There are 4,321 nonprofits in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Name EIN Income Assets
Hound Retirement Fund Incorporated 205799896 $0 $0
House of Deliverance of the Apostolic Faith 141864865 $0 $0
House of Prayer Church 311343189 $0 $0
House of Refugee Missions Incorporated Headquarters Branch 311241585 $406,126 $731,782
Housetop Center for Womens Ministries 263430065 $146,636 $44,039
Housetop Ministries 311329680 $0 $0
Housing Assistance Legal Fund 310883901 $10,218 $407,461
Housing Network of Hamilton County Incorporated 311357782 $634,516 $2,672,904
Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Greater Cincinnati Incorporated 316062015 $999,874 $345,704
Houston Foundation Trust 566082934 $521,393 $584,704
Howe Family Foundation 311339302 $561,681 $5,666,409
Hoxworth Blood Center University of Cincinnati 271345798 $0 $0
Hp Blast Corp 020735824 $215,608 $46,231
Huntington Charitable Foundationinc 205025483 $1 $1
Huntingtons Disease Society of America Incorporated 222942577 $0 $0
Huttenbauer Foundation Incorporated 316026188 $89,432 $74,516
Hyde Park Athletic Company 310327725 $65,028 $70,159
Hyde Park Baptist Church 310972061 $0 $0
Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church 310732542 $0 $0
Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church 310549054 $0 $0
Hyde Park Golf and Country Club Co 310327780 $5,508,081 $6,883,146
Hyde Park Multi-service Center for Older Adults 310857401 $586,411 $996,025
Hyde Park Neighborhood Council 311020175 $0 $0
Hyde Park Neighborhood Improvement Corporation 311396975 $89,776 $35,555
Hyde Park School Pto Incorporated 800835280 $0 $0
Hyde Park Square Business Association Incorporated 311576780 $0 $0
I Am Blossoms International Incorporated 454628631 $0 $0
I Am Fellowship Ministries Incorporated 311458959 $0 $0
I Am Somebody 311451834 $23,718 $234,738
Iamcp-united States Incorporated 371502650 $0 $0
Ibc Sebring Incorporated 800486321 $395,538 $47,055
Iberdrola Renewables Incorporated 680629872 $520,450 $957,366
Iglecia Evangelica Nazaret C a 460531178 $0 $0
Iglesia Alfa Y Omega 800735299 $0 $0
Iglesia Apostolica Hispana 352146982 $0 $0
Iglesia Cristiana Renacer Incorporated 203531060 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Nueva Esperanza 371511411 $0 $0
Iglesia De Dios Voz De Restauracion 800698272 $0 $0
Iglesia Pentecostal Jesus Es La Luz 274460632 $0 $0
Ikron Corporation 311059137 $2,055,976 $1,025,175
Imago 311077150 $100,097 $488,714
Imani Family Center 311779482 $356,554 $18,994
Immanuel Baptist Church 310869070 $0 $0
Immanuel Lutheran Church 310784285 $0 $0
Impact 100 Incorporated 753001590 $295,270 $601,826
Impact Academy Cincinnati 800684144 $916,230 $46,005
Impact Autism Foundation Incorporated 204763854 $385,337 $837,752
Impact Worship Center 830349071 $0 $0
Imperial Sovereign Queen City Court of the Buckeye Empire Incorporated 311344682 $78,564 $18,185
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 310785162 $124,880 $109,200
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 310889768 $0 $0
In the City Development Corporation 311565116 $0 $3,378
In the Cleft of the Rock 311720383 $104,208 $42,612
Independent Electrical Contractors Incorporated 311220611 $835,496 $871,528
Independent Living Options Incorporated 310918497 $2,974,253 $2,512,315
Independent Soft Drink Workers Union 311497376 $169,307 $327,339
Indian Hill Church 310569727 $0 $0
Indian Hill Club Incorporated 310601068 $448,180 $4,062,800
Indian Hill Football Club 311491627 $37,699 $40,913
Indian Hill Foundation 311813923 $107,855 $87,352
Indian Hill Historical Museum Association 310845313 $129,498 $950,039
Indian Hill Lacrosse Association 311807840 $17,628 $8,734
Indian Hill Rangers Benefit Fund Incorporated 310957932 $127,041 $130,394
Indian Hill Recreation Commission Incorporated 200396611 $173,280 $105,610
Indian Hill School District Parent Teacher Organization 311380199 $181,895 $143,552
Indian Hill Schools Boosters Association 316051089 $245,497 $143,114
Indian Hill Winter Club Incorporated 020665070 $1,539,155 $3,734,749
Indian Springs Homeowners Association 311250893 $0 $0
Indiana Association for Behavioranalysis Corporation 260543053 $0 $0
Indoor Tennis Club 310712294 $187,003 $283,331
Infinite Joy Incorporated 800791143 $0 $0
Information Systems Audit and Control Association Incorporated 237291478 $0 $0
Inner City Youth Tennis Opportunities 311391442 $221,011 $34,006
Insignia Foundation 453066620 $24,050 $95,785
Insite Foundation Incorporated 260265059 $11,450 $4,221
Inspirational Baptist Church 310927530 $0 $0
Institute for 21st Century Agoras 030466448 $0 $0
Institute for Christian Formation 201531263 $0 $0
Institute for Health Care and Values 311537486 $361,149 $1,845,958
Institute for Mediterranean Studies 311285489 $206,973 $156,667
Institute for Secular Wisdom Incorporated 455062843 $0 $0
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 316050277 $0 $0
Institute of Real Estate Management of the Natl Association of Realtors 510204211 $75,909 $41,502
Institute of Youth Development Andexcellence 260752052 $180,442 $63,763
Insured Success Incorporated 271252632 $39,000 $17,306
Insuring the Children of Southern Ohio 311475823 $143,178 $63,441
Integrative Learning Center of Mid- America 311811440 $13,595 $13,319
Integrative Medicine Foundation Incorporated 208021061 $98,101 $171,799
Inter Parish Ministry 237451134 $0 $0
Interact for Change 300065901 $1,260,516 $2,129,957
Interact for Health 310932681 $28,157,725 $213,211,883
Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center 311311634 $187,289 $140,693
Intercultural Caregiver Incorporated 274067379 $0 $0
Interdenominational Ministers Alliance 461956688 $0 $0
Interfaith Business Builders Incorporated 311101430 $118,895 $423,313
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cincinnati Incorporated 311335474 $781,547 $729,377
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture 237075631 $0 $0
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture M 316077244 $5,920 $21,235
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Pictures 310329926 $2,521,938 $660,321
International Association of Bridge Structural and Ornamental Iron Worke 310419610 $977,603 $732,631
International Association of Fire Fighters 300296016 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 311098137 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 311151902 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 311209575 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 912005275 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 320066461 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 311516283 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 311667528 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 311693245 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 316050406 $0 $0
International Association of Fire Fighters 237035246 $799,279 $969,253
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers 310781917 $536,352 $433,354
International Association of Lions Clubs 310887621 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 316035772 $0 $0
International Association of Lions Clubs 316061933 $0 $0
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 310644534 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 310206711 $667,743 $671,936
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 310329978 $2,887,913 $2,973,403
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 310208065 $470,903 $238,618
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 310224050 $573,666 $552,760
