There are 3,734 nonprofits in San Jose, California.

Name EIN Income Assets
San Jose Valley Korean Church of the Nazarene 770132299 $0 $0
San Jose Vietnam War Memorial Foundation Incorporated 800309921 $53,460 $51,675
San Jose Vietnamese Alliance Church Christian and Missionary Alliance 942737726 $0 $0
San Jose Wind Symphony 770350131 $0 $0
San Jose Womans Club 940838510 $199,758 $392,499
San Jose Women in Travel 770006029 $0 $0
San Jose Word of Faith Christian Center 770031655 $0 $0
San Jose Young Nak Church 942909974 $0 $0
San Jose Youth Ballet 870690835 $74,825 $20,247
San Jose Youth Foundation Incorporated 462880567 $0 $0
San Jose Youth Shakespeare 870746426 $0 $0
San Jose Youth Symphony 912166427 $986,264 $212,041
San Jose-alviso Youth Foundation 943345365 $1,070,176 $3,451,577
San Jose-evergreen Faculty Association Aft 6157 770290213 $579,649 $269,616
San Jose-silicon Valley Center for Entrepreneurial Development 770574409 $250 $350
San Mateo County Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Trust 237225581 $1,110,121 $6,537,159
San Mateo Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Welfare Fund 946081299 $30,584,392 $16,050,725
San Tomas-charities Housing Corporation 770351867 $28,231,438 $14,961,405
San Yi and Helen Tseng Foundation 204832561 $50,012 $111,383
Sanctuary for Birth and Wellness 204236862 $0 $0
Sands Drive Housing Incorporated a Calif Non Profit Public Benefit Corp 770451104 $12,066 $1,259,668
Sanskriti 770516060 $0 $0
Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Const Indust Labor Mgt Coop Trust 770339442 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association 946104497 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Asian Law Alliance Incorporated 942439581 $1,546,514 $1,537,499
Santa Clara County Association of Realtors 941054204 $2,288,861 $7,046,858
Santa Clara County Auto Recyclers Association 942822296 $4,956 $50,304
Santa Clara County Automotive Trades Apprentice Training Trust F 942177761 $51,834 $128,800
Santa Clara County Bar Association 941334473 $1,153,503 $102,571
Santa Clara County Black Chamber of Commerce 770246341 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Board of Education Finance Corp 770416421 $1,166,525 $10,963,136
Santa Clara County Cambodian Womens Association 510456152 $2,625 $14,724
Santa Clara County Construction Careers Association S4ca 264631670 $79,971 $49,092
Santa Clara County Correctional Peace Officers Association 770284803 $1,302,845 $1,410,898
Santa Clara County Dental Foundation 202396440 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Dental Society 941475235 $1,042,886 $2,904,475
Santa Clara County Distric Attorney Investigators Association 942409687 $115,144 $139,115
Santa Clara County Electrical Jatc 942324608 $3,348,429 $6,863,340
Santa Clara County Estate Planning Council 237081159 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Fair Grounds Management Corporation Incorporated 770399864 $3,646,355 $1,432,565
Santa Clara County Family Law Attorney Emeritus Fund 465026385 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Girls Athletics 770335168 $308,930 $1
Santa Clara County Horsemens Association Incorporated 946083841 $46,444 $54,112
Santa Clara County Law Advocates Incorporated 941706690 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Law Library 912091148 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Medical Association 941046684 $3,003,699 $4,322,751
Santa Clara County Medical Society Auxiliary 946123471 $0 $0
Santa Clara County Realtors Foundation 770252014 $91,538 $439,221
Santa Clara County Water Ski Club,incorporated 237335365 $0 $0
Santa Clara Dog Traning Club 946092762 $70,885 $96,776
Santa Clara Family Health Foundatiion Incorporated 770545774 $3,333,625 $2,401,323
Santa Clara Firefighters Foundation 270002499 $59,302 $91,340
Santa Clara Foster and Adoptive Parents Association 770044714 $440,615 $268,220
Santa Clara Hockey Association 237241489 $584,819 $198,767
Santa Clara Valley Blind Center 941724265 $1,085,028 $2,333,137
Santa Clara Valley Chapter Incorporated 941217981 $1,706,219 $4,614,558
Santa Clara Valley Church of Religious Science 237047304 $0 $0
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society 946091572 $40,864 $225,710
Santa Clara Valley Koi and Watergarden Club 770305081 $0 $0
Santa Clara Valley Orchid Society Incorporated 946104502 $0 $0
Santa Clara Valley Performing Arts Association 770315890 $69,345 $25,375
Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds Incorporated 237373738 $0 $0
Santa Clara Valley Veterinary Medical Association 941695326 $0 $0
Santa Clara Vietnamese Alliance Church 912121858 $0 $0
Santa Maria Ilocos Sur Association C/o Angie Sivila 770381293 $0 $0
Santa Maria Urban Ministry 911811780 $0 $0
Santa Teresa Baptist Church 522416705 $0 $0
Santa Teresa Community Church of San Jose 770052647 $0 $0
Santa Teresa High School Grad Nite Committee 912073513 $0 $0
Santa Teresa Home and School Association 273484689 $123,748 $92,910
Santa Teresa Music and Arts Association Incorporated 200476662 $221,499 $11,728
Santa Teresa Organization Ofparents and Staff Incorporated 260331981 $0 $0
Santa Teresa Sea Otters 461503393 $0 $0
Saratoga Foursquare Church 911835221 $0 $0
Sarum Fellowship of Grace Church 942819314 $0 $0
Satellite Healthcare Incorporated 237290564 $195,089,463 $370,454,198
