There are 4,512 nonprofits in Phoenix, Arizona.

Name EIN Income Assets
Buddhas Light International Association-phoenix Chapter 860740311 $0 $0
Buffalo Soldiers of America Incorporated 412222050 $0 $0
Building Better Citizens 800281886 $0 $0
Building Educational Success Together 860938003 $34,036 $23,946
Building Hope Arizona Incorporated 455437404 $0 $0
Building Owners and Managers Association of Arizona Incorporated 860312533 $525,047 $95,753
Bulgarian Cultural Center Kirilandmetodiy 462255098 $0 $0
Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church St Sophia Incorporated 860973815 $0 $0
Burning Bush Ministries Incorporated 860694745 $0 $0
Burns Family Foundation 366051686 $2,469,840 $3,638,493
Bus Brown Foundation 421383328 $9,745 $39,064
Bush Telegraph Mission 352329081 $0 $0
Business and Professional Womens Club of Phoenix Incorporated 237023340 $0 $0
Business Development Institute 200539806 $24,455 $4,840
Business Education Foundation Incorporated 866089452 $0 $0
Butchmanns Incorporated 861042191 $97,683 $81,965
Butterfly-butterflies 860942828 $0 $0
Byzantine Catholic Bishop of Van 953856347 $0 $0
C Walker and Bonnie Cross Charitable Foundation 742352585 $115,824 $218,884
Cactus Cats Rescue 721616382 $0 $0
Cactus Christian Fellowship 860259810 $0 $0
Cactus Wren Pto Incorporated 900980634 $0 $0
Cactus Youth Baseball League 900617298 $0 $0
Caden Thomas Foundation 453305491 $0 $0
Caiso Welfare Benefit Plans Trust 616370626 $7,274,374 $8,461,662
Cala Alliance 272537368 $368,121 $171,983
Calm-village Buddhist Association 860907852 $0 $0
Calvary Chapel Central Phoenix 860705149 $0 $0
Calvary Chapel of South Mountain 860507602 $0 $0
Calvary Community Church-a Calvary Chapel 860455903 $0 $0
Calvary Missionary Fellowship 866030863 $0 $0
Calvery Chapel Desert Hills 860952903 $0 $0
Cambridge Arizona Insurance Company 261756912 $5,324,857 $13,093,276
Camelback Kiwanis Memorial Fund 942779011 $0 $0
Camelback Kiwanis Service Fund 942779003 $68,797 $89,011
Camp Colley Foundation 161706639 $44,917 $105,031
Camp Quest Incorporated 320365186 $0 $0
Canada-arizona Business Council 202318295 $200,500 $5,537
Canadians in Arizona Benefiting Education and Exchanges 263668438 $21,943 $28,432
Cancer Prevention and Research Fund 273294092 $5,890,264 $142,855
Cancer Response Team 300789308 $0 $0
Cancer Support Community-arizona 860897810 $1,170,836 $3,584,511
Canine Village Rescue Llc 463557403 $0 $0
Cantemus 860616654 $0 $0
Canyon Corridor Community Coalition 260504033 $0 $0
Canyon Institute 860977269 $18,388,643 $30,621,528
Canyon State Naturists Incorporated a Non- Profit Corporation 860693688 $0 $0
Capitol Mall Association Incorporated 860665071 $556,046 $152,826
Cardinal Charities Incorporated 860653587 $1,628,344 $1,299,390
Cardio Renal Society of America 860790859 $60,470 $32,752
Cardiovascular Society of Arizona 860628365 $42,084 $213,009
Career Concepts for Youth 860744103 $144,285 $15,462
Career Success Educational Development 860990455 $5,973,566 $9,528,016
Carefree Write Productions Incorporated 870718647 $66,770 $61,912
Caring for Canines 352213299 $0 $0
Caring for Humanity Incorporated 462138643 $0 $0
Caritas in Veritate 452444433 $210,994 $9,540
Carl T Hayden Medical Research Foundation 860907729 $2,431,923 $2,592,292
Carmel Prayer Tower Incorporated 311805372 $873,101 $2,159,022
Carpenters Labor and Management Cooperation Committee Incorporated 860709471 $116,793 $422,685
Carter Memorial Mission Church 581788570 $0 $0
Cartwright Education Foundation Incorporated 860759511 $0 $0
Casa Academy 461967299 $88,693 $33,208
Casa Center for Social Positive Change 860299194 $110,531 $11,441
Casa De Cristo Church and Apostolic Center 953416525 $0 $0
Casa De Espana Incorporated 860649700 $0 $0
Casa De La Cultura Colombiana 452416593 $0 $0
Casa De Oracion 860942829 $0 $0
Casa Del Padre Incorporated 261335911 $0 $0
Casa Del Pueblo Ii Incorporated 392075488 $182,524 $4,507,241
Case Management Society of America Incorporated 860829511 $111,296 $113,965
Catalyst Community Development Corporation 860974335 $181,417 $139,283
Catalyst Holding Company 860977709 $114,659 $1,321,565
Catedral De Alabanza Internacial 203557541 $0 $0
Cathedral Health Services 861023074 $584,491 $36,632
Cathedral of Praise Ministries Incorporated 721580411 $0 $0
Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch 860865747 $0 $0
Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch 942650835 $0 $0
Catholic Charities Community Services Incorporated 860223999 $27,436,777 $16,096,102
Catholic Commerce Networking Association 262621443 $0 $0
Catholic Community Foundation Diocese of Phoenix 860465177 $44,209,791 $48,416,918
Catholic Daughters of the Americas 237172346 $0 $0
Catholic Education Arizona 860937587 $15,852,763 $17,006,956
Catholic Phoenix 454441044 $0 $0
Catholic Singles Ministry 800101997 $0 $0
Causa Community Development Incorporated 742465160 $613,369 $928,458
Cavalier Rescue Foundation 452587603 $0 $0
Ccsl Incorporated 860731781 $105,386 $67,046
Cea How Primera Intergrupal Hispana De Arizona 454511401 $0 $0
Celebrate Autism Incorporated 460897449 $0 $0
Celebration Church 237093142 $0 $0
Celebration Community Church Incorporated 311382754 $0 $0
Celebrity Fight Night Foundation Incorporated 860903119 $6,220,776 $865,811
Center Dance Ensemble 742524306 $152,925 $699
Center for African American Health Arizona 263765068 $0 $0
Center for Arizona Policy Action 861002260 $0 $0
Center for Arizona Policy Incorporated 860618922 $1,920,313 $726,038
Center for Conative Research 860338604 $13,216 $58,488
Center for Human Rights Justice and Conflict Resolution 141937218 $0 $0
Center for Living Well 452801658 $0 $0
Center for Proffessional Development Incorporated 860989747 $0 $0
Center for Scientific Creation 363204436 $170,384 $191,833
Center for Teacher Success 861047814 $129,318 $103,557
Center for the Future of Arizona 820538372 $2,762,852 $2,426,302
Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society 860740804 $0 $0
Central Arizona Mountain Bike Patrol Association 271755010 $0 $0
Central Arizona Mountain Rescue Association 237067397 $52,038 $181,856
Central Arizona Museum Association 860495403 $0 $0
Central Arizona Shelter Services Incorporated 860500753 $7,681,798 $3,850,205
Central Arizona Trials Incorporated 237410032 $0 $0
Central Arizonans for a Sustainable Economy 261689914 $60,190 $238,883
Central Association of Southern Baptists 742400284 $0 $0
Central High School Musical Arts Association Incorporated 742469117 $0 $0
Central United Community Services 860755373 $526,434 $310,230
Central United Methodist Church 860111426 $0 $0
Central Village 463585129 $0 $0
Centrifugal Force Outreach Ministries Incorporated 432100525 $0 $0
Centro Cristiano Bethel Phoenix 134210061 $0 $0
Centro Cristiano De Alabanza Y Adoracion 860965246 $0 $0
Centro De Amistad Incorporado 860384752 $1,151,770 $199,109
Centro De Fraternidad Cristiano 860818963 $0 $0
Centurion Project Incorporated 203301026 $0 $0
Ceramic Tile and Stone Association of Arizona 860611320 $103,416 $213,108
Cervical Cancer Prevention and Assistance 462408926 $3,250,866 $10,655
Chabad Tuition Organization Incorporated 860949590 $271,420 $175,595