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 310329930 $2,583,056 $1,316,027
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 310329940 $133,715 $272,015
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 310921683 $0 $0
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 341087780 $799,159 $212,569
International Church for All Nations 900139550 $0 $0
International Church of the Four Square Gospel 942891859 $0 $0
International Eclectic Academy Incorporated 271244878 $18,788 $100,439
International Enneagram Association 770392325 $317,037 $264,537
International Foundation for Leadership and Vision Incorporated 311786321 $1 $31,408
International Ministries 311524521 $0 $0
International Mountain Bicycling Association 454641828 $67,906 $71,628
International Ozone Association 320004015 $190,293 $88,098
International Pediatric Hypertension Association Incorporated 271153025 $0 $0
International Reading Association Incorporated 352279784 $0 $0
International Society for Airbearthing Engines Incorporated 352133439 $0 $0
International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists Incorporated 311311299 $0 $0
International Society of Motor Control 010691288 $0 $0
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers 310224120 $425,738 $691,788
International Union of Elevator Constructors 310330253 $310,369 $107,775
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 20 310330256 $385,178 $322,843
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 310329974 $45,168 $11,608
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades 263012351 $89,641 $11,151
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Wkrs 647 310446344 $794,368 $2,077,651
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 310271649 $1,683,466 $1,375,273
International Union United Auto Aerospace and Agricultural Workers 311194670 $0 $1,180,896
International Womens Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation Incorporated 273003931 $0 $0
Interstate River Consortium 464318449 $0 $0
Inventors Council of Cincinnati 364544054 $0 $0
Invest in Neighborhoods Incorporated 311027874 $512,277 $1,156,272
Investment Trust Fund of Pipefitters Local No 392 237166422 $2,777,361 $4,490,496
Invisible Kids Project 463784093 $0 $0
Iowa Association for Financial Choice 271082002 $19,259 $20,287
Ira Block Foundation Incorporated 223770758 $92,899 $269,472
Irish Dance Teachers Association of Mid-america 311645952 $1,161,544 $398,954
Irish Dance Teachers Association of North America Incorporated 521883365 $127,784 $97,395
Irish Heritage Center Charitable Foundation Incorporated 273418093 $130,321 $263,641
Irish Heritage Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Incorporated 311702667 $3 $5,538
Isa-the Instrumentation Systems and Automation Society 316051108 $0 $0
Isak Nathan Congregation Incorporated 311362715 $0 $0
Islamic Association of Cincinnati 237044358 $0 $0
Ispace Incorporated 311767871 $432,459 $133,830
Itngreatercincinnati 271442201 $266,971 $161,905
Iv-charis 331204334 $171,881 $65,884
Izaak Walton League of America Incorporated 316049329 $31,784 $22,464
J B and D E Mccutchan Scholarship Trust 356663006 $238,575 $439,016
J Cromer Mashburn Family Foundation 316041836 $8,611 $157,977
J Frederick and Helen B Vogel Charitable Trust Uw 022390 311484185 $176,947 $1,379,013
J G H Memorial Fund Incorporated 272852826 $81,426 $2,662
J H Vasey 121569 St Ant Ch 19238 316100917 $0 $0
J R Newman Cystic Fibrosis Fund 03-4868 346612020 $3,777 $101,407
J Ray Patterson Uw Fbo State St Umc 272563028 $244,718 $290,225
Jack Rubenstein Foundation for Developmental Disorders 311301414 $3,861,807 $7,460,250
Jackson Center Parents Group 571221170 $0 $0
Jackson Lane Apartments Incorporated 311312988 $89,830 $458,872
Jacob G Schmidlapp 2 Trust 316020109 $3,458,414 $3,552,695
Jacob G Schmidlapp Trust Uw 316019680 $66,089,042 $51,597,617
Jacoby Family Foundation 461540060 $643,480 $15,711
Jaem Foundation Incorporated 264737050 $0 $25,137
Jaf Charitable Foundation Incorporated 351118578 $181,727 $1,158,091
Jam Inspirational Llc 455494990 $0 $0
James Cecil Wynn Center of Excellence Incorporated 311359972 $117,187 $84,627
James E Evans Foundation 311262207 $40,491 $1,463
James F Jackson Charitable Trust 004555 626336486 $393,551 $454,831
James P Stephens Scholarship Fund 204945879 $0 $0
James R and Catherine M Gaunt Family Charitable Foundation 016233509 $83,392 $320,311
James R Duncan Trust Uw 316113425 $557,794 $1,295,373
James R Duncan Trust Uw 356028034 $2,283,844 $4,673,995
James W Gettelfinger Family Foundation 311659080 $211,687 $2,768,122
James W Miller Memorial Fund 273346632 $73,890 $3,958
Jamie Osher Memorial Fund 272135418 $0 $0
Jane Stotts Foundation 272108896 $187,406 $239,467
Janet a Santoro Foundation 611398087 $25,755 $43,869
Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati 311242176 $177,410 $178,824
Japanese American Citizens League 316080614 $0 $0
Jasons Connection 462075894 $0 $0
Javitch Foundation 232185146 $2,914,035 $3,117,455
Jayne L Miller Scholarship Foundation 352081769 $839,469 $1,466,908
Jays Legacy Incorporated 271953419 $0 $0
Jazz Alive Incorporated 141845680 $39,043 $11,614
Jcc of Cincinnati Incorporated 311352152 $0 $0
Jeanann Gray Dunlap Foundation 311544745 $190,632 $3,452,757
Jeanette K and Donald O Edwardsfoundation 205560552 $56,125 $1,704,388
Jeep Jewish Education for Every Person Incorporated 204016862 $118,652 $6,975
Jefferson Charitable Fndtn 272559263 $158,570 $825,498
Jefferson Memorial Foundation Incorporated 621660666 $386,528 $22,686,786
Jeffrey H Gross Family Foundation 208694773 $149,723 $835,558
Jensen Family Foundation 261629635 $47,221 $102,713
Jerome S Glazer Foundation Incorporated 311787788 $433,834 $4,228,254
Jerry a and Kathleen a Grundhofer Family Foundation 261364910 $2,242,915 $4,759,582
Jerusalem Institute of Justice Incorporated 263443135 $371,833 $3,811
Jerusalem Judson Meadows Incorporated 311422436 $299,136 $1,798,346
Jessie P Domhoff Trust Uw 316019888 $2,308,551 $8,988,121
Jesus Personal Peer Possie Pressure Ministries Organization 311735690 $0 $0
Jewish American Heritage Month 272039102 $0 $0
Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati Incorporated 383711514 $3,563,479 $13,271,769
Jewish Community Center 310536986 $7,931,862 $67,611,980
Jewish Early Learning Cooperative 310968717 $111,551 $15,166
Jewish Family Service of the Cincinnati Area 310744786 $5,669,608 $6,013,312
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati 310537174 $26,158,560 $107,904,708
Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati 311451489 $14,310,642 $73,665,359
Jewlight Incorporated 271782496 $0 $0
Jim Walsh Angel Fund 262823864 $0 $0
Joanie Jeanne and Howard Bernard Foundation Incorporated 371547019 $30,391,128 $65,251,739
Joey Votto Foundation 461593703 $0 $0
Joffe Foundation 200080918 $366,648 $435,014
John 15-12 Ministries 271383011 $127,599 $4,710
John 3 3 New Birth Ministries Incorporated 260061573 $0 $0
John and Jennifer Ward Family Foundation Incorporated 311721640 $396,666 $4,552,166
John and Patricia Couzins 010716666 $18,984 $165,357
John and Shirley Davies Foundation 311335126 $117,546 $415,147
John and Susan Berding Familyfoundation 205909751 $2,099,261 $4,160,445
John B Van Meter Charitable Foundation 611274104 $44,495 $241,975
John F and Minnie C Oshea Scholarship Foundation 356311797 $489,693 $1,281,375
John F Barrett Foundation Incorporated 311685424 $35,605 $83,937
John G and Phyllis W Smale Family Foundation 010004275608 201971145 $675,897 $1,578,147