Schallenberger Home and School Association 651163524 $179,617 $159,078
Schmahl Science Workshops 061780217 $1,025,549 $367,701
Scholarship Foundation Incorporated of Santa Clara County Division of the 770385612 $0 $0
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Clara Branch of Music Tchrs of Cal 237417283 $2,244 $40,240
School for Reform in Islamic Thought 451426595 $0 $0
School Health Clinics of Santa Clara County 770031679 $3,214,854 $2,293,015
School Nurses Association of Santa Clara County 270976191 $5,274 $5,382
School of Arts and Culture at Mhp 800714882 $1,329,694 $489,627
School of Education Alumni Association San Jose State Univers 770006555 $0 $0
Schwartz Family Veterinaryscholarship and Animal Welfare Foun 260782312 $92,810 $32,278
Science 2 the Classroom 463031440 $0 $0
Seagull Flying Club 946109115 $48,752 $298,402
Sean M Walsh K9 Memorial Fund 456606356 $0 $0
Search Finders of California Incorporated 770223719 $0 $0
Searchers of San Jose Incorporated 942761769 $0 $0
Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties 942614101 $104,940,448 $57,195,410
Second Start Learning Disabilities Program 942265596 $3,298,440 $781,197
Secure Source Incorporated 912156494 $0 $1
Seeds of Empowerment Corporation 300391381 $59,206 $68,121
Seiwajyuku Silicon Valley 271636725 $35,187 $12,558
Semi Foundation 300155873 $752,358 $1,666,226
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 941751440 $46,369,633 $59,756,649
Senior Academy for Education 912157312 $0 $0
Senior Adults Legal Assistance 237419761 $502,781 $321,447
Senior Housing Solutions 942619024 $2,332,682 $8,285,991
Senior Taiwanese Association of Northern California 942874693 $31,691 $211,248
Sentencing Alternatives Program Incorporated 770073093 $371,521 $143,490
Service Employees International Union 208192637 $29,946,143 $8,889,633
Service Research and Innovation Institute 562646491 $276,246 $294,727
Services and Immigrant Rights and Education Network 770487468 $896,117 $447,592
Services for Brain Injury 770206619 $1,250,769 $247,899
Sesa Woruban Incorporated 352229620 $0 $0
Seven Thirty Social Club 237417571 $0 $0
Sfera - Russian American Association of Business and Profes 261784900 $0 $0
Sg Sports 270438508 $0 $0
Shades of Praise Worship Arts 271651556 $0 $0
Shadow Brook Swim Club 941677585 $264,142 $274,085
Shaikh Family Foundation 383447803 $1 $3,101
Sharks Foundation 770374062 $962,956 $1,391,097
Shasta-hanchett Park Neighborhood Association 770287873 $0 $0
Sheet Metal Workers Local 102 Retiree Health Plan Trust 330490874 $1,546,219 $3,062,823
Shekinah Christian Church of God 593772815 $0 $0
Shekinah Tabernacle Ministries Incorporated 942529131 $0 $0
Shelby American Automobile Club of Northern California 311520794 $271,810 $59,001
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church 941704913 $0 $0
Sheriffs Advisory Board of Santa Clara County 770063973 $250,339 $293,209
Shia Association of Bay Area 770050810 $1,069,099 $5,939,509
Shire House 460758642 $0 $0
Shires Memorial Center 941558214 $615,960 $1,248,772
Sholars 4-jesus 264235548 $0 $0
Shop with a Cop Foundation of Silicon Valley 452780795 $0 $0
Shree Gurudev Ashram California Incorporated 237378104 $0 $0
Shrutiranjani Music Foundation 770530414 $0 $0
Si Family Foundation 204771028 $20,003 $122,670
Sierra Road Improvement Association Incorporated 946104511 $83,949 $33,508
Sierra Vista I-charities Housing Corporation 770396512 $12,221,277 $7,188,801
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 260157237 $90,383 $4,772
Sigma Chi Fraternity 810194543 $165,920 $90,857
Sigma Nu Fraternity 941200436 $202,088 $35,134
Sigma Pi Fraternity International Incorporated 943139125 $0 $0
Sigma Sigma Sigma Incorporated 273956185 $0 $0
Sigma Theta Tau Incorporated 946110412 $0 $0
Signal Farms Foundation Incorporated 626044895 $0 $0
Sik-kee Au Family Foundation 770210442 $1,797 $408,521
Sikh Gurdwara San Jose California 770090048 $0 $0
Silicon Andhra 770578707 $860,357 $410,141
Silicon Valley Americans for Safe Access 271733257 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Arts Coalition of San Jose Incorporated 200128230 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Incorporated 942642817 $42,212 $96,404
Silicon Valley Auto Dealers Association 942647150 $585,383 $2,193,827
Silicon Valley Auto Training Workshop 300736178 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Baseball Association 043632322 $15,034 $1,405
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition 770338658 $363,090 $132,011
Silicon Valley Blues Society 463064493 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Campaign for Legal Services 770524824 $504,069 $35,501
Silicon Valley Cares 800563373 $81,005 $11,722
Silicon Valley Chao Chow Community Center of San Jose 770266404 $437,745 $2,216,182
Silicon Valley Chapter of the Nati Association of Industrial and Office Park 770106592 $229,449 $208,423
Silicon Valley Childrens Fund 770166138 $9,263,585 $13,158,445
Silicon Valley Chorus 030399333 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Christian Church 912066810 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Christian Community Foundation 770552067 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Christian Health Alliance 331070182 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Church 770574816 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Community Chruch 770215868 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Compensation Association 800368296 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group 770314741 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits 770524747 $420,965 $218,318
