There are 5,630 nonprofits in St. Louis, Missouri.

Name EIN Income Assets
I Hate Cancer 273869984 $0 $0
I Have a Dream Foundation-st Louis 431428740 $6 $112,238
Iacuc 101 Series 364646622 $132,929 $95,937
Iamcp-united States Incorporated 911943484 $0 $0
Iatse Local 6 Health and Welfare Fund 430791005 $2,225,625 $2,688,641
Ibew and Central Missouri Division Neca Labor Mgnt Cooperation Comtte 431743560 $47,209 $53,949
Ibew Apprenticeship and Training Fund-1 430695816 $1,541,579 $1,319,465
Ibew Neca Vacation Fund Local 257 436107665 $1,933,003 $1,523,846
Ibew No 2 Neca Joint Safety Training Trust 376414314 $429,711 $1,007,206
Ibew-1 Health and Welfare Fund 430678755 $135,905,648 $120,286,677
Ibew-neca Holiday Trust Fund Local No 1 436063999 $15,532,011 $12,166,720
Ibew-neca Income Security Fund 431845782 $461,048 $2,739,672
Ibew-neca Service Center 430896804 $2,515,860 $412,274
Ilearn Life Incorporated 454851856 $0 $0
Illinois Rental Purchase Dealer Associaton 371196733 $0 $0
Illinois Symphony Orchestra Irrevocable Endowment Trust 376358288 $472,499 $751,178
Illuminating Engineering Society 363671367 $0 $0
Illusions Softball Association 431789511 $75,247 $5,586
Imagine Academy of Academic Success in St Louis Incorporated 208364303 $9,059,553 $1,294,684
Imani Rites of Passage and Company Llc 450964068 $0 $0
Immacolata Parish 430653345 $0 $0
Immaculate Conception St Henry Parish 430653355 $0 $0
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 430675848 $0 $0
Immanuel Evangelical Free Church 260506393 $0 $0
Immanuel Lutheran Chapel 430822752 $0 $0
Immanuel Lutheran Church 430720962 $0 $0
Immanuel Temple-god with Us 431939704 $0 $0
Immigrant and Refugee Womens Program 421696954 $147,497 $153,097
Impact for Animals 431781275 $0 $0
Impact Group Charitable Foundation 263602542 $248,241 $2,210,156
Impact St Louis 800511325 $1,302 $1
In God S Service 371592330 $0 $0
In His Image Ministries Incorporated 431763426 $0 $0
In His Image Ministries International 264696479 $0 $0
In Person Productions 463817183 $0 $0
Incarnate Word Academy 430893321 $4,865,467 $5,827,436
Incarnate Word Convent St Louis 430718812 $0 $0
Independence Center 431195240 $8,227,134 $8,134,499
Independence Day Foundation 431229669 $1 $1
Independent Assemblies of God 431193355 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 431082062 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 431213077 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 237599537 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 436033710 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 436035458 $77,012 $362,518
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 900508846 $929,981 $4,528,155
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 331187935 $0 $0
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 431388531 $0 $0
Independent Schools of St Louis 430983817 $251,228 $164,610
Independent Youth Incorporated 272569516 $0 $0
India Association of St Louis 431099250 $0 $0
Individual Illusions Incorporated 431591755 $0 $0
Industrial Aid Incorporated 430950642 $2,992,052 $9,156,894
Industrial Development Authority of St Louis County 431170145 $141,475 $2,564,550
Infertility and Adoption Support Incorporated 203712550 $0 $0
Infinite Scholars Program of Missouri 830373655 $176,730 $45,776
Information Systems Security Association 363998710 $0 $0
Inga and Adolph Hoenny Center for Research and Development in Teaching 920185782 $35,328 $46,277
Inner City Christian Church 431372185 $0 $0
Inner City Youth Tutoring Incorporated 202604243 $0 $0
Innovate St Louis 205235736 $673,512 $65,386
Inobtr 208092147 $173,411 $123,407
Inroads Incorporated 237063728 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 237300632 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 620967197 $5,175,566 $10,475,376
Inroads Incorporated 731537479 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 742775963 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431298898 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431336696 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431348351 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431382759 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431439795 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431475448 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 431676405 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 510234784 $16,151,203 $8,124,002
Inroads Incorporated 341183316 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 363119734 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 363119735 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 363125987 $0 $0
Inroads Incorporated 363186957 $0 $0
Inside Dharma Incorporated 260088006 $0 $0
Insight Theatre Company 270618601 $101,417 $3,997
Inspire Stl 450815402 $186,031 $33,308
Inspired Lives Foundation 841679430 $0 $0
Institute for Challenging Disorganization 680479473 $332,523 $182,975
Institute for Comics Studies 320292060 $0 $0
Institute for Peace and Justice 237451530 $69,912 $18,007
Institute for Political History 431885939 $43,230 $162,656
Institute for Research and Education in Family Medicine 431863752 $1,144,196 $72,627
Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology Incorporated 237000424 $71,408 $54,465
Institute of American Acupuncture and Life Medicine 412065189 $0 $0
Institute of Applied Research Incorporated 431154671 $107,677 $774,305
Institute of Classical Archaeology 431697576 $4,000 $5,427
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 436067088 $0 $0
Institute of Global Scholarship 841250814 $0 $0
Institute of Medical Education and Research 430690321 $345,627 $579,867
Institute of Real Estate Management of the Natl Association of Realtors 510204268 $128,532 $26,828
Institutional Investors Income Fund 430954038 $19,048,027 $396,940,584
Integrating Agriculture 461180751 $0 $0
Interco Charitable Trust 311593436 $10,800,918 $25,944,892
Interfaith Legal Services for Immigrants 431942027 $81,595 $38,785
Interfaith Partnership of Greater St Louis 431393200 $65,203 $55,516
Interfaith Residence 431484279 $6,033,101 $5,600,338
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 364140372 $32,597 $7,120
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 430337688 $65,065 $14,699
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 430497330 $915,295 $660,917
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture M 430549411 $61,938 $26,227
International Allied Printing Trades Association 436052889 $105 $566
International Association Bridge and Structural Iron Workers 0396 430193473 $3,360,482 $7,057,066
International Association of Administrative Professionals 431737479 $0 $0
International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers District 436031392 $229,854 $63,067
International Association of Broadcast Monitors 141866745 $0 $0
International Association of Business Communicators 436045604 $0 $0
International Association of Conference Centers 133076803 $753,758 $863,549
International Association of Conference Centers Incorporated 431741316 $261,536 $179,380
International Association of Fire Fighters 430513605 $522,726 $159,869
International Association of Fire Fighters 431104827 $1,349,937 $1,388,645
International Association of Lions Clubs 431079639 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 431099384 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 436033332 $175,170 $78,172
International Association of Lions Clubs 436036347 $52,959 $1,053,789
International Association of Lions Clubs 237112107 $138,585 $78,370