John H and Eleonora G Anning Charitable Trust 311619919 $396,885 $361,543
John Hauck Foundation 316366846 $5,234,492 $10,354,454
John Hugh Williams Irrv Trust Fbo All Sts Ep Church Ctl Umc and Gilfor 566472031 $1,221,527 $1,119,703
John J and Mary R Schiff Foundation 311077222 $23,083,440 $172,802,088
John L Magro Foundation 311658835 $16,156 $236,060
John Mack Oboe Camp 341288966 $0 $0
John N Browning Family Fund C Incorporated 311284450 $295,277 $1,266,584
John N Browning Oregon Foundation Incorporated 311582892 $61,538 $348,634
John N Kramig Irrv Trust 616409245 $0 $0
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund 300233491 $45,645,273 $56,755,054
Johnson Family Foundation 311542859 $1,097,925 $4,353,760
Joint Anoited Leaders Ministries Incorporated 770637348 $0 $0
Jose Cerda Navarro Aquatic Foundation 274562740 $0 $0
Joseph a and Laura L Klunk Family Foundation 463787951 $483,412 $468,348
Joseph and Sylvia Stillpass Family Foundation 208089353 $15 $104,251
Joseph F Cannon Trust Uw Fbo Observer Fresh Air Camp Incorporated 566130751 $3,489,241 $3,741,422
Joseph House Incorporated 311383835 $1,640,725 $1,263,946
Joseph Rawson Scientific Trust 316053727 $76,975 $217,294
Josephine F Rollman Charitable Remainder Trust 316219615 $19,293 $104,179
Josephine Walters Carestar Scholarship Fund Incorporated 316438397 $0 $0
Josh Cares Incorporated 841714381 $409,884 $499,555
Joubert Syndrome and Related Disorders Foundation 521871536 $105,495 $142,686
Journey to Liberty 460548387 $0 $0
Jovante Woods Foundation Incorporated 273922392 $86,637 $31,257
Joy Baptist Church 311130655 $0 $0
Joy Community Church Incorporated 311375250 $0 $0
Joya Charitable Foundation 311585984 $312,898 $1,021,828
Js Foundation 274380049 $1,400 $21,595
Judson Care Center Incorporated 311203963 $8,058,000 $8,754,882
Judson Terrace 311040447 $485,425 $1,193,967
Juilfs Foundation 316027571 $46,604 $1,128,540
Juliet Muller Helmsworth Trust Greater Cincinnati Fdn 316678067 $215,800 $356,822
Junia Company 743119943 $23,613 $208,006
Junior Achievement of Oki Partners 320014307 $1,494,418 $429,309
Junior League of Cincinnati 310576674 $293,568 $1,048,605
Junior League of Cincinnati Endowment Trust Fund 311425344 $97,777 $1,408,197
Junior Order United American Mechanics 237518905 $0 $0
Junior Order United American Mechanics 237519152 $0 $0
Juniper Tree Foundation 200749868 $368,756 $518,119
Jurisdiction-wide Residenceadvisory Board 204351820 $29,854 $136
Justice Institute for the Legal Profession 311805770 $14,000 $1,388
Justin Brown Memorial Foundation 260456660 $0 $0
Kaplan Foundation 311423392 $2,079,324 $5,889,465
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 237279454 $0 $0
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity 310539242 $0 $0
Kappa Delta Pi 300800118 $0 $0
Kappa Delta Sorority 310553922 $113,309 $21,057
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated 237050877 $0 $0
Kappa Gamma Pi 221752086 $94,779 $217,052
Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Incorporated 310336736 $0 $0
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity 237011972 $0 $0
Karama Connection 010832165 $27,975 $5,569
Karen Wellington Memorial Foundation for Living with Breast 263768567 $178,635 $90,049
Katallage Renaissance Assembly of Saints Church 311424977 $0 $0
Kathryn and Vishnoo Shahani Charitable Trust 341486562 $771,348 $1,111,030
Kathy Schmidt Always Our Sunshine Memorial 270705686 $0 $0
Katie Linz Foundation 201358631 $0 $0
Katie Mckenna Cappel Memorialscholarship Fund Incorporated 260203344 $0 $0
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful Incorporated 310948219 $539,800 $191,924
Kehilas Bnai Israel 311019405 $0 $0
Kehilat Mashiach Congregation Messianic Congregation 310894195 $0 $0
Keith N Browning Family Foundation 311424006 $1,576,509 $847,151
Keith Rucker Reach 4 the Sky Incorporated 203546716 $0 $0
Kelhoffer Memorial Scholarship Fund 208163820 $0 $0
Kelly Youth Services Incorporated 311609551 $886,708 $61,274
Kellys Foundation for Children Incorporated 311761957 $36,009 $39,501
Kemper Road Christian Church 310974038 $0 $0
Ken Anderson Foundation 464772830 $0 $0
Kennedy Height Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation 310954931 $545,800 $1,726,034
Kennedy Heights Art Center 450477749 $666,668 $1,143,917
Kennedy Heights Community Council 316060018 $0 $0
Kennedy Heights Montessori Center 310724420 $533,388 $886,159
Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers Incorporated 311349592 $112,280 $7,498
Kentucky Region of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America Incorporated 351664135 $0 $0
Kenwood Baptist Church 310568234 $0 $0
Kenwood Country Club 310339280 $12,125,503 $11,830,576
Kenwood Fellowship 311483943 $0 $0
Kenwood Hills Cabana Club Incorporated 310618611 $0 $0
Kenwood Swim and Tennis Club Incorporated 310719409 $247,280 $181,005
Kenwood Wesleyan Bible Church 311344598 $0 $0
Kenwood Womans Club 237008757 $0 $0
Kenzies Closet 205533270 $186,358 $122,346
Kerr Memorial Scholarship Fund 616034051 $130,133 $113,165
Keyz 2 Life 262861436 $0 $0
Kidanemihret Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church 311758383 $0 $0
Kidd Center Parents Association 300056933 $0 $0
Kidsforchess 274873156 $0 $0
Kidz Character Club of America Incorporated 331036676 $0 $0
Kidz Wigz Incorporated 205362942 $0 $0
Kilgour Sports Boosters Incorporated 311355140 $66,150 $68,521
King Academy Community School Incorporated 562468311 $960,212 $405,617
King Highland Community Redevelopment Corporation 201553686 $1,700,271 $41,278,160
King Studios 272617835 $0 $0
Kingdom Bound United Ministries 900847529 $0 $0
Kingdom Builders Ministry Incorporated 611315572 $68,784 $36,775
Kingdom Building Foundation 203121029 $0 $23,589
Kingdom Living Ministries Incorporated 204731481 $0 $0
Kingdom of God 050618579 $0 $0
Kingdom Storehouse Ministries Incorporated 451759125 $7,859 $151
Kingfish Aquatic Club 753132033 $85,011 $27,319
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316042267 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316049991 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316050632 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316050833 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316052609 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316061371 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 316077399 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 310342091 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 310644699 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 310726176 $0 $0
Kiwanis International Incorporated 310739414 $37,059 $1,918
Kk Bnai Yeshurun 310536987 $0 $0
Klaus Foundation Incorporated 261571753 $319,988 $734,065
Kneseth Israel Congregation 310549055 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 310812752 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 310814736 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 310854119 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 316033791 $115,206 $51,638
Knights of Columbus 911959615 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237106105 $17,627 $292,169
Knights of Columbus 237108781 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 237142271 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 264364999 $0 $0
Knights of Columbus 270902717 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 273443439 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 611643422 $0 $0
Knights of Peter Claver 900648026 $0 $0