Silicon Valley Creates 942825213 $2,741,218 $2,500,355
Silicon Valley De-bug 464274158 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Education Foundation 205061316 $2,818,724 $3,396,923
Silicon Valley Engineering Council 770255756 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Faces 251920931 $2,996,173 $1,007,290
Silicon Valley Gay Mens Chorus 020773503 $134,030 $30,545
Silicon Valley Gold Prospectors 460527652 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Harvest 208002489 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Historic Dance Corp 454811756 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 942332246 $1,344,640 $938,393
Silicon Valley Institute of Art and Technology 770420593 $0 $0
Silicon Valley International School Incorporated 800854194 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council 452248094 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Interschool Council 273975176 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Korean American Federation 261378611 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Land Conservancy 770471102 $782,637 $4,234,572
Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation 912140464 $2,726,155 $2,259,880
Silicon Valley Lines 271744347 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Model a Restorers Club 263277846 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Presbyterian Church 770264568 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Roller Girls 261547083 $118,684 $50,613
Silicon Valley Tigers Select Youth Sports Association 205206679 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition 770097236 $221,689 $95,303
Silicon Valley Training Institute 300292252 $0 $0
Silicon Valley Tsinghua Network 770514995 $34,728 $142,221
Silicon Valley Ultralight Eea Chapter 912092803 $0 $0
Silicon Valley University 770495439 $1,934,025 $8,314,559
Silicon Valley Water Polo Corporation 271349908 $0 $0
Sililcon Valley Public Access Link 770358690 $0 $0
Silver Creek High School Athletic Booster Club 272169968 $18,118 $26,870
Silver Creek Sportsplex Foundation 205905987 $33,467 $15,251
Silver Oak Educational Partnership Incorporated 770412332 $177,248 $201,670
Simha Foundation 134095475 $100,000 $96,436
Simonds Music and Technology Foundation 770572986 $268,597 $327,688
Simoneon Pediatric Development Center 942694664 $228,411 $80,641
Singly Self-sufficient 460551386 $0 $0
Siows Foundation 263860428 $1 $525,338
Sisyphus Foundation 770389623 $0 $0
Sjb Child Development Centers 941747079 $5,705,419 $2,624,466
Sjdanceco 611446985 $103,423 $8,851
Sjdn Endowment Incorporated 204502664 $4,862 $413,744
Sjpoa Legal Defense Fund Trust 770327914 $183,192 $2,072,751
Sjwc Employees Community Fund Incorporated 200803627 $0 $0
Skylar Hadden Foundation Incorporated 270470563 $0 $0
Sm Odyssey 352173724 $75,973 $12,849
Small World Foundation 203879958 $39,502 $762,935
Snm Global Foundation 202860290 $1 $37,428
Sociedade Filarmonica Nova Alianca 942286327 $285,655 $664,733
Sociedade Filarmonica Uniad Popular 770105895 $108,888 $311,897
Society for Peace and Humanity 770557331 $0 $0
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 912027835 $0 $0
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 941719915 $51,857 $29,114
Society for Preservation and Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Singing Amer 680390560 $0 $0
Society for Technical Communication 946134103 $0 $0
Society of Christ for Polonia 731666711 $0 $0
Society of Italian Americans 770296610 $0 $0
Society of Saint Athanasius Incorporated the 942377490 $1,179,532 $4,372,945
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul St Joseph 271714174 $0 $0
Society of Womens Engineers 900655953 $0 $0
Society of Young Inklings Incorporated 462971012 $0 $0
Society St Vincent De Paul 941358301 $1,003,349 $309,647
Solstar Light Center 201146509 $0 $0
Solutions to Poverty Incorporated 455532483 $0 $0
Someday Soon 261387956 $0 $0
Somos Amigos Medical Missions 770553014 $295,054 $98,158
Somos Mayfair Incorporated 770499813 $1,231,750 $519,372
Song Manh Incorporated 770563887 $67,039 $87,309
Song That Radio Program 770528623 $0 $0
Songlin Family Foundation 203974075 $77,627 $746,793
Sons of Service 271649691 $0 $0
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 237145253 $0 $0
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 261940734 $0 $0
Sorci Family Foundation 770481215 $189,664 $1,857,488
Sourcewise 942256503 $10,643,665 $7,620,435
South Asian Foundation for Education 710998906 $0 $11,090
South Bay Afghan Community Center 770378968 $0 $0
South Bay Agape Christian Church 770455575 $0 $0
South Bay Apprentice Coordinators Association 770143345 $0 $0
South Bay Black Nurse Association Incorporated 953497541 $3,910 $10,454
South Bay Building Corp 770560068 $0 $0
South Bay Chinese Gospel Church 770126042 $0 $0
South Bay Christian Church a Congregation of Grace Communion in 431989277 $0 $0
South Bay Christian Family Fellowship 770200552 $0 $0
South Bay Community Counseling Center 237431429 $237,821 $1,068
South Bay Deutscher Schulverein 942640415 $114,831 $78,452
South Bay Emergency Medical Directors Association 680485343 $19,134 $2,778
