There are 3,734 nonprofits in San Jose, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
International Reading Association Incorporated 946123355 $56,829 $122,717
International Society for Krishna Consciousness of Silicon Valley 770463781 $0 $0
International Society for Self and Identity 562047942 $0 $0
International Technological University Foundation 942955205 $7,799,219 $8,382,199
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 943148839 $1,161,118 $654,810
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 940748035 $469,311 $353,283
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 941533756 $554,418 $1,558,955
Iota Alpha Sigma Foundation Incorporated 870693075 $0 $0
Ipace 331145111 $34,760 $15,187
Iquest Charitable Foundation 770547170 $612,806 $764,791
Iranian Assembly of God 753078637 $0 $0
Irish Technology Leadership Group 261987936 $428,403 $14,065
Irmandade Do Espirito Santo of East San Jose 941263437 $522,990 $765,479
Irving Foundation Jone D Labombard 237287348 $547,977 $1,003,659
Irwin a Weyhe Fam Charitable Trust 112389 776068180 $4,907 $276,724
Ishimwe Center 651259097 $84,362 $219,598
Islamic Center of Zahra 263534337 $0 $0
Islamic Community of Bay Area Bosniaks Incorporated 542130902 $0 $0
Islamic Networks Incorporated 770412815 $734,052 $144,278
Islamic Research Association I R a 770399870 $0 $0
Italian American Heritage Foundation Incorporated 942450114 $242,537 $411,608
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 770137555 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 770163313 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 770010131 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641063 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641064 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641084 $0 $0
Italian Catholic Federation of California Incorporated 237641088 $0 $0
Italian Mens Club of San Jose 942758183 $509,548 $848,965
Itriage Dot Org 611474898 $0 $0
Itty Bitty Orphan Kitty Rescue 208315645 $0 $0
Ivy Rose Community Foundation 311804391 $0 $0
J and H Foundation 454151901 $1 $1
J E W L Incorporation 770158059 $0 $0
J Philip and Jennifer Dinapoli Foundation 770053451 $487,166 $2,491,175
Jack and Jill of America Incorporated 581946689 $0 $0
Jade Foundation 452790486 $178,127 $367,229
Jakes Wish Dog Rescue 465281347 $0 $0
Jaliya 680528490 $0 $0
Jamaican American Association of Northern California 943101952 $0 $0
James Lick High School Athletic Booster Club 262576078 $0 $0
James S Wong Private Foundation 454037370 $9,090 $1,089,653
Janda Foundation 261883927 $28 $189,674
Japanese American Citizens League 237114523 $0 $0
Japanese American Citizens League 270368800 $65,276 $27,629
Japanese American Citizens League 946073117 $132,984 $441,441
Japanese American Museum of San Jose 770229249 $329,473 $3,995,324
Japanese Baptist Church of San Jose 264798023 $0 $0
Japanese Community Youth Service 237115636 $202,390 $180,766
Japantown Business Association 946173221 $58,351 $21,024
Japantown Community Congress of San Jose 043779294 $194,828 $62,232
Japantown Cultural Society 680280543 $1 $1
Jarb Family Foundation 261580996 $1,759 $100,681
Jazz Organ Fellowship 050577321 $0 $0
Jeanne D Arc Manor 942807366 $1,359,224 $4,316,747
Jesus Crucified Way Church 452668871 $0 $0
Jesus Es El Camino 770382604 $0 $0
Jesus Glory Ministries 270164078 $0 $0
Jesus Redeems Ministries Incorporated 203679367 $75,936 $28,545
Jesus the Recreator Covenant Church San Jose Ca 272178637 $0 $0
Jesy Foundation 912156243 $51,537 $3,055,707
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Incorporated 237050576 $0 $0
Jiangshan Family Foundation 271870555 $80,520 $121,077
Jiayin Foundation 208112772 $131,443 $1,469,018
Jinshan Li and Cecilia Zhao Foundation 201332295 $55,003 $393,619
Jo Ann Brassfield Charitable Giving Foundation 943146881 $50,148 $548,938
Jobs Daughters International 800421213 $0 $0
Jobs Daughters International 237234256 $0 $0
John and Christine Davis Family Foundation 820568617 $1,300 $418,625
Joint Electrical Industry Fund 770229093 $936,256 $1,415,817
Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network 770389802 $1,695,759 $1,220,155
Jon and Katherine Dart Charitable Foundation 770536934 $142,733 $874,145
Jose Valdes Math Foundation 260825700 $407,202 $73,744
Journey Community Church 800182585 $0 $0
Joyner Payne Youth Service Agency Incorporated 770450053 $116,549 $16,277
Jp Foundation Trust 266088124 $100,104 $152,216
Jsdw Private Foundation 261416962 $1,260 $1
Jt Residential Care Facilities Incorporated 770407068 $833,134 $159,109
Juan Diego Society Incorporated 770102305 $262,780 $111,143
Jubilee Christian Center 770195311 $0 $0
Jubilee South Valley Church 261204247 $0 $0
Jubilee Vida Nueva 272980554 $0 $0
Junior League of San Jose Incorporated 941720473 $503,913 $2,090,088
Jwbl Global Foundation 461583477 $0 $0
K and W Family Foundation 273271241 $123,592 $132,045
Kadie Kids and Dogs Interactive Education 203731001 $0 $0
Kaisahan of San Jose 770049554 $204,811 $16,778
Kala Vandana Dance Company Incorporated 562422275 $0 $0
Kalanz Fashion Training Incorporated 260675277 $0 $0
Kappa Delta Sorority 942616276 $99,834 $24,575
Kappa Sigma Fraternity 912086132 $65,831 $4,170
Kar Sewa Sant Baba Sewa Singh 320200472 $0 $0
Karaite Jews of America 770000638 $0 $0
Kashiba Desai Charitable Foundation 203647794 $86,020 $170,460
Kaskazi Environmental Alliance Incorporated 452416535 $0 $0
Kathleen Education Projects 912151490 $0 $0
Kdsm Family Foundation 261627596 $5,734 $96,366
Kearns Saldinger Charitable Foundation 770528158 $41,281 $482,831
Keep Praise Alive Mission 208313550 $45,083 $7,681
Keith Family Foundation Incorporated 010571164 $16,256 $31,258
Keith Kelley Club of the San Jose Police Department 946082563 $83,149 $28,505
Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Northern California 946117588 $0 $0
Khaled Hosseini Foundation 264199874 $100,262 $149,174
Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Association Incorporated 680401255 $0 $0
Ki Hyun Joo and Kyung Don Joo Foundation 912164080 $8,411 $1,342,149
Kicks for Kids 320433581 $0 $0
Kidron International Missions Incorporated 770532098 $0 $0
Kids Club Consultants Incorporated 611496737 $118,529 $249,159
Kids in Common a Children and Families Collaborative 770230821 $0 $1
Kids Rise Inspire Soar Charitable Foundation 461035143 $0 $0
Kieve Foundation 010664998 $1,164,438 $4,064,406
King Forest Foundation 455345935 $1,590,028 $1,543,583
Kingdom Workers Operation Number One Incorporated 941648693 $0 $0
Kingsway Community Church of San Jose 942598711 $0 $0
Kirkwood Swim Club Incorporated 946091083 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of East San Jose 946131408 $0 $0
Kiwanis Club of San Jose Foundation Incorporated 770240210 $149,113 $167,038
Kiwanis Club of West San Jose Foundation Incorporated 911924009 $54,010 $260,319
Kiwanis International Incorporated 940605697 $186,406 $93,862
Kiwanis International Incorporated 941516010 $36,020 $14,450
Kiwanis International Incorporated 942473755 $31,342 $38,301
Kiwanis International Incorporated 770273532 $19,131 $27,124
Kiwanis International Incorporated 452952160 $43,405 $14,315
Kiwanis International Incorporated 237432133 $8,894 $26,172
Kiwanis International Incorporated 942717129 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 946080604 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 946131373 $84,546 $23,206