Knights of Pythias 316044124 $0 $0
Knights of the Golden Trail 311090318 $69,813 $205,113
Knights Templar of the United States of America 310342223 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 310343221 $0 $0
Knights Templar of the United States of America 316042570 $0 $0
Know Theatre Tribe Incorporated 311666206 $560,047 $112,041
Knowledgefunding Ohio Incorporated 201888000 $25,164,662 $1,258,117
Knowledgeworks Foundation 311321973 $24,112,061 $151,983,301
Kohnen Family Foundation 205597572 $106,771 $1,314,765
Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati 311355585 $0 $0
Korean Focus Cincinnati 450536318 $0 $0
Korean Methodist Church of Cincinnati 311422369 $0 $0
Korean War Veterans Association Incorporated Department of Ohio 311456601 $0 $0
Kramer Family Endowment Fund 347152198 $264,387 $625,515
Kroger Co Foundation 311192929 $6,863,700 $34,612,454
Kroger Co Health and Welfare Benefit Trust 311121043 $0 $1
Kroger Co Health and Welfare Benefit Trust for Collectively-bargai 311444123 $1,210,547,327 $1
Kroger Helping Hands Fund 203643959 $1,285,293 $635,283
Kwi 311776354 $28,216,297 $125,837,139
Kyle Bond Memorial Scholarship Foundation 271513453 $0 $0
Kyles New Hope Animal Rescue 273620109 $0 $0
L W Scott Alter Successor Trust Ua Star Bank N a Cincinnati 316061042 $214,583 $557,657
La Amistad 311447919 $23,427 $196,149
La Leche League International Incorporated 200764376 $0 $0
La Leche League International Incorporated 311139655 $0 $0
Laborers International Union of North America 310330140 $4,297,589 $5,096,988
Laborers International Union of North America 341120293 $1,281,917 $758,277
Ladies Auxiliary to the Vfw Dept of Ohio 331190172 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary to the Vfw Dept of Ohio 800139419 $0 $0
Ladies Auxiliary to the Vfw Dept of Ohio 800275275 $0 $0
Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Incorporated 316040162 $0 $0
Ladislas and Vilma Segoe Family Foundation 316369499 $1,296,391 $2,800,934
Lambda Chi Alpha Gamma -gamma Zeta Educational Foundation 273814668 $0 $0
Lambda Realty Corporation 316049568 $135,159 $656,761
Lammermeier Foundation Incorporated 311451838 $326,894 $1,317,557
Landen Family Foundation Incorporated 562407331 $5,076,950 $3,193,842
Landmark Baptist Temple Incorporated 310594656 $0 $0
Langhammer Brothers Trust 310918966 $304,479 $852,422
Lasalle Foundation Incorporated 316056218 $0 $0
Latino Educational Assimilation Resource Network Incorporated 020701180 $0 $0
Latter Rain Church of God 311437145 $0 $0
Laude Educational Trust 237243478 $48,864 $60,996
Laurel Cemetery-laurel Memorial Gardens 310961994 $110,338 $1,200,549
Lawn Life 800673284 $820,355 $263,155
Lawrence J Gazzolo Char 340007501539 346563917 $71,647 $62,421
Lawyers Club of Cincinnati 310632513 $0 $0
Lcs Foundation 208050521 $160,382 $1,676,574
Leadership Scholars Incorporated 208500457 $253,298 $135,843
Leadership Square Incorporated 263107252 $0 $0
Leading Women of Cincinnati 311444177 $6 $3,175
League of United Latin American Citizens 203601241 $0 $0
League of Women Voters of Ohio 310240421 $26,360 $113,824
League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area Education Fund 316030294 $71,030 $204,126
Lean on Me Outreach 311805400 $0 $0
Learning Impacts Family Enrichment Incorporated 800431029 $0 $0
Learning Through Art 311367751 $351,976 $118,414
Lee Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church Incorporated 870762932 $0 $0
Lee Dorman Trust Fbo College of Wm and Mary 311222861 $594,892 $424,072
Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati 310536673 $8,329,090 $6,895,334
Lelia L Johnson Trust 8400012 for Northern Mi Hospitals of Petoskey 386051644 $74,160 $76,454
Lena a and Paul F Addison Trust Uw 356639866 $282,568 $448,918
Lend a Hand Incorporated 208987078 $0 $0
Leona Higginbotham Charitable Trust 356575785 $865,357 $1,654,582
Les Birdies Golf Club 311736334 $0 $0
Letteria Dalton Sigma Omega Foundation Incorporated 311182427 $0 $0
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation 311602470 $0 $0
Lewis and Marjorie Daniel Foundation 311595386 $119,874 $1,012,501
Lewis Franklin Palmer and Majorie Stewart Palmer Scholarship Fund 316496302 $109,421 $399,216
Lexington Heights Civic Association Incorporated 310679637 $0 $0
Leyman Foundation 310568237 $23,446 $315,745
Liberty Baptist Church 311082302 $0 $0
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church 311080791 $0 $0
Licensed Practical Nurse Association of Ohio Incorporated 310586415 $37,191 $15,167
Life and Marriage Movement Incorporated 208824096 $175,000 $22,600
Life Changing Ministries Incorporated 201347248 $0 $0
Life Issues Institute 310814275 $1,267,381 $976,275
Life Learn Program 311423571 $59,075 $9,535
Life Skills Center of Cincinnati 341904916 $1,009,736 $436,230
Life Skills Center of Hamilton County 043642729 $846,080 $142,055
Lifecenter Memorial 311775729 $998,531 $806,655
Lifecenter Organ Donor Network 311040508 $9,836,673 $3,185,187
Light Church Incorporated 460767942 $0 $0
Light House Mission of Faith Church 311189888 $0 $0
Lighthouse Beacon for Youth Foundation Incorporated 300196366 $2,424,110 $7,623,079
Lighthouse Community School Incorporated 311702164 $1,099,974 $626,033
Lighthouse Renewal Center 311051289 $124,137 $657,800
Lighthouse Worship Center 311299201 $0 $0
Lighthouse Youth Services Incorporated 237046229 $24,294,657 $7,706,981
Lillian L Root Scholarship Fund 351901966 $183,265 $229,112
Lincoln Crawford 311423419 $260 $821,295
Lincoln Heights Outreach Incorporated 311386423 $0 $0
Lincoln Park Baptist Church 316001289 $0 $0
Lincoln W Pavey Educational Foundation 454241024 $0 $0
Linda Caswell Berry and Sons Foundation Incorporated 522381804 $1,149,371 $4,206,721
Linden Grove School 311556365 $1,296,240 $290,170
Links Incorporated 316049564 $61,081 $113,218
Linnemann Family Foundation 311394291 $2,609,560 $3,845,090
Linton Incorporated 311401052 $738,861 $1,189,240
Linwood Baptist Church 316043677 $0 $0
Linwood Community Council 392075130 $0 $0
Lion of Judah Christian Center Incorporated 760721497 $0 $0
Lionel Operating Train Society Incorporated 311074533 $289,164 $394,894
Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati 316332564 $268,921 $70,229
Literary Club 310603272 $213,400 $994,967
Little Brothers Friends of Theelderly 205751773 $302,634 $35,481
Little Cards Youth Football Program 311719570 $72,187 $7,763
Little Lamb Child Care Learing Center 311694009 $244,049 $10,226
Little League Baseball Incorporated 311621456 $137,326 $72,621
Little Sisters of the Poor of Cincinnati 310621920 $6,436,277 $3,321,840
Living Arrangements for the Developmentally Disabled Incorporated 310894923 $6,216,161 $6,299,157
Living Church Incorporated 273663479 $0 $0
Living Hope Transitional Homes 203378937 $266,372 $356,162
Living Monuments of Reparation 310920573 $7,192 $30,525
Living Testimony Christian Center Cincinnati Hamilton County Ohio 311427561 $0 $0
Living Well Collaborative Incorporated 260538164 $519,032 $423,812
Lkc Foundation 311490185 $1,602,216 $6,229,229
Lkh Victory 4 274742614 $3,289,214 $25,326
Lkh Victory Corp 223619461 $7,527,728 $1,387,092
Lloyd Library and Museum 310597995 $616,078 $2,081,069
Loaves and Fishes Community Kitchen Incorporated 311233650 $11,899 $2
Local 212 Ibew Benefit Office 237345993 $1,140,942 $180,362
Lockland Christian Church 310565425 $0 $0
Lockland Church of Christ 311011322 $0 $0
Lois and Richard Rosenthal Foundation 311203666 $1,049,280 $6,525,154
Lords Bounty 311103166 $0 $0
