There are 12,408 nonprofits in Washington, District of Columbia.

Name EIN Income Assets
Committee for Charlotte 2012 272536781 $20,864,726 $626,371
Committee for Citizen Awareness 521451797 $287,375 $7,593
Committee for Digital Advertising and Marketing Accountability 273267081 $2,382,223 $652,487
Committee for Economic Development 131623973 $5,095,018 $3,843,375
Committee for Education Funding 520891509 $574,802 $378,743
Committee for Free Trade Unionism 800207320 $81,747 $37,400
Committee for Justice 043693799 $2,186,722 $121,784
Committee for Justice Foundation 043693786 $0 $0
Committee for the Future Incorporated 521842664 $138,798 $1,768,754
Committee for the Republic 542148706 $0 $0
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador 521496935 $73,150 $13,096
Committee in Support of Referendum in Iran 200384433 $0 $0
Committee of 100 on the Federal City 510246296 $0 $0
Committee of Ten Thousand 223141153 $115,062 $10,168
Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports 521390829 $2,339,864 $264,900
Committee to Free Venezuela Foundation 273337990 $0 $0
Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws 521499360 $102,623 $5,048
Commodity Market Council 521420879 $902,513 $514,371
Common Cause 526078441 $6,019,180 $2,366,327
Common Cause Education Fund 311705370 $5,793,938 $2,400,932
Common Core Incorporated 260876000 $9,625,358 $3,962,985
Common Good 264329049 $3,295,415 $2,484,303
Common Sense About Kids and Guns 311647154 $0 $0
Commonhealth Action 830398572 $4,612,011 $1,951,148
Communication Workers of America 530050190 $137,624 $228,226
Communication Workers of America 530066147 $393,023 $472,883
Communication Workers of America 530163247 $1,756,474 $843,318
Communication Workers of America 541632139 $0 $0
Communication Workers of America 521968769 $97,151 $292,975
Communications Consortium Media Center 521524972 $1,783,535 $1,046,905
Communications Consortium Media Center Action Fund 271530493 $0 $0
Communications Workers of America 530246709 $0 $0
Communications Workers of America Disaster Relief Fund 522128973 $19,767 $43,040
Communications Workers Relief Committee 526049044 $43,205 $861,795
Communio 237390156 $71,330 $182,291
Communitarian Network 521852691 $70,000 $76,161
Communitas Incorporated 521397424 $0 $0
Communities for Quality Education 020716299 $14,469 $753,548
Communities for Quality Education Research and Education Fund 201731542 $0 $0
Communities in Schools of the Nations Capital Incorporated 721581607 $991,834 $187,892
Community Academy Public Charter School 522112449 $30,792,755 $30,788,332
Community Access National Network 880370777 $206,532 $50,576
Community Action Financial Institute 451658228 $0 $0
Community Action Partnership 521120274 $3,193,474 $1,219,434
Community Based Instruction Services Incorporated 521231991 $0 $0
Community Based Tourism International 460949340 $0 $0
Community Bridge Foundation Incorporated 020631815 $0 $0
Community Capital Corporation 522332161 $1,787,057 $16,949,733
Community Capital Corporation - Sonia Gutierrez Campus 460612061 $22,874 $28,996,388
Community Coalitions Health Institute 760801205 $1,325,784 $619,258
Community Connections 521349382 $42,885,624 $32,730,916
Community Connections Real Estate Foundation 010818232 $2,180,567 $15,420,583
Community Development Bankers Association Cdba 731688515 $183,570 $511,444
Community Development Transportation Lending Services 510399907 $1,040,277 $5,861,991
Community Education Group Incorporated 521853388 $2,721,005 $578,561
Community Educational Exhibitions Incorporated 521171973 $0 $0
Community Empowerment Opportunities 311745454 $0 $0
Community Family Life Services Incorporated 520910609 $1,999,868 $2,329,449
Community for Creative Non-violence 521748195 $238,189 $238,306
Community Health Accreditation Program Incorporated 133506107 $21,520,712 $18,332,471
Community Health Education and Nutrition Research Center Incorporated 383809938 $268,478 $218
Community Help in Music Education Chime 522102230 $0 $0
Community Housing for the Hearing Impaired Incorporated 521214457 $71,065 $100,090
Community Housing Incorporated 521804975 $10,611,692 $38,431,599
Community in Action for Self Help Projects 455046363 $0 $0
Community Learning and Information Network Incorporated 521817633 $0 $0
Community Mosque Incorporated of Washington D C 237075210 $0 $0
Community of Christ 522151354 $0 $0
Community of Faith Development Corporation 030390385 $0 $0
Community of Hope Incorporated 521184749 $14,885,168 $15,258,047
Community of the Whole Person 520959857 $0 $0
Community on the Hill 521887099 $0 $0
Community Outreach Associates 371579080 $0 $0
Community Outreach Services Incorporated 800605978 $0 $0
Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness 521681401 $94,458,357 $20,291,858
Community Preservation and Development Corporation 521662186 $1,974,506 $13,008,519
Community Preservation and Stewardship Corporation 371622532 $0 $0
Community Research Incorporated 521219791 $0 $31,972
Community Resources Chesapeake Incorporated 521875418 $515,392 $83,567
Community Resources Incorporated 900133329 $30,230 $1,426,444
Community Services Agency of the Metro Washington Council Afl Cio 521718506 $830,639 $551,980
Community Support Network Incorporated 521877961 $0 $0
Community Tax Aid Incorporated 521557807 $231,005 $235,709
Community Transportation Association of America 237383218 $5,363,188 $1,610,521
Community Umc Development Incorporated 208117758 $0 $0
Community Vision Incorporated 113683516 $0 $0
Community Youth Connection Incorporated 521968916 $0 $0
Companies for Causes 272808532 $70,060 $143,792
Company E Incorporated 452445503 $174,264 $9,859
Compass Consulting Incorporated 263964901 $84,401 $10,030
Compass Point Research and Trading Charitable Foundation Incorporated 271917450 $66,800 $19,860
Compete 202621493 $1,124,163 $841,259
Competitive Enterprise Institute 521351785 $6,855,590 $2,769,236
Complex Insurance Claims Litigation Association Incorporated 510296468 $937,119 $95,957
Composite Lumber Manufacturers Association Incorporated 342049940 $149,006 $29,064
Comptel 521293594 $8,796,176 $6,941,924
Computer and Communications Industry Association 956377796 $10,654,776 $7,916,575
Concerned Black Men Incorporated of Washington Dc 521313955 $58,072 $101,453
Concerned Citizens on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 521162647 $320,836 $62,976
Concerned Members of Oak Hill Baptist Church 521705342 $0 $0
Concerned Nation Incorporated 450604110 $0 $0
Concerned Neighbors in Cooperation 134231399 $0 $0
Concerned Women for America 953580834 $6,306,146 $706,997
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee 953370744 $2,163,342 $157,041
Concerns of Police Survivors 522203759 $0 $0
Coneg Policy Research Center Incorporated 132879779 $515,324 $1,446,142
Confederation of British Industry 980400403 $349,967 $30,475
Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences 520744057 $155,816 $180,809
Conference of Mayors Research and Education Foundation 521160127 $0 $0
Conference of Minority Transportation Officials 521333719 $2,515,460 $827,800
Conference of State Bank Supervisors Incorporated 522080072 $80,155,872 $95,279,138
Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership 521739376 $183,315 $127,667
Conflict Soultions International Incorporated 830350356 $0 $0
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Incorporated 526039714 $0 $0
Congo Global Action 264720540 $0 $0
Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary Provincialate 520976642 $0 $0
Congress for the New Urbanism - District of Columbia Incorporated 300304383 $0 $0
Congress Heights Main Streets Incorporated 263677033 $238,846 $7,883
Congress Heights Training Center 521583134 $1,441,591 $3,119,999
Congress of National Black Churches 521275042 $0 $0
Congressional Award Foundation 521168592 $853,086 $358,285