South Bay Guitar Society of San Jose 770414012 $72,928 $13,554
South Bay Industrial Claims Association 770021804 $33,995 $6,399
South Bay Islamic Association 942683384 $0 $0
South Bay Musical Theatre 941704916 $374,353 $126,111
South Bay Pathology Society 800228728 $84,888 $34,109
South Bay Purebred Rescur 912045938 $59,904 $20,567
South Bay Taiwanese American Association of Northern California 261492779 $0 $0
South Bay Teen Challenge 770071828 $1,372,093 $1,960,617
South Bay Tennis Association Incorporated 562360436 $0 $0
South Bay Traditional Jazz Society 237335388 $0 $0
South Bay Youth Sports Network 271779379 $0 $0
South County Youth Shoot Incorporated 261880318 $31,730 $12,731
South Hills Community Church 941716887 $0 $0
South San Jose Lions Charitable Foundation 770474246 $65,421 $29,129
South San Jose Softball 770310102 $81,792 $40,075
South San Jose Youth Soccer League 942909998 $246,091 $321,827
South Valley Chapel Corporation 942374699 $0 $0
South Valley Christian Center 721563752 $0 $0
South Valley Lacrosse Club 342020848 $92,956 $28,333
South Valley Swim Team 942585090 $0 $0
South Valley Volleyball Club 770391249 $0 $0
Southbay Ski Club 946094472 $0 $0
Southwestern Anthropological Association 953276039 $0 $0
Spartan Foundation Incorporated 946122504 $1,482,353 $5,950
Spartan Shops Incorporated 941392424 $12,259,483 $12,871,882
Spartan Shops Incorporated Post-retirement Medical Employee Benefit Trust 776120304 $177,973 $1,985,834
Spirit and Life International Ministries Incorporated 463618286 $0 $0
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of San Jose Ca Incorporated 770246242 $0 $0
Splendor Health Foundation 460860308 $0 $0
Springs of Hope 800516065 $0 $0
Ssv Community Foundation 261383117 $0 $0
St Andrews Residential Programs for Youth 237433396 $1,410,810 $232,884
St Edwards the Conessor Episcopal Church 941638883 $0 $0
St Elias Church 943218834 $0 $0
St Elizabeths Day Home 941683870 $1,501,407 $3,263,017
St Francis Animal Protection Society 237167918 $89,842 $110,110
St Francis Episcopal Church 946030027 $0 $0
St Francis Xavier Foreign Mission Society 237406195 $0 $0
St Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church 770339740 $0 $0
St Judes Reformed Unincorporated Church 942371100 $0 $0
St Michaels Salle Darmes 203366950 $0 $0
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church 942378900 $0 $0
St Philips Episcopal Church 946050126 $0 $0
St Stephens Preschool 770045267 $0 $0
St Stephens-in-the-field Episcopal Church 262932026 $0 $0
St Timothys Lutheran Church 237319037 $0 $0
Star Kids Academy 463816154 $0 $0
Starlite Pines Homeowners Association 941609379 $194,726 $225,297
Starting Arts Incorporated 010552155 $614,576 $169,054
Steele-corbett Group Homes 205735397 $1,572,513 $215,606
Steinway Society the Bay Area 770442110 $94,799 $40,815
Stephen and Aegean Family Foundation 271173211 $77,171 $152,446
Steven and Catherine Jacob Family Foundation 263499433 $552,431 $733,855
Stevens Creek Village Incorporated 770431361 $450,587 $2,968,718
Stingray Volleyball Club 462254578 $0 $0
Stirring Waters Ministries 452697853 $0 $0
Stoney Pine Charities Housing Corporation 770478772 $189,372 $4,301,880
Story Ridge Neighborhood Association 562323409 $0 $0
Story Road Business and Professional Association 200992635 $0 $0
Story Road Tamale Festival Incorporated 260481912 $0 $0
Student Union of San Jose State University 942830732 $8,020,363 $11,103,351
Study California Incorporated 800958200 $0 $0
Suhail Foundation 830500184 $258 $209,881
Sumfamily Foundation 464348861 $0 $0
Sundancer Ski Club 942420970 $0 $0
Sunday Friends Foundation 770518937 $1,126,916 $492,157
Sunny and Ming Yang Family Foundation 464148435 $0 $0
Sunnylight Foundation 263936872 $34,226 $90,318
Sunnyvale Star Rotary Club 371587120 $0 $0
Sunpower Foundation 263580015 $7,664 $357,223
Sunrise Bible Church 912113112 $0 $0
Sunset Charities Housing Corporation 770568015 $0 $0
Sunshine House Kid Zone Incorporated 680449901 $225,310 $24,135
Supportful Incorporated 272305324 $0 $0
Sustainable Business Forum 680367927 $0 $0
Suzume No Gakko 942628841 $40,105 $56,092
Sv Khalsa Sports Club 454001758 $0 $0
Svcs Incorporated 942900205 $0 $0
Svenska Skolan I Silicon Valley 204762432 $0 $0
Svforum 770312497 $794,833 $700,684
Swami Vivekananda Celebratory Organization 455514903 $0 $0
Symphony Silicon Valley 320083030 $3,393,890 $1,736,685
T E N a Council 770051352 $0 $0
T I T U S Ministries 300123638 $0 $0
Tabard Theatre Company 770571960 $452,564 $111,561
Tabernaculo Apostolico 770285058 $0 $0
Tabernaculo Cristiano 770181216 $0 $0
Tabernaculo De Dios Church 260534990 $0 $0
Taccnc 261184426 $65,536 $12,970
Tafa Tolu Congregational Christian Church of Somoa in Santa Clara 942567169 $1,734,587 $318,260
Tai and Be Tau Chang Foundation 421719397 $10,429 $125,723
Tai Chi Health Association 204255807 $0 $0
Taigi Vision 900512685 $0 $0
Taiwan Center Foundation of Northern California 562328531 $226,748 $509,420
Taiwanese Alliance for Interculture Incorporated 953203899 $0 $0
Takemusu Shin Buden 942217110 $0 $0
Takin It Home 770470609 $0 $0
Tamars Justice 208829756 $0 $0
Tamil Youth Front 453693037 $0 $0
Tathagata Meditation Center 943148018 $345,789 $2,808,626
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 946105143 $0 $0
Tau Beta Pi Association Incorporated 912154485 $0 $0
Taupou 203352472 $384,478 $19,920