International Association of Lions Clubs 436050341 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 436063558 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 436063591 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 436063650 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 436063653 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 271247527 $0 $0
International Black Fire Fighters Foundation 521699291 $0 $0
International Brecht Society Incorporated 581827904 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Iron Ship Builders 430187740 $674,621 $3,099,898
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 430257325 $92,311 $423,624
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 430337427 $7,491,804 $8,054,703
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 430337428 $2,389,080 $5,736,795
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 430615354 $1,159,059 $627,473
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 430626767 $546,129 $351,123
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 430682406 $547,288 $2,411,685
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No 257 Apprenti 436138617 $272,034 $139,055
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Vacation Fund 430647886 $17,408,997 $12,464,956
International Brotherhood of Longshoremen Welfare Fund 430838810 $1,644,026 $487,099
International Brotherhood of No 2 430916646 $31,061 $34,198
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 430626171 $1,184,006 $591,666
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 430640435 $4,234,514 $1,431,026
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 430675914 $942,959 $571,438
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 430166050 $212,696 $79,184
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 430337438 $1,724,367 $1,150,472
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 431306949 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 431403011 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 431572100 $0 $0
International Catholic Deaf Association 436098733 $8,724 $27,046
International Cesarean Awareness Network 133174577 $20,454 $20,756
International Cesarean Awareness Network 205490222 $0 $0
International Christian Missions Church 223943843 $0 $0
International Costumers Guild Incorporated 260238872 $0 $0
International Crisis Aid Incorporated 300060905 $1,739,761 $552,299
International Folk Dance Association of University City Mis 436054633 $0 $0
International Institute Community Development Corporation 161765276 $83,919 $630,906
International Institute of Evangelism 521986531 $11,200 $2,340
International Institute of Metropolitan St Louis 430652640 $5,082,427 $282,477
International Leadership Network 431553840 $0 $0
International Lutheran Deaf Association 431618377 $19,033 $33,771
International Lutheran Laymens League 431631485 $0 $0
International Lutheran Laymens League 431732163 $0 $0
International Lutheran Laymens League 431843590 $0 $0
International Lutheran Laymens League 431870234 $0 $0
International Lutheran Laymens League 431927992 $0 $0
International Lutheran Laymens League 430653365 $0 $0
International Medical Assistance Foundation Incorporated 134311651 $60,947 $37,023
International Model United Nations Association Incorporated 311226472 $500,575 $365,349
International Psoriasis Council 201566278 $963,857 $934,931
International Ragtime Music Archives 010930617 $0 $0
International Reading Association Incorporated 237008984 $0 $0
International Reading Association Incorporated 431685348 $0 $0
International Society for Krishna Consciousness of St Louis Incorporated 431233756 $0 $0
International Student Ministry 371456299 $0 $0
International Theological Education Ministries Incorporated 841177390 $264,562 $185,929
International Transplant Nurses Society 800242005 $0 $0
International True Gospel Ministrie S--itgm Publishing--incorporated 431323772 $0 $0
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers 430193645 $505,928 $0
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers 430256327 $5,181 $145,325
International Union of Elevator Constructors 430337695 $980,378 $2,398,591
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 430290736 $453,264 $656,784
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 430447250 $2,068,778 $2,370,058
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 430447294 $103,347 $158,559
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 436040778 $135,876 $114,635
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 436048852 $106,120 $81,657
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 430558392 $79,914 $132,521
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 431039432 $88,722 $33,208
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 430650924 $90,258 $46,380
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 237447681 $337,276 $163,639
International Womens Brass Conference Incorporated 431568175 $133,292 $413,758
International Word Center 800788647 $2,310 $2,105
Interstate Disaster Medical Collaborative 800704634 $0 $0
Invest in Your Smile 264132512 $0 $0
Iota Club of Theta Xi 237160343 $292,597 $1,107,374
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Incorporated 363163319 $20,815 $18,763
Iraqi Student Project Incorporated 261356230 $177,408 $166,551
Irma F Barsnes Trust 06600021 376026493 $10,408 $28,010
Ironworkers Local 518 430272650 $123,443 $173,589
Irving and Beatrice Edison Foundation Incorporated 436027018 $437,281 $934,792
Isaiah 58 Ministries 431519796 $325,795 $23,845
Islamic Community Center Incorporated 900041293 $433,183 $3,186,469
Italia-america Bocce Club Incorporated 431068779 $274,328 $604,440
Italian American Heritage Corporation 431342802 $0 $0
Italian Community Band of St Louis 431681646 $0 $0
Italian Film Festival of St Louis 421685344 $0 $0
Ivy Foundation of St Louis 431812996 $45,827 $18,909
J and S Charitable Foundation 261582538 $237,407 $1,336,318
J W and Mildred a Kisling Charitable Foundation John J Meien Ttee 431313651 $473,045 $639,580
Jack and Effie Riedesel Charitable Trust 436625489 $133,921 $381,970
Jack and Gertrude Solomon Unitrust 436365074 $78,013 $153,641
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 581946685 $0 $0
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 582641676 $0 $0
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 376049842 $0 $0
Jack and Robin Hake Foundation 271417162 $779,111 $8,537,708
Jacksonville Public Library Trust 00257 376294590 $274,998 $1,236,523
Jacobs Journeys 452662887 $147,180 $17,456
Jacobsen Family Foundation 431946788 $103,191 $157,917
Jaguar Club of Greater St Louis 810643263 $0 $0
Jamaa Learning Center 270404430 $1,850,385 $805,826
James C and Alice G Woodward Educational Trust Fund 466316738 $514,762 $327,889
James C Woodward and Alice G Woodward Trust 040015369400 376533785 $2,135,038 $1,426,749
James L and Nellie M Westlake Scholarship Foundation 160940k Mer 436248269 $9,235,891 $18,986,387
James Reynolds House Foundation 453678644 $0 $0
James S Mcdonnell Foundation 542074788 $74,960,010 $445,233,736
James Theodore Walker Trust 025600e 436018413 $12,613 $544,833
James Theodore Walker Trust 025610e 436018414 $10,729 $461,308
Jane Audrey Ellis Charitable Foundation 266700117 $1,162,887 $1,394,819
Jane H Wilson Trust for the Passavant Mem Area Hospital Association 900513371 $286,051 $400,183
Jane H@wilson Trust Fob Gumc 207461422 $281,752 $399,362
Jane M and Bruce P Robert Charitable Foundation 436852688 $782,317 $1,212,306
