There are 5,630 nonprofits in St. Louis, Missouri.

Name EIN Income Assets
The Backstoppers Incorporated 436032561 $8,812,497 $16,877,615
The Ballmann Family Private Foundation 436466750 $11,102,078 $23,353,809
The Believers Temple Word Fellowship 431777936 $0 $0
The Boilermakers Local 27 Field Construction Retirement and Death 431614707 $0 $0
The Boyhood Initiative of Missouri 300440292 $0 $0
The Bridge Outreach 262002068 $293,341 $49,999
The Brooks Foundation 436476262 $136,570 $1,332,658
The Brunner Foundation 206768914 $271,893 $6,158,955
The Cathedral at the Crossroads Church 431329567 $0 $0
The Center for Literacy and the Arts 320253358 $0 $0
The Christopher Ludwick Foundation 236256408 $385,319 $1,901,835
The College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics Fdn 421451540 $0 $0
The Community 421531634 $0 $0
The Constitutional Coalition 431155553 $414,659 $101,327
The Cornerstone Partnership 431705322 $0 $0
The Counseling Network 200638171 $0 $0
The Cultural Bop Society of St Louis 462614330 $0 $0
The Daruby School 431705573 $0 $0
The David a Blanton Iii Charitable Trust 436507799 $166,194 $757,847
The Dental Health Theatre Incorporated 753018876 $204,482 $131,188
The Diane and Thomas Jacobsen Foundation 436777274 $1,047,743 $2,102,445
The Downtown St Louis Community Improvement District Incorporated 431797873 $3,113,722 $2,386,141
The East Central District of Fgcm Incorporated 392063152 $0 $0
The Emily Rauh Pulitzer Foundation Incorporated 431666326 $7,035 $150,459
The Empowered Church Incorporated 431644025 $0 $0
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension 430694551 $0 $0
The Floyd and Arlene Zimmerman Charitable Trust 237848279 $53,598 $263,649
The Foundation for Barnes-jewish Hospital 431648435 $71,236,771 $481,376,758
The Frank Lloyd Wright House in Ebsworth Park 431727003 $265,815 $1,293,064
The Friendly Missionary Baptist Church 431192193 $0 $0
The Friends of the Green Center 431798337 $172,231 $257,260
The Gaea Foundation 431889980 $129,181 $390,557
The Gateway Ringers 431753825 $0 $0
The Gateway Temple Church of St Louis 841680016 $0 $0
The Gemini Foundation 431821667 $45,000 $15,475
The Gilbert Foundation 431730251 $238,921 $797,977
The Good Samaritan Incorporated 430666750 $2,366,080 $9,377,902
The Grace Baptist Church of St Louis Missouri 431320098 $0 $0
The House of Living Water 300198714 $0 $0
The House of Revelation Through Prophecy Worship Ministry 800391273 $0 $0
The Iglauer Lents Family Memorial Fund 237075508 $0 $0
The Judicial Learning Center 431945769 $35,000 $118,370
The Lab School 200170771 $324,802 $304,635
The Laclede Group Foundation 436068197 $2,599,319 $5,863,040
The Lacy and Mattie Meador Family Academic Scholarship Trust 546385104 $966,574 $905,244
The Ladies Auxiliary to Wildey Encampment 1 237607038 $0 $0
The Last Awakening Christian Outreach Worship Center 202921490 $0 $0
The Liebling Foundation for Worthy Students 431722158 $441,823 $824,166
The Lilly Christy Busch Hermann Charitable Foundation 436543271 $1,328,184 $3,250,168
The Linda and Harvey Saligman Charitable Foundation 273169763 $604,712 $4,962,587
The Lupus Foundation of America Heartland Chapter Incorporated 510192362 $479,698 $305,393
The Marquette Learning Institute 431714458 $5,684 $1,419
The Megan Foundation Incorporated 263571677 $24,654 $20,248
The Messiahs Tabernacle 430790347 $0 $0
The Metropolitan St Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council 431604756 $168,572 $306,144
The Mission Continues 208742553 $6,260,541 $5,287,804
The Missouri Academy of Audiology 431691078 $0 $0
The Missouri Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Associatio 431234793 $106,696 $26,363
The Mo-il Chapter 320234431 $0 $0
The Moog Center for Deaf Education 431743898 $5,073,755 $22,711,930
The Natalie Mehlman Memorial Foundation 436821277 $1,275 $35
The Parkway North Boosters Association 431152716 $57,403 $19,530
The Partnership for Downtown St Louis 430735493 $2,704,065 $488,901
The Planting of the Lord Christian Holiness Church 134351826 $0 $0
The Point 453210222 $0 $0
The Polish Roman Catholic St Stanislaus Parish 431095073 $0 $0
The Primrose Foundation 542185160 $3,282 $12,838
The Pujols Family Foundation Incorporated 202272546 $1,261,722 $3,108,463
The Ralph and Donna Korte Family Charitable Foundation 431475774 $110,022 $28,610
The Roofing and Siding Contractors Alliance Incorporated 436037300 $79,665 $33,519
The Roofing Industry Advancement Fund 431712923 $51,337 $179,881
The Russell Family Foundation 363154086 $21,210 $12,089
The Saint Louis Brewers Guild 900792100 $0 $0
The Saint Louis Society of Women Certified Public Accountants 431264515 $0 $0