Chai Foundation for Medical Research and Life Extension 860872856 $0 $0
Chancellor Charter School at Cortez Park Pto 861045607 $0 $0
Channing Frye Foundation 208899850 $33,592 $59,470
Chaparral Lacrosse Incorporated 364656445 $54,510 $29,115
Chapel of Spiritual Harmony 860996764 $0 $0
Charity Foundation 208099462 $0 $0
Charles E Mchatton Ministries Incorporated 860525915 $0 $0
Charter 100 Arizona 463451175 $0 $0
Chavez Boxing Foundation 261151391 $0 $0
Chc Collaborative Ventures 860873658 $0 $0
Cheeers 860667217 $1,947,357 $809,761
Chemical Awareness Training Institute Incorporated 860552122 $308,080 $850,599
Chester H Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund 866055876 $0 $0
Chicanos Por La Causa Incorporated 860227210 $139,122,035 $114,498,807
Chicanos Por La Causa Tucsonfoundation 203992584 $6,127 $183,229
Child and Adult Community Resources Incorporated 860763859 $997,682 $12,009
Child Improvement Through Therapy Incorporated 860404800 $4,713 $10,726
Childhelp Incorporated 952884608 $35,728,397 $13,897,139
Childhelp Lifeline Empowerment Trust 860782825 $45,711 $846,943
Childhood Diabetes Research Institute 860963786 $1,231,808 $115,026
Children in Need Foundation 860600925 $314,701 $435,839
Children of the Hour Incorporated 470885526 $105,275 $32,112
Children of the Rosary Incorporated 860693835 $0 $0
Childrens Action Alliance Incorporated 860594785 $2,935,641 $2,846,603
Childrens Advocacy Center Incorporated 860731168 $0 $0
Childrens Angel Foundation Incorporated 860751640 $17,709 $138,374
Childrens Cancer Aid and Research Institute 860932492 $1,392,859 $196,965
Childrens Emergency Medical Fund 861004356 $1,873,670 $79,434
Childrens Healthcare of Arizona 451474342 $0 $1
Childrens Heart Project 860691998 $0 $0
Childrens Heritage Foundation 300352399 $752,388 $111,722
Childrens Home Project 461065421 $0 $0
Childrens Hospital Association Trust 7066-1120114400 846016038 $2,628,708 $29,699,426
Childrens Ministries Foundation Incorporated 860328863 $0 $0
Childrens Museum of Phoenix 860934323 $3,994,098 $5,630,209
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Arizona Incorporated 866052827 $0 $0
Chinese Restaurant Association of Arizona 860629604 $51,734 $986,184
Chinese-american Professionals Association of Arizona 860452702 $0 $0
Chip in to Cure Corp 270695149 $0 $0
Choice Academy Incorporated 208809933 $4,776,746 $16,979,149
Choices Network of Arizona 208609578 $38,616,147 $7,445,533
Cholla Academy 942878261 $1,754,111 $1,611,839
Cholla Pto 860717966 $41,256 $8,146
Christ Cares Clinic 272781890 $0 $0
Christ Cares for You Ministries Incorporated 352275060 $0 $0
Christ Child Society of Phoenix 860725374 $109,222 $168,049
Christ Church Anglican 331179703 $0 $0
Christ Church Lutheran 860134466 $0 $0
Christ Healing Inspiration Mission Ministry Incorporated 550858763 $0 $0
Christ Lutheran School Tuition Organization 861009687 $237,262 $414,646
Christ the King Ev Lutheran Church 860182274 $0 $0
Christ the King Liturgical- Charismatic Church Incorporated 860423315 $0 $0
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church 860321274 $0 $0
Christadelphian Ecclesia of Phoenix 860384647 $0 $0
Christchurch 860640232 $0 $0
Christian Business Womens Association 860696322 $0 $0
Christian Care Assisted Living Phoenix Incorporated 860828877 $2,401,361 $2,751,422
Christian Care Cottonwood Iii Incorporated 860852384 $67,498 $433,997
Christian Care Cottonwood Incorporated 860809772 $63,123 $394,612
Christian Care Cottonwood Iv Incorporated 860898511 $66,251 $525,627
Christian Care Cottonwood V Incorporated 860943071 $64,779 $606,642
Christian Care Cottonwood Vi Incorporated 861002178 $64,930 $691,354
Christian Care Cottonwood Vii Incorporated 861020888 $72,601 $654,327
Christian Care Cottonwood Viii Incorporated 861045413 $59,643 $884,616
Christian Care Foundation 201239464 $331,438 $546,515
Christian Care Holding Company Incorporated 860892946 $17,811 $7,332,071
Christian Care Management Ii Incorporated 264242355 $0 $0
Christian Care Management Iii Incorporated 270919033 $0 $0
Christian Care Management Incorporated 942756711 $1,730,303 $6,056,232
Christian Care Manor I Incorporated 860381939 $965,094 $2,208,536
Christian Care Manor Ii Incorporated 860433280 $475,001 $4,085,999
Christian Care Manor Iii Incorporated 742437015 $274,886 $1,256,087
Christian Care Mesa Ii Incorporated Fellowship Square Brown and Center 900067112 $6,374,658 $15,613,430
Christian Care Mesa Incorporated 860828879 $7,319,248 $14,762,139
Christian Care Nursing Center Ii Incorporated 203253081 $2,043,197 $7,785,565
Christian Care Nursing Center Incorporated 860318085 $5,516,631 $2,514,849
Christian Care Retirement Apartments Incorporated 742455683 $6,542,776 $14,401,756
Christian Care Tucson Incorporated 860962052 $10,544,633 $23,812,418
Christian Chain Llc 455320220 $0 $0
Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Arizona 860177681 $0 $0
Christian Education Legacy Fund 861009951 $550,998 $1,297,489
Christian Family Care Agency Incorporated 860430037 $5,570,707 $2,138,562
Christian Fellowship Church of Phoenix 860626729 $0 $0
Christian Helplines Incorporated 861008711 $0 $0
Christian Hope Indian Eskimo Fellowship 510168112 $735,477 $567,828
Christian Hope Ministries International Church 020768383 $104,220 $241,623
Christian Housing Mesa Incorporated 953471692 $431,703 $5,993,841
Christian Housing-cottonwood Incorporated 860775063 $146,440 $748,276
Christian Institutional Ministries Incorporated 860735297 $0 $0
Christian Legal Society 860713694 $0 $0
Christian Life Community of the Assemblies of God 260079049 $0 $0
Christian Life Fellowship Church of God 860893900 $0 $0
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 860746102 $0 $0
Christian Outreach Center Incorporated 800031888 $0 $0
Christian Relief Services Charties Incorporated 542041806 $0 $0
Christian Research Incorporated 237097727 $0 $0
Christian Retirement Living 330264173 $0 $0
Christian Social Services Az Incorporated 453604521 $0 $0
Christian Way International 860976561 $0 $0
Christians Gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ at 860620665 $0 $0
Chrysalis Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence Incorporated 860447620 $2,476,166 $5,880,420
Church at South Mountain 860772734 $0 $0
Church for the Nations 753114849 $0 $0
Church of All Nations 237250777 $0 $0
Church of Alwun Brotherhood 237204801 $0 $0
Church of Christ Elim 860816133 $0 $0
Church of Christ Incorporated 942555678 $0 $0
Church of Emmanuel USA Incorporated 462392463 $0 $0
Church of God 260100471 $0 $0
Church of God of Prophecy 860757789 $0 $0
Church of God of Prophecy 860808788 $0 $0
Church of God of Prophecy 860808792 $0 $0
Church of God of Prophecy Bible Place 860808795 $0 $0
Church of God of Prophecy Spanish 860808790 $0 $0
Church of God of the Good Samaritan 860963661 $52,572 $146,260
Church of Holiness in God Incorporated 860374672 $0 $0
Church of New Covenant 860572703 $0 $0
Church of Saint Michael and All Angels 271326987 $0 $0
Church of Scientology of Arizona 860336186 $0 $0
Church of Spirit Awareness 860363042 $0 $0
Church of Spiritual Unity 860933307 $0 $0
Church of the Valley 860478103 $0 $0