Kiwanis International Incorporated 946131419 $6,444 $673
Kleine Levin Syndrome Foundation Incorporated 311685893 $27,067 $209,224
Knanaya Catholic Congress of Northern California 450478865 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 371577231 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 611719084 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 770554787 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 942767244 $0 $0
Koamrus Mission Foundation 450506797 $0 $0
Kong Fai Woo and Hong Yee Tang Foundation 770557112 $7,312 $22,480
Konko-kyo Church of San Jose 946099559 $0 $0
Korean American Community Services Incorporated 942659848 $309,958 $495,735
Korean American Nursing Home of Northern California 341996708 $0 $0
Korean American Senior Citizens 770277138 $0 $0
Korean American Senior Citizens League of Santa Clara 770207531 $38,340 $176,616
Korean Art Association of Northern California Incorporated 464527320 $0 $0
Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association Incorporated 134132117 $0 $0
Korean Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in San Jose Area 942895863 $0 $0
Korean Glory Church of San Jose 943126544 $0 $0
Korean Philadelphia Baptist Church of San Jose 770455181 $0 $0
Korean United Methodist Church of Santa Clara Valley 942471382 $0 $0
Kujiweza Healing Arts Institute 721544993 $0 $0
Kulbi Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church 203425471 $0 $0
Kulkarni Foundation 770527357 $57,641 $105,227
Kung Mern Sern Tau Yen Incorporated 770275182 $0 $0
Kurosawa Piano Music Foundation 261717730 $20 $240
Kyoto Gardens Park 990294795 $0 $0
Kyuenkyab Nyamso Tsogpa Foundation 274504223 $41,788 $1,261
Kyushu University Ca Office Incorporated 264359927 $519,360 $87,594
La Boi Society Incorporated 770191776 $4,515 $64,839
La Comunidad Activa Socorro 271019644 $0 $0
La Fe Baptist Church Incorporated 542172234 $0 $0
La France Foundation Incorporated 208661175 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 770499729 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 770499730 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 912122550 $0 $0
La Puerta Abierta of San Jose 237194988 $0 $0
La Raza Lawyers of Santa Clara County Charitable Foundation 593816862 $49,230 $123,215
La Salle Sisters 942807095 $728,363 $4,044,071
Labor Temple Association of Santa Clara County 941133478 $517,407 $2,714,538
Laborers International Union of North America 940577470 $4,085,232 $13,140,350
Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Incorporated 310942679 $0 $0
Lam Vien Incorporated 208003172 $69,505 $376,738
Lambda Theta Alpha 270993833 $0 $0
Lancelot Bell Foundation 770402483 $1 $1
Lap Trang Foundation 271127618 $15,000 $63,725
Las Golondrinas Housing Corporation 311805841 $300,876 $7,599,805
Las Madres Neighborhood Playgroups 770317154 $113,745 $126,056
Latina Coalition of Silicon Valley 010799235 $0 $0
Latinas Contra Cancer 562412069 $381,786 $324,552
Latino Leadership Alliance 271892083 $0 $0
Latipnet Incorporated 208484447 $39,629 $7,717
Law Foundation of Silicon Valley 521014754 $6,989,972 $2,975,294
Lawrence and Rosanne Snapp Family Foundation 611640607 $138,230 $228,060
Lazy P Bar Ranch and Rescue 461993002 $0 $0
Lbp Education Foundation 262915309 $0 $0
League of United Latin American Citizens 201054683 $0 $0
League of Women Votors of San Jose-santa Clara 946103155 $0 $0
Leda Swan Incorporated 352171532 $0 $0
Lee Wang Family Foundation 461038276 $20,000 $4,000
Legacy Christian School Incorporated 320244086 $1,253,362 $70,111
Legal Aid Society of Santa Clara County 941534842 $3,396,174 $1,519,150
Legal Secretaries Incorporated 770083466 $0 $0
Legionarios Del Trabajo in America Incorporated 942531500 $0 $0
Leigh High Home and School Club 770199809 $437,310 $92,858
Leland Bridge Group of Leland High School 810567555 $0 $0
Leland High School Parent Club 263618717 $68,469 $47,847
Lending Promise Incorporated 203811371 $0 $0
Lennart Erickson Foundation 946069379 $5,945 $891,369
Leuva Patidar Samaj of California Incorporated 770540753 $13,887 $30,421
Liberty Baptist Church of San Jose California 941657889 $0 $0
Lien Doan Hoa Lu Parent Association 260062672 $0 $0
Lien Doan Truong Giang 900411934 $0 $0
Lieu Quan Buddhist Cultural Center 770551673 $0 $0
Life Changing Christian Fellowship Incorporated 263109611 $0 $0
Life Services Alternative Incorporated 043642025 $8,510,965 $3,710,779
Life-torch Bodhi Society Incorporated 943212987 $0 $0
Life-torch Foundation 943212851 $0 $0
Lifechoices Treatment Services Incorporated 912146813 $856,038 $246,846
Light of Christ 510178079 $0 $0
Light of the World Christian Center of the Assemblies of God 912013270 $0 $0
Light of the World Christian Ctr of the Ag 260766931 $0 $0
Lightbearers Fellowship Church 770353437 $0 $0
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Ofsan Jose 260666007 $0 $0
Lighthouse Gospel Church 470935571 $0 $0
Lighthouse of Silicon Valley 311587438 $0 $0
Lighthouse Tabernacle 470910444 $0 $0
Lighthouse Tabernacle of San Jose 800581533 $0 $0
Lincoln Glen Manor and Intermediate Care 941646750 $9,717,160 $19,724,667
Lincoln High School Athletic Boosters Sj 461285227 $72,240 $7,014
Lincoln High School Foundation 770381615 $103,855 $247,624
Lincoln High School Music Boosters 770411756 $58,735 $87,792
Lincoln Law School of San Jose 770342669 $1,115,097 $723,660
Lincoln Performing Arts Coalition 274532034 $0 $0
Lincoln Theatre Guild Incorporated 208912397 $55,312 $13,349
Links for Life Foundation-california 205975330 $112,853 $76,454
Links Incorporated 427218632 $49,332 $45,037
Linlee Family Foundation 770604530 $0 $152,310
Little Lamb Family Foundation 271549734 $60,007 $52,997
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237130795 $101,150 $29,051
Little League Baseball Incorporated 237222098 $34,178 $24,290
Little League Baseball Incorporated 900046368 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942348262 $167,867 $85,433
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942553732 $117,042 $29,395
Little League Baseball Incorporated 770109808 $44,167 $16,567
Little League Baseball Incorporated 460915259 $0 $0
Little League Baseball Incorporated 510193514 $163,668 $58,470
Little League Baseball Incorporated 521234910 $172,598 $39,610
Little League Baseball Incorporated 521288133 $36,325 $14,722
Little League Baseball Incorporated 521288302 $69,783 $6,705
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942764277 $42,086 $3,025
Little League Baseball Incorporated 942830096 $0 $0
Little Oak Foundation 204823024 $75,006 $448,545
Littlehands Group 204524955 $75,114 $135,582
Live Oak Adult Day Services 770069106 $1,147,376 $2,028,646
Live the Dream Network 461456369 $0 $0
Liveheart Church 941727235 $0 $0
Living by Cite Development Center 464237375 $0 $0
Living in the Rock - Christian Fellowship Incorporated 452578998 $0 $0
Living Stone Baptist Church 208850117 $0 $0
Living Stones Village USA Limited 770662148 $274,453 $2,498,802
Living Stream Foundation International 261588300 $17,498 $19,201
Living Water Church Incorporated 942620937 $0 $0
Living Waters Faith Fellowship 453782114 $0 $0
Lo Sam Yau Foundation 770555829 $1 $1
Loaves and Fishes Family Kitchen 770370874 $1,059,904 $763,176
Logos Christian Fellowship 942941659 $0 $0
Lokenath Divine Life Fellowship 943158250 $0 $0