The Saint Louis Zoo Foundation 431727309 $203,582,811 $99,038,355
The Sarah Adelman Memorial Fund 205388729 $0 $0
The Sarah Community 431784657 $16,108,865 $49,675,070
The Scottish St Andrew Society of Greater St Louis 431119008 $24,462 $15,839
The Second Chance Burn Foundation 912089454 $55,955 $9,136
The Shaughnessy Family Foundation C/o Joseph F Shaughnesy 436648962 $500,397 $2,432,122
The Sikh Study Circle of St Louis 431209647 $0 $0
The Silk Foundation 261484066 $1,328,134 $7,132,266
The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of 431213270 $0 $0
The St Anthony Hospital Foundation Incorporated Oklahoma City Oklahoma 736104300 $3,366,062 $25,111,957
The St Louis Celestial Intervention Agency Incorporated 431305375 $0 $0
The St Louis Community Cu Foundation 800444131 $81,575 $168,236
The St Louis Gateway Chapter of Theveterans of the Battle of the 311710981 $0 $0
The St Louis Herb Society 430494290 $0 $0
The St Louis Lead Prevention Coalition 431399792 $30,267 $30,857
The St Louis Local Development Co 431149599 $563,111 $7,931,661
The St Louis Surgical Society 431136066 $0 $0
The St Louis Woodworkers Guild Incorporated 830442571 $0 $0
The State of the Art School for the Developmentally Disabled 364592747 $35,439 $158,603
The Stella Maris Day Care Center 430652688 $1,497,537 $2,114,797
The Steve and Linda Finerty Family Foundation 431867107 $508,742 $910,137
The Steven H and Elizabeth I Akre Foundation 050527149 $4,949 $72,043
The Syrian Orthodox Exarchate 753145851 $0 $0
The Tarlow Family Foundation Incorporated 431943323 $686,634 $2,518,327
The Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 462380610 $0 $0
The Temple Church of Christ 431410166 $0 $0
The Thomas Hill Ward Foundation 431165558 $221,844 $531,613
The Timothy J Sullivan and Mary B Sullivan Family Foundation 376524452 $210,948 $541,240
The Tower Grove Park Foundation 431392832 $36,976 $461,315
The Twenty Five Gardeners 431382240 $0 $0
The United States Pony Clubs Incorporated 061758121 $0 $0
The Universal Buddhist Congregation 010575589 $28,114 $32,952
The Victim Witness Assistance Corp 431283967 $44,372 $138,638
The Village Academy Incorporated 431842493 $63,357 $26,807
The Walter E Dandy Neurosurgical Society 453147670 $131,366 $21,514
The Wessel Foundation 431944939 $2,640 $47,623
The West County Church 431465602 $0 $0
The West End Players Guild Incorporated 733092992 $0 $0
The@alfred Fleishman Summer Camps 203635403 $0 $0
The@barnabas Foundation 436786091 $30,207 $241,053
The@david J Richardson Foundation 436800252 $6,812 $15,069
The@donald H and Mary Jane Buchanan Foundation 431807190 $431,273 $1,621,974
The@emma Coulter Ware Family Foundation 436870289 $114,507 $654,371
The@jean E Moskoff Family Foundation 436830727 $20,040 $166,712
The@lesley a Waldheim Charitable Foundation 436886268 $414,757 $19,528,205
The@lewis E Peckham and Mary V Peckham Foundation 436936781 $950,960 $1,114,077
The@max Erlich and Melba Erlich Charitable Foundation 431879298 $564,071 $2,447,129
The@resurrection and Life Church Fellowship 431890560 $0 $0
The@society for the Preservation of the Masonic Temple 300436068 $252,116 $1
Theatre Arts for Formative Youth 371547957 $0 $0
Theatre Whatever 364199666 $0 $0
Thelma Faye Harms Charitable Trust 486224321 $336,571 $1,847,219
Theodore a Kienstra Foundation 431727300 $1,581,426 $6,537,640
Theodore G Short Trust Fbo Univeristy of Mo School of Veteiniary Med 436711690 $158,144 $836,509
Theophany Hadavar Foundation 455158633 $0 $0
Theotokos House of Prayer 352184015 $0 $0
Therese of Divine Peace 262837560 $0 $0
Theta Xi Foundation 436049500 $4,640 $1,727,655
Theta Xi Fraternity 430549670 $90,384 $1,928,340
Theta Xi Fraternity 430662652 $20,670 $23,000
Thieme Family Foundation 260357896 $199,152 $1,107,925
Third Baptist Church Foundation 430662521 $2,651,176 $4,477,446
Third Police District Business Association 431665661 $0 $0
Thomas Dunn Memorials Trust 436020367 $329,890 $1,052,286
Thomas Dunn Trust 251231 Mercantile Trust Co Na Ttee 436019371 $1,031,362 $3,877,683
Thomas H and Diane Demell Jacobsen Phd Foundation 376493307 $2,283,505 $7,935,178
Thomas Jefferson School 430618908 $3,691,068 $7,885,053
Thomas M Paul Memorial Trust 436009612 $494,933 $848,294
Thomas Wright Foundation 376484409 $159,092 $390,033
Thoughtful Friends Society 272877186 $0 $0
Three Thirteen Dads Club Incorporated 431704549 $72,559 $34,232
Thrive St Louis Incorporated 431304395 $2,085,887 $1,304,520
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 431659017 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237624604 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237624727 $0 $0
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237625875 $0 $0