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Incorporated 521160561 $10,112,114 $11,666,412
Congressional Black Caucus Policy and Leadership Institute 522270607 $2,332,609 $2,551,174
Congressional Chorus 541534910 $313,978 $65,325
Congressional Club Museum and Foundation 526071828 $0 $0
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute 542035617 $1,120,096 $281,491
Congressional Fire Services Institute Incorporated 521613732 $753,157 $495,138
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Incorporated 521114225 $8,394,381 $8,801,859
Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute Incorporated 200392012 $785,801 $171,000
Congressional Hunger Center 521842738 $2,777,110 $2,507,974
Congressional Management Foundation 521076614 $394,609 $301,272
Congressional Sportsmens Foundation 521686163 $3,850,895 $4,489,891
Connect to Compete Incorporated 454868462 $156,139 $4,160,990
Conrad Cafritz Charitable Trust Ua 110794 137049873 $1,592,096 $1,234,146
Conservation Council of Nations 273152104 $453,389 $98,123
Conservative Agenda Project 264029303 $234,000 $34,348
Consolidated Transportation Insurance Trust Fund World Trade C 521127513 $786,485 $1,993,109
Consortium for Child Welfare 521829426 $425,393 $247,731
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities 522267838 $60,705 $135,451
Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening 521943638 $145,291,107 $3,293,803
Consortium for Energy Environment and Demilitarization 272999579 $28,297,416 $1,337,978
Consortium for International Management Policy and Development 452566763 $74,192 $3,640
Consortium for Ocean Leadership Incorporated 521892964 $188,557,174 $52,910,706
Consortium for School Networking 521774773 $2,337,586 $507,729
Consortium for the National Equal Justice Library 521785235 $0 $0
Consortium of Social Science Associations 521239804 $596,362 $356,740
Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area 520847610 $4,524,041 $1,421,062
Consource Incorporated 202932856 $149,895 $130,210
Constance C Hoffman Lending Library 461485450 $0 $0
Constance Whitaker Maffin Memorial Fund 270870075 $4,030 $64,548
Constellation Theatre Company 261863863 $444,419 $23,395
Constituency for Africa Incorporated Cfa 521865420 $358,051 $120,617
Constitutional Accountability Center 522063854 $2,019,745 $1,227,677
Constitutional Congress Incorporated 273707886 $0 $0
Construction Industry Ethics and Compliance Initiative 262934381 $209,646 $205,817
Construction Industry Labor- Management Trust Fund 526373723 $53,129 $146,116
Construction Labor Research Council 521148917 $443,144 $142,776
Consular Corps of Washington Dc 260765559 $0 $0
Consumer Action Network 611443121 $345,491 $323,371
Consumer Aerosol Products Council 522352458 $98,980 $136,670
Consumer Bankers Association 530112431 $9,266,173 $8,899,147
Consumer Coalition for Quality Health Care 521985179 $0 $0
Consumer Data Industry Association Incorporated 430164315 $4,903,692 $4,433,062
Consumer Electronics Retailers Coalition Incorporated 223895641 $245,000 $26,474
Consumer Federation of America Incorporated 520880625 $7,098,335 $7,164,829
Consumer Health Foundation 530078064 $11,079,112 $28,415,325
Consumer Healthcare Products Association 530175639 $27,099,823 $9,785,587
Consumer Specialty Products Association Incorporated 131084295 $5,553,526 $11,396,523
Consumers for a Responsive Legal System 271966682 $59,699 $9,249
Consumers for Dental Choice Incorporated 522257385 $316,861 $96,844
Consumers Research Incorporated 221500498 $0 $0
Consumers United for Rail Equity 521331523 $839,123 $95,231
Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition Incorporated 522328104 $75,000 $8,339
Contact Lens Institute 521309154 $973,484 $631,539
Contact Visits 300112642 $0 $0
Contee a M E Zion Church 521400631 $0 $0
Continental Societies Incorporated 363690276 $739,669 $287,663
Continuing Medical Education Coalition Incorporated 364692342 $131,500 $2,297
Convention of P E Church of the Diocese of Washington 530196608 $0 $0
Convergence 320280279 $1,623,376 $522,570
Cooperative Assistance Fund Incorporated 912029629 $2,612,257 $5,645,050
Cooperative Development Foundation 237044533 $706,740 $4,098,301
Copper and Brass Fabricators Council Incorporated 131994754 $1,404,301 $639,709
Copyright Alliance 562628005 $2,676,240 $2,226,255
Copyright Alliance Education Foundation 943472364 $12,447 $86,924
Cor-les Institute Incorporated 020812080 $0 $0
Core Incorporated 311744950 $1,600,401 $1,448,818
Corinth Baptist Church of Wash Ington District of Columbia 521111763 $0 $0
Corn Refiners Association Incorporated 520230814 $33,855,370 $14,176,486
Cornell Club of Washington Incorporated 237346549 $66,649 $159,054
Corner Store 421569825 $30,187 $24,923
Cornerstone Campaign 050528669 $506,863 $6,668
Cornerstone Community Dc Incorporated 260573434 $178,123 $95,666
Cornerstone Incorporated 521772313 $5,757,751 $9,112,176
Cornerstone Schools of Washington Dc Incorporated 522084049 $1,664,068 $219,485
Cornerstone St Lukes Incorporated 311477948 $0 $0
Cornet Association of America 272521668 $0 $0
Corporate Accountability Project 452288010 $473,091 $11,941
Corporate Council on Africa 363895800 $6,458,014 $676,873
Corporate Environmental Enforcement Council Incorporated 541737277 $268,005 $73,399
Corporate Healthcare Coalition 521957322 $136,012 $108,833
Corporate Voices for Working Families Incorporated 522351881 $1,461,423 $311,075
Corporation for Enterprise Development Cfed 521141804 $15,660,367 $12,714,614
Corporation for Independent Higher Education 521118295 $0 $0
Corporation for Public Broadcasting 132607374 $1,074,930,065 $202,026,503
Corporation for Travel Promotion 364681868 $85,482,663 $119,337,237
Corporation for Youth Educational Services 521608536 $0 $0
Corporation of the Washington Latin School 202395640 $11,230,577 $2,158,019
Corpsafrica 452470692 $70,075 $79,917
Correctional Vendors Association 521833594 $321,500 $6,723
Cosmos Club 530052500 $17,065,668 $23,176,481
Cosmos Club Foundation 526071375 $200,008 $2,240,222
Cosmos Club Historic Preservation Foundation 521446370 $196,826 $2,484,820
Cost Recovery Action Group Incorporated 510404403 $0 $0
Cotton Council International 626046706 $27,272,304 $4,836,777
Cottonwood Foundation 391906610 $6,232 $18,424
Cougars Competitive Cheerleading Program Association 800437999 $0 $0
Council for a Community of Democracies Incorporated 541666151 $242,042 $96,833
Council for a Livable World 520746112 $475,828 $102,076
Council for a Strong America 133840271 $7,092,819 $10,675,538
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521012307 $19,658,777 $29,065,924
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135734 $760,442 $551,659
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135735 $531,490 $390,954
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135737 $397,338 $392,710
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135739 $376,500 $293,008
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135741 $1,161,395 $1,146,024
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135743 $551,534 $405,052
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521135745 $991,167 $561,106
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 521136318 $1,207,573 $903,925
Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare Incorporated 911930832 $24,470,005 $18,986,091
Council for American Medical Innovation 270183370 $250,000 $60,472
Council for Biotechnology Information 264188804 $2,832,637 $782,056
Council for Chemical Research 510256233 $342,150 $437,491
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities 521247182 $11,930,662 $12,476,246
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste 521369152 $658,450 $280,392
Council for Court Excellence 521241825 $667,742 $608,186
Council for Educational Development and Research Incorporated 237124555 $1,001 $12,421