Lone Hill Assembly of God of San Jose 946108913 $0 $0
Long Khanh Monastery 263925204 $0 $0
Lonmark International 200402170 $570,141 $79,901
Lord of the Nations Ministries 450558581 $61,814 $16,753
Los Bomberos of Northern California 770234733 $35,080 $37,270
Los Paseos Aquatic Club 770453769 $38,261 $6,264
Los Paseos Home and School Club 770284856 $206,876 $49,424
Los Tigres Del Norte Foundation 954796996 $0 $0
Lotus Educational Foundation Incorporated 371462953 $165,929 $6,969
Lotus Foundation 320373352 $1 $1
Love Life Family Foundation 272455605 $143,828 $189,728
Love One Another Baptist Church C/o Rev Ungu Im 770224521 $0 $0
Love to Share Foundation America 461886071 $0 $0
Low-income Self-help Center 770516669 $0 $0
Lsi Logic Corporation Short Term Disability Benefit Trust 010487 770282422 $528,289 $2,783,057
Lu Tang Foundation 770558416 $89,187 $535,322
Luc Luong Siquan Thu Duc-qlvnch 331017287 $0 $0
Luckingham Foundation 770384043 $16,838 $160,693
Luckyu International Foundation 454038088 $123,610 $223,194
Luke Christian Medical Mission Incorporated 954507656 $111,423 $93,753
Lumos Charitable Foundation 463927235 $0 $0
Luna Park Arts Foundation 454956485 $0 $0
Lynbrook Athletic Boosters 770045427 $0 $0
Lynbrook Excellence in Education Foundation 452453655 $145,137 $89,648
Lynbrook High School Grad Night Boosters 770396496 $37,687 $45,839
Lynbrook Instrumental Music Boosters 770201441 $366,344 $308,406
M and K Ouchi Foundation 770561213 $9,526 $434,882
M C Ajlouny Charitable Foundation 770546930 $13 $115,533
M E Charitable Foundation 770499218 $626,179 $1,267,950
Mac Millan Family Foundation Incorporated 205371495 $186 $117,904
Macsa Housing Corporation No 2 770394270 $398,140 $4,902,685
Macsa Housing Corporation Number 1 770339380 $281,397 $2,950,974
Magsingal Association of Northerncalifornia 204978806 $0 $0
Maha Vairocana Temple 911890451 $62,851 $54,727
Maitai Global a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporati 454866590 $478,391 $17,688
Make a Birthday Wish 270652760 $0 $0
Malachi 4 6 Network 721534981 $0 $0
Malayalee Association of Northern California 943021337 $0 $0
Maloney-wilding Foundation for Children and Teens 330586345 $0 $1
Mama D 2nd Chance 453166178 $0 $0
Mandala Childrens House Incorporated 942371426 $924,010 $42,620
Mandarin Language and Cultural Center 770450249 $594,337 $504,847
Mandz Hopeland Foundation 454057943 $131 $90,260
Mapandanians of Northern California Incorporated 942806427 $0 $0
Maranatha Christian Church of the Santa Clara Valley 770105167 $0 $0
Maranatha Outreach Center Incorporated 770557182 $4,531 $33,253
Margaret Wingrove Dancers of San Jose 770026919 $0 $1
Maribeth Benham Family Foundation 770486557 $5,271 $184,968
Marine Corps League 753044108 $0 $0
Mark Foster Family Foundation 270769567 $0 $0
Mark of Faith 352388959 $0 $0
Marketing Operations Cross-country Alliance Incorporated 452612501 $22,675 $9,879
Marquez Brothers Foundation 270417747 $50,000 $99,293
Marr Family Foundation 770454211 $483,003 $412,178
Martha E Sanfilippo Foundation 820578141 $3,288,304 $6,641,440
Marthas Kitchen 912091094 $3,560,964 $5,951,709
Martin Murphy Band Boosters 770040116 $0 $0
Martinella Family Foundation 264384449 $759 $287,441
Maskateer Charitable Corporation 900766552 $72,289 $635,522
Master Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra Association 452852502 $0 $0
Math Enrichment Summer Academy Incorporated 261524920 $347,825 $138,453
Matthew Susanj Youth Center 770566348 $4,588 $37,929
Matthews Hagan Charitable Foundation 770529315 $50,497 $65,132
Matu Shree Jayadevi Mulshanker Joshi Charitable Trust 320211114 $0 $1,752
Maximum Miracle Center 200662651 $0 $0
Mbesese Initiative for Sustainable Development Incorporated 272895617 $0 $0
Mcmanis-wigh China Foundation 454503474 $130,000 $130,000
Medical Institutional Chaplains Incorporated 946133128 $81,099 $17,155
Medical Mission International USA 208525614 $4,416,070 $10,331
Medical Staff of Good Samaritan Hospital 912146048 $433,443 $275,604
Medical Staff of Regional Medicalcenter 260331335 $165,450 $191,230
Meeting God in Baseball Incorporated 273176794 $128,386 $14,205
Mehs Alumni Scholarship Foundation 912159658 $0 $0
Mercy Hill Church 770272099 $0 $0
Mercy Tree Ltd 454240406 $0 $0
Mercy Ventures Incorporated 770419845 $6 $11,425
Meriwest Credit Union 941521987 $11,999,445 $1,042,819,097
Merryhill Parent Teacher Association-san Jose 364547039 $0 $0
Metropolitan Community Church of San Jose 770132057 $0 $0
Metropolitan Education District Foundation 770320022 $70,303 $1,344,024
Mexican Heritage Corporation 770184306 $1,680,454 $20,617
Miao Family Foundation 453517667 $885,412 $720,452
Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue 943286344 $262,043 $34,565
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Field Employees Corporati 263602066 $0 $0
Mikvah Society of San Jose 770439972 $0 $0
Military Order of the World Wars Incorporated 946121618 $0 $0
Miller Avenue Church of Christ of San Jose 237159680 $0 $0
Miller Community Educational Foundation 043773883 $171,666 $154,635
Milligan Family Foundation 460494874 $646,941 $2,133,446
Milner Francini Fam Foundation 770559374 $195,543 $519,885
Milpitas Christian School 770058224 $5,799,030 $2,330,786
Mingjun Family Foundation 203822491 $17,507 $142,188
Ministerio Cristiano Internacional Iglesia Primitiva Jesucristo El Pa 272000021 $0 $0
Ministerios Apostolicos De Campbell Incorporated 273886205 $0 $0
Mision De Jesucristo Incorporated 462931814 $0 $0
Mission Harvest Christian Church 273320126 $0 $0
Mission of Latin America Incorporated 611518083 $0 $0
Mission Society of Enrolled Agents 770027963 $77,154 $52,896
Mission Valley Preparatory Academy 272234320 $0 $0
Missionaries to Ministers 611650314 $0 $0
Missionary Church Blossom Valley Bible Fellowship 310927204 $0 $0
Missionary Church International Incorporated 272269240 $0 $0
Missionary Partners Incorporated 760717695 $0 $0
Mit Enterprise Forum Incorporated 043145432 $0 $0
Moca Foundation 943356929 $3,480,240 $10,972,185
Modern Woodmen of America 912140976 $0 $0
Momentum for Mental Health 941496052 $28,748,083 $24,317,761
Moms Club 300559090 $0 $0
Moms Club 550901164 $0 $0
Monte G Pasquinelli Memorial Foundation 800738804 $0 $0
Monte Jade Science and Technology Association 770244507 $205,960 $163,892
Monte Sereno Home Church 311786815 $0 $0
Monterey Bay Appraisal Seminar 352366842 $0 $0
Monterey County Medical Society 941376243 $142,349 $259,542
Montevideo Improvement Association No 1 941627221 $177,455 $161,481
More Than Enough Ministries Incorporated 770138290 $159,538 $31,291
Moreland Area Community Centers a California Nonprofit Public 770235212 $397,644 $112,551
Moreland Educational Foundation 770339357 $360,189 $453,481
Moreland Middle Home and School Club 942787433 $0 $0
Morgan Autism Center 941722448 $6,078,203 $4,178,254
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484058 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 942484851 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge Afandam State of California 770038303 $0 $0
Mount Hermon African Methodist Episcopal Church 942847529 $0 $0
Mount Pleasant Christian Center of San Jose 942514993 $0 $0
Mountain Charlie Chapter 1850 E Clampus Vitus 770460456 $0 $0
Mountain Man Industries 330320306 $1 $3,153
Movimiento De Arte Y Cultura Latino Americana De San Jose Incorporated 770251774 $2,351,422 $3,479,119