Through It All 204962514 $0 $0
Throwing and Growing 262820236 $0 $0
Thru a Childs Eyes 201997824 $0 $1
Thumbelina Charitable Foundation 208112880 $61 $2,895
Tiffany Community Association 431209674 $0 $0
Tilles Park Neighborhood Association 431675634 $0 $0
Time Being Press 431685801 $229,460 $508,444
Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church 436003738 $0 $0
Timothy Project 870788646 $0 $0
Tmc of St Louis 731635840 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 562607410 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900115692 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900115695 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900337500 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900388910 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900405503 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900430009 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900485480 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900583168 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900648639 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900765335 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900780665 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900785108 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900824803 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900884778 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900971383 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900992227 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901027338 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901027366 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901027424 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901034724 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901067283 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942928671 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942928909 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942929248 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 510194836 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 270467764 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 412099636 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 431771494 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 431915607 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 431933080 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 113692373 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 201477830 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203151176 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203443816 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 208072257 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 208972837 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237207553 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260086328 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 431458567 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 431686116 $0 $0
Tobacco - Free St Louis 202160108 $0 $6,666
Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation 431633656 $0 $0
Top Ladies of Distinction Incorporated 911917359 $0 $0
Top Ladies of Distinction Incorporated 911917603 $0 $0
Top Ladies of Distinction Nc 431206978 $0 $0
Torah Center-midwest Incorporated 430887584 $1,898,926 $756,367
Total Teen Training Incorporated 431725474 $0 $0
Tour of Missouri Incorporated 261769428 $0 $0
Tourette Syndrome Association Incorporated 431391863 $0 $0
Tower Club of the Blind 431559314 $0 $0
Tower Grove Baptist Church 430653603 $0 $0
Tower Grove Farmers Market 204270276 $77,837 $3,390
Tower Grove Heights Neighborhood Association 431495751 $0 $0
Tower Grove Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation 431220525 $112,634 $426,878
Tower of Faith and Deliverance 431696590 $0 $0
Tower Village Apartments Incorporated 431231764 $0 $0
Tower Village Fund Incorporated 431213718 $93,066 $88,725
Tower Village Incorporated 431016107 $57,120 $109,495
Towle Family Foundation 431800405 $18,346,794 $14,954,433
Tracer of Lost Creatures Incorporated 431270274 $0 $0
Trade Association of Old Webster 462651340 $0 $0
Traditional Congregation of Creve Coeur 431098912 $0 $0
Traffic Club of St Louis Incorporated 430605227 $0 $0
Trailnet Incorporated 431509048 $1,937,369 $1,794,229
Train Up a Child Incorporated 743138686 $152,500 $212,500
Training Center for Service Incorporated 430907120 $26,657 $67,603
Transfiguration Church and School 436072779 $0 $0
Transfiguration Lutheran Church 436031870 $0 $0
Transformation Christian Church and World Outreach Center 431517315 $0 $0
Transformation Christian Fellowship 311799886 $0 $0