Council for Higher Education Accreditation 521994352 $2,928,881 $5,720,181
Council for Lab-las Environmental Research Incorporated 521947611 $217,828 $226,406
Council for National Policy 720921017 $2,228,391 $673,194
Council for Opportunity in Education 521221301 $12,744,225 $3,326,793
Council for Quality Respiratory Care 205120363 $400,040 $249,097
Council for Research in the Renaissance 310718642 $0 $0
Council for Responsible Energy Incorporated 264619395 $0 $522,191
Council for Responsible Nutrition 520975324 $5,017,937 $1,857,088
Council for the Advancement of Recycling Education and Sustainabi 271698219 $0 $0
Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education 521228597 $304,820 $507,509
Council for the Natl Rgstr of Hlth Serv Providers in Psychology Incorporated 237407981 $2,111,917 $1,959,147
Council for the United States and Italy Incorporated 133140695 $153,753 $165,799
Council for Tobacco Research Health Ins Trust 134043393 $26,141 $378,343
Council of Accredited Mph Programs 260421636 $0 $0
Council of American Ambassadors 521296972 $3,904,084 $4,606,815
Council of American Overseas Research Centers 521395971 $11,883,835 $1,879,205
Council of Chief State School Officers 530198090 $27,807,756 $20,233,727
Council of Churches of Greater Washington 530162852 $0 $0
Council of Communication Associations 900662305 $0 $0
Council of Federal Home Loan Banks 541877922 $2,164,939 $670,647
Council of Former Federal Executives Incorporated 541680168 $0 $0
Council of Graduate Schools 522175852 $5,477,884 $12,907,459
Council of Independent Colleges 016004776 $18,154,874 $58,135,077
Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities 521580574 $459,547 $453,361
Council of Institutional Investors 521380217 $2,797,821 $8,225,534
Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers 131952497 $11,157,270 $7,975,624
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Incorporated 042752972 $2,075,680 $1,349,243
Council of Religious Aids Networks Incorporated 383588460 $0 $0
Council of School Officers Local 4 American Federation of School Adm 520963204 $346,980 $388,571
Council of Scientific Society Presidents 521085762 $835,122 $502,585
Council of State Community Developm Ent Agencies 391211513 $738,486 $917,233
Council of the Great City Schools 362481232 $6,351,076 $9,021,048
Council on Competitiveness 521872849 $5,835,664 $2,858,432
Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy 522221622 $0 $0
Council on Education of the Deaf Department of Rehabilitation Colle 860298748 $0 $0
Council on Employee Benefits 346527800 $750,368 $623,862
Council on Governmental Relations 521847000 $2,160,260 $2,581,349
Council on Health Research for Development USA Incorporated 261192567 $0 $15,000
Council on Hemispheric Affairs Incorporated 510185924 $61,334 $68,965
Council on International Nontheatrical Events Incorporated 526057018 $277,391 $56,807
Council on Library and Information Resources 521576808 $8,975,060 $9,156,189
Council on Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals 680299230 $760,714 $1,118,505
Council on State Taxation 521754771 $4,998,358 $2,952,283
Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports 271078350 $259,148 $1,442,412
Counsellors Incorporated 260017171 $0 $0
Counterterrorism and Security Educational Research Foundation 522099490 $2,256,820 $479,256
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association 522361046 $27,061 $42,615
Courtneys House Incorporated 263883832 $124,835 $26,336
Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ 530259978 $0 $0
Covenant Christian Community 521216054 $0 $0
Covenant Full Potential Development Center 522185266 $152,205 $141,483
Covenant House Washington Dc 133537709 $4,869,562 $7,543,116
Cover 2 Foundation 300521877 $0 $0
Covergence Law Institute 264717917 $112,500 $33,933
Covington and Burling Public School Project Incorporated 522321924 $0 $0
Coyaba Dance Theater Incorporated 510544935 $64,907 $18,112
Crackerjack Incorporated 522212134 $30,751 $26,097
Cre Finance Council Scholarship Fund 743225298 $0 $0
Creative Angels Social Club 810608455 $0 $0
Creative Learning Incorporated 521087361 $1,592,933 $1,124,939
Creative Minds International Public Charter School 275208674 $2,554,120 $564,332
Credit Builders Alliance Incorporated 208351782 $601,927 $540,973
Credit Union Miracle Day Committee Incorporated 522341329 $858,350 $360,872
Crime Solvers of Washington Dc Incorporated 208796192 $83,481 $353,544
Criminal Justice Forum 521733403 $0 $1
Criminal Justice Journalist 522118828 $62,040 $7,977
Crispus Attucks Development Corporation 521084840 $16,877 $125,294
Critical Exposure Incorporated 262829875 $518,217 $487,340
Crn Foundation 264677478 $584,005 $491,575
Croatian Pastoral Mission of St Blaise 043618455 $0 $0
Croation Commissariat of the Third 256057611 $0 $0
Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau Incorporated 351115571 $948,889 $678,980
Crop Life Foundation Incorporated 522306857 $594,538 $213,440
Croplife America 530190293 $14,936,168 $7,540,670
Crosscurrents Foundation Incorporated 205557338 $249,708 $288,506
Crowell and Moring Foundation 522207644 $342,061 $381,265
Crt Group Foundation 270890660 $176,737 $222,269
Crusaders Baptist Church 521908973 $0 $0
Crusaders Baptist Mission 521302620 $0 $0
Csc Faith Services Incorporated 452718657 $0 $0
Csi Research and Education Foundation 522044265 $0 $6,001
Csm of Raleigh Incorporated 841692948 $0 $0
Cstr Tax Research Institute 521978731 $1,275 $873
Ctia-the Wireless Association 521347628 $118,370,221 $128,692,003
Cuba Democracy Advocates Incorporated 542003328 $191,232 $19,469
Cuba Emprende Foundation 454846018 $170,622 $10,368
Cuban Study Group Incorporated 651154598 $310,250 $13,868
Culbreth and Culbreth Foundation Incorporated 421758401 $0 $0
Culinary Scholarship Foundation of Washington Incorporated 522129056 $400 $79,133
Culinarycorps Incorporated 264652789 $0 $0
Cultural Center for Social Change 521779047 $0 $0
Cultural Development Corporation of the District of Columbia 522122445 $1,177,498 $2,675,645
Cultural Exchange Foundation 521806854 $0 $0
Cultural Landscape Foundation 522092229 $1,007,856 $1,962,649
Cultural Tourism Dc Incorporated 522153746 $1,641,707 $370,638
Culture of Life Foundation Incorporated 522055185 $140,060 $52,073
Culturecapital 521106749 $482,507 $555,429
Cumvivium USA 204965593 $0 $0
Curt C and else Silberman Foundation 226065494 $420,358 $5,551,102
Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation Incorporated Welden Associates 592235907 $2,823,757 $14,448,272
Customs and International Trade Bar Association 311663434 $0 $0
Customs Lawyers Association 711033732 $0 $0
Cvbreps 270295978 $158,450 $17,431
Cwa Joe Beirne Foundation 522298284 $413,565 $3,778,721
Cyberknife Coalition Incorporated 202660835 $2,030 $129,781
Cybersecurity Credentials Collaborative 460909495 $0 $0
Cynthia Warner Foundation Ltd 520800734 $5,001 $253,794
D C Alliance of Youth Advocates Incorporated 421709378 $298,799 $159,496
D C Area Writing Project 270032508 $0 $0
D C Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative Incorporated 522125047 $483,936 $109,957
D C Autistic Educational Program Incorporated 521294504 $0 $0
D C Bar Pro Bono Program 521574217 $3,557,308 $3,251,811
D C Black History Celebration Committee 522000911 $0 $0
D C Blues Society Incorporated 521517733 $0 $0
D C Boys Choir 522255391 $0 $0
D C Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 522157224 $565,290 $165,141
D C Caribbean Carnival Incorporated 521848282 $20,318 $458,205
D C Childrens Trust Fund 521990489 $255,362 $29,386
D C Coaches Association Incorporated 237067223 $720 $133
D C Coalition for Community Services 521668894 $121,989 $145,537
D C Creative Writing Workshop Incorporated 522221613 $147,650 $58,841
D C Dynasty Baseball 470864738 $253,172 $88,803
D C Firefighters Burn Foundation 202220579 $320,846 $264,094