Church of Universal Presence 860308389 $0 $0
Church on the Street Incorporated 942954528 $0 $0
Ci Incorporated 860858108 $425,466 $615,991
Circle of Helping Hands 043821284 $0 $0
Circle of Power Ministries 861040251 $0 $0
Circle the City 262420730 $2,041,494 $2,373,218
Circuit 9 Conference Incorporated 860765677 $0 $0
Cisco Fc 461348460 $0 $0
Citizens for a Better Arizona 383849859 $801,868 $165,491
Citizens for North Phoenix Strays 860746526 $0 $0
Citizens Protecting Taxpayers 453267877 $0 $0
Citizenship Counts 263224709 $468,068 $268,842
City Harvest Intl Glad Tidings Ag 860500309 $0 $0
City Help Incorporated of Phoenix 861001113 $1,504,726 $507,016
City of Coon Rapids Health Reimbursement Arrangement Trust 656469654 $151,953 $325,569
City of Hope 943183151 $0 $0
City of Hope 953773467 $0 $0
City of Hope 260105026 $0 $0
City of Phoenix Municipal Employees Association 860208801 $65,658 $1,055,350
City of Raleigh North Carolina Medical Benefits Trust 581515861 $63,555,230 $28,319,844
City of Refuge Church 861041380 $0 $0
City on the Hill Ministries Incorporated 860510750 $0 $0
City Sass N Country Class Melodies 263466847 $0 $0
Cityserve Arizona 451260901 $206,440 $29,480
Civitan Foudation Incorporated 237036797 $2,992,147 $2,192,103
Civitan International 260093647 $0 $0
Civitan International 860621006 $0 $0
Clairmont L and Evelyn S Egtvedt Charitable Trust 916062228 $11,298,914 $53,516,383
Class 6 Theatre 270185827 $16,075 $473
Claude R Sutherland Memorial Charitable Trust 860380136 $98 $29,622
Clean Power Arizona 463870356 $0 $0
Clear Creek Pines Unit Two Water Well Users Association Incorporated 942941025 $0 $0
Clear Light Buddhist Center 432014728 $0 $0
Clelland Family Foundation 263910224 $136,402 $968,725
Cliff Garrett Memorial Rodeo Association 860548727 $30,474 $0
Clinical Laboratory Management Association 860511897 $0 $0
Club Futbolito Soccer Club 452920339 $100,207 $33,560
Co Dependents Anonymous Incorporated 860572523 $166,926 $419,231
Coalition for a Connected West Incorporated 260892802 $105,750 $68,438
Coalition for Smoke Free Air 742379990 $0 $0
Coalition of All Breed Rescue of Arizona Cabra 860685323 $61,157 $31,485
Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists 860735762 $0 $0
Coalition of D P S Retirees 860791125 $0 $0
Cole Solutions Incorporated 030557492 $0 $0
Collaboration for a New Century Incorporated 860876246 $69,180 $7,817
Colleens Dream Foundation 455323829 $0 $0
Color Their World 461355339 $0 $0
Colorado River Energy Distributors Association Incorporated 942575238 $566,438 $146,684
Columbine Garden Club 113840889 $0 $0
Communication Workers of America 866056718 $29,917 $375,169
Communication Workers of America 900013401 $0 $0
Communication Workers of America 860103192 $866,796 $808,228
Communion of Hearts International Ministries Incorporated 202138677 $0 $0
Communities Caring for Families Incorporated 202491705 $0 $0
Community Advancement Initiatives 203194793 $0 $0
Community Alliance for Special People Incorporated 860610666 $0 $0
Community Association Institute 860386343 $433,359 $307,582
Community Care Prevention and Revitalization Corp 010921375 $0 $0
Community Dental Foundation Incorporated 331170437 $269,980 $30,175
Community Excellence Project Incorporated 860661061 $0 $0
Community Fellowship Church 861015255 $0 $0
Community Food Connections Incorporated 260039028 $874,832 $246,294
Community Health and Wellness 451478816 $0 $0
Community Health Outreach Incorporated 262953652 $10,078 $9,949
Community Housing Partnership Incorporated 942938745 $421,885 $2,120,771
Community Housing Resources of Arizona 860627789 $412,076 $391,564
Community Information and Referral Services 860374813 $1,394,311 $239,691
Community Learning Center Success Achievement Programs Incorporated 942924641 $0 $0
Community Legal Services 860166615 $5,554,926 $1,433,457
Community Network and Fellowship 204766347 $0 $0
Community of Hope a Congregation of Grace Communion International 861024283 $0 $0
Community Radio Assistance Organization Incorporated 953314300 $300 $41
Community Services Posse 860828504 $5,768 $48,538
Community Table 454958735 $0 $0
Community Television Educators Incorporated 820587815 $0 $0
Compassionate Counselors Incorporated 364545237 $106,858 $19,858
Compelling Communication Incorporated 870706209 $60,780 $36,611
Complete Development and Family Services Incorporated 860916667 $0 $0
Comunidad Cristiana Vida 208505939 $0 $0
Concern Incorporated 860433150 $1,045,685 $1,049,001
Concerns of Police Survivors 860903179 $179,205 $157,912
Concilio Latino De Salud Incorporated 860643447 $187,539 $34,765
Congenital Heart Foundation 263342554 $412,624 $2,702,186
Congolese Catholic Community of America 542104638 $0 $0
Congregation Eitz Chaim of Ahwatukee 205466592 $0 $0
Congregation of Vietnamese Buddhist in Arizona 860416208 $62,854 $123,418
Connecting Generations Incorporated 860841114 $73,431 $39,985
Connecting to Serve Incorporated 208991441 $0 $0
Conquistador Equine Rescue Andadvocacy Program 208776240 $0 $0
Consortium of Black Organizations for the Arts Incorporated 860523241 $2,130 $2,117
Construction Financial Management Association 860556988 $163,009 $107,384
Construction Management Association of America 731658572 $0 $0
Convention Planners Incorporated 861007577 $0 $0
Cooper-hansen Foundation 870652139 $1,915,774 $14,955,234
Copmea Services Trust 510181175 $207,912 $415,738
Copperstate Fly-in 860626856 $83,377 $271,126
Copperstate Mustang Club 860740924 $6,200 $2,200
Cornerstone Always Abounding Ministries 860830255 $0 $0
Cornerstone Church of Arizona 460476821 $0 $0
Coronado Neighborhood Association Incorporated 860771858 $0 $0
Corporate Tax Foundation 274544039 $1,030,011 $1,385,622
Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix 364644288 $0 $0
Cortez Instrumental Association Cortez High School 942464021 $0 $0
Cortez Park Charter Middle School Incorporated 300047634 $1,757,775 $525,759
Counselors of Real Estate 453605939 $0 $1
Covenant Child Care Center 010752542 $0 $0
Covenant Christian School Incorporated 952733048 $0 $0
Covenant Christian School Incorporated 860367016 $103,565 $63,563
Covenant Health Network 364133330 $2,231,936 $2,608,948
Covenant of Grace Ministries Incorporated 860602290 $0 $0
Covenant Presbyterian Church of Phoenix 860119991 $0 $0
Covenant Renewal Ministries Incorporated 860791423 $78,884 $23,728
Cowboy Therapyinc 870700768 $0 $0
Cox Meadows Neighborhood Block Watch 841616655 $0 $0
Cplc Community Schools 860842209 $2,326,755 $436,743
Cplc Southwest Incorporated 860324590 $273,329 $862,181
Craniofacial Foundation of Arizona 860649623 $76,404 $23,598
Creative Guidelines Church 237172051 $0 $0
Creative Living Fellowship of Phoenix Incorporated 860871033 $0 $0
Creciendo Unidos Growing Together 860943924 $491,367 $237,811
Credit Unions in the State of Arizona 866043135 $2,383,890,220 $4,968,318,792
Credit Unions in the State of Arizona 860182659 $1,622,450 $19,614,250
Credit Unions in the State of Arizonia 866050693 $7,581,286 $131,434,370
Creekside Outreach Incorporated 260186459 $0 $0
Creighton Christian Church 860177658 $0 $0
Creighton Education Association 742452988 $0 $0