Taxi San Jose Incorporated 680611412 $999,522 $304,026
Tay Son Binh Dinh Association of Northern California 202793391 $12,922 $4,526
Tcb Housing Corporation 200218899 $0 $0
Teach Social 261199646 $1,500 $131,790
Team Horace-horace Mann School 371552281 $52,924 $36,957
Team Percussion USA 455631176 $0 $0
Team San Jose 200507663 $4,477,112 $3,191,636
Team-m Taekwondo 270991803 $20,886 $4,926
Teatro Vision 770266551 $48,959 $10,715
Tech Academy of Silicon Valley Incorporated 260222071 $47,756 $1
Techelite Global Foundation 208084345 $0 $0
Technology Credit Union 941651781 $70,778,381 $1,704,859,293
Technology for Better Life Foundation 274448015 $13,751 $128,326
Technology Innovation Association 800700051 $138,163 $202,262
Temple of Light Foundation 260780090 $0 $0
Tenacious Group Incorporated 770529114 $44,383 $20,973
Tending the Flock 770243824 $6,611 $2,244
Teocalli Tlanezi Mexica 770433086 $0 $0
Terra Environmental Corp 462034339 $0 $0
Thanh Ca Thien Huong Foundation 320211848 $104,839 $150,427
Thats Amore Charitable Foundation Incorporated 770573487 $0 $0
The Antique Motorcycle Club of America Incorporated 352271259 $0 $0
The Bay Team Incorporated 770330301 $154,392 $82,097
The Christian Family Foundation C/o the Most Rev Michael W 942862721 $0 $0
The Enyiogugu Mbaise Union of California 300385226 $0 $0
The Evergreen Villages Foundation 260867021 $0 $0
The Fistula Foundation 770547201 $7,195,861 $7,474,883
The Fofoanga Club East Palo Alto Chapter 300456685 $0 $0
The Gathering of His People 202542326 $0 $0
The Gospel Church of San Jose 912151675 $0 $0
The Harker School 941613808 $72,863,635 $121,534,415
The Health Trust 946050231 $34,973,788 $115,446,153
The Idee Envoy Foundation 453983106 $15,000 $35,219
The International Hispanic Network 522298063 $81,295 $53,263
The John M Weaver Foundation 770457717 $9,931 $73,685
The Journey Rca 912140486 $0 $0
The Kinnaman Foundation 941954984 $0 $0
The Leo M Shortino Foundation 680237238 $18,186,575 $49,369,288
The Lighthouse of Asia 770086483 $0 $0
The Michael Lee Enviromental Foundation 770519788 $177,832 $696,588
The Nhu Foundation 942434925 $6,153,827 $22,826,476
The Point 237371889 $0 $0
The Quan Am Buddhist Monastery 830465907 $81,427 $122,477
The Reverend Mr William J Mckenna K M Foundation 367237688 $1,158,570 $1,066,037
The Ripple Effect Incorporated 743215093 $0 $0
The Robert Hong Ping Yang Memorial Fund 770264763 $1,743 $38,966
The Roger Maltbie Classic 770282471 $0 $0
The San Jose Police Officers Association Charitable Foundation 770037824 $71,319 $19,823
The San Jose Public Library Foundation 770142379 $703,494 $772,788
The San Jose Sports Authority 770269729 $1,513,648 $1,130,364
The Santa Clara Chapter of Narpm 770342116 $0 $0
The Saturday Nite Live Group of Alcoholics Anonymous 770122972 $46,361 $19,634
The Silicon Valley Crime Stoppers 942844442 $0 $0
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group 942460352 $4,257,805 $2,525,718
The Skarbek Foundation a Nonprofit Corporation 205150389 $0 $0
The Society Incorporated 455254603 $0 $0
The Steven L Hallgrimson Foundation Incorporated 770140464 $9,485 $404,608
The Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosaecruc 770260906 $1,126,887 $5,893,550
The Sylvia and Jim Katzman Foundation 770114349 $9,404 $552
The Tech Museum of Innovation 942864660 $16,686,832 $61,175,490
The Tower Foundation of San Jose State University 830403915 $105,107,941 $149,150,044
The Unity Care Group 770323115 $10,954,242 $10,112,301
The@church in Our Lord Jesus Christ Revival Outreach 770309432 $0 $0
Theatre Ventures Incorporated 453848850 $126,388 $57,359
Thien Quang Tinh That 030596864 $0 $1
Third Street Community Center 770461577 $249,646 $122,724
Thirteenth Street Neighborhood Advisory Committee 481291923 $77,881 $111,738
Thomas C Carson and Nancy a Carson Charitable Foundation 770528632 $17,493 $8,885
Thomas Cowan Bell Scholastic Foundation 946124108 $299,329 $1,041,177
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 237624823 $0 $0
Thy Word International Christian Fellowship 912145379 $0 $0
Time to Build International Incorporated 452301730 $35,703 $19,209
Tinh Hanh Bodhisattva Vietnamese Buddhist in America 203045876 $73,720 $82,502
Toastmasters International 201899064 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 202216731 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203224221 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 203867754 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 204791968 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237088858 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 237095907 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 260310829 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 331052393 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770448799 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770463470 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770572572 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116184 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116194 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900116203 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900427839 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900448847 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900592180 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900592183 