D C Lambda Squares 521392141 $0 $0
D C Learns Incorporated 521995578 $247,735 $25,812
D C National Guard Youth Leaders Fund 237321470 $0 $0
D C Parents and Friends of Children with Special Needs 521645389 $0 $0
D C Preparatory Academy 020550253 $21,284,382 $27,935,635
D C Public Charter School Cooperative Incorporated 522260620 $396,103 $262,384
D C Rape Crisis Center 237377193 $1,309,943 $2,694,496
D C Reading is Fundamental Incorporated 521074917 $0 $0
D C S Different Drummers 521224497 $67,216 $61,519
D C Science Writers Association Ltd 521942381 $0 $0
D C Strokes Rowing Club 521927718 $122,661 $91,947
D C Surface Transit Incorporated 201524790 $128,855 $62,258
D C Wheel Productions Incorporated 521118504 $1,974,250 $3,153,636
D C Youth Ensemble Incorporated 521409132 $0 $0
D I S C Diocesan Information Systems Conference 611733074 $0 $0
Dacor Bacon House Foundation 526059096 $3,640,360 $12,957,687
Daffodil House Incorporated 521891246 $299,175 $3,575,157
Daily Caller News Foundation 452922471 $134,570 $6,540
Daily Citizen 264398958 $19,429 $127,183
Dairy Recognition and Education Foundation 521169749 $3,367 $643,545
Dalit Freedom Fund 412075995 $2,469,677 $996,968
Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts Trust 526436554 $10,491,600 $10,849,870
Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies 460798941 $68,500 $30,500
Damien Ministries Incorporated 521523098 $443,246 $129,347
Dance Heritage Coalition Incorporated 943285953 $582,789 $756,538
Dance Institute of Washington Incorporated 521851373 $772,767 $377,790
Dance Metrodc Incorporated 450961047 $0 $0
Dance USA 521253457 $2,529,769 $3,776,962
Daniel Alexander Payne Community Development Corporation 522112789 $28,536 $17,944
Daniel Ditondo Incorporated 522232998 $0 $0
Daniel Phoenix Singh and Company 550830198 $225,023 $66,170
Daniello Family Foundation Incorporated 461233894 $3,023,305 $42,831,315
Danny and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation 841283914 $11,687,421 $11,418,960
Dar Al-nur Somali Muslim Association of North America Incorporated 522177565 $0 $0
Dara Incorporated 271203106 $0 $0
Darfur Women Action Group 800593976 $0 $0
Dart Group Foundation Incorporated 521497671 $1,151,872 $1,695,539
Dart Group Ii Foundation Incorporated 521590726 $1,540,144 $2,236,494
Data Quality Campaign 274566795 $8,195,158 $7,557,922
Data Transparency Coalition 454740946 $221,933 $100,722
Daughter of the American Colonists 223383278 $0 $0
Daughters of Isis of North and South America 800589529 $0 $0
Daughters of Isis of North and South America 526047742 $65,999 $37,732
Daughters of Penelope Foundation Incorporated 521346043 $194,184 $679,984
Daughters of the American Colonists 526054888 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 203072260 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 232259685 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 236414386 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 236463981 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237005583 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237059898 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237059900 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237063241 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237066499 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 521241246 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 521276650 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 356202600 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 366213565 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 386091039 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 416045829 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 421228581 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 426084859 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 426100690 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 431852613 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 436048728 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 436100253 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 436100255 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 030441698 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 046196028 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 066055689 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 136277879 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 166061324 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 616058091 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 621461238 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 626080970 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 630862320 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 636067335 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 640658071 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 710793802 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 716067137 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 720965858 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 731177070 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 742110003 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 742110006 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 742110012 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 742542408 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 752068695 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 756036354 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 756046133 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 756085530 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 760156354 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 760417682 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 850378677 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 850406660 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 866057369 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 911617703 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 911904393 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 486116664 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 486116668 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 510293155 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 310903080 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 310931094 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 311053166 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 311057071 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 330485080 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 341192889 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 346555773 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237161974 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237189342 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237223217 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237303035 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237378294 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237441791 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 237457135 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 256066477 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 561321800 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 581426425 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 581512531 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 581560176 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 586042906 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 596139979 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 596153395 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 611010692 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 920082729 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 953946009 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 956093664 $0 $0