Janet M Johnston Foundation 266519720 $308,680 $1,535,500
Jannah Institute 453982240 $101,617 $69,374
Japan America Society of St Louis Incorporated 431047093 $108,745 $153,991
Jazz Midwest Incorporated 454864642 $0 $0
Jazz St Louis 431761629 $4,865,144 $3,780,251
Jca Charitable Foundation 431930192 $525,724 $2,774,758
Jca Support Co 431886138 $69 $117,350
Jean Jack and Mildred Lemons Charitable Trust 436328116 $6,238,081 $7,497,346
Jeanette L Windegger Educational 436263603 $4,005,817 $8,802,865
Jeddys In-home Services Incorporated 431926190 $103,438 $13,480
Jeff-vander-lou Incorporated 430893099 $0 $0
Jefferson Barracks Chapel Association Incorporated 431181867 $292,363 $32,991
Jefferson Barracks Heritage Foundation Incorporated 710884064 $36,437 $7,014
Jefferson Barracks Marine Soccer Club 431506901 $661,018 $245,549
Jefferson Barracks Ordnance Depot 453277951 $0 $0
Jefferson County Catholic Church Real Estate Corporation 260072489 $0 $0
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Employee Association 431602164 $0 $0
Jefferson National Parks Association Incorporated 436062751 $9,058,241 $5,617,365
Jefferson Park Incorporated 431622404 $133,753 $839,174
Jennie White Charitable Trust 376457378 $119,925 $603,863
Jennifer Stiegemeyer Angel Memorial Fund 431937501 $0 $0
Jennings Community Charitable Foundation 431829243 $0 $0
Jennings Do-dads Association 436032405 $0 $0
Jens-pres Incorporated 431262764 $774,979 $2,596,554
Jeremiah Call Christ Ministry Jeremiah Baptist Church 320243519 $0 $0
Jeremy Project 562319517 $0 $0
Jerome and Nancy Kalishman Family Foundation 436407739 $13,278 $433,679
Jerry Mcdowell Memorial Scholarship Foundation 431866501 $70,868 $78,670
Jerry Rice 127 Foundation 943214482 $10,004 $17,175
Jerusalem Church of God in Christ 431489759 $32,246 $1,947
Jesse N Smith Heritage Foundation 205694378 $4,346 $11,894
Jesus Christ Temple of Deliverance 431686149 $0 $0
Jesus is All Church of God Apostolic Incorporated 362086002 $0 $0
Jesus Kids 264700079 $0 $0
Jesus Loves You Ministries Incorporated 431265369 $0 $0
Jewish Center for the Aged 430652646 $34 $81,758
Jewish Community Center 430681477 $27,209,963 $81,920,912
Jewish Community Relations Councilof Saint Louis 205631988 $699,590 $1,169,257
Jewish Family and Childrens Service 430790330 $8,663,912 $10,450,556
Jewish Federation of St Louis 430652643 $42,327,264 $111,884,990
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Incorporated 436072532 $0 $0
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Incorporated 436072534 $0 $0
Jewish War Veterans of the Untied States of America Incorporated 436050060 $0 $0
Jim and Linda Shubert Chartiable Foundation 456566234 $646,391 $614,071
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative Incorporated 233081243 $20,043,589 $9,403,951
Jim Mcniel Evangelistic Association 510191906 $32,575 $71,642
Jle Foundation 320110255 $0 $0
Jmg Foundation 273017668 $6,457,616 $6,222,120
Jms Charitable Foundation 121901 436871939 $7,900,395 $5,758,312
Jobs Daughters International 237233267 $0 $0
Jobs Daughters International 237233285 $0 $0
Joe Torry Giving Back the Love Foundation 431780402 $0 $1
Joel 2 28 Ministries Trinity Christian Center 731218324 $0 $0
John Allan Love Charitable Foundation 436066121 $455,874 $3,369,554
John and Alex Arnold Fam Foundation 436856853 $120,512 $798,182
John and Ellen Moriarty Family Foundation 462733519 $30,000 $2,183
John and Mary Jane Lee Charitable Foundation 266700047 $886,330 $2,693,845
John and Yvette Dubinsky Family Charitable Foundation 436786303 $1,030,825 $231,087
John Barret Charitable Trust Fbo Bradley University 376453199 $78,907 $227,183
John Burroughs School 430652619 $30,341,179 $123,335,262
John E Krettek Iii Foundation for Applied Sciences Incorporated 455100852 $0 $0
John Ford Pipe Band 830492065 $0 $0
John H Hinrichs Pdca Scholarship Fund 436625333 $0 $0
John Henry Foster and Bernadine Foster Foundation 431242408 $528,961 $1,251,953
John J and Erma L Donelan Charitable Trust 06681288 367206131 $365,895 $596,189
John J Donelan Charitable Trust 367206133 $349,251 $477,140
John K and Ellen a Wallace Charitable Trust 436320310 $274,655 $867,568
John L Mertz Scholarship Fund Incorporated 201198683 $4,022 $12,501
John M Coleman Scholarship Fund 431939854 $4 $1,180
John Rau Gaumer Memorial Trust 06676862 816120725 $180,504 $324,065
John Thomas Miles Jr Charitable Trust 266291447 $0 $0
Johnny Macs Mens Baseball League 431648204 $151,442 $117,475
Johnson Memorial Missionary Baptist Church 431903241 $0 $0
Joint Neighborhood Ministry 431387660 $229,523 $133,333
Joint Roofing Industry Apprentice Committee 430811095 $221,485 $222,329
Joseph and Joan Lipic Foundation 436732852 $38,090 $369,509
Joseph Desloge Trust 031420e Mercantile Trust Co Na Ttee 436018411 $146,827 $630,791
Joseph F Imbs Ii Scholarship Foundation 237418805 $282,154 $644,099
Joseph Garilus Diabetes and Infectious Diseases Prevention Fou 271375320 $0 $0
Joseph James Gamlin Memorial Fund 262496663 $0 $0
Joseph M Arndt Foundation 436029172 $70,459 $160,270
Joseph R and Campsidel Euans Foundation 466119981 $86,307 $691,915
Joseph Simeon Sanchez Medical Research Fund 436693329 $118,479 $568,641
Joseph W Martino Trust Ulwt 436274479 $392,665 $652,584
Josephine R Berra Charitable Trust 276351287 $1,028 $135,546
Joshua Media Ministry 331174241 $3,674,320 $5,500,182
Joshua Ministries Incorporated 431866399 $0 $0
Joy Spiva Cragin Charitable Trust 436365083 $325,068 $599,347
Jro Ministries 371610417 $0 $0
Js3 Charities Incorporated 262325518 $0 $0
Jsm Charitable Trust 431769438 $22,668,450 $202
Jubilee Christian Development Corporation 431907760 $229,856 $119,363
Jubilee Church Incorporated 431754163 $0 $0
Jubilee Community Church 431802480 $0 $0
Judevine Incorporated 270445486 $1,793,344 $332,832
Julia Bukauskas Education Fund 237317655 $0 $0
Julian I and Hope R Edison Foundation Incorporated 436027034 $2,936,690 $11,928,689
Juliette Eliscu Trust Fbo 436276793 $52,394 $260,848
Jumpstarting Urban Innovation with Critical Thinking and Exercise 263904637 $0 $0
Jungle Pit Sanctuary 264515568 $0 $0
Junior Bowling Club of Greater St Louis 431550148 $0 $0
Junior College Dist of St Louis St Louis Co Mo Bldg Corp 431412957 $1,152,150 $27,424,501
Junior Dragons Football Club Incorporated 204709434 $0 $0
Junior Golf Foundation of Greater St Louis 261557647 $328,443 $294,301
Junior League of St Louis Incorporated 430666754 $1,712,058 $1,703,834
Just-us Tennis Foundation 841692562 $0 $0
Justine Petersen Housing and Reinvestment Corporation 431769074 $2,566,722 $13,404,825
Jvl Elderly Housing Corporation 431917650 $647,607 $1,499,982
Jvl Housing Corp 430950805 $2,196,351 $247,884
K S Theatrical Korps 431366592 $0 $0
K-life Ministries 431498116 $0 $0
K-life Ministries 202605251 $0 $0
K9 Rescue and Rehab 271664749 $0 $0
Kabbalah Made Easy 421609523 $81,364 $22,191
Kagyu Droden Kunchab St Louis 431818300 $0 $0
Kahn Memorial Trust 436373252 $33,025 $692,149
Kambit Ltd 431404652 $0 $0
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity 436049338 $0 $0
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity 463485657 $0 $0
Kappa Delta Sorority 462293188 $50,758 $9,985
Kappa Delta Sorority 431591573 $113,386 $47,252
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity 900277152 $0 $0
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 431213147 $0 $0
Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Incorporated 436068479 $0 $0
Kappa League Scholarship Fund Incorporated 431383653 $0 $0