Mt Diablo Surveyors Historical Society 770266641 $0 $0
Mt Hamilton Youth Soccer League 770448800 $194,305 $7,331
Municipal Employees Federation Legal Trust Fund 942540135 $81,957 $86,309
Music at Trinity 770347072 $0 $0
Music to Bridge Cultural Gap Society 275529412 $0 $0
My Next Meal Incorporated 461703133 $0 $0
Myc Foundation 274201906 $316,368 $276,448
Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of Enchanted Realm 237535661 $0 $0
Naatak 202541450 $70,620 $52,761
Naen Ministries 943288547 $0 $0
Nami Santa Clara County 942430956 $360,230 $465,424
Nankai Alumni Association San Francisco Bay Area 870750642 $0 $0
Napredak Club 943049178 $0 $0
Naps San Jose Branch 94 455630394 $0 $0
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 942780306 $0 $0
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 521673822 $0 $0
National Asian Pacific Islander Prosecutors Association 383838451 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 946172651 $0 $0
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Incorporated 521793623 $1,844,075 $959,643
National Association of Corporate Directors 770567187 $66,155 $67,128
National Association of Insurance Women 770237091 $0 $0
National Association of Juneteenth Lineage California Incorporated 462432726 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers 946081608 $594,229 $729,328
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts 311459516 $0 $0
National Association of Women Business Owners-silicon Valley Chap Educ Gr 261940974 $0 $0
National Charity League Incorporated Almaden Blossom Valley 770421106 $0 $0
National Charity League Incorporated Willow Rose Chapter 461981353 $0 $0
National Coalition of 100 Black Women Silicon Valley Chapter 770454956 $44,752 $17,351
National Compadres Network Incorporated 522384208 $1,080,035 $562,841
National Conference of Vietnamese American Attorneys 273630527 $0 $0
National Consortium for Acdemics and Sports-pacific West Region 510548091 $0 $0
National Consumer Bankruptcy Rights Center 273191132 $54,396 $28,232
National Council of Negro Women Incorporated 770377796 $0 $0
National Council of the United States Society of St Vincent Depau 271643982 $0 $0
National Council of the United States Society of St Vincent Depau 271644835 $0 $0
National Desoto Club Incorporated 311162535 $33,763 $33,366
National Electronics Systems Technicians Union 770188954 $73,524 $3,432
National Exchange Club 946102186 $0 $0
National Junior Basketball 770407718 $198,454 $5,174
National Junior Basketball 770553635 $83,349 $6,207
National Junior Basketball 461207081 $62,096 $1,183
National Junior Basketball 270957335 $37,658 $246
National Lao-american Community and Economic Development 743082833 $0 $0
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs Incorporated 237409994 $0 $0
National Society of Tole and Decorative Painters Incorporated 942734521 $0 $0
National Speakers Association 942789458 $67,913 $55,060
National Spiritualist Asn of Churches 946170631 $0 $0
National Tennis Championships 770504254 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 237152357 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 770030536 $0 $0
Native Daughters of the Golden West 237586637 $0 $0
Natural Health Guardian Incorporated 270649625 $1,616 $1,776
Naupa Foundation 770563774 $0 $0
Naval Aviation Heritage Foundation 271480429 $0 $0
Nckza Incorporated 260183083 $0 $0
Neca Health Trust 942442039 $4,503,698 $983,406
Neca-ibew Payroll Fringe Benefits Guarantee Trust Fund 770004584 $0 $0
Necessities and More 770177876 $0 $0
Neighborhood Housing Services Silicon Valley 770413992 $2,157,624 $12,865,576
Net Worth Recovery Incorporated 454069635 $155,052 $26,668
New Apostolic Church of Campbell Ca 363404627 $0 $0
New Apostolic Church of San Jose Cambodian Ca 363404706 $0 $0
New Beginnings 371610332 $0 $0
New Beginnings 770471094 $0 $0
New Community of Faith 770010853 $0 $0
New Concept Education and Research Incorporated 770399486 $0 $1
New Covenant Christian Center International Incorporated 770172751 $0 $0
New Energy Industry Association for Asia and the Pacific 262469551 $0 $0
New Hope for Youth 371737287 $0 $0
New Hope Worldwide Assembly of God Church 352351315 $0 $0
New Kingdom Community Christian Center 770403114 $0 $0
New Life Builders Incorporated 264734467 $0 $5,816
New Life Christian Center of Santa Clara County Incorporated 770512022 $0 $0
New Life Covenant Church 946050104 $0 $0
New Life Fellowship United Pentecostal Church of Pleasanton I 942332960 $0 $0
New Mission Church of San Jose 770184095 $0 $0
New Restoration Church 680426813 $0 $0
New River Church Community Incorporated 450567399 $0 $0
New Skin Adult Tattoo Removal 272544679 $0 $0
New Song Community Church 770438476 $0 $0
New Universe Religion 953749327 $0 $0
Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence 942420708 $2,458,604 $1,587,695
Nexthitz Youth 870759200 $0 $0
Nia - a Ray of Hope 510511381 $0 $0
Nichiren Buddhist Temple of San Jose 942576492 $186,464 $2,030,532
Nichiren Shoshu of America San Jose 237517242 $0 $0
No Time to Waste 274564722 $0 $0
Nor Cal Legends Fast Pitch Softball 462191401 $73,571 $5,018
Nor Cal Olds Club 900430341 $0 $0
Nora Lam Ministries 237418355 $4,783,164 $268,140
Norcal Academy of Performing Arts 273237985 $0 $0
Norcal Rep Youth Hockey Club 770518522 $55,342 $77,020
Norita Court Homeowners Association 943296976 $39,615 $148,077
North 13th Street Business Association 352171104 $0 $0
North Valley Chinese School 743089282 $0 $0
Northern California and North Nevada Sound and Comm Lab-mgmt Coop Trust 1101 776081480 $312,147 $115,912
Northern California and Northern Nevada Sound and Communication 770178828 $3,143,601 $6,900,119
Northern California Catalog Club 943161467 $0 $0
Northern California Chapter Electronic Representatives Associa 941593663 $860,643 $970,128
Northern California Drywall Contractors Association 946104046 $81,414 $232,967
Northern California Dx Club Incorporated 942728043 $0 $0
Northern California Jabi Charity Association Incorporated 272213902 $0 $0
Northern California Jewish Sports Hall of Fame 260493232 $133,248 $24,845
Northern California Koi Club Zen Nippon Airinkai Norcal 331132356 $0 $0
Northern California Korean Presbyterian Church 770168682 $0 $0
Northern California Land Rover Club 208785105 $0 $0
Northern California Outrigger Canoe Association 770305252 $0 $0
Northern California Presbyterian Church 770378530 $0 $0
Northern California Pug Club 770554207 $0 $0
Northern California Region Classic Car Club of America 770264313 $5,415 $76,144
Northern California Sarang Community Church Incorporated 770522831 $0 $0
Northern California Section of the Amer Association for Clinical Chemistry 680306983 $0 $0
Northern California Seichonoie 510194738 $0 $0
Northern California Velodrome Association 770287540 $0 $0
Northside Theatre Council of San Jose 942882450 $74,025 $12,310
Northwood Park Improvement Association 2 941578390 $29,482 $68,468
Nostalgia Vintage Auto Museum 770550759 $0 $0
Notable Music and Arts Organization 455146902 $0 $0
Notre Dame High School San Jose 941275235 $0 $0
Novo Ministries Incorporated 562542718 $0 $1
Nu-alexander -mason Endowment 946083590 $84,942 $155,786
Nuestra Escuelita 061748926 $72,719 $100,216
Oak Grove High School Parent Community Organization 455500259 $0 $0