Transriver Authority 461101468 $0 $0
Trautwein Partners in Education Incorporated 760708593 $56,624 $30,774
Travelers Protective Association of America 911119610 $0 $0
Travelers Protective Association of America 430555650 $2,328,717 $10,999,063
Travelers Protective Association of America 431431788 $0 $0
Travelers Protective Association of America 237512464 $0 $0
Travelers Protective Association of America Arizona Division 942525713 $0 $0
Tree House Healing Ministry 470879175 $0 $0
Tri-union African Methodist Episcopal Church Incorporated 431541663 $0 $0
Trinity Champs C2000 Cdc 943452325 $0 $0
Trinity Christian Community Church 431820808 $0 $0
Trinity Christian Fellowship Church 431625160 $0 $0
Trinity Episcopal Church 430718813 $0 $0
Trinity Lutheran Church 430670937 $0 $0
Trinity Renaissance Education and Housing Development 900729666 $0 $0
Trinity Temple Ministries Incorporated 431547834 $0 $0
Trinity Temple Pentecostal Holiness Church 581785271 $0 $0
Trio Foundation 431553538 $13,500,945 $22,436,556
Triple a Youth Foundation 436066416 $38,621 $151,356
Trivium Institute for Right Reason 454765509 $0 $0
Trp Community Resource and Development Corp 431936694 $43,339 $803
True Gospel Church of God Apostolic Faith Incorporated 431187392 $0 $0
True Gospel Temple Church 431601715 $0 $0
True Hope Tabernacle Church of God in Christ 431353739 $0 $0
True Light Deliverance Church 743130844 $0 $0
True Light Missionary Baptist Church Incorporated 237444645 $0 $0
True Love Divine Apostolic Church of God 431728531 $0 $0
True Pentecostal Apostolic Faith Church 431588274 $0 $0
True Redemption Center 431866111 $0 $0
True Witness Christian Centered Church 450554296 $45,994 $47,243
Truecompetition Org 262838075 $0 $0
Trust for Ashland United Methodist Church 436734640 $45,073 $84,448
Trustees of South Broadway Shopping Center 431877482 $19,707 $6,236
Trustees of University Hills Subdivision 430562399 $109,791 $423,094
Truth and the Light Ministries 800847782 $0 $0
Tsl Incorporated 020796349 $0 $0
Tua Shepherd Memorial Youth Ctr 5001101 0401356 527212131 $73,785 $441,442
Turkish American Interculturaleducational Foundation 208338602 $116,073 $597,746
Turnaround Life Connections Group Incorporated 461660367 $0 $0
Turner Center for the Arts Incorporated 452874353 $0 $0
Turning the Tide Financial Ministries 061817097 $10,037 $1
Turtle Beach Wildlife Reserve 273176380 $2,005,658 $2,058,795
Tuscan Hall Association 436058182 $0 $1,250,000
Tuscan Masonic Temple Foundation 431306947 $917 $12,700
Two-three Fund Incorporated 260302046 $0 $0
Tyler Redeeming Christian Spiritualist Church 841696669 $0 $0
Ufcw Union Local No 88 Employers Health and Welfare Fund 200946697 $17,238,480 $14,461,839
Ufo Study Group of Greater St Louis Incorporated 431221948 $0 $0
Ujamaa Community Development Corporation and Black Family Land 364593086 $197,576 $207,883
Umission Group 454559865 $0 $0
Unfailing Love Christian Church 274118387 $0 $0
Unhinge 800738234 $0 $0
Unicode Childrens Foundation 463071555 $0 $0
Union Avenue Christian Church 430662526 $0 $0
Union Avenue Opera Theatre 680523690 $350,237 $158,897
Union Communion Ministries 431343610 $62,786 $51,585
Union Memorial Outreach Center 431785992 $0 $0
Union Missionary Baptist Church 237069929 $0 $0
Union Sarah Senior Citizens 431044237 $218,292 $16,829
Union West Community Corporation 431481983 $28,914 $354,876
Union West Florissant Housing Solutions Incorporated 431851122 $180,010 $24,601
Unite Here 431032220 $1,103,998 $695,895
United African Presbyterian Church 352247370 $0 $0
United Apostolates of Jesus and Mary 431634357 $0 $0
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentice of the Plumbing and Pipe 430607398 $1,863,981 $4,323,308
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 430560903 $302,042 $439,261
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 452691153 $178,034 $200,450
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 263544916 $55,866 $33,662
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 1310 Carpet La 430558385 $282,734 $221,209
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Lu 97 452614255 $698,987 $864,823
United Cemetery Association Incorporated 431835229 $186,486 $24,891
United Church Men of Greater St Louis 311624549 $0 $0
United Church of Religious Science 430900892 $0 $0
United Employee Welfare Benefit Trust 481273849 $1,128,496 $1,510,508
United Farmers Agents Association 237185153 $691,154 $513,418
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 237099356 $64,313 $142,948
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 237221448 $105,621 $203,372
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 430157305 $1,512,099 $1,847,364