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fdtn Incorporated College of Pharmacy Univ of Ok Hsc 731439122 $32,995 $131,071
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 430668482 $60,650 $10,000
Karakas Family Private Charitable Foundation 431327059 $2,540 $46,073
Karlovsky and Company Dance 900895575 $0 $0
Karpel Foundation 464874785 $0 $0
Katherine O Jarrell Trust 371082771 $165,315 $238,786
Katherine Stauffer Charitable Trust 173490f 436267095 $266,667 $848,514
Katy Land Trust Incorporated 462667218 $0 $0
Katyann Foundation 431849928 $0 $0
Kc Plaza Incorporated 431102384 $571,497 $1,057,189
Keane Group Foundation 264550107 $365,413 $164,434
Keep It Real Youth Outreach Ministries 800871533 $0 $0
Keepwatching50 Llc 460569696 $0 $0
Kehilat Etz Hayim 431393138 $0 $0
Kelley Charitable Foundation 202636915 $0 $0
Kemp for the Youth 465756974 $0 $0
Kendall Faith Foundation 562506273 $0 $0
Kennerly School Parent Teacher Partnership 431746766 $0 $0
Kennerly Temple Church of God 431179560 $0 $0
Kenneth Cook Trust 436924947 $151,575 $1,158,148
Kenneth Shepard Ministries 431776204 $0 $0
Keystone of St Louis 431493581 $0 $0
Khvt 273083982 $0 $0
Kids Chance Incorporated of Illinois 462239425 $0 $0
Kids Chance Incorporated of Missouri 431723337 $147,463 $125,945
Kids Chance of America 204066739 $208,930 $218,714
Kids Enjoy Exercise Now 030570681 $105,461 $290
Kids in the Middle Incorporated 431192510 $1,521,742 $683,831
Kilalo Rites of Passage 431833234 $0 $0
Kilo Diabetes and Vascular Research Foundation 237152540 $641,006 $4,299,131
Kingdom Builders Community Development Corp 800295360 $0 $0
Kingdom House 430652648 $3,095,158 $2,996,323
Kings Sanctuary-outreach Ministry 010750030 $0 $0
Kingsbury Ensemble 431948205 $0 $0
Kinship Circle 205869532 $29,644 $33,592
Kipp St Louis 010916759 $5,256,987 $3,096,912
Kirkwood Business Development Corporation 431728090 $0 $0
Kirkwood High Hockey Club 431452819 $114,192 $19,535
Kirkwood Lacrosse Club 900904530 $0 $0
Kirkwood School District Parent Teacher Organizational Council 200233383 $25,869 $17,169
Kiwanis Club of Hampton-midtown 136063186 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 431391893 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 436063176 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 436063186 $0 $0
Kiwi Charitable Fund 203328723 $0 $0
Kling Family Foundation Trust 06-25-98 436804508 $407,763 $1,562,819
Knights of Columbus 461029454 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 463487974 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 061657868 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 203200629 $12,304 $8,033
Knights of Columbus 237106697 $68,386 $16,890
Knights of Columbus 237107454 $65,241 $339,048
Knights of Columbus 237113662 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237202464 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237543342 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237543358 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237543372 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 260519888 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 300801686 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 320128643 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 383848683 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 431693888 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 431833897 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 436013848 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus St Raphaels Council 260852114 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 800753865 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary 352430402 $0 $0
Koch Fam Charitable Foundation 436783496 $9 $8,876
Koinonia Baptist Temple 431913267 $0 $0
Kol Haneshama Congregation 431937727 $0 $0
Kol Rinah 901003729 $0 $0
Kolping Kicks Soccer Club 431563265 $415,337 $207,564
Korea America Economic Association Dept of Economics and Geography 251500080 $76,848 $238,435
Korean-american Society of St Louis 431505698 $43,457 $111,010
Kossuth Church of God in Christ 431201752 $0 $0
Kossuth Elderly Apartments Incorporated 300070791 $196,120 $2,916,988
Kranzberg Arts Foundation 260482903 $2,050,063 $3,052,412
Kranzberg Family Charitable Foundation Dtd 6-3-2000 436852835 $97,182 $215,004
Kranzberg Foundation 204920260 $571,358 $631,138
Kuhn Foundation 203067498 $1,969,086 $6,947,749
Kulanu Yachad International Incorporated 455260828 $0 $0
Kuto Corporation 431488186 $185,331 $359,740
Kwame Foundation Trust 09242003 436902003 $159,337 $5,201
L-a-d Foundation Incorporated 436036974 $1,211,243 $130,937,532
La Festa Di Santa Fara of St Louis 262174844 $0 $0
La Hacienda Subdivision Trustees 430668227 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 431850545 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 431876652 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 431877854 $0 $0
La Providence Relief of Fatherless and Orphaned Children 800800200 $0 $0
Labarge Coating Llc Health Benefits Trust 270610492 $1,059,109 $135
Laborers International Union of North America 430337580 $2,966,806 $25,844,215
Laborers International Union of North America 430337603 $1,392,467 $1,090,151
Laborers International Union of North America 431783605 $315,622 $122,748
Laborers Local 110 Holding Company 352458463 $0 $0
Laclede Gas Company Benefit Plan Trust Veba for Certain Non-union E 431699616 $15,418,734 $16,797,360
Laclede Gas Company Benefit Plan Trust Veba for Contract Union Empl 431699619 $56,980,980 $50,927,926
Lacledes Landing Foundation 431355493 $224,314 $348,059
Ladies of Charity of the United States of Ameriaca 521276972 $224,497 $522,373
Ladue Early Childhood Parents Association 431760580 $41,588 $33,388
Ladue Education Foundation 204762875 $63,340 $44,156
Ladue Garden Club 436100757 $0 $0
Ladue Horton Watkins High School Parent Association 273222606 $83,140 $33,034
Ladue Middle School Parent Association 431855662 $70,738 $61,319
Ladue West Parent Association 462576274 $0 $0
Lafayette Park Conservancy 680541328 $110,938 $46,632
Lafayette Preparatory Academy Incorporated 274702106 $0 $0
Lafayette Square Bath and Tennis Club Incorporated 431547058 $61,500 $178,411
Lafayette Square Dog Park Incorporated 453632156 $0 $0
Lafayette Square Restoration Committee 237134347 $87,080 $150,200
Lakeside Athletic Foundation Incorporated 331106921 $0 $0
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated 201579003 $0 $0
Lambda Corporation 237129434 $172,762 $640,646
Lambs Bride Church of God 431626451 $0 $0
Lambskin Scholarship Endowment Fund 454688492 $0 $0
Landmarks Association of St Louis Incorporated 436036899 $242,430 $461,431
Lane Tabernacle Foundation 431794203 $0 $0
Larry Hughes Foundation 431899617 $26,198 $11,225
Larson Financial Foundation 456578022 $2,864,716 $2,702,727
Larson Financial Foundation 383893553 $1 $1
Lasalle Baptist Church 562533537 $0 $1
Last Command Ministries 431666595 $0 $0
Laumeier Sculpture Park 431131429 $2,868,252 $6,737,182
Launch St Louis Incorporated 300622755 $0 $0
Laura Anderson Ministries 431993844 $0 $0
Laura L Adams Trust 376023086 $143,499 $322,997
Law Library Association of St Louis 430729359 $596,542 $465,692
Lawrence E Stout and Katinka Conger Stout Fam Foundation 331069419 $325 $1
Lawyers Association of St Louis C/o Oliver a Dulle 430810316 $153,801 $12,804
Lay Renewal Ministries Incorporated 431344588 $512,282 $324,587
Lcms National Housing Support Corporation 201723584 $564,498 $1,618,137
Le Roseau Initiative 800734369 $0 $0
Leadership for Social Change 454633905 $0 $0