Oak Knoll of San Jose Homeowners Association 770153179 $12,665 $7,377
Oak Ridge Home and School Club 770385647 $88,637 $35,084
Oakcrest Estates Homeowners Association 770245462 $0 $0
Oakgrove Youth Football Booster Club Incorporated 770221188 $277,958 $109,695
Oasis Care Incorporated 010618964 $2,059,296 $983,971
Oasis of Living Waters 770324305 $0 $0
Oconnor Foundation 770006295 $963,581 $3,609,618
Oconnor Hospital 912154436 $310,145,552 $147,448,816
Odd Fellows Hall Association of San Jose Odd Fellows Building 940729605 $0 $0
Okasan and Me 371463327 $0 $0
Olander Family Foundation 943400451 $246,856 $3,284,344
Older Womens League 942783299 $0 $0
Olinder Residents Incorporated 942370778 $0 $0
Olive Branch Foundation 263954674 $0 $84,128
Om Music Circle 680362429 $0 $0
Omega Foundation of Santa Clara Valley 770156724 $0 $0
One Love Korean Methodist Church of San Jose 461465392 $0 $0
One School at a Time Incorporated 202043649 $76,348 $123,468
One Way Bible Fellowship 760772676 $0 $0
One World Montessori School Incorporated 942630042 $2,980,149 $1,260,268
One Yard 900745226 $0 $0
Oneill Sea Odyssey 770464784 $736,487 $2,069,540
Onnuri Church of San Jose 770411031 $0 $0
Onnuri Presbyterian Church 770298497 $0 $0
Opal Wall Corporation 274258012 $0 $0
Open Bible Standard Churches 942152890 $0 $0
Open Door Libraries 521048623 $430,600 $29,510
Open Hand Foundation 916525845 $23,697 $412,919
Opera San Jose Endowment Foundation 272491185 $15,458 $491,737
Opera San Jose Incorporated 770009773 $4,223,261 $9,664,826
Operation Care and Comfort 273116300 $3,056,519 $426,375
Opportunity Center Hdc Incorporated 542090590 $23,753 $1,921,856
Opportunity Fund Northern California 311719434 $8,405,636 $30,198,126
Opportunity Partners Incorporated 943119463 $101,812 $753,277
Optimist International 946104878 $229 $1
Optimist International 946107714 $421 $1
Optimist International 941671774 $0 $0
Optimist International 942567622 $0 $0
Order of Holistic Christian Love 770004310 $0 $0
Order of the Amaranth Incorporated 237614740 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of California 237514732 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of California 940734891 $0 $0
Order of the Eastern Star of California 940734938 $0 $0
Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Sisters Incorporated 331140708 $0 $0
Organizacion Edificando Vidas 262189177 $57,539 $38,719
Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support 680340145 $0 $0
Oriental Catholic Church 770461767 $0 $0
Oriental Christian Center 942862243 $0 $0
Original Buddhism Society in America Incorporated 272897053 $0 $0
Osaka Bible Seminary 946112260 $99,819 $84,442
Oster Elementary School Home and School Club Incorporated 364614368 $76,903 $55,143
Our City Forest 770371911 $1,379,437 $801,787
Our Mother Mary of the Holy Spirit 770341946 $0 $0
Our Pack Incorporated 260180919 $0 $0
Outreach and Escort Incorporated 942598855 $23,878,129 $4,664,629
Overcomers Fellowship Church 770293619 $0 $0
Overeaters Anonymous North Calif Intergroup 942741714 $0 $0
Overseas Chinese Association of High Technology 800817473 $0 $0
Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and Professionals Association 201379112 $3,127 $976
P2p Rescue Incorporated 203538250 $0 $0
Pacfic Health Foundation 201248373 $156,813 $38,405
Pacific Coast Aeronauts 943245979 $0 $0
Pacific Coast Cichlid Association 942841593 $0 $0
Pacific Islanders Cultural Association 770398912 $7,255 $385,536
Pacific Railcar Operators 770492027 $57,941 $26,363
Pacific Scribes 770076633 $0 $0
Pacific Senior Golf Association 942691188 $158,576 $22,910
Pacific Soaring Council Incorporated 942198507 $0 $0
Pala Rancho Cabana Club 941674869 $103,827 $128,440
Palm Haven Restoration Committee 680518777 $0 $0
Palmer College of Chiropratic- West 942515428 $10,513,188 $7,485,076
Palo Alto Foothills Tracking Association Incorporated 770012074 $0 $0
Panda Fund Corporation 264341411 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 205371528 $121,651 $62,593
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 237398273 $39,937 $10,511
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 264519923 $0 $0
Parent Booster USA Incorporated 453677886 $0 $0
Parent Participation Program Incorporated 201508707 $0 $0
Parents and Friends of Boy Scout Troop 212 of Santa Clara County 912072628 $0 $0
Parents Association of Irish Dance Incorporated 421659610 $0 $0
Parents Helping Parents Incorporated 942814246 $1,873,399 $549,917
Parisi House on the Hill Incorporated 451911940 $1,666,712 $339,093
Park Wilshire Improvement Association 946122014 $172,551 $329,532
Partnership for Compassionate Use Therapies 270766152 $0 $0
Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Incorporated 205848053 $0 $0
Parveen and Neeraj Jain Endowment 470934264 $159,591 $174,027
Paso Robles Ava Committee 204704502 $13,571 $298
Pastor of Our Lady of Refuge 453522227 $0 $0
Pastoral Care School 260604887 $215,647 $103,195
Pathway Bible Church Incorporated 300202046 $0 $0
Pathways Church 237355843 $0 $0
Paul and Joyce Tien Foundation 263938368 $1,072 $508,523
Paul and Kathy Vincent Foundation 203328952 $968,682 $1,120,529
Paula Apartments Incorporated 770509841 $281,918 $1,613,747
Payne Home and School Club 942728026 $182,591 $103,726
Pdj Foundation 203920585 $20,000 $26,352
Peace and Light Foundation 311591417 $738 $75,182
Pei Family Foundation 912163497 $370,903 $652,666
Peking University Alumni Association of Northern California 260561120 $0 $0
Peninsula Police Officers Association 941069797 $60,525 $979,537
Pennies from Heaven 770560987 $0 $0
Pentacostal Deliverance Center Incorporated 237153871 $0 $0
Pentecostal Assemblies of God of 942907776 $0 $0
People Acting in Community Together Incorporated 770090129 $1,468,948 $1,877,278
Persian Cultural Club 542073268 $89,541 $269,307
Persian Ministries International Incorporated 770566352 $116,831 $145,665
Persian Zoroastrian Organization 942826711 $0 $0
Perspectives of Northern California Incorporated 223858305 $64,876 $48,136
Pet Companions for Cancer Survivors 455125267 $0 $0
Peter and Edna Grilione Family Foundation 731657589 $224,101 $612,264
Petrus Ky High School Alumni Association 770171725 $0 $0
Petrusky Foundation 900649151 $0 $0
Pets Care 710887789 $0 $0
Pghh Buddhist Center Incorporated 454095672 $43,025 $457,460
Phat Quang Temple 421545287 $33,833 $82,930
Phi Sigma Kappa 464149085 $0 $0
Phillippine Professional and Business Society of Santa Clara Co 510158863 $10,414 $12,287
Photographers for Good Foundation 454683139 $0 $0
Pi Beta Phi Fraternity 946085348 $0 $0
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 461286953 $0 $0
Pi Tau Sigma 581517088 $0 $0
Piedmont Hills High School Parent Booster Club 272552255 $0 $0
Pilgrim Church of God in Christ 770040070 $0 $0
Pilgrim Congregational Church of San Jose 941524155 $0 $0
Pinehurst Cabana Club 946121202 $121,579 $296,375
Pinmore Hdc Incorporated a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corp 770358392 $25,211 $226,064
Pioneer High School Educationfoundation 205727442 $0 $0
Pioneer Lions Club of San Jose 270651153 $0 $0
Pious Disciples of the Divine Master 942665083 $0 $0
Pirate Football Boosters Incorporated 463603761 $0 $0
Planet Mug Incorporated 943397515 $0 $0
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California Incorporated 770261817 $2,526,924 $1,508,614