Daughters of the American Colonists 996012116 $0 $0
Daughters of Tre American Colonists 592630349 $0 $0
David Berger 300736306 $0 $0
David Lloyd Kreeger Foundation 526037451 $5,228,632 $97,122,938
David R Macdonald Foundation 521968656 $349,138 $2,474,980
David S Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies 753103476 $56,378 $40,132
Davids Tent USA Incorporated 455621264 $83,504 $3,548
Davies Foundation 263867274 $17,284 $691,964
Davies Juice Products Association Scholarship Foundation Incorporated 593205090 $71,082 $271,058
Davis Memorial Goodwill Industries 530196588 $40,743,873 $16,726,739
Day Eight 383746016 $0 $0
Daybreak Incorporated 202650409 $412,785 $275,556
Dbicolanos and Friends Foundation 522004852 $0 $0
Dc Academy of Collaborative Professionals 261491482 $0 $0
Dc Action for Children Today Dc Act 521807264 $902,211 $64,327
Dc Advocates for the Arts 320307108 $0 $0
Dc Anime Club 571216768 $0 $0
Dc Artist Collective Incorporated 810550873 $206,149 $48,371
Dc Association of Chartered Public Schools 800104380 $384,786 $220,177
Dc Autism Parents 270494086 $0 $0
Dc Beta Chapter 526055594 $0 $0
Dc Bid Council 270769146 $126,544 $33,498
Dc Bilingual Public Charter School 200412800 $7,240,513 $867,470
Dc Black Church Initiative 522169774 $0 $0
Dc Bowl Committee Incorporated 263268204 $1,980,309 $150,577
Dc Cabaret Network 275087234 $0 $0
Dc Center for Global Education Andleadership 260734968 $0 $0
Dc Center for Independent Living Incorporated 521233445 $1,056,589 $274,982
Dc Center for the Development and Promotion of Soccer 371491098 $88,836 $18,607
Dc Central Kitchen Incorporated 521584936 $5,590,472 $3,761,174
Dc Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild Litigation Fund Incorporated 273120551 $0 $0
Dc Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation 522183315 $0 $0
Dc City Wide Welfare Rights Organization Incorporated 520977657 $303,954 $50,360
Dc Coalition for Housing Justice 113706513 $0 $0
Dc Community Yoga 273091130 $0 $0
Dc Cowboys Dance Company Incorporated 273655613 $0 $0
Dc Craft Bartenders Guild 263858945 $0 $0
Dc Design House Incorporated 263817892 $329,325 $9,861
Dc Diaper Bank 274276547 $81,302 $17,803
Dc Dogs 271718216 $0 $0
Dc Doors 611637906 $707,685 $128,121
Dc Dragon Boat Club Incorporated 262296443 $0 $0
Dc Economic Growth Action Fund 462019813 $0 $0
Dc Elite Giants Baseball 800670598 $0 $0
Dc Film Alliance 204983100 $196,292 $28,636
Dc Fire and Emergency Medical Services Foundation Incorporated 260803057 $450 $44,708
Dc Fire Fighters Association Building Corp 272147174 $285,996 $1,945,640
Dc Greens Incorporated 264527988 $583,423 $203,661
Dc Healthy Start Community Consortium Incorporated 450534556 $138 $147
Dc Hebrew Language Charter School 452625029 $256,639 $157,033
Dc High School Baseball Classic Incorporated 262054599 $49,144 $50,410
Dc Huskers 460561414 $0 $0
Dc Impact Self Defense Incorporated 521853850 $0 $0
Dc Independent Film Festival 810570755 $0 $0
Dc Jazz Festival 201799842 $735,690 $106,204
Dc Jobs Council 453766574 $0 $0
Dc Latino Leadership Council 463263528 $0 $0
Dc Lawyers for Youth 261111775 $434,619 $343,520
Dc Legendary Musicians 461636391 $0 $0
Dc Metro All-star Cricket Organization Incorporated 522346505 $41,415 $56,402
Dc Metro Science for the People 800293559 $0 $0
Dc Metropolitan Foster and Adoptive Parent Association 522097036 $11,361 $4,188
Dc Minyan 320014494 $0 $0
Dc Open Government Coalition 264520540 $0 $0
Dc Opportunity Foundation 208816968 $0 $0
Dc Pan Jammers Incorporated 134278767 $6,450 $35,682
Dc Poetry Project Incorporated 461169950 $0 $0
Dc Preservation League 521038849 $401,760 $353,755
Dc Public Education Fund 261607955 $18,608,215 $11,715,847
Dc Radical Faeries 200024572 $0 $0
Dc Robotics 461474152 $0 $0
Dc Rollergirls 450568700 $121,016 $154,768
Dc Scholars Public Charter School Incorporated 452544052 $3,752,668 $823,786
Dc School Reform Now 262918853 $387,428 $51,058
Dc Scores 522230721 $1,984,954 $849,804
Dc Self Defense Karate Association Incorporated 521757258 $248,033 $90,449
Dc Social Innovation Project 272851319 $0 $0
Dc Speed Track and Field Booster Club 943438535 $0 $0
Dc Sports and Recreation Association 202109440 $934,789 $268,273
Dc Squash Academy 202325644 $0 $0
Dc State Fair Incorporated 273804087 $8,741 $3,364
Dc Theater Arts Collaborative 454681518 $0 $0
Dc Triathlon Club Incorporated 201348127 $220,449 $66,955
Dc Urban Greens Incorporated 461468983 $1,950 $4,649
Dc Velo Outreach Foundation 208534636 $0 $0
Dc Vineyard 522179005 $0 $0
Dc Voice 300180184 $165,982 $49,384
Dc Volunteer Lawyers Project 261089584 $360,336 $299,114
Dc Warriors Incorporated 270134363 $0 $0
Dc Youth Empowerment 460549197 $0 $0
Dc Youth Futbol Club Incorporated 453736607 $0 $0
Dc Youth Orchestra Program 526059783 $666,991 $362,054
Dcbia Community Services Corporation 522051884 $123,820 $43,375
Dcenter Incorporated 522313965 $0 $0
Dcha Program Services Company Incorporated 521442248 $0 $0
Dcmtb Incorporated 261281644 $0 $0
Dcpr-tpdc Booster Club Incorporated 342055851 $57,260 $30,188
Deaf Abused Women Network 522192100 $169,049 $25,639
Deaf and Hard of Hearing in 522134499 $47,254 $254,114
Deaf-reach Housing Incorporated 521665984 $256,066 $1,125,110
Deaf-reach Incorporated 237218916 $1,582,927 $792,948
Deafinite Possibilities Foundation Incorporated 264244622 $0 $0
Deanwood Heights Main Streets Incorporated 270260900 $106,651 $44,381
Deauville Relief Fund 262705262 $0 $0
Deborah Chandler Ministries 452093879 $0 $0
Debre Hail Kedus Gabriel and Kedus Yohannes Metemik Ethiopian Orthodo 522036814 $0 $0
Debre Meheret St Michael Church 521913873 $0 $0
Debre Tsehay Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church 454509881 $178,053 $107,545
Debre-selam Kidest Mariam Fraternal Beneficiary Association 800554666 $108,235 $1
Debs-jones-douglass Institute 522126660 $0 $0
Deeper Life Bible Church Incorporated 521718486 $0 $0
Defender S of Wildlife Action Fund 522298744 $994,659 $685,318
Defenders of Wildlife 530183181 $38,938,455 $35,849,394
Defense Credit Union Council Incorporated 391405036 $2,239,680 $6,207,909
Defense Education Trust Frnd of the Reserve Officers Association of 521642747 $260,511 $259,058
Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct 521559147 $563,192 $619,577
Defiant Requiem Foundation 263238489 $1,049,592 $794,793
Defoamer Industry Trade Association 204463436 $0 $0
Delaware Ave Baptist Church of the District of Columbia 521676122 $0 $0
Deliverance Miracle Temple Incorporated 521576539 $0 $0
Deliverance Outreach Incorporated 521083004 $0 $0
Deliverance Prayer Chapel of the Lord Jesus Christ Unlimited Incorporated 521789234 $0 $0
Delivering Resources to Empower a Mothers Life 270490903 $0 $0
Deloren Foundation 452453884 $0 $0
Delphiedan Incorporated 953678551 $0 $0
Delta Blood Bank 941270336 $15,895,136 $28,879,659
Delta Housing Corporation of the District of Columbia 521154169 $2,032,795 $4,042,560
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 237107623 $0 $0
Delta Lambda Phi National Social Fraternity 521559804 $256,002 $123,720
Delta Omega 521844608 $42,922 $65,044
Delta Phi Epsilon 526074027 $110,987 $450,951
Delta Phi Epsilon Foundation for Foreign Service Education 521351011 $0 $0
Delta Phi Epsilon-professional Foreign Service Fraternity Incorporated 237075201 $0 $0
Delta Research and Educational Foundation 521338072 $1,544,156 $5,241,665
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Incorporated 521189366 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Incorporated 452029329 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 237357015 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 526081804 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 520906357 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 521329205 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 521329215 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 520215218 $40,474,949 $33,669,103