Lords Ministry Outreach Church Incorporated 300101460 $0 $0
Lords Rosegarden 311780110 $128,542 $9,848
Louies Legacy Animal Rescue 270805279 $226,177 $25,244
Louis and Melba Schott Foundation 202102454 $199,831 $1,338,901
Louis M Groen Foundation 311802325 $29,615 $698,910
Louise a Williams Trust Ua Fbo Childrens 04-8970c 316670852 $835,805 $2,425,701
Louise a Williams Trust Ua Fbo Uc 316670853 $1,918,431 $4,762,796
Louise B Guthman Charitable Foundation 262967556 $1 $1
Louise Taft Semple Foundation 310653526 $11,093,831 $19,185,486
Love and Faith Ministries Incorporated 311006011 $0 $0
Love Quest Childrens Foundation 311248673 $0 $0
Lovett and Ruth Peters Foundationinc 208934367 $11,907,470 $12,605,245
Loving God Complete Bible Christian Ministries 311259206 $15,190 $10,882
Lowe Family Foundation Incorporated 311739056 $631,420 $3,619,645
Lower Price Hill Community Council 310941739 $0 $1
Lower Price Hill Community School Incorporated 237121512 $869,185 $1,363,670
Loyal Christian Benefit Association 1218 St Pius 237627559 $0 $0
Luebbe Foundation 311289981 $22,182 $154,125
Luther Music Institute 311437189 $142,485 $16,549
Lutheran Benevolent Society Incorporated 319309815 $0 $0
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 310810197 $0 $0
Luvfurmutts Animal Rescue 800593839 $0 $0
Lydias House Incorporated 800832277 $0 $0
Lyrica Incorporated 161505805 $84,870 $32,469
M Arch Incorporated 454803629 $0 $0
Mables House of Hope 263420516 $0 $0
Macedonia Early Church of God in Christ 611223500 $0 $0
Macedonia Living Word Fellowship 311040980 $0 $0
Macedonian Call Life Services Incorporated 270121001 $0 $0
Macedonian Orthodox Church St Ilija 310904723 $0 $0
Mack Fire Incorporated 237120719 $61,529 $936,974
Macys Foundation 311427325 $9,790,143 $1,177,534
Macys Incorporated Welfare Benefits Trust 510160964 $91,190,200 $33,641,178
Madcap Productions 311123910 $1,076,605 $1,100,182
Madeira Historical Society Incorporated 310925340 $0 $0
Madeira Middle School Parent Teacher Organization 455049755 $0 $0
Madeira Music Boosters 510138886 $60,090 $36,054
Madeira Schools Foundation 311130818 $152,989 $349,138
Madeleine Gordon Gift of Life Foundation 263324922 $74,600 $277,386
Madeleine H Gordon and Jerome a Gordon Gift of Life Foundation 311441801 $0 $0
Maderia Homes for the Developmentally Disabled Incorporated 310945785 $0 $0
Maderia Womans Club 310877951 $0 $0
Madisonville Child Care Project Incorporated 310808787 $420,555 $33,430
Madisonville Church of God 310860723 $0 $0
Madisonville Community Council Incorporated 311138260 $0 $0
Madisonville Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation 510178908 $171,030 $572,717
Madisonville Education and Assistance Center Incorporated 311218223 $847,204 $190,357
Madisonville Homes for the Elderly 310807581 $659,396 $1,172,739
Madisonville Mission Ministries 311806837 $0 $0
Madisonville Weed and Seed Sustainedinc 208733373 $0 $33,113
Mae Ward Educational Trust Uw 071190 616246093 $108,158 $500,723
Magnified Giving 263519081 $115,218 $61,786
Magnolia Society Incorporated 980061470 $51,811 $270,106
Main Street Ventures 311663711 $521,953 $379,233
Maketewah Country Club 310308478 $4,387,586 $4,366,475
Making a Difference Educationalfoundation 204020732 $0 $0
Males-2nd Presbyterian Church Tuw 356060719 $27,855 $68,399
Mam-luft and Company Dance Incorporated 260905825 $54,388 $7,434
Mamie Johnson Ministries Incorporated 300608294 $0 $0
Mandare Foundation 263675450 $464,882 $146,558
Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center 421640342 $244,272 $88,286
Manifested Glory Ministries 311739607 $0 $0
Manna Outreach Incorporated 311670214 $47,783 $24,511
Manna Scholarship Foundation Incorporated 203889666 $28,250 $4
Manuel D and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation 311310431 $2,419,330 $23,271,156
Manufacturers Agents of Cincinnati Incorporated 311178934 $0 $0
Many Voices 208945881 $0 $0
Maple Knoll Communities Incorporated 310544277 $55,821,403 $127,454,035
Marg W Hunt Trust Fbo Trinity Church 04-4320 316021588 $40,329 $68,439
Margaret B Williams Charitable Trust 556144757 $427,361 $676,614
Margaret Boyd Overseas Foundation 311032554 $5,687 $247,352
Margaret C Korbel Memorial Trust 356564220 $287,487 $485,725
Margaret Peters Memorial Fund 020687126 $0 $0
Margaret S Comstock Charitable Trust 051399 616257375 $47,258 $435,280
Margaretta W Hunt Trust 04-4290-804-4291 Nect 316021586 $975,358 $6,944,111
Marge and Charles J Schott Foundation 316063407 $37,422,439 $92,613,853
Margery Florence Kahn Charitable Remainder Trust 356609501 $203,726 $233,414
Maria Olberding Foundation 311608774 $122,113 $11,898
Mariama Bara School Incorporated 900662009 $0 $0
Marian B Leibold Foundation Incorporated 311685431 $16,933 $25,873
Marian C Thomas Trust 316335152 $3,141 $20,178
Marielders Incorporated 311181299 $240,022 $767,268
Mariemont Aquatic Club Boosters Incorporated 310981850 $80,266 $19,598
Mariemont Civic Association 300508157 $0 $0
Mariemont Community Church 310555848 $0 $0
Mariemont Elementary Pto 311469080 $84,506 $51,069
Mariemont High School Parent Teacher Organization 311464431 $44,963 $14,979
Mariemont Junior High Pto 311469079 $0 $0
Mariemont Players Incorporated 316039502 $168,692 $435,975
Mariemont Preservation Foundation 311020172 $482,253 $1,329,868
Mariemont Recreation Association 352348997 $88,326 $31,084
Mariemont School Foundation 311471314 $308,249 $307,463
Mariemont Youth Football Association 043679837 $0 $0
Marilyn and Charles W Krenhbiel Foundation 311533052 $219,222 $621,447
Marine Corps League 311192388 $0 $0
Marjorie Book Continuing Education Society 311681228 $0 $0
Mark Heiman Family Foundation 911825292 $99,162 $15,691
Mark K Ulmer Memorial Native American Scholarship Foundation 841220023 $0 $0
Market of Thyatira Incorporated 264386108 $0 $0
Marks Incorporated 316026072 $67,132 $58,594
Marnick Foundation 311493613 $698,957 $2,840,266
Marriage Encounter of Greater Cincinnati Incorporated 311144589 $0 $0
Martha and Merritt Dejong Foundation No 1706 351774365 $74,884 $372,917
Martha K Cline Fund 316028184 $0 $0
Martha Kidd Foundation Incorporated 204427790 $12,657 $39,566
Martin Luther King Jr Elementary Academy Incorporated 311052149 $42,012 $276,024
Martini Coalition for Research and Development Incorporated 202640342 $0 $0
Marvin Lewis Community Fund 202704690 $1,736,266 $524,862
Mary Elizabeth Becker Charitable Trust 316500654 $140,767 $717,587
Mary Magdalene Foundation Incorporated 311182978 $243,757 $317,090
Mary Mansfield Fund for the Aged 616021948 $343,086 $378,541
Mary Martha Mcgee Foundation 316449572 $133,543 $145,009
Mary P Koontz Chartiable Trust 3303-4777 356497618 $243,923 $631,325
Mary S Stern Hand Surgery Foundation 311202583 $493,058 $544,437
Mary Weddington Widenhouse Trust 561505101 $636,924 $732,010
Masjid Abu Bakr Siddique 300135173 $115,880 $105,951
Masjid Assunnah 010572684 $0 $0
Masjid-ul-hajj Incorporated 310896372 $0 $0
Mason Christian Village Incorporated 311173965 $2,999,894 $20,103,674
Masonic Library Association of Cincinnati Ohio 316046872 $0 $0
Masonic Relief Association of Cincinnati 316050377 $0 $0
Matinee Musicale Endowment Fund Incorporated 061794293 $0 $0
Matt Haverkamp Foundation 204155820 $36,788 $24,159
Matta Family Foundation 311605272 $33,945 $506,711
Matthew Kelly Foundation 341863388 $189,653 $1,563
Maureen C Taylor Foundation 208084496 $28 $28,806
Maurice and Hester Lowenthal Foundation Incorporated 311202968 $272,394 $866,029
Maurice E Morton Trust Under Will 356581585 $224,017 $402,379
Maxon Foundation 316045992 $11,367,536 $15,882,594