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Incorporated 941583439 $100,005,352 $109,264,042
Plumbing Industry Apprenticeship Non-profit Corporation 941482696 $4,056,473 $12,682,779
Poco Way Hdc Incorporated 770378030 $14,082 $786,216
Police Amateur Athletic Foundation 942678810 $65,949 $181,709
Police Benevolent Association of San Jose Incorporated 942891493 $0 $0
Polish American Enginers Club Incorporated 510152807 $0 $0
Polish Saturday School 770158349 $0 $0
Polynesia Polynesia 680373374 $10 $39,282
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 770243117 $74,130 $39,863
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 770646387 $53,042 $155,735
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 912164970 $183,151 $3,340
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 942562289 $109,015 $10,653
Pop Warner Little Scholars Incorporated 946425536 $128,768 $27,459
Portal School Community Organization 770428804 $388,285 $251,073
Portugeuese Organization for Social Services 510187655 $439,555 $1,065,670
Portuguese Athletics Club 770238012 $108,321 $85,679
Portuguese Band of San Jose 942572649 $543,033 $1,516,739
Portuguese Heritage Publications of California Incorporated 460506309 $45,307 $90,177
Portuguese Heritage Society of California Incorporated 770359110 $67,831 $58,402
Positive Alternative Recreation Teambuilding Impacting Program 760832431 $106,865 $4,527
Positive Progressions Residential Treatment Centers Incorporated 770317674 $45,549 $26,429
Post Transplant Foundation 010561114 $3,368 $5,887
Potters Ministries 522374607 $100,976 $6,347
Prajapati Association of Northern California 300019527 $0 $0
Presbyterian Lay Committee Santa Clara Valley Chapter 237182046 $0 $0
Preservation Action Council of San Jose 770254542 $74,461 $132,855
Prince of Peace Christian Center Ag 731625916 $0 $0
Pro Bono Project Silicon Valley 680112902 $535,167 $242,199
Professional Association of Exporters and Importers 680117035 $158,290 $211,704
Professional Photographers of Santa Clara Valley Incorporated 770024792 $0 $0
Professional Resource for Nurses 942861656 $283,258 $853,947
Program Responsible in Daring Excellence 770407227 $18,186 $29,192
Project 143 Foundation 270458980 $0 $0
Project Catch a Z Incorporated 464481395 $0 $0
Project Hired 770050319 $3,411,923 $924,655
Project Hired Industries 455311901 $312,516 $113,545
Project Management Institute 912089006 $247,112 $291,477
Project Oscar Incorporated 946122021 $0 $0
Project Pearls Incorporated 272624202 $0 $0
Promise Land Preschools 800883042 $0 $0
Prompt Foundation Incorporated 943116009 $1 $1
Prospect Chinese School 770448114 $0 $1,698
Prospect Silicon Valley 270220018 $0 $0
Proyecto De La Restoracion Incorporated 263389603 $0 $0
Prusch Park Foundation 770260440 $0 $0
Psi Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology 521276058 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 412122466 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 453860337 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 460520036 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 510601325 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 721587938 $56,862 $8,402
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770010851 $206,619 $152,430
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770046275 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770052938 $68,876 $34,319
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770058675 $112,892 $45,071
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770112835 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770126424 $194,574 $66,334
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770129522 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770132517 $10,600 $9,249
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770132572 $100,840 $57,319
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770136842 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770137911 $55,949 $29,691
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770139974 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770149977 $60,299 $27,907
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770150389 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770152360 $53,105 $28,490
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770182603 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770190090 $59,646 $26,296
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770225138 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770231559 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770245067 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770260192 $50,831 $15,208
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770269896 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770296045 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770322903 $46,950 $10,510
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770349124 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770358408 $45,621 $11,628
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770364209 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770364950 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770388750 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770493251 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770499036 $59,599 $17,768
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770556550 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770558304 $155,007 $85,650
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 770565247 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900524497 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900767167 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900786190 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900904030 $53,189 $25,593
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900904038 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 900929210 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901033738 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901038596 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 901043587 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 941384646 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942636146 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942668504 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942787933 $70,674 $43,476
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942844255 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942850423 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942852466 $112,483 $28,056
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942863687 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942895956 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 942917465 $44,300 $16,064
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 943147370 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171196 $91,337 $56,172
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171708 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946171890 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172141 $22,994 $12,719
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172206 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946172527 $50,884 $33,125
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946173818 $218,828 $110,238