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900633894 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900733315 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900733319 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900740547 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900818697 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900858218 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900858297 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900859012 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900862988 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900871730 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900892019 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 900898593 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901011556 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901022474 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901022601 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 901042811 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 912120716 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770044688 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770235000 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770268232 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 942928153 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 943127605 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 432028688 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 522407115 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 542152326 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770013503 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770013507 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770013538 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770013548 $0 $0
Toastmasters International 770013553 $0 $0
Toeniskoetter Family Foundation Incorporated 770252552 $35,174 $516,191
Tomodachi Tennis Club 942739323 $0 $0
Tong Family Charitable Foundation 208106858 $3,361 $91,962
Tony Chou Foundation 510464281 $1 $1,683
Town and Country Dog Training Club Incorporated 203111503 $0 $0
Trace Elementary Home and School Club 942394464 $83,395 $66,073
Training and Resource Institute 263534704 $0 $0
Transaccess 942687057 $484,389 $1,735,934
Transformation Church 870704112 $0 $0
Transformation Love 272448150 $71,670 $32,648
Transformation Village Foundation 800854646 $0 $0
Transformed Life Christian Ministries 593813431 $0 $0
Treasure Hunters Society of Santa Clara Valley 200439167 $0 $0
Trend Tec Incorporated Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association Trust 770172434 $0 $0
Tri-dung Alumni Association 300188290 $0 $0
Tri-valley Baptist Church 943241651 $0 $0
Trimberger Family Foundation 770529005 $758,075 $1,644,733
Trinity Cathedral 941156841 $0 $0
Trinity Change Incorporated 043728752 $1,803,409 $470,331
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 941337631 $0 $0
Tripart Institute 770557288 $0 $0
Troy Apartments Incorporated 830340920 $369,862 $3,345,223
True Vine Baptist Church 942874988 $0 $0
Truegift Donations 770554014 $0 $0
Truly Organic Community Service 300478884 $0 $0
Trung Tam Phat Giao Phat Dilac Incorporated 264168644 $0 $0
Trust of the Associates for Religious Exercise 770309144 $95 $1,985
Tsinghua Alumni Foundation of North America 263651022 $0 $0
Tsinghua Entrepreneur and Executive Club 264815313 $57,239 $47,557
Tu Lam Buddhist Temple 452888225 $283,459 $962,854
Tue Vien-wisdom Garden Buddhist Center 113796201 $71,296 $48,961
Twin Oaks Church Community 770498828 $0 $0
Twinkle Academy 461339935 $0 $0
U a Local No 467 Health and Welfare Trust Fund 946415220 $25,890,826 $21,218,076
U S Chinese America Athletic Federation 770483331 $0 $0
Ua Local No 467 Vacation Trust Fund 776018224 $4,334,968 $1,628,825
Udyam USA Incorporated 453450472 $1,733 $1,527
Ugmx Artistic Program 463215179 $0 $0
Ujima Adult and Family Services 770376995 $732,885 $137,911
Umunhum Conservancy Incorporated 461438547 $0 $0
Una Nacion Bajo Oracion 830488196 $20,627 $2,977
Unico National 931027140 $0 $0
Union Athletic Association Incorporated 204506077 $0 $0
Union Middle Home and School Club Parent Teacher Assoucation 770477578 $159,831 $55,928
Unite Here 942300756 $2,359,259 $1,325,552
United Apostolic Church 237417582 $0 $0
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe 940775045 $8,617,284 $14,750,071
United Binalonians America Incorporated 770434061 $0 $0
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Intl 940733317 $777,107 $973,965
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 405 940370700 $3,302,566 $6,029,750
United China Education Foundationinc 208105594 $49,183 $122,893
United Christian Metaphysical Church Incorporated 510139800 $0 $0
United Church of Religious Science 942252288 $0 $0
United Church of Religious Science 770117421 $0 $0
United Citizens Association 460968487 $0 $0
United Commercial Travelers Benevolent Foundation California-n 237169844 $163,768 $455,530
United Commercial Travelers of America 237136158 $0 $0
United Commercial Travelers of America 940945614 $0 $0
United Disciples Fellowship 770296930 $0 $0
United Evangelical Churches 942805300 $0 $0
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 208028546 $20,386,858 $13,433,802
United Khmer Krom 371462134 $93,096 $47,958