Creighton United Methodist Church 866002835 $0 $0
Crime Lab Charities 800665276 $0 $0
Crisis Nursery Foundation 860743847 $704,599 $6,704,064
Crisis Nursery Incorporated 860324144 $6,187,565 $4,211,592
Crisman Foundation 300635634 $0 $0
Cristo Es La Verdad 860763118 $0 $0
Croatian Fraternal Union of Ameica 237504836 $0 $0
Crops of Luv 264670380 $20,625 $4,752
Cross Raods Full Gospel Churches 860595555 $0 $0
Cross Roads Pre-school Ltd 860320103 $315,837 $118,531
Cross Roads United Methodist Church 860143295 $0 $0
Crossings Hospice Foundation Incorporated 202349645 $0 $0
Crossroads Christian Fellowship 860939934 $0 $0
Crossroads Incorporated 860182987 $3,381,809 $4,726,533
Crown of Hope International Church and Ministries Incorporated 352079378 $0 $0
Cryingout Ministries 264068638 $0 $0
Cultivate Church 452745534 $0 $0
Cultural Arts Coalition Celebrating Global Connections 262336581 $0 $0
Cunningham Family Foundation 203980724 $25 $1,091
Cupcake Realty Company a Non-profit Organization 455137136 $0 $0
Cursillo Movement of Phoenix Incorporated 274831701 $135,398 $145,310
Cursillo Movement-diocese of Phoenix 860849341 $0 $0
Curtsinger Reinsurance Company Ltd Incorporated 980355879 $125,842 $612,583
Cv Brown Evangelistic Association Incorporated 866053123 $0 $0
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 860185398 $0 $0
D2l Revolution Incorporated 264324683 $139,581 $62,600
Dads 4 Special Kids 261680108 $0 $0
Dairy Springs Water Association 860135390 $0 $0
Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association 270738556 $0 $0
Dalmatian Club of Greater Phoenix Incorporated 860337281 $0 $0
Damion Gosa Memorial Foundation Incorporated 455441868 $0 $0
Dan Rogers Ministries 272585527 $122,059 $30,612
Dana Cheryl Beitscher Charitable Foundation 860838920 $38,367 $359,413
Dance Motion Performing Company Incorporated 860785769 $264,797 $37,262
Dancers and Health Together Incorporated 271640171 $0 $0
Daniel 11 32 Incorporated 043808825 $50,776 $2,452
Daniel Alliance the Brotherhood of Love 860412023 $0 $0
Daniel L Withers Charitablefoundation 207446889 $471,076 $881,139
Darfur and Beyond 800383384 $0 $0
Dave and Laura Cheatham Family Foundation 611497589 $-21,728 $637
David and Ruth Coleman Charitable Foundation Incorporated 391772862 $4,101,031 $5,835,541
David H Liu Foundation 860780229 $39,812 $1,404,737
David S Vandenburgh Familyfoundation 208073833 $1,088,963 $2,582,598
David Turner Intl Ministries Incorporated 205016977 $600,407 $115,582
Davids Hope 943478245 $0 $0
Davidson Family Foundation 201999768 $154,089 $2,389,478
Davignon Charitable Fund 300205781 $28,936 $325,161
Day 12 Church 271355530 $0 $0
Daystar Christian Fellowship Incorporated 860417302 $0 $0
Dayton and Shelly Adams Foundation 456946351 $0 $0
Ddd Reinsurance Company Ltd 522275715 $0 $0
Deaf Alive Christian Center 860985237 $0 $0
Debre Metemaqe Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Incorporated 861012459 $0 $0
Debre Mewi Saint Estiphanos Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church 261574624 $0 $0
Deer Valley Charter Schools Incorporated 861014554 $657,426 $1,082,328
Deer Valley Credit Union 237124924 $7,450,283 $204,213,789
Deer Valley Education Foundation 742472475 $166,500 $419,888
Deer Valley Lutheran Church 860436315 $0 $0
Deer Valley Pilots Association 860657041 $0 $0
Deer Valley Senidor Programs Incorporated 860943821 $131,730 $110,623
Deer Valley Worship Center 261977660 $0 $0
Defenders of Children 412259676 $132,487 $44,121
Delta Gamma Fraternity 866056605 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 866056514 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 237039928 $0 $0
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 866056377 $58,979 $160,030
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 866057335 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity 866031146 $0 $0
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated 866053049 $0 $0
Delta Zeta Sorority 866053250 $0 $0
Demolay International 237587183 $0 $0
Dempsey Burdick Memorial Foundation 300247936 $0 $0
Denise P Pearson Scholarship Fund 6804-000632 Fbo Chino 866300291 $88,399 $342,689
Dennys Franchisee Association 860894161 $1,513,252 $1,312,351
Derrick Hall Pro-state Foundation 461149656 $0 $0
Desert Adventures Incorporated 742603391 $18,915 $6,149
Desert Bells International 860715679 $0 $0
Desert Botanical Garden 860136925 $13,459,008 $21,028,917
Desert Botanical Garden Foundation 263305761 $2,241,412 $9,903,291
Desert Breeze Community Church 860696719 $0 $0
Desert Bridge 900941461 $0 $0
Desert Christian Fellowship 860731548 $0 $0
Desert Cove Parent Teacher Group 237447638 $85,127 $46,463
Desert Cross Community Church 261615202 $0 $0
Desert Edge Mentoring Services 870784550 $517,854 $90,099
Desert Esperanza Incorporated 202959364 $78,084 $1,179,802
Desert Family Fellowship 860403210 $0 $0
Desert Foothills Parent Teachers Organization Incorporated 860266864 $12,525 $9,564
Desert Foothills Ymca and Community Center 841688380 $15,000 $8,087,401
Desert Garden Montessori School Incorporated 830345361 $2,354,219 $198,388
Desert Harbor Doberman Rescue of Az 271352468 $0 $0
Desert Hills Bible Church 454760186 $0 $0
Desert Hills Evangelical Free Church 860385202 $0 $0
Desert Jade Womans Club 953389296 $0 $0
Desert Mission Anglican Church Incorporated 510546916 $0 $0
Desert Mission Incorporated 860096941 $8,703,253 $12,873,902
Desert Mission Neighborhood Renewal 860746598 $1,458,555 $1,770,296
Desert Mountain School Pto 201433378 $94,169 $7,913
Desert Overture Live Cultural Entertainment 272639791 $0 $0
Desert Ridge Community Association 860766915 $2,353,091 $4,536,307
Desert Rock Community Church 860610670 $0 $0
Desert Shadows Neighborhood Church 300537396 $0 $0
Desert Sol Incorporated 208433021 $91,126 $1,339,058
Desert Springs Bible Church 860337007 $0 $0
Desert Trails Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization 202760836 $0 $0
Desert View Bible Church 300134176 $0 $0
Desert View Parent Teacher Organization 860712178 $5,733 $5,256
Desert Vista High School Thunder Board Association 200685773 $891,335 $262,619
Desert Vista Lacrosse Incorporated 861005637 $51,386 $16,159
Desert Youth Ballet Foundation Incorporated 264833197 $31,589 $378
Detour Company Theater Incorporated 010622545 $119,633 $72,535
Development Foundation International 262914046 $971 $10,375
Devry Phoenix Student Activities 860285677 $0 $0
Diabetes Aid and Research Fund 860920000 $2,352,141 $169,860
Diana Gregory Outreach Services 271030793 $0 $0
Dietary Managers Association 860952112 $0 $0
Digital Farm Collective 462967501 $0 $0
Diocesan Council for the Society of St Vincent De Paul Diocese Phoenix 860096789 $36,027,153 $33,290,372
Dirigo Reinsurance Company Ltd 980354918 $0 $0
Disabled American Veterans 860191627 $371,839 $2,114,360
Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Incorporated 237330934 $0 $0
Disciple Nations Alliance Incorporated 260833212 $842,390 $459,483
Discover 731637079 $0 $0
Discovery Triangle Development Corporation 272255896 $292,110 $18,649
Distributive Education Clubs of America 866052333 $0 $0
District Medical Group Incorporated 208106540 $125,158,489 $28,110,387