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946174372 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946174481 $89,935 $60,838
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946174636 $73,942 $16,796
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946174790 $264,155 $201,287
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946183841 $135,362 $118,776
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946183999 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946184025 $59,733 $37,898
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946184041 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 946184139 $76,451 $22,544
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 113763937 $160,937 $17,893
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 202686227 $63,755 $12,887
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 205396029 $118,104 $71,156
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 205951628 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237037827 $97,819 $49,423
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237037902 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237042621 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 237072699 $0 $0
Pta California Congress of Parents Teachers and Students Incorporated 270722393 $0 $0
Public Dialogue Consortium 911874534 $140,182 $30,398
Pueblo De Dios of Prince of Peace 942718126 $0 $0
Puerto Rican Civic Club Incorporated 550905066 $0 $0
Qarmout Foundation for the Needy 510672510 $0 $0
Quan the Am Thien Tu 770569904 $70,486 $299,540
Quang Tri Mutual Assistance Association North Ca 800767141 $4,016 $3,050
Que-lue Charitable Foundation 770547169 $75,491 $272,861
Queensborough Improvement Association 941536085 $55,850 $130,105
Quest Institute for Christianeducation 204451361 $229,057 $189,231
Questar Foundation 770547171 $186,690 $300,623
Quicksilver Equine Rescue 030598195 $601 $15
Quicksilver Running Club of San Jose 454249181 $0 $0
Quicksilver Swimming 453142323 $385,423 $33,961
Quo Vidas Theatre Company Incorporated 770454859 $0 $0
R and L Family Foundation 454048570 $1 $1
R C Mayo Incorporated 562408679 $0 $0
Racing Association for Model Cars of Santa Clara Valley 202922502 $0 $0
Racyuan Family Foundation 260347034 $8,000 $387,354
Rahima International Foundation 770442850 $1,246,317 $3,115,795
Rainbow Recovery Foundation Incorporated 061710609 $241,177 $58,082
Rainbow Womens Chorus 770559726 $0 $0
Raju Vegesna Foundation 061694446 $3,497,336 $7,577,260
Ramallah Club of San Jose 942713394 $0 $0
Ramanand Vishwa Hitkarini Parishad 364573962 $0 $0
Rancho Laguna Seca Incorporated 942553783 $0 $0
Rancho Santa Teresa Swim and Racquet Club 237146910 $371,283 $538,231
Randy International Foundation 454041085 $0 $0
Rawson Project Contemporary Ballet 274456165 $0 $0
Reaching out Incorporated 770323348 $0 $0
React International 510199355 $1,125 $0
Reading Equates to Success 453340564 $3,000 $680
Real Ideas Studio Incorporated 320219471 $49,391 $6,336
Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley 770289381 $1,064,741 $898,072
Recovery Cafe San Jose Incorporated 454496745 $0 $0
Redeemers Church of Silicon Valley 770561327 $0 $0
Redwood Belgian Tervuren Fanciers Incorporated 461507051 $0 $0
Regions Beyond Incorporated 911852306 $0 $0
Registered Nurses Professional Association 942578139 $4,859,689 $3,391,086
Relatioship Solutions Incorporated 330873399 $0 $0
Remnant Grace Church 800023032 $92,215 $12,323
Renacer Covenant Church 271910984 $0 $0
Renegade Theatre Experiment 030410477 $47,342 $6,701
Renovacion Carismatica Cristiana Incorporated 942401523 $0 $0
Republic of Vietnam Air Force Veterans Association of Northern C 273331064 $0 $0
Resounding Achord Productions 461552196 $0 $0
Resource Area for Teaching 770365627 $2,983,644 $15,216,219
Respite and Research for Alzheimers Disease 942936723 $2,325,816 $2,899,072
Retail Store Employees Building Corporation 237134096 $2,052,180 $3,905,498
Revival Presbyterian Church of Northern California 942621081 $0 $0
Rewarding Action 270259358 $0 $0
Rhema for Chinese 311732551 $0 $0
Rice for Elders 320279362 $0 $0
Richard and Nancy Yee Foundation 271264134 $30,027 $95,436
Richard Singh Family Foundation 263844660 $140,000 $124,502
Rincon De Los Esteros Incorporated 770329569 $3,515,832 $22,124,984
Rise Program 464233046 $0 $0
Rita Ledesma Home and School Club 770512633 $103,351 $55,500
River of Life Family Church 450487262 $0 $0
River of Life Womens Recovery Home 900841498 $0 $0
Road Runners Club of America 861107222 $0 $0
Roadway Antique Trucks 454209928 $1,245 $1
Robert E and Adele M Boydston Foundation 562396839 $366,961 $2,947,129
Robert Julian Robbins Foundation 272284546 $0 $0
Rock of Salvation Church 800579235 $0 $0
Rocky Valley 274135718 $0 $0
Rohi Temple of Reconciliation 202943419 $0 $0
Role Model Program 770230503 $11,880 $912
Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose 942734503 $0 $0
Romance Writers of America Incorporated 770481643 $0 $0
Romania Outreach Ministries 931224795 $233,076 $221,115
Rong Rong Family Foundation 274260437 $244,215 $317,063
Roofers East Bay-north Bay Area Vacation Trust Fund 946075621 $2,745,752 $825,593
Roofers Health and Welfare Trust Fund of Northern California 946074642 $18,064,185 $4,136,009
Roofers Local Union No 40 Vacation Trust Fund 942448667 $1,404,274 $977,516
Rosa De Saron Ph Church 581789073 $0 $0
Rotacare Bay Area Incorporated 770328723 $1,052,686 $1,742,453
Rotary Club of San Jose East Endowment Fund 770495472 $21,689 $90,596
Rotary Club of San Jose Foundation Incorporated 946112270 $2,759,515 $6,438,064
Rotary Club of Ubud Foundation 205479338 $0 $0
Rotary District 5170 Foundation 943016176 $119,649 $243,824
Rotary International 942697304 $24,197 $11,641
Rotary International 946108324 $0 $0
Rotary International 237440662 $58,130 $4,822
Rotary International 941331874 $515,019 $918,038
Rotary Plaza-hacsc Hdc Incorporated 770282660 $16,211 $367,789
Royal Arch Masons of California 940568094 $0 $0
Royal Family Kingdom Team 272805814 $0 $0
Russian House Kedry 753175595 $0 $0
Russiart Com 770564104 $714 $505
Russo Foundation 311758209 $685 $1
Ryan a Keltner Scholarship Fund 432039900 $0 $0
Ryli Institute Foundation 270483846 $369,510 $676,643
S and H Family Foundation 208711900 $4 $7,077
S C V M C Medical Executive Committee Incorporated 770368529 $102,240 $142,907
S P G Housing Incorporated 770307201 $822,678 $5,725,670
Sacramento Area Electrical Workers Health and Welfare Trust Fund 942773477 $12,930,825 $28,883,570
Sacred Heart Community Service 237179787 $19,162,058 $7,872,342
Sacred Heart Nativity School 952206754 $2,653,719 $7,606,547
Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary 770520491 $50,114 $159,538
Saint James African Methodist Episcopal Church 940508830 $0 $0
Saint James Anglican Church 264514246 $0 $0
Saint Michael and All Angels Anglican Episcopal Church 942681679 $0 $0
Saint Te Religious Foundation 770555059 $0 $0
Saint Thomas Syrian Orthodox Church of San Jose 770187719 $0 $0
Sainte Claire Club of San Jose 940831560 $1,059,141 $1,955,587
Sainte Claire Historic Preservation Foundation 731679130 $10,778 $41,260
Sakamoto Parent Teacher Org Incorporated 205380893 $121,379 $78,129
Salish Coast Land Marine and Wildlife Conservation Association 462923578 $0 $0
Sally E Anderson Family Foundation 770360264 $1,826,066 $2,000,375