League of African American Women 273040214 $0 $0
League of Women Voters Information Service 431094055 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Missouri 430415536 $35,321 $35,726
League of Women Voters of Missouri Education Fund 431344654 $22,204 $47,001
League of Women Voters of Missouri St Louis 430373605 $0 $0
Learning Center 430970419 $0 $0
Learning Tree Day Nursery Incorporated 430967760 $481,108 $184,709
Lecepto-lindbergh Early Childhood Parent Teacher Organization 431702045 $0 $0
Lee Dewey Corporation 731279603 $1,342,577 $3,003,745
Lee H Cruse Trust 04301987 766188736 $9,422,299 $35,551,548
Left Bank Books Foundation 272757791 $0 $0
Legal Advocates for Abused Women 431709104 $436,204 $34,101
Legal Services of Eastern Mo Incorporated 430816805 $7,290,377 $7,774,510
Legal Support Services Incorporated 202540660 $0 $0
Legend Singers Ensemble 431515229 $0 $0
Lehmkuhl Foundation 760484794 $105,899 $324,863
Lela Louise Smith Foundation Dtdfebruary 19 2004 206778741 $113,835 $230,121
Leland T Capps Trust 06608008 376023527 $92,188 $165,181
Lelia Heuer Charitable Trust 436603141 $153,068 $924,517
Lemay Chamber of Commerce 431269356 $86,371 $81,216
Lemay Child and Family Center 431061831 $1,216,743 $1,813,813
Lemay Development Corporation 431270167 $148,439 $2,602,778
Lemay Housing Partnership Incorporated 431827775 $1,357,736 $1,110,731
Lemay Meals on Wheels Incorporated 237273903 $0 $0
Lemay Retirement Lodge 1 205849326 $0 $1
Lemay Veterans Association 436049211 $0 $0
Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center 431928128 $0 $0
Lena H Green Trust 436256608 $404,914 $768,857
Lence Charitable Fund Incorporated 593780252 $21,980 $432,590
Lenke Family Foundation 203309702 $14,356 $695,862
Lenox Place Association 431843462 $0 $0
Leo Drey Pioneer Foundation 326059193 $2,555,895 $2,565,167
Leon and Mary Strauss Charitable Foundation Trust 376448116 $2,212,007 $2,155,896
Leonard and Maudena Barnes Endowment Trust 436828512 $0 $0
Les Amis 431722672 $0 $0
Les Dames D Escoffier International-st Louis Chapter 263849044 $0 $0
Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender Community Center of Metro St Louis 202991421 $0 $0
Letha Weston Charitable Trust 200069523 $35,089 $129,811
Lets Start Incorporated 431601320 $235,555 $288,941
Lewis C Love Trust Ua Dtd 113084 436290886 $178,524 $899,229
Lewis Place Historical Preservation 311741742 $44,835 $4,522
Lewis W Hyer Trust 098310c 436020535 $140,685,759 $136,388,238
Liberation Christian Church 260859448 $0 $0
Liberty Christian Church of St Louis Incorporated 431452059 $0 $0
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church 431548676 $0 $0
Liberty Worship Christian Center 800402357 $0 $0
Library Foundation for the Benefit of St Louis Public Library 431541947 $2,811,778 $10,718,869
Life and Destiny Community Development Corporation 453774575 $0 $0
Life Cathedral Incorporated 621138455 $0 $0
Life Center Church of St Louis Incorporated 431820824 $0 $0
Life Source Consultants Incorporated 431681655 $247,310 $38,867
Life Support World Outreach 912084586 $0 $0
Lifeline Donor Registry 431113201 $0 $0
Lifes Big Picture 263917134 $0 $0
Lifestyle and Health Research Corp 431475084 $3,302 $181,985
Lift for Life Academy Incorporated 431535886 $6,811,531 $4,614,486
Lift for Life Gym 208185890 $649,693 $417,075
Lifted Wings Dance Ministry 464857165 $0 $0
Light a Single Candle Foundation Nfp 421557485 $589,489 $1,997,596
Light of Christ Christian Fellowship 300686125 $0 $0
Light of Life Outreach 261230670 $0 $0
Light of the World 431661808 $71,708 $100,732
Light Outreach Ministries 731716244 $0 $0
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 470866571 $25,922 $2,669
Lighthouse Christian Ministry 431645279 $0 $0
Lighthouse for the Blind 430652639 $37,175,032 $78,792,509
Lighthouse Free Methodist Church Chinese 431481326 $0 $0
Lighthouse Ministries 431936524 $0 $0
Lights of the Jewish Special Needs Society 431223978 $0 $0
Lilian Circle Neighborhood Development Association 431908506 $0 $0
Lillian and Dr Harry Glassman Foundation 453354429 $1 $100
Lindbergh Football Association Incorporated 203110430 $72,365 $10,048
Lindbergh High School Mothers Club 271963657 $0 $0
Lindbergh Schools Foundation 431819740 $82,663 $411,706
Lindbergh String Orchestra Development Association 200588312 $0 $0
Lindell Park Neighborhood Development Association Incorporated 611468643 $0 $0
Linden Heights Housing Corporation 431782556 $0 $0
Lindenwood Area Senior Ministry 412270885 $0 $0
Lindgate Manor Swimming Club Incorporated 430791846 $89,181 $419,458
Lindy Hop St Louis 450918962 $0 $0
Links Incorporated 436042292 $0 $0
Links Incorporated 371222818 $32,892 $57,473
Links Incorporated 721543823 $45,891 $34,672
Linn H Bealke Charitable Foundation 261568779 $111,855 $359,627
Lionel Railroad Club of St Louis 431430786 $0 $0
Lions Eye Foundation of District 26-m2 431602692 $257,474 $1,111,274
Lions International St Louis Downtown Lions Club 436063652 $0 $0
Literacy and Education Applied with Purpose 264279914 $0 $0
Literacy Roundtable 431822196 $0 $0
Little Angels Foundation Incorporated 800921478 $0 $0
Little Bit Foundation 200126713 $648,895 $453,487
Little Flower Catholic Church 430653362 $0 $0
Little Sisters of the Poor North Side 431113466 $0 $511,239
Little Sisters of the Poor St Louis Residence 430653363 $5,544,197 $9,470,368
Liturgical Composers Forum 461313820 $0 $0
Litzsinger Road Ecology Foundation Trust 203811426 $862,901 $14,790,019
Live 800772569 $0 $0
Live at Peace Ministries 208583702 $483,227 $193,109
Lively Stone Church of God Apostolic Faith 431443030 $0 $0
Livermore Student Scholarship Fund 436505222 $141,917 $265,741
Lives Worth Saving Incorporated 203472184 $0 $0
Living City Corporation 454328199 $0 $0
Living Faith Mcc 431724467 $0 $0
Living Faith Testimonial Church 800556191 $0 $0
Living in Victory Ministry 542041017 $0 $0
Living Story Foundation 122801 436871941 $51 $449,212
Living Water Pc of G 431675732 $0 $0
Living Waters Church of God Fellowship 331195571 $31,216 $110,273
Living with Purpose 461704971 $0 $0
Living Word Christian Fellowship 431280103 $0 $0
Local 202 Sheet Metal Workers Welfare Fund 430681729 $617,732 $229,065
Local 36 Vacation Fund 430900934 $5,950,036 $4,320,075
Local 649 Sub and Welfare Fund 431827623 $621,910 $5,092,195
Local Union 1455 Building Corporation 431522569 $0 $0
Local Union 682 Real Estate Company 331122931 $55,364 $291,960
Local Union No 1887 Uaw Building Corporation 364759867 $0 $0
Log Cabin Club 430381765 $1,960,172 $2,187,034
Logos Gospel Assembly 161757789 $0 $0
Looking for an Angel 061779537 $0 $0
Loop Trolley Company 431937607 $398,120 $105,685
Loosen the Leash Incorporated 208973749 $25,973 $37
Lord Educational Fund 510175613 $1,033,477 $1,894,979
Lords House of Prayer 431935802 $0 $0
Lottie C Hardy Trust 436239401 $900,182 $2,870,680
Lou Fusz Soccer Club 431647074 $2,131,850 $2,311,916
Louis and Temple Marsch Charitable Trust 376129244 $847,845 $917,872
Louis E Bell Charitable Trust 436406133 $58,834 $94,388
Louis H Kohler Foundation 371154193 $21,964 $4,111
Louis J Brooks Sr Margaret a Brooks and Ernest a Brooks Trust 3956-00-0 436021451 $0 $0
Louis T Shelton Love Outreach Ministry 271722325 $0 $0
Louise B Empson Trust Uw 376220876 $1,291,780 $4,588,544
Louise Deaton Mcdonald Char Trust 716163705 $494,649 $283,997
Louise R Ramsey Charitable Trust 436309624 $25,647 $161,282
Love a Golden Rescue 431911892 $67,245 $143,364
Love and Care Church 431341799 $0 $0
Love and Empowerment Home 275187031 $0 $0
Love Community Outreach Incorporated 273584986 $0 $0