United for a Better St Louis 364692880 $0 $0
United Hebrew Congregation 430743415 $0 $0
United Mine Workers of America International 371088017 $0 $0
United Ministries in Higher Education 231737930 $0 $0
United Schutzhund Clubs of America Incorporated 942661522 $592,617 $551,290
United Service Organizations 431237410 $2,775,851 $3,769,836
United States Amateur Boxing Incorporated 431243527 $68,830 $45,395
United States Association for Blind Athletes Missouri Chapter Incorporated 431243987 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 743162510 $57,219 $102,888
United States Catholic Conference 651205990 $1,502,260 $168,907
United States Catholic Conference 462288155 $0 $0
United States Catholic Conference 260079319 $0 $0
United States Catholic Conference 262680503 $1,437,382 $3,305,412
United States Masters Swimming Incorporated 311131740 $0 $0
United Steelworkers 430284168 $486,371 $916,878
United Steelworkers 430358095 $0 $0
United Steelworkers 436031382 $63,601 $632,804
United Steelworkers 430549984 $203,946 $78,989
United Union of Roofers Waterproofers and Allied Workers Loc 430561385 $1,261,078 $5,434,325
United Way of Greater St Louis Incorporated 430714167 $76,339,668 $80,096,799
United Workers for the Blind of Missouri 430681485 $173,913 $773,639
Unity Chapel Church Incorporated 431620774 $0 $0
Unity Christ Center 430704295 $0 $0
Unity Church of Peace 436041890 $0 $0
Unity for a Better Community Incorporated 432029569 $0 $0
Universal Great Brotherhood Aquarian Universal Mission 237085185 $0 $0
Universal Holistic Healthcare Services 861136091 $0 $0
Universal Printing Foundation 436037223 $770 $105,465
University Bible Fellowship 760761031 $0 $0
University City Childrens Center 430958608 $2,959,218 $3,397,627
University City Memorial Day Run 431916183 $54,708 $40,413
University City Music Company 800111850 $0 $0
University City Parks Foundation Incorporated 342049503 $0 $0
University City Swim Club 431522636 $0 $0
University Heights Association Incorporated 431103543 $0 $0
University Lane Fndtn Charitable Trust Indenture 436795986 $811,343 $1,509,455
University of Michigan Club of St Louis Missouri 237125283 $0 $0
University of Missouri at St Louis Alumni Association 436100211 $101,323 $303,627
Upon This Rock Church of God 431770497 $0 $0
Upper Room Church of God 431153594 $0 $0
Upsilon Omega Foundation Incorporated 431763130 $436,373 $549,073
Upstream Theater 753151973 $97,771 $22,551
Urban Artist Alliance for Child Development Incorporated 431936036 $0 $0
Urban Born Nonprofit 204588021 $0 $0
Urban Canvas Artist Network Incorporated 275017625 $0 $0
Urban Future 431757963 $1,160,994 $558,894
Urban Harvest Stl 275559517 $95,598 $112,081
Urban League of Metropolitan St Louis 430653605 $23,007,685 $6,898,761
Urban Mission 431898245 $0 $0
Urban Montessori Institute of Saint Louis 271907050 $134,027 $90,866
Urban Opportunities 202928782 $0 $0
Urban Outreach Bio Incorporated 460965573 $0 $0
Urban Pastors and Leaders Alliance International 273909570 $0 $0
Urban Strategies Incorporated 431141027 $8,254,751 $6,612,555
Urological Research Foundation 431147640 $328,010 $2,141,848
Ursuline Provincialate Central Province of the United States 430653508 $0 $0
Ursuline Sisters Trust Fund 431830212 $0 $0
Us 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion of St Louis Incorporated 311749869 $0 $0
Us Against Cancer 454120760 $0 $0
Us Bank Na Trust Services 436300400 $0 $0
Us Green Building Council Missouri Gateway Chapter 300001663 $276,826 $316,310
USA Sprinkler Fitter Business Manager Association 200532512 $206,491 $223,013
Uss Mccoy Reynolds De-440 Reunion Association 141857724 $0 $0
Vaad Hoeir of St Louis 436003827 $0 $0
Vajradhatu 200149536 $0 $0
Valeda-s Hope 461554899 $0 $0
Valle Mines Museum and Preservation Incorporated 463865246 $0 $0
Variety the Childrens Charity of St Louis 436078016 $5,984,726 $5,635,617
Vassar Club of St Louis 431073827 $0 $0
Vassia Family Charitable Foundation 202533912 $413,685 $1,645,364
Vaughn Tenant Association 431091084 $207,977 $33,592
Vedanta Society of St Louis 436053079 $0 $0
Vehicle Protection Association 262934816 $636,931 $573,272
Veiled Prophet Foundation 200008046 $112,337 $115,082
Veiled Prophets of St Louis Ltd 430565060 $2,118,706 $541,515
Velda City Community Recreation and Educational Center 800533247 $0 $0
Vera Tyus Ministries Woven 030586757 $0 $0
Verl and Beulah Krager Charitable Foundation 276670446 $116,297 $313,613
Vernare Learning 461885340 $860 $722
Vernon F Thompson and Mae E Thompson Charitable Foundation 316649958 $368,888 $1,873,542
Veterans Advocacy Foundation Incorporated 431751593 $263,798 $75,392
Veterans Empowerment Network 463709487 $0 $0