Diversity Leadership Alliance 202260284 $196,994 $598,126
Divine Orchards 464875381 $0 $0
Djs Unique Sound Charities 453301272 $0 $0
Do Right Educational-sports Program 860971319 $0 $0
Dominion Harvest Christian Church 300548896 $0 $0
Donald E Anders Foundation 680473221 $1,037 $10,213
Donnell B and Elizabeth D S Stewart Foundation 876160658 $218,612 $1,304,890
Donnell B and Elizabeth D Stewart Education Foundation 876179880 $2,881,446 $40,607,184
Donor Network of Arizona 860707697 $35,740,544 $28,073,487
Dont Waste Arizona Incorporated 860717487 $0 $0
Doris and Martin Hoffman Family Foundation Incorporated 112661747 $24,362 $206,934
Dorothy Foundation 800847418 $0 $0
Dougherty Foundation Incorporated 866051637 $363,799 $5,734,101
Doves Incorporated 820586529 $226,466 $1,486,286
Downtown Phoenix Incorporated 462139928 $0 $0
Downtown Phoenix Partnership Incorporated 860673650 $3,101,363 $582,227
Downtown Urban Community Kids 860827332 $121,697 $57,946
Dream Castle Childrens Foundation 452700455 $0 $0
Dream Program Association 272581012 $0 $0
Dreamcatcher Foundation 462509140 $0 $0
Dress for Success Phoenix 263610807 $0 $0
Drivetime Foundation Incorporated 201497979 $0 $0
Drowning Prevention Coalition of Central Arizona 860780594 $0 $0
Dset Laboratories Incorporated Black Canyon Stage I 860414864 $0 $0
Duet Partners in Health and Aging Incorporated 742370522 $1,187,540 $1,090,795
Dumas Association 462481330 $0 $0
Dusty Boots Riding Therapy Incorporated 263471185 $0 $0
Dwain and Beva Hoover Charitable Trust Ii 866245051 $0 $0
Dye Family Foundation 273328053 $100,023 $316,639
Dynamic Mini Collective 201433813 $0 $0
Dynamite Youth Baseball Incorporated 861017086 $81,590 $3,254
Dyno Nobel Incorporated and Distributors Veba 2 876215788 $27,277,712 $2,927,232
E D Green Charitable Trust a 876121930 $41,476 $83,412
E P a Z 860562710 $49,735 $35,111
E-list Dog Rescue 460970475 $0 $0
E-zion Incorporated 463017558 $0 $0
Eagle Eyes Ministries Incorporated 271375718 $6,525 $315
Eagles Nest Christian Fellowship 860563181 $0 $0
Ear Foundation of Arizona 860822784 $1,111,964 $536,934
Early Childhood Music Association 273686713 $0 $0
Earth Friends Wildlife Foundation 205387068 $2,815 $3,081
Earth Science Museum 452661343 $25,295 $51,239
East Valley Association of the Deaf 261469611 $0 $0
East Valley Juniors Volleyball Club Incorporated 861007336 $586,104 $44,150
Eastlake Park-special Neighborhood Association 860772472 $10 $842
Eastside Assembly of God of Phoenix 860981099 $0 $0
Eaton Family Foundation 860917731 $2,189 $474,660
Ebb Foundation 454430842 $0 $0
Ebdvss Incorporated 273382865 $0 $0
Ebony House Incorporated 860287878 $3,358,511 $4,107,276
Echo a Servants Heart 260005594 $0 $0
Echo Mountain Baptist Church 860498518 $0 $0
Eco-logic 860953989 $0 $1,894
Ecogalapagos Foundation 453609780 $0 $0
Ecolab Incorporated Combines 715-229 411363586 $1,425,321 $16,432
Ecumenical Chaplaincy for the Homeless 860664652 $137,974 $74,410
Ecumenical Order of Charity 860987782 $0 $0
Edith Dee Green Charitable Trust B 876121931 $54,713 $105,022
Edith Dee Green Charitable Trust C 876121932 $55,798 $107,349
Edith Green Foundation 876149837 $1,175,166 $2,285,270
Educare Arizona 261778287 $333,818 $9,614,621
Educare Arizona Qalicb 452746678 $296,197 $11,252,401
Educare Scholarship Fund Incorporated 860967764 $0 $0
Education Outside the Box Incorporated 261731082 $0 $0
Edupreneurship Incorporated 860788767 $714,553 $124,087
Edward Carpenter Irrevocable Trust 106490 876227532 $445,824 $394,772
Edward J Robson Family Foundation 861012657 $265,544 $5,621,356
Edward Low Memorial Trust 826062075 $250,595 $685,119
Edythe Fairbanks Whiteman Family Foundation 860656946 $4,356 $152,998
El Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church 900422834 $0 $0
El Companerismo De Vida Cristiana 860696204 $0 $0
El Nathan Ministries Incorporated 270688830 $111,673 $60,425
Elderfriends a Foundation for Older Adults 861028945 $186,987 $1,503,553
Elearning System for Arizona Teachers and Students Esats Incorporated 382910874 $0 $0
Electric League of Arizona 860171663 $1,324,777 $1,375,349
Elevate International 562590801 $518,800 $303,155
Elevate Phoenix 900451740 $704,324 $343,773
Eliyah 860896290 $0 $0
Ellas Tea Party 263825099 $0 $0
Ellie and Les Hayt Family Foundation 020760235 $597,911 $1,208,143
Ellis Center for Educational Excellence 202822602 $4,310,480 $36,473,365
Ellman Foundation 200896058 $80,101 $5,815
Embracing Humanity 943448609 $0 $0
Emerald Foundation 203820912 $78,791 $2,428,875
Emma Eccles Jones Foundation 876155073 $10,150,378 $72,025,153
Emmanuel P H Church 581788584 $0 $0
Emmanuel Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith 311579094 $0 $0
Emmaus Lutheran Church 860326687 $0 $0
Employee Assistance Fund of Ebco Incorporated 452757113 $11,351 $18,653
Employee Assistance Professionals Association Incorporated 521476701 $0 $0
Employees Helping Employees Incorporated 860649662 $48,255 $9,076
Empower College Prep 900717690 $950,899 $217,203
Empresa Evangelica Centro De Adoracion Profunda Incorporated 860635194 $0 $0
Empty Bowl Pet Food Pantry Incorporated 010975325 $357,730 $203,006
Empty Bowls Incorporated 900890882 $2,798 $513
Encounter Church Incorporated 593806886 $0 $0
Engebretson Family Charitable Trust 416445383 $320,701 $920,809
Enirehtak Reinsurance Company Ltd 980388519 $0 $0
Enlisted Association National Guard of Arizona 866088126 $0 $0
Entrepreneurial Cpa Network 860906791 $0 $0
Environment Arizona Incorporated 208056634 $318,980 $219,299
Environment Arizona Research Andpolicy Center Incorporated 208056983 $0 $0
Environmental Fund for Arizona Incorporated 860731684 $161,760 $63,328
Environmental Information Association-arizona Chapter Incorporated 860948729 $0 $0
Envision Therapeutic Horsemanship 462852508 $40,242 $36,801
Epi-hab Phoenix Incorporated 860140031 $1,214,207 $1,724,653
Epik Dance Company 261670759 $81,456 $11,659
Epilepsy Foundation Arizona 866080639 $114,291 $280,706
Episcopal Church of Mind 860349033 $0 $0
Episcopal Church of the Nativity 455599218 $0 $0
Episcopal Community Services in Arizona 860288069 $62,758 $349,862
Equality Community Housing Corporation 300108124 $10,631,317 $45,526,389
Equator Faith Mission Church 860481473 $0 $0
Equine Cushings and Insulin Resistance Group 453859561 $35,141 $16,882
Esperanca Incorporated 237087997 $4,081,475 $3,530,805
Esperanza Community Collegial Academy 020704253 $427,510 $79,379
Esperanza Lutheran Church 860678033 $0 $0
Espiritu Community Development Corporation 860778361 $5,688,961 $9,890,480
Eternal Valor Foundation 262610817 $0 $0
Eternal Word of Life 860864831 $0 $0
Etta S Mcdonald Charitable Trust 876154687 $6,972 $105,604
Eugene W Kemberling Foundation 371458317 $39,760 $28,693
Evan Halford Memorial Fund Incorporated 260585530 $0 $0
Evangelical Christian Publishers Association 952970829 $782,436 $197,061
Evangelical Church Fundamentalbaptist Independent Incorporated 260902709 $0 $0
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 860667063 $0 $0
Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary Incorporated 866057707 $0 $0
Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding Incorporated 364091137 $35,047 $6,977
Evangelism Crusades Incorporated 866052395 $0 $0
Evans Charitable Foundation 860914248 $93,637 $1,048,225
Evans Churchill Community Association 272418729 $0 $0
Evening Light Fellowship 742547574 $0 $0
Evening Light Ministries Incorporated 263949722 $0 $0
Everhard Ethel-jean Fair 396136765 $0 $0
Every Child Can Learn 271369167 $70,500 $727
Evolution Foundation 273414633 $0 $0
Evolutionary Leval Above Human Foundation 860893308 $0 $10
Ewing Employee Assistance Foundation 753226421 $0 $52,430
Ewing York Foundation 753226420 $100,000 $301,181
Exaltation of the Holy Cross 261140636 $0 $0
Executive Council Charities 273923417 $1,366,541 $608,312
Exito Incorporated 562514122 $342,650 $7,517,849
Expect More Arizona an Arizona Nonprofit Corporation 453681012 $2,222,544 $3,172,457
Experience Matters Consortium Incorporated 453788542 $1,841,790 $1,968,178
Explorer Middle School Parent Teacher Organization 860896964 $51,233 $20,903
Extended Hand Outreach Incorporated 830456923 $0 $0
Extended Hands Food Bank 200873646 $191,788 $354
Extreme Change 870790653 $0 $0
Extreme Missions International Incorporated 562346048 $41,955 $8,299
Faccs-friends of Animal Care and Control 861008549 $1,444,035 $991,471
Faith Builders International Ministries 710897160 $0 $0
Faith Cathedral 860419344 $0 $0
Faith Community Church 510205837 $0 $0
Faith Community Church 860292816 $0 $0
Faith Community Church Phoenix Incorporated 860782103 $0 $0
Faith Hope and Love Ministries 300456360 $0 $0
Faith Missionary Association 466017772 $0 $0
Faith Missionary Association Gospel Center Church 237527756 $0 $0
Faith Missionary Baptist Church 860622775 $0 $0
Faith Temple 860515201 $0 $0
Faithfunder Incorporated 861015261 $1 $1
Falcon Field Area Alliance 200553898 $10,100 $1
Families Giving Back 462432216 $0 $0
Families in Crisis Incorporated 364315583 $0 $0
Families with Children from China 860903004 $0 $0
Family and Marriage Education 463432379 $0 $0
Family Arts Needlework Shop Incorporated 860222527 $418,649 $190,631
Family Career and Community Leaders of America Incorporated 860743486 $375,223 $52,613
Family Church of Paradise Valley Sbc Incorporated 860487036 $0 $0
Family Harvest Worship Center Incorporated 860639692 $0 $0
Family Involvement Center 710890534 $1,984,463 $467,703
Family of Christ Lutheran Church 860598676 $0 $0
Family School 860707984 $570,115 $775,341
Family Service Agency 860096792 $4,504,689 $2,719,698
Family to Family Foundation 273563746 $0 $0
Family to Family Romanian Outreach Incorporated 860762666 $321,148 $6,004
Fanz Foundation 261286823 $4,883,396 $4,849,995
Fast Glass Corvette Club 270209442 $0 $0
Fathers Fellowship 461480828 $0 $0
Fathers Friends 272574339 $0 $0
Faure Foundation 860721855 $117,048 $979,984
FBI National Academy Associates Incorporated 860676008 $57,489 $86,947
FBI Phoenix Citizens Academy Alumni Association 860778246 $91,449 $71,174
Fci Phoenix Employees Club 860848715 $0 $0
Federal Bar Association Phoenix Chapter 861030375 $29,335 $19,100
Federal Bureau of Investigation Recreation Association-phoenix Div 860734795 $86,724 $23,358
Federally Employed Women Incorporated 320122455 $0 $0
Federation of Korean Drycleaners Association 263027909 $110,170 $47,985
Feed My Hungry Children Incorporated 810455105 $5,698,807 $290,092
Feed My Sheep Ministries 860906756 $0 $0
Feed Our Babies USA 461508490 $0 $0
Feeding Americas Children Incorporated 860986348 $2,002,449 $159,220
Feeding Americas Hungry Children 412061798 $3,690,929 $181,429
Feeding Hungry Children Incorporated 861004355 $1,733,134 $87,586
Feldman Family Foundation 860420541 $393,271 $705,071
Fellowship Ministries 411358679 $73,295 $13,832
Fencing for All Foundation 273385726 $0 $0
Fennemore Craig Foundation 860980784 $0 $0
Festival of Lights Association 860823085 $198,219 $127,102
Fh Association 208424918 $110,756,193 $9,631,009
Fibco Family Services Incorporated 860434933 $1,469,127 $3,613,037
Fiesta Friends Incorporated 453554903 $0 $0
Filipino Club of Arizona Incorporated 953244057 $0 $0
Filipino Family Christian Fellowship 861042581 $82,402 $2,502
Fillmore Community Development Association 860863957 $0 $0
Fillmore Housing Corporation 860813122 $133,143 $863,377
Financial Assistance for Independent Schools 860985485 $687,896 $538,220
Fire and Life Safety Public Awareness League 860523777 $0 $0
Fire and Water Ministries 860928650 $0 $0
Fireside Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization Incorporated 454562435 $105,789 $47,659
First Amendment Coalition of Arizona Incorporated 860431126 $24,546 $17,357
First Baptist Church 860098910 $0 $0
First Baptist Church of Glendale 860135782 $0 $0
First Christian Church of Phoenix Arizona 860135566 $0 $0
First Christian Fellowship Church 204847826 $0 $0
First Institutional Baptist Church 237260292 $0 $0
First Mennonite Church of Phoenix 866037143 $0 $0
First New Life House Incorporated 300435205 $0 $0
First New Life Missionary Baptist Church 861023896 $0 $0
First Pentecostal Church of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the Worl 237013859 $0 $0
First Southern Baptist Church 860137800 $0 $0
First United Methodist Church Trust 14762000 906061253 $44,311 $100,799
Firstborn Ministry 800694500 $0 $0
Fit Kids Incorporated 260536071 $3,660,429 $663,410
Fleet Reserve Association 866054187 $0 $0
Flights for Life Incorporated 742453899 $0 $0
Flinn Foundation 860421476 $25,110,708 $194,755,468
Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona Incorporated 860103282 $8,891,549 $12,456,073
Florence Engelhardt Scholarship Foundation Incorporated 860942258 $0 $0
Florida Chapter of the Alliance of Divine Love Incorporated 383723701 $0 $0
Fnm Girl Scout Troop 477 464741277 $0 $0
Food Box Project 270870814 $0 $0
Food for the Hungry Foundation Incorporated 680586571 $54,928 $392,440
Food for the Hungry Incorporated 952680390 $82,252,625 $9,165,311
Foothills Baptist Church 860573215 $0 $0
Foothills Educational Foundation 861012694 $4,335,349 $5,534,150
Forrest C Longwell Post 123 Seligman Arizona 860347032 $560,660 $327,856
Fort Morgan Community Hospital Foundation Incorporated 840776105 $993,908 $6,145,717
Fort Tuthill Military Museum Incorporated 860965588 $0 $0
Forward in Faith Ministries 460489718 $0 $0
Foss Foundation 916075762 $173,786 $441,238
Foundation Asset Management Incorporated 860533637 $0 $0
Foundation for a Healthy Mouth -healthy Child 260573688 $0 $712
Foundation for Advancement of Personalized Medicine Manufacturin 463671246 $0 $0
Foundation for Arizona Students 452533825 $0 $0
Foundation for Asthma Research Andintervention 260416688 $0 $0
Foundation for Blind Children 860129981 $9,678,630 $12,785,816
Foundation for Children with Microcephaly 830478788 $92,522 $22,549
Foundation for Contact Lens and Cornea Research Education Incorporated 264825031 $0 $0
Foundation for Exceptional Kids 830478048 $0 $0
Foundation for Homeless Cats 263239896 $0 $0
Foundation for Innovative Rehabilitation and Stroke Therapy 205851361 $0 $0
Foundation for Montessori Education Incorporated 860510733 $276,328 $1,482,721
Foundation for Montessori Scholarships 860973909 $0 $0