Love in Action Messiahs Endtime Ministries 431448025 $0 $0
Love Joy Peace Foundation 272985383 $0 $0
Love Outreach Victory Temple 431423343 $0 $0
Lovelace Sanders Foundation 431834768 $0 $0
Lowndes Cemetery Preservation and Improvement Corporation 455464123 $0 $0
Loyd Phillips Charitable Trust 436313437 $38,576 $492,187
Lubin-green Foundation 436049332 $1,152,894 $8,672,867
Lucky Dog Foundation 454300863 $0 $976
Lumina Group of St Louis 134215073 $1 $1
Luminary Incorporated 272137348 $185,710 $322,747
Luminous Arts Production Company 260535361 $0 $0
Lutheran Association for Recycled Clothing 431819496 $0 $0
Lutheran Association for Special Education 430780770 $0 $0
Lutheran Blind Mission Society 431901364 $0 $0
Lutheran Business Women 436049329 $0 $0
Lutheran Campus Ministry-st Louis Area 431609538 $0 $0
Lutheran Church Extension Fund-mo Synod 431151795 $0 $0
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 430658188 $0 $0
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Foundation 436034481 $0 $0
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 430792295 $0 $0
Lutheran Community Center 430653364 $0 $0
Lutheran Deaf Mission Society 263592468 $0 $0
Lutheran Elementary School Association 431853158 $1,344,649 $4,929,845
Lutheran Family and Children Services of Missouri Group Return 431651424 $0 $0
Lutheran Family and Childrens Services Foundation Incorporated 311576236 $3,230,264 $10,259,625
Lutheran Family and Childrens Services of Missouri 430652650 $12,441,033 $11,150,281
Lutheran Film Associates 136205448 $0 $0
Lutheran Foundation of St Louis Missouri 431379359 $0 $0
Lutheran Geriatric Care Incorporated 203528911 $2,286,368 $328,452
Lutheran High School Association of St Louis 430662478 $0 $0
Lutheran Hillside Village Foundation 371371314 $5,496,388 $6,270,102
Lutheran Hillside Village Incorporated 370818454 $16,136,312 $51,358,844
Lutheran Historical Conference 237156738 $0 $0
Lutheran Reformation Hour 237120365 $0 $0
Lutheran Resale Shop 436050771 $42,766 $13,764
Lutheran Retirement Center 371199021 $11,463,233 $59,383,286
Lutheran Senior Services 430654862 $150,814,533 $400,455,813
Lutheran Senior Services Endowment Fund 431818832 $14,023,041 $37,030,095
Lutheran Society for Missiology Incorporated 320084323 $0 $0
Lutheran Womens Missionary League 430670932 $0 $0
Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism Incorporated 930810456 $0 $0
Lutherans in Medical Missions 431699294 $107,213 $64,459
Lux Family Foundation 431879292 $2,016,369 $1,945,883
Luxor Learning 481254831 $0 $0
Lydias House Incorporated 431699278 $1,125,940 $2,641,448
M C Gospel Center 431904242 $0 $0
M Rosalie Fusz Charitable Foundation 436936482 $15,618 $458,859
Mac Foundation for the Arts 431586067 $0 $0
Mac Sports Foundation 431587269 $0 $0
Maccarthy Foundation 452225206 $3 $5,811
Mackenzie Place 202 273777863 $96,186 $4,837,012
Mackenzie Place 202-ii 454000626 $0 $0
Magdala Foundation 430895648 $2,981,272 $2,796,626
Magdalene St Louis Incorporated 900855622 $0 $0
Magic House 510138441 $7,038,327 $26,108,478
Magnificent Missouri Incorporated 455290470 $103,322 $6,554
Maloney Group Ii 431818835 $1,115,772 $4,763,696
Mama Nyumba 431808233 $172,543 $1,499,342
Mama Nyumba Ii 431909559 $158,131 $2,291,509
Mamie Holden Scholarship Fund Nect 1st Natl Bk and Trust Co of Joplin 431138294 $50,847 $116,266
Mangrove Foundation 274267107 $170,819 $981,941
Maor Foundation 421645906 $102,495 $7,581,867
Maple Grove Cemetery Association Trust Trenton Natl Mercantile Bank Ttee 431066961 $18,493 $308,306
Maplewood Bible Chapel 436052672 $0 $0
Maplewood Christian Church 436036058 $0 $0
Maplewood Full Gospel Temple Incorporated 431075530 $145,726 $101,377
Maplewood Police and Fire Association 113695279 $0 $0
Maranatha Ministries Incorporated 311573379 $0 $0
Marc a Seldin Philanthropic Fund 207131891 $65,374 $399,195
Mardi Gras Foundation 431941346 $376,570 $721,961
Mardi Gras Incorporated 431903131 $1,510,000 $324,636
Margaret Blanke Grigg Foundation 431699657 $2,773,469 $7,683,908
Margaret C Palmer Trust 396596804 $561,191 $874,240
Margaret Mathews Jenks Foundation 431890895 $170,129 $1,253,165
Margaret Mudd Fletcher Charitable Foundation 201204002 $289,009 $1,122,951
Marian Foundation 436046297 $222,247 $951,369
Marian Middle School 431873629 $1,843,718 $2,334,737
Marianist Novitiate 030415363 $0 $0
Marie and Mayer Winkler Foundation 466281096 $146,148 $767,307
Marikle Foundation 205452983 $0 $0
Marine Corps League 010701603 $0 $0
Marine Corps League 436073640 $167,255 $329,558
Marion I Breen Charitable Foundation 260640175 $2,715,327 $10,678,415
Mariposa Mens Wellness Institute 161642237 $0 $0
Marjorie H Mcfarland Charitable Trust Fund 436313442 $811,649 $1,527,119
Mark Joseph James Foundation 431903876 $0 $0
Mark Munsell Memorial Foundation 830378709 $0 $2,585
Mark Willard Charitable Trust 261629960 $11,153 $26,744
Maronite Outreach 721586889 $0 $0
Martha a Routt Trust 06645000 376077966 $1,905,973 $6,916,704
Martha L Allen Trust 06600014 376333856 $224,845 $242,468
Marthoma Congregation of St Louis 431923143 $0 $0
Martin Luther Lutheran Church 431101357 $0 $0
Mary Boder Charitable Trust 431516154 $1,500,169 $2,277,128
Mary Elizabeth Martin Scholarship Trust 486104170 $611,893 $921,024
Mary Ellen Carson Rvoc Trust 05-23-90 376283460 $220,455 $232,733
Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School 430653366 $51,160,280 $156,527,513
Mary Lucile Durkin Private Foundation 376447620 $130,791 $348,204
Mary Mother of the Church 430981637 $0 $0
Mary Queen and Mother Association 431208064 $12,849,949 $7,890,750
Mary R Jordan Trust Ua 3512 3513 43 436019552 $4,164,623 $10,063,609
Mary R Saner Charitable Trust 260608602 $3,886,749 $12,771,646
Mary Rankin Jordan and Ettie a Jordan Jordan Charitable Foundatio 436020554 $4,310,991 $19,684,639
Mary Rita Perkinson Foundation 306008481 $4,202,501 $3,449,966
Mary Ryder Home 430758611 $1,984,610 $3,107,868
Maryland Heights Convention and Visitors Bureau 030508183 $275,110 $88,269
Maryland Heights-west Port Chamber of Commerce 431129422 $216,507 $76,094
Maryland Heights-west Port Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation 431587945 $0 $0
Maryville University of St Louis 430653369 $90,163,786 $140,821,387
Masjid at Taqwa Wa Jihad 431631960 $0 $0
Mason Contractors Association of St Louis 430396230 $483,102 $3,141,458
Mason Ridge Pto 431551106 $149,753 $59,594
Mason Tenders of Greater St Louis Vacation Fund 237089979 $247,385 $131,991
Masonic Temple Association of St Louis 430396325 $175,099 $3,430,435
Masonic Temple Charitable Trust 431405235 $124,260 $388,515
Masonic Temple Education Center 274652265 $0 $0
Masonry Institute of Missouri 202384974 $94,904 $601,840
Masonry Institute of St Louis 237166088 $417,628 $751,363
Massie Family Charitable Trust 1 261776840 $77,463 $132,807
Massie Family Charitable Trust 2 261776926 $38,632 $304,641
Masterpeace Studio 202883478 $63,368 $14,181
Mater Media 461193202 $0 $0
Materials Technology Institute Incorporated 132892392 $1,792,141 $2,877,144
Maternal Child and Family Health Coalition of Metropolitan St Louis 412139772 $1,581,898 $724,262
Maternal Help Hope Fund 274451603 $162,876 $61,441
Math Way to Excellence 462340656 $0 $0
Mathews-dickey Boys and Girls Club 436060717 $2,761,831 $3,599,359
Maturity and Its Muse 271017621 $0 $0
Maude Francis Trust Uw Fbo Shriners Hospital for Crippled 436182679 $574,232 $1,227,320
Max and Louie Productions Incorporated 275056041 $63,303 $19,755
Mayfield Perpetual Cemetery Fund 270332608 $0 $0
Mbg Propreties 431772034 $0 $11,891,914
