquare Church 911850009 $0 $0
Kbc Ministries Incorporated 262122825 $424,163 $212,503
Keep San Antonio Beautiful Incorporated 742346318 $87,809 $86,334
Keith and Carol Brown Family Foundation 742959911 $251,672 $335,070
Keith M Orme Charitable Foundation Incorporated 742772038 $59,311 $394,709
Keith Paranish Evangelistic Ministry Incorporated 371506942 $0 $0
Kelly Field Heritage Foundation Incorporated 742883961 $0 $367
Kenwood Community Council Incorporated 741662224 $0 $0
Kenya Education and Health Organization 752869752 $1,750 $1,750
Kercheville Foundation 742863080 $67,894 $190,354
Kerr Family Charitable Foundation 743019470 $118,298 $923,234
Keystone Neighborhood Association 412166664 $839 $764
Keystone School 741193337 $10,970,036 $8,513,390
Keystone School Support Fund 205913962 $0 $1
Kids 4 Kids with Cancer 352391137 $0 $0
Kids in Business Incorporated 271865312 $0 $0
Kikis Kids Dance Foundation 463215320 $0 $0
Kindred Spirit Cultual Arts 742893512 $0 $0
Kinetic Concepts Foundation 742822321 $1 $1
Kinetic Kids Incorporated 743080076 $613,839 $170,050
King Family Foundation 208636039 $2,405,897 $2,127,400
King of Kings Lutheran Church 741494623 $0 $0
King William Association Cherise Bell Exec Dir 746091120 $629,333 $976,067
Kingdom Life Fellowship 742245908 $0 $0
Kingdom Lifehouse San Antonio 463818221 $0 $0
Kingdom Resources 742884759 $384,604 $422,880
Kings Compassion 275131736 $0 $0
Kings Court Housing Foundation Incorporated 742482424 $143,158 $917,965
Kingsville Lulac Manor 741722162 $288,180 $1,982,157
Kipp San Antonio Incorporated 412090713 $16,814,535 $12,934,161
Kirabo Seeds 450888593 $204,027 $180,685
Kittie Nelson Ferguson Foundation 743018259 $382,515 $2,877,724
Kiwanis International 742637833 $0 $0
Kiwanis International 742642154 $57,027 $58,561
Kiwanis International Incorporated 741068054 $93,284 $59,577
Klesse Foundation 202666212 $259,270 $319,345
Klrn Endowment Fund Incorporated 742709188 $2,487,978 $6,288,449
Knight Masons of the USA 742625397 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742232546 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742279498 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742299429 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742314150 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742356568 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742414437 $1,283,287 $46,138
Knights of Columbus 742527596 $57,832 $28,782
Knights of Columbus 742532529 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742541362 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742554291 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742555117 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742559002 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742600297 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742631750 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742710667 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 201318516 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237109772 $57,347 $98,743
Knights of Columbus 237546064 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237546082 $41,723 $116,706
Knights of Columbus 237546101 $119,487 $5,610
Knights of Columbus 262621879 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 264177372 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 270483531 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 270573773 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 270715042 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 272075014 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 272084817 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 300696222 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 320337228 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 331163339 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 364642256 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 371578537 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 383780039 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 800215599 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 800651714 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 900418737 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 900609181 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 900628618 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 510229385 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 740729151 $82,980 $134,884
Knights of Columbus 741949828 $502,109 $158,600
Knights of Columbus 742081144 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742081784 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742086997 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742087472 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742130264 $1,290,084 $109,783
Knights of Columbus 742151700 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 742188303 $0 $0