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 530215218 $13,151,298 $31,653,278
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 526081805 $0 $0
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity 521855768 $0 $0
Delta Zeta Sorority 526054870 $0 $0
Demand Response Coalition 200247914 $330,007 $64,950
Democracy 21 521948022 $60,329 $8,223
Democracy 21 Education Fund 521956824 $436,601 $374,939
Democracy a Journal of Ideas 203685508 $456,544 $199,745
Democracy Coalition Project Incorporated 300050849 $0 $0
Democracy Corps Incorporated 522146456 $1,264,570 $146,399
Democracyinactionorg Activism Services 200244151 $2,339,640 $205,102
Democratic Leadership Council Incorporated 521384530 $636 $1,371
Democrats for Life of America Incorporated 752824023 $0 $0
Department of Energy Contractor Attorneys Association Incorporated 841563366 $0 $0
Department of Labor Fitness Association Incorporated 521568668 $233,348 $353,035
Department of the District of Columbia Ladies Auxiliary Vfw 010918464 $0 $0
Department of the District of Columbia Ladies Auxiliary Vfw 300510441 $0 $0
Department of the District of Columbia Ladies Auxiliary Vfw 320310294 $0 $0
Department of Veterans Affairs Washington Regional Office 521688621 $0 $0
Design-build Institute of America 521827718 $6,766,555 $2,915,789
Destination Marketing Association International 310507334 $5,772,232 $2,099,567
Destiny - Pride 270311209 $0 $0
Destiny Power and Purpose Incorporated 205514658 $134,647 $21,606
Deusche Post World Net USA Scholarship Fund 223872078 $113 $20,649
Deuteronomy Missionary Baptist Church 521865608 $0 $0
Deux Faces Organization 264577306 $0 $0
Devadeep Rajneesh Sannyas Ashram 521244344 $0 $0
Developing Families Center Incorporated 522103947 $707,893 $2,102,349
Developing Radio Partners Incorporated 061710103 $304,081 $215,064
Development Company Funding Corporation 521484169 $706 $265,609
Development Corporation of Columbia Heights Incorporated 521385018 $1,011,802 $3,158,161
Development Fund for Black Students in Science and Technology 521342321 $35,260 $337,043
Development Gateway Incorporated 522318905 $5,661,603 $1,709,176
Development Group for Alternative Policies 521075033 $35,000 $25,996
Development Interchange Incorporated 274153974 $0 $0
Development Solutions Organization 273453171 $0 $0
Dfk- USA Incorporated 132991537 $894,217 $275,710
Dhrupad Music Institute of America Incorporated 453336298 $0 $0
Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Incorporated 521840230 $12,549,477 $2,997,879
Diabetes Transplant Fund Incorporated 311688397 $104,334 $143,516
Dialogue on Diversity Incorporated 521761217 $30,880 $15,296
Dialysis Patient Citizens Incorporated 201031554 $1,169,121 $639,072
Diane and Norman Bernstein Foundation 526047356 $2,259,640 $16,484,688
Didi and King Hirsch Foundation 133987114 $7,937 $233,383
Digestive Disease Natl Coalition 521316086 $101,123 $177,576
Digital Citizens Action Alliance 460820996 $0 $0
Digital Media Association 541920927 $154,560 $233,548
Dignity Washington Incorporated 521154012 $122,084 $361,305
Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Incorporated 582359589 $1,675,018 $15,151,396
Dimick Foundation 526038149 $2,333,532 $5,898,898
Dinora Incorporated 300283980 $309,790 $184,172
Diocesan Laborer Priests Incorporated 521237940 $0 $0
Diocese of the Armenian Church Legate Office 912054894 $0 $0
Diplomacy Center Foundation 510398806 $7,043,386 $12,060,731
Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired Incorporated 530221776 $1,893,900 $5,088,016
Direct Action 412054041 $0 $0
Direct Selling Association 410659918 $11,896,925 $5,087,435
Direct Selling Education Foundation 237335899 $7,824,130 $11,303,991
Directtrust Org Incorporated 460537086 $474,785 $99,912
Disability Rights International Incorporated 522035860 $709,109 $1,009,260
Disabled American Veterans 311017322 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 237331186 $0 $0
Disabled Veterans Life Memorial Foundation Incorporated 522098855 $14,515,372 $17,043,528
Disabled Veterans National Foundation 261446183 $27,676,888 $994,915
Discalced Carmelite Friars 521474980 $383,552 $1,079,350
Disciples of Christ Baptist Church 043638834 $0 $0
Disciples of Love Incorporated 521713802 $0 $0
Discipline of the New Redeemed Church of Christ 521167381 $0 $0
Distance Education and Training Council 530115490 $2,800,402 $2,861,299
Distilled Spirits Council of the United States Incorporated 520971454 $16,086,549 $5,921,196
Distributive Edcation Clubs of America 526066960 $0 $0
District Alliance for Safe Housing Incorporated 711019574 $2,405,681 $10,477,352
District Improv Company 461469113 $0 $0
District No 1 Pcd Meba Afl-cio California Realty Corporation 522029529 $103,664 $3,919,588
District No 1 Pcd Meba Afl-cio Louisiana Realty Corporation 522029534 $13,704 $609,625
District No 1 Pcd Meba Afl-cio Virginia Realty Corporation 522029558 $662,200 $603,998
District of Columbia Academy of Family Physicians Foundation 521866514 $500 $2,658
District of Columbia Access Tojustice Foundation 204849519 $154,852 $163,516
District of Columbia Appleseed Center for Law and Justice Incorporated 521891162 $1,202,767 $483,218
District of Columbia Aquatics Club Incorporated 522188458 $106,685 $114,430
District of Columbia Area Black Deaf Advocates Incorporated 521737810 $0 $0
District of Columbia Art Association 331141992 $0 $0
District of Columbia Arts Center Incorporated 521642494 $193,706 $2,419
District of Columbia Association for Special Education 300447044 $188,045 $215,038
District of Columbia Association of Land Surveyors Incorporated 522344580 $0 $0
District of Columbia Baptist Convention 530196592 $0 $0
District of Columbia Baptist Convention Preservation Incorporated 272002811 $0 $0
District of Columbia Bible Institute 521083305 $0 $0
District of Columbia Building Industry Association 521088411 $1,441,446 $756,096
District of Columbia Cancer Consortium 521653537 $2,251,242 $1,194,226
District of Columbia Chamber of Commerce 237158230 $3,218,238 $735,257
District of Columbia Chamber of Commerce Foundation 010588381 $418,673 $83,206
District of Columbia Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Associat 546049829 $0 $0
District of Columbia Coalition Against Domestic Violence 521515600 $771,273 $178,886
District of Columbia College Access Program 522132835 $14,357,099 $72,574,291
District of Columbia Comprehensive Aids Resources and Education Consort 521787555 $1,079,046 $164,369
District of Columbia Congress of Pta 530233136 $0 $0
District of Columbia Council of Engineering and Architectl Soc Incorporated 521264378 $0 $0
District of Columbia Council of the Blind 526042804 $4,261 $0
District of Columbia Dental Hygienists Association 521915443 $0 $0
District of Columbia Dental Society 530057530 $1,606,344 $2,630,681
District of Columbia Dental Society Foundation 521865605 $0 $0
District of Columbia Dental Society Relief Fund 526068034 $0 $0
District of Columbia Employment Justice Center 522235570 $613,346 $262,176
District of Columbia Forensic Nurse Examiners 462063573 $281,454 $60,622
District of Columbia Grassroots Empowerment Project Incorporated 272623232 $329,917 $449,770
District of Columbia Green Spaces Alliance 273486932 $0 $0
District of Columbia Health Care Association 510342646 $320,696 $226,537
District of Columbia Home Health Association 453786264 $75,990 $9,756
District of Columbia Hospital Association 521135713 $2,251,422 $3,567,318
District of Columbia Insurance Federation 521477477 $101,817 $95,952
District of Columbia Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund Bureau Incorporated 521880418 $116,761 $119,391
District of Columbia International School 461143189 $88,600 $83,902
District of Columbia Land Title Association Incorporated 800324550 $141,924 $198,299