Mcauley Counseling Services Incorporated 431890340 $160,044 $662,089
Mccarthy Charity Golf Classic Corporation 431712186 $303,393 $89,479
Mccb Transitions Incorporated 431948014 $1,236,492 $119,020
Mcfamily Charitable Foundation 431764325 $104,052 $290,320
Mckean Fam Foundation Trust 436935629 $74,784 $234,208
Mckinley Classical Leadership Academy Band Boosters Incorporated 462423323 $0 $0
Mckinley Heights Neighborhood Association 432060811 $0 $0
Mcknight Crossings Church of Christ 430910590 $0 $0
Meade Summers Jr Foundation 436870294 $137,207 $858,443
Meals on Wheels of Greater St Louis 431657131 $494,089 $2,492,704
Meat Cutters Local 88 Retirees Club Incorporated 431326715 $0 $0
Mechanical Contractors Association of Eastern Missouri Incorporated 430493482 $999,329 $1,595,514
Meda Scholarship Fund Trust 376524304 $3,691,944 $3,159,712
Medco Foundation 270901536 $3,047,187 $86,758
Medical Group Management of Greater St Louis 431556315 $141,254 $81,387
Meditation Spiritual Temple of Christ Incorporated 431310923 $0 $0
Meds and Food for Kids 201257910 $2,608,706 $5,930,129
Meeting Professionals International 311011257 $113,714 $49,973
Megan Ann Mahon Memorial 134280803 $0 $0
Megiste Arete Christian Fraternity Incorporated 272580780 $0 $0
Mehlville High School Band Parents Association 431721061 $918,479 $52,644
Mehlville High School Mothers Club 431474998 $0 $0
Mehlville Hockey Club 201178760 $0 $0
Mehlville Panthers Jr Football Association 260054038 $66,087 $45,968
Mehlville-oakville Alumni Association 431701574 $0 $0
Mellow Memorial United Methodist 431274718 $0 $0
Melvin F and Adele S Roman Foundation 266003853 $520,788 $1,442,379
Memorial Boulevard Christian Church 430694561 $0 $0
Memory Care Home Solutions 020641248 $1,185,249 $955,724
Memory of Tom Powell Post Golden Knights 262759129 $1,837 $1
Mental Health Association of St Louis 430685341 $895,658 $1,271,806
Mentor St Louis Incorporated 431713228 $742,295 $606,912
Meramec Hockey Club 431566839 $891,995 $515,996
Meramec Housing Group 562358175 $0 $0
Mercy Clinic Adult Hospitalists St Louis Llc 431854902 $0 $0
Mercy Clinic East Communities 431771217 $229,546,856 $125,002,460
Mercy Clinic Fort Smith Communities 261318597 $46,236,096 $9,530,581
Mercy Health 431423050 $3,587,733 $2,105,752,277
Mercy Health East Communities 431718408 $179,998,894 $366,311,264
Mercy Health East Communities - Southern Region 461412322 $1,178,839 $1,703,405
Mercy Health Foundation St Louis 562410020 $6,178,892 $18,671,907
Mercy Hospital Cassville 431936699 $20,740,287 $9,022,859
Mercy Hospital Kingfisher Incorporated 463433074 $0 $0
Mercy Hospital Rogers 710294390 $155,206,674 $203,796,910
Mercy Hospitals East Communities 430653493 $1,107,258,738 $896,312,462
Mercy Hospitals East Communities 431066883 $0 $0
Mercy Professional Services Incorporated 204714005 $62,510 $57,821
Meridian Masonic Temple Association 237224436 $0 $0
Meridian Village Association 371415588 $14,129,255 $37,601,788
Merle E and Patricia a Butler Family Charitable Foundation 461178301 $10,385,482 $10,082,464
Mermaid Tavern Incorporated 261586587 $0 $0
Mersmissouri Goodwill Industries 430652657 $154,164,511 $54,402,555
Messiah Lutheran Church 430652482 $0 $0
Messiah Lutheran Church 430662482 $0 $0
Metro Associates Incorporated 731074192 $79,064 $63,161
Metro Christian Worship Center of St Louis 431569991 $0 $0
Metro Sentinel Journal Yes I Can Foundation Scholarship Fund Incorporated 352465880 $0 $0
Metro South Arts Council 431782385 $0 $0
Metro St Louis Seniors Golf Association Incorporated 431908919 $72,897 $42,286
Metro St Louis Sports Officials Incorporated 431438100 $49,130 $666
Metro Strikers Soccer Club 263867453 $323,596 $41,838
Metro Theater Company 237309552 $892,920 $817,710
Metro Water Infrastructure Partnership 264692932 $7,645 $92,113
Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association Incorporated 431631448 $536,329 $359,679
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St Louis 431036715 $0 $0
Metropolitan Congregations United for St Louis 431842404 $396,765 $34,775
Metropolitan Golf Foundation 431755262 $0 $0
Metropolitan Orchestra of Saint Louis 460891503 $0 $0
Metropolitan Organizations Strengthening and Empowering Socie 611537618 $0 $0
Metropolitan Senior Citizens Corporation Incorporated 431016337 $219,219 $60,301
Metropolitan St Louis Teachers Housing Corporation 430791015 $0 $0
Metropolitan St Patricks Day Parade in St Louis Incorporated 436215846 $447,800 $485,469
Metropolitan Training Alliance 061705162 $230,300 $137,582
Metropolitan Village Incorporated 431202815 $2,072,894 $2,575,079
Metropolitan Volunteer Management Association Mvma 431149630 $0 $0
Micds Scholarship Fund 431220528 $1,087,190 $6,079,110
Michael Sennett Count on Me Foundation 452874047 $19,079 $1,194
Microcirculatory Society Incorporated 046088271 $42,283 $410,520
Microfinancing Partners in Africa 861171133 $387,914 $393,374
Mid America Crop Life Association 421169461 $303,992 $1,236,605
Mid America Dance Company 431095885 $167,608 $12,240
Mid West Gateway Rv Dealers Association 431128912 $527,605 $153,352
Mid-america Association of Educational Opport Prog Personnel 391315014 $600,122 $424,709
Mid-america Transplant Services 237426306 $164,993,301 $88,933,772
Mid-american Communications Alliance 205557155 $140,900 $74,310
Mid-county Fire Protection District Post-retirement Medical 300590161 $30,222 $174,949
Mid-county Football Association 900728628 $0 $0
Midamerica Contingency Planning Forum 800552693 $0 $0
Middle Fund 431570984 $175,957 $424,403
Middle Tree Church 371602126 $0 $0
Midland Ki Federation 201622770 $0 $0
Midtown Arts Center Incorporated 431592703 $0 $0
Midwest Association of Farmers Markets 463109245 $0 $0
Midwest Center for Media Literacy 421717017 $89,419 $6,763
Midwest Christian Villages Incorporated 260275009 $10,020,055 $9,570,891
Midwest Foster Care and Adoption Associaton 270460460 $32,082 $690
Midwest Health Initiative 300491563 $159,434 $872,496
Midwest Independent Coin Payphone Association 431474610 $0 $0
Midwest Lyric Opera Company 431881282 $0 $0
Midwest Manufacturing Technology Corporation of St Louis 431657003 $1 $330,618
Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Incorporated 431744432 $0 $0
Midwest Soccer Academy 431886356 $94,217 $133,921
Midwest Stone Institute 431382746 $15,927,783 $21,970,510
Midwestern Braille Volunteers Incorporated 237160407 $1,404,945 $867,189
Midwestern District Council of the Pentacostal Assemblies of the Worl 431575592 $0 $0
Midwestern Unitarian Universalist Conference 362480846 $0 $0
Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation 452915073 $190,446 $129,550
Migrant and Immigrant Community Action Project 453236640 $81,881 $45,506
Mildred Herbert and Julian Simon Foundation 436498119 $3,749,858 $12,075,772
Mildred J Dinwiddie Trust 06610004 376220926 $984,957 $1,556,820
Mildred J Dinwiddle Trust 06610014 376227814 $127,996 $5,811
Mildred Thimes Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer 461460090 $0 $0
Millennium Global Prosperity 900757531 $0 $0
Millstone Foundation 436027373 $1,285,587 $6,071,683
Milton Gaebler Charitable Foundation 276826858 $1,190,199 $5,956,484
Mind of Peace 270532929 $0 $0
Miniature Museum of Greater St Louis 431517328 $43,347 $345,528
Miracle Deliverance Temple 431030244 $0 $0
Miracle Revival Center 431709880 $0 $0
Miriam Foundation 430667478 $4,699,034 $9,036,434
Mission Free School of St Louis 436049726 $45,345 $3,585,514
Mission of the Hills Incorporated 431793272 $0 $0
Mission Omega Incorporated 431227934 $0 $0