Veterans for Peace Incorporated 010415961 $534,048 $321,116
Veterans for Peace Incorporated 223195282 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Missouri 430834491 $1,585,482 $891,530
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Missouri 436049473 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Missouri 436052965 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Missouri 436098270 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of Missouri 436098297 $493,933 $244,372
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Missouri Ladies Auxiliary 237048784 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Missouri Ladies Auxiliary 237050337 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Missouri Ladies Auxiliary 237050389 $0 $0
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Missouri Ladies Auxiliary 237058619 $0 $0
Veterans Research and Education Foundation of St Louis 431624664 $192,157 $355,702
Veterans Resource Foundation Incorporated 455325010 $15,205 $10,928
Victor J Mueller Charitable and Educational Trust 431269317 $13,603 $183,690
Victory Christian Academy Incorporated 270328705 $438,787 $246,566
Victory Christian Outreach Church 431469476 $0 $0
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ Incorporated 461251443 $0 $0
Victory Temple Ministries Incorporated 462932776 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 300564370 $0 $0
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 431593136 $0 $0
Vietnamese Association of Missouri Incorporated 431897043 $6,186 $9,569
Vietnamese Buddhist Association of St Louis 431532273 $135,932 $345,180
Village Christian Parke 311172227 $19,104 $30,459
Village Lutheran Church and Preschool 436014673 $0 $0
Village North Incorporated 431207154 $0 $0
Vip Rsq 320388951 $0 $0
Viral Cancer Research Foundation 274121100 $16,374 $174
Virginia Hafford Trust U W for 1st Baptist Church 436199152 $63,798 $269,576
Vision for Children at Risk Incorporated 431853499 $291,379 $41,464
Visionserve Alliance Incorporated 043613836 $230,218 $491,136
Visitation Parish Shine of St Ann 430653399 $0 $0
Visitation Senior Apartments 431299399 $0 $0
Visiting Nurse Association of Greater St Louis 430567000 $65,000 $119,081
Viva Vox Organization 431898299 $0 $0
Vo Luong Quang Temple 651199563 $0 $0
Voiture Nationale La Societe Des 40 Hommes Et 8 Chevaux 436037528 $0 $0
Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation 431853926 $55,398,820 $12,250,960
Volz Foundation Charitable Trust 431427425 $7,261 $7,830
Von Gontard Family Foundation 760747602 $63,673 $747,941
Vsa Arts of Missouri 900508702 $68,232 $2,071
W B and Lavon Chapman Charity Fund 431077862 $96,957 $163,585
W J Morse Foundation 431497967 $1 $1
Wabash Railroad Historical Society 364186706 $0 $0
Wall and Ceiling Contractors Association 431199008 $0 $0
Wall and Ceiling Industry Advancement Fund 331034924 $75,159 $323,792
Walnut Park Community Outreach Incorporated 431355378 $0 $0
Walter and Frederica Evans Trust 08762741 436390422 $11,385,583 $10,229,272
Walter Burley Griffin Society of America 431830614 $0 $0
Walter M and Elsie C Horner Charitable Foundation 371184766 $532,986 $555,028
Walter Manning Ministries 800107661 $0 $0
Wardell Cemetery Preservation Society Incorporated 202515847 $0 $0
Warren County Catholic Church Real Estate Corporation 260072494 $0 $0
Warrigton Bldg Repair and Maint Fund 436446793 $63,708 $228,123
Warson Woods Running Club 271079936 $0 $0
Washington Avenue Players Project 510458662 $0 $0
Washington County Catholic Church Real Estate Corporation 260072495 $0 $0
Washington Hadley Technical Alumni Scholarship Fund 262150612 $0 $0
Washington Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church of 431064425 $0 $0
Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church 430785849 $0 $0
Washington University 430653611 $6,993,023,851 $9,807,330,000
Washington University Dental Alumni Association 030375345 $44,833 $137,400
Washington University Medical Center 237060605 $14,066,824 $27,064,338
Washington University Rmsa Plan Employee After Tax Contribution Trust 616328954 $2,607,314 $11,904,866
Washington University Rmsa Plan University Contribution Trust 205658480 $1,648,442 $7,974,329
Washington University School of Medicine Health Admin Program 431519670 $0 $0
Washington University Student Media Incorporated 431869208 $299,572 $163,171
Wat Buddhamanee-rattanaramm Temple 431905532 $0 $0
Water Tower and Park Preservation Society Incorporated 431882120 $0 $0
Watson Terrace Christian Church 430699804 $0 $0
Way of Life Outreach Ministry Incorporated 431209678 $0 $0
Way Truth and Life Outreach Ministries 431864967 $0 $0
We Win 470960140 $0 $0
Weasel Fund 202532948 $223 $1,640,895