Foundation for Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic Research 270170045 $290,072 $122,589
Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education 200574111 $93,592 $118,124
Foundation for Pihma Research and Education 134243218 $68,386 $9,836
Foundation for Public Education 860778743 $160,858 $406,481
Foundation for Senior Adult Living Incorporated 860462784 $316,129 $969,980
Foundation for Senior Living 860298945 $1,653,755 $27,502,045
Foundation for the Conservation of Arizonas Wildlife 860684044 $433,423 $312,850
Foundation Foundation 203487592 $43,456 $15,280
Foundation of Phoenix-east Rotary Incorporated 860645123 $0 $0
Fountain of Life House of Worship 200485509 $0 $0
Fountain of Life International 860312933 $0 $0
Fountain of Life Ministry Incorporated 953239796 $0 $0
France for Christ 342057319 $135,701 $90,315
Frances and John Wahl Foundation 412191002 $124,650 $2,333,537
Frank N Owings Family Foundation Incorporated 351965099 $22,653 $98,077
Fraternal Order of Eagles 860091737 $146,055 $475,495
Fraternal Order of Eagles 237592721 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 237143599 $602,724 $340,999
Fraternal Order of Police 237166191 $183,944 $583,997
Fraternal Order of Police 860660325 $0 $0
Fraternal Order of Police 860671003 $0 $0
Fraternidad Cristiana 454220084 $0 $0
Fred Brick Memorial Foundation 262318810 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 237138366 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 237442783 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 237534505 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 237534510 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 463201238 $12,889 $9,077
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 860003379 $145,336 $2,631,684
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 860024053 $1,617,648 $2,427,454
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 860039819 $0 $0
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 860055495 $103,371 $1,746,121
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Masonic Temple 860351722 $0 $0
Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona 860739613 $833,022 $598,986
Freedom Academy Incorporated 510584248 $2,652,023 $971,629
Freedom in Recovery Incorporated 860737947 $0 $0
Freedom Reading Foundation Incorporated 200534222 $0 $0
Freeport-mcmoran Copper and Gold Foundation 136077350 $17,000,672 $4,099,021
Fremont Pass Ditch Company 270647085 $45,000 $30,602,681
Fresh Start Community Services Incorporated 331093789 $0 $0
Fresh Start Womens Foundation 860762610 $3,899,735 $6,248,846
Friedman Loan and Scholarship Fund Trust 005084 826066650 $220,747 $566,127
Friendly House Incorporated 860120506 $6,500,518 $8,758,370
Friends of Degrazia Incorporated 841669030 $0 $0
Friends of Encanto Park 273456232 $0 $0
Friends of Freedom Incorporated 800677409 $190,067 $3,113
Friends of Global Village Monitor Incorporated 270597911 $0 $0
Friends of Greenway Band and Orchestra Incorporated 861080535 $0 $0
Friends of Hubbell Trading Post National Historical Site Incorporated 860665490 $332,725 $213,594
Friends of Ict4peace Foundation 462803619 $0 $0
Friends of Lake Powell Incorporated 860902204 $0 $0
Friends of the Court Incorporated 800081082 $980 $1,763
Friends of the Orpheum Theatre 460472477 $10,285 $15,091
Friends of the Phoenix Public Library Incorporated 860337769 $969,369 $629,320
Friends of the Sonoran Desert National Monument 271463272 $52,337 $34,220
Friends of Tich Worldwide Incorporated 204253305 $0 $0
Friends of Transit 861017492 $145,059 $79,766
Friendship Community Church 860142830 $0 $0
From Gangs to Jobs - Handyman 264212906 $66,586 $38,721
Front Porch Republic 270686289 $0 $0
Frontier Faith Incorporated 953387069 $0 $0
Fruitful Vine Community Church 860854573 $0 $0
Fsl Home Improvements 383649930 $5,124,918 $1,417,179
Fsl Management 860462786 $2,484,775 $1,210,058
Fsl Pathways 860748876 $6,971,761 $3,470,599
Fsl Programs 860411904 $11,475,501 $2,444,942
Fsl Real Estate Services 861006866 $2,966,638 $15,643,262
Fsl Rural Development 860380470 $1,575,837 $5,337,153
Fuente De Vida Abundante 860723535 $0 $0
Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship in America 371603136 $0 $0
Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International 742866394 $0 $0
Full Gospel Deliverance Tabernacle Incorporated 742386486 $0 $0
Full Gospell of Christ Fellowship Incorporated 161710901 $0 $0
Fuller Family Foundation 481290528 $5,009 $281,068
Fullness of Life Health Foundation 202571096 $34,580 $13,651
Functioning Societies Incorporated 262579661 $365 $0
Fund for Civility Respect and Understanding 463372944 $0 $0
Funeral Consumer Alliance of Central Arizona 860257220 $0 $0
Furnishing Hope Az Incorporated 274024949 $0 $0
Furniture Bank 462771809 $6,990 $2,872
Furry Smiles Animal Rescue Incorporated 454072825 $0 $0
Fusion Architecture 264764946 $0 $0
Fusion Foundation 263429018 $75,205 $25,220
Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda Incorporated 237157588 $0 $0
Future Farmers of America and Its State Associations and Local Chapter 237124258 $629,167 $213,536
Future is Now Foundation 870729838 $0 $0
Future Stars 261502209 $1,607 $4,761
G K B Reinsurance Company Ltd 980392020 $0 $0
G Road 274108766 $13,426 $114
Gabriels Angels 860991198 $1,200,199 $726,561
Gaia International Incorporated 463653721 $0 $0
Game Ranger Charities 721552365 $1,769 $0
Gapfillorg Incorporated 271046991 $0 $0
Garcia Family Foundation Incorporated 311490067 $523,300 $1,191,028
Garfield Organization a Neighborhood Alliance 860657769 $0 $0
Garuna Project Incorporated 453721010 $104,643 $17,737
Gary Dean and Christine Newman Jones Foundation 456667464 $1,575,072 $2,489,895
Gay and Lesbian Association of Darts 860916329 $0 $0
Gay Lesbian Rodeo Heritage Foundation 270701439 $0 $0
General Council of the Assemblies of God 860442783 $0 $0
General Council on Finance and Admins of the United Methodist Church 742379337 $0 $0
General Federation of Womens Clubs Arizona Incorporated 860855418 $0 $0
General Federation of Womens Clubs Arizona Incorporated 866052939 $101,053 $208,709
General Federation of Womens Clubs Arizona Incorporated 860409156 $0 $0
General Federation of Womens Clubs Arizona Incorporated 270920943 $0 $0
General Service Board of Eating Disorders Anonymous Incorporated 861033263 $0 $0
Generation Sans Frontieres Incorporated 202049540 $0 $0
Genesis Covenant Church Phoenix Az 450493425 $0 $0
Genesis Program Incorporated 860739107 $1,112,313 $3,601,965
Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church 860750207 $0 $0
George Pommer Charitable Trust 06548400 416335537 $625,415 $734,112
Ghosts of Steel 463630106 $0 $0
Giggling Gwen Foundation 462538161 $0 $0
Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian Hot Air Balloon and Airship 860492731 $0 $0
Gilbert Youth Football League 271212400 $88,693 $2,111
Girl Scout Council Incorporated-arizona Cactus-pine 860133397 $14,620,449 $20,656,162
Girls Ranch Incorporated 860127380 $389,795 $2,347,791
Girls Rule Foundation Incorporated 452923956 $0 $0
Give a Heart Incorporated 611643160 $0 $0
Givecamp of Arizona 800567509 $0 $0