Samba Mundial 113843038 $0 $0
San Antonio Charities 731698139 $50,244 $1,027,074
San Diego County Cement Masons Group Insurance Trust 956064494 $1,891,273 $1,376,285
San Francisco 2 Foursquare Church 943207183 $0 $0
San Francisco Bay Area Curling Club 261678813 $159,551 $140,584
San Francisco Bay Area Nissan Leaf Owners Association 454860509 $0 $0
San Francisco Calheat 453625235 $0 $0
San Francisco Historical Automobile Society 943239797 $27,921 $52,000
San Francisco Korean Master Chorale 943408116 $32,310 $4,171
San Jose 49ers Semi-pro Football Team 463609838 $0 $0
San Jose 5 Foursquare Church 900652010 $0 $0
San Jose Advertising Club 946137789 $0 $0
San Jose Almaden Water Polo Association Incorporated 460608260 $37,526 $9,891
San Jose Aquatics 237184641 $421,005 $80,477
San Jose Arena Authority 770269730 $202,695 $45,741
San Jose Astronomical Association 942629586 $0 $0
San Jose Auxiliary for Children 946100771 $1,323,683 $577,285
San Jose Bicycle Club 237376576 $64,856 $35,233
San Jose Buddhist Church Housing Incorporated 237235935 $1,008,383 $1,683,693
San Jose Cambodian Buddhist Society Incorporated 770121002 $76,195 $1,565,738
San Jose Canterbury Foundation 911811774 $0 $0
San Jose Cathedral Foundation 770208232 $0 $0
San Jose Center for Poetry and Literature 942495470 $0 $0
San Jose Central Baptist Church 450539054 $0 $0
San Jose Central Seventh-day Adventists Church 870742890 $0 $0
San Jose Chamber Music Society 770128182 $92,772 $59,260
San Jose Chamber of Commerce Community Benefit Foundation 770351510 $89,295 $38,637
San Jose Chamber Orchestra 770292622 $344,876 $76,736
San Jose Chapt 643 Women of the Moose 237132278 $0 $0
San Jose Chapter 770191650 $0 $0
San Jose Chapter of Assoication of Certified Fraud Examiners 264535189 $4,300 $5,184
San Jose Childrens Discovery Museum 942870828 $10,160,357 $22,219,558
San Jose Childrens Musical Theater 237235146 $2,307,626 $491,596
San Jose Chinese Alliance Church of Christian and Missionary Alliance 942659894 $0 $0
San Jose Chinese School 942904246 $130,145 $372,070
San Jose Choral Project 770439765 $99,297 $33,294
San Jose Christ Fellowship 261175948 $0 $0
San Jose Christian Reformed Church 946085655 $0 $0
San Jose Church of Christ 770397574 $0 $0
San Jose Community Eruv 272156192 $25,000 $25,694
San Jose Community Media Access Corporation 262041299 $3,623,002 $6,983,096
San Jose Conservation Corps 770155997 $7,208,687 $16,696,492
San Jose Costa Rica Sister City Committee Incorporated 300584054 $0 $0
San Jose Country Club 940837870 $6,106,914 $7,725,128
San Jose Credit Union 940702065 $5,485,791 $139,950,682
San Jose Dance Theatre 942233859 $224,794 $77,634
San Jose Day Nursery 941164664 $1,159,335 $3,817,748
San Jose Delta Foundation Incorporated 271525037 $0 $0
San Jose Downtown Association 770149717 $2,543,748 $1,038,038
San Jose Downtown Foundation 770395206 $78,177 $65,668
San Jose Downtown Property Owners Association 261218705 $2,472,447 $548,934
San Jose Dublin Sister City Program 770250396 $51,762 $29,689
San Jose East Valley Lions Club Charitable Foundation Incorporated 200173096 $0 $0
San Jose Elim Presbyterian Church 770120055 $0 $0
San Jose Evergreen Community College District Foundation 942877474 $416,885 $1,473,811
San Jose Family Christian Center 770071981 $0 $0
San Jose Fire Museum 510427344 $52,889 $68,326
San Jose Firefighters Burn Foundation Incorporated 770266672 $165,387 $297,301
San Jose First Community Services Incorporated 770556256 $0 $0
San Jose Foothill Family Community Clinic Incorporated 770440944 $6,184,482 $2,113,942
San Jose Foursquare Church 946170222 $0 $0
San Jose Garden Club 770117410 $0 $0
San Jose Gi Forum Scholarship Foundation 510137525 $0 $0
San Jose Glass Artist Alliance 262286556 $0 $0
San Jose Grail Family Services 770397354 $549,498 $1,030,510
San Jose High Booster Club 200122194 $0 $0
San Jose Hotels Incorporated 204274641 $2,117,205 $4,699,681
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art 942688830 $711,579 $2,944,638
San Jose International Piano Competition Corporation 770570129 $73,193 $34,618
San Jose Islamic School 462299445 $0 $0
San Jose Japantown Lions Foundation Incorporated 461456769 $0 $0
San Jose Jazz 770140627 $1,943,787 $304,589
San Jose Job Corps Center Student Government Association 770397945 $0 $0
San Jose Job Corps Partnership Initiative 462884380 $0 $0
San Jose Kendo Dojo 770324315 $60,131 $123,326
San Jose Korean 237371919 $0 $0
San Jose Korean Christian Church Incorporated 770152012 $0 $0
San Jose Lawn Bowls Club Incorporated Frank Bramhall Park 237154939 $0 $0
San Jose Leadership Council 770316028 $14,863 $11,831
San Jose Light-house Presbyterian Church 770315474 $0 $0
San Jose Lodge No 401 Loyal Order of Moose 940641385 $380,555 $643,595
San Jose Masonic Center Association 940661430 $316,613 $691,283
San Jose Medical Research Foundation 946090800 $967 $195,153
San Jose Metropolitan Band 770241187 $0 $0
San Jose Mothers Milk Bank 770131926 $1,868,684 $2,728,585
San Jose Multicultural Artists Guild Incorporated 770311831 $111,887 $21,792
San Jose Museum of Art Association 237062028 $7,615,300 $13,847,686
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles 770123939 $606,472 $4,063,156
San Jose Neighbors That Care Incorporated 770304056 $0 $0
San Jose New Life Mission Church 770379208 $0 $0
San Jose Ninja Youth Foundation 201885177 $117,060 $74,244
San Jose Parents Participating Nursery School 941539262 $194,539 $266,271
San Jose Parks Foundation 271186070 $158,321 $23,497
San Jose Police Activities League 941681065 $398,476 $1,101,911
San Jose Police Chaplaincy 942734173 $304,419 $176,803
San Jose Police Foundation 204979633 $36,123 $142,226
San Jose Police Officers Association - Unincorporated Association 770387804 $1,713,905 $1,669,173
San Jose Police Officers Association Insurance and Benefits 770440847 $1,243,529 $1,557,011
San Jose Project 453936042 $0 $0
San Jose Pune Sister Cityorganization 205773974 $0 $0
San Jose Quota Club Scholarship Fund 946135846 $0 $0
San Jose Repertory Theatre 942638313 $4,724,091 $4,030,913
San Jose Retired Employees Association 770274169 $159,161 $138,519
San Jose Rugby Football Club Incorporated 770216496 $0 $0
San Jose Sailing Club 237091446 $0 $0
San Jose Scottish Rite Foundation 942541623 $11,176,299 $8,730,418
San Jose Search and Rescue 942861460 $0 $0
San Jose Servants Presbyterian Church 770053495 $0 $0
San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce 941659396 $2,325,944 $6,952,096
San Jose Slammers 770654187 $0 $0
San Jose South Hispanic Foursquare Church 900447035 $0 $0
San Jose Stage Company 770029401 $1,075,628 $90,388
San Jose State Soccer Foundation 870694537 $0 $0
San Jose State University Alumni Association 941166423 $930,064 $1,281,120
San Jose State University Emeritus Faculty Association 770346395 $0 $0
San Jose State University Icehockey 260809180 $167,788 $453
San Jose State University Research Foundation 946017638 $70,257,180 $37,651,451
San Jose Surgical Society 770516580 $0 $0
San Jose Symphonic Choir 237295139 $124,724 $83,430
San Jose Taiko Group Incorporated 942801727 $482,465 $765,791
San Jose Tainan Sister City Association 271357212 $0 $0
San Jose Theater Preservation Incorporated 261501864 $162,029 $522,028
San Jose Travel Ball 271011547 $110,630 $3,726
San Jose United Firefighters Widows and Orphans Aid Association 770544853 $472,999 $3,076,565