Weavers Guild of St Louis 900240282 $56,691 $117,938
Web Innovation and Technology Services Incorporated 731626031 $1,344,621 $2,336,455
Webster Child Care Center at Laclede Groves 431014311 $2,110,270 $780,892
Webster Groves Christian Church 430703659 $0 $0
Webster Groves Hockey Association Incorporated 436073035 $553,905 $373,457
Webster Groves Meals on Wheels 431202015 $46,515 $754
Webster Groves Nature Study Society 436064930 $0 $0
Webster Groves Rotary Charities Incorporated 431111562 $0 $0
Webster Groves School District Foundation 431495249 $221,411 $155,905
Webster Groves School District Parent-teacher Organization 352270832 $0 $0
Webster Groves School District Parent-teachers Organization 320043049 $0 $0
Webster Groves School District Parent-teachers Organization 431786785 $0 $0
Webster Groves Soccer Club 364594046 $0 $0
Webster Groves United Soccer Club 272250917 $0 $0
Webster University 430662529 $329,223,139 $437,734,612
Wednesday Club of St Louis 430662532 $1,193,620 $1,328,283
Welcome Club Gateway to Friendship 436205878 $0 $0
Welcome Home Foundation 454264704 $0 $1,100
Well Community Church 208884155 $0 $0
Well of Life 800681306 $0 $0
Wellness Education Foundation 455518957 $0 $0
Wellston Center 431633395 $346,891 $307,383
Wellston Loop Community Development Corporation 010666585 $300 $121
Wendl Foundation 264610000 $9,593 $1,151
Wesley House Association 430653613 $588,047 $797,381
Wespine Study Center Incorporated 431651179 $429,493 $254,653
West Central Church of Christ Incorporated 237195612 $0 $0
West County Charitable Endowment 264762368 $138,954 $12,972
West County Daylily Club 431826785 $0 $0
West End Clinic Incorporated 431845443 $1,316,903 $352,500
West End Elderly Housing Corporation 431703219 $216,941 $1,775,141
West End Mt Carmel Church 431348820 $0 $0
West End Mt Carmel Community Outreach Center 431929908 $336,033 $149,775
West End Neighborhood Council 260715732 $0 $0
West End Publishing Company 431251220 $0 $0
West Overland Bible Church 430796793 $0 $0
West Travelers Missionary Baptist Church 431149741 $0 $0
Westborough Country Club 430641050 $5,330,086 $8,251,961
Westfield Manor Association 020568032 $508,452 $4,344,347
Westminster Place Church of God 431594121 $0 $0
Westport Ministry 431423972 $0 $0
Westwood Country Club 430583040 $7,452,341 $14,148,331
Whats Up Magazine the Homeless Empowerment Project 431935561 $0 $0
Whirlwind of Praise Ministries Church of God in Christ 861069558 $33,176 $704
White Flag Christian Church Incorporated 237143176 $0 $0
White Flag Projects 205203471 $629,941 $185,031
White House Retreat 430800058 $0 $0
Whitehill Graham Foundation 431106011 $1,738 $36,416
Whitey Herzog Youth Foundation 431768627 $238,274 $101,648
Whitfield Foundation 364618247 $0 $0
Whitfield School Incorporated 430911366 $11,405,164 $25,777,927
Who So Ever Will Let Him Come Church of the Apostolic Church 431831489 $0 $0
Whole Dreams Christian Center 830506365 $0 $0
Wild Bird Rehabilitation 431623235 $133,889 $258,554
Will Flores Fund 061811937 $12,851 $6,002
William and Hannah Cohen Foundation 226085831 $8,959 $250,069
William C Darcy Trust U W 7708 31 Mercantile Bank Co Natl Association 436020347 $22,723 $81,038
William E Mcelroy Charitable Foundation 376306920 $2,006,594 $3,253,969
William Edgar Charitable Foundation 436829350 $4,485,507 $3,414,091
William F and Mary Louise Wischmeyer Family Foundation 436882508 $1,301,074 $4,150,478
William Farrell Trust 1328 436067765 $0 $0
William Henry Jr Endow Trust 376476230 $73,347 $235,816
William Hubel Foundation Trust 436929097 $257,475 $1,417,020
William L Clay Shcolarship and Research Fund 431288222 $114,824 $582,280
William Pablo Feraldo Memorial Foundation 436019398 $5,463,439 $12,557,939
William Randolph Whimple Trust American National Bank Ttee 436069388 $201,996 $882,448
William S and Billie K Ross Charitable Foundation 431912330 $30,318 $214,081
William S Anheuser Familyfoundation Incorporated 208168015 $1,313,110 $2,504,201
William W and Betty Halliday Foundation 237001460 $69,329 $1,304,594
William Zimmer Family Foundation 436887846 $149,166 $527,389
Williams Childrens Foundation Incorporated 262661000 $15,614 $496,444
Willing Workers Christian Redeeming Spiritual Church 421561565 $0 $0
Wills Way Incorporated 274767587 $0 $1
Wilma and the Messengers Ministries 431777605 $134,276 $315,120
Windsor Transitional Housing 455277832 $0 $0
Wings Charitablr Foundation 431897491 $34,648 $380,759
Wings of Faith Church 431879266 $0 $0
Wings of Song 431534985 $0 $0
Winifred E Lant Trust 436299252 $86,723 $203,933
Winning Women Incorporated 431941674 $122,867 $6,515
Winter Brothers Charitable Foundation 316676092 $90 $17,082