Giving Road Incorporated 462503590 $0 $0
Glen E and Nannie Lou Crotts Charitable Trust Ii 860838349 $0 $0
Glendale Flash 464022086 $0 $0
Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Incorporated 860710305 $18,866,758 $243,776,454
Glenn Luttrell Ministries 742558799 $0 $0
Glenview Adventist Elementary 203761322 $0 $0
Global Arizona E-learning Asso 861037192 $0 $0
Global Family Philanthropy Incorporated 271105524 $215,839 $175,207
Global Health Training 680594052 $0 $0
Global Helpnet Incorporated 860885238 $0 $0
Global Impact Fund 452780312 $0 $0
Global Initiatives Incorporated 860743411 $170,865 $185,529
Global Interactions Incorporated 860521594 $0 $0
Global Renaissance Academy of Distinguished Education 860838942 $829,372 $31,373
Global Resource Group Incorporated 263209251 $0 $0
Global Transitions Incorporated 141945912 $0 $0
Globe for Christ International Incorporated 860677802 $0 $1
Globe High School Alumni Association 263456886 $0 $0
Glorious 1 Assembly of God Christian Center 860441565 $0 $0
Glorious Destiny Missionary Baptist Church 611606605 $0 $0
Glsen Incorporated 510444968 $0 $0
God Changes Things Missions Incorporated 264273266 $0 $0
Goddess Womyn Network 860601413 $0 $0
Gods Anointed People Ministries Incorporated 860919090 $0 $100
Gods Army Corporation 202386902 $0 $0
Gods House of Prayer Christian Church 860972216 $0 $0
Gold Prospectors Association of Phoenix 860883576 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 223294759 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 232687934 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 860423412 $4,235,158 $3,172,776
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 860759497 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 841231845 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 371293560 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 431603281 $0 $0
Gold Wing Road Riders Association 461982679 $0 $0
Golden Key Ministry of San Diego County Calif 860334913 $59,334 $51,964
Golden West Cowgirls Drill Team Incorporated 454738610 $0 $0
Gompers Habilitation Center 860098909 $10,864,491 $14,907,185
Good Samaritan Community Foundation 866306490 $3,028 $1
Good Shepherd Mexican Baptist Mission 866055080 $0 $0
Goodly Renewal Foundation 860341668 $0 $0
Goodwill Community Services Incorporated 860813590 $1,625,272 $2,326,450
Goodwill Industries of Central Arizona Foundation Incorporated 860813587 $0 $1
Goodwill Industries of Central Arizona Incorporated 860104415 $119,321,639 $69,648,713
Gospel Brotherhood of Faith Incorporated 866040445 $0 $0
Gospel Chapel Fellowship 860427443 $0 $0
Gospel Enterprises 860194060 $0 $0
Gospel Missions International 161741953 $0 $0
Gospel of the Kingdom 263141943 $0 $0
Gospel Word Ministry 270632567 $0 $0
Gotta Believe Athletic Club 451801408 $0 $0
Government Coordinating Council Gcc-1 of the Ibew 942812675 $2,700 $5,665
Government Finance Officers Association of Arizona 753106194 $167,815 $213,928
Government for Arizonas Second Century Incorporated 271396725 $10,000 $1
Grace Apostolic Fellowship 010842721 $0 $0
Grace Center Incorporated 860418473 $0 $0
Grace Christian Fellowship 860960624 $0 $0
Grace Family Church 860825698 $0 $0
Grace of Serenity Living Incorporated 562347009 $785,570 $25,927
Grace Pentecost Church of Jesus Christ 860360349 $0 $0
Grace Temple Church of God in Christ 860980800 $0 $0
Graces Kids Incorporated 364643647 $49,273 $68,389
Grand Canyon Hikers and Backpackers Association Incorporated 861038975 $0 $0
Grand Canyon Institute 450671339 $31,287 $8,210
Grand Canyon Mens Chorale 860674634 $183,890 $24,133
Grand Canyon Synod Elca 363512767 $0 $0
Grand Canyon University Clubs 273925327 $0 $0
Grand Canyon University Foundation 900615620 $205,658 $191,918
Grand Canyon University Scholarship Foundation 204879525 $984,524 $769,637
Grand Council Cryptic Masons of Arizona 866057819 $0 $0
Graphic Communications International Union 866055083 $0 $0
Gravity Riders Organization of Arizona 453213843 $0 $0
Great Arizona Puppet Theater Incorporated 860487231 $409,457 $629,564
Great Dane Club of America Incorporated 237158704 $114,779 $142,654
Great Hearts Academies 202036133 $10,388,337 $60,238,093
Great Hearts Afire Foundation 203195190 $0 $0
Greater Love Deliverance Center 860747334 $0 $0
Greater Paradise Valley Community Assistance Team 860559779 $364,736 $197,854
Greater Phoenix Black Chamber of Commerce 860898817 $222,840 $8,748
Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce 860046963 $3,042,280 $1,832,999
Greater Phoenix Child Abuse Prevention Council 860968736 $0 $0
Greater Phoenix Community Kollel Incorporated 861002257 $2,086 $10,174
Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau 860224211 $12,637,216 $7,467,242
Greater Phoenix Economic Council 860539979 $4,836,623 $1,970,309
Greater Phoenix Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce 860726905 $7,925 $9,439
Greater Phoenix Leadership Incorporated 860559918 $1,736,298 $770,601
Greater Phoenix Orienteering Club 860700202 $0 $0
Greater Phoenix Tea Party 271091976 $0 $0
Greater Phoenix Urban League Incorporated 860124189 $3,062,899 $3,171,627
Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 311749866 $0 $0
Greater Tucson Lions Senior Citizens Foundation Incorporated 860432673 $284,070 $783,428
Greek Orthodox Christian Brotherhood of St Poimen 412087330 $0 $0
Greenway Parent Action Club Incorporated 942495177 $0 $0
Greyhound Network News 860798595 $0 $0
Groovism Net 300524156 $0 $0
Grossman Family Foundation 010663847 $1 $1
Grow Incorporated 261368497 $0 $0
Grupo Amistad Phoenix 331011312 $0 $0
Gujarati Cultural Association 942856752 $146,217 $79,903
Gulf USA Retirees Welfare Benefit Trust 826081940 $3,531,960 $9,971,126
Gurdjieff Foundation of Arizona 861047462 $0 $0
Hacienda Incorporated 860253158 $15,249,439 $4,943,675
Hacienda Snf Incorporated 141906233 $9,353,120 $14,817,058
Haddock Stanton Foundation 208018615 $57,659 $1,876,879
Hall Deliverance Foundation Incorporated 866053804 $0 $0
Halo Helping Animals Live on 860832160 $1,983,688 $1,141,583
Hands Giving Hope 453327770 $1,829,035 $10,239
Handson Greater Phoenix 860735514 $551,325 $245,188
Hanley Family Foundation 263137655 $8 $13,851
Happy Tails Service Dogs Incorporated 860786265 $0 $0
Harber Foundation 866057284 $23,477 $27,282
Hardcore Christianity 260876103 $139,010 $174,130
Harold and Virginia Simpson Foundation 866332558 $1,601,668 $1,550,938
Harold J and Mayme V Stocker 1980 Trust 1200789200 886040357 $182,400 $1,223,396
Harvard Club of Phoenix Incorporated 860418390 $0 $0
Harvest Christian Fellowship 861033406 $0 $0
Harvest Christian Ministries Incorporated 942842817 $0 $0
Harvest Foundation 953236330 $1,198,168 $1,934,242
Harvest Time Churches and Ministries International 860800626 $0 $0
Harvest Time Revivals Incorporated 866052482 $0 $0
Have a Great Spay 261511926 $0 $0
Haven Animal Rescue 453437969 $97,817 $4,973
Haws Section Industry Section 79 Death Benefit Trust 900331399 $453,125 $181,238
Hazel Cool Memorial Music Library 860311066 $0 $3,772
Healing Hearts Foundation 272466602 $0 $0
Healing Waters Ministries 860624935 $0 $0
Health Guide America 841714670 $0 $0