Maxs Meals Incorporated 274183319 $0 $0
Maxwell C Weaver Foundation 316275346 $683,192 $2,127,327
May Long-term Disability Plan Trust 133910940 $1,186,372 $20,649,874
May-we-help 271490751 $163,187 $123,163
Mayberry Foundation Incorporated 311712221 $88,447 $164,405
Maybrook Fund 261993885 $566,138 $684,163
Mayerson Academy for Human Resource Development 311366582 $3,875,057 $7,779,468
Mayerson Foundation 203991562 $921,919 $276,464
Mayfield Education and Research Fund 310921099 $1,071,459 $3,030,084
Mayo Home for Youth Development 331131213 $259,616 $20,842
Maysville and Mason County Cemetery Co Perpetual Care and Maintenance Fu 616067026 $187,294 $879,028
Mccray Foundation 316676273 $1 $53,894
Mckelvey Road Baptist Church 311592580 $0 $0
Mcmicken Health Collaborative Incorporated 421749607 $152,535 $164,700
Mcnicholas High School 311097305 $0 $0
Mcv Health Care Facilities Incorporated 311257250 $11,668,165 $14,491,017
Meagan Toothman Foundation 462323737 $41,189 $35,183
Mechanical Contractors Association of Cincinnati 310249290 $229,067 $114,555
Media Working Group 311241613 $106,247 $34,422
Medical Center Fund of Cincinnati 310904251 $25,755,203 $143,304,565
Medical Staff of the Deaconess Hospital 310949715 $0 $1
Meeting Professionals International 311011253 $107,607 $113,143
Meisel Family Foundation Incorporated 311581846 $122,937 $191,507
Mekane Semayit St George Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church Incorporated 711005186 $0 $0
Melanomagirl Foundation Incorporated 273933194 $0 $0
Melodic Connections Incorporated 263815913 $242,702 $118,951
Men of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary 311442631 $26,919 $51,168
Mental Health Works Incorporated 311565185 $29,525 $92,709
Mercantile Library 261603137 $855,985 $4,683,195
Mercantile Library Association 310537519 $0 $1
Mercaz Incorporated 061661177 $0 $0
Mercy Franciscan Social Ministries Incorporated 900042610 $0 $0
Mercy Franciscan Social Ministries Incorporated 311222942 $2,049,784 $770,701
Mercy Health 311161086 $435,981,063 $4,571,826,497
Mercy Health - Anderson Hospital Llc 310537085 $206,495,555 $127,654,723
Mercy Health - West Hospital Llc 311091597 $189,145,498 $237,031,663
Mercy Health Cincinnati Llc 311063783 $480,576,326 $403,239,800
Mercy Health Partners of Southwest Ohio Foundation 311217563 $5,998,577 $54,317,367
Mercy Health Physicians Cincinnati Llc 311007881 $0 $0
Mercy Neighborhood Ministries Incorporated 311376693 $1,343,866 $1,918,798
Merle M Mahr Cancer Center Charitable Trust 276339421 $469,024 $1,970,404
Meshewa Farm Foundation 237748707 $800,091 $7,853,564
Messer Construction Foundation 200262239 $250,601 $215,577
Messiah Community Church Ministries Incorporated 311720413 $0 $0
Messiah Lutheran Church 310919471 $0 $0
Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati 310744047 $159,466 $179,931
Metropolitan Harvest 311135638 $0 $0
Meyer Family Foundation 202052300 $148 $7,833
Mezzo Mezzo Social Club 272835605 $45,978 $44,534
Miami Baptist Association 316060993 $0 $0
Miami Valley Christian Academy 311442695 $3,696,944 $4,818,367
Miami Valley Warhawks Baseball Club 311394380 $0 $0
Micah House 383800790 $2,000 $2,000
Michael and Mary@hornsby Family Charitable Foundation 463093915 $25,000 $8,072
Michael and Nancy Baker Foundation 311744250 $2,231 $51,749
Michael J Ward Memorial Foundation Incorporated 451680045 $54 $236,029
Michael R Barrett Foundation Incorporated 311685426 $3,229 $1,943
Mickey Family Foundation 461484743 $198,356 $340,162
Mid-america Orchid Congress Incorporated 376052117 $0 $0
Midham Homes Incorporated 311800471 $213,652 $413,183
Midsouth Transportation and Parking Association Incorporated 611503617 $0 $0
Midwest Ear Bank 311226337 $64,823 $10,963
Midwest Native Plant Society Incorporated 263878520 $0 $0
Midwest Orthopedic Research Foundation 311270216 $1 $3,498
Midwest Project Incorporated 463907002 $0 $0
Midwest Regional Bankruptcy Seminar Incorporated 311511086 $115,770 $131,097
Milford Gun Club 310642957 $196,222 $145,889
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 311711732 $0 $0
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 341486027 $0 $0
Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA 900036589 $0 $0
Mill Creek Watershed Council of Communities 311465290 $227,102 $156,188
Mill Road Church of Christ 310950025 $0 $0
Millies House of Music 203022195 $0 $0
Mind Control Injustice Incorporated 270315189 $0 $0
Mindful Youth 455323422 $0 $0
Mindpeace 261085828 $155,495 $145,903
Ministers of Service Program Incorporated 311064167 $0 $0
Ministries of True Holiness Incorporated 455377256 $0 $0
Ministry for Christ 274450163 $0 $0
Minorities in Mathematics Science and Engineering 311296007 $149,779 $62,228
Mira-gmp and Allied Workers Insurance Trust 043194045 $10,266,392 $3,769,278
Miracle Ministries Christian Church 200922062 $0 $0
Mission Baptist Church 311004701 $0 $0
Mission Partners Guatemala 300207635 $59,109 $389,469
Mitchell S Meyers and Jacqueline P Meyer Foundation 316087639 $10,000 $514
Mitchs Mission 271627448 $0 $0
Mkv Incorporated 310914017 $1,453,089 $3,976,777
Mlfb Foundation Trust 311449071 $187,073 $283,923
Mobility Agenda Incorporated 260778575 $0 $0
Moe-hills 452999300 $0 $0
Moeller Home Company 316046035 $0 $0
Mohawk Area Development Corporation 311376467 $0 $1
Mommas Place 311732184 $0 $0
Moms Club 311789446 $0 $0
Moms of Milford 611594178 $0 $0
Monarch Foundation 311233988 $8,540 $3,488
Monfort Heights Athletic Association 237138691 $36,802 $56,031
Monfort Heights United Methodist Church 310623068 $0 $0
Monfort Heights White Oak Community Association Incorporated 550903678 $0 $0
Mont Reid Surgical Society of the University of Cincinnati 316025985 $0 $0
Montessori Center Room Incorporated 310731908 $225,825 $89,619
Montgomery Art Coalition Incorporated 455278395 $107,394 $73,459
Montgomery Community Baptist Preschool 900097561 $0 $0
Montgomery Community Church 310577671 $0 $0
Montgomery Corridor Arts Collaborative 261249307 $0 $0
Montgomery Hills Recreation Association Incorporated 310913366 $93,922 $62,705
Montgomery Inn Foundation 371457248 $54,372 $12,719
Montgomery Sycamore Baseball Association 311081516 $142,390 $49,342
Montgomery Womans Club Incorporated 316032782 $64,025 $326,306
Moon Family Foundation 311423751 $5,204 $86,950
Morgenroth Team 311739230 $0 $0
Morning Star Baptist Church 310896954 $0 $0
Mortar Board Incorporated 310948971 $0 $0
Mortar Board Incorporated 311406737 $0 $0
Mosaic Vineyard Church 043777838 $0 $0
Most Valuable Kids Incorporated 202984595 $291,948 $132,565
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Mason of 237289150 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Mason of 237380979 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Mason of 237380993 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Mason of 237638163 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Mason of 311099554 $0 $0
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Mason of 311220436 $0 $0
Mother Bentivoglio Federation of Poor Clare Monasteries 620963388 $0 $0
Mother Mayflowers Animal Haven Incorporated 800792304 $0 $0
Mother of Mercy High School Llc 311578537 $0 $0
Mother Seton Ladies Auxiliary 800832630 $0 $0
Mothers Love the Children 311809811 $0 $0
Motion Palpation Institute Incorporated 311728001 $157,741 $41,185
Mount Auburn Community Council of Cincinnati Incorporated 311405282 $6,804 $2,152
Mount Auburn International Academy 262583746 $4,169,970 $263,346
Mount Healthy City Schools Coordinating Council 311007767 $0 $0