District of Columbia Law Students in Court Program Incorporated 520847160 $875,385 $1,949,793
District of Columbia Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association 521802508 $405,189 $559,638
District of Columbia Metropolitan Association of Housing Counselor 521674424 $0 $0
District of Columbia Music Center 237089190 $0 $0
District of Columbia Nurse Anesthetists 521033380 $51,341 $132,486
District of Columbia Nurses Association 530075900 $1,298,514 $713,560
District of Columbia Pediatric Palliative Care Collaboration 262618906 $21,154 $1
District of Columbia Podiatric Medical Association 521254494 $47,149 $231,355
District of Columbia Primary Care Association 521999196 $14,617,331 $13,383,639
District of Columbia Promise Neighborhood Initiative Incorporated 270675043 $710,687 $472,169
District of Columbia Public Library Foundation Incorporated 521481008 $2,456,642 $2,993,272
District of Columbia Recovery Community Alliance 562653299 $0 $0
District of Columbia Regional Church of Christ 200189752 $0 $0
District of Columbia School of Law Foundation 521863674 $1,330,451 $7,903,165
District of Columbia Science Teachers Association 271308356 $0 $0
District of Columbia Students Construction Trades Foundation Incorporated 371510529 $518,998 $590,282
District of Columbia Urban Debate 204976496 $0 $0
District of Columbia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster 010715614 $0 $0
District of Columbia Youth Challenge Foundation 273319867 $0 $0
District of Columbias Assembley on School Based Health Care 550896783 $0 $0
District Sample Sale Foundation Incorporated 270616664 $63,503 $9,996
District Team Charities 263641955 $0 $0
District Velocity Racing Incorporated 271406985 $0 $0
Districtof Columbia Fire Department Emerald Society Pipes and Drums Incorporated 050592967 $37,268 $12,432
Diva Network Corporation 204312348 $0 $0
Divcon Educational Foundation Incorporated 680680489 $0 $1,246
Divine Connection Ministries 800536389 $8,500 $1,050
Diw Real Estate Holdings Corp 141917683 $186,028 $4,233,936
Djakeu Cultural Corporation 522266150 $16,703 $7,667
Dkt International Incorporated 581593137 $180,150,198 $156,275,623
Dmv Athletes in Action 463110681 $0 $0
Do the Write Thing Foundation of Dc 272171541 $102,078 $1
Doctors Council of the District of Columbia 521672153 $202,493 $15,305
Doctors for America 454005553 $0 $0
Document Security Alliance 200034945 $66,307 $212,529
Dog and Pony Dc Incorporated 611626201 $56,447 $10,420
Dog Meets World Incorporated 263698489 $0 $0
Dogtag Bakery Incorporated 452130904 $111,764 $69,943
Doing Small Miracles 521702756 $41,221 $31,855
Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project-dv Leap 201076297 $422,914 $93,724
Dominican American National Round Table 522236441 $29,865 $3,342
Dominican Fathers Center for Assisted Living 522062956 $0 $0
Dominican House of Studies 536016922 $1,224,860 $2,035,760
Dominican House of Studies Library 520882333 $0 $0
Donohoe Companies Incorporated Welfare Benefit Plan Veba Trust 263894476 $8,040,390 $5,380,130
Dontenwill Infrastructure Charitable Trust 461560534 $0 $0
Dorcas East African Ministries 452812753 $15,913 $209
Doris Day Animal League 954117651 $3,307,645 $4,546,085
Dorothy I Height Education Foundation Incorporated 201811068 $12,882 $72,618
Dough Gooders 273416746 $0 $0
Downtown Bid Services Corporation 522198151 $4,602,772 $289,475
Downtown Business Improvement District Corporation 522053279 $11,083,072 $1,797,089
Downtown Cluster of Congregations Incorporated 521338443 $387,248 $1,178,819
Downtown Clusters Geriatric Day Care Center Incorporated 521056117 $849,238 $223,498
Downtown Common 263840412 $0 $0
Downtown Jaycees Foundation 526029540 $29,566 $308,332
Downtown Services Center 522159591 $299,200 $58,766
Dpc Education Center 371698796 $0 $0
Dr Aisha Liferidge Minority Women in Science Foundation 141963218 $0 $0
Dr Bettye Bouey-yates Educational Foundation Incorporated 383679069 $16,244 $44,588
Dr Donald W Jones Foundation Forsmall Business Partnerships Educati 208080398 $1,531 $9,846
Dr Rayshad a Holmes Foundation 451468847 $0 $0
Dr William Montague Cobb Education Foundation 800795132 $0 $0
Dragonfly Charitable Foundation 311804964 $24,045 $37,908
Drcnet Foundation Incorporated 522034867 $143,819 $65,992
Dreaming out Loud Foundation 261286043 $88,666 $17,884
Dredging Contractors of America 135265950 $1,078,261 $143,032
Dress for Success-washington Dc 753080114 $611,545 $51,509
Drikung Mahayana Center Incorporated 541997593 $0 $0
Drikung Seattle 455510050 $0 $0
Driver Employer Council of America 520854938 $56,225 $51,375
Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association Incorporated 542025296 $1,474,094 $793,730
Drug Reform Coordination Network Incorporated 522034866 $0 $0
Drug Strategies 521837390 $429,427 $1,249,476
Drumheller Family Foundation Incorporated 452237105 $128,964 $887,398
Drummers for World Peace 450894709 $0 $0
Due Process of Law Foundation 521973930 $835,838 $808,356
Duke Ellington School of the Arts Project 311705384 $6,469,801 $3,633,391
Dumbarton Concerts Incorporated 521182326 $358,463 $74,446
Dupon Festival 452602630 $0 $0
Dupont Circle Citizens Association 521441930 $75,860 $208,480
Dupont Circle Club Incorporated 521661328 $150,282 $87,062
Dupont Circle Conservancy Incorporated 521296411 $0 $0
Dupont Circle Village 262702387 $101,165 $68,038
Dupont Park Adventist Apartments Incorporated 521976532 $506,387 $2,957,851
Dupont Park Adventist School 530258644 $0 $0
Dwayne S Brown Foundation Incorporated 521786158 $0 $0
E C Hallbeck Memorial Scholarship Fund 237058046 $499,157 $1,285,613
E C Michael Higgins Familyfoundation Incorporated 204167420 $1 $1
E Eugene Carter Foundation 521829253 $193,513 $3,878,629
E G O S Incorporated 522294212 $0 $0
E H Harriman Memorial Awards Institute 521551932 $1 $1
E Health Initiative 522303820 $1,737,055 $857,841
E P Conquest Memorial Trust 546073824 $103,595 $30,165
E Squared Holdings 800832595 $0 $0
E21 a 21st Century Economic Policy Initiative 270200689 $402,347 $0
E3g Third Generation Environmentalism Incorporated 272512053 $131,135 $19,050
Eager to Read Incorporated 522335277 $0 $0
Eagle Academy Public Charter School Incorporated 760718215 $14,554,717 $18,388,713
Eagle Wings Incorporated 510600773 $0 $0
Eagles Nest Youth Association 205113026 $0 $0
Early Care and Education Consortium Incorporated 800389609 $643,469 $319,775
Early Childhood Academy Public Charter School 260088232 $4,447,069 $3,384,353
Earth Conservation Corps 521683270 $449,946 $1,207,629
Earth Council Foundation - Us 521693157 $0 $0
Earth Day Network Incorporated 133798288 $1,714,307 $375,155
Earth Policy Institute 522300217 $1,474,723 $2,009,605
Earths Natural Force Connections 800515000 $0 $0
Earthshot Foundation Incorporated 263907344 $0 $0
Earthspark International 261626902 $564,246 $476,576
Earthworks 521557765 $2,223,490 $764,759
East Brunswick Aza 364732731 $0 $0
East Central District of the Phi Beta Kappa Society 743229816 $0 $0
East City Art Foundation Incorporated 462066149 $0 $0
East Coast Outrigger Racing Association Incorporated 522309673 $0 $0
East Ed 522316894 $120,131 $19,471
East of River Boys and Girls Steelband Incorporated 522302376 $53,719 $12,874
East of the River Clergy Police Community Partnership Incorporated 522278623 $3,872,118 $1,683,251
East River Family Strengthening Collaborative 522277915 $4,379,270 $947,654
East Rock Creek Village Incorporated 463491502 $0 $0
East Washington Heights Baptist Church 530211353 $0 $0
Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers 521143423 $1,004,919 $1,078,076
Eastern Congo Initiative 454103655 $1,858,903 $878,435
Eating Disorders Coalition for Research Policy and Action Incorporated 043514357 $137,302 $14,989
Ebeauty Community 453593527 $0 $0
Ebenezer Good Hope Central Church 522239670 $0 $0
Ecclesia Fellowship 522156893 $0 $0