United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County 770369577 $40,382 $134,039
United Presbyterian Church in the USA Trinity Presbyterian Church 941439765 $0 $0
United States Bowling Congress Incorporated 204889810 $0 $0
United States Box Lacrosse Association Usboxla 273405924 $68,010 $58,772
United States Catholic Conference 510166494 $0 $0
United States-china Internationalexchange Center 204693772 $0 $0
United Way Silicon Valley 941450153 $15,930,918 $10,942,808
United Youth Athletic Alliance 463610329 $0 $0
Unity Community Church 752977119 $0 $0
Unity Homes Incorporated 942203466 $1,397,294 $16,091,120
Universal Church of the Master 946129988 $0 $0
Universal Faith Life Church Incorporated 943470650 $0 $0
Universal Peace Center 770440694 $0 $0
Universal Qabalistic Church 237394591 $0 $0
University Neighborhoods Coalition 770513054 $0 $0
University of Sciences and Technology of China Alumni Foundtn 510367667 $160,864 $1,023,447
University Preparatory Academy 203008879 $3,601,384 $1,403,600
Unplanned Good Incorporated 273759643 $0 $0
Upa Ptso 261269700 $0 $0
Urdu Academy 460496888 $0 $0
Us-china Cultural Development Center 452380583 $30,460 $22,887
Us-china Peoples Friendship Association 621856129 $0 $0
Utility Workers Union of America Afl-cio 946093806 $117,424 $129,303
Uttarakhand Mandal of America 261111821 $0 $0
Valle Monte League 941702679 $697,087 $242,954
Valley Christian Schools 941495182 $40,496,022 $103,478,266
Valley Initiative for Values in Argiculture 830367480 $0 $0
Valley Physicians Group 421770868 $319,754 $550,232
Valley Verde 453084814 $308,234 $153,404
Valley Worship Church 770587727 $0 $0
Vanhanh Alumni Association 261254893 $9,885 $2,289
Vanished Childrens Alliance Incorporated 942783682 $199,459 $40,995
Variety Audio Foundation 770077076 $29,212 $116,735
Vasa Order of America 237631597 $0 $0
Vasa Order of America 237631602 $0 $0
Vasa Order of America the Grand Lodge 046050224 $542,154 $5,300,923
Vast Horizons Incorporated 204218409 $0 $0
Veggielution 272021333 $295,306 $103,712
Vessel for Hounour International Mi Nist 205265890 $0 $0
Veterans for Peace Incorporated 900103322 $0 $0
Veterans Supportive Services Agency Incorporated 274989377 $3,208 $20,703
Victorian Preservation Association of Santa Clara Valley 770267255 $0 $0
Victory Gospel Church 770075766 $0 $0
Victory Outreach Incorporated 770486048 $0 $0
Victory Outreach San Jose 770062003 $0 $0
Victory Ranch Incorporated 300383339 $248,978 $210,539
Victory Sports Academy 463908134 $0 $0
Video Internet Distributioneducation Opportunity Incorporated 260362361 $0 $0
Viet Dreams 274115634 $116,968 $82,369
Viet Et Foundation-vetf 920192335 $130,990 $0
Viet Heritage Society Incorporated 200209199 $215,000 $2,760,050
Viet Music Club 460510773 $480 $3,501
Viet Second Chance Family Incorporated 030579303 $0 $0
Viet Thien Incorporated 455533533 $1 $1
Viet-american Foundation 770069984 $0 $0
Vietnam Health Education and Literature Projects 943169584 $854,200 $711,907
Vietnam Veterans of America Incorporated 770083035 $0 $0
Vietnam Village Health 270314699 $0 $0
Vietnamese American Bar Association of Northern California 470948863 $0 $0
Vietnamese American Bar Association of Northern California Law Founda 273666589 $0 $0
Vietnamese American Community of Northern Ca 770494911 $22,173 $2,833
Vietnamese American Council 942851686 $0 $0
Vietnamese American Professional Women of Silicone Valley 364616046 $0 $0
Vietnamese Baptist Confrence Church of San Jose 770578163 $0 $0
Vietnamese Christian Community Church 912151420 $29,574 $0
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society at Saint Elizabeth Church 452596320 $0 $0
Vietnamese Franciscan Vocation 208903045 $73,355 $15,551
Vietnamese Legion 273178073 $0 $0
Vietnamese Mutual Assistance Fund 770413712 $944,370 $3,666,417
Vietnamese Parish Social Ministry 770535576 $107,542 $15,700
Vietnamese Physician Association of Northern California 770242452 $54,332 $74,471
Vietnamese Physician Foundation of Northern California 912148393 $0 $0
Vietnamese Voluntary Foundation Incorporated 942764504 $369,887 $63,028
Vietnamese Women Oversea Association 770358595 $0 $0
Vietnamse-american Communities and Coalitions of Northern California 463390313 $0 $0
Villa Garcia Incorporated 942155250 $11,643,725 $10,602,785
Villa Rosanne 770323804 $117,491 $183,203
Villa San Pedro Hdc Incorporated 770253409 $1,107,023 $5,396,961
Villa Teresa Residents Club 942675148 $0 $1,270
Village Harvest Corporation 043718164 $110,882 $113,936
Villages Amateur Theatre Incorporated 463262318 $0 $0
Villages Arts and Crafts Association 237324771 $0 $0
Villages Community Chapel 237105133 $0 $0
Villages Medical Auxiliary 942889589 $67,857 $79,256
Villages Music Society Incorporated 205511156 $0 $0
Vinci Park Home and School Club 010692183 $815 $1
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of San Jose 770027054 $0 $0
Vishav Gurmat Roohani Mission Charitable Trust 776154815 $0 $0
Visions for Villages Incorporated 900698761 $0 $0
Viva Physicians Incorporated 743100945 $7,619,545 $10,690,773
Vivace Youth Chorus of San Jose 200101322 $180,049 $20,738
Vivan and Mark Tien Family Foundation 261581894 $30,471 $308,821
Vmc Foundation 770187890 $5,880,211 $8,360,665
Vn-hope Foundation 205953179 $1 $17,939
Vo-vi Friendship Association of Northern California 770187564 $37,938 $91,657
Voices College-bound Languageacademy 204741060 $2,659,560 $2,070,762