Mpowering U Incorporated 208236667 $0 $0
Mt Adams Civic Association Incorporated 311093793 $0 $0
Mt Airy Community Urban Redevelopment Enterprise 452951421 $30,000 $1
Mt Airy Town Council Incorporated 310964792 $0 $0
Mt Auburn Chamber Foundation 452210000 $0 $0
Mt Auburn Good Housing Foundation 310737704 $0 $0
Mt Auburn Housing Incorporated 311424905 $533,107 $1,208,599
Mt Calvary Early Church of God in Christ 311356276 $0 $0
Mt Carmel Baptist Church Cincinnati 310811318 $0 $0
Mt Carmel Center of Excellence 270127633 $0 $0
Mt Carmel Christian Church 510173862 $0 $0
Mt Healthy Athletic Boosters Club 310923340 $348,813 $42,593
Mt Healthy Business Association C/o Robert Curley 311103158 $0 $0
Mt Healthy Christian Home Incorporated 310714767 $9,392,816 $8,358,761
Mt Healthy High School Alumni Association 311166270 $0 $0
Mt Healthy Historical Society 311095127 $0 $0
Mt Healthy Veterans Memorial 311467963 $390 $1,089
Mt Lookout Civic Club 316046049 $21,287 $13,177
Mt Lookout Swim Club Incorporated 310624728 $510,047 $1,427,507
Mt Moriah Development Corporation Incorporated 310819621 $1,171,363 $0
Mt Moriah United Methodist Church 310888805 $0 $0
Mt Olive Early Church of God in Christ 341714403 $0 $0
Mt Pisgah Cemetery Trust 616027697 $114,933 $594,742
Mt St Mary Seminary of the West Athenaeum of Ohio Norwood 310537076 $0 $0
Mt Washington Baptist Church 310561490 $0 $0
Mt Washington Cemetery Association 310384785 $0 $0
Mt Washington Cemetery Restoration Co 311139888 $0 $0
Mt Washington Youth Incorporated 311629091 $113,671 $65,259
Mt Zion of Woodlawn Baptist Church 310624668 $0 $0
Mtna Certification Program 111775932 $88,662 $139,735
Munich Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati Incorporated 311342528 $0 $0
Murray and Agnes Seasongood Foundation 311068165 $0 $0
Murray and Agnes Seasongood Good Government Foundation 311220827 $2,609,410 $4,928,053
Muse Cincinnati Womens Choir 311256669 $134,596 $31,878
Music Achievement Council 351831988 $0 $0
Music and Event Management Incorporated 311378179 $23,489,390 $11,944,705
Music for Change 331140245 $0 $0
Music Hall Revitalization Company Incorporated 273055959 $10,000 $6,198,394
Music Resource Center-cincinnati 331163381 $241,000 $307,641
Music Teachers National Association Incorporated 311619186 $3,549,898 $3,869,905
Musica Sacra Foundation 310786126 $0 $0
Mutual Bene Association of Cinti Gas and Elec Co and Its Subsidiary Companies 310386645 $335,381 $664,008
My Brothers Keeper 161625294 $331,817 $12,073
Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of Enchanted Realm 310366930 $0 $0
Mystical Illusion 311330183 $49,466 $9,473
Nabama Foundation 316033919 $83,956 $219,915
Nachalas Nachman 061791670 $0 $0
Naifa Cincinnati 310603950 $0 $0
Nami of Clermont County 311778745 $0 $0
Nami of Hamilton County Incorporated 310998076 $237,480 $237,957
Nami Urban Greater Cincinnati Network on Mental Illness 453130617 $0 $0
Nasus Horizon Incorporated 311431003 $1 $1
Nathaniel Hawthorne Society 010442171 $0 $0
National Assistance League 311452221 $326,486 $386,600
National Association for Catering and Events 320353268 $0 $0
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 616052600 $0 $0
National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses Foundation 311441274 $0 $0
National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses Incorporated 310940622 $0 $0
National Association of Black Accountants Incorporated 311247620 $0 $0
National Association of Insurance Women 311118433 $0 $0
National Association of Letter Carriers 310647607 $703,357 $412,284
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts 942611769 $0 $0
National Association of Neonatal Nurses 300423189 $0 $0
National Association of Postal Supervisors - Branch 29 310982654 $47,827 $51,776
National Association of Sports Commissions 561803876 $1,272,766 $393,304
National Bible Bowl 311756641 $219,633 $99,035
National Black Data Processing Associates Incorporated 311431534 $5,670 $15,854
National Black Mba Association Incorporated Cincinnati Chapter 311757515 $0 $0
National Black Nurses Association Incorporated 311087325 $0 $0
National Bowling Association Incorporated 340902186 $2,122,942 $1,039,848
National College Planning Association 203653393 $0 $500
National Council of Negro Women Incorporated 911917539 $0 $0
National Council of the United States Society of St Vincent Depau 263328079 $0 $0
National Council of the United States Society of St Vincent Depau 800226370 $0 $0
National Electrical Contractors Association Cincinnati Chapter 310272168 $596,641 $1,100,442
National Environmental Balancing Incorporated 237237039 $55,300 $4,994
National Exchange Club 316087197 $0 $0
National Exchange Club 311170411 $0 $0
National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame Incorporated 311219210 $0 $0
National Foundation for Community Partnership Incorporated 311685704 $81,217 $3,897
National Hemophilia Foundation the Greater Cinti Northern Ky Chapter 310928221 $157,221 $101,039
National Historical Vehicle Society Foundation 311460728 $0 $0
National Marriage Encounter Prison Ministry Incorporated 310036032 $0 $0
National Organization for Women Incorporated 521240681 $0 $0
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs Incorporated 311124488 $0 $0
National Real Estate Investors Association 760388101 $461,382 $102,140
National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Ohio 310566150 $57,674 $355,503
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 316042210 $24,259 $47,031
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 316049780 $0 $0
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 616033719 $0 $0
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Incorporated 311390229 $0 $0
National Technical Association 521699945 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 510646898 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 911963003 $0 $0
National Treasury Employees Union 316050049 $42,991 $95,275
National Ttt Society 316064734 $0 $0
National Ttt Society Incorporated 311538579 $0 $0
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Incorporated 311436217 $8,128,396 $36,935,432
National Vitiligo Foundation Incorporated 201493185 $68,739 $28,454
National Wood Carvers Association 310829675 $207,499 $149,433
Natural Family Planning International Incorporated 201986156 $0 $0
Navy League of the United States 311354140 $0 $0
Ndukwe Foundation 371589271 $0 $0
Neediest Kids of All 316052858 $618,505 $1,783,701
Nehemiah Housing Development Incorporated 371620150 $0 $0
Neighborhood Cat Helpers 205209182 $0 $0
Neighborhood Health Care Incorporated 237160408 $6,738,522 $3,580,839
Neighborhoods Embracing Transformation 461552707 $0 $0
Nellie Agnew Bechtel Trust 316032128 $776,797 $8,051,921
Nesalis Foundation 311485061 $97,825 $201,900
Neurosciences Foundation 311284037 $227,690 $253,676
Neusole Foundation 261895274 $932,040 $1,103,097
New Beginnings Church 311781613 $0 $0
New Beginnings Fellowship 311033686 $0 $0
New Bethel Baptist Church 310785503 $0 $0
New Birth Christian Center 043642230 $0 $0
New Birth Ministries 020538638 $0 $0
New Covenant Korean Church 311458852 $0 $0
New Creation Community Church 311660827 $0 $0
New Frontier Ministries Incorporated 462783798 $0 $0
New Gate Celtic Theatre Company Incorporated 200839355 $0 $0
New Hope Baptist Church 310717494 $0 $0
New Hope Community Church 311453368 $0 $0
New Housing Ohio Incorporated 311435217 $3,123,561 $9,088,281
New Jerusalem Apostolic Churches Incorporated 311119653 $0 $0