Mission St Louis 208983607 $812,600 $251,954
Mississippi Valley Golf Course Superintendents Association 237049114 $51,899 $37,005
Missori Bicycle Racing Association 113745708 $0 $0
Missouri 22 Lacrosse 453203275 $0 $0
Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation 431596911 $195,300 $16,077
Missouri Amateur Ice Hockey Association-youth Division 431588071 $215,341 $38,281
Missouri Area Bluegrass Committee Incorporated 237097489 $0 $0
Missouri Arms Collectors Association 431226604 $44,298 $63,317
Missouri Arts Foundation 431561249 $0 $0
Missouri Association for Pupil Transportation 431250558 $103,173 $49,476
Missouri Association of Long Term Care Physicians 431868148 $0 $0
Missouri Association of Sheltered Workshop Managers Incorporated 237091310 $81,376 $38,458
Missouri Athletic Club 430414350 $19,019,385 $18,546,970
Missouri Athletic Club Preservationfoundation 208168836 $123,582 $558,578
Missouri Baptist Conference of the Deaf 263262248 $0 $0
Missouri Baptist Healthcare Foun Att Janice Burnett 431472026 $4,405,693 $34,645,678
Missouri Baptist Medical Center 430652656 $0 $0
Missouri Baptist University 430817015 $42,436,219 $63,640,106
Missouri Beer Wholesalers Association Incorporated 431159030 $310,185 $462,835
Missouri Beer Wholesalers Legal Assistance Corporation 202537403 $0 $0
Missouri Beta of Pi Beta Phi House Association Incorporated 510472845 $0 $0
Missouri Bone and Joint Research Foundation 431783439 $1,102,546 $4,075,949
Missouri Botanical Garden Board of Trustees 430666759 $63,941,495 $202,713,716
Missouri Boys High School Volleyball 273961005 $31,409 $20,702
Missouri Budget Project 260062334 $375,699 $141,630
Missouri Burgler and Fire Alarm Association Apprn Training Trust Fund 906129241 $0 $0
Missouri Business Leadership Network 431906111 $0 $0
Missouri Captive Insurance Association 611616818 $0 $0
Missouri Center for the Book 431692650 $0 $0
Missouri Chamber Music Incorporated 273473749 $0 $0
Missouri Chapter of Afcc Incorporated 300202578 $0 $0
Missouri Chapter of the American College of Cardiology 431622929 $70,156 $163,527
Missouri Chapter of the National Society of Prof Ins Investigators 431894907 $9,580 $20,521
Missouri Child Care Resource and Referral Network 431821038 $2,135,015 $2,872,189
Missouri Christian Broadcasting Network Incorporated 431382713 $0 $0
Missouri Club for Growth 261183692 $200,000 $180,303
Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change 272433002 $55,231 $74,316
Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures Incorporated 203211862 $268,045 $220,644
Missouri Coalition for the Environment Foundation 237167066 $404,627 $548,511
Missouri Committee for the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve 431711495 $20,088 $35,953
Missouri Council for a Better Economy 800351285 $52,500 $1,892
Missouri Council for History Education 431928616 $0 $0
Missouri Credit Union Charitable Foundation Incorporated 431896922 $58,799 $221,321
Missouri Credit Union League 430662819 $2,862,167 $11,044,857
Missouri Cures Education Foundation 270576111 $145,939 $152,077
Missouri D a R E Officers Association 431605188 $16,645 $6,962
Missouri Dance Education Organization 431910593 $0 $0
Missouri Disabled Water Ski Association 371542018 $0 $0
Missouri District Export Council Incorporated 431511425 $0 $0
Missouri District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 430662533 $0 $0
Missouri Eating Disorders Association 522415360 $0 $0
Missouri Energycare Incorporated 431319781 $362,870 $272,453
Missouri Federation of Music Club 436216278 $0 $0
Missouri Foundation for Health 431880952 $532,474,558 $1,232,328,077
Missouri Friends of the Society of St Pius X Incorporated 431189955 $0 $0
Missouri Goodwill Industries 430893706 $826,337 $97,945
Missouri Goodwill Industries 431723570 $2,262,521 $205,616
Missouri Growth Association 431397272 $243,242 $295,083
Missouri Guide Dog Users 431842967 $0 $0
Missouri Health Care for All 273885910 $125,945 $119,528
Missouri Historical Society Jefferson Memorial Building 430654866 $31,452,412 $69,165,085
Missouri Hockey Incorporated 431602178 $127,439 $218,442
Missouri Humanities Council 431103937 $1,863,761 $1,686,620
Missouri Ice Hockey Officials Association 431467671 $85,053 $174,523
Missouri Immigrant and Refugee Advocates Incorporated 262884436 $80,902 $17,208
Missouri Impact Incorporated 431755938 $0 $0
Missouri Institute of Cooperatives 431489524 $0 $0
Missouri Jobs with Justice 431864844 $725,238 $469,373
Missouri Lead Belt Jewish Historical Society 452121712 $0 $0
Missouri Life Caravan 431872919 $67,710 $32,124
Missouri National Education Association 431256929 $117,650 $265,832
Missouri Numismatic Society 436079927 $170,622 $135,308
Missouri Nurses for Life 431483224 $0 $0
Missouri Organizaiton of Mothers of Twins Club 455464212 $0 $0
Missouri Osteoporosis Foundation 431557949 $0 $0
Missouri Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal 453968412 $0 $0
Missouri Property Insurance Placement Facility 430969898 $2,181,852 $956,399
Missouri Public Interest Research Group 430979853 $0 $0
Missouri Public Interest Research Group Foundation 430966840 $0 $0
Missouri Quarter Horse Association Charities 431775185 $0 $0
Missouri Region C Technical Rescue Team K-9 Division 431869372 $0 $0
Missouri Regional Science Bowl 461191326 $0 $0
Missouri Roundtable for Life 205063037 $16,000 $3,630
Missouri Roundtable Legal Foundation 020799767 $156,253 $231
Missouri Skating Association 431591586 $0 $0
Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists Incorporated 436070057 $154,813 $336,183
Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants 440561387 $2,311,143 $2,600,165
Missouri Society of Pathologists 237075334 $0 $0
Missouri Society of Professional Engineers 436031385 $11,715 $29,592
Missouri Society Sons of the Revolution 1776 452934159 $0 $0
Missouri Solar Energy Industry Association 800453923 $155,389 $21,039
Missouri Southwest Illinois Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 431439161 $0 $0
Missouri State Guard 24-1 453543139 $0 $0
Missouri State Humane Association 912188430 $0 $0
Missouri Tegloma Organization Incorporated 450550543 $0 $0
Missouri Valley Conference Incorporated 431862074 $8,765,439 $6,152,902
Missouri Valley Football Conference 371121184 $1,041,099 $559,213
Missouri Votes Conservation 201153967 $11,650 $287
Missouri Votes Conservation Educational Project 201153958 $2,140 $12,716
Missouri Warriors Baseball Incorporated 274433919 $118,807 $62,982
Missouri Water Environment Association Incorporated 431226606 $315,542 $167,835
Missouri Whitewater Association 431868602 $0 $0
Missouri Women in Trades 262037298 $0 $0
Missouri Womens Chorus 450927898 $0 $0
Missouri Womens Forum 431444750 $0 $0
Missourians Against Costly Mandates 454757361 $358,873 $37,140
Missourians for a Better Economy 208263766 $0 $0
Missourians for Single Payer Health Care 431661372 $0 $0
Missourians for the Protection of Dogs 271423987 $0 $0
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment 271442310 $333,896 $109,148
Missouris Civil War Heritage Foundation Incorporated 431930464 $0 $0
Mitchell Resource Center for Social Services 272065241 $0 $0
Mitrata-nepal Foundation for Children 364578482 $129,515 $92,593
Mizpah Assisted Living Services 431744746 $1,243,869 $2,110,307
Mmun Incorporated 431343345 $0 $0
Mo Emergency Radio Services Incorporated 201664851 $0 $0
Mo Pirg Citizen Organization 431609044 $116,577 $1,041,273
Mo-acc Foundation 261540931 $30,513 $153,176
Mobi or Museum of Black Inventors 431695803 $0 $0