Winter Family Collection 263505522 $1 $359,244
Winter Opera St Louis 743234710 $240,713 $4,897
With Gods Little Ones 260093545 $235,621 $29,915
Wives of U S Submarine Veterans of World War Ii 237150502 $0 $0
Womans Exchange of St Louis 430662534 $2,246,362 $986,136
Womanspirit Incorporated 431649589 $0 $0
Womb of the Mother Habitats 451423207 $0 $0
Women for Faith and Family Incorporated 431358581 $0 $0
Women in Charge 431660945 $203,075 $279,628
Women in Ministries Internationl 431794156 $0 $0
Women Lawyers Association of Greater St Louis 431787291 $46,013 $10,099
Women Lawyers Association Scholarship Fund 431843509 $42,062 $63,033
Women of Achievement 431687327 $132,193 $244,051
Women of Atandt Foundation Incorporated 431503404 $0 $0
Women with a Vision 431365212 $0 $0
Womens Initiatives That Strengthen and Empower 412141986 $79,239 $22,397
Womens Safe House 431111319 $1,213,236 $1,319,423
Wonder Weims Rescue 900440772 $110,485 $8,856
Woodcock Foundation for the Appreciation of the Arts Incorporated 263029895 $61,608 $2,267,140
Word for Today Ministries 364654321 $0 $0
Word is Alive Ministries 431808812 $0 $0
Word of Life Christian Church 431636785 $0 $0
Word of Life Evangelistic Ministries Incorporated 431819857 $0 $0
Word of Life Lutheran School Association 431028331 $0 $0
Word of Life Lutheran School Association 430128331 $0 $0
Word of Life Ministries 431716833 $0 $0
Word of Restoration and Deliverance Ministries Incorporated 431845313 $0 $0
World Affairs Council of St Louis 436040974 $272,050 $41,794
World Agricultural Forum St Louis 431803007 $44,839 $18,127
World Chess Museum Incorporated 271280023 $2,312,621 $1,034,783
World Community Center of St Louis 431062260 $25,616 $27,385
World Corrosion Organization 711017436 $0 $0
World Federalists Association 510177635 $0 $0
World Federation of Orthodontists 431753710 $338,151 $2,678,281
World in Hands 421681571 $0 $0
World Soy Foundation 260111954 $378,221 $62,830
Worldnet Christ Ministries 320057407 $65,679 $280
Worldwide Inventory Network Incorporated 431585007 $53,063,433 $126,515,054
Worth Industries Incorporated 431120764 $1,127,064 $1,508,999
Writing Academy 630828405 $0 $0
Wulfekammer-staake-bode Charitable Trust 436183819 $93,360 $1,118,327
Wydown Fortnightly 431517309 $0 $0
Wynhoo Now Incorporated 264084813 $532,872 $268,621
X Prize Ventures Incorporated 453081543 $0 $1
Xavier University Alumni Association of St Louis Incorporated 460703482 $0 $0
Yalem Foundation 436061879 $1,126 $86,361
Yalobusha Serenity Enterprises Incorporated 640869355 $0 $0
Yes We Can Tutoring and Educational Assistance Center 800713537 $0 $0
Yeshiva High School of St Louis 431114640 $1,308,615 $1,332,579
Yeyo Arts Collective Incorporated 273528729 $0 $0
Ymca Olde Tymers Incorporated 204134248 $0 $0
Young Adult Life Initiative 208349079 $0 $0
Young Catholic Musicians 431113525 $87,943 $165,127
Young Entrepreneurs Organization 431652923 $277,588 $131,449
Young Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis 430653616 $56,017,702 $113,073,077
Young Presidents Organization Incorporated 431512183 $776,471 $725,798
Young Presidents Organization Incorporated 431763204 $279,551 $170,694
Young Womens Christian Association of Metropolitan St Louis Missouri 430653618 $29,202,296 $11,509,259
Yours Incorporated 263403457 $344,483 $1,130,414
Youth and Children Services Incorporated 592616137 $0 $0
Youth and Family Center 430652663 $663,240 $1,507,866
Youth Arts and Technology Center 431762298 $0 $0
Youth Benefit Corporation No 129 431698004 $8,459 $455,018
Youth Council for Positive Development 431562820 $0 $0
Youth Education and Health in Soulard 430997910 $870,114 $5,853,834
Youth Express 432019866 $0 $0
Youth Learning Center 431917113 $1,000,124 $2,518,750
Youth on the Move Crusade Incorporated 431646072 $0 $0
Youthbridge Communtiy Foundation 436064111 $20,031,498 $32,535,449
Zafft Charitable Trust 436803922 $479 $14,420
Zarephath Ministries 261351339 $0 $0
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity 431685710 $97,998 $63,565
Zeta Charitable Foundation of St Louis Incorporated 270663816 $0 $0
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated 436068477 $0 $0
Zion City Church 431680631 $0 $0
Zion Corner Development Incorporated 431810096 $197,845 $2,187,375
Zion Housing Incorporated 431927856 $182,253 $2,270,194
Zion Lutheran Church 430662539 $0 $0
Zion Miracle Temple Church 431609125 $0 $0
Zion Presbyterian Church 204808665 $0 $0
Zion Temple Missionary Baptist Church 431896367 $0 $0
Zion Tower Baptist Church 510152888 $0 $0
Zombie Squad International Incorporated 460793102 $0 $0
Zonta Club of St Louis Charitable Trust 436144628 $628,326 $692,911
Zonta International 436064544 $0 $0