New Jerusalem Baptist Church 310798404 $0 $0
New Jerusalem Community 310885008 $0 $0
New Jerusalem Community Center 300758628 $0 $0
New Life Christian Church 310985806 $0 $0
New Life Covenant Cincinnati 461570268 $0 $0
New Life Furniture 262703774 $427,393 $100,922
New Life Outreach Church Incorporated 311105450 $0 $0
New Life Outreach Ministries Incorporated 204901547 $0 $0
New Life Properties Incorporated 310925613 $1,020,284 $10,980,774
New Nazarine Baptist Church 310956234 $0 $0
New Orphan Asylum Scholarship Foundation 310536683 $1,850,278 $2,408,976
New Prospect Baptist Church 310676519 $0 $0
New School 310793927 $1,960,157 $2,502,990
New Spirit Mcc 310846795 $0 $0
New St Paul Church 311328077 $0 $0
New Thought Church of Cincinnati 316059492 $0 $0
New Thought New Age Seminar of Arts and Sciences of Living Research Fo 510163513 $0 $0
New Thought Spiritual Cooperative 204379675 $0 $0
New Unity Church of God 030612142 $0 $0
New Wineskins Empowerment Center 861113577 $0 $0
Newman Foundation Incorporated 316061954 $11,505 $285,328
Next Generation Dance Company 311637499 $0 $0
Niels a Lundgard and Ruth Lundgard Charitable Trust 316678858 $895,979 $2,475,791
Niels a Lundgard and Ruth Lungard Foundation 316375418 $1,440,837 $3,876,018
Nigerian Association of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Scientists in 432115497 $162,037 $119,143
Nileydog Rescue 364646531 $0 $0
Nina Browne Parker Trust 316202911 $1,733,881 $5,439,104
Njoh Medical Foundation and Iti 743203780 $0 $0
Nlt Foundation Incorporated 043361704 $1,204,935 $2,505,440
Noahs Ark Animal Shelter 311605250 $0 $0
Noelle Elizabeth Braun Foundation Incorporated 342055974 $5,000 $21,694
North American Christian Convention 310672659 $0 $0
North American Christian Convention Incorporated 311565295 $0 $0
North Avondale Montessori School Foundation Incorporated 311225904 $56,493 $118,608
North Avondale Neighborhood Association 311003166 $0 $0
North Central Sociological Association 237292737 $47,389 $120,867
North Central Youth Football Org 311584812 $0 $0
North College Hill Alumni Association 721605616 $0 $0
North College Hill Community Seniors Incorporated 310914893 $550,296 $159,022
North College Hill Education Association 237188887 $0 $0
North College Hill Firefighters Protective Association Incorporated 310680400 $0 $0
North College Hill Scholarship Foundation Incorporated 200984093 $831,535 $612,595
North East Emergency Distribution Services 311055366 $43,411 $10,969
North Fairmount Community Center 310984884 $528,596 $2,600,640
North Fairmount Community Council 310824331 $0 $0
Northeast Church of Christ 310903875 $0 $0
Northeast Community Challenge 311083085 $0 $0
Northeast Philadelphia Bankruptcy Center 273266245 $0 $0
Northern Hills Christian Church 237429743 $0 $0
Northern Hills Fire Fighters Associ Ation 311078639 $0 $0
Northern Hills Synagogue 310673600 $0 $0
Northern Kentucky Foreign Trade Zone Incorporated 311122402 $60,228 $5,074
Northern Point Community Church 310912408 $0 $0
Northminster Childrens Co-op 311043811 $0 $0
Northside Amateur Boxing School 311122735 $1,298,182 $892,844
Northside Christian Church 316030233 $0 $0
Northside Community Council 310892160 $0 $0
Northside Greenspace Incorporated 311374344 $0 $0
Northside Knights of Columbus Community Benefit Center Incorpora 310908092 $402,072 $857,854
Northside Pentecostal Church 310925585 $0 $0
Northwest Association of Educators 310901639 $0 $0
Northwest Boosters Association 310925266 $193,074 $76,737
Northwest Hamilton County Olympian Club 311064057 $121,918 $99,380
Northwest Womans Club 311170363 $61,302 $3,972
Norwood Teachers Association 316032986 $0 $0
Noyes Knee Institute 311158604 $2,247,646 $2,846,235
Nurses in Advanced Practice Incorporated 311426847 $72 $87,987
Nutrition Council 237429745 $260,230 $139,099
Nuway Foundation Incorporated 510572552 $128,382 $153,693
O W Motivational Incorporated 311241763 $0 $0
Oak Hills Athletic Booster Club Incorporated 311089405 $471,614 $136,048
Oak Hills Band Association Incorporated 311096176 $82,249 $25,678
Oak Hills Education Association 300498338 $0 $0
Oak Hills Educational Foundation 311579120 $0 $0
Oak Hills Junior Pro 911938643 $500 $13,873
Oak Hills Little Highlanders Cheerleading Incorporated 274319085 $0 $0
Oak Hills Minis Dance Incorporated 271644076 $38,535 $1,218
Oak Hills Swim and Racquet Club Incorporated 310618056 $204,664 $525,496
Oak Hills United Methodist Church Child Care Center Incorporated 311643671 $697,261 $113,063
Oak Hills Volleyball League 311610538 $0 $0
Oak Hills Youth Athletics Incorporated 454913144 $149,871 $59,128
Oasis Ministries Incorporated 311456479 $0 $0
Obz Design 461883724 $0 $0
Odaboro Foundation Incorporated 452746334 $0 $0
Office and Professional Employees International Union 521601449 $11,933 $1,069
Office and Professional Employees International Union 316042572 $31,231 $2,765
Office and Professional Employees International Union 310377575 $319,080 $150,807
Oh-ky-in Amateur Radio Society Incorporated 310679591 $0 $0
Ohav Shalom Synagogue 310626626 $0 $0
Ohio Alleycat Resource and Spay Neuter Clinic Incorporated 311728182 $1,766,618 $1,944,632
Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Professionals 020751474 $371,364 $203,471
Ohio Alliance of Recovery Providers 262623909 $63,131 $1,726
Ohio Association of Cosmetology Schools Incorporated 311190548 $0 $0
Ohio Association of the Deaf-blind 311617122 $0 $0
Ohio Association Pertrial Services Agencies Incorporated 311359591 $0 $0
Ohio Board of Niulpe Incorporated 342029857 $82,994 $98,034
Ohio Bricklayers Health and Welfare Fund 316064918 $47,812,785 $19,106,478
Ohio Buddhist Vihara Incorporated 134202872 $0 $0
Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture 320090853 $0 $0
Ohio Cooperative Eduaction Association 341400941 $18,239 $86,875
Ohio Council of Deliberation Aasr Pha Incorporated 320247237 $40,779 $151,978
Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics 521201225 $95,718 $265,900
Ohio Credit Union League 311219821 $0 $0
Ohio Credit Union League 311219832 $0 $0
Ohio Employment Lawyers Association 341699080 $29,242 $20,801
Ohio Energy Group 264245238 $1,050,938 $31,776
Ohio Federation for Childrens Mental Health Incorporated 050542927 $388,693 $99,668
Ohio Hound Rescue Incorporated 455271175 $82,876 $12,135
Ohio Humane Society 310536684 $1,472,482 $2,867,343
Ohio Hunter and Trapper Educationinstructors Association 204820413 $41,320 $32,911
Ohio Invasive Plants Council 203589988 $0 $0
Ohio Justice and Policy Center 311319172 $849,591 $310,734
Ohio Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs for 352184148 $0 $0
Ohio Lesbians Archives 310900822 $0 $0
Ohio Messianic Testimony 316006526 $0 $0
Ohio National Foundation 311230164 $4,009,677 $3,769,784
Ohio Paralegals for Justice 061718708 $0 $0
Ohio Professionals for School-age Children Incorporated 311538872 $0 $0
Ohio Real Estate Investors Association Incorporated 311256858 $74,582 $82,952
Ohio River Valley Chapter of the Society of Pediatric Nurses 463495127 $0 $0
Ohio River Valley Clinical Social Work Society 342039514 $4,780 $15,226
Ohio Shared Information Services Incorporated 311762094 $7,006,193 $6,445,101
Ohio Special Olympics 311135710 $329,788 $490,363
Ohio Special Olympics 311291266 $0 $0
Ohio State Medical Association Alliance 310728676 $0 $0
Ohio Valley and Southern States Laborers Employers Cooperation 721327933 $1,079,237 $2,506,735
Ohio Valley Branch of the International Dyslexia Association 311033260 $0 $0
Ohio Valley Chapter of American Theater Organ Society 316079454 $0 $0