Ecoagriculture International Incorporated 202349392 $1,976,050 $667,274
Ecoamerica 203895611 $10,329,592 $10,087,899
Ecologic Institute 262679057 $438,761 $196,907
Ecological Society of America Incorporated 370913411 $6,527,555 $6,984,728
Economic Education Institute 300314600 $0 $0
Economic Enterprises for Humanitarian Development 462360337 $0 $0
Economic Growth Dc Foundation 463262328 $0 $0
Economic Innovation Group Incorporated 462450336 $0 $0
Economic Oppornitity Studies Incorporated 541328006 $539,318 $4,265
Economic Policy Institute 521368964 $5,013,159 $4,633,354
Economics Education and Research Consortium Incorporated 522264611 $1,229,440 $1,711,684
Ecoreg Matters Ltd 270647502 $0 $0
Ecowomen 272580382 $0 $0
Ecumenical Development Corporation USA 363697513 $1,172,255 $30,235,630
Ed-strong Foundation 463232502 $0 $0
Eden Good 205585042 $18,740 $1,243
Edes Home Foundation 311642728 $157,745 $781,607
Edfuel 462975017 $0 $0
Edgewood Baptist Church 520820645 $0 $0
Edgewood Seniors Preservation Corporation 522274027 $461,457 $5,282,733
Edgewood Terrace Preservation Corporation 521939680 $4,573,167 $8,714,255
Edgewood-brookland Family Support Collaborative 522246995 $4,151,793 $1,411,684
Edinnovations Incorporated 273195260 $0 $1
Edison Electric Institute 130659550 $166,849,948 $108,317,308
Edison Electric Institute Retiree Med Vol Employee Beneficiary Association 521660737 $3,395,255 $16,170,783
Edmund Burke School 520883668 $13,195,007 $22,922,002
Edna Adan Hospital Foundation 461552054 $0 $0
Edtricity 464566815 $0 $0
Educare Dc 272481956 $2,856,024 $14,298,180
Educating Families and Youth 800480326 $0 $0
Education and Research Fund of Employee Benefit Research Institut 521190398 $5,072,374 $5,867,897
Education and Research Institute 520993169 $0 $0
Education Finance Council Incorporated 521801566 $1,483,944 $2,263,121
Education for Employment 820578781 $3,689,463 $2,358,602
Education for Just Peace in the Middle East 421636592 $393,306 $303,144
Education for Peace in Iraq Center 522223500 $103,513 $4,700
Education Fund of the American Ctr for International Labor Solidarity 521984719 $154,123 $800,530
Education in Motion 462361235 $0 $0
Education Plus 2 264492699 $0 $0
Education Sector Incorporated 161714740 $601,587 $1,302,114
Education Trust Incorporated 521982223 $10,950,764 $15,010,864
Education Writers Association 237439790 $1,830,533 $1,824,741
Educational Assessment Associates 521806485 $289,995 $58,506
Educational Extensions Incorporated 262839055 $0 $0
Educational Film Center 540841778 $60,926 $254,405
Educational Foundation for Gamma Eta Incorporated 526043076 $118,044 $542,939
Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence 521114375 $638,483 $123,450
Educational Innovation and Scholarship 454808569 $0 $0
Educational Video in Spanish Incorporated 521891359 $202,572 $28,417
Eduseed 522235026 $128,919 $99,287
Edvillage Incorporated 451259831 $454,155 $98,477
Edward C Mazique Parent Child Center Incorporated of the District of Colu 520968193 $4,746,048 $2,002,085
Edyth May Sliffe Fund 522169103 $0 $0
Eec Holistic Ministry 202826023 $0 $0
Efa International 205484031 $0 $0
Efficiency Valuation Organization 912154725 $450,999 $275,300
Efforts - Employment for Former Offenders Receiving Treatment Serv 521917192 $218,844 $49,116
Efforts from Ex-convicts 520893221 $918,354 $790,744
Efiia Cares 452711099 $118,939 $1
Eg Justice 261501643 $270,300 $114,381
Eglise Dieu Pentecotiste Maranatha 020744144 $0 $0
Egyptian American Rule of Law Association 452443209 $48,134 $12,425
Eithiopian Airlines Former Employees Association 541951526 $16,220 $67,081
El Cuenco the Vessel 311584180 $0 $1
El Teatro De Danza Contemporanea De El Salvador 522158953 $26,756 $526
El-hibri Charitable Foundation 522306995 $57,865,968 $31,974,340
Elaine Ellis Center of Health Incorporated 273048576 $928,175 $229,102
Elaine G Levine Charitable Foundation 134053212 $170,731 $358,604
Elan Center 521325418 $0 $0
Eleanor and George Kokiko Sr Foundation Incorporated 522006451 $71,497 $133,491
Electric Drive Transportation Association 521665058 $5,272,971 $1,183,252
Electric Power Supply Association 521497342 $9,143,472 $6,153,965
Electricity Consumers Resource Council 522045847 $767,376 $437,366
Electrification Coalition Alliance Incorporated 010927325 $245,000 $629,863
Electrification Coalition Foundation 010927327 $1,925,000 $364,103
Electronic Discovery Institute 432114253 $599,760 $405,043
Electronic Privacy Information Center 522225921 $1,254,110 $1,689,481
Electronic Registration Information Center Incorporated 455389681 $398,879 $835,209
Electronic Signature and Recordsassociation Incorporated 205008069 $129,802 $199,402
Electronic Transactions Association 521700108 $5,388,226 $4,245,446
Eleuthera Institute 383909905 $15,094 $113,796
Eleuthera Institute 541970947 $310,917 $213,663
Eleven Forty Eight 263760478 $0 $0
Elh Kansas Avenue Incorporated 272491489 $1,769,988 $32,098,316
Elh Support Corporation 261689749 $1,952,449 $31,070,914
Elias Gelman Family Foundation Incorporated 526042342 $57 $191,070
Elizabeth Dole Charitable Foundation 522071982 $1,200,716 $1,224,044
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation 954191698 $125,563,868 $22,642,164
Elizabeth Ministry 870761142 $246,858 $7,800,408
Ellen Wills Martin Foundation 521770268 $149,319 $645,033
Ellington Fund 521152273 $13,747,525 $20,082,164
Elliot L Richardson Prize Fund 522237244 $228,191 $1,074,371
Elmer and Nannette Winter Family Foundation Incorporated 396052809 $54 $24,976
Elny Hardship Fund Incorporated 611682145 $0 $0
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation 043251802 $294,055 $1,980,247
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom Public Charter School 522094777 $6,822,532 $10,408,477
Elva and Lawrence Obrien Fam Trust 137342895 $60,000 $533
Emanuel and Anna Weinstein Foundation 133313447 $556,265 $2,285,894
Embassy Church 530220854 $0 $0
Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe 464740501 $0 $0
Embassy Series 521323620 $272,293 $6,048
Embrace-singles Wholeness and Marriage Strengthening 900493390 $0 $0
Embracing Our Pearls of Wisodm 271063624 $0 $0
Emerald Cities Collaborative Incorporated 270920269 $4,092,270 $4,123,510
Emerald Society Fire Fighters of Washington Dc 521509026 $50,386 $70,838
Emeraldplanet International Foundation 451503756 $0 $0
Emergence Community Arts Collective 061687385 $116,213 $1,190,344
Emergency Committee for American Trade 520891035 $1,176,607 $559,023
Emerging Democracies Institute 460726402 $100,115 $43,048
Emerging Market Private Equity Association 201419095 $4,041,754 $4,290,711
Emerging Markets Forum 522259804 $928,560 $17,942
Emerging Technology Consortium 261260417 $0 $0
Emerson Institute 530062990 $859,320 $235,789
Emissions Control Technology Association Incorporated 201126389 $40,004 $5,358
Emissions Marketing Association 391867387 $190,959 $42,871
Emmanuel Baptist Church of South East Washington 520845886 $0 $0
Emmanuel Community Development Corporation 460733457 $0 $0
Emmanuel Faith Tabernacle Incorporated 521581269 $0 $0
Emmaus Learning Center 522080130 $985 $364
Emmaus Services for the Aging Incorporated 521219781 $235,997 $1,859,579
Emory Beacon of Light 522109509 $486,260 $888,009
Employee Benefit Research Institute 521134631 $6,482,407 $4,754,086
Employee Ownership Foundation Incorporated 521739193 $394,747 $1,994,233
Employees-owned S Corporations of Americas 522215744 $2,089,045 $2,385,373
Employers Council on Flexible 521243095 $1,336,357 $499,467
Employment Policies Institute Foundation 521902264 $2,958,081 $809,760
Employment Support Center Incorporated 521363073 $0 $0
Empower Foundation Incorporated 331132902 $0 $0
Empowering Center for Employment and Career Development 270453889 $1,779,625 $663,490
Empowerment Enterprise Ii 262950191 $64,000 $1
Emulsion Polymers Council 521937077 $0 $0