Voices United 941719482 $494,978 $142,199
Voluntarios De La Comunidad Volunteers of the Community 454568757 $0 $0
Vovinam Viet-vo-dao of America 770126463 $5,877 $1,931
W G Nutt Ministries 510580847 $0 $0
W S T S Incorporated 942994572 $839,871 $1,216,689
Wall and Ceiling Alliance 273579308 $2,260,811 $2,023,230
Wang and Lu Christian Family Foundation 461586928 $35,003 $23,886
Wang and Lu Family Foundation 208027198 $1 $5,473
Wangsong Family Foundation 461586372 $350,798 $350,450
Warriors Camp Deliverance Tabernacle Church 562130825 $0 $0
Wat Dhammanusorn Buddhist Community 043630232 $0 $0
Wat Lao Buddhaxinaram 770161708 $93,481 $535,921
Wco Booster Club 271136233 $0 $0
We Are One 383887842 $0 $0
We Care Personal Services Incorporated 942618285 $594,023 $108,909
Wei Family Foundation 202753474 $70,013 $561,094
Weikai Family Foundation 264548550 $30,178 $83,925
Welfare Foundation of San Jose Lions Club 510188594 $0 $0
Well Church 383891827 $0 $0
Well of Life Ministries 943189193 $0 $0
Wellspring Community Church 223879971 $150,803 $120,652
Wendy and Woody Family Foundation 263911634 $442 $158,100
Wenhua Foundation 010548690 $2,995 $228,091
Wenstar Foundation 204795866 $40,150 $142,071
West Coast Aquatics Incorporated 942619467 $1,072,521 $594,922
West Coast Companeros Incorporated 330825200 $0 $0
West Coast Fantasy Baseball Association 870746661 $66,556 $14,470
West San Carlos Street Neighborhood Business Association Incorporated 770477670 $5 $5,388
West Valley Bible Fellowship 510192023 $0 $0
West Valley Christian Alliance Church 680507167 $0 $0
West Valley Church 310995007 $0 $0
West Valley College Founders Scholarship Fund 776070843 $0 $0
West Valley Slammers Softball Incorporated 770362364 $191,186 $34,164
West Valley Youth Soccer League 942663548 $264,532 $138,262
Western Aikido Yoshokai 900364427 $20,159 $2,901
Western Region Puerto Rican Council 237420553 $89,544 $97,049
Western Region Robotics Forum Incorporated 571167186 $27,268 $24,591
Westgate Cabana Club 941626721 $188,737 $88,647
Westminster Chapel Corporation 237381858 $0 $0
Westside Coop Preschool 941541776 $278,049 $67,831
Whole Life Church 352336753 $0 $0
Wholeness Through Christ Us 770688129 $0 $0
Wide Open Humanitarian Incorporated 260810185 $64,964 $20,876
Wildcat Creek Foundation Incorporated 470887051 $452 $9,324
Williams Wins Incorporated 203351754 $477,473 $324,774
Willow Glen Athletic Boosters 275294166 $107,518 $28,178
Willow Glen Baptist Church 941496261 $0 $0
Willow Glen Business and Professional Association 770202567 $445,451 $97,013
Willow Glen Community Extended Day Enrichment 942708241 $615,818 $202,151
Willow Glen High School Parent Club 611538656 $0 $0
Willow Glen Little League Incorporated 510197126 $153,803 $115,356
Willow Glen Middle and High School Foundation 462106211 $0 $0
Willow Glen Middle and High School Foundation 770558405 $181,887 $214,108
Willow Glen Neighborhood Association L Ames 510189734 $0 $0
Willow Vale Community Fmc 942241019 $0 $0
Willows Seniornet Learning Center of San Jose 770400780 $0 $0
Winchester Orchestra of San Jose 770525137 $26,824 $20,988
Wings 770512108 $0 $0
Wireless Communications Alliance 770394914 $0 $0
Wishing Well Incorporated 263642056 $0 $0
Women in Consulting 680486946 $84,494 $12,176
Women of Redemption Deliverance 463578003 $0 $0
Womens Council of Realtors Santa Clara Valley Chapter 770232992 $38,285 $4,938
Womens Lotus Garden 611668749 $0 $0
Womens Rights Without Frontiers International 900591575 $104,199 $22,123
Word of Grace Chinese School 450728325 $122,319 $103,734
Work2future Foundation 453156415 $0 $0
Working Partnerships USA 770387535 $2,207,357 $1,253,571
Works San Jose 942525234 $0 $0
World Academy of Arts and Culture Incorporated 942994538 $0 $0
World Childrens Fund 770210616 $4,821,262 $337,610
World Harvest Fellowship - Berryessa 462555772 $0 $0
World Jesus Movement Incorporated 262835224 $0 $0
World We Dream 454394707 $0 $0
X and Z Foundation 274256776 $167,505 $234,995
Xi Zeta Zeta Educational Foundation 453139582 $0 $0
Yang Hung Family Foundation 271421399 $110,707 $180,301
Yaowei and Xiaohui Jia Family Foundation 454095689 $7,232 $102,112
Yavneh Day School 942719901 $3,969,565 $556,035
Yeuliang Chen Foundation 203378497 $218,452 $218,452
Yiddish Lives Incorporated 320299959 $0 $0
Ymuw of the South Bay Incorporated 593805629 $0 $0
Young Mens Institute 237553139 $19,609 $791,489
Young Womens Christian Association of Silicon Valley 941186196 $5,325,140 $4,056,782
Youngzine Incorporated 900850890 $0 $0
Youth Connections Foundation of San Jose 454028926 $0 $0
Youth Development Throughperforming Arts 260786956 $0 $0
Youth Focus Incorporated 770205725 $91,059 $68,149
Youth of America 770498955 $0 $1
Youth Utilizing Power and Praise Organization 800436789 $0 $0
Yu-ai Kai-japanese American Community Senior Serv of San Jose 942427398 $1,182,606 $3,449,043
Zane-johnson Memorial Post 344 941155455 $29,071 $537,883
Zen Integrative Education and Research Institute 453207000 $0 $0
Zero1 - the Art and Technology Network 770534962 $8,610,358 $2,947,177
Zeta Iota Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity 946075729 $70,007 $513,609
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority 461396197 $0 $0
Zeta Psi 363201658 $0 $0
Zhang Foundation 770559658 $35,049 $40,221
Zheda Alumni Foundation 271084662 $0 $0
Zingers 942879578 $0 $0
Zion Youngnak Church 770241089 $0 $0